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S02.E04: No Good Deed

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She definitely said she "majored in politics" because it was the first time my boyfriend had watched the show and when she said it he responded "I thought you said these people were smarter than most realitybshows (he only watches Flipping Out and Top Chef) and I had to tell him even Kathryn still comes off as smarter than many of the Housewives!

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 3

She didn't word it very well, but she just meant she majored in political science. Kathryn has grown on me in the past couple episodes. She's just young. Whitney is a pathetic little man and she sees through it. (It took her a sec - and some version of a 'tumble' with him - but she gets it now.) She doesn't get it with Thomas quite yet because she had a child with him and needs a little more time/maturing to see through someone that close to her. I did an array of moronic things at her age and I'm confident if it had been televised people would say mean things about me too. Whitney and Thomas acting the way they do at their ages is so much more pitiful.

I gotta disagree with that last part. Not going home might be poor conflict management and resolution for any adult, but the baby is just as much Thomas' responsibility as hers. Unless she is still exclusively breast feeding (which it looks like she isn't because the baby was eating puréed food) Thomas should be fully capable of caring for his child. Otherwise it's like when dads say they are "babysitting" their own children. Vomit.

'Men' that say they 'babysit' their own children infuriate me. Mr. Wovenloaf, who is not remotely in that camp, is probably still reticent about using the word 'babysit' near me after the rants I've gone on about this particular topic. Thomas' little diatribe last week about how women should get better at having dinner ready on time, while Kathryn is busy getting their child ready for bed, makes me sure he is part of the 'Dad babysitters' crew.

Edited by wovenloaf
  • Love 12

I've thought about this more than I should admit, LOL, but I just don't see T-Rav as the villain in this situation, despite his age and experience advantage over Kathryn. I think both of them, equally, made a mistake in getting pregnant before they knew each other. If they didn't have a baby, no way no how would they still be together, IMO.


When they said their "I love you's" on that bench, they looked like they were being physically tortured. Put yourselves out of your miseries, come up with a co-parenting plan, and move on, guys!


PS Call me, Shep!

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 3

Kathryn's entire exchange outside with Whitney just drove home for me once again.... she slept with him... and Shep....and Thomas....within a two week period. How do they all just hang out as if none of that ever happened? Maybe I am from an entirely different part of the south, but that just wouldn't happen. We'd not all be hanging out and partying and having dinner. In a lonesome crab shack in the middle of nowhere.

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When I was watching the repeat last night there was an obvious voice over of Kathryn saying "you watch the baby" that seemed inserted later after she stomped off.  So maybe she got mad that she looked like a child abandoning strumpet and complained?  IDK. 


The nanny was there and left when Thomas got home; it seemed like Kathryn got her revenge by making T-Rav deal with the morning baby care when he usually just gets up and takes care of himself. Kind of like, haha, she got him, but he probably was really annoyed that she wasn't there and he couldn't just bop off and do his thing. 


Shep is the best reality show character, he is so funny.  Craig still bugs. Cameron can shoot all her scenes in her house, please, it's so pretty.

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When I was watching the repeat last night there was an obvious voice over of Kathryn saying "you watch the baby" that seemed inserted later after she stomped off. So maybe she got mad that she looked like a child abandoning strumpet and complained? IDK

It was definitely added in. I watched my original recording of the episode where the dinner fight began. She said nothing like that. In the second episode (the one we're discussing) it was a definite voice-over that was added in, in the same scene as before where it wasn't said. Either Kathryn pitched a fit when she saw it, or Thomas did, or production felt it might be better not to make it look like a drunk woman abandoning her child for the night.

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Man, you can’t choose sides with these people (Kathryn, Whitney, Thomas) because they are all a hot mess!!


Whitney is so lame.  It’s obvious he does nothing for the restaurant except front some money.  Loved when Shep said, yeah, I’m spoiled but it’s not a big deal to clean up after yourself.


I thought Thomas had a point when he said that he would marry Kathryn if they could go one night without fighting. LOL!!  I also thought Kathryn had a point when she said that she changed a ton of things about herself (blazer purchases lol) in the past year and Thomas has changed nothing, which would be frustrating.

