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S07.E21: Chasing Nay-Nay

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So, Nene took it sideways and that made it okay for another grown adult (who has full control over her own reactions) to show her behind? That's not how it works. One of the main qualities my mother admires in me is that I don't let folks get under my skin (she does and I'm often they one to talk her down). If I were Claudia and Nene responded to me the way she did Claudia, I would have left it alone. You know the saying about arguing with a fool, right?

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I have a question, what is Nene supposed to do?  What is meant by "dealing with it?"


In my opinion, it's acting like an adult. Being mature, even when those around you are acting batshit crazy. NeNe lets people push her buttons too easily. She has it in her head that she's going to have to put up with "the girls" and so she's already got her guard up when she walks into the room. If she could just realize that by being kind and pretending like hell that she's enjoying herself, she'll finally have the upper hand. Right now, the more she walks out and storms off in a huff, she's falling lower and lower in the pecking order.

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Nene was totally defensive and honestly, an imperious bitch from the start at that event.  I was laughing my ass off when Claudia kept pressing her and Nene, instead of being gracious or clapping back, just turned on her heels and left the event.  If people aren't treating Nene like a queen, she packs up her ball and leaves.   Can't wait for her to get fired.

Edited by cooksdelight
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I have a question, what is Nene supposed to do?  What is meant by "dealing with it?"  


Still don't like weaves, especially on children.  I don't think a weave is necessary, unless you're an actress playing a role, or if you have an illness that has ruined your hair, though in that case you'd probably wear a wig.  Wigs are cool because you can take them off and wash your hair, and wigs don't make your hairline go back to your ear line.


I don't like weaves on children either. I saw a little girl getting a sew-in at my salon when I went in to get my two-strand twists re-done this past weekend. No way would that happen if she were my kid. I'm not jacking up my kid's hairline.

Edited by cooksdelight
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Yeah, I didn't like the weave either and was very disappointed to see that. And that dress was way too grown-up, too, with all of the boobage. I bet if Leon sees that she'll be wearing a different frock to the homecoming dance. I think she's too young for a strapless evening dress. Noelle is an adorable girl, there is nothing wrong with the hair on her head, as I recall, so why she was wearing someone else's hair was beyond me. Riley wears a weave, too, and she's just 12. If they're not careful, they're going to have Naomi Campbell edges by the time they're sweet 16.

As for Claudia, bitch needs to shut the fuck up. There was no need to bring all of that crap to the charity event and to keep pressing NeNe, who clearly wasn't having that conversation. Disappointed though not surprised.

Cynthia needs to forget about acting. Why was she screeching her lines? What happened with the Bailey Agency? And from the previews, it looks like Peter is keeping secrets again about his business dealings.

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But she has never told them that she wants nothing to do with them, not repeatedly, not even once. They all said they hadn't heard from her since she walked out of the counseling session. She never responded to the video message, and they had to be told she wasn't going on the Philippines trip at the airport, via Phaedra, due to her so-called blood clots. Clearly, Nene doesn't know how to communicate. Nor does she want to learn.



Not in those words.  But she made it clear during the dinner with Cynthia, Porsha and Kenya that she did not want to be BFFs with any of them.  I keep saying this but it seems since none of these women can get that, I'll have to keep saying it.  She's also made it clear with Claudia that she doesn't give a shit about her.  Claudia CANNOT handle this and constantly comes for Nene.  Leave it alone already.  They all claim to be so done with her and so over her bullshit yet the minute she walks into the room they WANT ANSWERS.  Look at Cynthia standing behind Claudia while she's demanding Nene speak to her.  WTF?  If you're so over it, leave it alone already. 

From where I sit, Nene has made it very clear where she wants her relationships to stand with these women.  Just because they're all too dense to figure it out isn't her problem.

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Cynthia can't act.


Claudia needs to go away, she's not as cute as she thinks she is.


Nene should just leave the show and then they should replace all of them.


So glad next week is the season finale.

