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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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As I understand (and fellow PTV'ers please correct me if I'm wrong...Stroke Card and all, you know)...


Because of his bite record and the lawsuit, if Animal Control finds out he's in her house, they can come seize him.


And with his record of attacks, I'm assuming it would be straight to the Rainbow Bridge for Kingsley.

Nope.  There has to be a hearing and Kim is alleging that the dog was provoked or in the alternative Alexia technically trespassed.

  • Love 2

This is exactly what I think Kingsley was doing for Kim and she loved it.  She wants to be "protected" and loved at all times, to have someone or something there for her, at all times.  She loved that he was so fiercely protective of her.  He's just another supply to her.  She feeds off of his loyalty towards her and she doesn't give a flying fuck about that dog, or anyone, other than what they can do for her.  

Completely agree.  100%

  • Love 3

I needed this thread after that hot mess. I turned in to watch house and clothes porn, not see a car wreck with a circus sideshow act.

I'm not sure who had it worse tonight, Alexia for being attacked again or Eileen for still being banished to the couch with the screeching harpies?

My son is my son. My dog is my dog. And Kim is better high and crawling around on carpets. 'Sober', she's worse than any one.

Edited by dbell1
  • Love 19

As I understand (and fellow PTV'ers please correct me if I'm wrong...Stroke Card and all, you know)...


Because of his bite record and the lawsuit, if Animal Control finds out he's in her house, they can come seize him.


And with his record of attacks, I'm assuming it would be straight to the Rainbow Bridge for Kingsley.

From the official gov site for LA County:


Dog bites should be reported to our Department (if you live within our service area) or the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health as soon as possible. An officer will respond to take a bite report and contact the other party (if known) to assess the situation and ensure that the animal that bit is properly quarantined. Additionally, our officer will notify Public Health.

In the event that the bite victim is transported to the hospital, a bite complaint should be made as soon as possible after treatment is complete.

Quarantine and Rabies

The County of Los Angeles and the State of California requires that a domestic animal involved in a bite to a person, or scratch caused by teeth, be quarantined for ten (10) days. The quarantine requires the animal to be confined and isolated away from all animals and persons. Depending on a variety of factors, the quarantine may be carried out at the owner's premises, at a local animal control agency, or a private boarding facility approved by the local health officer. A County health officer will observe and/or assesses the health of the animal at both the beginning and at the end of the quarantine period to verify that the animal is not displaying symptoms of rabies. If the animal remains healthy for the 10-day period, it could not have been shedding the rabies virus in its saliva at the time of the bite and there has not been a rabies exposure for the victim.

Was Kingsley ever placed in quarantine for either attack? I cannot remember anymore, there's been so much back and forth about this.

Full source:


  • Love 1

It's weird.  I just realized that Kim makes me so fucking pissed that I can't even snark.  I seriously feel like I need to steal some of my husband's blood pressure medication.  


Too bad that shit doesn't get you high.

Thanks, you just reminded me to take my blood pressure meds. I am so beyond that I had forgotten at 6pm.
  • Love 3

Kingsley's new name is ...............Sobriety.  When anyone asks about him - do not talk about my Sobriety.  Do not question me about my Sobriety, etc., etc.


So that was the worst thing in Kim's life?   What about:


1.  The stolen GD house

2.  Her mother dying (I recall her crying about that early on)

3.  One of her children having mental issues - taken away for treatment - allegedly.

4.  Monty being terminal

5.  Wasn't she on the phone with a fiancee as he was gunned down?

I'd add her journey to getting sober - as she hit bottom, but yeah, I don't think she's there yet.


As for her speaking to Kathy 3 to 4 times per day...........why do I think Kathy hangs up or they have a bad connection or the call gets "lost".  Kathy doesn't seem the warm and fuzzy type, but maybe she reminds Kim of Big Kathy.


The beast who must not be spoken of, yeah he was most likely back at Kim's house, but she probably doesn't want it known.  I believe another woman who was bitten by Kim's "son" is threatening to sue or is suing Kim, so Kingsley's whereabouts are strictly confidential.


Maybe Kingsley is trained to guard Kim's stash, and Alexia got just a little too close? (Like Alexia got near the door where the stash was, not like she was looking for it).

