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S02.E21: S.O.S. (1) / S02.E22: S.O.S. (2)

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Nice to see that the finale is also going to be all about Skye.  2 full hours about Skye, and her family issues. Yawn.  


Is this surprising? Skye and Coulson have always been the central characters of the show. It was built around Coulson's new team, and Skye was the audience's way in.


I'm not sure that one can say what the entire two hours will be about based on a 30-second promo, however.

  • Love 7

Noooo!  Simmons!


I didn’t expect Jaiying to be a … succubus?  Cal sacrificed a village to bring her back to life.  Yikes.  And then crushed her.  I’ll miss Cal.  A magical place…  He was my favorite part of the season, but this is a good spot if his arc ends here.


Did May intend Ward to kill Agent 33?  That was cold and calculated, but I wanted May to shoot him instead.


Mack in down-to-business mode is a force to be reckoned with.  I was waiting for the fire axe to see service, and he didn’t disappoint, but eegah, I did not see the final use coming!  Good decision to put a practical person in charge of alien artifacts, and he got Lola back together. 


Hope Bobbie, Mack and Hunter stick around.  Sorry to lose Raina.  I wasn't always a fan of hers but she did make things interesting.


No Koenigs? :-(

  • Love 9

I'm not sure that Skye was mentioned enough.


The CGI when Skye was having the life sucked out of her by Jiaying was pretty bad.


Don't eat the fish oil pills -- you'll either die or become an Inhuman.  Whatever.


Simmons gets sucked into the Inhuman kill switch rock -- I figured that wasn't all it did.  Oral histories usually get some of the details wrong.


Ward is the new head of Hydra.  Sure, why not ?

  • Love 3

Oh shit!!

Hated that we end on a cliffhanger just when FitzSimmons seems like a go! Also hate that Ward is going to be next season's big bad, but I did enjoy him getting tricked into shooting 33.

That last scene with Cal and Skye made me sad, though Cal still got off rather easy by getting TAHITIed. I gasped when Coulson started to turn to stone, but there's no way he's getting killed off again so soon.

  • Love 9

I'm not sure that Skye was mentioned enough.


The CGI when Skye was having the life sucked out of her by Jiaying was pretty bad.


Don't eat the fish oil pills -- you'll either die or become an Inhuman.  Whatever.


Simmons gets sucked into the Inhuman kill switch rock -- I figured that wasn't all it did.  Oral histories usually get some of the details wrong.


Ward is the new head of Hydra.  Sure, why not ?


Yeah good job Skye, polluting the ocean. I'm glad they didn't forget those crystals sinking into the ocean.


And yeah, I said it elsewhere, but I"m really disappointed that an interesting ethical debate (SHIELD's desire to keep things hidden and Index gifteds) was all about who loves Skye more, her birth parents or her adopted parents. And OF COURSE the message of all of that is that Indexing is the best thing ever and gifted people should be under control of SHIELD. Because why not?

  • Love 6


Just when her and Futz were about to get closure, she was taken by that thing. How did it even get out? What is it even??

I was surprised about Coulson losing his arm. I read an article previous to this about how that happens a lot in Marvel (shout out to Empire Strikes Back apparently).

Loved Mac and glad he's back. I get why he's freaked out about Aliens and glad he's in charge of the Alien related items.

Loved Bobbi. She's bad ass. I'm just sorry May didn't get to pay back Ward.

And on that Ward note, no redemption thank the stars. Just classic "I'm going to blame everyone else other then myself."

Wow. Definitely need to rewatch this episode and a couple previous. Decent end to the season.

  • Love 8

Did May intend Ward to kill Agent 33?  That was cold and calculated, but I wanted May to shoot him instead.

I wanted her to separate his head from his shoulders.


Love that Fitz and Mack have repaired their friendship.  So now we can get to Fitz, Mack, and Hunter kicking it.  They'll also hog the XBox making Koenig mad.


In a way I like that Cal got TAHITIed.  He gets to continue doing something he's great at, that actually helps.


If you harm Simmons, I complain on the internet.

  • Love 8

I liked it.

I liked the idea that Jiaying was a bigger monster then Cal. That Cal through it all was all about protecting his family which fit his entire character arc. It was Jiaying who had become the actual monster.

The fight scenes were all very well done. I liked that Skye could hold her own against May but May was of course the better fighter until Skye used her super powers. The other fights were also great. Lots o fights.

So Cal got his Magical Place ending. Bittersweet ending for an entertaining character.