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The only answers Claudia should be seeking is why she has so many rejection issues and pressed about Nene not liking her.  A charity event is not the time or place for Claudia or Cynthia to be seeking or demanding answers.  It's just not.  It doesn't matter if its Nene's pattern to always run away.  It wasn't the time or place to confront Nene.


Nene immediately acting up when she arrived is not how it happened either.


  • Nene arrived & said she was just here to support Phaedra's event and then she was going back to New York again.
  • The girls greeted Nene; she said hey back. 
  • They were in the kitchen plating food; Claudia started in on Nene leaving the session, then Cynthia jumped in
  • Nene started barking back at Claudia & Cynthia; loud voices could be heard coming from the kitchen
  • I think Porsha went back to the kitchen to investigate what was going on
  • Nene, Claudia & Cynthia were barking at each other; Nene stages whispers to Gregg in the audience to "Lets Go"
  • Kenya arrived late to find Claudia chasing Nene through the kitchen and stopped Claudia from following her
  • Event Lady told them people hadn't gotten their food so get back to putting food on the plates & serve the people
  • Porsha & Phaedra walked Nene out while she explained why she was leaving


The person who should really be mad is Phaedra, because Claudia & Cynthia brought that BS up in her event.  It was supposed to be an event about uplifting the kids and here you come acting a fool over issues that could've waited another day to be addressed.  The issues between Nene and the group ain't going anywhere.


Whatever Nene's issues are, they will take a while to resolve so they didn't need to be resolved that day.  Claudia & Cynthia came off thirsty & pressed and really is giving Nene justification of why she doesn't want to have anything to do with them.

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Cynthia can't act, the accent was horrible but I'm really trying to figure out that makeup. I think her character is supposed to be a caricature, but I don't know enough islanders to have a reference point for the clown makeup. Can someone enlighten me?

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Phaedra claimed to organize her event for boys like Ayden, boys in communities of color without fathers, and yet Ayden wasn't there. I thought that was odd.

As for Nene, once again, she got up and left. Just like at the therapy session. At Kenya's charity function. At various parties when her allies aren't around. On Celebrity Apprentice. Dancing with the Stars. It's her m.o. If she's not in control, or in the right, or the center of attention (in a good way), she bails. And she needs to stop saying she's "moved on." She clearly hasn't, because a person who's moved on can stay and deal with folks. Nene can't. She's got problems.

I thought Nene was dealing just fine before Claudia's messy ass decided to stalk her into a conversation.

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Not in those words.  But she made it clear during the dinner with Cynthia, Porsha and Kenya that she did not want to be BFFs with any of them.

And yet she then organized the group counseling session to help them all get along. I'd say that's a mixed message.

I thought Nene was dealing just fine before Claudia's messy ass decided to stalk her into a conversation.

She was. And I'm not defending Claudia at all. But then Nene up and left, which is her m.o., instead of figuring out a way to stay. Fighting back or leaving were not her only options. And I think it's also important to remember that all this tension, and Claudia coming after her, it all stems from her actions to begin with. Not that everyone's an angel and she's the devil, but the rest of them, even with their differences and spats, are able to co-mingle and even get along. Nene can't do this, and we've seen this over and over. I think there's an underlying issue there, and it's more than her ego.

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Then why did she organize a group therapy session with the ladies, including Claudia, Cynthia and Kenya, if she doesn't want anything to do with them?




NeNe stated the reason she organized the session was because the GROUP dynamics had gotten to a place in which people could not be in the same room.  She said she hope the session would help everyone, and that they didn't have to like each other but that they could be cordial and hang out without incident.  That is not what happen, and in her defense, that was a Dr. Jeff sponsored gang up.  

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Yeah, I didn't like the weave either and was very disappointed to see that. And that dress was way too grown-up, too, with all of the boobage. I bet if Leon sees that she'll be wearing a different frock to the homecoming dance. I think she's too young for a strapless evening dress. Noelle is an adorable girl, there is nothing wrong with the hair on her head, as I recall, so why she was wearing someone else's hair was beyond me. Riley wears a weave, too, and she's just 12. If they're not careful, they're going to have Naomi Campbell edges by the time they're sweet 16.

