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S05.E04: New Kids On The Block

Tara Ariano

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I don't think any of the girls have much money "banked" at all at this point. It was a bunch of teenagers trying to get their GED's hit with a windfall of money. Frankly, most of their families seemed to be in the financial situation where they'd be happy to let a teenager call the shots as long as they got a cut of the money. Teach them about taxes? Pfffft. The exception being Chelsea because I think Randy would be savvy enough to be all over that (and also doesn't need MTV's money to live). And I honestly felt badly for Amber. While I don't think she should waste a tear on a fuckwad like Gary, I think she was speaking about her pre rehab experiences in that there was Gary and guys who liked her because of Teen Mom (and the money). She hasn't had the experience of anyone liking for any other reason yet. So Gary, as odious as he is, is her security blanket. She needs some faith and confidence and experience with a good guy to get her to a place where she knows some guys will just like her for her. Of course, hopefully those guys can discourage the use of boo-boo.

  • Love 3


If Amber is attracting the wrong kind of guy, it is her own damn fault because she doesn't ask for much in a guy.

Which is exactly why she needs to get up off the couch and find something to do and by something to do I do not mean some guy.   She's struggling with maintaining her sobriety and loneliness.  She needs a job or a project or something that requires her to be vertical, preferably someplace where she can meet people who are not named Crystal.  


I've watched these girls since their 16& Pregnant but I don't follow any of them on social media or gossip sites so I was looking forward to seeing what they are up to now that they are adults.    Unfortunately (with the except of Farrah apparently)  they haven't moved very far.   Still no jobs, Macy still trying for her degree while desperately trying to be a stay at home mom.   Catelynn still desperate for Tyler to marry her - even agreeing to not go to school so she can stay home with the new baby!  Gary is still a loser.  Amber does seem to have experienced some growth along with a prison record but that's not saying much.  She was shitty mother before and somehow now equates being sober with being an 'amazing mom'.   This week we find out she still held out hope to be a family with Gary.  Ugh.  


We'll never know if or how much the MTV fame and "fortune" contributed to their inertia.  I suspect they would still be doing the same things only in older cars and smaller houses.

  • Love 6

I've only had one child on purpose. Everyone else was not a mistake, they were a surprise. A good surprise.

Reminds me of that scene in Roseanne:

D.J.: Was I an accident?

Roseanne: No, D.J., you were a surprise.

D.J.: Oh. What's the difference?

Roseanne: Well, an accident is something that you wouldn't do over again if you had the chance. A surprise is something you didn't even know you wanted until you got it.

D.J.: Oh. Was Darlene an accident?

Dan: No, Darlene was a disaster.

I know it's probably not going to happen since they seem like they're too nice, but I'd love if B&T would respond to Tyler's ultimatum by saying that if he posts that video, it's the last thing that he'll ever get from them. It really does seem as if Tyler loves getting the media attention from Carly's photos more than, you know, keeping up with Carly. What a big bratty famewhore.

Edited by Luciano
  • Love 14

If the show is anywhere near being chronologically accurate and consistent across all the girls' stories, Catelynn was actually pretty far along in this episode., Amber went on Loveline in late August, the joint book tour with Kailyn was in mid-September and Bentley's birthday is in late October. Catelynn gave birth on New Year's Day and was only a week early.

Tyler made me laugh when he said he had "millions" of fans.  Millions.


He's funny.

The flamboyantly dressed rock star from Marine City, Michigan.   What do those "fans" add up to in terms of dollars?  Does he sell a line of oversized hats and sunglasses for bi-curious boys?


Edited because the original post was attempted after taking Ambien at 2:30 AM (see quote below for spelling errors).

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 7
Tyler is a douche, he's clearly obsessed with social media more than anything. I have no idea why its important for him to show strangers pictures... as long as he gets to see them himself, who cares if you can't show 1 million strangers? At the end of the day that's another couples daughter...Why would you even want to?



I think Tyler is entirely defined by one very mature decision he made when he was 16. Most of his self-worth stems from the adoration and praise he's received for making that decision. So he wants to remind people about it all the time, to get that hit of positive reinforcement.

  • Love 14

This issue is not that Maci should know now how to avoid pregnancy. The issue is, where did Maci get the idea that she must be married by the age of 25? Where did Maci get it in her head that in order to have a connection with the guy she wants, is to have his baby? Maci gets pregnant as her way to keep a guy around. Period. No one can tell me otherwise. Maci is the example of the kind of girl who is so desperate to have a guy in her bed, by her side, under the same roof, that she will do the ultimate - have his baby.