Edited by hoosier80
  • Love 15

1) "You have a drug problem!" 2) "I'm not struggling with my sobriety!". . . Um, what? Brandi herself said that she only witnessed Kyle smoking pot once before escalating into her accusation of addiction. If that constitutes abuse, then doesn't that, by definition, mean that Brandi actually does boast a controlled substance "problem" of her own since she's perennially sloppy and the tampon incident wasn't especially out of character? On the flip side of the coin, if you *are* physically addicted to something, then refraining from that thing is always going to be a battle . . . This series has become more discomfiting and toxic to watch than a horror film, and although that's attributable mostly to Brandi and Kim, I thought Lisa Rinna's behavior at the reunion was eerily reminiscent of the Glanville MO (front as a brawler boss bitch until it's convenient to feign oh-so-delicate teariness). If you invoke your inner "gangsta" and threaten adversaries with the promise of "fucking them up," props! But don't then pull punches when face to face with said foe and act like the bizarre, hateful rantings and insinuations of someone you don't even know have any relevance or sting.

  • Love 6

I understood that differently.  My guess was that Kim's lawyer told her the dog was off-limits, and she probably felt pressured to keep repeating it during that segment.  And with rumors about her son going around, she probably made "no kids, no dog" her mantra when dealing with Bravo.


I kinda gave Kyle the side-eye for the photos.  It seemed like using her daughter's hospital stay for self-promotion.  YMMV.  Also, if Kim was in danger of a lawsuit, publicizing Alexia's bite would have caused even more legal problems for Kim & Kingsley.


*Insert obligatory turtle reference*

 The lawsuit against Kim/Kingsley for biting KR was not filed until after Alexia was bitten, not before. I don't think Kyle knew about the dog biting KR. Kyle has not spoken to KR since she gave family info to the HH  author and Kim swore KR to secrecy about getting bit and I most certainly do not think Kim told Kyle about the bite either.

  • Love 6

Our neighbor's dog bit me in my driveway.  The two of them were running off leash on as I was walking my dog on leash--don't get me started about this or I'll never shut up, leash laws are a personal hotbutton for me, but anyhow--I placed my knee between my dog and the other dog, who is larger and aggressive, knowing I would probably take the hit and I did.  Stupid move, because the neighbors couldn't produce rabies certificates for any of their pets, but long story short, quarantine was carried out in their home.  

I don't know if Kingsley's quarantine necessarily becomes a matter of public record, or even if quarantine is required if rabies certificates are produced. I only know that I'm glad I didn't get rabies.  And that these assholes moved about five months ago.

Edited by haydensterling
  • Love 14

I also wish people would stop trying to make people who smoke pot into drug addicts.  I live in a state where it's legal and you can tell the conservatives are losing their shit about it.  Every other night there's some stupid story on the news about the dangers of pot.  Gimme a goddamn break already.  It's legal.  You lost.  Deal with it.


Brandi bringing it up as if Kyle needs to go to rehab herself was laughable.  Am I supposed to give a shit that Kyle smokes pot?  I don't.  Just like I don't care about anyone else who does.  When Kyle becomes an angry, belligerent, falling off her 6 inch heels high on pot, bitch....we can talk Brandi.  You dumb fucking snatch.



Bitch actually said that she thinks that Kyle as a drug problem.  She's so desperate to make a point about her drinking that she's really not even making any fucking sense.  Not with Kyle and pot  and not with Yo's kids and drinking.  I really have to give Kyle props for being so calm about that.  I think she's realizing finally that Brandi is an idiot and it's not worth getting pissed off when she says the stupid shit she says because it's about 95% straight up lies and most of the time it doesn't even make sense.  The rest of the HW just need to laugh at her and then say "Anyway..." and return to their conversations with each other.  


We're all entitled to our tastes in partners, but I felt like I needed a shower after Andy & Brandi's boasting about sleeping with people half their age.


I imagine both of them are lousy lays.  I can't imagine anyone bragging about hooking up with either one of them.


Did Brandi say she was 43 or 44?  And Andy is 46?  Peter Pan syndrome, right there folks.  Those two are not sexy, sorry.  Ugh.  

