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S31: Spoilers

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I'm totally spoiling myself for next season.  I'm almost relieved that we are getting spoilers.  This season was too nerve wracking, thinking of a final 3 scenario of Rodney/Dan/Will and it looking like a possibility it would happen.  I'm hoping at least Andrew, Varner, Kelly Wigles (I'm torn whether she really wants this that bad), Joe, Spencer, Tasha, PG, Kimmi, Stephen, and Jeremy all make the merge.  Probably a long shot for a few of them.  The ones who I'm hoping have the earliest exits are Kass, Shirin, and Terry.


I also expect a ton of spoilers for the next newbie season, since there is a full year for that stuff to leak out.




Shane thinks it is going to be far worse for the people who are voted off early then the ones who didn't make the show.

He thinks Spenser is the first person out. He thinks Spenser might be in an alliance with Tasha, Monica, and Sierra.


He thinks Sierra, Spenser, Stephen could be in trouble.


According to Shane, 26 of the folks reached out to him to talk strategy. He wouldn't say who he thinks is going to win because he won't blow up what is happening out there. He was in a pregame alliance with four people who had a conference call. He was the only one who did not make the show. He thinks one of those folks will win.


He was not in an alliance with Sierra, Spenser, Stephen, Tasha, or Monica who made the show. He was not in an alliance with Jim, Brad, or Troyzan because they didn't make the show. Troyzan didn't make any alliances that Shane knew about.


So there is a ton of pregame alliances and talk. It should be interesting to watch the show.


ETA: a Mod question. Does the info from the 11 not on the show count as spoilers or speculation? It is very possible that what they say will spoil alliances and the like but who knows how things are going to change once people are put on tribes and the like. Although Shane discussed that they had to deal with that scenario.

Edited by ProfCrash

Am I the only one who doesn't like pre-game alliance talk?  Part of the fun is the cast meeting for the first time and feeling each other out for possible alliances.  This cast already knows each other and they've all talked multiple times, I'm sure.  But I guess when a show has been on for so long, new formulations have to happen in order to keep it fresh.  I feel like we're going to miss out on a lot of strategy because it already happened before they even hit the beach.

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Am I the only one who doesn't like pre-game alliance talk? Part of the fun is the cast meeting for the first time and feeling each other out for possible alliances. This cast already knows each other and they've all talked multiple times, I'm sure. But I guess when a show has been on for so long, new formulations have to happen in order to keep it fresh. I feel like we're going to miss out on a lot of strategy because it already happened before they even hit the beach.

I think it's pretty interesting. Every season has an element of pre game stuff because they are sequestered together. Rob C told a story during the Dom and Collin podcast that Ryan Aiken was voted off first because he pissed everyone off during the pregame process because he was having stomach problems and every time he got up to go to the bathroom he woke everyone up. Rob c also said during the same interview that Boston Rob invited most of the people that ended up on all starts to his family's house for a Labor Day bbq.

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Yea, I have think Shane's pre-game alliance was probably all guys and that Terry was definitely part of it. I feel like it's people I hate, so I hope Shane not being there kills their chances!


I think Shirin will probably last a long time. She's loyal and she's gonna be awestruck by these people. Plus, let's be real, she ain't gonna win!


I'm kinda torn on the supposed Tasha/Spencer/Ciera/Vytas/Monica alliance just because I really hate Vytas. Ugh, I want him to be an early boot! I think it's interesting that Shane seemed so scared of Ciera. I liked her a lot in BvW and I think she's a good player, but she ain't that good!

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Yea, I have think Shane's pre-game alliance was probably all guys and that Terry was definitely part of it. I feel like it's people I hate, so I hope Shane not being there kills their chances!

I think Shirin will probably last a long time. She's loyal and she's gonna be awestruck by these people. Plus, let's be real, she ain't gonna win!

I'm kinda torn on the supposed Tasha/Spencer/Ciera/Vytas/Monica alliance just because I really hate Vytas. Ugh, I want him to be an early boot! I think it's interesting that Shane seemed so scared of Ciera. I liked her a lot in BvW and I think she's a good player, but she ain't that good!

