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S30.E12: Holding On For Dear Life

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I just went to try to vote for next season's cast - I was very excited because I love AS seasons. Then just discovered two things:

1) I didn't recognize most of the people all "done up" - I think I need a Pictures From The Island cheat sheet, esp for the women.

2) Among those I recognized or thought I recognized, I couldn't find anywhere near ten that I wanted to see. Quite a letdown for an AS.

I guess I'll have to wade through each season's web page or Google Images to try to figure out who they are.

I'm glad Tyler is gone. He had a smarminess or something that I just found off-putting. And I think it's interesting that they have to see Rodney as a goat - that's the only reason I can think that he'd never even be discussed as a vote.

  • Love 6

Rodney just needs to STFU, sick of him whining about his birthday, blah blah blah. Maybe if you actually win and stop being so fucking stupid during challenges like forgetting the bag when going through the net. Then trying to get Mike to believe that he was quitting and Mike and even Tyler saw right through that b.s.


Tyler's plan didn't work, I stopped rooting for him when he told Mike about the clue, so no surprise that his plan didn't work. Quite frankly all of them are weak exception of Mike who's making bold moves and everyone else is just coasting along for the free ride. Now they really have to scramble. I see taking either Rodney, Will, or Dan to the finals because 2 of the 3 are unlikable and Will is up Rodney's ass. 


It did baffle me on the voting page seeing Mike's face on there. I thought it was like a spoiler or something and very stupid of CBS but maybe I'm wrong. I did vote for Joe, Spencer, Keith, & Woo (Woo will have to be smarter this time around). I know we have to vote for 10 and just voted for whoever cause I can't fondly remember some of them that were listed.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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Will told Dan that he figured everyone else was voting for Tyler, and so Will voted for Dan, is that right? That doesn't make any sense to me, and I don't understand why Dan was okay with that explanation.

Oh, Rodney, dear. Not everyone is your mother, thinking you're a special snowflake. At your age, being that hurt about not getting a special treat on your birthday is .. sad, especially when you're in such a non-normal situation. And that's coming from a person who regularly celebrates birthmonth. Also, you're a melodramatic idiot.

I couldn't stand Carolyn on day one, and I still think that she is not a person I would like personally. But I must begrudgingly admit that she seems to be playing a good game.

Showing us only Mike and Tyler's names being written down irritated me, because it told us they were the only two getting votes, which took some of the suspense out of rather Dan was getting votes.

When Jeff says "You're all goats" you know it's a bad season.

Love your comment, but I missed Jeff saying anything like this - fill me in? I heard him say there was an admission that everyone wants to take the weakest to the end, but I missed anyone actually saying that.

Why does it break Dan's heart to vote for Mike, this time? Especially when he knows Mike has the idol?

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 3

It makes no sense to be required to vote 10 times for each gender and only one person per vote.  What?  I am not going to bother, I remember very few of them.  It does not even imply that our votes would count for who they cast.  They could very well choose some with the fewest votes thinking it will cause conflict.  

Turtle, Jeff said. "well if there is one thing that should be most concerning is the admission is that everyone wants to take the weakest to the end."  He did not use the word goat.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

Well, the gap between this show and Arrow narrowed this week. Hard to not smile at Rodney's plight, especially thinking of Miss Alli back in the good ole days of TWoP. Fuck your birthday, Rodney. I would've wanted his "acting" to get him voted off, but he's such a goat, he's grown horns and a worse beard than Dan's.


Gotta love the ambassadorial trip. Can you imagine the nightmare had Dan/Rodney/Tyler won? And I'm neutral on Tyler. Children would have come out of the experience in tears. As blah as Carolyn and Sierra are, as much of a schmuck Mike is, I say the right people won. And Will wasn't even picked. Fuck him. Seriously, if he gets voted off, may Shirin partake in Arsenio/"Dog Pound" woofing. Ditto with Rodney. And I'd also like her to punch Dan so hard, his beard flies off.


I think it's too late for a happy ending, but watching the majority alliance cannibalize itself was fun. Here's hoping those jerks develop a taste for it, and Mike manages to stay in the game to the end.

  • Love 8

Those 6 missed an opportunity tonight.  Mike was playing his idol regardless.  They really could have blindsided someone and flushed Mike's idol for nothing.  However, that must be how horrible and goat-worthy this cast is if they were willing to throw 4 votes to Mike and vote out the next least offensive guy, Tyler.  Who I can't even say is much of a threat in the challenges.  Jeff said he told this cast during a TC that they were his favorite ever.  Wonder if he kept a straight face when he said that.  I really loved his remarks about keeping the weakest around.  I hate agreeing with Probst on anything!

