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S03.E23: My Name Is Oliver Queen

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Everyone's lives are in danger as Ra's al Ghul puts forth his final plan. Oliver/Al Sah-him must decide if he's strong enough to take on this new role and what it will mean for everyone on Team Arrow, and his soul.
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Here we go. Finale time.

Oh hi Barry. Bye Barry, I guess don't offer them a ride. But don't act like you're so worried about secret identity land.

Hi Katana, oh...Bye Katana. Well I'll miss you girl.

Nyssa, you are such a bad ass. Please don't die, I'm always worried that you're going to die. I hate it. I knew you were in on it. I hope from the beginning, explaining how Oliver took you down. I guess the plan would have worked better if Oliver had told then the plan. Then that whole kidnapping thing could have been avoided.

Live thought of the moment: hell yeah Nyssa, you draw the bow and redraw it. It's cute how Ollie is like gently pulling it back down each time.

Flashbacks, you suck. If you were all compressed into three episodes, that would have been great.

Everyone just standing still after Malcolm dictates, fuck yeah. And no Dig, you don't follow his lead. You don't follow him anywhere unless you're escorting him to the gates of Hell to make sure he goes.

Oh how about that an Antman trailer. Meh. Don't know about that.

Ra's is completely not intimidating. He can't even make scary phone calls. Watch a horror movie Ra's!

Way to go all meta on us Lance. It is May.

It's fitting, I think, that Felicity gets to echo the opening. It's sweet.

Fuck yeah Thea Dearden Queen! You do you girl! You win cosplay trophies, arrow trophies, all the trophies to Miss Queen who manages to channel more of her mother than father!!!! But learn how to jump, okay?

Felicity. What the Fuck. That makes zero sense, but I'm a sucker for epic finales so I'll give it a pass because it was so Fucking adorable.

I have problems with Oliver killing Ra's but those are comic issues that I'll deal with later. If I can reconcile Arkham City, I can do it with a not Batman Ra's.

Fuck you Oliver, you stupid bitch. That ring should be Nyssa's.

Damn, poor Ray.

Fuck you Malcolm, why can't you die.


No Sara. :(

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The pacing was kind of off and I don't get how Oliver suddenly beat Ra's, but I really loved this finale. 


He beat him BECAUSE PLOT. 


I didn't even care that Felicity Pepper Potts'ed him after, I loved that too. 


Although..not a single kiss? For real?

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Felicity saved Oliver in the ATOM suit! This is the greatest thing ever! Oh, and Oliver and Felicity drove off into the sunset, happy. That was awesome, too.


Loved it. Not everything is forgiven about this uneven season but I don't care. That finale still made me happy.

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And...no CEO Felicity, I guess? Or did he file that paperwork and it's going to come up once Ray accidentally miniaturizes himself and can't undo it?


Wait, I forgot he exploded himself. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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kind of would have liked if they showed us that nyssa was in on it a bit more directly.

effective way to keep malcome in the show.

no sara :(

and what happened to ray ???

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So I guess we won't see Damien Darhk til next season. Who called Oliver Hanging it up at The end of the season and driving off with Felicity? Give yourselves a pat on the back. My Olicity shipping heart is happy lol. Thea as Speedy/Red Arrow yes please!!

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Missed opportunity I get why they used Felicity waking up, but it would have been nice to see John Barrowman's back from the dead gasp one more time.


So I'm guessing Atom is going back to how he's supposed to be hero wise as opposed to an Iron Man knock off

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Other than Ray's explosion at the end, that appeared as a series finale. 


Thea taking over for Roy was obviously going to happen. 


Oliver's just going to pretend his marriage didn't exist?  


Felicity in the suit was awesome.


No Canary awful cry  that's great too.

Edited by Artsda
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Oliver is an idiot.  Yes, let Malcolm become the new Ra's, there's no way that can backfire.  That's a complete dumbass move.  I'll admit I was expecting Tommy to pop up at the end, just something to show that Oliver's an idiot.  He should have given the lead to Nyssa, granted he made a deal with Malcolm, but he can actually trust Nyssa.