  • Love 13

From the official gov site for LA County:

Was Kingsley ever placed in quarantine for either attack? I cannot remember anymore, there's been so much back and forth about this.

Full source:


No, he was not quarantined at any time. He was never reported for biting anyone.

  • Love 1

Kim laughed at Lisa Rinna for crying when confronted about the nasty text she sent her, but yet she resorts to crying every time she gets called out.



Kim behaves so contemptuously toward others. Tonight was bad, as she sneered, "Oh look, she's going to cry again." But last week was worse. Lisa listed her own family members who've died from addiction, and Kim laughs to Andy, "She's an expert!" Vile.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 16

The entire time Kim waxed Narcissistic, I was channeling my inner Teresa.





Sometimes you just gotta fight finger with finger.


Hee! I wanted to snap Kim's index finger clean off her frame. The pointing and wagging is such a nasty, low-rent look. I assume it was one of many less than desirable traits Big Kathy passed down to her girls.


Everyone who said that Brandi doesn't actually know what a smoking gun is (or what vindicated means either) was right. 


Brandi didn't say there would be smoking gun, Andy Cohen did. Moreover, he mentioned it would be about Lisa Rinna and the episode description clearly states "Kim reveals threatening text messages she received from Lisa Rinna after Adrienne's party." It's very much like the dirt Kim claims to have on everyone--ie. non-existent. I a bit surprised people expected there would be anything more than was already revealed in the previews.


I really want to know what the true story regarding Kingsley is. All I know is that the trainer story is BS. Otherwise Kim wouldn't have gotten so defensive and tried to shut down Andy's line of questioning. Either Kyle and Mauricio had Kingsley seized and put down which is now the biggest source of contention between the sisters, or he's back in Kim's custody (also source of contention). 


Kyle withheld her daughters antibiotics for two days so the infection could spread and worsen in order for her to milk the situation publicly? Those drugs have really warped Kim's mind.


I found it interesting that Kim's daughter Whitney contacted Kyle and asked her to remove the instagram photos of Alexia in the hospital. That's almost akin to a silent admission of culpability. I'm really glad Kyle stood her ground, but I'll be damned if that wasn't also a passive aggressive move, though very much deserved.


Okay, so who's calling Animal Control to report the dangerous dog at Kim's house? You know someone out there is dying to do it.


I'd volunteer, but I live in NY. Someone with a CA area code should definitely alert the authorities if Kingsley has in fact been remanded into Kim's custody. 

  • Love 7

Our neighbor's dog bit me in my driveway.  The two of them were running off leash on as I was walking my dog on leash--don't get me started about this or I'll never shut up, leash laws are a personal hotbutton for me, but anyhow--I placed my knee between my dog and the other dog, who is larger and aggressive, knowing I would probably take the hit and I did.  Stupid move, because the neighbors couldn't produce rabies certificates for any of their pets, but long story short, quarantine was carried out in their home.  

I don't know if Kingsley's quarantine necessarily becomes a matter of public record, or even if quarantine is required if rabies certificates are produced. I only know that I'm glad I didn't get rabies.  And that these assholes moved about five months ago.

That's terrible. You heal ok?

  • Love 3

The fact that the dog has never been quarantined really pisses me off, I hate to say it.  Kim should not slide on this just because she thinks she should, or because she guilted someone into not pressing charges.  If I were Kyle I would have pressed charges so fast Kim would have looked like motherfucking Regan in The Exorcist.


It seems that in LA county the dog needs to be quarantined regardless of whether or not the owner can produce vaccination papers.  Kim has balls of fucking titanium.  There is no way in hell I would put my niece through the hell of 'let's see whether or not you have rabies, honey!'  No fucking way.  I was even mildly flipped out after the all clear came from Animal Control.  Another reason to hate Kim, another reason for Kyle to go no contact.


steelcity--yes, thanks for asking.  It wasn't a bad bite, but it was a decent puncture.  I did have to go and get a tetanus shot, which was something my vet and Animal Control recommended to me.  