There's a cashier at my neighborhood drug store who's about 17 and you can see that her hairline has crept back at least an inch. She's wearing braids now but has different hair every time I see her, and it's taken a toll on her.


Cynthia is not a good actress, but it doesn't matter because no one is seeing that pilot.

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I think it's a great thing Phaedra is doing to encourage young men to be good fathers and leaders.


That's all they need:  another woman telling them what to do. This is a great show for promoting responsible fatherhood.


Let's see: 

* Kandi's daughter = no contact with biological father

* Nene's son Bryce = no contact with biological father.  Oaf has already fathered two children out of marriage.

* Phaedra's boys:  dad in prison

* Cynthia's husband: fathered six children from various relationships. I WILL say that Noelle has a good relationship with her father, which is why she seems the most emotional healthy of all the RHOA children.

* Nene's husband: fathered five other children.

* Kim: both her daughters have no relationship with biological fathers; will most likely lose relationship with adoptive dad in a few years … 

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Nene was totally defensive and honestly, an imperious bitch from the start at that event.  I was laughing my ass off when Claudia kept pressing her and Nene, instead of being gracious or clapping back, just turned on her heels and left the event.  If people aren't treating Nene like a queen, she packs up her ball and leaves.   Can't wait for her to get fired.

I doubt she will get fired. Andy loves her.She won't leave the show, she needs the money.  Greg is painful to watch. Can he be any more up Nene's ass?. Man has NO dignity.  That scene at Sardi's, please. Nene's Cinderella gig was a 2 week stint. She wasn't living on 5th Ave. What ever lie gets you through the day, NayNay.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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And yet she then organized the group counseling session to help them all get along. I'd say that's a mixed message.


Getting along does not mean that she needs to hug and kiss everyone when she walks into a room.  And as people have pointed out, the counseling session wasn't so Nene could fix anyone's relationship, it was so they could all apologize for how they'd treated her.  When it didn't go that way, she left.  

I'm no fan of Nene's but I cannot stand any of the other women either.  

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NeNe stated the reason she organized the session was because the GROUP dynamics had gotten to a place in which people could not be in the same room.

Yet, they all got along really well in Manilla.

The other thing NeNe did that bothered me was to keep emphasizing the word "SONS' toward the other women... Cynthia (daughter Noelle) and Kenya, Claudia and Porsha...no children.

NeNe should step back for a minute and remember what shape her oldest son's life is in right now. A couple of arrests, two kids out of wedlock, no stable job, etc. Does he even know his father?

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Nene was totally defensive and honestly, an imperious bitch from the start at that event.  

I remember being really put off when she walked into the event, turned her nose up and said something along the lines of, "It really smells in here," in front of a bunch of people, like her fabulous air was being polluted.  Really, you couldn't have held off from saying that until you were in the back, where the guests couldn't here you?


Cynthia can't act, the accent was horrible but I'm really trying to figure out that makeup. I think her character is supposed to be a caricature, but I don't know enough islanders to have a reference point for the clown makeup. Can someone enlighten me?

I'm from the Caribbean, and I was having trouble understanding her make-up.  It just looked like a hot mess.  Now if the character herself was a hot mess, then cool; but hopefully, they weren't implying that all Jamaican women dress like that.  

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I understood what Peter was saying and I do agree with him (that young women and men from certain environments are not exposed to certain things, so it's difficult for them to seek guidance when they need it - I lived that growing up so maybe that's why I understood immediately). I still can't stand his ass, but he had a good point.

I understood it, too. But I have a question - doesn't Peter have many kids? Where are they? (I'm mindful of the event they were at in asking this).


Ayden is WAY too young for the luncheon Phaedra was hosting. Everyone in that room looked to be in middle school or high school. I'm sure the organization has other age-appropriate activities for him, so I'm not seeing why it's a problem he didn't attend.