I think Jeremy was in it as well as Kelly Wigglesworth. I would be scared of Ciera too I agree that she's not that good, but going to rocks is pretty ballsy. I think it shows how unpredictable she is.


Yea, a lot of people seem to think Shane was aligned with Jeremy. I hate Jeremy, so I hope he fails without Shane lol! Shane seems obsessed with Kelly W, so I could see her being part of his alliance.

Speaking of Kelly W, I'm super interested to see how she plays. IMO she looked like one of the only people there who would've been totally fine if she didn't get picked. I don't know if I think she's that invested in it honestly.


I would be scared of Ciera too I agree that she's not that good, but going to rocks is pretty ballsy. I think it shows how unpredictable she is.

Good point. She's got the unpredictably of Kass, that's scary, but she's actually not terrible at the game, so it's even scarier.

I hope Kass isn't the first out. She entertains me.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I think Ciera was a good player.  I like her, and she got my votes.  But I also find her a tad overrated.  The way I've seen her described by some fans, you'd think she invented the alliance, came up with the idea for a fake HII, and pulled an idol play that topped Parvati and Malcolm's.  I mean, I think going to rocks and writing your moms name down were both strategic moves that could have backfired but played out well in her favor.  And I'm anxious to see what she's capable of in this setting.  But I think there are many who would run circles around her and make her look very naive.


So it sounds like they haven't yet left the states (as was originally rumored) but are leaving tomorrow.  Filming starts next Friday (May 29th, according to wikipedia).


In regards to pre-show alliances and what TPTB can do to stop them: well, it's true they may not be able to do much.  I'd wager a bet that everyone out there probably has something set up with everyone, to some extent.  However, there are wrinkles they can throw in there, like tribe swaps, early/delayed merges, maybe more than one tribe swap (start them off with 2 tribes of 10 each, once they are down to 18 switch them to 3, then go back to 2).  I won't be surprised for the old schoolers and the older men to stick together, which is why the younger men may be in trouble.  I guess it will depend on tribal divide.  I'm hopeful for this season.  It would be funny if the people who didn't make it spill the beans on alliances, and TPTB go out of their way to ensure those people who may have the closest bond get separated.  I'm not surprised if Tasha/Spencer teamed up, but I already feel like they were going to be targeted for that very simple reason.


Speaking of Kelly W, I'm super interested to see how she plays. IMO she looked like one of the only people there who would've been totally fine if she didn't get picked. I don't know if I think she's that invested in it honestly.



Kelly's kind of an odd ball.  She doesn't own a TV, and only recently watched her own season of the show.  But she's never kept up with it.  I was actually surprised when she was at the finale of HvsV for Survivor's 10 year anniversary, and I figured after all this time it would take a lot to get her to return.  She's never been asked prior, to my knowledge.  When you look at this cast photo, she looks the most unenthused of all of them:



Edited by LadyChatts
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However, there are wrinkles they can throw in there, like tribe swaps, early/delayed merges, maybe more than one tribe swap (start them off with 2 tribes of 10 each, once they are down to 18 switch them to 3, then go back to 2).

I wish they'd do this. It would be hilarious!


I'm not surprised if Tasha/Spencer teamed up, but I already feel like they were going to be targeted for that very simple reason.

It was always so obvious Spencer/Tasha would align. They tried to make it seem like they weren't close, but I'm sure no one believed them. They're probably screwed. Which makes me sad because I love those two.

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Its obvious from the get go that Spencer/Tasha will/would work together. They have been friends since they have been done their season. The best thing for them is to be on seperate tribes. Work both sides, and if they both make it to merge, Game on for everyone else. But, for the other survivors: they need to get them both out as soon as they can. Cause Spencer/Tasha are both big Immunity threats/beasts. They both almost ran the immunity table on their season.


But, I think Tasha could make it farther, if it comes down to it. What seperates them, is Tasha has a better social game then Spencer. She can creat relationships better. But, I hope they both make it to the end. Or at least one of them.