I was not a fan of Felicity bitching out Oliver early in the episode.  Yeah Felicity, get pissed and bitch him out while Ra's is out there with a super killing virus.  Some things are more important Felicity.  I also wasn't a huge fan of her trying to get Ray to leave to save Oliver.  At least they had a fix to where Ray didn't sacrifice the city to save one person.


Loved Thea in this episode.  Not much else needs to be said about Thea.

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Felicity is the CUTEST superhero ever:


Also Oliver's smile gave me life. I need more of this:


LOVED IT!! Felicity is definitely the cutest hero ever! Only her could get that smile on Oliver's face!

Edited by jay741982
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We did shots to celebrate Ollie smiling.  And then saying...


"I'm happy."



Then I fainted.  When I came to, I wondered if it was a dream.  Or a concussion.

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Can I say something strange?? I'm happy.

Thank you Oliver Queen for summarizing how I feel about that episode. I'm too much in the happy zone to analyze the episode but it was good!! Will catch up when the happy haze fades.


I so called Felicity being the one flying in the suit, granted I tweeted & yelled it from my couch - but still that counts in my head as winning the imaginary bet I made with myself.

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Really enjoyed the finale.  Not perfect and this season had a LOT of issues but I thought they did a good job.  Terrific action, Oliver emerges happy, and Thea takes up the mantle of Speedy.


I laughed at Lance's "The city is under attack?  It must be May."


Barry was pretty funny in this one too, with his Jacuzzi line and him finally calling out Felicity (humorously) on how she constantly gives away his secret identity.  Still think it was a little contrived how he didn't help and I have no idea how Oliver found the time to help him yesterday on Flash.


Any chance Ray transferred ownership (which seemed to be forgotten tonight) to Felicity and faked his own death just so he could screw her over and have her be found responsible for it?  Just a funny idea.


Nyssa should have taken up the mantle but I guess that was part of the deal Oliver and Malcolm made.  Not protecting the guy who was responsible for all of this and giving him the League was stupid as hell.


Good lord, the flashbacks were useless this season.  I wish they would stop doing them every episode.  It's time to pull back on them


Very much enjoyed Oliver vs Ra.


Felicity saving Oliver with the Atom costume was awesome.

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I'll do a more coherent review when my brain isn't mush anymore... til then --






That's my OTP, damnit. Still a little disappointed we didn't get one single kiss but... I'll take it. 


And, finally... 




Oliver: "I am happy."

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Nyssa had the best line of the night as far as Im concerned.....

After watching Laurel kick ass...."I have been a most excellent trainer."

I need more Nyssa in season four.

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Can I say something strange?? I'm happy.

Thank you Oliver Queen for summarizing how I feel about that episode. I'm too much in the happy zone to analyze the episode but it was good!! Will catch up when the happy haze fades.


I so called Felicity being the one flying in the suit, granted I tweeted & yelled it from my couch - but still that counts in my head as winning the imaginary bet I made with myself.

LOVED Felicity saving him! I was like Save your man Girl!! Oliver looked so proud!!

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Thea in full costume=amazing


Felicity in Atom gear was adorable.


Oliver beat Ras pretty easily though, I think the finale had too much jammed into it.  That final fight should have been more epic.  Pfft.


I don't care if it was cheesy, the final shot of Felicity and Oliver riding off into the sunset made me very happy. 

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Oliver's just going to pretend his marriage didn't exist?



I doubt there was any official paperwork involved in that "marriage". Anyway, it wasn't consummated, and Nyssa isn't going to object, so I imagine he could get a quick annulment if necessary.

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Definitely one of my top ten season finales ever.  The one liners, Felicity outing Barry to Malcolm, Felicity saving Oliver, the final scene with Oliver and Malcolm.  John's getting a mask, Speedy, so much win.  Can't wait for S4. 

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This finale didn't do  Katrina Law nor Nyssa any damn favors. Not only did her father humiliate her all season, but then she has kneel before Malcolm Merlyn ugh. I seriously wanted her to be the new leader of The League. 


It was nice to see Oliver happy and sunsets because we all know that's not lasting.


Thea looked amazing in her Speedy costume.  Now we can swap out Black Canary for her and Laurel can go back to being a lawyer or whatevs. 

