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S01.E01: The End

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Well, if you ever fantacized that Josh Bartlet would hook up with Jack McCoy, this is the show for you ;)


I mean, we get to hear the story of how their physical relationship started, but we also see that they have their own gay couple friends -- when and how did that happen when they were still closeted and married to women?


It isn't as hard as you think...for me, the bigger issue is they're lovers at the same law firm which they run, and nobody there twigged to the fact that their relationship was a bit more intimate than the 2 big bosses? Granted, I haven't seen the show yet, so no idea how big the law firm is. But we all know nothing travels faster than office gossip and rumors...

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I thought the first episode was pretty good.  It works because of course all the main cast have chemistry and the two main marriages falling apart work.   There are enough funny lines and enough bitter sweet moments to make this work for me.   The fact that the story is actually a good one also helps..  It also helps that I like all of the main four characters.  

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It was a decent first ep, wasn't hysterical but had some good lines. One of my faves was...."This is the worst iced tea ever! What's in it? Ass?"   :)

 I didn't know it would have some drama in it too, thought it was going to be all laughs.

 I went holy shit! when Fonda took off that thing that stretches her skin. I know that's a thing they have for older actresses to make it appear they have no wrinkles, but I never saw anyone do that on



The Ryan Gosling chair!

Edited by Valny
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I went holy shit! when Fonda took off that thing that stretches her skin. I know that's a thing they have for older actresses to make it appear they have no wrinkles out, but I never saw anyone do that camera!

I actually went back and watched that part again, after it happened. 


I enjoyed the episode, plan to watch more. Not a whole lot more to say on the matter. hah

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"If anyone is going to be sitting on Ryan Gosling's face, it's going to be me."


I made it through five episodes. I find that Jane Fonda cannot be binged in one sitting. I needed a break. 


I am watching the first episode now + that scene, LOLROFLLMAO!


I admit I only wanted to check it out because of Jane Fonda, but definitely only in small doses... How many episodes will it take for her to scream like a banshee?

I've watched two episodes thus far, and I have enjoyed them both.  I love the main four actors, which helps.  I was wondering how y'all are reacting to Robert and Sol.  I actually thought Robert's "I thought you would be relieved" and "I always thought there could be more" comments were so poignant.  Yes, he is a jerk, but so far he has had some self-awareness about that.  Sol, on the other hand, seems to want to be considered a victim in all this and wants Frankie to let him off the hook immediately for dropping a bomb on her.  I was trying to decide if the writers thought that would make him lovable, but instead it is making me turn off him a little.  I'm especially thinking about the second episode regarding Sol.


Anyone else feeling the same way, or will I change my mind in later episodes?

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I don't read Sol as thinking himself as a victim. I read him as terribly conflicted between looking forward to his new life and mourning the end of his relationship with Frankie. They seemed to have the more solid of the two marriages, and I think he feels very badly that he hurt her. And, given that they seem to be very close (if not best friends), when she is hurt, he is used to being the one who comforts and consoles her. I can see that being a very confusing situation for all involved. I think it's also a very interesting dynamic that he cheated on her with another man, as opposed to a woman. Everyone has mentioned (and it is addressed in a future episode) that attitudes and feelings would be very different if that were the case.

  • Love 9

I think Sol has some strong qualities - empathy, the willingness to nurture, an open heart - but I think he's a fundamentally weak person in some ways. I get the feeling from him that Robert is the one driving the break, and Sol has convinced himself that there's some way to do it that won't hurt anyone too badly. Robert knows better.

Which is why, I think, in the end

Sol ends up hurting everyone, including Robert.

  • Love 3

As the series goes on, Grace and Frankie are closer, the kids gel and are even fun, but the guys? I don't see it.

It took me a while. Right at the end,

I got the idea that Robert was starting to understand what it meant that he was going to be openly spending his life with someone who knew who he was and loved him for it. Up to that point, though, he struck me as grabbing for something he'd been told he couldn't have. And honestly, I think Sol just can't resist being loved.