Maci tried it with Ryan to keep him around by having his baby. Look what that got her. She tried in vain to get Kyle to marry her. She would mention to him about having babies, as if that would be an incentive to get him to marry her. Now, she did it with this guy. I know there was at least one other guy she was dating and posting about "being in love". Damn!! How many times can this girl be in love? Maci is so stuck on the idea of being married. Maci clearly said on the after show that her man is not wanting to get married. I will bet my last dollar that he told her many times over he didn't want to get married. Maci is so desperate to keep this guy around, she doesn't care about marriage as long as she has him connected to her hip by way of bringing another child into her screwed up life. What is so stupid about her idea is, it clearly didn't work with Ryan, Kyle high-tailed out of there before he became a father, and here she is now having a baby with a guy who has made it LOUD AND CLEAR he won't marry her.

I can't put 100 percent fault on Maci as the guy should have worn protection and not rely on Maci's bullshit about not being able to get pregnant. Guys are not so educated about those sort of things. If their girl tells them they can't get pregnant for one reason or another, they tend to fall for it. This is why I, as a parent, told my kids that it is not only vital to protect themselves because of diseases, but you cannot allow another to dictate what you will do with your body. Use/wear protection! Make sure your partner wears protection. Make sure you are protected.

The way Maci was rambling on about how marriage should be what two people want, it shouldn't be entered into lightly....whatever! There you are bringing a child into the world! That is a bigger decision IMO than getting married. At least you can divorce a person, but a child is there for life! You can't divorce that decision. Fuck her bullshit about this child not being planned. She planned it!

Maci needs to get her act together. What is she showing her son. I can't imagine dealing with two men, with two different babies, two people that will make it harder for me. Ryan is an ass, look how he treats her. You'll think she'll learned by now. And her fans are just as worse. Imagine when MTV goes away. All these girls are screwed

  • Love 3

You could tell from the tone of Theresa's voice that she didn't really want to let them see Carly. And its not a good sign that they want Dawn at the adoption issues meeting. Tyler needs to suck it up and kiss some butt. He's acting like he has rights and his opinion means something in this situation, when in reality he has no power at all and needs to watch what he says. I also cringed when Catelynn's brother asked when he can see Carly. Ummm, most likely sometime after her 18th birthday. There probably would never have been a family visit anyway, but I'm pretty sure showing all their family dysfunction on the television sealed the deal.


I think Amber has a mood disorder. Have they said if she's still seeing a therapist? She needs medication. I do give her points for not freaking out in front of Leah this time.


And what is Gary doing for work? Anything??


I hope Maci manages to graduate college. She stands a good chance of ending up a single mom of 2 little kids, and she's going to need the money.

  • Love 4
Who cares about how Tyler is talking to Catelyn - is she begging for gestational diabetes!? The girl is only half way there and has already gained 20lbs! I'm 21 weeks pregnant and I'm 8lbs down from being so ill - my doctor has zero concerns - girl needs to leave the freakin donuts alone. She looks terrible, TERRIBLE - sorry but not sorry.


Everyone is different. I gained 45 lbs with my first two, and 40 with my last. Most of that was gained in the first tri. I was really sick and had to constantly eat to be able to function. Gestational diabetes is definitely a worry, and Catelynn should not be cavalier about her diet, but you can't go just based on the weight alone. If her doctor does tests and her sugars are up, her BP is up, then there is really a need to address what she's eating. Obviously all pregnant women should try to be healthy, but the way Tyler is nagging her, she's just going to want to eat more. 

  • Love 4

Ugh, poor Catelynn. When she said, "I want to enjoy my pregnancy!" I didn't take that to mean that she wanted to eat herself into a coma or anything. More that she doesn't want to be hassled by Tyler all day every day about what she's eating. It's pathetic and pitiful that they have to Google healthy food. ButI thought that obstetrician's point of view was awful -- there's a way to encourage a pregnant woman to watch what she eats without telling her she pigs out. I hope fat-shaming a mom-to-be isn't a recurring theme this season. 


Gary is a sick, creepy dude and I can't believe that those two spawned the delightful child that is Leah. Talk about having to rise above your beginnings. His pregnant girlfriend -- hesitate to even call her that after the way he's treated her -- ought to sue the hell out of that birth control provider. 


Maci -- meh. Whatever, same old story. But that Bentley is one of the cutest little boys I've ever seen.

  • Love 5

Ugh, poor Catelynn. When she said, "I want to enjoy my pregnancy!" I didn't take that to mean that she wanted to eat herself into a coma or anything. More that she doesn't want to be hassled by Tyler all day every day about what she's eating. 


She addressed that on the aftershow and said that her pregnancy with Carly was so sad and emotional and that she really didn't want to be stressed about this one. The more I think about it, the more it kind of makes me hate Tyler because I often feel like he glosses over Catelynn's loss and her feelings so he can talk about how broken up he is but also get a little humblebrag in there about making the best decision/not being like Butch. There was so much glee on his face while he teased Catelynn about gaining three pounds and how the doctor was going to be mad at her and he never seemed to think about how that could mess with her head. I'm not saying this is her train of thought, but if she gave up Carly because she knew she couldn't provide for her and be the mother she deserves, rubbing the weight gain in her face might bring up some residual feelings of unpreparedness and inadequacy. 