Edited by Whitley Trillbert
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My Olicity shipping heart is a little upset there wasn't one one kiss! And that Goddamm MG is depriving us olicters of them being Couply I don't want to buy a goddamm comic book I wanna see Some of it on the show lol

Definitely one of my top ten season finales ever.  The one liners, Felicity outing Barry to Malcolm, Felicity saving Oliver, the final scene with Oliver and Malcolm.  John's getting a mask, Speedy, so much win.  Can't wait for S4.

You took the words out of my mouth lol

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Glad to see that Malcolm's motivations were totally selfish.  I wouldn't have bought him helping them out of the goodness of his heart, "love" for Thea or not.


Only thing I didn't really expect was the explosion with Ray.  


I'm really bummed that Diggle and Oliver's friendship/broship is still fairly fractured.  I understand Diggle's POV, but I'm still sad about it.  

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I liked it (but yeah that felt more like a series finale ) but while I understand why Barry couldn't lend a hand (btw Grant made the most of his cameo "You guys have a hot tub.....nice" and his geeking out over being in a real dungeon. That and seeing that Ra's guys lasting about as long as I thought they would against the Flash as in not at all ) why didn't Oliver ask Firestorm for some help. He just could've just incinerated Ra's 4 horsemen.

Edited by madhacker
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I agree most of it was predictable (not that it's necessarily a bad thing), though I didn't expect Ray to blow up. It made for an odd tone at the end, Oliver and Felicity driving off happily into the sunset after the top of Palmer Industries exploded, which I imagine would have made the news even in the aftermath of yet another terrorist attack on Starling. Obviously Ray's okay, just...smaller, but still...


I'm with those of you who don't understand how Oliver suddenly beat Ra's. I mean, I'm glad it's over, but how did that happen?


The Red Arrow outfit looked better on Thea than it ever did on Roy. I don't know if it's because it was fitted to her better or it didn't go well with Colton's coloring.


Of course Malcolm wanted to be Ra's. It's the only thing that made sense, perhaps in the whole damn season. And while I have no doubt Nyssa will go after him the first chance she gets, does she really have a chance? She can't beat Oliver and Oliver can't beat Malcolm. 


Speaking of Nyssa, how Katrina Law does now have her own show is beyond me. The woman is stunning.

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I’m not gonna lie. I think my heart grew three sizes when Oliver finally learned a very special lesson about depending on people. And crazily enough, I think this time it’s actually going to take. Well, I guess we’ll see. In any event, they did a pretty good job of laying the groundwork for an Oliver who isn't the most fatalistic person on earth, and I'm all about it.


On the other hand, I don't want to trade mopey Oliver for mean, snarky Diggle.  I totally understand why he's pissed and he has a right to be, even though I think Real!Diggle would be able to compartmentalize Oliver's actions, understand they were part of the mission, and move the fuck on. (I mean, he's managed to have a working relationship and grudging respect for Deadshot, right?) In any case, distrustful, disillusioned Dig makes me sad. For me, he and Felicity have always been what gives this show its heart, so when one or both of them are off, it makes the entire show feel off, somehow. I hope this is a short-lived plot point next season.


I have lots of thoughts about Olicity that I can't fully articulate right now. Maybe because they all begin with a high-pitched sound that could shatter windows. But I adored the coffee callback most of all and the scene that followed. The reason I started shipping them in the first place was because Oliver has an emotional intimacy with Felicity that he doesn't have with anyone else, and it was on full display in that scene. I loved it. I love them. End of story.


“The city’s under attack? Must be May!” LOL. Well played, show. Well played.

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Such much stupid, and I swear to GOD needing to be told to fight to live and "realizing" he needs people to be a Hero? Jesus. Yes Oliver go on beach with Felicity for the summer and then never repeat this lesson EVER AGAIN.


Having said that it still did hit me in the feels when Felicity told him, I loved EBR's exasperation while doing so. Loved the drive in to the sunset. Good God whatever with Guggenheim's awkward weird plea to watch S4. 


I loved seeing Thea dressed as Speedy and kicking ass, and I can deal with Diggle being pissed at Oliver. 


