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S02.E08: Unaware in Delaware

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I hate the idea that someone has to be in a relationship to be a respected, responsible adult.  Not having a significant other, unless you're a horrible and mean human being, means absolutely zero.



Who has said that?  I certainly didn't say that or even imply it cuz I don't believe that for a second.  Just don't think Shep would make for a great boyfriend.  And that's it.  It's OK to have different opinions.  I'm not overly impressed with Shep, but I hope I'm not gonna be attacked for daring to think this.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Whitney was a total asshole at Craig's parents. I felt like Craig's father was occasionally looking at him thinking, " hmm, Craig has a father and doesn't need a creepy uncle."

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Shep to Mrs. Conover: "How was school today?" He is so freaking adorable!

I learned from Bethenny on RHONY that "plus one's don't get a plus one!"  But I guess since Shep is just that adorable, he gets a pass at dinner.  


Oh Whitney, you slimy slithery snake.  He loves to watch people squirm.  I loved how Craig's dad immediately looked at Whitney and Shep's faces for a tell when the mom asked about Craig's job.  They were stone faced and it was hilarious.  His parents seem so sweet but Craig's feelings of shame for letting them down could be a downward spiral for him.  


When looking at baby pics on the wall, Craig didn't think Whitney had any because cameras weren't invented then, but there may be an oil painting lying around.  Ha!  They all make cracks about Whitney's age….I'm dying to know just how old he is!!  

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Whitney will be 47 in June.




Oh Whitney, you slimy slithery snake.  He loves to watch people squirm.


People sometimes say mean things in anger to their friends, but Whitney has a really nasty, vicious streak.  Just ugly (and with the stubble, a different kind of ugly).


I like Shep a lot, for many of the reasons you all have mentioned, but I find his amilessness a turnoff; just can't get over that.  I hope he finds more to get excited about in life than drink, sleep in, play sports and run a hot dog joint.

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Oh yeah, there are tons of guys like that here in NYC.  They're called waiters. Me thinks Craig is gonna have to scale his hoity-toidy attitude way the fuck down & face reality.  Er, I mean REAL reality.  Sure, he can gulp down the cocktails, but he's also gonna have to serve 'em too.


Except Craig IS already on a TV show ...and DOES have a platform he can launch from...however he would choose to do that:

--Nene Leakes -- what the hell did SHE have before her TV show?

--Bethenney Frnakel

-- Kim Kolciak-Bierman


It's not like it doesn't have all he needs to make him self even more famous and RICH.

IF he works it .....he can rake in quite a bit of bank. But he will have to have at least some hustle about it. I don't think Tyson Beckford is exactly broke.


Heck, Elisabeth Hasslebeck of "The View" started out on a reality show.

There's no limit to what Craig COULD launch himself to....if he hustles.......just a little bit.

Again, he'll have an agent and business manager....he just has to deliver.....

Edited by selhars
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Who has said that?  I certainly didn't say that or even imply it cuz I don't believe that for a second.  Just don't think Shep would make for a great boyfriend.  And that's it.  It's OK to have different opinions.  I'm not overly impressed with Shep, but I hope I'm not gonna be attacked for daring to think this.

Meh, you used the term "rotten history," which, in my perspective, is saying more than he's bad boyfriend material, and I was trying to find out what you considered a rotten history to be. Others have the opinion that Shep is aimless, etc, or implied that he is not responsible, so that last part was more in response to that, not necessarily your post.

One less person in love with Shep shortens the line for the rest of us, lol.

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Except Craig IS already on a TV show ...and DOES have a platform he can launch from...however he would choose to do that:

--Nene Leakes -- what the hell did SHE have before her TV show?

--Bethenney Frnakel

-- Kim Kolciak-Bierman



Thanks for the giggle.  You've named a teeny-tiny few reality peeps that have done well.  How the heck is Craig gonna make "millions" as a model in Charleston?  That's not gonna happen.  And most reality show peeps make very little & go onto absolutely nothing showbiz related.  If he wants to pursue showbiz, then he's gotta go to NY or LA, to make any money at it.  And most male models don't make much -- and the ones that do are in NY or LA or Europe -- not Charleston.  