I get that he's too young to listen to and understand a lot of the speeches, but Phaedra said she organized the event for her sons and kids like them, so I think it would have been nice for him to be there for symbolic reasons, as well as talking to him about it later in a way that could explain why his father isn't around and what that means. Or is she shielding him from this? (I really don't know, since Phaedra said on WWHL that it's none of our business).

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I understood it, too. But I have a question - doesn't Peter have many kids? Where are they? (I'm mindful of the event they were at in asking this).

Yes.  I don't remember how many, but he has a handful.  It was why Phaedra said that he was "dirty" or whatever term she used, while Apollo was so fresh and so clean clean because his only kids were by her.  I guess we see how well that worked out....

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Getting along does not mean that she needs to hug and kiss everyone when she walks into a room.  And as people have pointed out, the counseling session wasn't so Nene could fix anyone's relationship, it was so they could all apologize for how they'd treated her.  When it didn't go that way, she left.

Serious Q - are you being sarcastic? Because of course no one would have agreed to attend a counseling session with the intent to apologize to Nene, nor would any therapist condone that. But if you meant that that's what Nene intended, I agree to an extent, but then obviously that's the problem. Once again, the problem starts with Nene, and she needs to recognize this if she wants to get along with anyone.

. Nene's Cinderella gig was a 2 week stint. She wasn't living on 5th Ave. What ever lie gets you through the day, Nene.

Her run was only two weeks? Seriously?! The way she talked about it....

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I remember being really put off when she walked into the event, turned her nose up and said something along the lines of, "It really smells in here," in front of a bunch of people, like her fabulous air was being polluted. Really, you couldn't have held off from saying that until you were in the back, where the guests couldn't here you?

I'm from the Caribbean, and I was having trouble understanding her make-up. It just looked like a hot mess. Now if the character herself was a hot mess, then cool; but hopefully, they weren't implying that all Jamaican women dress like that.

Nene said it was really hot in there, not that it smelled.

What did Claudia want at that moment from NeNe? Did she want to have a conversation about the therapy session, right there while they served food?

Nene left because imo Claudia and Cynthia were not going to be happy no matter what she said. So why engage. What did Claudia want? I ask again because I don't understand her motives. She knows Nene does not like her, Nene is pissed because she feels they attacked at the therapy session.

Those saying that fighting or leaving are not the only choices, what is the other choice to stand there at this charity event and and get into a conversation about what?

Claudia wanted a confrontation and Cynthia the ass was standing there egging her on.

I'm done with is show I ff through most of it.

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Serious Q - are you being sarcastic? Because of course no one would have agreed to attend a counseling session with the intent to apologize to Nene, nor would any therapist condone that. But if you meant that that's what Nene intended, I agree to an extent, but then obviously that's the problem. Once again, the problem starts with Nene, and she needs to recognize this if she wants to get along with anyone.

Her run was only two weeks? Seriously?! The way she talked about it....

Yes, it was mentioned last night. Can't remember by whom.

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Nene said it was really hot in there, not that it smelled.

Lol!  I don't know why I heard smelled.  I probably wasn't paying attention, as I tend to do when this show was on.  I just remembered being offended, so it had to have been smelled!  Just go ahead and ignore my previous comment!

And yes, her appearance in Cinderella was during the last 2 weeks of the show.

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Serious Q - are you being sarcastic? Because of course no one would have agreed to attend a counseling session with the intent to apologize to Nene, nor would any therapist condone that. But if you meant that that's what Nene intended, I agree to an extent, but then obviously that's the problem. Once again, the problem starts with Nene, and she needs to recognize this if she wants to get along with anyone.


The problem does not start with Nene IMO.

And no, I was being honest.  In Nene's head that's how she saw the therapy session going down.  

But thanks for explaining how therapy sessions work (ok, that was sarcastic).

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Those saying that fighting or leaving are not the only choices, what is the other choice to stand there at this charity event and and get into a conversation about what.