I can not deal with Oliver getting to kill Ras instead of Nyssa, or Nyssa not killing the hell out of Malcolm, but I'm here all day for her "I have been a most excellent trainer" commentary!

Edited by blixie
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LMAO, though, at Guggenheim doing a PSA at the end that Arrow will be back next season. That was why they announced that Arrow would extend an extra 2 minutes or so? Lol.

That was so weird. Other shows have had bigger "gamechangers" or cliffhangers than this and they didn't feel the need to put the showrunner on camera to announce that the show would be back next season. At most, they would just have a voiceover guy saying "Tune in next Fall for more Arrow" over the credits. 

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On the one hand, don't kneel before stupid ass Malcolm Nyssa! You are so much better than that! Why does he continue to exist!?! And how did Oliver defeat Ras, exactly? Turns out that he, like most of the unnamed league guys, is kind of a big push over.


BUT....Felicity in the Atom Suite saving Oliver! It was amazing, adorable, and I loved it! And they smiled! Oliver smiled!


I need to think on it more, but seeing Oliver and Felicity riding off into the sunset MIGHT make the season worth it...maybe. Probably not. But maybe.  

Edited by tennisgurl
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That was so weird. Other shows have had bigger "gamechangers" or cliffhangers than this and they didn't feel the need to put the showrunner on camera to announce that the show would be back next season. At most, they would just have a voiceover guy saying "Tune in next Fall for more Arrow" over the credits. 


I guess they were worried casual viewers really would think this was the end of the show.

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Hey, Barry!  You did a better job here, then you did during your past few episodes on your own show.  I still think you could have taken more time (I mean you are the Speedster, who should be able to get stuff done in seconds.  Harrison Wells can wait), and I still don't know why Oliver didn't just ask you to sneak in and cold-cock Ra's, and everyone while they were still there, but that does with the territory.  Besides, I can easily just believe that Oliver just has an ego and didn't want Barry hogging all the glory.


Or prevent him from being a martyr.  Yep, Oliver's "big plan", was to sabotage the plane and basically kill himself and Ra's.  Should have known that Oliver would always go for the option that would get himself killed.  He always chooses the darkest path.  And, I certainly hope Nyssa was included in the plan, but if not, I guess I don't have any problems buying that Oliver would think her dying along with him and Ra's, to save Starling City.  Not a complaint; that is totally in character and makes sense.


Was really hoping it would be Nyssa that took out Ra's, but I figured it had to be Oliver.  No way were they going to let Ra's fall at the hands of a recurring character: it had to be a lead.  I would care more, but seriously: Ra's sucked.  Such a disappointment.  He isn't fit to even be mentioned in the same breath as Slade.


Instead, Malcolm is the new Ra's, thanks to the deal he and Oliver had.  That should be fun.  Especially since Nyssa rejoined the league, but fully attends to screw him over, the first chance she gets.  I'm kind of curious to see where this goes.


Thea is Speedy!  That was the best part by a mile.  Can't wait to see her join Team Arrow and hopefully get to kick some ass.


Laurel and Quentin have another fight and Quentin apparently fell off the wagon.  I just don't care anymore.


At least Oliver/Diggle are on better footing then last week, but I have to think this will be brought up next season.


They actually got me with the Darhk fake-out, because Christopher Heyerdahl is one of those actors who has been in a ton of stuff, and he has the perfect creepiness to play a big baddie.  But it looks like we have to wait a bit more for that reveal.  I just hope they do a better job with the casting then they did with Ra's.


Oliver finally picks Felicity over being the Arrow, and they drive off into the sunlight.  Lets see how long that happiness last.  Felicity saving Oliver in the ATOM suite was great.  Speaking of ATOM, I'm guessing that explosion is going to cause Ray to get powers now.  I'm sure that will be addressed in his spin-off and everything.


Decent finale, but I really hope the show gets it together next season.  As far as I'm concerned, Season Three of Arrow was a bust.

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"The city is under attack? It must be May!"  My sister who isn't the most attentive person, noticed that.  


I'm still not sure what to think.  We know how this sets up Ray for the spin off which is meh.  Malcolm still being Malcolm was expected.  Olicity getting a happy ending was nice but the rest?  Not sure.  

