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S07.E05: Mind Your Own Business

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Lu is nuts about this whole deal with Adam, unless there is more to it than I know. In the attached article she says she is telling the real truth, yet I still don't understand. She talks about how horrible it was for Carole to come "into her home" and take up with the help. She talks about it being horrible because Adam skateboards with her son? She never ever says that her niece is still in love with him or that they still have a relationship. She has also clearly read that folks love her "don't be uncool" line because every other word out of her mouth is about how "cool" she is. I don't understand why she seems to have zero anger for Adam for being "the help" and taking up with her close friend. I will admit that it is entertaining.


  • Love 4

What! Confused. It was a joke? I didn't think it was funny. If that's Carole's attempt at humor then she needs a ghostwriter.

My theory on Adam is he wants to be a STAR, what a timely hookup to get a story line and showcase whatever this Nicaraugua farm thing is. I think that's why Luann is mad that Adam & Carole, who meanwhile are screwing, are a mutual use. Carole for her madcap Carrie Beadshaw role and he wants fame.

B calls John "icky" in her blog. John is her b f in 20 years lol!

The TH of the Moaner was priceless where she was screwing her face up in a frightening way and getting all teary over the fact that she was going out alone without Mario on her arm.  Bitch please!  She always went plenty of places alone including the infamous pick-up bar this season.  I get the feeling she's trying to send old douchey Mario messages this season.  "Look what you've done to me I'm so sad!"  Girl - find your dignity. Good thing she's killing him with embarrassment - he does so deserve it!  

  • Love 5

Not sure if you saw WWHL, but here's the scoop according to Carole: Adam and the niece broke up over a year before she and Adam met, but the two have remained friends, and are both involved with a non-profit in Nicaragua. The planned trip was a group trip to this non-profit (a farm, I think) in Nicaragua. Not some special trip that the two of them planned together, and certainly not romantic, so the Countess is being deliberately misleading. I'm not sure why. What is her end game? She's making herself look ridiculous, IMO.


This is just my opinion based on assumptions.IMO Luann is pissed at Carole for the way she went about this romance and not by the romance itself.


Carole met this guy at Luann's house, Carole has obvious heard about him many many times, this based on what Luann and Carole have said, they both have stated that Nicole went out a couple of times with them and would talk to no end about her boyfriend, so Carole knew since the get go who this guy was and also knew that he was Nicole's ex-BF. Does Carole owes Nicole any loyalty? of course not , but then don't go ahead pretending that this all happened organically, Carole had her eyes on this guy since the moment she saw him.  


Carole used her stay in Luann's Hamptons' house to shamessly flirt with the guy, she went out on dates that included Luann's son and then pretended that this somehow was okay? If it was okay then why don't go out on dates with him and Luann? why her son? why did she specifically said that Noel won't tell, what would be the problem if Noel told, isn't it true that the relationship was over a year ago?  I am thinking that the relationship might have been over on the guy's side but maybe due to the ongoing friendship and time spent together Nicole hoped for some rekindling and maybe Luann might have mentioned that to Carole and that is why Carole was so hesistant to let Luann know about this. JMO


So Carole says that since the moment she first met him until she told Luann only 8 days went by? She sure is fast, you met the guy and after a couple of dates he is practically living in with you?


I do understand what Luann was trying to say, she has fun with these toyboys but she does understand that this is a temporary situation, Jacques was younger than her but it was few years and not a couple of decades, Carole is not being gracious here, she knew that the situation would not be well received by Luann and she is pissed that Luann is vocal about it.


Carole is free to do whatever she wants to do and mess with any guy she wants, but Luann is also entitled to be pissed about it and that it all happened under her eyes, at the end between her niece and Carole , Luann is bound to side with her niece.In the meantime the only winner is the guy who is getting the exposure he wants and which is probably the first reason why he hook up with Carole to begin with. This has been altogether a great move for him.

  • Love 17

And forgive my indulgence, but I have to say it: What is your damage, Heather?

Love this!

I don't think she wants Sonja to fail. I was just tired of Heather's mouth last night. She's coming on way too strong. I think having Bethenny back in the mix is making her a little insecure. I was grossed out when she just decided to grab and paw at Ramona's breasts because she thinks they're implants. I know they were all a little tipsy at that point, but it seemed OTT for Heather.

  • Love 7

Honestly, Carole knew she was stepping into muddy waters which is why she was hesitant to tell Luann about the relationship in the first place. If she truly didn't give a fuck about Nicole's feelings, she would have been upfront. Nicole isn't her niece and isn't her friend so Carole really doesn't owe her anything, but I truly believe that Carole knew this situation was going to be awkward and weird for Luann and Nicole.

  • Love 7

My conspiracy theory side thinks this drama could all be for a storyline, because it doesn't really make sense that Luann seemed cool with Carole until the last episode aired. 



I started thinking that, too.  And a way to get reality tv veteran, Nicole, signed on for next season.  I wavered in this thinking when the nasty tweeting started but realized that some Hos have come back from worse 'pretend' fights than this.   It seems like an outrageous storyline to fake but no more so than Lu's baby quest.

Carole needs a storyline, now she's got one.  Adam has a business to promote, now he has a way.  Nicole probably needs a job, done.  And Luann gets to be the matriarchal figure overseeing the whole thing by inserting herself right in the middle of the drama.  Which is where she's always wanted to be.  Win/win/win/win

  • Love 5

Wow, Sonja is just a mess, isn't she? It's like you kind of forget when they don't feature her much. But then when we get an episode full of Sonja, it's quite apparent how cuckoo she has gone. 


So she has a whole lifestyle brand, huh? Sorry, hun, don't think I'll be interested in the brand of a woman who openly admits she swallows for a Black Card. 


No, but seriously. I feel a little bad for her. She is all over the place and just doesn't seem to have a clue. It's easy to snark, but I thought Lu and Heather were actually being pretty mean during the cocktail party. This whole "I wasn't invited" shit better not be the theme of this season, or I'm going to claw my eyes out. You're grown ass adults, you don't all get invited to everything. Deal with it. And I really didn't think it was about being genuinely hurt and wanting to help. It was more - "That was an opportunity for me to be on camera and prove my knowledge". Bah. 


In contrast, and I've been quite fed up with her this season, I thought Bethenny really was genuinely interested in supporting Sonja and helping her. And I hope she can get through to her, because Sonja certainly needs some guidance. She's got this whole team of people telling her one thing, but it doesn't hang together in the real world. And just how is she paying this team? These weren't interns! She had an entire room full of snark potatoes with fabulous connections that they can't even talk about! If she is in Chapter 11 and paying her lawsuit, how does she finance all of this? 


What a mess. 