Edited by haydensterling
  • Love 8

I can relate to this my hand was caught between two of our male dogs 20+ years ago fighting over another female dog who was in heat. Our two male dogs at the time were hound mix and pit mix. Most painful thing I can remember, being drug around like a rag doll with the two males but I knew to keep them close to me as possible than to try to pull away until their jaws unclenched, blood from my hand pumping like crazy. Luckily missed any tendions or bones but hurt like hell. Reports filed by Dr's office and followed up by animal control. No charges filed as they were all our dogs and current on vaccinations. Closed as just an unfortunate incedent.

  • Love 7

No, he was not quarantined at any time. He was never reported for biting anyone.

No, he was not quarantined at any time. He was never reported for biting anyone.

Wow! I thought if you sought medical treatment for a dog bite in California, authorities automatically reported the incident. I wonder if Kyle tried to protect her sister. Kim is certifiable. There is something very wrong with her. I think her addictions have interfered with her normal thought processes. She is so nasty and verbal and mean, that we can all see she's not normal. I think Kyle's sadness during the reunion was that she recognized Kim's very evident disorder.

  • Love 8

The fact that the dog has never been quarantined really pisses me off, I hate to say it.  Kim should not slide on this just because she thinks she should, or because she guilted someone into not pressing charges.  If I were Kyle I would have pressed charges so fast Kim would have looked like motherfucking Regan in The Exorcist.


It seems that in LA county the dog needs to be quarantined regardless of whether or not the owner can produce vaccination papers.  Kim has balls of fucking titanium.  There is no way in hell I would put my niece through the hell of 'let's see whether or not you have rabies, honey!'  No fucking way.  I was even mildly flipped out after the all clear came from Animal Control.  Another reason to hate Kim, another reason for Kyle to go no contact.


steelcity--yes, thanks for asking.  It wasn't a bad bite, but it was a decent puncture.  I did have to go and get a tetanus shot, which was something my vet and Animal Control recommended to me.  


Pisses me off too, how all of this is being handled.  Years and years ago, when I was still a teen, one of my cats got out and was bitten, but not severely, by another animal.  We had no way to know what kind of animal it was.  She was up to date on her vaccinations but they said we had two options, 1) to put her down, or 2) to quarantine her for SIX MONTHS.  So, my dad built two huge cages, one inside the other, so she could stay in them and we'd have a way to put her in one cage when we needed to get into the other one to feed her and change her litter, etc.  Six months, we could only play with her through wire, and she wasn't the one who bit anyone!  


I had a feral cat bite me, not very badly, and I also got a tetanus shot.  I can't imagine what Alexia went through, poor girl.  


Seriously, fuck Kim for this, man.   

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 11

So I take it that Eddie might be thinking seriously of taking the boys full-time if Brandi was in a legal mess with him during this time period. And hes looking for anything on the show to make it happen based off what Brandi said when she was talking Kyle's weed smoking. No wonder shes trying to get along with LeAnn all of sudden. Not only she fears she could be losing her job but that shes also expended her avenues.

  • Love 7

I had a best friend in middle school who got attacked by a very large vicious dog on her way to school. Took a huge bite out of her arm that required multiple surgeries and she never was over it, even as an adult. She was not only disfigured, but emotionally scared as well. This vile, black hole of suck is the most insensitive, narcissistic bitch to suggest she has no responsibility for her fucking dog. And to blame the victim? No words. I have no doubt that if this c**t is back on tv next season her story line will be all about how she went to pieces after Monte died but boy don't ever talk about her 'relapse' even though that will be on camera, too. And how Kyle wasn't 'there for her'. Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • Love 20

Wow! I thought if you sought medical treatment for a dog bite in California, authorities automatically reported the incident. I wonder if Kyle tried to protect her sister. Kim is certifiable. There is something very wrong with her. I think her addictions have interfered with her normal thought processes. She is so nasty and verbal and mean, that we can all see she's not normal. I think Kyle's sadness during the reunion was that she recognized Kim's very evident disorder.

IMO, KR and Kyle/Alexia refused to name names and said they did not know the dog or the owner. In the lawsuit KR filed, she says that Kim begged her to not report her or Kingsley because she would loose her job and that she would pay all her medical bill if she kept quiet. Kim in fact did not pay 1 red cent, hence the lawsuit.