Anyhoo, what's wrong with being a waiter or bartender?  He needs to earn a living & face reality.  He's not the trust-funder/heirs-to-fortunes these guys he's hanging out with are.  He can still be near the cocktails he seems to like so much.  He can drink 'em & serve 'em.  Sounds like a good fit to me.


People sometimes say mean things in anger to their friends, but Whitney has a really nasty, vicious streak.  Just ugly (and with the stubble, a different kind of ugly).



Yeah, that's why I was cringing at that scene with Craig's parents & Whit making all those cracks.  It was coming from such an evil place -- quite the opposite of his claims of being "helpful" & "concerned".  It was evil & nasty & kicking someone when they're down.  Whitney sucks.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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One less person in love with Shep shortens the line for the rest of us, lol.



Really?  Is the line that long?  Saying this shrugging really, really hard & extremely puzzled.  Like I said, I think he seems like a fun guy to hang with, but I'm fascinated by all the love here for him.  All I see is those big fake teeth & bugged-out eyes & a tall gangly dude.  But if you say he has been a faithful boyfriend in the past, I agree that's a big plus.  But his lack of ambition & sleeping till noon every day would drive me nuts & be a deal-breaker for me -- so different strokes, I guess.

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I was a little taken aback when the normally impeccably-mannered Shep invited his friend to the gathering without prior permission. Of course the Conover's were gracious hosts....what choice did they have at that point?

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I love that Cameran actually took Craig to McDonald's. That was awesome. 


I think Craig might be better off moving back to Delaware. I can imagine how tough it would be to always be the bright, shining star of the group and then suddenly be in a situation where you're the "underdog." Not that he deserves legit sympathy because I would call that a first-world problem, but in his situation where he's hanging out with Shep and Whitney and other trust-fund babies...it can't be easy. I did think it was sweet when he told Shep and Whit that he wants to make them proud. I bet he will be OK eventually when he grows up a little. 26 in a party town like Charleston is still very young. 


I'll always love Patricia but damn if she thinks Larissa wants anything to do with her douchey son. Zero chemistry there. She'll have to burn all those scrapbooks. Maybe she can build a firepit near the pet cemetery?

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I don't know what he is but let's not forget he had sex with Kathryn before Thomas hit it.....

Actually Whitney had sex with Kathryn after T-Rav did. When it came out that they slept together, Kathryn's big explanation was, "What did you expect?! You LEFT ME!!!" Shep was before both of them. But I do think Craig was accurate when he said all 3 (including back to number 2) within 3-4 weeks.

I think Whitney is a vile person and a terrible friend, but I do think that most (a lot? some?) of it is for the show. It's HIS show. If he doesn't stir up the drama, who will? Of course he's going to go to DE to break the news to Craig's parents on camera. Just like the firing itself was pre-planned. Why else would the cameras be waiting at Akim's house? They don't have a camera following their every moment. Every filmed scene is pre-planned. Maybe that's why Craig kept saying that we decided to part ways, etc. Yet, he did go from looking smug to crestfallen in an instant, so it wouldn't surprise me if Akim and production/Whitney planned the firing and Craig didn't know in advance.

Edited by JenE4
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How the heck is Craig gonna make "millions" as a model in Charleston?  That's not gonna happen.




Exactly.  Charleston is not overflowing with opportunities like that. Sure, he has time to recover, I guess, from messing up, but he doesn't seem self-motivated at this point. Maybe he's burnt out, maybe he doesn't love law, whatever.  Being cast on a reality show is probably not conducive to the self-motivation you need to study for the bar. I imagine that if he does pass the bar, and get a credible job, will he have to choose between the show and his career? I would think so.  So maybe he's putting it all off to ride the Southern Charm train.  I'm surprised he's not looking to find a rich girl version of Shep or Whitney who would be willing to marry him and give him access to the kind of life he sees.





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Craig didn't think Whitney had any because cameras weren't invented then, but there may be an oil painting lying around


That was Craig's best line of the season.


I think Craig will be fine. He should take his old boss' advice and make some new friends that have normal jobs. This show getting cancelled would probably be the best thing to happen to him right now (although I hope that doesn't happen!!).  He probably would have taken the bar and stayed at his job if he didn't have the chance to do this show.  He says he is taking the bar in July...as long as he does, I think he is going to be fine.