Also, does Dominic just look bored to death when she's prattling on about yachts and brands and sexy novels? That dude is just sitting there, trying to look pretty and hoping a modeling agency offers him a big contract. 


I am curious to see what else goes down between Carole and Lu. Because, from their conversation last night, everything appears fine. Lu seemed a bit miffed that she wasn't told up front, but other than, they seemed fine. I do have to wonder, how long ago was this break-up and how bad was it? You'd think if the niece was so hurt that she can't bear the thought of some friend of her aunt's dating the guy, she wouldn't be cool with her aunt hiring him to work in the kitchen. Wouldn't he be SHUNNED? There just has to be more to it.....right? 


Loved seeing Jonathan for a bit! What a class act that guy is. He's always so friendly to everyone, and very polite. And then, when he gets complimented on his gentlemanly behavior, he's ever so humble - "We all have our good and bad sides". Heather picked a winner there. 


John, on the other hand, yikes! He totally skeeved me out last night. What a sloppy drunk. He's got his hands all over everyone and thinks he's just hilarious. No. No. Dorinda is pretty nasty to him, but he's not a prize himself. Between him, and her hamming for the cameras daughter, I've had enough of Dorito and her people. 

  • Love 4



It takes a lot of balls to wear an outfit like that!


What! Confused. It was a joke? I didn't think it was funny. If that's Carole's attempt at humor then she needs a ghostwriter.

My theory on Adam is he wants to be a STAR, what a timely hookup to get a story line and showcase whatever this Nicaraugua farm thing is. I think that's why Luann is mad that Adam & Carole, who meanwhile are screwing, are a mutual use. Carole for her madcap Carrie Beadshaw role and he wants fame.

B calls John "icky" in her blog. John is her b f in 20 years lol!

That's funny--"madcap" was the exact word that came into my head last night to describe Carole's forced laugh at the end of every talking head.  Also, if her goal last season was to make it clear in no uncertain terms that she never used a ghostwriter, she's managing to accomplish just the opposite this year.  I'm more convinced than ever that another person had a very big hand in writing her first book.  And maybe the ghostwriter she got for the second book wasn't as talented.  Or was the same writer, who had a talent for memoir but not for chick-lit.  But in all my years in the industry, I've seen only one book by a celebrity/person in the news that was not ghosted, and even that one had a lot of help.


I didn't know the chef boyfriend had some kind of business, but my first thought about him was that he might be trying for a slot on another Bravo show, Top Chef.  I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to get yourself already established as a visible Bravolebrity before going into the huge pool of potential contestants.  They do like that crossover stuff.

  • Love 5
So Ramona, Kristen and Sonja's date are talking, Kristen tells Ramona she should try dating a nice, young guy, too, and Ramona says: "No, not for me. I need someone deeper." TO HIS FACE! The guy was standing right there! What is this trait called? Don't say lack of filter or drunk, cuz she definitely has those covered, but it's something else.


I know! I know! 


It's called rudeness. Ramona is rude.

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 15

The tweet was a joke. 


I don't think Carole should even engage Luann tbh. 


My conspiracy theory side thinks this drama could all be for a storyline, because it doesn't really make sense that Luann seemed cool with Carole until the last episode aired. 


Maybe she is just now finding out that her son Noel was in some of their dates? 

Maybe she is pissed now because she is finding out that Carole has told everyone about the guy but her?

Maybe she is pissed because she wanted to do this guy/chef  the gift of exposure by introducing her as her chef (as a favor to her niece) so he can get some gigs and he used that to jump onto one of the castmates, boy he sure is going to get the exposure he badly wanted now.

A lot of things happen during filming that these ladies only get to see when the episode airs or one week before it airs when they see the edited footage of the episode so it doesn't surprise me that Luann's reaction now is stronger than it was back then.Carole minimized the whole thing and basically told Luann that she didn't even know where this was going if it was going anywhere but now it is a much more serious relationship so that is different.

  • Love 7

Maybe she is just now finding out that her son Noel was in some of their dates?

Maybe she is pissed now because she is finding out that Carole has told everyone about the guy but her?

Maybe she is pissed because she wanted to do this guy/chef the gift of exposure by introducing her as her chef (as a favor to her niece) so he can get some gigs and he used that to jump onto one of the castmates, boy he sure is going to get the exposure he badly wanted now.

A lot of things happen during filming that these ladies only get to see when the episode airs or one week before it airs when they see the edited footage of the episode so it doesn't surprise me that Luann's reaction now is stronger than it was back then.Carole minimized the whole thing and basically told Luann that she didn't even know where this was going if it was going anywhere but now it is a much more serious relationship so that is different.

Last night, Carole said she had been seeing the guy for "some weeks" and she hadn't told LuAnn. Different from eight days. But the true skeeviness is that she refers to Noel and the chef discussing her. I dunno bout you guys, but I wouldn't be crazy about dating the friend of a son of my friend. And knowing that that son was discussing our doings with his friend. Just icky. Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 7
I am thinking that the relationship might have been over on the guy's side but maybe due to the ongoing friendship and time spent together Nicole hoped for some rekindling


Me too.  And I suspect Nicole might have planned on trying to get back together with the Chef Boy on that trip to Nicaragua.  But then Enter Carole.


I am guessing that Luann didn't completely freak out at first about Carole hooking up with Adam because she thought it wouldn't last, that maybe their fling would even be over by the time the trip to Nicaragua rolled around and Nicole would get her chance at Adam.  But then it did last.  And it is still continuing.  Now, when all chances of Nicole and Adam getting back together seem clearly gone - all because Carole just has to have Adam - we are seeing an escalation of Luann's anger. 


I wonder if maybe her increasing wrath is also a response to seeing Nicole have to deal with all this as it hits the airwaves.  I mean, knowing  that a supposed "friend" who listened to you talk about your ex has gone and hooked up with your ex is one thing.  Actually watching them together on TV must be much worse.  Seeing that while you were hoping for a chance to reconcile, your lost love was rolling around in bed and out on the town tripping ballz with someone old enough to be his mother.  Your aunt's friend! And she introduced them!  I could see that really bothering Nicole, which in turn bothers LuAnn.  I can't think of any other reason why Luann is suddenly so infuriated by all this when on the show last night, she was peeved but not incensed.  Obviously, this all being on the TV has inflamed things greatly. 


Also, Luann has listed every other reason as being the cause of her fury - the wrongfulness of dating the staff of a friend, Luann should have been told sooner, Carole is embarrassing to women of her age, the awkwardness of Carole dating a friend of Noel's, the closeness of Adam to her whole family, Carole was Nicole's friend and it's uncomfortable ... LuAnn is flailing around claiming she is upset for every conceivable reason except that Nicole wants Adam back but Carole is standing in the way and Nicole is upset because of this.  But I think that is the real reason she is so mad.  And she can't come out and say it because it would  embarrass Nicole. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 14

I am confused about Sonja.  She clearly earns no money but seems to spend an awful lot on herself.  Her skin looks great.  Those facials and treatments don't come cheap and all of her work clearly can't be comped cause its on Bravo.  So where does she get her lifestyle money to pay her bills, mortgage and fun expenses?  Is it all child support or is she getting some good alimony too?  