Here's my dilemma: I hate the producers for choosing viewer questions nearly 100% god-damned slanted toward Brandi and Kim, but I also love the producers/editors for showing video proof each time they lied in their answers.

The way the producers/Andy did this makes me think it was preplanned like that to show Brandi/Kim in a bad light from the get go! LOL

  • Love 10

I can't tell you the number of times (too numerous to count) I have told one of my brothers (addict) the same thing Kyle said to Kim: I love you but I don't like you right now.

Kyle stayed pretty calm this part. Heck, I got more worked up an angry was a viewer! So many brilliant observations, comments, subtle insults I could have aimed at Kim and bg. However I bet it would be like a game show---you know all the answers at home but when in front of the cameras your mind goes blank. Couldn't they have notes or bullet points of stuff from the show organized as evidence under general comments for if the show came up. They could of glanced at their phones or note cards.

When Kim said something about there being more to the story, I wonder if she was referring to Kay Rosario and the lawsuit.

Andy loves Kingsley…wtf? I bet Andy is scared of Kingsley who could kick his ass

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 5

Also, after Kim's lecture to everyone about her (not)sobriety and "a pill for a chronic pain I had," Andy failed to say, "Taking a narcotic not prescribed for you is, by definition, a relapse." How did that go unchallenged for the entire reunion?!


ETA: And then finally, when Brandi's conversation with Jennifer, etc., came up, Andy says, "Let's put a pin in that and take a break." Da fuq?

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 23

Kingsley is hiding up Brandi's twat along with that smoking gun, her handbag, and all the other aforementioned items.


Maybe the smoking gun is really that the smoking gun is one of those surprise!dildos like the lipstick Kim had.


Kim mocking other HWs' behavior is ludicrous considering she showed the world her hidden secret dildo and was seen more than once crawling around the floor looking for the drugs she dropped and they had to edit out some of the most em-barr-ass-ing footage like her being in the hallway of a hotel half naked and her poop pillow.  I can only imagine what the film crew have seen over the years.  But nooo, no one's supposed to acknowledge any of it, because reasons.  Emperor's new clothes, indeed.  

  • Love 13

From the official gov site for LA County:

Was Kingsley ever placed in quarantine for either attack? I cannot remember anymore, there's been so much back and forth about this.

Full source:


It clearly states the dog can be quarantined at the owner's home.  Essentially if you have a rabies certificate it is home confinement.  There needs to be a hearing if a dog has had two unprovoked bites within 36 months.

Kim is a revolting and sick bitch. She is despicable, repugnant, vicious,disgraceful, and beyond wicked. She is Satan's child.


I was bitten by a dog over 20 years ago. Hearing Kim say Alexia was bitten on her "fucking finger" as if that in itself would have been nothing. I got news for you, you fucking sick fuck! A dog bite can be very, very painful. For me, it was excruciating. Having puncture wounds go down deep into your flesh, is a horrible injury. No amount of painkiller that was given to me got rid of the pain. I was given two shots for pain and a prescription for pain killers. Nothing worked. Then, the damn tetanus shot on top of that? Damn. One side of my body was in pain because of the dog bite, and then other side was hurting from the tetanus shot. I couldn't sleep. But you know what? That was nothing compared to what Alexia endured. Nothing!! That child must have been in fear when that dog was tearing into her flesh and grinding his teeth down onto her bone. Just the thought of it turns my stomach. I cannot even comprehend what she endured. The aftermath surely had to be the worst of it. The fear of losing one's hand? Thank the lord she didn't, but to have that be the possible outcome of that attack? I can't. I just can't.


Kim had to be told what happened to Alexia because THE BITCH COULDN'T BOTHER TO VISIT HER NIECE IN THE HOSPITAL!!!  Fucking psychotic, self-centered bitch!! 

Whitney who I now kind of dislike for calling and trying to get the pictures taken down by Kyle-did she perhaps call her sibs, mom and Monty and suggest it was a little insensitive to the bite victims to have all the Kingsley pictures on their social media accounts?  Fair is fair.