  • Love 5

Boring episode.

We have a season of goats. Will and Dan are going to the end. Sierra will go out at four or five because she is not a challenge threat. Mike goes as soon as he loses immunity. Mama C or Rodney go next in the alliance of five. Mama C will play her idol the next time she loses immunity.

Finally some strategy and air time for the faceless. Roidney is obnoxious. Will and Dan are pretty quiet without Shirin to yell at.

The only interesting development was Carolyn and Mike finally talking.

  • Love 4

I did enjoy the sound effect that when Dan shook hands with Will, there was a thunder clap -- like the heavens themselves were trembling. What happens when the goatiest misogynist aligns with the goatiest bully? "Wonder Twin Misogynist-Bully powers, activate!"


I chuckled so hard when Rodney kept harping on "Mama C" going back on her word to give him the reward. Sure -- Mike, he understood, but "Mama C" promised. She promised, you guys. Mommy-- I mean, Mama C promised I could get ice cream-- I mean, barbecue. Mommy's so mean. I hate her." Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

  • Love 21

This is definitely not the best season, it's one of the worst, barely anyone is making big moves except Mike. Everyone wants to be a follower and a coaster and just not do anything. Rodney talks a big game of getting rid of Sierra, Dan, and Mike but hasn't even done a damn thing to get rid of them as they're still in the Top 6. Rodney is just useless, Will is completely useless, just all around bad players.

  • Love 7

I've been in The Booster Club for this season being not so bad, but, maaan, was that episode ever boring. 


Dan sputtering his Scarlett O'Hara moment directly into Will's mouth, Dan's big Stupidvoice announcing "THAT'S GAME!" and then missing, Dan's sommersault faceplant, Dan's fucking tweed hat. . .


It's bad when the highlights reel relies on Dan, the human scrotum.

Edited by candall
  • Love 16
Turtle, Jeff said. "well if there is one thing that should be most concerning is the admission is that everyone wants to take the weakest to the end."  He did not use the word goat.



The funny thing about that is the smirk everyone had.  None of them realize that they're the weakest and not the one who's keeping the weakest around.


Dan's advantage ought to create a dilemma for Carolyn, I think.  Ordinarily, I'd say that an advantage like a HII really isn't that valuable if no one wants to vote you out anyway.  The only risk is that by leaving you around they risk your turning the HII over to their real target.  But even though Carolyn probably wants Dan around for FTC, his extra-vote advantage increases his odds of getting rid of her.  I order to win FTC you have to get there.  And I wonder if keeping Dan around tonight will come back to haunt Carolyn down the road.


And I continue to marvel at how much of a complete non-factor Will is.  He's not a goat.  He's like the cheap plastic animals-at-the-Nativity lawn ornament goats.  Just as unlikely to win, only somehow even more hollow than a true goat.

  • Love 16

Several reasons:

1) Dan's an idiot

2) Dan has no heart

3) Dan's an idiot

4) Dan plays to the camera

5) Dan's an idiot

6) Dan lies

And because it can't be said enough......

7) Dan's an idiot

Or maybe he wishes to be realigned with him? Next week's episode is titled "My Word is My Bond", so perhaps they're alluding to it. But if Dan uses his advantage as some here have predicted to knock out Carolyn, I wonder who is next to go. 

Oh if the editing was to be believed Tyler fell right after Mike but I wonder if he had more time if he would have asked Carolyn to give up and if she would have done it.


Nope.  I knew when she wouldn't let him win that she was turning on him.  What a snake.  I don't remember someone turning on their closest ally so early in the game.  I don't even like Tyler, and I felt sorry for him.  What I wouldn't give if he'd announced as he walked away, "Oh by the way, Carolyn's had a HII from the beginning, and she hates all of you".  His exit interview was surprisingly not bitter.



 Why does she have makeup out there with her? Same for Caroline. She looks like she's got a bluish eyeliner and lipstick on. And what's up with all of her big earrings? No way would I wear her big hoops or her big (hopefully faux) diamonds with all the swimming/very physical competitions. I always think back to Sugar's season (I think it was) where they drug each other across a sand pit and most people ended up with carpet burn-type areas all over. I can only think how easily those earrings could get ripped out in that type of challenge.


Carolyn has gray tattooed eyeliner - you could really see in on night vision.  She looks like someone who passed out without washing off their makeup.  It looks smudgy and dirty to me.  The jewelry is ridiculous, but I think the same of MLB players wearing their heavy gold chains and diamond earrings.


It's amusing to me how Carolyn makes sure to smile sweetly and make eye contact with the jury.  She doesn't seem to realize she should have treated them better when they were still in the game.  Dan does the same thing.