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I think Spencer will have a bigger target on his back than Tasha.  As long as they are both there, both may be vulnerable.  But if Spencer goes, I see Tasha being okay for the time being.  Spencer will be considered a threat regardless, and if he gets in the crosshairs of Kass, people on the tribe may use her to help get rid of him.  There will be other challenge threats, and if Tasha sees that as putting a target on her back, she may back off and shift that to someone else.  Joe mentioned that was going to be part of his strategy this season, though good luck with that.  I'm hoping that TPTB will divide people up to be on opposite tribes from their seasons.  With the exception of Cagayan, all other seasons have 1-2 reps.  Not that that will take care of pre-game alliances, but it may draw less attention to some people.


Also, Shirin didn't look all that excited.  Not like I would have expected.  Both her and Kelly Wigles honestly seemed like they didn't care either way.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Does anyone know if they started playing yet, or if not, when they do? 


Curious to hear if anyone has predictions for winner, FTC, 1st boot, etc. 


I'm still going with Shirin for a first boot for the ladies.  With the guys, I don't know.  It's going to come down to how the tribes are divided and what kind of game people are playing.  I could easily someone like Joe getting the boot first.  He's going to be extremely fresh in everyone's mind, and if they don't feel as though they need him for anything, they may figure cut him loose while they have the chance.  Alliances may already be made, and the downside to that is, they don't exactly need numbers on their tribe if they have numbers on the other side.  As long as they stay in the game and keep those numbers, it isn't going to matter who they let loose.  Joe's usefulness around camp probably won't come in as handy as it did this season, because there are going to likely be a lot of people clamoring for tribal leader and provider.  Physically, he may be seen as an assett to keep, but that also may prove his downfall.  So Shirin, and for now, I'll say Stephen for the guys.  I'd like to say Terry, but with my luck, he'll be around awhile.  That said, I won't be surprised if it a total shocker who goes first.  Like I said, it will all come down to what kind of game and strategy people have going in.


What I think will happen is likely an unexpected final 3, possibly someone like Savage, Varner, or Kelley Wentworth who went out pre-merge/jury the first time making it to the end and improving on their game play.  I have a feeling Keith will either be out early or dragged until the end again.  I'm getting good feelings from Peih-Gee and Abi-Maria.  I know Abi isn't all that popular, but I've got a good feeling she's going to come in and play like a different person this time.  PG also is a jewelry designer I believe, so maybe she and Joe can work on the ultimate fake idol together.  I think Jeff will be a shit stirrer, and probably the flip flopper this season, especially if he doesn't think he has a chance to win.  I already said I won't be surprised to see the likes of Kelly Wiglesworth, Spencer, Joe, Stephen, Woo, and Tasha out early.  There will no doubt be people Rob Cesternino'd and Yau-Mann'd out early because their season or legacy is so fresh in everyone's minds.  Both Tasha and Jeremy, in their RHAP interviews, didn't want to go too much into detail with their game playing strategy for fear it would come back to bite them.  For people like Savage, Varner, and Kelley Wentworth, I think they will feel they have a lot to prove since they are the lowest rankers in the standings.  Joe and Spencer need to watch out.  I could see Jeremy being blindsided again as well.  Something about Terry already rubs me the wrong way, but I don't like the guy and I'm disappointed he's back, so that's probably why.

Edited by LadyChatts
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What I think will happen is likely an unexpected final 3, possibly someone like Savage, Varner, or Kelley Wentworth who went out pre-merge/jury the first time making it to the end and improving on their game play.  I have a feeling Keith will either be out early or dragged until the end again.  I'm getting good feelings from Peih-Gee and Abi-Maria.  I know Abi isn't all that popular, but I've got a good feeling she's going to come in and play like a different person this time.  PG also is a jewelry designer I believe, so maybe she and Joe can work on the ultimate fake idol together.  I think Jeff will be a shit stirrer, and probably the flip flopper this season, especially if he doesn't think he has a chance to win.  I already said I won't be surprised to see the likes of Kelly Wiglesworth, Spencer, Joe, Stephen, Woo, and Tasha out early.  There will no doubt be people Rob Cesternino'd and Yau-Mann'd out early because their season or legacy is so fresh in everyone's minds.  Both Tasha and Jeremy, in their RHAP interviews, didn't want to go too much into detail with their game playing strategy for fear it would come back to bite them.  For people like Savage, Varner, and Kelley Wentworth, I think they will feel they have a lot to prove since they are the lowest rankers in the standings.  Joe and Spencer need to watch out.  I could see Jeremy being blindsided again as well.  Something about Terry already rubs me the wrong way, but I don't like the guy and I'm disappointed he's back, so that's probably why.