Reasonable people with loving supportive families do not make good reality tv - looking forward to the hot mess Kathryn and Whitney fight in Georgia next week!

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Whitney was a total asshole at Craig's parents. I felt like Craig's father was occasionally looking at him thinking, " hmm, Craig has a father and doesn't need a creepy uncle."

Sooooo true. His dad's thought bubble was really clear. 10% worry about his son & 90% WTF'ery about the clear & present weirdo.

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Idk about being any kind of risk, but I can certainly see him as NOT being boyfriend material -- at all.  He's aimless, he strikes me as cheap, he's got a rotten history with women & doesn't seem like he'd be especially attentive either.  Ladies, please get past the cuteness (not so much to me cuz I can't stand his bug eyes & big fake teeth) & please see him for what he is.  I'm just not seeing what would be appealing about him as a boyfriend.  Not much -- as smart gal Jackie saw right away & didn't wanna waste her time.--ScoobieDoobs


Oh thank God, ScoobieDoobs!  I was beginning to think I'd lost the last bit of female hormones that are hanging by a thread as Shep turns me off in a big way.  Reading these gushing litanies of praise and the longings of my fellow commenters for Shep to come eat crackers in their beds any time! just baffle me.  I have no trouble tolerating him as one of the personalities on this show, but I could not be more disinterested in him as a man as I view him as just the way you describe.

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I agree with this.  I can't picture anybody, male or female having sex with Whitney.  I know Kathryn did but...exactly how drunk was she when that happened.  Something about him just grosses me out, he's like a live Ken doll to me.




I liken him to a fey version of Patrick Bateman. His mother, the lady of the 'manor', will have kids before Whitney gives her a grandchild. 

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With his charisma, perhaps he should be the one pursuing politics instead of poor delusional Thomas.



I have totally been thinking that. Shep for President!


I love that Cameran actually took Craig to McDonald's. That was awesome.



She already knew he'd left home without his wallet! Smart girl...

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Oh thank God, ScoobieDoobs!  I was beginning to think I'd lost the last bit of female hormones that are hanging by a thread as Shep turns me off in a big way.  Reading these gushing litanies of praise and the longings of my fellow commenters for Shep to come eat crackers in their beds any time! just baffle me.  I have no trouble tolerating him as one of the personalities on this show, but I could not be more disinterested in him as a man as I view him as just the way you describe.


I'm with you!  I think he'd be fun to hang around with, or fun to have a platonic date with, but he turned me off way back in season 1 when he was whining about wanting constant massages from Danni.  Just, no.

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I was a little taken aback when the normally impeccably-mannered Shep invited his friend to the gathering without prior permission. Of course the Conover's were gracious hosts....what choice did they have at that point?


I wondered if maybe Shep had cleared the extra guest with Craig first, but just wanted to get the okay from his parents.  


I think that Shep is a very gracious guest, and he is an adorable charmer!!  He seems to have matured some since last season.


Whitney, on the other hand, is acting like a grumpy, old curmudgeon this season.  His "well meaning" and "caring" attitude is coming from a place of nasty.  I get the feeling that Whitney is not too satisfied with his own life.

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1) I didn’t say or even imply EVERY, or even most, reality stars go on to fame and fortune – they don’t. I was talking about what’s POSSIBLE. (IF Craig works for it)

2) Who said anything about him staying in Charleston? There are PLENTY of actors and models who don’t live in NY or LA. There’s no reason he can’t live in Charleston and go back and forth for calls  gigs. He could have a “second home base” in NY and hit Charleston every weekend if he wants.

3) One signing as the face of a designer fragrance, could get him some bucks  Heck, Vera Wang just came out with a new line of men’s formal wear for weddings, he could get a gig like that…..There’s no shortage of gigs he could get. And the right collaborator might WANT HIM -- because he IS on a reality TV show. So it’s not like it can’t be done…..


   ….as long as he’s willing to HUSTLE  even just a little bit-- and that’s that question -- and willing go where the gigs are – he COULD make millions. Yes, indeed, he could. Working toward the right endorsement contract will take care of that.