Edited by luvly
  • Love 13

I think Tyler likes to keep Catelyn in a place of "you're not good enough yet" and any opportunity he has to tap that in her head he takes.  She always has this look of doubt on her face when it comes to him and I think it helps him maintain his superiority over her.  Her weight will be the next hoop he'll make her jump through to get the golden ring of marriage to his jack ass.

  • Love 14

Gary makes me sick for so many reasons, but one of the things I most hate about him is the way he tries to pick at Amber.  One could see that when he was delivering his baby news to Amber that he had this little smirk on his face.  With Amber he uses what he can to make her rage and then have him feeling so high and mighty and  WANTED.  With Kristina he brings up the abortion/adoption issue, basically telling her that he doesn't give a shit about her or her feelings, or the baby. 


Maci and Gary were planting seeds in their kids' minds about those babies.

  • Love 2

I know it's been said several times but Gary is just gross. Ugh, I hope Kristina leaves him. And she doesn't seem that bright either going for a guy like Gary. I wonder what her ex looks like. If he looks similar to Gary, that means she has a type and it's not the good type. I don't understand why these people think it's no big deal having babies yet marriage seems out of the question.

I've always liked Maci from the beginning but she's annoying me now too. How about Van Wilder finishes school and then has another kid! Oh wait, get married or be in relationship for a while before having another kid! The saga with Ryan seems never ending. I did miss his dad in this episode since he was so awesome in the last one. More Ryan's dad who's name I can't remember now!

And Tyler, what more can be said about him. He's an absolute idiot who seems to think he has some sort of power because he's on TV and has a "million" followers. You are not Carly's dad. His name is Brandon. You gave up your parental rights. Get that through your thick skull. Although it probably won't get through because you're always wearing stupid hats.

  • Love 3

Was it just editing or was Gary's first and foremost thought "How am I going to tell Amber."  What the Hell, Gary?  How about giving your GF a hug for Christ's sake.  You'll have plenty of time to figure out how to best stick it to Amber.


My life is complete, now that I have seen a graduation ceremony for University of Phoenix diploma purchasers.  Who knew there was such a thing?  The only thing better than seeing the Nashville cap n' gown segment was hearing Bubby the intellectual advising Amber that, yes, college will indeed be overwhelming at times.  If someone is overwhelmed by the University of Phoenix, they need to stay far, far away from a real college.

  • Love 5


I know it's been said several times but Gary is just gross. Ugh, I hope Kristina leaves him. And she doesn't seem that bright either going for a guy like Gary.


According to Radar Online, she is 32, and has been dating Gary since early/mid 2013. Her husband filed for divorce Valentines Day 2014, and then filed a restraining order against her in July 2014 that was later dropped. Things are starting to make a lot more sense now...


I tried to find a picture of the ex, just to see what could possibly make Gary seem like an upgrade, but am not able to find any pictures. He has a very common name, so unless one of the fan sites kindly publishes it, I doubt I have the sleuthing skills to find one.

  • Love 6


I don't understand why these people think it's no big deal having babies yet marriage seems out of the question.

That's the thing that kills me about this bunch. I couldn't care less if people are married when they have kids, but it's this attitude they all exude of "marriage?! Oh HELL no! That's SUCH a committment!!...hey babe, you're ovulating right? Let's make a baby! Woo!".


I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but these kids need to take a page out of the "Vanderpump Rules" way of doing things...when Katie was pressuring Schwartz about marriage/babies, he got her a DOG to put off the marriage talk. Can't any of these dbags just buy a fucking hamster instead of getting knocked up?

  • Love 9

Listening to Amber sing the song of all deadbeat parents who don't pay child support was interesting. ' I buy her clothes! I buy stuff for her all the time!' Um, Amber? That doesn't count in the child support column with a judge. You are going to owe back child support regardless of your insistence that you bought her clothes etc. Listen to your brother. Also, since you are paid sooooo well by MTV there is no excuse for not paying something in child support to the person (Gary) that has actual physical custody and care of the kid.  Add deadbeat mom to the many things we can say about Amber Portwood.  


I don't know how those two produced such an adorable and apparently intelligent little girl like Leah.  Poor kid. 



Definitely the song of the deadbeat.  Paying for shoes does not cover Leah Lorna Doone's portion of the rent, of the lights of the gas or electric.  Buying shoes doesnt cover her portion of the grocery bill (what she can squirrel away from Jabba) and it won't cover her portion of admission to Disneyland.


Quit buying spider lashes and pony up your share of your daughters care.

