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S01.E06: Virtual Reality Bites

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Liv, Clive, and Ravi work together to investigate the murder of a computer-hacker. Liv inherits intense agoraphobia after consuming his brains along with mad skills at computer gaming. This delights Ravi, who urges her to play and offers to help her from inside the game, as they continue to search for the killer. Meanwhile, Blaine becomes acquainted with someone close to Liv.




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As usual depictions of games on TV make me cringe, though post gamergate I can't say depictions of gamers do anymore.  Interesting they could mention Diablo III, but not World of Warcraft, another Blizzard property.  I guess because gameplay was a plot element it makes sense.


Clever murder weapon, though I imagine it's based on a real case?  I know TV loves creative ways of getting peanuts to those with peanut allergies, but that was pretty neat.


I think it's a good thing we're getting more scenes without Liv and we're developing characters who are not her a little better besides how they play off of her.  Major is not interesting yet, but I don't think he's dull like Duncan.


Concerned Major gets too close to Blaine, who is impressed and zombifies him, creating a viable love triangle for Liv which blargh.

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Huh, so Clive's boss is a zombie? Or they really want us to think he is, with the 'new diet' and the clipping his nails. Also the hot sauce in the drawer. Zed or not, he's definitely a jerk. :P


Sorry everyone, wrong episode, my bad.

Edited by Saje
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Farewell, Jackie. He may have made you a corpse -- twice -- but he would have never made you a whore.



I really liked the episode, especially Liv on meds. Rose McIver is excellent. 


The plot is finally thickening, what with Blaine connecting with the Moores, Clive meeting Blaine, and Liv and Ravi figuring out Blaine's behind the missings. The brains are about to hit the fan. 


I'm really happy we finally have an answer about Lowell's feeding habits, but I'm not sure he told the truth. Still, my shipping, shallow heart loved all the scenes between Liv and him.


Did they just imply Liv's mum is a zombie, too? I kind of feel like that would be overkill. Pun intended.


Also: "You're a trollock." "I'm a Polish troll?" Bless.


ETA: David Anders is terrific as Blaine. When he rang on Jackie's doorbell, complete with the eye protector-thingy, you just knew what was going to happen. What a fine, fine villain.

Edited by CinnamonCat
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No, Liv's mother is buying meat from the butchershop, not brains. Which means she is likely an unwitting cannibal at this point (the shot of the back room when Clive dropped by implies really strongly that they are disposing of the bodies by selling them..) but not a zombie. 

Well, at least Liv did check up on how Lowell got brains - and must say, so much smarter about it than Blaine is. And Blaine's empire of murder is now known to Liv and Ravi. Moving plot along nicely here, so looking forward to seeing what they are going to do about it. 


The case of the week was entertaining, although it does occur to me that getting a jury to convict the murderer is not a slam dunk. Noone likes trolls, so non-zero odds of getting a "Needed killing" verdict. 


No Peyton, which makes me sad. 

Edited by Izeinwinter
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I think I'm going to take a break from shopping at the local butcher shop after watching this episode.

I don't understand why Blaid hired a non-zombie delivery guy. It seems like a risk that the guy could find out what's going on from working there.

Since they didn't mention human remains in list of things in the dead guy's stomach so maybe Blaine isn't serving human meat to regular customers. This is what I am going to tell myself over and over until I believe it.

Liv has so much better chemistry with the new guy than she does with Major.

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I don't understand why Blaid hired a non-zombie delivery guy. It seems like a risk that the guy could find out what's going on from working there.

Since they didn't mention human remains in list of things in the dead guy's stomach so maybe Blaine isn't serving human meat to regular customers. This is what I am going to tell myself over and over until I believe it.

But what use would be turning a poor teen into a zombie? Teens are still underdeveloped and unpredictable, probably worse as zombies. Plus he can't make money off the kid and it'd just be another mouth to feed. It makes sense for the zombie gym rats, because zombie strength plus actual muscle is useful for intimidation purposes. 

What I don't get is why kill Jackie since she was still making him a lot of money, despite one dead kid. Plus she was loyal, in that she told him about the two meatheads' attempt at stealing his business. How's her disappearance going to go unnoticed is what I want to know. 

I don't think Blain will do anything to Liv's brother, if he ends up working there, that is until he finds out he's Liv's brother. Then he'll probably use his proximity as leverage somehow. 