  • Love 3

I googled Luann's niece and she looks so much like Angelina Jolies mom to me. Anyway I found that amusing.



I understand Luann's anger. I love my nieces like they were my own kids (they are only 13 and 6) I can imagine being protective of their broken hearts when they are older. So I'll give her a pass. I wil say this Carole behaves like a giddy teenager, when she first came on I thought she was this cool lady, but fawk she giggles and twitches so much... she is not cool.

  • Love 11

I think that LuAnn is embarrassing her niece more by acting like she's (LuAnn) the woman scorned. I think that LuAnn is embarrassing herself by this age-shaming mess when she married a man who is old enough to be her father. I think that LuAnn is also pandering to Twitter followers who are also all about age-shaming Carole for being 50-something and dating a 30 year old man.


If this were truly an issue that were bothersome to LuAnn, she wouldn't have waited for the episodes to start airing before going on the attack. How many other franchises have had it leaked that this HW was upset with the other HW during filming and they're feuding as a result? Yet, none of that happened with LuAnn and Carole (or LuAnn and Heather, for that matter). If Carole's idiotic gummy bear trip followed by spewing on or in Adam's vicinity (ugh) happened on Halloween, and filming wrapped earlier this year, what the hell does LuAnn need to actually watch before developing some blinding white rage over Carole and Adam? Carole and Adam were together throughout filming, and LuAnn was out socializing with Carole through it all. Carole and Adam have been together after filming, and LuAnn was out socializing with Carole as well.


What is LuAnn's storyline this season? Seriously. All talk of her now is about what she's doing on Twitter these days, but honestly take stock of what her storyline is this season. Going to Beautique? Sneaking off to a back room with a young model while at Beautique? And...??? Yeah, nothing. This Twitter beef (fueled by her ghost tweeter) at least has people talking about her.

  • Love 11

Heather is just trying way to hard to stay relevant and keep that apple. It's very unbecoming to see her like that. 


I don't care how together Ramona pretends to be, I think this divorce has shaken her to the core. It's sad. She wants a relationship, not meaningless hookups with young studs like Lu, Sonja and Carole are happy with. That is what she was trying to say at the party to Kristin in her own screwed up Ramona way.  


Dorinda's boyfriend needs to go away. Who cares about that greasy slob? The man has no class. 

  • Love 19

Oh, Sonja. I'm kind of hoping she falls on her face since she didn't get the wake up call the first set of law suits around. I'm sort of tired of Morgan money protecting her from complete failure. That sounds much more mean than I intend it, but I want her to understand business instead of just jumping in it. At least someone told her to start with clothing, which I feel is a much better fit for her than small appliances.


I think the problem is that Sonja really doesn't want to hear anything from anyone other than "This is an awesome idea and you are super successful."

  • Love 15

If this were truly an issue that were bothersome to LuAnn, she wouldn't have waited for the episodes to start airing before going on the attack. How many other franchises have had it leaked that this HW was upset

What is LuAnn's storyline this season? Seriously. All talk of her now is about what she's doing on Twitter these days, but honestly take stock of what her storyline is this season. Going to Beautique? Sneaking off to a back room with a young model while at Beautique? And...??? Yeah, nothing. This Twitter beef (fueled by her ghost tweeter) at least has people talking about her.


Oh, I have a feeling we'll be talking A LOT about Lu when they take their cast trip later in the sesason. And I can't wait! The St. Barth's episodes were the best thing about season 5.

  • Love 8

I've been rewatching Season 6 and between that and last night, thought, "Wow, Sonja's a pretty crappy friend to Ramona." (Flashback to her telling Aviva "everyone talked about you in Montana…and Ramona started it all!") But then I remembered Ramona talking to LuAnn and Carole about Sonja's financial problems, on camera, and realized that it's probably a draw. Still think Sonja is fantastically self-absorbed though.


Those facials and treatments don't come cheap


Sonja gives a LOT of shout-outs on Facebook and I wouldn't be surprised if she gets freebies or discounts in exchange for her promotion. But I think there's something going on, and maybe there's a psychological term for it, that when you're financially strapped and get a bit of money, you use it to feed your brain's pleasure center rather than pay off your debts. Like, when I was out of work and getting my meager little unemployment checks, I would often splurge on make-up at discount stores. It's easy to get in the mindset of "that $20 wasn't going to make a dent in my debt anyway."


I was remembering this morning that I signed up, ages ago, to get Sonja's lifestyle newsletter. I never got anything! Is this ringing a bell to anyone else? She was plugging a newsletter filled with tips about living luxuriously on the cheap. 

  • Love 10

Heather is just trying way to hard to stay relevant and keep that apple. It's very unbecoming to see her like that. 


I don't care how together Ramona pretends to be, I think this divorce has shaken her to the core. It's sad. She wants a relationship, not meaningless hookups with young studs like Lu, Sonja and Carole are happy with. That is what she was trying to say at the party to Kristin in her own screwed up Ramona way.  


Dorinda's boyfriend needs to go away. Who cares about that greasy slob? The man has no class. 


I think Heather has always been like this except that last year it got brushed off because of how nasty Aviva was, everything got overshadowed by Aviva and her father.


Heather is a busybody know-it-all who can't help it to get involved in everybody's business, even if it is none of her business she makes it so.


I just wish she would stop pretending that she cares about Sonja or her nonexistant businesses because it is very obvious to me that she doesn't care for Sonja at all. The only reasoon why she was mad was because Bethenny was invited, had nobody been invited Heather would had just laughed it off as another of Sonja's delusions but being that Bethenny was there and it was taped then Heather realized that this a lost opportunity to show her business skills.


At the end it really doesn't matter because Sonja's business is not going anywhere, but it does highlight how abrasive Heather can be.

  • Love 14
If this were truly an issue that were bothersome to LuAnn, she wouldn't have waited for the episodes to start airing before going on the attack. How many other franchises have had it leaked that this HW was upset with the other HW during filming and they're feuding as a result? Yet, none of that happened with LuAnn and Carole (or LuAnn and Heather, for that matter). If Carole's idiotic gummy bear trip followed by spewing on or in Adam's vicinity (ugh) happened on Halloween, and filming wrapped earlier this year, what the hell does LuAnn need to actually watch before developing some blinding white rage over Carole and Adam? Carole and Adam were together throughout filming, and LuAnn was out socializing with Carole through it all. Carole and Adam have been together after filming, and LuAnn was out socializing with Carole as well.