  • Love 8
She addressed that on the aftershow and said that her pregnancy with Carly was so sad and emotional and that she really didn't want to be stressed about this one. The more I think about it, the more it kind of makes me hate Tyler because I often feel like he glosses over Catelynn's loss and her feelings so he can talk about how broken up he is but also get a little humblebrag in there about making the best decision/not being like Butch. There was so much glee on his face while he teased Catelynn about gaining three pounds and how the doctor was going to be mad at her and he never seemed to think about how that could mess with her head. I'm not saying this is her train of thought, but if she gave up Carly because she knew she couldn't provide for her and be the mother she deserves, rubbing the weight gain in her face might bring up some residual feelings of unpreparedness and inadequacy.


Good point. I never really thought about that. Now I think it's even more dickish of him to nag her the way he does. Poor girl. I mean, there can be some middle ground here. No, she doesn't seem like the healthiest eater, most active person, but I can totally understand her not wanting to be henpecked for the entire pregnancy, when this is her chance to actually enjoy it. I wish she would, for once, take a real stand with him. 


Was it just editing or was Gary's first and foremost thought "How am I going to tell Amber."  What the Hell, Gary?  How about giving your GF a hug for Christ's sake.  You'll have plenty of time to figure out how to best stick it to Amber.


He just loves the idea of two girls wanting him. Dear Lord, please let someone come along and knock that pig down a peg or two. 


I don't know how those two produced such an adorable and apparently intelligent little girl like Leah.  Poor kid.


I'm convinced that faeries switched her out with another baby when they weren't looking.

  • Love 4

Did we need to know Leah crapped her pants? As if she's not embarassed enough having Amber and Gary as parents.


Yes this!  I wish they'd be a little (or a LOT) more careful with the editing now that the kids are older, understand more of what's going on, and have classmates who may see this. I felt the same way about the little Bentley "stripper dancing" scene they threw into one of the commercial breaks. And Maci even wanted that shown - she said "I wonder if that'll be on Unseen Moments."  Sad for the kids.

  • Love 6

Listening to Amber sing the song of all deadbeat parents who don't pay child support was interesting. ' I buy her clothes! I buy stuff for her all the time!' Um, Amber? That doesn't count in the child support column with a judge. You are going to owe back child support regardless of your insistence that you bought her clothes etc. Listen to your brother. Also, since you are paid sooooo well by MTV there is no excuse for not paying something in child support to the person (Gary) that has actual physical custody and care of the kid.  Add deadbeat mom to the many things we can say about Amber Portwood.  


I don't know how those two produced such an adorable and apparently intelligent little girl like Leah.  Poor kid. 

OK, I'm laughing my ass off at your screen name.  Bravo!

  • Love 1

They should call this show "Shitty Parents OG." These people (the guys included, of course) are all fucking idiots and I just can't.


Maci deliberately foregoes birth control, because she supposedly can't have any more kids (oops!), and Kristina got pregnant "while switching pills" (oops!). Just bring more innocent human beings into the world - no big deal!


Gary was the biggest asshole of the bunch, needling Leah: "Do you think I'm going to forget about you when we have another baby? I'd never forget about you. This one was an ACCIDENT ..." That, and his stupid grinning to Kristina: "And I know we haven't used protection!" #winning


BTW, he *almost* said the "A" word, as in abortion, which is something they rarely touch upon. Gary to Kristina: "You've got options, like adoption or ... adoption."


I don't get why Amber was so upset (other than her untreated mental illness). She says she and Gary won't be together, but in the same breath, that her chance to have a "family" with him is gone. So he was never supposed to be with anyone else or have more children? STFU, "Ambie."


Lastly, if they're breaking the fourth wall, then why did they fake Kristina's and Catelynn's pregnancy reveals? That's why bringing Amber up immediately after hearing Kristina's pregnancy "news" wasn't as weird as it seemed, because they already knew but they needed to have the "Amber discussion" on camera.

  • Love 3

I've always liked Maci from the beginning but she's annoying me now too. How about Van Wilder finishes school and then has another kid! Oh wait, get married or be in relationship for a while before having another kid! The saga with Ryan seems never ending. I did miss his dad in this episode since he was so awesome in the last one. More Ryan's dad who's name I can't remember now!

Unfortunately the saga with Ryan will be never- ending; those two are tied together for life.  If there are any lessons left to learn from this show I hope young women see how important it is to choose carefully when deciding to have a baby with someone.  Unfortunately, sometimes we don't figure that out until we are already in it.  


And yes, I do think it's all a decision - Maci and New Guy, Gary and Christina, and Catelynn and Tyler even if the decision is just to risk it.  In 2015 there is absolutely no reason anyone should be surprised by a pregnancy - not the guy who declined to wear a condom and not the woman who didn't protect herself. 



I'm not too worried about what Little Leah Leann says on TV with regards to her (and Bentley's)  classmates seeing them on TV I'm probably wrong but I would hope that this isn't a show that kindergarteners watch. 