   Do male models make as much as females? I already said they don’t. But WITHOUT AIDED RECALL I thought of these male models: Mark Venderloo, Tyson Beckford, Dijmon Housou, Marcus Schenenberg, Gabriel Aubry. (Maybe most people couldn't name ANY male model, but, yes I heard of them outside of any relationships they may or may not have had with other famous people)  And I think they could afford any kind of lifestyle Craig might want live by hanging with Shep. I’m NOT saying those models have as much money as Shep or Whitney, I’m saying if they all went out no one would have to pick up their tab.


My POINT WAS…if Nene and Kim Kolciak and the others can parlay their little bit of NOTHING to work with…into bigger money…..there’s no reason Craig can’t ….when he’s got more going for him to START WITH.


What he needs is agent to kick him in the butt….He’s got the smarts and good looks…for heaven’s sake. The problem is …his lack of hustle.

An agent will bust his/her a$$ for you, IF they know you will show up be professional and can deliver the goods. It’s not Craig’s potential that’s the problem…. it’s his work ethic.


Since he IS gorgeous, AND doesn’t want a 9-5 office gig…he needs to work what he’s got. THAT is what he’s not doing. 

I’m not saying modeling is EASY…I said Craig COULD be successful at it, and use THAT to get the kind of money he wants to have.

Edited by selhars
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I have a slightly different take on Whitney's behavior. It was uncouth and embarrassing, for sure. I cringed as I watched. But I think he's extremely uncomfortable outside of his little domain and he doesn't have the skills to be a regular guy and integrate himself into a new environment. He adopts a persona - in this case he tried to be a wise, supporting friend - and can't carry it off. It veers off into all kinds of weirdness. Under pressure, he falls back on nastiness and an inflated sense of his own worth. I blame That Mother.


I think Craig handled it very well; he didn't fly into a rage or escalate the drama. He was showing true respect for his parents by doing that. Hopefully he'll listen to his parents' counsel about not drinking to excess, because they reminded him that alcoholism runs in the family. I think Craig will settle down if he has to - if no glamorous entertainment offers surface - and find his way. In the end, he has to pay the bills.


I've never been attracted to Shep, but I really like his manners, level-headedness and quick wit. He's clearly well-educated, which is a plus. Thomas is also capable of that kind of charm when he's not being a drunken ass. These are the two I'd love to have a meal with.


I'm disappointed that the show is giving us too much Craig drama and Kathryn/Thomas drama. That's not what I want to watch at the end of a busy work day. I originally loved this show because it was the anti-Bravo show.

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Woah with the cheering on of Craig to a career as a MALE MODEL. Talk about a douchebag career, sorry. If he throws a law school degree away to pursue modeling...all I can say is WOW. Even Shep knew it was cheesy as hell as he opted out of Cooper's fashion show. Just so lame but Craig is very shallow and that would be his thing.


His parents seemed really nice, and like good people. It's kind of too bad he went to Charleston and got into the trust-fund crowd because now it's derailing him. It can't be easy hanging around people like Thomas, Shep and Whitney that don't have to work for a living. He would do better to find people like himself-as Akim pointed out.


It's funny that Danni and Kathryn are buddies. Does Danni ever ponder that it could easily have been HER  living the domestic life with TRav, changing diapers and cooking salmon to be ready promptly at 6 pm and folding his underwear?



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Danni's objection to dating Thomas was that she'd have a problem being married to someone who was a convicted felon with a record. That doesn't seem to faze Kathryn.

Danni is probably thanking her lucky stars every day that she has a good head on her shoulders.

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Woah with the cheering on of Craig to a career as a MALE MODEL. Talk about a douchebag career, sorry. If he throws a law school degree away to pursue modeling...all I can say is WOW. Even Shep knew it was cheesy as hell as he opted out of Cooper's fashion show. Just so lame but Craig is very shallow and that would be his thing.


His parents seemed really nice, and like good people. It's kind of too bad he went to Charleston and got into the trust-fund crowd because now it's derailing him. It can't be easy hanging around people like Thomas, Shep and Whitney that don't have to work for a living. He would do better to find people like himself-as Akim pointed out.


It's funny that Danni and Kathryn are buddies. Does Danni ever ponder that it could easily have been HER  living the domestic life with TRav, changing diapers and cooking salmon to be ready promptly at 6 pm and folding his underwear?