This episode made Liv's mom seem less two dimensional, which was nice. She's a bit vain, but she cares about her kids wellbeing. I wonder what happened to Liv's dad though.

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They got me with the Major fake out at the beginning, I really thought he was dead. Another good episode I thought, but I do want Major to find out about zombies. 


I don't understand why Blaid hired a non-zombie delivery guy. It seems like a risk that the guy could find out what's going on from working there.


But he wouldn't be tasting the wares. Plus, if he zombied his delivery guys, then they would have to come up with an explanation as to why he doesn't do it when Liv's brother starts working there.

Edited by GaT
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I know murder is wrong and I don't condone it in any way but the hacker guy was fricken horrible for what he did to that poor girl he ruined her life and practically drove her to suicide, after learning all that I was kinda hoping that her brother got away with it.

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I kind of see why he killed Jackie. I'm sure he intended to put a scare into her by not getting her the brains, and instead she ate his delivery boy. She's rich, she's connected, she's willing to hunt for her own food, and she lied to him. All of that makes her a real danger to him.

I haven't decided about the mom character yet, because I can't figure out if it's the character or all the other annoying characters the actress has played.

Bradley James is swoony.

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Thought there was actually a lot of good development in this one; especially with the Blaine stuff.  It seems like everyone is getting closer to his game.  Obviously, the front-runners are both Liv and Ravi, who know who he is already.  Then there is Major who has a picture of him, and will no doubt keep digging in.  And even Clive is now looking into the murder of the delivery boy (thanks, Jackie!), and got to meet Blaine face-to-face, which was pretty cool.  Wasn't a fan of the whole "gets saved by a last-minute phone call" bit.  A bit too common of a trope for me.


We didn't see much of him, but the "victim" was played by Chris Gauthier, who plays Smee on Once Upon A Time which had both Rose McIver and David Anders in it, of course.  This time around, this was definitely one of those cases were the victim really was an asshole, and I kind of felt bad for the killer.  Judging from their reactions, I don't think Liv and Clive looked too happy about it either.


Agoraphobia Liv, with mad hacker and gaming skills, might be my favorite.  And, the Live on meds scene: great stuff from Rose McIver again.  I'm just glad she didn't absorb the guy's attitude.  Like with most show, the gaming stuff was typical cliches, that sometimes made me laugh, and other times made me roll my eyes.  At least they have both Major and especially Ravi be gamers, so they aren't into the whole "All gamers are assholes" stuff.  But, of course, they just had to break out the Mountain Dew and Cheetos.  I wonder how that works with zombies and weight gain.  That's probably more calories then normal for Liv.


I also felt like that, while Liv and her visions/zombie skills still played a factor, Clive actually did a lot on his own as well with the case.  I'm glad that he does seem to be a decent detective, and he isn't just a guy who got lucky Liv is around.


It felt like we got a bunch of Liv/Ravi/Clive stuff, which I really enjoyed.  I'm really digging this trio.


Liv's love life isn't on top of my list, but I continue to enjoy Lowell, mainly because of Bradley James.  I thought he not only brought the charm again, but sold the awkwardness and embarrassment, when he got rejected.  And, I didn't feel like he blamed Liv for it, but was really more mad at himself for going too fast.  Wouldn't be surprised if there is a twist down the line that ruins this, but he's still good in my book.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Blaine's empire of murder is bonkers.


This is not a complaint. It's a brand of idiocy which is, given the situation, completely credible. This is what a minor pusher would do with these super powers. Is it the best way to monetize the abilities he has? Hell to the no. Is it what he would think of doing? Sure. 


What I am looking forward to is what Liv and Ravi are going to do to clean this mess up, because they really cannot ignore it. 


I missed Peyton, and hope Liv remembers to clean the place up before she gets back. 


I also loved it very much when Liv cut short her bullshit sickie phone message message with the realization "What am I doing, I can just tell the truth". That was a priceless subversion of all the tropes about keeping romantic interests in the dark that plague genre shows. 


Lowell dropping by to be constructively helpful and respect boundaries made me like him a whole bunch. This show does really astonishingly well on the healthy relationships front - not just romantically, but in general.  Tough, his income must have taken one heck of a hit. A musician who cant give live shows is a musician with a dying career, in general, not to mention the minor fact that income from preforming is far more important than income from sales. 