I think Rodney calls her Mama C because he can't remember her name.  He continuously calls her Caroline, and I don't see her not correcting him on it.

  • Love 6

So happy that Rotney lost the reward challenge.  Then despite claiming he wasn't going to lobby for being chosen, he proceeds to do just that, and then gets upset when no one will give up their spot.  Just because it's his birthday?  Maybe if he treated people better then they'd be more charitable towards him.  There are seven people left and at this point, they all need the food.  I think his outbursts and belligerence may have swayed Carolyn over to Mike's side.  The only thing better would have been if they voted Rotney off.


I am glad Tyler is gone.  I want to know if his eyes are naturally that squinty or if he is just constantly squinting.  

  • Love 5

Turtle, Jeff said. "well if there is one thing that should be most concerning is the admission is that everyone wants to take the weakest to the end."  He did not use the word goat.

Thanks, I heard that, but where did Jeff get that info? We didn't see that discussion at tribal, so I can't figure out why Jeff said it. *We* know it's true, but we don't why Jeff said it, or what any of these people said to make him think it. It annoys me.

Maybe it was discussed that Mike and Tyler are the strongest there? If so, I want to see it!

Why do so many people on this show, on all seasons, over- and mis-use "myself"? Drives me crazy.

It makes no sense to be required to vote 10 times for each gender and only one person per vote.  What?  I am not going to bother, I remember very few of them.  It does not even imply that our votes would count for who they cast.  They could very well choose some with the fewest votes thinking it will cause conflict.  



I totally agree with this.  Why do I have to vote for ten people when there are only a few on each page that I care about?

  • Love 3

Why did Carolyn turn on Tyler? I thought he made a really good point about Dan's advantage being dangerous. She knows what the advantage is, so maybe she's hoping to use it to her advantage down the road by aligning with Dan for a vote or two?

I think it's possible that Sierra, Carolyn, and Mike formed an alliance, which will be fun to watch, as I'm sure no one else is expecting it. Regardless, Carolyn is almost guaranteed for final four, and that annoys me. I am really not a fan.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 3


People care more about what's happening with Sierra's eyebrows than with the end of this game, and eyebrows are very boring indeed, bad job CBS.


Not only that, but I'm guessing the last half hour or so of the reunion is going to be focused on the Second Chance season.  It's pretty telling how little they want to linger on this "best cast" ever. 

  • Love 2

This episode is worth watching just for the RC/Rodney's tantrum.  Other than that, meh.  Once again Rodney had a plan, once again it went no where.  He didn't even look disappointed when one of his alliance got the boot.  Once again, we might have seen a blow up, once again everyone hugged and said 'it's just a game'.  Once again, some huge move could have happened, and once again, everyone followed the script.  When the host gives the episode quote twice in a row you know it's a lousy season.

  • Love 4

Didn't someone point out that the whole jury already has Tyler's vote? Carolyn did the right thing.

Not against Mike or Sierra, at least according to Shirin.


Based on what she was saying I'd guess the order of potential winners is:


1. Mike

2. Sierra

(Tyler probably was here?)

3. Carolyn

4. Rodney

No chance - Dan/Will

Edited by enlightenedbum
  • Love 2


I think it's possible that Sierra, Carolyn, and Mike formed an alliance, which will be fun to watch, as I'm sure no one else is expecting it. Regardless, Carolyn is almost guaranteed for final four, and that annoys me. I am really not a fan.


I doubt it.  Mike is the next one to go if he doesn't win immunity.


Hey Survivor watchers, did you see that State Farm commercial with that weird static and the "May 11 - Aliens" in the middle of it?  I've seen that commercial plenty of times and don't remember that.  Am I losing my mind?

Sierra's eyebrows:

If they are tattoos, it doesn't make sense that they are bleach-blonde in some shots, then dark brown/black with sharp defining lines in other shots...Two weeks ago they were non-existent due to being so bleached out, then this week they are bold and trying to jump out of my tv. Guess I just don't understand why hers change colors so often during this season. Moving along now.

Yeah -Last week i thought she had plucked out all the blond natural brows, because the grey tattooed brows were all she had.  This week, they grew back?  Because you could see the blond hair that grew over the tattoos.   Maybe it's that they disappear when she's not in the sun, but when the sun is shining on her face, those blond eyebrows are evident.  

  • Love 1

The casting producers did a terrible job.



Oh, no doubt, the casting this season is terrible. They're mostly awful people.


But I have a theory that the editors are also not doing them any favors. I think that the editors have been so wary of constructing any kind of "winner edit", they've pretty much had to turn every person into the villain at some point as misdirection. Everyone who you were wanting to root for is gone, and now you're with a bunch of people you've already been told not to like. There's no narrative arc this season and it really shows. Makes the whole thing seem choppy.