She could have talked to Claudia and Cynthia in a mature way about whatever they were talking about - the therapy session, why she left, how it went, the Phillipines trip, etc... If these are uncomfortable topics for Nene, she needs to ask herself why, cuz for everyone else, it's not that hard.

Or, she could have said that she was there for Phaedra and didn't want to talk about other stuff.

The problem does not start with Nene IMO.

And no, I was being honest.  In Nene's head that's how she saw the therapy session going down.  

But thanks for explaining how therapy sessions work (ok, that was sarcastic).

If your theory is that Nene went into the group therapy session with the expectation that everyone would apologize to her, then how is that not a problem? Cuz that's what I was referencing.

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Lol! I don't know why I heard smelled. I probably wasn't paying attention, as I tend to do when this show was on. I just remembered being offended, so it had to have been smelled! Just go ahead and ignore my previous comment!

And yes, her appearance in Cinderella was during the last 2 weeks of the show.

I'm surprised I caught it. I find myself not caring about the show. Like I said I have been ff more then watching. Edited by imjagain
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Or, she could have said that she was there for Phaedra and didn't want to talk about other stuff.


That wouldn't have satisfied Claudia or Cynthia and we all know it.  Claudia & Cynthia wanted "answers" right then and there and they weren't going to let up until they got those "answers."  Claudia & Cynthia should've been there for Phaedra too and just shut up and plated the food like they were supposed to and demanded "answers" from Nene another day.


Really, what "answers" did Claudia expect from Nene as they put green beans and rolls on the plates?

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Yes.  I don't remember how many, but he has a handful.  It was why Phaedra said that he was "dirty" or whatever term she used, while Apollo was so fresh and so clean clean because his only kids were by her.  I guess we see how well that worked out....

That we -- or Phaedra -- know of.

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She could have talked to Claudia and Cynthia in a mature way about whatever they were talking about - the therapy session, why she left, how it went, the Phillipines trip, etc... If these are uncomfortable topics for Nene, she needs to ask herself why, cuz for everyone else, it's not that hard.

Or, she could have said that she was there for Phaedra and didn't want to talk about other stuff.

If your theory is that Nene went into the group therapy session with the expectation that everyone would apologize to her, then how is that not a problem? Cuz that's what I was referencing.

I see what you are saying but I just can't see it working. I blame both Claudia and Nene. IMO it just seemed so disrespectful to Phaedra and the people waiting for their food in that according to Nene hot room ;) Edited by imjagain
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The therapy wasn't a gang up session aimed at NeNe -- NeNe was just the first person in line.  And she left before the focus switched to the next person in line.  Had she just listened, accepted or declined to agree with what was being said to her, the topic would have switched.  A person sincere about the dynamics of a group who went to the work of organizing therapy within a group would of course go first in being the focus of the discussion, in order to get people comfortable with the format and able to see how to rationally exchange views and feelings on specific incidents without completely going off the rails.


IF that person were actually interested in addressing their own role in group dynamics, instead of just bringing people together to address THEIRS.

Edited by kassa
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That wouldn't have satisfied Claudia or Cynthia and we all know it.  Claudia & Cynthia wanted "answers" right then and there and they weren't going to let up until they got those "answers." 

Then that would be on them. Everyone's responsible for themselves. It's a hypothetical, but even if it ended up that way (Claudia et al demanding answers), then either answer the questions in a way that doesn't ramp up the noise, or tell her you're not going to answer the questions. Instead, she took the bait.

I see what you are saying but I just can't see it working. I blame both Claudia and Nene. IMO it just seemed so disrespectful to Phaedra and the people waiting for their food in that according to Nene hot room ;)

Yup, I agree - it was disrespectful, from both of them. Like I just wrote, Claudia baited Nene, and Nene took it.

IF that person were actually interested in addressing their own role in group dynamics, instead of just bringing people together to address THEIRS.