I'm still holding my opinion until it ALL unfolds....but it's possible something happens later in the season that causes Lu to get angry, whereas she seems cool with Carole now. Or, as we've seen several times on these shows, it's possible that when the season aired and Lu saw Carole's THs and how things went down on HER end, that's what made her angry. During filming, all Lu has to go on is what Carole actually tells her. But once it airs and you see all sides, you sometimes walk away with a different impression. 

  • Love 13


So she has a whole lifestyle brand, huh? Sorry, hun, don't think I'll be interested in the brand of a woman who openly admits she swallows for a Black  She's got this whole team of people telling her one thing, but it doesn't hang together in the real world. And just how is she paying this team? These weren't interns! She had an entire room full of snark potatoes with fabulous connections that they can't even talk about! If she is in Chapter 11 and paying her lawsuit, how does she finance all of this? 

This is from Bethenny's blog about Sonja's "team"....."If she isn't putting up her own money, which she isn't, then no harm, no foul (time and reputation aside)." I suspect that Sonja is nothing more than the face/"celebrity" name for this clothing line and that this "team" came to her, not that she found them or that the idea was hers to begin with.

  • Love 8

Oh, I have a feeling we'll be talking A LOT about Lu when they take their cast trip later in the sesason. And I can't wait! The St. Barth's episodes were the best thing about season 5.


True, true. But as of now (five episodes in), LuAnn really has no storyline.


I'm still holding my opinion until it ALL unfolds....but it's possible something happens later in the season that causes Lu to get angry, whereas she seems cool with Carole now. Or, as we've seen several times on these shows, it's possible that when the season aired and Lu saw Carole's THs and how things went down on HER end, that's what made her angry. During filming, all Lu has to go on is what Carole actually tells her. But once it airs and you see all sides, you sometimes walk away with a different impression.

But LuAnn was cool with Carole after filming. I mean, like, there's a picture from just days before this season started airing that LuAnn has of her and Carole on Instagram. As far as Carole's THs, what has she said in them that would cause LuAnn to foam at the mouth and give someone carte blanche to tweet so viciously about Carole?


Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 5

Not sure if you saw WWHL, but here's the scoop according to Carole: Adam and the niece broke up over a year before she and Adam met, but the two have remained friends, and are both involved with a non-profit in Nicaragua. The planned trip was a group trip to this non-profit (a farm, I think) in Nicaragua. Not some special trip that the two of them planned together, and certainly not romantic, so the Countess is being deliberately misleading. I'm not sure why. What is her end game? She's making herself look ridiculous, IMO.


Right - Carole and Lu both mentioned that trip to Nicaragua in their conversation last night.  I suspect that Adam and the niece were in that "friends with benefits" place, with the niece wanting/hoping that they'd get back together.  I think Carole interrupted that plan, the niece was hurt, and Luanne is acting out in Mama (errr Auntie) Bear mode.  Which is ridiculous, but whatever.


I wish they would quit showing Dorinda's annoying daughter. She's playing it up for the cameras too much. And I thought Hannah had only met John a few times. How is she giving her mother all kinds of judgement and advise about him like she knows him so well?

I was giving this guy the benefit of the doubt because Dorinda was treating him like crap. But I'm going to call him shady too because he was getting too handy with Sonja and Kristen at the party.



Oh lord, this.  1,000x.  Bravo/Andy: STOP trying to make Hannah happen. 


I was really glad to see Jonathan again.  Am I alone here in thinking he's totally sweet & adorable?



You are not.  I am a fan!  He's so chill and laid back, but funny too. 




Me too.  And I suspect Nicole might have planned on trying to get back together with the Chef Boy on that trip to Nicaragua.  But then Enter Carole.


I am guessing that Luann didn't completely freak out at first about Carole hooking up with Adam because she thought it wouldn't last, that maybe their fling would even be over by the time the trip to Nicaragua rolled around and Nicole would get her chance at Adam.  But then it did last.  And it is still continuing.  Now, when all chances of Nicole and Adam getting back together seem clearly gone - all because Carole just has to have Adam - we are seeing an escalation of Luann's anger. 


I wonder if maybe her increasing wrath is also a response to seeing Nicole have to deal with all this as it hits the airwaves.  I mean, knowing  that a supposed "friend" who listened to you talk about your ex has gone and hooked up with your ex is one thing.  Actually watching them together on TV must be much worse.  Seeing that while you were hoping for a chance to reconcile, your lost love was rolling around in bed and out on the town tripping ballz with someone old enough to be his mother.  Your aunt's friend! And she introduced them!  I could see that really bothering Nicole, which in turn bothers LuAnn.  I can't think of any other reason why Luann is suddenly so infuriated by all this when on the show last night, she was peeved but not incensed.  Obviously, this all being on the TV has inflamed things greatly. 


Also, Luann has listed every other reason as being the cause of her fury - the wrongfulness of dating the staff of a friend, Luann should have been told sooner, Carole is embarrassing to women of her age, the awkwardness of Carole dating a friend of Noel's, the closeness of Adam to her whole family, Carole was Nicole's friend and it's uncomfortable ... LuAnn is flailing around claiming she is upset for every conceivable reason except that Nicole wants Adam back but Carole is standing in the way and Nicole is upset because of this.  But I think that is the real reason she is so mad.  And she can't come out and say it because it would  embarrass Nicole. 


100% agree with this assessment of the situation.  Totally what I was thinking. 


I think that LuAnn is embarrassing her niece more by acting like she's (LuAnn) the woman scorned. I think that LuAnn is embarrassing herself by this age-shaming mess when she married a man who is old enough to be her father. I think that LuAnn is also pandering to Twitter followers who are also all about age-shaming Carole for being 50-something and dating a 30 year old man.



And this. Lu is being unnecessarily vitriolic about the situation, and it's making her look ridiculous. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 5

This is from Bethenny's blog about Sonja's "team"....."If she isn't putting up her own money, which she isn't, then no harm, no foul (time and reputation aside)." I suspect that Sonja is nothing more than the face/"celebrity" name for this clothing line and that this "team" came to her, not that she found them or that the idea was hers to begin with.

That makes way more sense. I just couldn't picture Sonja making a solid pitch to investors for a line. They must have come to her knowing that they'd get some promo through the show.

  • Love 8

I thought I had misheard the woman when she said that, so I'm glad you confirmed it for me. I assume she meant 160,000 square feet, or at least I hope so. That Sonja's own employees don't seem to know some of this basic information does not engender confidence. No wonder Bethenny was so concerned. 