I'm 3 episodes in and I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! So well acted. So well put together. Everything about this show thus far is pretty damn near perfect. This is what you get when you have seasoned professionals and not money/glory hungry children, and a script to die for. The third epsiode made me angry and sad at the same time it made me laugh. I know that "invisible because you're not young and hot" feeling, and I don't put up with it either. I complain to corporate.

And yes, I have gotten someone...If not fired...in "trouble"...for doing that. Pissed. Me. Right off. They had a re-training session for the entire store because of it.


Not a fan of Robert and Sol at this point. I hope as the series goes on, they can see how their utter selfishness has destroyed, not hurt, but utterly destroyed the lives of everyone around them. And 3 episodes in, it still pisses me off that they can't SEE that! UGH.

Bravo Netflix. Well friken done. Now I'm probably gonna be up late tonight bingeing the rest.

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I think my problem with Sol came in the second episode when he essentially told Frankie not to be mad at him about a decision he made because Robert made him do it. I think "weak" is the best adjective for him (thanks, Julia!) and it is going to turn me off him pretty quickly if he continues to throw others under the bus in an attempt to avoid consequences.

  • Love 8

I love this. LOVE IT.


I have an abiding love for Lily Tomlin since her Broadway show in the 1970s (and her comedy was always amazing back in the day, before the show, even). Despite this, I have seen her take what to me were boring roles for DECADES, and I have never really loved her acting the way I loved her comedian life. HOWEVER: she is great here--great! And ye Gods, she is mesmerizingly gorgeous-- she looks the best I've ever seen her and it's hard to believe she waited this long to do something of this caliber which also let her look like something other than a mannequin or plastic doll.


Everyone else is good, too; even Jane Fonda, who I find frighteningly thin and brittle-looking.


I went into this with very low expectations and I'm really excited about it now that I've seen a few episodes.


I see the most chemistry between Grace and Frankie, but I think the rest of the family, including the ex-husbands, is being developed adequately. I think that when you have been taking excruciating care to be deep in the closet for that long, it is hard to let the chemistry flow as much on the surface even when it's become ok to do that. So I am hoping that it's an acting choice and not an acting fail that Waterson and Sheen are kind of meh in the heat department so far.

Edited by possibilities
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And I'm not exactly convinced there should be a ton of heat between Sol and Robert anyway - they are newly out but not new, they've been sleeping together for 20 years.  It follows for me to have them presented a loving, happy, and generally content couple and that's what I've seen.  I don't think sizzling chem is the right choice at this stage, trying to figger out how to live together and how they navigate the family politics is sensible.

  • Love 5

And I'm not exactly convinced there should be a ton of heat between Sol and Robert anyway - they are newly out but not new, they've been sleeping together for 20 years.  It follows for me to have them presented a loving, happy, and generally content couple and that's what I've seen.  I don't think sizzling chem is the right choice at this stage, trying to figger out how to live together and how they navigate the family politics is sensible.


And really, Robert doesn't seem as if he ever was a very demonstrative person, and most of the spaces we've seen them in are public. 

Rushed through the episodes in 2 evenings and 1 morning --wow, this is great stuff. Took me a while to appreciate the "kids" but now, just like on Last Tango, I see how much richer the show is with their insights and points of view.


Fonda is my favorite, but then I have liked watching her since Coming Home. Tomlin seems to me as tho she is still getting used to the format, maybe missing her protective shell of comedy and characters a bit. 


The script feels a bit preachy to me, but they have also managed to work in a few good digs at the Berkeley mentality. It may be that the writers (and producers?) are trying too hard to avoid camp or any bitchy gay guy stereotypes, resulting in the Sheen and Waterston characters being a bit bland. I mean could Sheen really run an important California law firm specializing in divorce and at the same time hamstring their entire bachelor party around the presumed sensibilities of some ancient out of town straight guy? 