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LMAO, though, at Guggenheim doing a PSA at the end that Arrow will be back next season. That was why they announced that Arrow would extend an extra 2 minutes or so? Lol.

I dunno, I got a "We know it looks like our lead is leaving the show, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch next season!" kind of vibe off it. :-)

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Kudos to BkWurm1, who called it last fall that Oliver was going to give up being the Arrow at the end of the season.  I thought she was so wrong.


See what Berlanti, Kreisburg and Guggenheim can pull off when they all work together and balance each other out?  The multiple spin-offs is going to be the death of the shows.


Felicity saving Oliver was awesome. Well done, show.  It's about time she got to do some superhero things, and it makes sense that Ray would refuse to save this one man.


"Airborne" virus. I do not think that word means what you think it does.  Also, it's wrong that they all woke up at the same time.  Diggle and Ray, who are big with a lot of muscle mass, should have come to a lot faster than Felicity.


Two lines?  What a waste of Christopher Heyerdahl.  (He should be played Ra's.)  Unless he really is Damian Darhk.  Who by the way  probably isn't Felicity's father since she didn't recognize the name.


Is the explosion going to give Ray the ability to shrink now? Cuz I would have been okay with him never shrinking.


And just like last summer, we're going to miss the nice relationship moments, and everything will get all angsty in the season 4 opener when they have to call Oliver (still married to Nyssa) back to Starling City to fight the next foe.  No, MG, Felicity mentioning an annulment does not make this right.



I’m not gonna lie. I think my heart grew three sizes when Oliver finally learned a very special lesson about depending on people.

For the fourth friggin' time. They need a new schtick for the show.  It was also the third time that Felicity gave Oliver the pep talk about having a team and depending on them at the end of a season. Diggle had given it in s1 too.  If Oliver hasn't figured it out by now, someone should do an MRI to see if there is permanent longterm memory damage there.

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I only had a couple of gripes with this episode, which is great comparing to the other episodes this season: 

  • Malcolm being the new Ra's? No. That should be Nyssa's position. But I suppose Nyssa needs to train Laurel? Or Maybe they're setting up Malcolm to be the big bad of season 5?
  • Oliver still being 'married' to Nyssa :/ Well sorta. I wish this wedding never happened. Literally the most pointless thing ever. 
  • Malcolm is still alive :/ 
  • Why didn't they use Barry more? Also did anyone think that Barry is more likable on Arrow than he is on Flash?
  • How did Oliver afford that Porsche? Is he being bankrolled by Malcolm?


Felicity knowing how to operate the suit was really questionable, but she was just so god damn adorable in it that I don't even give a damn. No but seriously, how does Felicity know how to operate that suit? I want webisodes of Felicity testing it out. For real. 

Edited by wonderwall
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I dunno, I got a "We know it looks like our lead is leaving the show, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch next season!" kind of vibe off it. :-)

Would have been a lot more effective if they'd had an actual actor from the show in that spot, instead of Guggenheim too...

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Well, it sounds like season 4 will be a whole new series, more or less, taking a page from the AHS playbook. Maybe Oliver and Felicity are moving to Coast City, and If I had my way about this Roy Palmer will be there already. Colton has been on vacation to more than one place since his departure was announced, and I still think there's a sheight of hand at work when Colton will be on Arrow again starting at some point next season (or on the Legends spinoff, don't have a feel one way or the other yet.


With the midseason spinoff to the Legends of Tomorrow, I suspect Queen Consolidated will end up back in Oliver's hands directly or indirectly. He doesn't have to be in Starling City, either.


Loved the episode. Havr no idea where this is headed next season; TPTB said this would conclude the story of the first three seasons, and that final Oliver voiceover sure made it as such. It will be interesting to see what leaks out as far as casting.


ETA: Given that the "marriage" was under duress, and that neither Oliver or Nyssa seem to think it was binding, I don't think we'll hear of it again.

Edited by theschnauzers
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So, I thought for sure Oliver was going to Russia at the end, but he got on a freighter from Coast City, right? Is it going to be pirated or something, or does he join the Russian mob in Coast City? 

Or did I see that wrong? 

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