Hey everyone I just found a coupon for fish oil!

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 19

Oh come on with that ending!  WTF?!


That aside, I thought the finale was excellent and a great example of how much this show has improved since The Winter Soldier.


Pretty epic with some great action scenes.  Did love seeing the jet get thrown off the helicarrier.  Bobbi vs Ward and Cara was GREAT.  The way May tricked Ward was too.


Really pissed to see Raina get killed off though I was spoiled to it.  I think with the actress getting cast on Preacher, this death is pretty final.


Hopefully Kyle Mc will return one day.  He was an absolute blast as Cal.


Mack really came through.


I figured Hydra was dead but I like the idea of Ward taking over what's left of it.  No redemption for him...thank you, show!


Awesome fight too with Gordon and clever way to kill him off (though I liked the character).  Definitely didn't expect Coulson to lose a hand.  Replacing that should be interesting next year.


That scene between Skye and Jiaying after she killed Raina was like the two actresses trying to show who could do the worst acting.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 5

I am glad Cal got a "redemption" there. But his whole Hyde persona was....silly.


I am glad Jiaying is dead. Not so much because she was a super villian and bat shit crazy, but because the actress just plain SUCKS.


Glad they didn't sugarcoat Ward, he really is an evil POS. He manipulated Kara just as bad as Hydra did.


WTF?? Simmons better come back in one piece.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 5

That was an eventful two hours. And you can smell the cross-franchise synergy, what with Coulson's maiming and Simmons getting the carbonate treatment. Is the slab going to Jabba the Hutt's palace?


I didn't think Skye was so bad, though the slow-motion fight sequence did get a little tiresome. Skye is the hope that we have anytime we endure characters like Barbara Keane and Laurel Lance . . . that maybe they can get better. Granted, we needed Skye's mom to be an absolute nutter, as bad as her husband. Nah . . . worse than Cal. And I didn't think that was possible.


Speaking of Cal . .  . I'm gonna miss his crazy ass. Kyle MacLachlan did good chewing scenery, and its nice that he's just a relapse away from coming back to rant and rave. Also gonna miss Raina, though I know she'll be reincarnated on another genre show. Weirdly enough, she'll have problems  getting away from flowery names. I wonder if Cal will adopt a Skye Terrier.


Looks like the writers got into Skrull Kill Krew. The deep blue in the supplements is the giveaway, right?  Mine are yellow . . . I should be good.


Onto Season 3! Excelsior, beeyatch!


ETA: Totally not expecting Coulson to be nicknamed "Righty" for too long. I mean, if SHIELD has a near-infinite number of Konings, a souped-up arm should be no problem.

  • Love 5

NOOOOOOO MY BB SIMMOOOOOOONS.  I kept expecting something bad to happen since there wasn't any other cliffhanger (well, fish pills, but nothing "personal"), but if they dare kill her from this, I will go crazypants like Cal, so help me.  (But really, if they wanted to kill her off for real, I think they would've had Fitz see it happening for maximum drama.)


The Bobbi scenes were intense, and I had to look away whenever they showed her hands.  She did get to be pretty bad-ass in the fight scene, and I'm so glad it seems like she'll recover.


I cracked up every time one of the "ginger ninjas" (thank you, Mack) nodded at one another.


I gasped when Mack chopped off Coulson's arm.  That was an excellent shocker, as was Ward killling May!Agent 33 by accident.  I had sort of hoped Agent 33 would come out from under his spell, but this works for me too.


Crazypants Cal was the real MVP for me.  I will miss Kyle MacLachlan on this show (assuming we don't see any more of him), but it's nice that he can have a happy life now.

Edited by Senna
  • Love 12

wow they really like screwing with the Fitz/Simmons shippers!! I kinda hope she emerges as a Inhuman just to give perfect Skye some competition. Or better yet, she emerges with the Soul Gem of the Infinity Stones.


Also for god's sake next season can we please have Phil let The Avengers know he "got better". Just so we can have Tony Stark give him a Stark tech prostetic arm (hopefully with repulsor rays). Yeah  I know it'll cost a mint to have Robert Downey Jr cameo but it'd be worth it.

Edited by madhacker
  • Love 5

Wow, what a wild ride of a finale!  Definitely topped last year's, even without having the benefit of a cameo from Fury.   I'm really glad they went to a two hour format this year.  Cutting it in half would have removed some of the punch.  There were so many holy shit moments.