Is 160,000 sq. ft. really better than 160 sq. ft, I see it as plenty of room to house lots of unsold poorly constructed merchandise that will sit untouched when Barney's says "no thank you" to that clothing line.  Sonja should take a page out of Martha Stewarts book and head to a Kmart type of chain to make some money. 

Bethany makes sense when she speaks about business strategies, why invite her if you don't want to listen to her? 

Does the "J" in Sonja stand for junk? 

Dorinda and John, hmmm.  What is in it for him, she seems like she would be an exhausting harpy 24/7.


Love the Lu Style! 


  • Love 3

I just don't understand why she's mad now.  When it appears that she's been fine with Carole for months.

What's funny is that I think it's all about the handling of the situation. I also think that Luann is emotionally close to the situation since it's her niece and a bit of reason has been replaced with protectiveness and annoyance by proxy for her niece. Look no one knows how Luanns niece is handling it NOW after seeing it play out. I mean people break up and move on all the time but not many of us gets to see the intimacy up close and personal of the ex with the new chick. Yeah, some people do. See friends hook up, maybe be in the same circle yada yada yada but isn't one of the big reasons why it's either a slippery slope or just a straight NO NO in certain circles to date an ex of a friend? Because it's emotionally hurtful to have to see someone you cared about with someone else. Even if you are okay with it it's not the easier thing to handle which is why if it does happen most people tread delicately when they want to pursue the ex of someone they know. Plus what happens when your not okay with it? It's that much harder right? To see all the coy looks, the intimacy, the joking, the laughing, the good times he's having with someone else and not with just someone else you don't know but with your aunts friend? I mean I'm not trying to exaggerate, I'm just trying being real. A break up isn't some non issue and this is Luanne, most likely, having compassion for her niece having to actually see it play out. Carole is unfortunately getting a dose of what the risks are when you play on that slippery slope. 


Now I think the only reason its escalating is because Carole is a bit dismissive of it. I mean I get that LOGICALLY it shouldn't be a big deal but when all is said and done, friends don't pish posh away someone else's feelings. Plus being that Luanne is the aunt I wouldn't be surprised if she had stronger feelings about it than her niece because well aren't we a bit more irrationally angry when someone causes any sort of pain to our family member especially younger ones? I mean it's also the classic case of it being over and down with and then you see it in a new perspective when it airs. Seeing how loopy and silly and stupid Carol is about the whole thing. The giggling and the fact that Luanns name came up a few times. I mean I know the countess is annoying and all but I do think that watching it back, being provided new information about the situation because of the footage makes it harder to keep the whole mature adults attitude about the whole thing.


We all know that breakups bring up irrational emotions even after the fact so I wouldn't be surprised if Luann is witnessing a bit of that coming from her niece and yes a bit resentful that if it wasn't for her "friend" her niece wouldn't have to be having any residual emotions over the breakup but now that his new relationship is a storyline on a show her aunt is on she's subject to all that again. We all know these feelings can sometimes take us by surprise. Not unusual. Carole acting like they broke up so long ago and it should be a non issue is what I think is the reason. I mean,  I still get a pang of hurt in my gut when I see my ex of 10 years on Facebook announcing his wedding and then later his new baby. I have a few ex's that pop up on social media because of mutual friends and I find myself, having a quick moment when I see how their lives have turned out etc. etc. etc. I'm not about to throw a fit but it's a natural thing and these are with ex's from years and years back so I can only imagine how easy it isn't to see how your ex has moved on in complete detail with a woman so much older and so ridiculous. I mean I would be annoyed if my successor was Carole the dumb journalist who thinks puking and having her hair held back by her guy is such a cute display.


Last thing, Carole also acts like its some over 50 game that she's doing so good in. I mean, hey they are "serious" whatever but when this whole romance began it really seemed like a joke even for her. I mean I get being open and joking about being a cougar and all that jazz but this is someone that Luann is close with. Not an extra on the show. He is a legite family friend and quite honestly I'd be a little apprehensive of someone I care about being dragged on the show to serve as a boy toy prop. Granted he's grown and it's his decision but that is only a side bar point I'm making. I think Luann is choosing the wrong details to use as reasons. However I think that telling Luann what the story is/was with Adam and Luann's niece is all sorts of annoying since OF COURSE Adam is going to downplay what the situation was with Luann's niece up until he met Carol. I will also point out that me thinks that after the break up they were still friends with benefits cause if they were still friendly after they "ended it" it's very easy to take advantage of that one detail after the fact. Who doesn't? Usually, however,  the woman isn't as detached as they need to be to continue the FWB relationship so I wouldn't be surprised if in reality the technical relationship was over for a year but the physical one was still going on up until Carole entered the picture or at least continued for a bit after the breakup therefore making the breakup more recent than the technical date being given by Adam. The thing that bugs me about Carole is that she was spouting the dumb new bitch info like she's speaking facts. I hate when a new chick thinks she's speaking truth just because her new boyfriend, someone she doesn't really know well is telling her his version and interpretations of events while omitting whatever might make him look bad. We all know that men DO NOT offer up any more information than they need to.


I'm also guessing that this cause Luann's niece and Adams friendship to be strained cause I'm guessing Luanns niece pulled away and whatever comfortable dynamic they were enjoying with each other and amongst mutual friends most likely shifted as well. Hey I get it, grown adults, things change, it happens, but I looking at it from Luann's point of view. I'd be saddened too if something as silly as a silly women on a reality show disrupted a family members true life because she wanted to push the "I'm a cougar" storyline. It's not so much that things happen but when it's manufactured for a show then it's harder to accept the real life reprecutions no matter how minor some may think it is. Carol does seem a bit too dismissive and I think that's a bit foul. This is where her, OMG, I'm so much more above it attitude rubs me the wrong way. I think she uses that whole schtick to camaflouge the fact that she just not that considerate and finds other people's feelings a nuisance or something petty she can laugh about since it's "oh so not that serious". She reminds me of a very muted Bethenny. Same disregard but in the opposite minimal speak way.


PS. That whole professional writer cape that she was battling so hard before to protect and keep from being tainted is starting to look a little moth eaten (ala Sonja) with all her stupid giggling and not wanting to meet deadlines. I mean really? It would be different if she was struggling WHILE WORKING ON the book but the reason for her not meeting her deadline was because she just doesn't feel like writing it right now? I mean, what? Is her ghost writer working on another project??? hmmmmmmmm. 

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 11

Also, if her goal last season was to make it clear in no uncertain terms that she never used a ghostwriter, she's managing to accomplish just the opposite this year.  I'm more convinced than ever that another person had a very big hand in writing her first book.  And maybe the ghostwriter she got for the second book wasn't as talented.  Or was the same writer, who had a talent for memoir but not for chick-lit.  But in all my years in the industry, I've seen only one book by a celebrity/person in the news that was not ghosted, and even that one had a lot of help.