I thought Kathryn looked pretty at the fundraiser.  Jennifer is an idiot, and Danni was obviously correct that then was not the time to confront Whitney.

I feel like Kathryn had already been planning to spend the night at Danni’s or something.  Like maybe she and Thomas were supposed to have their date night then she was doing something afterwards anyway.  It look pretty early when they were having dinner. 


The commercial fight is so dumb because (as Thomas stated) Kathryn had a point but she way overreacted.  She should have been pissed because the commercial was dumb as shit and worthless, not because it was “disrespectful” to her and Kensie. Thomas and Whitney should be mortified by that commercial because it is SO STUPID.  It doesn’t even look like satire.  It looks like a lame, low-budget, low-minded project from a high school civics class or student running for class president.


I think Craig should take the bar exam ASAP and get it over with even if he doesn’t want to practice law right now. I don’t think it is a big deal for him to take a break from his legal career for a bit to take advantage of the other opportunities he has now because of the show, but I think he should at least get barred while he is still somewhat used to studying.

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The commercial fight is so dumb because (as Thomas stated) Kathryn had a point but she way overreacted.  She should have been pissed because the commercial was dumb as shit and worthless, not because it was “disrespectful” to her and Kensie.



I think she's overstating the case about how embarrassed Kensie will be by it--Kensie will have lots of things to be embarrassed by, and I don't think the commercial will crack the top 10. But I do think that she was right about the commercial being disrespectful because a) Thomas specifically rejected the idea of using her and the baby in in the campaign, even though he made such a huge deal last season about how a baby and a significant other would make him look more respectable; and b) because the "dancing girls" were Kathryn's friends.

  • Love 6

I gotta disagree with that last part. Not going home might be poor conflict management and resolution for any adult, but the baby is just as much Thomas' responsibility as hers. Unless she is still exclusively breast feeding (which it looks like she isn't because the baby was eating puréed food) Thomas should be fully capable of caring for his child. Otherwise it's like when dads say they are "babysitting" their own children. Vomit.


I wanted to touch on this because I agree. I really regret how over protective and OCD I was with my babies. I forgot that dad loves them too and though he did not do everything how I would it turned out ok. I feel like I handicapped my husband and took away an experience from him. Trav seemed to do ok, even if it was for the camera. I think its good for the dad and the baby that they had that time. especially since they are not married. If they break up he can slowly leave the baby's life. This way he is hopefully more bonded, and will have more involvement.

        I also think she was hoping to see how hard it was. I think it backfired a bit because it was only one night, and unless the baby is sick or colicky or extra fussy, babies in my opinion are easy. Its the toddlers that ran me ragged. DD## was super active and busy.


       Add me to the list who loved Shep's albatross arm scenes. Over the weekend I was looking at My kindergartener son and thinking how long his arms are. He also is blue eyed, with blond wavy hair. He is well liked by teachers and classmates because he also is pretty easy going and affable (thank god because I have 2 teenage girls and a third who thinks she is) Though he wont have the luxury Shep does. He is going to have to earn his own income.

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Honestly, y'all, as much as I love this show, I think every single thing we are seeing is scripted. I'm sure there are real-life dysfunction and skirmishes, especially among Thomas, Kathryn and Whitney, but the show is trotting all of it out on a scripted platter. I suspect Thomas and Kathryn were living apart or spending lots of time apart when the season was shot.


I mean, was the raise-the-roof commercial broadcast on TV? And the christening and fundraiser were completely scripted.



I just thought it was funny she couldn't state her own major correctly.

Maybe because she was drunker than Cooter Brown?


Somebody feed Craig some chicken bog.

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Having a baby should make you think twice about not coming home all night. It's childish and irresponsible, I don't care that Thomas was home. Would it be ok if he was the one that didn't come home? I think not. People would be all over that, saying what a douche he was to do something so disrespectful to poor Kathryn. 


Um, I already think he's a douche and disrespectful to Kathryn.  So....yeah.