  • Love 1


I have an abiding love for Lily Tomlin since her Broadway show in the 1970s (and her comedy was always amazing back in the day, before the show, even). Despite this, I have seen her take what to me were boring roles for DECADES, and I have never really loved her acting the way I loved her comedian life. HOWEVER: she is great here--great! And ye Gods, she is mesmerizingly gorgeous-- she looks the best I've ever seen her and it's hard to believe she waited this long to do something of this caliber which also let her look like something other than a mannequin or plastic doll.




Yes.  Exactly.  I have adored and admired her for over 40 years.  I signed up for Netflix just to watch this show!  And I enjoyed Lily/Frankie so much that I found myself saying (apropos of absolutely nothing other than loving Lily), "I hope McGee and Delilah [NCIS] get married so Penelope can come to the wedding!"

  • Love 2

Re-watching "The End" and my heart just breaks for Frankie. She's the one who has it the worst in this sad situaiton. Watching her desperately try to find some level of peace and acceptance in the things she always did but nothing working. It really hit me when I realized she's never, ever, in 40 years slept one night without him. When her friends came over and she said "I am so TIRED" it killed me. She can't sleep without him. Damn that's sad.


After watching the entire series and going back to episode one, My heart breaks the most for Frankie. Grace quickly accepted that it is what it is, and we need to move on with what's left of our lives, and Frankie could only ask "HOW???"

  • Love 4

Rushed through the episodes in 2 evenings and 1 morning --wow, this is great stuff. Took me a while to appreciate the "kids" but now, just like on Last Tango, I see how much richer the show is with their insights and points of view.


Fonda is my favorite, but then I have liked watching her since Coming Home. Tomlin seems to me as tho she is still getting used to the format, maybe missing her protective shell of comedy and characters a bit. 


The script feels a bit preachy to me, but they have also managed to work in a few good digs at the Berkeley mentality. It may be that the writers (and producers?) are trying too hard to avoid camp or any bitchy gay guy stereotypes, resulting in the Sheen and Waterston characters being a bit bland. I mean could Sheen really run an important California law firm specializing in divorce and at the same time hamstring their entire bachelor party around the presumed sensibilities of some ancient out of town straight guy? 

I'm guessing the bachelor party comment is referring to something later in the season?  Maybe it should not be in this thread.  Not that it spoils much but it's confusing for people not there yet.  Or maybe I missed a line somewhere in this ep.  

I was just turned onto this show by a friend who made me sit down and watch. God damnit, I was so happy to finally cancel my Netflix and now I have to get it again. I'm addicted. I wasn't sure how I felt about the kids at first, but I really like how they add a richness to the stories and Brianna is fabulous. I've always generally liked Lily Tomlin, but she is absolutely stellar in this role. LOVE her.

  • Love 4

I've started a re-watch now that the series is over <sob>, and I just love these exchanges between the two couples at home after the big reveal at dinner:

Sol: How do I tell the woman I've loved for 40 years that I can't be with her if I want to be happy?
Frankie: You don't.  Ride out the clock, stay miserable.  I've got news for you - the next chapter is not that long.

Robert: But let's be honest - were you ever really happy with me?
Grace: I was happy enough.  So we didn't have the romance of the century.  But I thought we were normal, I thought we were like everybody else.  I thought this was life.
Robert: And I thought there was more.

They also establish the differing family dynamics well, with Bud asking why there isn't a therapist present for this since there was when the dog died and Coyote quoting about the journey starting with the unknown, while Brianna is cracking anal sex jokes asking WTF and Mallory is making calming plans (with the help of Valium).

Such funny lines, too, like Frankie with the store clerk as she stocks up on ice cream and booze and contemplates cigarettes:

What brand would you smoke if your husband turned out to be gay?
For the last 20 years.

And after Grace joins Frankie on the beach:

That is the worst iced tea ever.  What is in there, ass?
Peyote.  Peyo-tea.
What?  I just took muscle relaxers with peyote?  What do I do?
You should probably brace yourself for some light vomiting, followed by life-altering hallucinations.

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