I agree that it would be douche-tastic for Craig to give up everything he's worked so hard for to try to be a male model.  And let's face it, isn't he a little old to just start breaking into modeling?  I thought most models aged out of the industry by their late 20s...  he's already 27. 


But I disagree that it's the Charleston trust-fund crowd that has gotten Craig off path. He seemed to be working hard up until this past season. In my opinion, it's being on a reality TV show and letting "fame" get to his head.   

Edited by Duke2801
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As much as I really don't like Whitney.... what he did at Craig's parents' actually did some good. Whitney and Shep were feeling super awkward about the whole situation... no one felt they could be THAT honest with Craig about his behavior.... so with Whitney dropping those bombs it made Craig mad.... and thankfully Craig appears to be the type that is able to express his feelings so they all go into it on the golf course and it ended with a really good outcome.  Otherwise Craig would still be hiding it from his parents and everyone would still be tip-toeing around him.


We'll see if his attitude changes in the upcoming episodes.... I expect not but it seems like a lot of what was said needed to get off everyone's chest.

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Whitney being a douche aside, I found it interesting in his talking head that Craig basically said "I'm ticked at Whitney for saying something to my parents, if he was worried he could have come to me directly and I would have listened". But we all know Shep did try to come to him directly and he blew him off and ignored his input. So while Whitney did what he did out of evil intent, I do think Craig's parents are the only ones he will listen to so maybe it was for the best.

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Since he IS gorgeous, AND doesn’t want a 9-5 office gig…he needs to work what he’s got. THAT is what he’s not doing.

I’m not saying modeling is EASY…I said Craig COULD be successful at it, and use THAT to get the kind of money he wants to have.




Thanks for more chuckles & giggles.  I think Craig has a better chance of winning the lottery or getting hit by lightning in his messy high-rent room, than he does of succeeding as a model or actor or reality show cast-member.  In any case, if he were my brother or son, I'd tell him, "Look, you have to find a way to pay your rent & make your way on your own right now."  If he wants to stay in Charleston, he can stay on the show.  The problem for him is the show doesn't pay much.  Bravo is notoriously cheap to newbie members of its shows.  Bethenny has said she made only 7 thou in her first season.  The cast of Vanderpump Rules has said they make about 50 thou each for an entire season -- and they've been on for 3 seasons.


Dreams are a lovely thing.  But what about surviving day-to-day?  And just how is Craig supposed to survive while striving to be Nene or Tyson Beckford?  Wonder how long his parents will fund his ass.  Buckling down, taking the bar & finding a job as a lawyer is his best option.  But only if he's motivated to do this.  Maybe he just doesn't want to be a lawyer or he's not ready to study for the bar.  It's OK if he if isn't or he realizes he may not want to be a lawyer.  But he's not in the same position as the heirs/trust-funders.  His parents are probably not in the position to fund his ass forever, so he's gotta figure out a way to support himself.


Still say it would make for a fun storyline for him to be serving up cocktails to the gang here.


But I disagree that it's the Charleston trust-fund crowd that has gotten Craig off path. He seemed to be working hard up until this past season. In my opinion, it's being on a reality TV show and letting "fame" get to his head.



Yeah, but I also think hanging with this crowd has really screwed his head up.  I don't fault him on that at all.  It's very, very easy for it to happen.  But at a certain point, reality sets in & it's very harsh when it does.  But it will happen.  Seems to be happening to him right now.  He is definitely NOT one of them.  And Whit seems to cruelly enjoy shoving the knife into Craig to give him the loud & clear message he isn't one of them.  


I don't believe for one second Whit's motivation was to help Craig, with his comments to Craig's parents.  His only purpose was drive in the point that he is rich & Craig is not.  Whit is a POS.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Whitney is a mean guy underneath. In the kitchen at Craig's parent's house he said to Craig's mom, "would you like to see Craig settled down with a nice girl?" and the mom kind of lit up and said, "yes, I'm surrounded by men..." and then Whitney has to land the jab of, "yea, that won't be happening for awhile."