Jiaying was even darker than I would have imagined, and I already thought her trickery at the end of last week was pretty damn dark.  And the truth behind her healing ability and longevity?!  I guess this means she didn't leave Cal all those years ago because she was afraid of what the two of them were becoming.  She left when he gave her enough victims to finish healing herself.  It also puts her treatment of him into perspective.  What a monster.


Sad to see Raina go!  I've loved her since her first appearance.  She got a worthy exit though.  I'm pretty sure she knew she was going to die if she stayed and confronted Jiaying, but she did it anyway because she knew her death would have meaning.  I like that.  It doesn't redeem Raina through death obviously, but it let her go out on a victorious note, which is just as should she would have wanted.


And Cal!  He was just glorious this week.  Kyle MacLachlan may have given his best ever performance tonight.  I'm so glad he survived the night.  It kind of broke my heart that they wiped his memory.  The last two scenes between he and Skye were both sad and sweet.


Also, I'm irrationally and grotesquely pleased to see it confirmed that Ward shot his dog.  I thought all of the protestations last season that either it was Garrett that killed Buddy or that Buddy got away were silly wishful thinking since there was just no reason to show us Buddy through the scope and to let us hear the second shot if Grant wasn't killing his dog.  I'm glad they didn't leave this ambiguous forever.  And boy did Bobbi have his number.  I think it's interesting that while 33 was killed, the writers left Ward alive.  He's an evil SOB. so he might end up being an awesome big bad next year.


Finally, oh no Simmons!!!!!!  I'm going to be on pins and needles all summer now.  If they end up having to kill Simmons next season because the rock makes her too deadly to live, I will write so many angry letters to the show.

Edited by xqueenfrostine
  • Love 8

Well damn!!!  That was a very satisfying finale.  Bummed to lose both Jiaying and Raina (although I won't count Jiaying out, given her powers) as they were both wonderful complex antagonists.  I used to complain about things centering on Skye, but I have zero complaints with it during this story arc.  The parallel between Coulson/Cal and May/Jiaying, her surrogate parents and her real parents, has been wonderfully acted by everybody involved, and I do include Chloe in that.  Special mention to Kyle McLaughlin -- as deranged as Cal is, the real sincerity and joy he takes in his daughter are really affecting.


MORE UNDER SIEGE!MACK NEXT SEASON, PLEASE.  Now make Henry Simmons a regular and let Mack do that on a regular basis and I will be guaranteed to enjoy myself as a viewer.  I'm so happy they finally let him do something other than frown about aliens, and I enjoyed the parallel to the "real SHIELD" flashback episode.


I took true glee in the "stand with Ward" moment.  The showrunners could not have subverted that potential redemption arc any harder if they'd tried, and I love it.

Edited by Malbec
  • Love 11

Wow, what a wonderful coincidence. At dinner with my grandparents, we happened to be talking about fish oil and look at what popped up at the end of this episode!


Oh no, not Simmons! I wonder what will become of her! Although, hopefully she's not an Inhuman, or else it could be bad for her. Or that's what Jiaying said. But I think whatever happens to her, it might turn her into the Inhumans' greatest weapon. Or it'll just turn her crazy. Whatever happens though, poor Simmons. I don't want her and Fitz to be in love with each other, though. I was so, so happy with the unrequited love because they make way better friends. Please don't go there, show. I know they'll have many dramatic moments, but leave it as a strong friendship.


I'm glad Jiaying is dead. I didn't expect her to be THIS evil, but she was also very misguided at the same time. I can see why she may resort to these tactics, but she turned evil because of it. Maybe I should have suspected she would have to kill others to heal, but I didn't. And I'm glad Cal gets a happy ending. I'm sure we'll see him again, anyhow. At least he'll be safe for the time being. 


Damn, I guess all those Ward/Skye shippers, if there are any, are totally crushed by this. Ward is not just grey anymore; he's 100% EEEEVILLLLL. There's no romance that'll blossom there. But heh, he's gonna be head of Hydra? I really, really think we're going to get a subplot of Ward fighting to be leader against some new character. That'll be fun to see. But I do hope he gets demoted to recurring status. Good for May, though; tricking Ward and Kara. I think it's possible she was hoping that one of them would die, preferably Ward, but it did work out in her favour.


So...the thing Coulson lost was his hand. I enjoyed Mack calling Skye Tremors and then Gordon No Eyes. I wonder what nickname he'll come up for Coulson. Stumpy? At least Mack's staying. And Bobbi's badass as hell. She put up a strong fight. I like her.