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I just wonder if the editors had no where to go.  A horrible, bland cast, and anyone that was likable or playing any sort of strategic game has already gotten voted off.  So why draw more attention to them than the people who are actually still here.  Really one of the worst and most boring seasons ever.  I can see why they are jump starting S31.  They want to wipe everyone's minds of this.

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Carolyn doesn't seem to have any of the first four jurors' vote, and with that Cheshire cat grin when Tyler was voted out, she doesn't have his either.  I bet next week she'll make sad cow eyes at him at tribal.  She needs to control the smug when dealing with potential jurors, and in tribal when she's joyfully voting them out.

  • Love 2

I chuckled so hard when Rodney kept harping on "Mama C" going back on her word to give him the reward. Sure -- Mike, he understood, but "Mama C" promised. She promised, you guys. Mommy-- I mean, Mama C promised I could get ice cream-- I mean, barbecue. Mommy's so mean. I hate her." Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

I laughed when he compared it to a MOTHER stepping out and going to  party, and leaving a son behind on his birthday!  Funniest thing he ever said!  


A parent leaving a child home alone on his birthday, while the parent parties is EXACTLY the same thing as a reality show contestant  not giving up a reward because another contestant turned 30. 

  • Love 17

Hey Survivor watchers, did you see that State Farm commercial with that weird static and the "May 11 - Aliens" in the middle of it?  I've seen that commercial plenty of times and don't remember that.  Am I losing my mind?

We were discussing it in the Commercials topic:


I laughed when he compared it to a MOTHER stepping out and going to  party, and leaving a son behind on his birthday!  Funniest thing he ever said!  


A parent leaving a child home alone on his birthday, while the parent parties is EXACTLY the same thing as a reality show contestant  not giving up a reward because another contestant turned 30. 


I missed that part.  Rodney has some serious mommy issues.  He's good entertainment.  I loved seeing him overplay his hand at wanting to get voted out to try and bluff Mike.  

I may have solved the mystery of Sierra's eyebrows...  Looks to me like she has a scar over her left eye where the brow was and may have her left brow tattooed because of it, but not the right.  When we see her right profile that eyebrow is blonde and full.  Sometimes it's noticeable, like in the bright sun, sometimes not, like at tribal.  Check out the preview, after Mike tells her and Carolyn that Dan is voting for one of them and pause when she looks at Carolyn.  The scar appears to continue between her eyes and up into her forehead a little. 

  • Love 1

I don't really get why Carolyn is so unlikeable, but it is completely irrelevant. I try not to judge people on the edit they get since magical elves are magical. I am more or less neutral on her.


I am not sure if she did the right thing tonight or not. Keeping goats in the game when you are much closer to not a goat than the rest puts a target on your back. I realize she has an idol, but there are 3 people in the game who almost anyone would take to the end over you at this point. This needs to change for her to win.


In a perfect world, she needs to end up at the end with two of Rodney/Will/Dan. Her options tonight were between eliminating someone who could win challenges and beat her at the end vs. preventing a goat trio from aligning. It isn't a bad idea for her at this point because they will likely vote her out last of the 3 outsiders and she could win the final challenge because who else is going to?


I think I will puke if Dan/Will/Rodney are the final three. I guess a Rodney win wouldn't be completely undeserved, just not that likeable.


In the end, though, I find Mike overplays, Sierra knows what to do but never does it, Carolyn's best path isn't all that exciting, Rodney is entitled but tolerable, Dan is a traditional Survivor goat, and Will...there needs to be a new term for how far beyond a goat Will is.

  • Love 3

I'm thinking a final 3 that includes Dan (definitely), Mike or Carolyn (they seem to be the obvious winners right now to me), and Sierra.  I do think either Carolyn is going to get screwed by Dan's advantage or she's going to screw his plan up for it.  Since he made the declaration to Will tonight that they weren't going anywhere, it's possible Dan attempts the vote doubler on Carolyn, she plays the idol, but Dan's a bigger goat so Will gets sent packing.

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  The RC is exactly why I hate Mike.  Kudos to them winning, but seriously dude, the girls are capable.


I'm sure either one of the girls would have been quite capable of completing the challenge. But in this type of challenge there's an obvious learning curve in terms of both trajectory and the amount of jump force on the launcher. You don't want to have a replacement, regardless of gender, come in and waste time having to take 2 or 3 practice shots just to learn the physics of the task. On the other hand you may have a point in regards to how they arrived at the decision where Mike started that phase of the task.

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