Edited by Cosmocrush

It has been a few days so I don't remember everything. What I do know for sure is how ashamed I am to be watching this. 

At some point during the episode I believe it was Gary and not Kristina talking to Leah at the kitchen table. She was asked something and her response was to scream and pound her hands onto the table. Yikes! I immediately saw her resemblance to Amber in that moment. 


I'm excited for next week to watch B&T take on C&T. I hope they are clear and concise and leave no room for anything to be misunderstood. I also hope they close the adoption. Am I horrible for wishing that? I would feel bad for Catelyn though. Although she seems naive, she also seems to get the overall picture of the situation. I don't follow them on social media. Has there been a lack of posts regarding Carly since around the time this all occurred? Any outrage from Tyler of how dare B&T try to do this or that? 


I had to pause m recording to finish laughing as Maci's school friend asked her how long she had been in school and how far she was from finishing. You know the producers forced that conversation because of everyone always questioning/mocking Maci's progress in school. Also. She wants to work in social media? Oh sweetie, it isn't as simple as you think. Trust me. Social media falls under advertising/marketing/public relations and there is so much more to it than just posting here and there. You have to strategize, create timelines, research, etc. I really enjoyed Bentley's reaction to his future sibling. It was quite comical. I also appreciated Maci saying how God decided to give them the child rather than being like Gary and saying the kid is a mistake. 


I'm a tiny bit excited to see Farrah next week. First, that house (or at least the kitchen) look beautiful so I'm a little envious. But secondly, I'm hoping we hear someone on her production staff mumble what a horrible person she is and how tired they are of having to deal with her. It would be great if they gave her a smack down -- "Look! You will do this, this and this or you will get no money. Your decision."

  • Love 2


I'm not too worried about what Little Leah Leann says on TV with regards to her (and Bentley's)  classmates seeing them on TV I'm probably wrong but I would hope that this isn't a show that kindergarteners watch. 


I don't imagine most kids in kindergarten would regularly watch the show, but I could see them say getting up for a glass of water while their parent is watching the show and saying "hey she's in my class!" and being allowed to watch some of it. Or when they get a little older, like later elementary school/jr. high (you know, when some kids get to that ruthless stage)l, I can see kids looking them up and teasing them about it.

  • Love 3



Definitely the song of the deadbeat.  Paying for shoes does not cover Leah Lorna Doone's portion of the rent, of the lights of the gas or electric.  Buying shoes doesnt cover her portion of the grocery bill (what she can squirrel away from Jabba) and it won't cover her portion of admission to Disneyland.



Seriously. Has she never seen Judge Judy (don't judge me)? 

  • Love 5

Catelyn and Tyler: Ugh at all the stuff with B&T. I hope it gets settled and they get put in their place. You aren't the parents now, they are. You have basically zero rights to the child, and you will lose any court case regarding some kind of visitation rights. Your parents are egging you on which is terrible of them, and I hope Tyler's mom just does it to avoid conflict with her son, as she seemed so much more balanced in the past. Then again, she married (or at least slept with) Butch.


Regarding Catelyn's weight, if her doctor is concerned then it sounds like it's an issue she should take seriously. I hate that she goes with healthy = only eating salad, and I'm glad that Tyler kind of suggested it can be more than that. Don't worry about losing, just make sure that you are eating balanced meals, heavy in fruits and vegetables, limit the junk, and get outside and move around. If you still gain weight, probably due to portion size at that point, then at least it's from healthier options and not pizza. Also, someone else pointed out the whole happy pregnancy being tied to eating? That's not a good way to think. Foods aren't feelings.


Maci: Actually pleasantly surprised how she handled telling Bentley about the baby. Think it's terrible that she's having one, but I think she's doing her best to ease him in. Having the baby give him gifts was a cute way to introduce it. And then the conversation she had with him was pretty appropriate. Remember, we have no idea what Bentley has said off camera, or what was cut. He could have asked about sharing his mom with a new baby, he could have asked about having a different dad, etc. We don't know, but she seemed to handle it responsibly, at least for now. No judgment.


Amber: Her brother may have had decent advice about the child support thing, but he's not a lawyer. Talk to a real lawyer. A Criminal Justice major is not a lawyer. Get a set child custody and child support plan. Have it in writing. Have it filed with the court. Have a paper trail. You may owe back child support if you have earned money and Gary requests it. You may not, based on what you have been paying (you have records of that right?). All of these moms, you don't even need to get a lawyer for this, you can see a mediator (depending on state law) and have an official plan drawn out. Just have a plan in writing. Amber's "call when I want Leah" plan is not going to fly forever and she's going to continue to get pissed off.


When your child poops their pants, change them as soon as possible.