The fight scenes were good, though the slow mo wasn't needed half the time. We get it; Skye's badass. I love Skye now, but we don't need the slow mo to get it. 


A good, solid finale. 

  • Love 2

wow they really like screwing with the Fitz/Simmons shippers!! I kinda hope she emerges as a Inhuman just to give perfect Skye some competition. Or better yet, she emerges with the Soul Gem of the Infinity Stones.


Also for god's sake next season can we please have Phil let The Avengers know he "got better". Just so we can have Tony Stark give him a Stark tech prostetic arm (hopefully with repulsor rays). Yeah  I know it'll cost a mint to have Robert Downey Jr cameo but it'd be worth it.


That scene will sadly never happen but good lord, RDJ and Clark Gregg would make a scene with Tony giving Coulson a robotic arm comedic gold.

  • Love 11

Also, why did they leave the crystals in the ocean? Rule one: contain the dangerous Inhuman material! Geez, guys!


Also, I kind of would love one more team member become an Inhuman. That would give Skye a run for her money and give the team an extra boost. Can I volunteer Fitz as tribute? Or Hunter? He's cool, but it would make him better. I'm just glad Coulson didn't end up being an Inhuman. I like him as the human team leader, so please never. ever turn him that way show.

  • Love 3

Fuck, I knew a happy ending was too good to be true.  Simmons totally got engulfed by that thing!  I'm hoping this doesn't mean she's gone for good, but I have to think whatever comes out of this, isn't going to be good.  But Simmons better be back!  Elizabeth Henstridge is too adorable not to be on this show.


Glad Jiaying was stopped and taken out.  Even if she started out with good intentions and had good reasons for her hatred, she clearly was set on a path which would have caused more bodies to drop.  And I don't think it even would have ended with Shield.  I think she would have found ways to think normal humans were threats, and would have kept at it.  And, apparently isn't even against killing other Inhumans (oh, Raina) and, hell, her own daughter, to get what she wants.  Yep, she had to be stop.  Glad it was Cal too.  Skye having to do it, would have probably been too much.


Looks like Crazy Cal is gone and we've now got a TAHITI Cal, who is living a happy life as a vet.  Surprised they went that direction, but happy for him.  He really did make the season for me, on a lot of levels.  Probably one of my favorite antagonists in the Marvel Universe.  And, of course, Kyle MacLachian was just perfection in this role.  Just great casting on that front.


So, Kara/Ward's plan was actually personal: they wanted to torture Bobbi and make her apologize for what she did during her time undercover.  Of course, Bobbi wasn't down for any of that, and even almost beat both of their silly asses.  So, they then try to use her as bait and kill Hunter instead.  But she took the bullet!  And seems to be pulling through!  But... doesn't want to stick around?  I guess this will depend on if they go with this spin-off for not.


Meanwhile, Melinda doesn't get to shoot Ward, but almost finds something just as sweet: she totally set-up Ward to shoot and kill Kara!  Ha!  Couldn't happen to a better pair of psychos!  And now Ward has had enough and is going to reform Hydra.  Yep, the Redemption Tour is dead and buried!  Ward ain't no shades of grey now: dude is a pure villain, if he goes through with this.


At least Mack is going to stick around.  I guess cutting the director's hand off; even if it was to save his life; is a reason to do so.  I do wonder if Coulson is going to get some kind of robot arm or something.  Can't see him being in a sling for long.  Loved Mack/Coulson/Fitz taking out Gordon.


Sounds like Coulson wants to form some kind of Inhuman group with Skye.  I'm guessing she'll first ask Lincoln, since he already came around and helped them at the end.


That said, Shield really were idiots not to go ocean diving for those crystals.  Why in the hell would they just leave those things, there?  Did Skye not tell them or something?  Come on, Shield.  Get it together!


Pretty good ending for the season.  Show has gotten much better now and I can't wait till the next one.  But Simmons better be back!

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 6

MORE UNDER SIEGE!MACK NEXT SEASON, PLEASE.  Now make Henry Simmons a regular and let Mack do that on a regular basis and I will be guaranteed to enjoy myself as a viewer.  I'm so happy they finally let him do something other than frown about aliens, and I enjoyed the parallel to the "real SHIELD" flashback episode.


I took true glee in the "stand with Ward" moment.  The showrunners could not have subverted that potential redemption arc any harder if they'd tried, and I love it.