I'll be shocked if Savage makes it to the end. He is way to much of a type A to blend in. I think the fact this is an  older cast really hurts Savage/Terry since they both aligned with the younger people on their original seasons. I think Varner can do well as long as he does not play too hard to fast. Wentworth/Monica probably have a great shot. It's hard to know who will get along. I never would have guessed Courtney/Sandra/Boston Rob would have been in alliance during HvV.

I think Spencer will have a bigger target on his back than Tasha.  As long as they are both there, both may be vulnerable.  But if Spencer goes, I see Tasha being okay for the time being.  Spencer will be considered a threat regardless, and if he gets in the crosshairs of Kass, people on the tribe may use her to help get rid of him.  There will be other challenge threats, and if Tasha sees that as putting a target on her back, she may back off and shift that to someone else.  Joe mentioned that was going to be part of his strategy this season, though good luck with that.  I'm hoping that TPTB will divide people up to be on opposite tribes from their seasons.  With the exception of Cagayan, all other seasons have 1-2 reps.  Not that that will take care of pre-game alliances, but it may draw less attention to some people.


Also, Shirin didn't look all that excited.  Not like I would have expected.  Both her and Kelly Wigles honestly seemed like they didn't care either way.

San Juan Del Sur has 3 reps (Keith, Jeremy, Kelly), though it doesn't seem likely that all of them will align with each other.


I'll be shocked if Savage makes it to the end. He is way to much of a type A to blend in. I think the fact this is an  older cast really hurts Savage/Terry since they both aligned with the younger people on their original seasons. I think Varner can do well as long as he does not play too hard to fast. Wentworth/Monica probably have a great shot. It's hard to know who will get along. I never would have guessed Courtney/Sandra/Boston Rob would have been in alliance during HvV.


He was just an example I was using, but I really don't know with Savage-I see him either playing a quiet but stealthy game, or being an over bearing leader who openly calls the shots and dictates orders, getting himself ousted for annoying people.  Physically, he seems to still be in really good shape, and that might end up putting a target on him down the road, if he makes it that far.  I believe Andrew and Jeff will have learned something from their previous outings and try to improve their chances this time around.  Kimmi I think may do herself in by being a go with the flow, naive type that's out of the loop on everything.  If she can't provide anything of value to her tribe, and she doesn't have any secure alliance that may end up costing her.  But I can really see the pre-merge/jury people trying to at least make it to the jury this time and reach that milestone at least.  Now one wants to be Francesca and do as horrible as you did the first time.  Like any AS format, there will no doubt be people who either didn't learn from their first mistakes or think pretty highly of themselves that no one will dare vote them off, and they get sent packing.  I don't know where Savage, Varner, and Kelley with the extra e will ultimately fall, but they are 3 I'm most anxious to see.

Edited by LadyChatts

I have no predictions, because for me it's too much a wild card.  But right now, before the season starts, the ones I hope make F4 are...







... with Stephen for the win.


Who I'd like to see as first boot: Vytas.  I hope Kass goes deep, and wouldn't mind seeing her at the end either. 


I don't remember most of the early players, so hopefully some of them will grow on me as the season airs. 


Are there many real villains in s31?

Are there many real villains in s31?



Just Kass and Abi-Maria.  Jeff could be classified as one, though I'd say he was more of a fun villain in the short time he was in the Outback.  He seems like the same old Jeff, so I'm hoping he's a bright spot out there.


My ideal final 4 would be Joe, Peih Gee, and any of Kelly Wigles, Jeff, Jeremy, Spencer, or Tasha.

For what it's worth, I've seen photos of Abi hanging out with Joe, Jenn (who's not there), Vytas, and I think she's friendly with Shirin. Anyone who's ever played Survivor and lives in the same area will stay in touch and get together. So I think it's natural she'll align herself with other Californians that she already has a friendship with.