Gary: You are a douche with a terrible case of verbal diarrhea. Learn to think before you speak and you own't keep putting your foot in your  mouth. Calling your unborn child a mistake? To their sibling? On TV? Mentioning your ex when you find out? Saying you won't be getting married anytime soon to the ex, about the new girl? On TV? ON TV? ALL OF THIS IS ON TV! 


Has anyone considered that Kristina is with Gary because of Leah? She could have fallen in love with Leah before Gary and stuck around because she sees how much Leah needs a stable female in her life (or any stable parental figure). I know my mom says she fell in love with my (now) half sister before my dad, and that she kept seeing him because of his daughter/my sister. But the birth control story is probably just for TV, and it's more likely that she just didn't take them at the same time regularly, which is where a lot of people make mistakes. They're not 100%. It happens to responsible people too.


Did anyone watch Farrah's sneak peak? It's not the MTV website and it is glorious. It's a slightly longer look at what we've already seen previously, but omg it was amazing. She is grade-A cuckoo and I don't care if she makes money from this if it means she can keep digging herself into a deeper hole of people laughing at her face.


oops.. that was really long. sorry!

Edited by DoctorWhovian
  • Love 2

I'm not sure if all states are the same but I know in Minnesota when a person is incarcerated their child support stops. They pay nothing and they owe nothing for the time they are in. Amber probably wouldn't owe that much for her back support.

I can not figure out why these people do not have set visitation, 90% of their stupid shit problems would be fixed.

  • Love 4

I'm not sure if all states are the same but I know in Minnesota when a person is incarcerated their child support stops. They pay nothing and they owe nothing for the time they are in. Amber probably wouldn't owe that much for her back support.

I can not figure out why these people do not have set visitation, 90% of their stupid shit problems would be fixed.


Interesting. I was wondering about that if/when/while a person's incarcerated. I wonder if it's different if she's getting something like show royalties too. I assume MTV's also paying Gary for the time he's on, so it might kind of even out anyway.


The set visitation - no kidding! I really think Amber uses seeing Leah when she feels like she needs a 'fix' and that's part of why it's so weird. "I want to use right now so I should see my daughter instead" kind of thing.  Plus I'm not sure how long she'd been out of prison on these episodes we're seeing, but I get the feeling they were maybe just starting to figure it out.  With Maci and Ryan I feel like they're just screwing with each other half the time. There's something to be said for flexibility, but c'mon, at least start off with a defined schedule.

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Gary is a sick, creepy dude and I can't believe that those two spawned the delightful child that is Leah. Talk about having to rise above your beginnings. His pregnant girlfriend -- hesitate to even call her that after the way he's treated her -- ought to sue the hell out of that birth control provider

I agree that Gary is  a sick creepy dude and I used to like him. Now I want him to disappear.  Leah is beautiful and smart and I don't know how that happened.  I don't agree Kristina has a right to sue her birth control provider. I bet pretty much anything that pregnancy was "planned". I mean she talks about how she's excited about it. Who the hell is excited about a pregnancy that  your boyfriend clearly wishes would end in an abortion? I've seen it time and time again with friends, coworkers etc. Either people who have been cheated on, have a baby to try to save a marriage or the new girlfriend gets "accidently" knocked up if the boyfriend starts showing interest in other people. Stupid in all cases. Children do NOT make people stay with you! I believe in every case here (Maci, Kristina and Cate) these pregnancies are 100% planned. Kristina probably feared losing her place in Gary's life once Amber was out of prison so SUPRISE I'm preggers!  Maci mumbling about how her doctor kinda sorta told her she might not be able to get pregnant again? Huh! Who in their right mind would take that as they can no forgo any  kind of protection? And its hilarious that her fugly boyfriend seems happy about having a kid with her but turns really pale and gets angry at the idea that he should marry her. I don't get that at all!  I had a gyno once tell me I would probably never be able to have kids because my uterus was so small. I didn't take that one-time statement as a license to go screw around without protection. I've had two children since then so good thing I'm not as dumb as Maci.  And my kids weren't surprises.  Plus how did Maci not get knocked up by Kyle and Kyle and the other guys she's dated? What about the times I'm sure she's probably boned Ryan between girlfriends?  I can't believe anything other than she got knocked up on purpose. Probably to prolong TM.


Amber and  the child support thing. Yep she needs to get her act together and at least start giving Gary a set amount every month to show a judge she is making an effort. Typical deadbeat speak as someone above pointed out. What most people (who owe it) don't understand about child support is that buying stuff for the kid while he/she is at your house doesn't count. If you don't have joint custody you are expected to pay for your child's existence while they are with you AND you have to contribute to their main household (where they live the majority of the time) So in essence you are supporting your child while he or she lives in two separate households.  Gary takes care of her 90% of the time and Amber needs to pay toward Gary's (Leah's) expenses at home. Shoes and clothing (that Amber probably keeps at her house) doesn't count.