I missed both of these things (so much going on!!!) so thanks for mentioning them.  The parallel to the Real SHIELD recapturing of their ship really was a clever way to construct Mack's reentry into SHIELD and heal over any lingering wounds between Mack and Coulson's team. 


So, Kara/Ward's plan was actually personal: they wanted to torture Bobbi and make her apologize for what she did during her time undercover.  Of course, Bobbi wasn't down for any of that, and even almost beat both of their silly asses.  So, they then try to use her as bait and kill Hunter instead.  But she took the bullet!  And seems to be pulling through!  But... doesn't want to stick around?  I guess this will depend on if they go with this spin-off for not.


I thought I heard that the spinoff is off?  In any case, I hope this isn't the end for Bobbi on the show.  She was so awesome tonight.  Well always really, but especially tonight.  I'd hate to see her either leave the show or be demoted to a recurring character.  She and Hunter have beengreat additions to the show and would be sorely missed.

  • Love 3

That was a great finale, action packed and surprising. Those DC tv shows are not better then this show. 


I guess Jiaying can die and is a succubus. She needed to die, she had a valid reason but lost her way and became a psycho. Poor Raina, she knew she was going to be killed by Jiaying, Also poor crazy Cal, but I guess that's the best option for him other than killing him. He did help save the day. 


So Skye's going to lead the Avengers C Team, with who, Mike? Lincoln? whoever else they find. Way to go Skye you ended up putting your mother's plan in motion any hidden Inhumans are going to start popping up if they take fish oil pills. 


Kara dies but Ward lives, wtf show! Someone better get to keep their promise next season and kill him. 


Simmons, NOOOOOO!!!! Did it take her because she's Inhuman or is she going to become the Kree weapon of mass destruction for the Inhumans?


I thought I heard that the spinoff is off?  In any case, I hope this isn't the end for Bobbi on the show.  She was so awesome tonight.  Well always really, but especially tonight.  I'd hate to see her either leave the show or be demoted to a recurring character.  She and Hunter have beengreat additions to the show and would be sorely missed.


Adrianne Palicki and Nick Blood are both confirmed for next season. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 4

That said, Shield really were idiots not to go ocean diving for those crystals.  Why in the hell would they just leave those things, there?  Did Skye not tell them or something?  Come on, Shield.  Get it together!

To be fair, sending a human after spilled instantly-lethal material with no idea where it is or if its still contained is a bad idea. Skye is the only know SHIELD Inhuman, and she has no SCUBA training.


Besides, once you find them, what are you going to do with them?

  • Love 2

I thought I heard that the spinoff is off?  In any case, I hope this isn't the end for Bobbi on the show.  She was so awesome tonight.  Well always really, but especially tonight.  I'd hate to see her either leave the show or be demoted to a recurring character.  She and Hunter have beengreat additions to the show and would be sorely missed.

Not sure if this would count as spoiler, but it's been reported that the execs actually listened to the fandom on this one and realized that it would weaken the main show by removing one of the biggest strengths of the season. So I would imagine they plan on keeping Bobbi and Hunter around for the foreseeable future.

  • Love 2

Also, why did they leave the crystals in the ocean? Rule one: contain the dangerous Inhuman material! Geez, guys!


Also, I kind of would love one more team member become an Inhuman. That would give Skye a run for her money and give the team an extra boost. Can I volunteer Fitz as tribute? Or Hunter? He's cool, but it would make him better. I'm just glad Coulson didn't end up being an Inhuman. I like him as the human team leader, so please never. ever turn him that way show.

She is going to have a team of them seeing as Season 3 will have her and Coulson instead of Fury setting up Secret Warriors .Simmons is going to come out of that thing with powers and be the human version of Dr Minerva .That thing is an organic Psyche-Magnitron that gives people suoerstrength

My guess is that because the stuff is disolving in water and then through fish (that didn't petrify) that the Terrigenesis material that entered to food supply is NOT still mixed with the diviner metal (ie. we'll start to get random supers popping up without the mass deaths the diviner metal causes for next season).

Honestly though, if I had only heard they were thinking about a spin-off without hearing the details first... I'd swear the ending was setting up a Skye and the Inhumans spin-off and not a Bobbie/Hunter one.

That said, despite Coulson's plan I have a strong suspicion that our main team next season will look a lot like the one this season, just with a cyborg-armed Coulsan and whatever the heck that obilisky thing does to Jemma (hoping and praying its not a Fred/Illyria twist... where its some other entity living in Jemma's husk... that was icky enough on Angel, but Whedons associated you never know).