I disagree. I think there is a double standard associated with a mother not coming home over a father. While I do think it is immature and unproductive on either parties' part, perhaps it is better than them both being home and having a drunken screaming match that night. I think they need better conflict skills in general, but Katherine is just as entitled to a cooling off night as Thomas would be.



'Xactly.  Even in today's "enlightened" society, there is 100% a double standard when it comes to mothers vs. fathers caring for their offspring. 


And I STILL don't even truly believe that she stayed away for the whole night!

  • Love 1

Having a baby should make you think twice about not coming home all night. It's childish and irresponsible, I don't care that Thomas was home. Would it be ok if he was the one that didn't come home? I think not. People would be all over that, saying what a douche he was to do something so disrespectful to poor Kathryn. 


Actually I think a lot more people would be ok if it was him that said he wasn't going home and I'm willing to bet that there are a lot of nights he doesn't come home.


I believe they said the plantation was 1-1.5 hours away from Charleston so that means if she didn't want to stay at the house that night she would have had to drive 1-1.5 hours back to the house and get the baby and then another 1-1.5 hour back to charleston to where ever she stayed. 


I'm sure the baby was just fine for the night. 

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What I love about this show is that when I watch it, I can see the hypocrisy.


Kathryn can sleep with three men who knew each other, have a child out of wedlock with a man thirty years her senior and nobody calls her a slut, a whore, a THOT (That Hoe Over There), it's all good.  However, I'm sure that if one of the Housewives of Atlanta, meaning a black woman, did the same thing, she'd be called everything but a child of God.  I remember the days that politicians went on and on about out of wedlock birth rates in the black community; now they don't say that so much, especially when someone can point to Thomas and Kathryn and said, "what about them?"


It just proves morality has nothing to do with the behavior, but who's doing the behaving.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 9

What I love about this show is that when I watch it, I can see the hypocrisy.


Kathryn can sleep with three men who knew each other, have a child out of wedlock with a man thirty years her senior and nobody calls her a slut, a whore, a THOT (That Hoe Over There), it's all good.  However, I'm sure that if one of the Housewives of Atlanta, meaning a black woman, did the same thing, she'd be called everything but a child of God.  I remember the days that politicians went on and on about out of wedlock birth rates in the black community; now they don't say that so much, especially when someone can point to Thomas and Kathryn and said, "what about them?"


It just proves morality has nothing to do with the behavior, but who's doing the behaving.


I don't doubt that there are double standards when it comes to race in some cases.  However, in this particular case, I feel that Kathryn has been called plenty of bad names. On the forums, in the blogs, and I have NO doubt by members of Charleston society. Although we don't have confirmation yet, I think it's safe to say that Patricia's "shameless strumpet" comment is very likely directed at Kathryn.  Which is just a nicer way of saying whore. 

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I missed parts of this episode--darn family talking to me during my show! (I completely missed the last 15 minutes--the Whitney/Kathryn showdown!) But did Kathryn even SEE the commercial?! Yes, it was stupid and in no way going to help T-Rav get elected, but it was a bit ridiculous how she said someday Kensie will do the math and be forever shamed that daddy disrespected mommy when they were living together. It wasn't like these women were twerking all over him or something. They were lamely dancing and then T-Rav siddled into frame and raised the roof--dancing NEAR them, not really "with" them. (And kudos to whomever pointed out last week that Whitney or someone who looked like him was in the background holding a pick axe--what the?!) If i saw that my dad made a political commercial like that, i would laugh my ass off and be mortified by his moves and that he thought that would get him elected, not that women were also dancing there. Kensington has MANY other things to be mortified over, for example mommy having slept with 2 other men around the time she was conceived moreso than dancing, or the fact that daddy was in prison...

I was also surprised that Shep only gave $250, but he was also going to only pay one of The Palace Hotel's bills, so perhaps he doesn't have as much liquid money as the show led us to believe.

Edited by JenE4
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Better yet, I think Kathryn actually said "Don't condescend me".  

I thought Whitney had a great deal of composure dealing with that twit. He was very, very aware of the camera's at that moment. 