Edited by Izeinwinter
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I'm enjoying Major and Ravi's friendship. It actually makes Major somewhat interesting, which is a feat. I also really like Liv, Clive and Ravi working together. The cases of the week on this show are meh but the characters really shine.

It appears Blaine's brain delivery service is about to explode, which is not a surprise. It will be interesting to see how this ends up, especially if Liv's brother becomes his next deliveryman.

Loved Liv with Lowell -- "Wait, I can just tell you the truth." A good start to a healthy relationship when you don't lie to the other person! Also Lowell dropped by to see how Liv was doing and Liv went to see him in the end and they were honest and nice to each other. Of course that probably means they're doomed. I think someone last week said Lowell could be Troy to Liv's Veronica and I had the same thought. But please let Lowell hang about a bit more and not be a douche because I like him.

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I would be okay with Lowell and Liv not working out romantically for several different reasons, but I hope doesn't end up being a Troy situation where he is totally playing her. As much as I love her relationship with Ravi and how accepting/supportive he is of her, I really like that she and Lowell can relate to each other as zombies dealing with the practicalities of zombie life. For that reason alone, I hope he sticks around in some capacity whether they end up dating or not.


Ha, as soon as Jackie opened the door and Blaine was standing there with a drill, I thought well, it was nice knowing you, Jackie! I totally cracked up when he put his safety glasses on. Norm Abrams would be proud.


Ravi's excitement about getting to game with Liv was adorable. Arf Vader!

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I kind of see why he killed Jackie. I'm sure he intended to put a scare into her by not getting her the brains, and instead she ate his delivery boy. She's rich, she's connected, she's willing to hunt for her own food, and she lied to him. All of that makes her a real danger to him.


Jackie killing the delivery boy makes her a liability for Blaine, so I get why he killed her, too. He can't afford too many mistakes.


I also loved it very much when Liv cut short her bullshit sickie phone message message with the realization "What am I doing, I can just tell the truth". That was a priceless subversion of all the tropes about keeping romantic interests in the dark that plague genre shows.


I loved that, too. She practically smacked her forehead. Hee.


I also liked Ravi's "I believe the professional term is 'Bleeuw.'"

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For a change, I like the case. It was all fun and giggles (well, not too much, but there was quite a bit of humor), and then you learn this guy has driven a girl to a suicide. Bastard. I approve the anti-troll/anti-bully message of this episode!


This was a... weird MMO. I'm not sure if the writer just doesn't know much about gaming or if it's an elaborate parody (or both). However, the moment when Liv's all engaged in gaming and her mother walks in and starts to go on how she wants Liv to meet real people, etc. was SO SPOT ON. Seriously, I got shivers. As a gamer without much social interaction, this is basically how my teenage years went. And also, the whole idea with gold farmers and teenage gamers making idiotic threats like "I'll find you in real life!" are also pretty realistic, it happens all the time.


Ravi was on fire this episode. Can't wait for him to get more development, though. It would make an already fun character truly compelling.


Liv/Major still don't work for me, and now I'm quite sure never will. Oh, Rob Thomas, you and your boring nice guys obsession. 


Loved the Blaine/Clive scene. I really want more of Blaine interacting with the main cast, he's way too isolated in his own storyline. I guess we'll see him more in the rest of the episodes, though (can't believe we're almost halfway past the season). And also loved Rose McIver, she really sells everything that's being thrown at Liv. She's a treasure.


A minor nitpick: while it's commonly thought that "Ring Around The Rosie" is about the Black Plague, it's not very likely and has never been proven, AFAIK.

Edited by FurryFury
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Well, I thought from the preview we were going to learn that old brains fermented and that Liv was drunk on brain-ahol, instead of just strung out on anti-anxiety meds.

So there was that disappointment.


But overall I really enjoyed the episode. From the minor Major fakeout (to mirror the more major Major fakeout at the end of the last episode) at the beginning through to the very creepy hungry look in Blaine's eyes while talking to Liv's mom at the end. (side note! Does Blaine know that's Liv's mom? He doesn't, right?)

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Well, I think Blaine killing Jackie was a bit of killing the goose that pays him 25K a month. Is his gourmet brains business so well established that he can pay for his own esthetician? If so, well done Blaine. Can I just say when he is gets into that charming-sociopath mode is when I love him the most?