Hard as it is to predict anything before knowing more about the tribal makeup, I would think that the first people outed will be the erratic players and/or the ones known for their strong strategic sense. If this happens, people perceived as being loyal and not overly strategic, such as Joe and Woo, or even Terry, could be safe for a while.


What I'm most interested in is seeing how these players will potentially change their game this second time around. I'm also looking forward to unexpected alliances/bonds (a la Sandra/Coutney, for instance).


For me who always avoid spoilers, what a joy it is to be able to come to this "Spoiler" forum without fear! :-)

Edited by NutMeg
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There isnt a S32 thread and I don't think this is a spoiler site; Inside Survivor




S32 Koh Rong - Brains vs. Beauty vs. Brawn II


Season 32 was filmed between March-May 2015 but will air after Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance, which begins filming next week, due to the latter season’s inclusion of returnees. Survivor Koh Rong: Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty II is scheduled to air February 2016.

Stay tuned for the first round of cast spoilers tomorrow.

Edited by marys1000
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Jeff did a live interview with Dalton Ross today.  Some highlights:


-filming actually started 5/31, not 6/1 (so we've had four people voted off so far-down to 16)

-CBS was extremely happy with how the vote went and with the fan response.  We will be seeing it again.  Jeff thinks it went well because of the old schoolers involved.  He thinks they need the right circumstances for it to go over as well again.

-sounds like they might be doing a marooning with boats to open (he mentioned it being a throwback to the first season).  I actually liked when the contestants are tossed overboard and have to row/swim to their respective beaches, trying to hang onto whatever they were able to grab to help make camp life a tad easier.  It feels more survival-like.




We know we will see repeat challenges, but I wouldn't be surprised if they use challenges specifically from the seasons represented, as well as other twists and elements used on those respective seasons.  He mentions that the WA apart class was annoyed at having the second half of their reunion taken up by the 2nd chance reveal (really, the last half of their seasons was hijacked by this).  I'm still sticking with the theory that CBS wanted something positive to overshadow this season.


Premiere is September 23rd (90 minutes), followed by the Big Brother finale (also 90 minutes).

Edited by LadyChatts
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He mentions that the WA apart class was annoyed at having the second half of their reunion taken up by the 2nd chance reveal (really, the last half of their seasons was hijacked by this), so he gives some ideas of how they might do it differently next time.  I'm still sticking with the theory that CBS wanted something positive to overshadow this season.



I agree.  They couldn't wait to be done with the season and all the stink from it.  I'm not sure why he would really care that they were upset with the reunion.  Too bad, so sad.


The only real spoiler is that Vytas liked a pic on social media meaning that he probably was one of the first ones booted.


I wonder if someone did that to throw people off-if a loved one has access to his account.  I didn't think they even had access to SM until they got back home.  If those are the first 3 boots, I'd be happy about that.  And not too surprised.  Kass is too unpredictable, I don't remember much of what Vytas did in the game, and frankly I find Ciera overrated.  Granted, I did vote for both of them and don't dislike them.  But I can't say I'd be sad if they left early.  I'll be curious if that is in fact true and what led up to their elimination.  Weren't they in that alliance with Stephen, Monica, Spencer, and Kelley?  Funny thing is, I had a few Survivor related dreams (don't judge) about this season, and in one of them Kass and Shirin were two of the first to go.  Then in another one, Kass went first but Shirin went far.


RE: the boot order.  In the last few seasons, it doesn't seem like people are voted off in cycles of 3 days.  I don't know if that has to do with having a final 3 or not.  But looking at the order of this season, after day 6, Nina was booted day 8, during SJDS some contestants were booted 2 days after the previous TC.  So I guess it depends what order they follows.

Edited by LadyChatts

LadyChatts - there has been instances of survivors using SM in Ponderosa and even going home before the season ended. coughBrandoncough.


If that boot list is true - and that is a big IF - Spencer must be playing extra hard. He was always going to be a target for various reasons but Vytas and Ciera were supposedly members of his alliance, according to Shane Powers.