Please please please Brandon and Teresa CLOSE the adoption.  Tyler is unstable and who knows what he will do to jeopardize Carly's safety.  Sad little girl my ass. Tyler has NO idea that he doesn't mean sh*t to Carly.   I have an aunt that lives several hours away. She visits maybe once a year. When my daughter was two she took a liking to her great aunt, the one day we spent with her. She got really attached, followed her everywhere wanted my aunt to hold her the whole time etc. When we had to leave my daughter clung to her great aunt and cried. She was so upset! Yet the next day she could have cared less. When she saw her a year later she recognized her but was a little leery of her. She sees pics of her and knows who she is but it doesn't elicit any kind of reaction. If you aren't in a child's day to day life they really have no attachment to you.  Cate and Tyler are total strangers to her. She probably cares more about the people Brandon and Teresa go to church with than her birth parents. They don't exist in her mind.  And when she's 18 she can watch this show and see what a piece of sh*t Tyler is and how he was more concerned about strangers on the internet making him feel like he's not a little man child than the daughter he gave up for adoption and see how he badmouthed her  REAL parents and she can make the decision if she wants to meet her birth parents.

Edited by kira28
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Moderator Request: Lets limit the use of violent metaphors to describe frustration. I prefer: "Gary is an ass!" to "I hope someone slaps Gary!" If you really need the emphasis of violence, please make the jump more abstract: "I hope Gary is swallowed by a vulture and dropped in the Grand Canyon." Please exaggerate the sarcasm so even a new english speaker would understand your point is not literally to hurt someone.


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I had a gyno once tell me I would probably never be able to have kids because my uterus was so small. I didn't take that one-time statement as a license to go screw around without protection. I've had two children since then so good thing I'm not as dumb as Maci.  And my kids weren't surprises.  Plus how did Maci not get knocked up by Kyle and Kyle and the other guys she's dated? What about the times I'm sure she's probably boned Ryan between girlfriends?  I can't believe anything other than she got knocked up on purpose. Probably to prolong TM.


I don't for one second believe Maci's doctor told her she couldn't get pregnant again. He *might* have mentioned that when she's ready to try again, there might be some issues or it might take her some additional time, but that is not really the same thing and I'm sure Maci knew it.


As far as how she made it nearly 7 years without getting pregnant again - I would not give either Ryan or Kyle enough credit to bet they insisted on condoms. Boning Ryan was probably sporadic enough where Maci just didn't happen to be ovulating at that time (PCOS can lead to fewer cycles, so instead of ovulating every 28 days Maci may have been more like every 7-12 weeks, significantly reducing her chances of an "unplanned" pregnancy), and I'm guessing Kyle probably grilled her about using birth control. Sure, Maci could have always "forgotten" to take her pills, but that's a little more devious than telling your boyfriend that your Dr. said you likely would have trouble getting pregnant and forgoing pills with your partner's knowledge.


In Kristina's case, I don't believe for one second her birth control failed her. Sure, it's not 100%, and for some women, they will use it as directed, and still wind up pregnant. I don't believe Kristina is one of those women. I'm really shaking my head over someone being so desperate to keep Gary around that they would purposely get pregnant. To me, sleeping with Gary would be mortifying enough, but to be pregnant with his baby would have to be something I would file in my "Pretty much the worse thing that could ever happen to me, barring death of a family member" folder.

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Lastly, if they're breaking the fourth wall, then why did they fake Kristina's and Catelynn's pregnancy reveals? That's why bringing Amber up immediately after hearing Kristina's pregnancy "news" wasn't as weird as it seemed, because they already knew but they needed to have the "Amber discussion" on camera.


That's what I kept telling myself, that this was obviously a reenactment and that Gary's first thought couldn't have actually been "how do I tell Amber."   Right?  RIGHT?!

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I don't imagine most kids in kindergarten would regularly watch the show, but I could see them say getting up for a glass of water while their parent is watching the show and saying "hey she's in my class!" and being allowed to watch some of it. Or when they get a little older, like later elementary school/jr. high (you know, when some kids get to that ruthless stage)l, I can see kids looking them up and teasing them about it.


I actually wouldn't be surprised at all if their classmates were allowed to watch it. Not all, but some. My sister is a first grade teacher, and I was shocked when she told me how many of her students watch The Walking Dead. Some parents are just not that discerning. 


I don't agree Kristina has a right to sue her birth control provider. I bet pretty much anything that pregnancy was "planned".


Agreed. If it really was a case of her switching brands of BC, your doctor and pharmacist will caution you to use a backup method during any lapse in BC. It really should be common sense at this point. All these babies are "trap" babies, IMO. 

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I pretty much couldn't think of a MORE inappropriate show for a young child to watch then The Walking Dead.  I give your friend props for not smacking any of those "parents." 


As for Kristina, didn't she also say she switched brands of BC, two months prior?  Wouldn't it have only taken one full cycle for the new pills to have been effective? Also, her doctor would've told her to use a secondary form of BC during the switch.  She's full of crap.  That right there was clearly a man trap baby.