I like that the players seem to be coming together quasi-organically. Ravi moving in with Major, Liv's brother (probably) working for Blaine. Clive picking up on something not kosher at the Meat Cute. Slowly weaving the lost boys (Major and Blaine) into the police story (Ravi/Clive and Liv)

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My DVR acts up with CW shows -- flashes black, stutters and skips, etc. -- so maybe I missed it.  How did Jackie dispose of the delivery boy's body?  Where was the body found?  Who was the headless body that had been mauled by a bear?  A bear? 

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I also loved it very much when Liv cut short her bullshit sickie phone message message with the realization "What am I doing, I can just tell the truth". That was a priceless subversion of all the tropes about keeping romantic interests in the dark that plague genre shows.


ITA with this sentiment. Especially coming after a show that is kind of swimming in that trope.

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The delivery boy became the headless body. It appears she took his head off with a claw hammer and left his body in bear territory in the hope of it getting eaten. Which: Just terrible plan. But hey, fashion trend setter, not a criminal mastermind. 

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Do we have any reason to think that Blaine knows who he's providing a job application for? That would be really Machievellian (sp) if so.


I'm really hoping Lowell isn't Blaine's undercover agent. A guy who really is as good as he seems and not set up as the safe, boring choice could start a whole new trope.

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I know murder is wrong and I don't condone it in any way but the hacker guy was fricken horrible for what he did to that poor girl he ruined her life and practically drove her to suicide, after learning all that I was kinda hoping that her brother got away with it.

Yeah, this needed more of a "justice is done?" ending than it got, especially since the cops were clearly useless at finding this guy and stopping all his criminal harassment.


Liv's voice over about a life lesson of moving on after a tragedy like the brother should have done was a real false note. 


If you really need to put her and Lowell together at the end of the episode, how about just "Well that sucked, I need something to cheer me up after that one."

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No, it's a fair question. Precisely because she *did* have minions. And the kind of minions a fashion guru has will generally not be up for body disposal, being more the "Scream loudly and call cops"  kind of person. But it appears she managed to avoid being spotted. I mean on the practical level - sure, she could manhandle the corpse, but the fact that she managed to get it out of a penthouse apartment in a nice building and into the woods is not an entirely trivial feat. Guessing, I would say that people were just very used to her toting enormous packages around (filled with clothes and art) and didn't guess "Body" because she was manhandling it with no apparent strain. 


Re: "discussion of justice": The logical person for her to have that discussion with would be Peyton. Who was out of town this week. 

I have no idea what kind of time the perpetrator of the week is realistically looking at tough. I mean, legally, its a clear cut case of "Murder one" so you could throw the book, but if you take it to a jury trial with that motive and that victim, you run a pretty high risk of the jury just refusing to convict. Which would be embarrassing as hell. 

Edited by Izeinwinter
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I mean on the practical level - sure, she could manhandle the corpse, but the fact that she managed to get it out of a penthouse apartment in a nice building and into the woods is not an entirely trivial feat. Guessing, I would say that people were just very used to her toting enormous packages around (filled with clothes and art) and didn't guess "Body" because she was manhandling it with no apparent strain.

Her very nice penthouse apartment probably has a parking garage and if Jackie did all the grunt work in the wee hours of the morning, it isn't likely that anyone would've seen her.

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Please don't ruin Lowell, writers! He is awesome and Liv needs someone she can relate to. Plus I get Bradley James back on my screen! I did feel bad for Major- that look on his face when Ravi told him Liv wasn't alone was heartbreaking.

That dead guy was an ass- I was cheering for the killer at the end.

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I did feel bad for Major- that look on his face when Ravi told him Liv wasn't alone was heartbreaking.


Major has seen other women and didn't seem too upset that Liv found out, so it shouldn't come as a shock to him that she might see other men. Anyway, they broke up. He doesn't get to judge.

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Major has seen other women and didn't seem too upset that Liv found out, so it shouldn't come as a shock to him that she might see other men. Anyway, they broke up. He doesn't get to judge.

He didn't, though. Last episode he even told her he knew it was bound to happen, and seemed pretty okay with the idea of her seeing someone else. Of course, if he gives her shit, it'll be a complete different story. But, as it is, he has every right to feel hurt, as long as he doesn't blame Liv for it.