I figured after last week that Ward's redemption was off the table, but nice to see that he just keeps getting worse and worse. I suspect that Ward making a play to rebuild Hydra will probably be set up to parallel Coulson/Skye's supers recruitment drive next season which could make for a great 'forged in fire' test for whatever the powers team ends up being come midseason next year.

Cal's ending was a lot nicer than I was expecting it to be and even if KM isn't going to be around, having Skye relate silly pet stories to her team as an indication that she's been keeping her promise to come visit him (even if he doesn't remember her) could be a sweet touch.

  • Love 4

Did Fitz accidentally pop the lock on the Kree Maguffin's plexiglass Display Case of Doom? How awful for him, but that's what it looked like to me.


If the thing that ate Simmons is a Kree weapon, maybe it will act as a kind of chrysalis and she will emerge as the MCU version of Captain Marvel? Yes, my denial takes elaborate forms -- and your point would be ... ?


A satisfying finale, I thought. I actually teared up a bit when Bobbi survived. I kind of thought the show would go there. (Did May really plan to have Ward kill Kara? Never thought the show would go there.)

Edited by Sandman
  • Love 2

If the thing that ate Simmons is a Kree weapon, maybe it will act as a kind of chrysalis and she will emerge as the MCU version of Captain Marvel? Yes, my denial takes elaborate forms -- and your point would be ... ?


I'm wondering if it's a Darkforce thing. They've already introduced the concept in the show, and it's from one of the few first season procedurals that hasn't fit into the larger narrative.


Or, and this is a HUUUUUGE stretch and would never actually happen, but I'm going to say it anyway. Now that Spider-Man's part of the MCU, black alien symbiote.

Edited by kennyab
  • Love 1

(Did May really plan to have Ward kill Kara? Never thought the show would go there.)


Yes, but I doubt she did it as an extra special way of messing with Ward.  I don't even think May was a witness to any of the lovey-dovey scenes between Ward and Kara, so she might not know that killing Kara would affect Ward as much as it did.  I just think May thought that it could be to her advantage if Kara was inadvertently casting some misdirection so that she and Hunter might be able to slip in more easily.  But then yeah, if Ward ended up killing Kara himself, that was one less person around to stop them from rescuing Bobbi.

  • Love 3

Holy crap! So much just went down! That was an awesome finale, so much to digest! 


Simmons better be ok, damn it! Poor Fitz and Simmons. They are just always getting dumped on. Poor Fitz was 15 kinds of awesome this episode. Especially when he was channeling his inner Jessie Pinkman. "Science Byotch"!


I actually loved the whole focus on Skye, her family, and the Inhumans. I don't begrudge people not enjoying Skye, but she was central into the main arc of the season. Her mysterious origins have been around since the pilot, and now we have all our answers, we know all her origins, which lead us into the Inhumans story, which lead to a major part of the MCU. I was happy with how it all went down, and I`m glad its all wrapped up. Now, her fans can be happy that she probably wont be quite as central now, and her fans can enjoy how this part of her character has been closed, and watch what happens to her next. I assume she is going to be running a badass new superhero team now. Hopefully Lincoln joins her. I like him a lot, I was super happy to see him joining up with Team SHIELD.


I`ll miss Crazy Cal, but he got a really nice ending, and some redemption. I`ll also miss Rayna. I have liked her since she first showed up in her flowery dress. But I feel like she got a good ending.


I love Hunter and Bobbi 

I`m glad they are apparently sticking around. They've been a great addition to the cast.


I`ll need to re-watch before discussing more, but it was a really good finale, and a very strong end to the season as a whole. Especially with my formally beloved Arrow falling apart. Even when its had issues, I have felt very consistently entertained all year. Keep it up, Marvel! 

  • Love 8

Most of the supplements that are sold in the US aren't regulated by the FDA, meaning that the companies making them can use dried dog poo if they want, so it made me laugh long and hard when I saw that the crystal dust ended up in the fish oil capsules.  I do agree that the crystal dust has likely been filtered enough that it won't harm humans while also activating future Inhumans, so I'm not worried about any mass casualties for next season. 


I seriously love Bobbi and Hunter, together and separate, and I can't wait to see what's in store for them next season. 


I've always felt that Ward works best as a recurring villain, ala Sark, so I'm glad he's being set up to be the newest leader of Hydra.  Bonus points if he still insists that it has nothing to do with the Nazis.  He wears that delusion well and I want more of it.

  • Love 7

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