Exactly! I don't see how Nene gets a pass just because she went into the session with a different agenda.

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Besides that I thought both of Noelle's dress options were too too adorable! I love that style of skirt. It's very lady-like & almost refreshing to see.

I didn't like the first one. It made her look like the Tooth Fairy.


Cynthia can't act, the accent was horrible but I'm really trying to figure out that makeup. I think her character is supposed to be a caricature, but I don't know enough islanders to have a reference point for the clown makeup. Can someone enlighten me?

I wondered about that as well but quickly quit caring since this pilot is never going anywhere, despite Kenya's claims. Speaking of which, why weren't Cynthia's lines written in Jamaican dialect, forcing her to get Peter's help?


Yet, they all got along really well in Manilla.

 It sounds like the "canceling" session was a success! ;-)

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Nene was totally defensive and honestly, an imperious bitch from the start at that event.  I was laughing my ass off when Claudia kept pressing her and Nene, instead of being gracious or clapping back, just turned on her heels and left the event.  If people aren't treating Nene like a queen, she packs up her ball and leaves.   Can't wait for her to get fired.

For NeNe The Narcissist other people are just bit players in her fabulous story - where she's soooo fierce and soooo successful!

I'm with you - can't wait for her to make her grand exit!

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I wouldn't say it was all Claudia's fault. It takes two to tango - she started the conversation, and if Nene was a grown up, she could have ended it with some real talk. Instead she pulled that dismissive "you're not important enough for me to bother with a real answer" bullshit she does to anyone who isn't kissing her ass (and sometimes even those who are).



Claudia and Cynthia asked Nene why she left the counseling session and she answered them.  She said it was because she felt ganged up on.  Now whether or not that was how it happened, it's how she felt at the time she left.  They should have left her alone after she gave them that information, but they wouldn't let it rest.  Claudia even went so far as to chase Nene to the door like she was a police officer chasing a thief.  Nene asked her to get out of her space and Claudia said she didn't have to which was wrong, wrong, wrong!

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I get that he's too young to listen to and understand a lot of the speeches, but Phaedra said she organized the event for her sons and kids like them, so I think it would have been nice for him to be there for symbolic reasons, as well as talking to him about it later in a way that could explain why his father isn't around and what that means. Or is she shielding him from this? (I really don't know, since Phaedra said on WWHL that it's none of our business).

I don't really see why Ayden needed to be there at that specific event, so I'll agree to disagree. The target audience seemed to be triple his age. Phaedra likely created the event for young boys like her son who will grow up without a male influence in the household, but that doesn't mean her son needed to be at that particular one.


Also, from what I remember, Peter has maybe 4 or 5 kids who are adults. I don't know where they are as they've never been on the show.

Edited by trimthatfat
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NeNe;s MO is walking out.  Hell she did it on Celebrity Apprentice when the going got tough.  She didn't tell anyone not even Donald Trump that she was leaving.  When to going gets tough, NeNe is out......BYE.


But Claudia needed to let it go.  NeNe did answer the questions and made it clear she did not want to be bother with them.  And I have to say Cynthia looked exceptionally pathetic standing behind Claudia trying to get her two cents in.  NeNe did not even acknowledge Cynthia much less answer any of Cynthia's questions. That was a total dis from NeNe.


And I use to really like Kandi but she lost me with the whole marriage prenups with Todd.  Ok if you don't want your man to get any of your money, and you did make that PAINFULLY clear that he was not to even think about it, then let the man do what he has to do to make his own money. If it means going to CA then let him go.  And I don't know, why not fly out to see him once in awhile for some adult time away from the kids and your mother.  Either cut him in on some of your dough or cut him some slack on trying to make his own.  I think Todd knows if she decides to end the marriage he will be out with nothing other than what he made on his own.  Kudos to him for doing what he has to do to make his own "empire".  And I thought Todd looked kinda hot at dinner.