I've always thought she had help.  And that's been my major malfunction with Carole all along. Not that she had help.  But that she had help yet spent all last season kicking the shit out of Aviva for daring to insult her integrity by suggesting what was probably true.  I think Carole lied, got Heather to believe her and the whole season unraveled from there. 


When Aviva told Carole that 'word on the street' was that she had some help, I believed there were others who were talking about it. Mainly because we've seen nothing of any substance from Carole since.  She's not the most prolific. This season we see that she's also not very responsible when it comes to her 'craft' either. But then we've had a couple credible sources here, imo, who are in the industry who say it's possible and probable she had help. 


Maybe now that she's happy and in (puppy) love, she'll get her mojo back.  Show me.

  • Love 10

What's funny is that I think it's all about the handling of the situation. I also think that Luann is emotionally close to the situation since it's her niece and a bit of reason has been replaced with protectiveness and annoyance by proxy for her niece. Look no one knows how Luanns niece is handling it NOW after seeing it play out. I mean people break up and move on all the time but not many of us gets to see the intimacy up close and personal of the ex with the new chick. Yeah, some people do. See friends hook up, maybe be in the same circle yada yada yada but isn't one of the big reasons why it's either a slippery slope or just a straight NO NO in certain circles to date an ex of a friend? Because it's emotionally hurtful to have to see someone you cared about with someone else. Even if you are okay with it it's not the easier thing to handle which is why if it does happen most people tread delicately when they want to pursue the ex of someone they know. Plus what happens when your not okay with it? It's that much harder right? To see all the coy looks, the intimacy, the joking, the laughing, the good times he's having with someone else and not with just someone else you don't know but with your aunts friend? I mean I'm not trying to exaggerate, I'm just trying being real. A break up isn't some non issue and this is Luanne, most likely, having compassion for her niece having to actually see it play out. Carole is unfortunately getting a dose of what the risks are when you play on that slippery slope.

Now I think the only reason its escalating is because Carole is a bit dismissive of it. I mean I get that LOGICALLY it shouldn't be a big deal but when all is said and done, friends don't pish posh away someone else's feelings. Plus being that Luanne is the aunt I wouldn't be surprised if she had stronger feelings about it than her niece because well aren't we a bit more irrationally angry when someone causes any sort of pain to our family member especially younger ones? I mean it's also the classic case of it being over and down with and then you see it in a new perspective when it airs. Seeing how loopy and silly and stupid Carol is about the whole thing. The giggling and the fact that Luanns name came up a few times. I mean I know the countess is annoying and all but I do think that watching it back, being provided new information about the situation because of the footage makes it harder to keep the whole mature adults attitude about the whole thing.

We all know that breakups bring up irrational emotions even after the fact so I wouldn't be surprised if Luann is witnessing a bit of that coming from her niece and yes a bit resentful that if it wasn't for her "friend" her niece wouldn't have to be having any residual emotions over the breakup but now that his new relationship is a storyline on a show her aunt is on she's subject to all that again. We all know these feelings can sometimes take us by surprise. Not unusual. Carole acting like they broke up so long ago and it should be a non issue is what I think is the reason. I mean, I still get a pang of hurt in my gut when I see my ex of 10 years on Facebook announcing his wedding and then later his new baby. I have a few ex's that pop up on social media because of mutual friends and I find myself, having a quick moment when I see how their lives have turned out etc. etc. etc. I'm not about to throw a fit but it's a natural thing and these are with ex's from years and years back so I can only imagine how easy it isn't to see how your ex has moved on in complete detail with a woman so much older and so ridiculous. I mean I would be annoyed if my successor was Carole the dumb journalist who thinks puking and having her hair held back by her guy is such a cute display.

Last thing, Carole also acts like its some over 50 game that she's doing so good in. I mean, hey they are "serious" whatever but when this whole romance began it really seemed like a joke even for her. I mean I get being open and joking about being a cougar and all that jazz but this is someone that Luann is close with. Not an extra on the show. He is a legite family friend and quite honestly I'd be a little apprehensive of someone I care about being dragged on the show to serve as a boy toy prop. Granted he's grown and it's his decision but that is only a side bar point I'm making. I think Luann is choosing the wrong details to use as reasons. However I think that telling Luann what the story is/was with Adam and Luann's niece is all sorts of annoying since OF COURSE Adam is going to downplay what the situation was with Luann's niece up until he met Carol. I will also point out that me thinks that after the break up they were still friends with benefits cause if they were still friendly after they "ended it" it's very easy to take advantage of that one detail after the fact. Who doesn't? Usually, however, the woman isn't as detached as they need to be to continue the FWB relationship so I wouldn't be surprised if in reality the technical relationship was over for a year but the physical one was still going on up until Carole entered the picture or at least continued for a bit after the breakup therefore making the breakup more recent than the technical date being given by Adam. The thing that bugs me about Carole is that she was spouting the dumb new bitch info like she's speaking facts. I hate when a new chick thinks she's speaking truth just because her new boyfriend, someone she doesn't really know well is telling her his version and interpretations of events while omitting whatever might make him look bad. We all know that men DO NOT offer up any more information than they need to.

I'm also guessing that this cause Luann's niece and Adams friendship to be strained cause I'm guessing Luanns niece pulled away and whatever comfortable dynamic they were enjoying with each other and amongst mutual friends most likely shifted as well. Hey I get it, grown adults, things change, it happens, but I looking at it from Luann's point of view. I'd be saddened too if something as silly as a silly women on a reality show disrupted a family members true life because she wanted to push the "I'm a cougar" storyline. It's not so much that things happen but when it's manufactured for a show then it's harder to accept the real life reprecutions no matter how minor some may think it is. Carol does seem a bit too dismissive and I think that's a bit foul. This is where her, OMG, I'm so much more above it attitude rubs me the wrong way. I think she uses that whole schtick to camaflouge the fact that she just not that considerate and finds other people's feelings a nuisance or something petty she can laugh about since it's "oh so not that serious". She reminds me of a very muted Bethenny. Same disregard but in the opposite minimal speak way.

PS. That whole professional writer cape that she was battling so hard before to protect and keep from being tainted is starting to look a little moth eaten (ala Sonja) with all her stupid giggling and not wanting to meet deadlines. I mean really? It would be different if she was struggling WHILE WORKING ON the book but the reason for her not meeting her deadline was because she just doesn't feel like writing it right now? I mean, what? Is her ghost writer working on another project??? hmmmmmmmm.

Updike said it in the Rabbit books: "You always care. Even about the little girl who showed you her underwear years ago. You always care."

  • Love 5

So Ramona, Kristen and Sonja's date are talking, Kristen tells Ramona she should try dating a nice, young guy, too, and Ramona says: "No, not for me. I need someone deeper." TO HIS FACE! The guy was standing right there! What is this trait called? Don't say lack of filter or drunk, cuz she definitely has those covered, but it's something else.