I don't know if its accurate or not, but it is a boot order I could believe.  Even though everyone likely has a pre-game alliance, if someone caught wind of the Spencer/Vytas/Ciera/Kelley/Stephen/Monica six, they might have wanted to break that up if it appeared that was a strong six and the main alliance they were sticking with.  Assuming those 6 had an alliance and Shane wasn't yanking our chain.  Spencer and Stephen will likely be deemed bigger threats than Vytas and Ciera.  Since they could likely fit into another alliance easier than Spencer and Stephen, I can see why those 2 might have been targeted early on.  Assuming that is accurate, however, I will be curious what the tribal dynamic was and what happened.  Are you here yet, September?


I can totally believe that Kass was a first boot, and one of the reasons I'm disappointed she was back so soon.  Kass is one of those people that I felt would get targeted early on, wouldn't live up to her past performance and totally disappoint, and waste a space someone else could have had that might have been able to actually play the game.  It's a reason I was iffy seeing so many recent returnees in the mix for voting.  Sometimes people need time to be forgotten.  That is, of course, assuming Kass is an early boot.  For all I know, she's still thriving in the game and makes it to the end again! 


I never paid much attention to contestants SM when they were off filming an AS season.  I didn't think there was much point, but now I'm tempted!  I figured they kept a tighter leash on those things.  

Edited by LadyChatts


I never paid much attention to contestants SM when they were off filming an AS season.  I didn't think there was much point, but now I'm tempted!  I figured they kept a tighter leash on those things.


Oh, I agree...feed me spoilers!  However, I wonder if folks playing also could be aware of this and have asked friends/families to mess around on social media to confuse all of us.  I'm going to be extra wary of all spoilers this season, but bring them on!


A comment on Reddit where the poster said he had backpacked there and there were tons of backpackers and tourists around.   And from reading this article it seems a somewhat populated resort type place.   So the crew should have somewhere fairly nice to stay:)  The article says they rented out locals houses so they could cover them with stuff to make it look like jungle and you wouldn't see it during filming.  Does this increase the likelihood of spoilers?  Personally I wouldn't mind. 



whoops editing to add this link which has some of the same info but a little more of a different slant




(I did not know Bulgaria had their own version of Survivor)

Edited by marys1000

I had heard that this area is very much a tourist spot and that they were hoping to increase their tourism there by having Survivor film.  I'm curious where the pre-jury Survivors will be taking their trip once they have to vacate Ponderosa.  That is likely when we will get spoilers, if they are out with tourists.  Although given the interest of this season, and it obviously being easier to spot previous contestants, they may put a tighter lid on that.  Jeff mentioned that, because filming was delayed for a few days, the contestants were taken to some of the historical sites around the area to  give them something to do.


Oh, I agree...feed me spoilers!  However, I wonder if folks playing also could be aware of this and have asked friends/families to mess around on social media to confuse all of us.  I'm going to be extra wary of all spoilers this season, but bring them on!



Vytas totally seems like the kind of person that would pull something like that.  While I still believe we will get spoilers this season (for my sanity I'm hoping so anyway), it'll probably be closer to the premiere or when it actually starts airing that I will believe it.  I'm not big on SM, but truthfully, I don't think I'd trust any of my loved ones back home to mess with my stuff, even if it was to throw fans off.  Who knows what they would do when I was gone!

I saw the kerfluffle over Redmond's post.  He was saying he knew spoilers (what exactly they were I don't know, it might have just been tribes) but he didn't want to give it away until it was officially revealed.  However, he said he knew the knowledge and wanted to prove it so was asking for ideas how to show that he knew this stuff before it was officially revealed.  From what I understood, Redmond never reveals game spoilers, only cast.  I won't be surprised if we get at least the pre-jury boots.  Survivor Fever did really well predicting that half of the season last year, so I assumed they got it from somewhere (only one they missed was Max and had Joaquin and Kelly off by a week).  Also, if they do family visits, it might be telling who makes it to that point.  Keeping fingers crossed for some news!  If those 3 were in fact the first 3 to go then I hope the old schoolers are kicking ass out there.

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