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NeNe;s MO is walking out.  Hell she did it on Celebrity Apprentice when the going got tough.  She didn't tell anyone not even Donald Trump that she was leaving.  When to going gets tough, NeNe is out......BYE.


But Claudia needed to let it go.  NeNe did answer the questions and made it clear she did not want to be bother with them.  And I have to say Cynthia looked exceptionally pathetic standing behind Claudia trying to get her two cents in.  NeNe did not even acknowledge Cynthia much less answer any of Cynthia's questions. That was a total dis from NeNe.


And I use to really like Kandi but she lost me with the whole marriage prenups with Todd.  Ok if you don't want your man to get any of your money, and you did make that PAINFULLY clear that he was not to even think about it, then let the man do what he has to do to make his own money. If it means going to CA then let him go.  And I don't know, why not fly out to see him once in awhile for some adult time away from the kids and your mother.  Either cut him in on some of your dough or cut him some slack on trying to make his own.  I think Todd knows if she decides to end the marriage he will be out with nothing other than what he made on his own.  Kudos to him for doing what he has to do to make his own "empire".  And I thought Todd looked kinda hot at dinner.


Despite his big head, Todd is pretty good looking.  :-D

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I was LMAO at Nene & Gregg at Sardi's.  Gregg intimating that Nene was going to have HER picture up on the wall one of these days and Nene saying something like," I should be up there NOW, I'm gonna go talk to the Owner."  All the while they're showing pictures of Shirley McClain and all these other Broadway "stars"....  Nene, your CINDERELLA! part was for two friggin' weeks!! Seriously, girl. Get a grip!

And if I heard Kenya say," I'm the Producer, Writer, Actor, blah, blah.." ONE MORE TIME......  Jeebus. WHAT an ass.  I'm soo glad this crap is almost over, but apparently not before we see Kenya running around in a wedding dress filming her fabulous idea for a sitcom.


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I don't know jackshit about Hollywood but is that how it works? Do people shoot pilots and then shop them around and hope to sell them? That sounds backasswards!


I barely have an opinion about the crap that goes on on this show anymore. It feels like such a chore to watch it nowadays. 


Whoever called Kandi trying to shop her life, play a role and get a spinoff, Brava!! Gold stars all around. 

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That's all they need:  another woman telling them what to do. This is a great show for promoting responsible fatherhood.


Let's see: 

* Kandi's daughter = no contact with biological father

* Nene's son Bryce = no contact with biological father.  Oaf has already fathered two children out of marriage.

* Phaedra's boys:  dad in prison

* Cynthia's husband: fathered six children from various relationships. I WILL say that Noelle has a good relationship with her father, which is why she seems the most emotional healthy of all the RHOA children.

* Nene's husband: fathered five other children.

* Kim: both her daughters have no relationship with biological fathers; will most likely lose relationship with adoptive dad in a few years … 


I do think that part of Phaedra's message to the young men, was that despite their circumstances that can still achieve their goals.  it was a great messge and I'm glad she did it.


And I hate to defend Greg of all people, but he was married to the mother of his 5 children..  And based on his and Nene's wedding spinoff, he did have a relationship with them, even though they didn't care for Nene.  I would not put him in the irresponsible father pile. 

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I don't know jackshit about Hollywood but is that how it works? Do people shoot pilots and then shop them around and hope to sell them? That sounds backasswards!

Yes, it is. Kenya is fortunate to already have the production capability with her company, most people have to fork over a whole lot of money to get their pilot made. The degree of quality of each pilot will vary, naturally.

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I do think that part of Phaedra's message to the young men, was that despite their circumstances that can still achieve their goals.  it was a great messge and I'm glad she did it.


I agree. I only saw a peek at the men on her panel, but it looks like Judge Mathis and Dr. Greg Lunceford (from Married to Medicine) were part of it. I don't know about Dr. Greg's background, but I know Judge Mathis went through a lot to get to where he is now. He is a great example of how where you've been doesn't have to be where you are heading. Phaedra gets two thumbs up for this event and I hope she continues with them on a regular basis.

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