Rudeness and delusion and romoaner being a legend in her own mind?

  • Love 1

Not sure if you saw WWHL, but here's the scoop according to Carole: Adam and the niece broke up over a year before she and Adam met, but the two have remained friends, and are both involved with a non-profit in Nicaragua. The planned trip was a group trip to this non-profit (a farm, I think) in Nicaragua. Not some special trip that the two of them planned together, and certainly not romantic, so the Countess is being deliberately misleading. I'm not sure why. What is her end game? She's making herself look ridiculous, IMO.

Me thinks that during this group trip Adam and the niece would have been sharing a bed when the mood struck them. I really think that's it but no one is going to come out and say. "Okay, here's the deal Carole they were still fucking" Now granted they were free to see other people and do as they please but as we all know the just fucking agreement is usually mishandled because the women still emotionally attached but thinks she isn't and the man is well a man so when the next pussy comes a knocking they take that "just fucking" title literally and MOVE ON without a second thought and leave the woman feeling a tad bit upset and used. How many of us women have been there? Show of hands....? Hey, trial and error, life lessons and all that but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be feeling compassion for my niece if that's what went down. Especially someone so young that is just starting on a journey I know is long hard and full of stupid heart wrenching disappointments.

  • Love 9



Sonja's boytoy looks like Ryan from Million Dollar Listings.  

I thought the same thing when he first popped up.

Yes. I also noticed that he said something like "we all have flaws." Or "we all have plusses and minuses" - or something like that. I forget what the context was, too, but I'm wondering if it was in reference to how Ramona put him down last year. If so, good for him.

That was his response to a compliment. I thought it was completely sweet that in the face of a compliment he had such a humble response.

  • Love 2

I do appreciate that Bethenny took the view that Sonja is being taken advantage of as opposed to her just being crazy (even though she IS crazy). I don't buy Heather being so butthurt about not being invited -- maybe she doesn't want Sonja to fail, but she isn't rooting for her success. Sonja's just a circus act in her eyes.

As for Sonja....oh, Sonja. Just produce a home goods line for Kohl's and I'll personally buy an accessibly luxurious fake china set. Throw in the toaster oven and you'll have yourself a repeat client.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 10

Is 160,000 sq. ft. really better than 160 sq. ft, I see it as plenty of room to house lots of unsold poorly constructed merchandise that will sit untouched when Barney's says "no thank you" to that clothing line.  Sonja should take a page out of Martha Stewarts book and head to a Kmart type of chain to make some money. 

Bethany makes sense when she speaks about business strategies, why invite her if you don't want to listen to her? 

Does the "J" in Sonja stand for junk? 

Dorinda and John, hmmm.  What is in it for him, she seems like she would be an exhausting harpy 24/7.


Love the Lu Style! 


I don't think Sonja's clothing line even got that far! LOL It appears the only clothes actually made where those worn on the "runway" show, aka/samples.


I've always thought she had help.  And that's been my major malfunction with Carole all along. Not that she had help.  But that she had help yet spent all last season kicking the shit out of Aviva for daring to insult her integrity by suggesting what was probably true.  I think Carole lied, got Heather to believe her and the whole season unraveled from there. 


When Aviva told Carole that 'word on the street' was that she had some help, I believed there were others who were talking about it. Mainly because we've seen nothing of any substance from Carole since.  She's not the most prolific. This season we see that she's also not very responsible when it comes to her 'craft' either. But then we've had a couple credible sources here, imo, who are in the industry who say it's possible and probable she had help. 


Maybe now that she's happy and in (puppy) love, she'll get her mojo back.  Show me.

Having help is different from having or using a "ghostwriter". An editor helps but a ghost writer does all the work. Carole admitted to her editor helping her.

  • Love 1

I don't buy Heather being so butthurt about not being invited -- maybe she doesn't want Sonja to fail, but she isn't rooting for her success. Sonja's just a circus act in her eyes.


Well, does anyone really think Sonja's business plans aren't a circus act? All I know is that between the toaster oven debacle and this, I totally understand why she got screwed over royally in the movie deal. She has no clue how anything works.

  • Love 5

I wonder if the niece is upset because she thought of carol as a friend. Who is now sleeping with her ex.

Lu and her niece hang out, right? Carol said she and Lu had gotten close and hung out a lot. So maybe the niece was hanging with them . Niece felt some sort of betrayal and made it clear to Lu.

Idk. You see Lu doesn't really react much when Carol tells her. She does tell her this going to make things awkward because of my niece.

Then she gets an ear full, especially when niece and Lu realize that Adam is Carole's story. (shrugs)

What is wrong with Beth's hair?

Loved seeing Jonathan, he seems so sweet.

John might be gross but he wasn't grinding on himself. Sonia and Kristen were willing.

Would I be upset if it was my husband? Eh, if it was good friends that I knew and trusted I wouldn't care, If it was some random chick, and considering Dorinda just met Kristen and Sonja, I wouldn't be happy with my husband. I honestly don't think Dorinda likes John much. She seems always annoyed with him.

John wouldn't be my type, but I hate that Dorinda feels above him and enjoys telling us how crude he is. They aren't teenagers, he is who he is, if you don't like him move on.

I don't care if Ramona likes John, she was with Mario for years and thought he was amazing, he made my skin crawl anytime he was on screen.

I did feel for Ramona when she talked about walking in to parties alone. When you have been with someone that long, I'm sure it leaves feeling vulnerable.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 4

Heather, the only reason you would have to be that upset about not being invited to a business presentation of Sonja's fashion line is if you were a significant investor. Since you are not, Sonja doesn't owe you shit so shut your piehole. You aren't owed a de-briefing.


Sonja's main problem is that she needs to find not just one thing or product to focus on, but one thing to be passionate about. The difference between her and Beth and Heather is that the other two have obvious passion about what they do and their products. Yeah, Beth may have stumbled through a few failures like Bethenny Bakes but when she realized she may have hit pay dirt with Skinnygirl liquor she lived and breathed it. That meeting with Bethenny at the restaurant said it all to me. Sonja with a 'j' has no idea what she wants or what she is doing. She can't even really explain the basics of her business without stammering or looking confused.  A lifestyle fashion brand? Luxury but affordable luxury? She sounds like a QVC host just spouting shit to fill air time. That is just amorphous marketing/business speak that doesn't mean anything. It is just sounds like something she was pitched in a meeting but she really doesn't have any real idea of what it means but it just sounds so good. LOL!  She was going on about trunk shows and couldn't even come up with a name of a place where it could/would be held until Bethenny prompted her with Barneys. Sonja also threw in Harrods like her brand was gonna be international. Gotta say if it is being shown (like it ever will be) in Barneys and Harrods how can that be considered affordable luxury? That to me is stomping with the big boys $$$ like Tom Ford and Gucci. Affordable luxury to me is Macy's and Nordstorm. YMMV. 