I wish Kathryn had been sober for that confrontation because it seemed like she took Whitney aback once or twice. Had she been sober, I think she would have won that round.

I think Whitney recognized how very drunk Kathryn was and was extremely aware of the cameras.  I half expected him to apologize to her and then walk away mocking her.

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Kensington has MANY other things to be mortified over, for example mommy having slept with 2 other men around the time she was conceived moreso than dancing,


Ahem! Yes, indeed. Kathryn needs to remember that, and "glass houses", and stop talking to Thomas about how bad his behavior will look to Kensington some day in the far distant future. She's so immature that she's taking a controlling and scolding tactic with Thomas and that is the absolute wrong way to bring him 'round. 

OTOH, his comment that, "I told her I'd marry her if we could spend one peaceful month together" or words to that effect annoyed me to no end. No, Thomas, you can't hold out the golden ring and tell her that you'll reward her with it when she manages some sort of good behavior only you can be the judge of. Ugh. 


I wish she'd step back and realize that gold ring is NOT a prize. Maybe Landon can explain to her the misery and tedium of divorce proceedings.  Walk away, Kathryn, while you're still free!


I was also surprised that Shep only gave $250, but he was also going to only pay one of The Palace Hotel's bills, so perhaps he doesn't have as much liquid money as the show led us to believe.



Ha ha! I think Shep just has way too much good sense to donate more to a campaign that was doomed to fail! Basically, being a well-mannered guest, he paid for (more than) his share of a group shrimp boil. 

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 7

While I don't disagree that there is *generally* a double standard about the sexual morality of black women and their white counterparts that manifests itself across social beliefs, I have to say that Kathryn, from my perspective, has been subject to more than enough slut shaming for her conduct. It's certainly not "all good" even if a black woman certainly would have elicited more ire and stronger language/more explicit epithets. We've seen Craig publicly attempting to humiliate her for sleeping with three men from the same circle (granted, it was in response to a provocation from her, but no one has ever suggested Shep or Thomas are ethically challenged because of their promiscuity; in fact, Craig only ever addressed Shep's decision to sleep with Kathryn in the context of, essentially, property infringement. Her agency in the matter was totally irrelevant). Patricia and Whitney tittered over the fact that she hadn't tucked tail and slinked off for having a baby out of wedlock - how could she ever show her face again? I mean, the nerve! And while Thomas offered some good lip service to the problematic nature of double standards last season, he's now acting like Kathryn is some embarrassing liability to be secreted away a la Bertha Rochester. Add in the prevailing contentions that Kathryn somehow "took advantage" of and "manipulated" a man 30 years her senior despite advertising her MRS degree ambitions to the point of practically saying "I want to get pregnant" and I feel like she's been subject to ample anti-feminism that has just been expressed slightly more diplomatically than getting called, say, a whore . . . Although I like the fact that she seems unable to compromise her natural assertiveness to the point of accepting Thomas and Whitney's disrespect, one thing in particular troubled me this episode: her argument in (I believe a talking head) that Whitney had "taken advantage" of Thomas vis-a-vis the campaign video. What's up with everyone in Thomas's orbit glossing over his free will and agency in these disputes? I think Bryan/Brian is hot, but his "with all due respect, but what does she know" indignation considering that no one present knew, well, anything about running a political campaign or boasted past experience in that arena.

  • Love 5

I think Bryan/Brian is hot, but his "with all due respect, but what does she know" indignation considering that no one present knew, well, anything about running a political campaign or boasted past experience in that arena.



ITA (except for the part about Bryan being hot). My first thought was, "Oh, yeah, right. As if Whitney knows anything about doing campaign ads." When he was talking about the "raise the roof" ad all he emphasized was how "out there" it was. He's still so stuck in that "shock 'em" mindset of the 20-year-old or the 30-something who thinks he's cool because he's so cutting-edge. As Kathryn pointed out, the ad was lame and no one raises the roof anymore.