I don't care for Craig at all but Whitney was an asshole there. Yea, Craig isn't settling down anytime soon...but so what? He is 26!! What is Whitney's excuse at age 46??!!  Not that you have to settle down mind you but why is he making Craig look bad when he himself has no intention of EVER settling down? The Larissa thing is BS. If he was really in love with her there is no way that he could stay away from her like that and see her once every three months. I think he's asexual or bisexual. I still quite honestly can't wrap my head around that Kathryn slept with him. I kind of think Kathryn must get blackout drunk and sleep with almost anyone. Or it was a casting-couch thing like someone said.


That said, Whitney making a small reference to Craig's parents that Craig is slipping a little bit in life might be okay just because he does need to be honest with his parents and get the help he needs.

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What a bizarre trip home for Craig.  First of all, why would he invite Whitney to his parents home?  Whitney must be close to the same age as his parents but even more, Whitney and Craig have never seemed like more than acquaintences.  Shep is very well mannered, and yet, he has to bring a date to dinner?  It looked like he did it just because the other girl he thought was the "one" for a couple of weeks called him on having a reputation.  Note to Shep:  Inviting a random girl to a friend's parents house for dinner only feeds that rumor.  For someone who was raised with a lot of social rules, Whitney doesn't have much class when he's away from his Momma.  Yes, Craig needs a wakeup call, but not at the first dinner of the weekend.


I can't believe that Kathryn's storyline for the entire season is just about waiting for Thomas to come home or calling the nanny so she can go out drinking all night.  How sad.


Speaking of sad, why is Landon on the show?  She's not bringing anything to the table, we know she's divorced and not happy about it, even though she should be?

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I really enjoyed the "golf course intervention" - exactly the kind of place and activity that guys bond around. Also liked Craig's family, and not surprised there is alcoholism there - Craig seems to have the beginnings of a serious problem.

It is Whitney's show, so of course he's going to stir the shit! He's good at it - creepy as it is.

I'm with Cam as far as Shep goes - fun to hang out with but he's not relationship material. Maybe when he's Thomas' age and wants a child, he'll be a better bet.

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I think he's asexual or bisexual. I still quite honestly can't wrap my head around that Kathryn slept with him. I kind of think Kathryn must get blackout drunk and sleep with almost anyone. Or it was a casting-couch thing like someone said.

Honestly starting to question whether they actually slept together. Maybe Kathryn got black-out drunk, passed out at Whitney's and he decided to use it as another opportunity to prove his heterosexuality.
Edited by SweetCaroline
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Whitney being a douche aside, I found it interesting in his talking head that Craig basically said "I'm ticked at Whitney for saying something to my parents, if he was worried he could have come to me directly and I would have listened". But we all know Shep did try to come to him directly and he blew him off and ignored his input. So while Whitney did what he did out of evil intent, I do think Craig's parents are the only ones he will listen to so maybe it was for the best.

It wasn't Whitney's place to say anything to Craig's parents, imo. And I think he only did it to be a dick.

As for Craig's potential modelling career…BWAHAHAHAAAA! He's not nearly good-looking enough to be starting this late in the game. Maybe (and this is a BIG maybe) he can get a couple gigs doing catalogs, but even that is iffy to me. YMMV.

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I'm wondering if he lost his license for some of his "being overserved"? I've never seen him driving on this show, ever. Except the golf cart. Cameran is always giving him a ride.

I've had the same thought. I've also considered he's half lit in most scenes and is dependent on others for transport because of it. And I type this with pinot in the right, phone in the left, no judging, but it would make sense.

Craig has a great support system. I believe he will be ok. Akim did him a favor giving him a negative consequence so young in life. So often we are enabled and able to justify things with job, family, etc. Akim, with wise and good intentions I believe, swiftly kicked him in the ass with reality. And his house was amazing!!!

Also thought Craig's family home was beautiful as were the bits of the town we saw.

I think Whitney (and to a lesser degree Shep) would benefit from a real job. Whitney seems dissatisfied at all times. Though I joke and say I envy cops placed on leave with pay, there is a sense of purpose and contentment with leaving a rough 8 to 10 hour day and going home to relax. I would extend that to stay at home moms when their kids are asleep. A "whew, that was brutal, but this is nice". The times I've taken time off and kind of bummed around and boozed and Netflixed, surprisingly, I'm ready to get back to the grind. It grows old so fast. A bit of sweat on his Vintage Versace doing work to get the restaurant open wouldn't hurt. (If Vintage Versace doesn't exist, thats ok, you get the gist. I wear, gasp! Ann Taylor).