The fact that the CEO and COO and others were so defensive over some simple questions about logistics and product roll out said it all. 


I don't understand why people like Ramona & her daughter think John is using Dorinda for her alleged connections. Isn't the man the proprietor of a well-established and damn near legendary family-owned dry cleaner/alternations shop in a great part of town that services the likes of famous Broadway shows, celebs, designers and run of the mill rich ass folks who need their shirts and $50k beaded dresses cleaned and/or altered? Why the hell would he need Dorinda? To class things up? She is just about as crass as he is minus the grinding on others in public bit. What does she even do? Is she even that wealthy? So she has a couple of designer clothes, shoes and bags and lives in the good part of town but her apartment doesn't look at that fabulous. I just don't get it. The dress chipping thing seems like an extension of his business and it would seem to me that he wouldn't even need Dorinda unless it was just to get it featured on this show and gain nationwide attention. Someone please enlighten me. 


The grinding on ladies at the bar didn't do him any favors but I wasn't deeply offended by it. The ladies grinded back and it seemed to be more of a joking air as opposed to Aviva's nasty ass daddy. Dorinda was right there and didn't seem overly upset about it. 


John always looks to be in the throes of a heart attack. Not because of his height or weight but his coloring.  He looks deeply red and blotchy verging on a shade of purple like his oxygen supply has been cut off or something. Maybe he just has rosacea or maybe I just need to adjust my color settings on my tv. {Kayne shrug}


I have to say that I would be feeling a certain kinda way too if I found out that a friend I brought into my family circle, who had become privy to some probably intimate details of my niece and her BF's relationship, upped and started dating said BF after they broke up, albeit an alleged year after the break up. Not only that but the flirtation purportedly occurred in my home and the friend was going around telling folks and was on record of being hesitant to tell me. Carole being so dismissive of the niece's feelings doesn't help either. Where Countess loses me somewhat is losing her cool (don't be like uncool) and acting panini pressed on twitter.  I would like some more information though. 


I just realized that Carole's tagline this season is "All play and no work makes me a happy girl."  Sure Jan. 


So Ramona, Kristen and Sonja's date are talking, Kristen tells Ramona she should try dating a nice, young guy, too, and Ramona says: "No, not for me. I need someone deeper." TO HIS FACE! The guy was standing right there! What is this trait called? Don't say lack of filter or drunk, cuz she definitely has those covered, but it's something else.


That reminded me of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia where the gang are talking amongst themselves about something or someone and you think they are alone and then the camera pans to show that the subject they are talking about is sitting right there. But this was much worse, because you know 'unscripted.'


I swear the light seems to die in that young German model's eyes whenever they showed him sitting there listening to Sonja going on and on about some random BS. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 7

I think the problem is that Sonja really doesn't want to hear anything from anyone other than "This is an awesome idea and you are super successful."

So much this. This tired creature seems to view herself as a figurehead, appearing on talk shows and in magazines and giving pithy quotes about how her "brand" is redefining fashion and lifestyle -- all with zero desire to actually work at making it a reality.

  • Love 6

I do appreciate that Bethenny took the view that Sonja is being taken advantage of as opposed to her just being crazy. I don't buy Heather being so butthurt about not being invited -- maybe she doesn't want Sonja to fail, but she isn't rooting for her success. Sonja's just a circus act in her eyes.

As for Sonja....oh, Sonja. Just produce a home goods line for Kohl's and I'll personally buy an accessibly luxurious fake china set. Throw in the toaster oven and you'll have yourself a repeat client.

Kohl's is a great idea and would give Sonja's reach something to actually grasp. Lady Morgan, you owe The Mighty Peanut a commission!

  • Love 1



Having help is different from having or using a "ghostwriter". An editor helps but a ghost writer does all the work. Carole admitted to her editor helping her.

But that's what Aviva originally suggested. At first Aviva only asked Carole if she used a ghost writer in response to Carole's first insulting question to Aviva about whether Aviva hired a ghost writer, implying that that would be the only way she would legitamize Aviva moving forward with the idea of publishing a book.  Aviva's "well DID YOU use a ghost writer?" To me, in my head, "No? well then why would you're first question to me be if I hired a ghost writer?" was the unsaid end of her true sentiment.  Problems took off afterwards when Aviva tried to run with and validate the idea of an actual ghostwriter. Stupid! 


Once bookgate was in full force Aviva's defense actually started off by stating that everyone has help so she doesn't understand why Carole is taking such offense but then she made the mistake of taking on the whole ghost writer angle and trying to make it true. That's when Aviva lost me but I was still annoyed with Carole because none of the bullshit would have even started if Carole wasn't so arrogant and sort of demeaning with her approach to Aviva writing a book. As if Aviva had some nerve to try and tackle something that she spent her whole life perfecting, and succedding in only to have some random nobody think they can do it too. I mean anyone can have a baby but birthing a BOOK now THAT's an accomplishment ya know...

  • Love 6

But that's what Aviva originally suggested. At first Aviva only asked Carole if she used a ghost writer in response to Carole's first insulting question to Aviva about whether Aviva hired a ghost writer, implying that that would be the only way she would legitamize Aviva moving forward with the idea of publishing a book.  Aviva's "well DID YOU use a ghost writer?" To me, in my head, "No? well then why would you're first question to me be if I hired a ghost writer?" was the unsaid end of her true sentiment.  Problems took off afterwards when Aviva tried to run with and validate the idea of an actual ghostwriter. Stupid! 


Once bookgate was in full force Aviva's defense actually started off by stating that everyone has help so she doesn't understand why Carole is taking such offense but then she made the mistake of taking on the whole ghost writer angle and trying to make it true. That's when Aviva lost me but I was still annoyed with Carole because none of the bullshit would have even started if Carole wasn't so arrogant and sort of demeaning with her approach to Aviva writing a book. As if Aviva had some nerve to try and tackle something that she spent her whole life perfecting, and succedding in only to have some random nobody think they can do it too. I mean anyone can have a baby but birthing a BOOK now THAT's an accomplishment ya know...

Responding in Carole's thread. LOL

So much this. This tired creature seems to view herself as a figurehead, appearing on talk shows and in magazines and giving pithy quotes about how her "brand" is redefining fashion and lifestyle -- all with zero desire to actually work at making it a reality.

Yeah, it's really starting become very apparent that all Sonja thinks she has to do is show up and her name and face is what will propel business while the work part of it is for someone else to do and someone else to promote. It's all very weird quite honestly.

  • Love 7

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