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Like with most show, the gaming stuff was typical cliches, that sometimes made me laugh, and other times made me roll my eyes.  At least they have both Major and especially Ravi be gamers, so they aren't into the whole "All gamers are assholes" stuff.  But, of course, they just had to break out the Mountain Dew and Cheetos.  I wonder how that works with zombies and weight gain.  That's probably more calories then normal for Liv.

Nah, Liv eats Cheetos all the time, specifically the flamin' hot flavor (except that the show has made its own brand: Hellfire Cheezy Puffs).

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Lowell comes off as creepy.  He has that trying too hard feel.  I want to say do people fall for people like that and then remembered good looks and sly charm are quite common in plenty of creeps.   If that is the actor's intent he is doing well.  If it is not, that is a whole other deal. 


Considering all the murder victim did to the guy's sister, I think the prosecutor would rather do a plea bargain than take it to court. 

Edited by dohe
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I'm hoping Lowell's not bad, I like him with Liv. If they need to break up they can just break up, it doesn't need to be a big thing. Then again this tv everything needs to dramatic. I like that she has someone to talk to. I loved her leaving that excuse message only to realize she can tell the truth, then he comes over with some meds because he ate a PTSD brain before and knows how she feels. 


Medicated Liv was also fun, Rose McIver is doing a great job with all the different personalities, while still being Liv. 


More and more people are bound to find about the zombies if Blaine keeps making them and killing people. What is his endgame? 

Edited by Sakura12
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I'm not sure Blain has an endgame right now.  He just established this industry and himself in it, so perhaps later on he will come up with some sort of retirement plan.  Or expansion plan.


I enjoyed the episode. I'm no gamer and I thought they were trying a little too hard to explain online multi-player games, because they aren't really that unknown at this point.  Otherwise, it was fun.  I'm assuming the now deceased delivery boy was someone Blaine met at the skate park but found innocuous enough to employ, while disposable if something went wrong.  It was nice to see the front end of the butcher shop, and the clarification that it serves non-zombies (though it's probably not rabbit!).  I don't think Blaine knows that's Liv's mom, or will realize it's Liv's brother until the job interview, but I have no doubt he'll use him as leverage.  I didn't think Liv's brother was meant to be that young, though.


I like Jackie, but she did break the rules, and in a sufficiently public way to attract Clive.  I knew as soon as she looked out and saw Blaine with safety glasses at his neck that she was toast.


I warmed to Major in this episode.  He made some jokes, took his lumps, and was proactive in his research.  Did anyone else think the kid who initially showed him the videos was a possible zombie?



I also felt like that, while Liv and her visions/zombie skills still played a factor, Clive actually did a lot on his own as well with the case.  I'm glad that he does seem to be a decent detective, and he isn't just a guy who got lucky Liv is around.

This, very much.

Edited by MisterGlass
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While my Troy!Lowell (the theory hasn't left my brain since I brought it up last week) radar pinged extra this week when he revealed where he got his brains, I had the hilarious thought of Blaine gravedigging for brains like he originally did and discovering someone had already gotten the brains pre-burial, which in turn led him to start up the Meat Cute venture, so really, it'd be all Lowell's fault.

Edited by snarkastic
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Finally got to see the episode, and it was another good one!


Yeah, the gamer stuff, kind of stereotypical, but I loved watching Ravi and Liv get super into it. They didn't really seem to go into "video games are evil, and are only played by losers and assholes" territory. It was just the murdered guy, who really did just seem to be awful. I figure the murderer could probably get off relatively light, considering his motives, and how freaking awful and harmful the troll guy was.


Ravi and Major being friends is working out really well, and I like that they are tying Major into the plot, through his job. Plus, it means more Ravi, which is always a good thing. I`m assuming they are eventually going to be Peyton into it more, eventually. 


Liv on drugs is hilarious. Rose McIver is just so dang likable. I love how it never really seems to be a full personality take over when she eats brains, it just affects her skills, and some bits and pieces of her personalty, while not every fully taking over. 


We are actually moving towards Blaine`s evil plot being exposed quicker than I expected. Now he has Clyde/Live/Ravi on his tail, plus Major. I like him as an antagonist, but he needs to be stopped. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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I was wondering how Lowell got the funeral home to agree to give him the brains. He said they'd do it for a price, right? I'm just imagining how the conversation went. Do you just saunter in and say: "Hey, how much can I give you for the brains?" Or was the price negotiated in something other than cash?

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