  • Love 7

Gosh, I can't tell you how impressed I am that Brandi dated a guy who is now at college.   Mostly because this is probably the closest she's ever gotten to education - knowing somebody in college.  Oh, maybe she can hook up with him for homecoming - and they could have a kegger at the Frat!!  SHE'S A PIG!!!!   She is beyond a low life - she's a bottom feeder.  She has no moral compass because I seriously don't think there is anything off limits for her.


Kim is just nuts.  It's all well and good, and coming from a good place, for LisaV to say patch things up, but that's not how it works with a sibling like Kim.   I think LisaV is internalizing how she would feel if this were happening with her own kids, and it would break her heart.   Kyle can maintain a relationship w/Kim's kids (if they aren't too brainwashed), and her kids can stay connected with their cousins.  But honestly, I don't think they will be losing out on much.     Kim is no longer the broken little bird everyone was afraid to confront.  She has shown her true colors.  She is a bitter, envious, entitled, vile, manipulating BITCH. 


They both need to leave the show.  This was not entertainment, but abuse.   They have managed, through actions, innuendo, gossip to take what could have been a fun season, and turn it into BS drama.

  • Love 15

Um, great kazu, you forgot that Alexia's injuries only became serious because Kyle "didn't put her on antibiotics for two days." Kim announced that like it was "the smoking gun."


Rewatching ... they showed two Instagram pics. One was captioned, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade," and I couldn't read the other. Did anyone see it?

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 6

I think Kim had better pray that Kingsley doesn't mistake her overbaked ass for a piece of jerky and chow down on her ignorant ass.


(I'm already going to hell, obviously, so I enjoy giggling at these thoughts...and I admit that if, in the future, that dog bites the fuck out of her, I will laugh...loud and long at the irony of it all.)



I'm dying!!! LMAO


Me too. Headline tomorrow: Kim Richards mauled by her dog!


Me reacting to it? *snort*



Um, great kazu, you forgot that Alexia's injuries only became serious because Kyle "didn't put her on antibiotics for two days!" Kim announced that like it was "the smoking gun."

Fucking Kyle!! It's all her fault!! Always!! *kimmy voice*

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10

These women, including Kyle for right now, need to cut Kim out of their lives. She's toxic. She cares more for a dog than her niece.

Whose wedding are they talking about?


I could not believe the venom that spewed out of Kim's mouth about the whole dog bite situation!!


I'm sorry - I am a huge dog lover, but my family (my nieces, nephews, etc., not just immediate family) comes before pets, always!!!  


"Family comes first" almost always in my book, but in this situation, Kyle really needs to cut Kim completely out of her and her family's lives.  Kim has really shown herself to be such a lowdown, narcissitic person - she is lower than low.

  • Love 10

1. Kim would race to get all of Monty's pills and patches and hide them in with her stash

2. Call in refills on the bottle/boxes of his medications

3. While on the way to the ER with Monty in the back seat, she would stop at the pharmacy and pick up the refills

4. Upon arriving to the ER she would babble something about it all being Kyle's fault

5. Collapse to the ground writhing in pain, clench her abdomen and say that her back, knee, belly and head are in 100% pain.

6. While the ER staff worked on Monty, Kim would say "what about ME and MY god damm pain" and when asked how bad the pain was she would say 100%

OMG...OMG...I am dying!! I read this out loud to my hubby (he watches the show with me). Well, I tried to read it out loud in between my coughing and laughing.



BlackMamba, on 14 Apr 2015 - 7:42 PM, said:

    Where do I begin...

Friggin' beautiful! *applause*

  • Love 6

Kim getting mad about people talking about her private life while being a reality show is like the definition of chutzpah. 


I really hope that Bravo and Andy and the other "powers that be" will use Kim's reasoning of not wanting her private life discussed as a good reason for not hiring her for next season.


I never thought I would say this, but I would actually prefer having Brandi come back next season over Kim.  Up until this reunion, Kim never bothered me much....but now - well, my opinion has been permanently changed.

I'm willing to bet that the only reason Kim and Kathy talk several times a day is because Kim is constantly calling her. Kathy doesn't seem like a very warm person to me.

They must have some ginormous cell phone bills....Kathy seems to be traveling almost all the time, especially to Europe.  I can't imagine Kathy stopping whatever she is doing four or five times a day to talk Kim off one ledge or another....

  • Love 10

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