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You could tell from the tone of Theresa's voice that she didn't really want to let them see Carly. And its not a good sign that they want Dawn at the adoption issues meeting. Tyler needs to suck it up and kiss some butt. He's acting like he has rights and his opinion means something in this situation, when in reality he has no power at all and needs to watch what he says. I also cringed when Catelynn's brother asked when he can see Carly. Ummm, most likely sometime after her 18th birthday. There probably would never have been a family visit anyway, but I'm pretty sure showing all their family dysfunction on the television sealed the deal.


I think Amber has a mood disorder. Have they said if she's still seeing a therapist? She needs medication. I do give her points for not freaking out in front of Leah this time.


And what is Gary doing for work? Anything??


I hope Maci manages to graduate college. She stands a good chance of ending up a single mom of 2 little kids, and she's going to need the money.

I'm sorry for Catelyn but I hope Brandon and Theresa do close the adoption because Tyler not only doesn't understand boundaries, he also has no respect. That conversation with his mother was crazy, especially how he said he's going to begin the conversation. Clearly, doofus, they want to have a serious conversation with you and Catelyn, which is why they're including Dawn. During that preview, Theresa's face was like a ladylike WTF did he say?


I think Tyler is a total douchebag fame whore.


Amber totally needs to see a therapist. What's up with the producer chick? She comforts her but offers no valuable advice like get the fuck up off that couch and let's go sign up for some classes and therapy sessions. And they need to take Gary's girlfriend to the shrink, too. Even Amber was like, WTF, how is she going to feel when she hears you talking this way on national TV? MTV has seriously gone to Gary's head, just like with Tyler, because he thinks he's a prize. If he weren't on reality TV would any girl, other than a low self-esteem chick like Kristina, look his way? As someone upthread observed, he looks like he's about to explode. He used to be a hospital aide or something like that, but would any medical facility hire a walking heart attack like him?


Speaking of weight, I know some people think Tyler is fat shaming Catelyn, which he probably kind of is, but she does need to be careful. And the thing is that yeah, maybe she's one of those women who gains more weight during pregnancy, but she appears to be lazy as fuck. What the hell does she do besides eat, shop, surf social media and make smoothies. I think she may be comfort eating because deep down inside she's worried about her future with Tyler and even if she believed she should leave him she won't because she's so insecure.


Macy, Macy, Macy. Your parents must be so proud. I was almost embarrassed for her when Tyler gave that lame excuse about why he can't put a ring on it. Someone was talking about what future financial plans the girls may have made and said probably only Chelsea is safe, but Macy's and Ryan's parents are middle class and may have gotten her some financial advice. Speaking of which, where are Macy's parents?

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As for Kristina, didn't she also say she switched brands of BC, two months prior?  Wouldn't it have only taken one full cycle for the new pills to have been effective? Also, her doctor would've told her to use a secondary form of BC during the switch.  She's full of crap.  That right there was clearly a man trap baby.


Not to defend Kristina, because I think she's probably an idiot, but my doctor switched my birth control prescription and I didn't know until I got to the pharmacy. It was from a brand name to a generic. She never said anything to me about switching it. Even that kind of change can make a difference. But I still think Kristina's an idiot for letting Gary anywhere near her private parts with his defective sperm.

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MTV needs to put a stop to this scripted nonsense (TM and TM2).  They're no longer documenting the lives of typical teen parents and their struggles.  They've created a bunch of minor celebrities and thrown lots of money at them.  They're filming eight moms in their early twenties who don't have to work for a living, own houses, and drive brand new cars.  Everybody knows where they got the money to live that way.  Of the eight women, only Chelsea has an ordinary job.  And then there is the ever-changing collection of douche nozzles that viewers are subjected to.  Aside from Corey and Jeremy, the males are just as bad as the moms.  Full of themselves for no reason, talking themselves up but delivering very little of substance.  There is no correlation between these television characters and regular people who had children when they were teens and sacrifice every day to support them.  Enough already.


End of rant.

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It's sad when the circumstances have made Chelsea the mature, levelheaded one. (Chelsea is an airhead but I do love her & Randilicious).

Amber- I don't understand the breakdown. Being with Gary, fighting with Gary is what put her in jail. How can any part of her brain hold onto any inkling of an idea that they should ever be together again?!

I agree that all the pregnancies weren't "accidents." At 32 years old, 9 years of marriage and one kid, Kristina knows what's up with BC, I'm sure.

I like Maci and I think she's a great mom, but she's delusional if she thinks this guy is going to marry her. Same for Catelynn.

anxiously awaiting the BT smackdown and the return of Farrah! All that needs to happen now is an early parole for ButchDaMan (his Twitter handle) and this show will be in white trash heaven!

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