Hate to keep being so serious about such a fun and great show, but it really brings home all the "If I only had" bullshit that can happen. I would argue Patricia isn't happy. The martini maker seems much happier and content.

And Landon needs some fucking therapy. Will she be 75 saying she once had it good and let it all go? 10-4. We get it. Now....move on! Live life! Get a voice coach/speech therapist too if I really had my druthers :)

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Maybe Craig can't afford a car and that's why we don't see him driving.  In my city, you could manage without a car pretty easily.  Is Charleston the kind of city where you can get around ok without a car?

Edited by izabella
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Didn't we see Craig drive up to the law office in a previous episode?

Yes, we did, I forgot about that. No idea when that was filmed.

You need a car in Charleston. There's no train system and people live all over. My friend lives in Mt. Pleasant, another lives on one of the islands.

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I was beginning to think I'd lost the last bit of female hormones that are hanging by a thread as Shep turns me off in a big way.  Reading these gushing litanies of praise and the longings of my fellow commenters for Shep to come eat crackers in their beds any time! just baffle me.  I have no trouble tolerating him as one of the personalities on this show, but I could not be more disinterested in him as a man as I view him as just the way you describe.


I'm with you as well as I find nothing interesting or endearing about Shep and I just don't get the love.  Outcasts unite!


I finally saw this episode and Whitney, you're a dick.  Enough said.

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Honestly starting to question whether they actually slept together. Maybe Kathryn got black-out drunk, passed out at Whitney's and he decided to use it as another opportunity to prove his heterosexuality.


A lightbulb went off over my head when I read this!  oh, Sweet Caroline,I like your theory. Katherine originally denied sleeping with him. At that dinner party when Craig said she slept with three people at the table she asked him to name them. And there was something off about Whit's confession to Thomas about it.  

Maybe she was passed out, didn't remember what happened, (Nothing) and Whit lied about it. She finally convinced herself that it must have since Whit "admitted" it to Thomas. I like it. 


And to stay on this topic thread, Whit is an ass. Love that Shep knows how to act around moms. Also loved that Craig's parents never missed a bite of crab while dishing out the advice. 

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With the right lighting and enough Photoshop work, Craig could model for JC Penney.


He's looking very haggard this season. At this point the Penny's weekly might be stretching it. I can't remember what he looked like during the first season, but I'm imagining he appeared to at least look his age. 

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It is hard to believe that at his age he's slightly past it, to start modeling, but he is.  What's his height?  If he's under 6 ft., he could forget about it completely.  All agencies would reject him right away.  He could give it a shot & hit the agencies in NYC & Miami.  You pretty much know right away if it's gonna happen or not.

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With the right lighting and enough Photoshop work, Craig could model for JC Penney.

Craig's a Vineyard's Vine kind of guy.  I don't see any serious modeling opportunities for Craig - he's too skinny, not very handsome, and has bad skin.  Yea, I think he could parlay his SoCharm exposure and make a few bucks but he'd be best off finishing his partying and figure out what he wants to do.


Loved Craig's parents and dog.  Didn't mind Whitney outing Craig but thought he could have done it more directly. The snarks just put everyone in an uncomfortable situation.


I don't mind K's hair - real or enhanced. 

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The drinking is only a symptom of Craig's issue. That boy is just oozing textbook depression. It's also the weight loss, the messy apartment, the oversleeping, the loss of drive...I feel really bad for him. I also feel bad for laughing my ass off when Whitney was making everyone squirm at the family dinner :-/.

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I caught a rerun today and episodes are being edited after they've aired!   My favorite part of the last episode (which I commented on) was when Shep hit Craig under the table after he cut off Patricia's story.  It wasn't there when I watched the rerun this morning!  The editing monkeys got rid of it.  I'm so intrigued by this; I wonder why they would do that, in that particular scene, and who was behind it being cut?


Craig has always been dull as dirt to me, but his partying has definitely taken a toll on his looks.  Now Kensington Ravenel….she has a future as a model---she is such a beautiful baby! 

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