Kathryn has (well, nearly) a degree in Political Science, and according to some bio info I read she worked/interned at the state capitol. She probably is more qualified to give Thomas advice than Whitney, certainly more qualified than Bryan. I thought he was a jerk to say that, and just another (old!) guy in that circle jumping on the anti-Kathryn bandwagon, musical accompaniment furnished by Renob.


Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 4
While I don't disagree that there is *generally* a double standard about the sexual morality of black women and their white counterparts that manifests itself across social beliefs, I have to say that Kathryn, from my perspective, has been subject to more than enough slut shaming for her conduct.



What Kathryn is experiencing is nowhere near what a black woman would have to deal with, for behaving in the same manner.  Thomas is with Kathryn, and the ones shaming her leave a lot to be desired.  I don't think people are shaming her in the media and nobody's writing a song calling her a THOT.  So no, I don't think it's the same at all.

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I was also surprised that Shep only gave $250, but he was also going to only pay one of The Palace Hotel's bills, so perhaps he doesn't have as much liquid money as the show led us to believe.


I think Shep didn't want to light any more money on fire as he mentioned, lol.  I'm sure he could have afforded more but just didn't want to give any more (and I don't blame him).

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Using her friends in the commercial comes across to me as Thomas trying whatever possible to piss Kathryn off, to make her leave. But she'll take the baby when she goes, so he better be careful what he wishes for.

I don't think it was Thomas, because he likely didn't cast those girls. Whitney chose them, they were his idea, and he even chose them from Kathryn's sorority sisters. He was doing all he could to tweak Kathryn. Thomas just failed to veto the entire idea.

A couple of people have mentioned spotting Whitney in the ad in the background waving a "pick axe". It's actually a long grill fork with a big sausage on it. WTF, Whitney? Subliminal? Luckily Kathryn focused on the dancing girls in short skirts and missed that detail.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 4

I have no clue what the above is about and not enough interest to google, but assume a musical artist made a song about a RH?! Had no idea people outside of us Bravo junkies knew these people exist. I could write a love song about Shep if indeed there is a market. Call me, Taylor!

I think why it bugs Kathryn is why JDs comment about Hooters bugged me. She needs to cut the political bullshit and just admit that she hates that "hot" women were part of the commercial . Would it win a campaign? No. I bet she'd be less offended if she was last season size zero (I think she looks better now). She's not feeling her sexiest and knowing Thomas and Whitney went for hot girls is wreaking havoc on her self esteem. Of course that's my opinion, only. The Hooters comment made me kind of cross my arms around my small chest. It's our fucked up society, yet women are supposed to be "cool" about it all and not admit we often feel physically inferior due to photoshopped images dominating what is "hot".

So I really liked the tee Shep had on during post party cleanup and found it online! It's from a market in Folly Beach. I bought one! I feel closer to Shep already (cue creepy music).

For how gorgeous Cameron is, it almost seems with intent at this point that she talks with her mouth full.

I oddly admire Craig for straight owning his laziness. He's not giving us or anyone lip service of motivation. Ya know, if you're going to be a slacker, be that kind.

  • Love 7

Good grief, who would've thought that Shep is the responsible one of all of the guys on the show?  He has a business (beer in coolers, really?), is building a house, and is willing to talk to Craig about his irresponsibility. He was also willing to clean up the party the next day.  His one flaw seems to be his lack of commitment with women. 


Landon is so boring.  She doesn't interact with the cast at all.  I realize she's trying to rebuild her life, but there's no mystery there.  She just seems like a wounded bird, which doesn't really fit in with the rest of the show.  Her story doesn't feel complicated or compelling.  She acts like she has no money, but getting divorced in California means she gets half of what ever he earned while they were married.  She should be set.


I don't blame Craig for trying to have some fun.  He's only 26, he's been in school since he was 5.  He probably does want a break before he becomes a real lawyer.  How's he's holding down a "day" job while doing everything else is a mystery.  Does the boss want the publicity from the show, are they related somehow?  Anyone else would've been long ago fired.


Cameron is still my fave.  I wish we got to see more of her life, not necessarily her husband, but she always seems to intersect with what other people are doing.  Throw a party Cam!


The TRav, Kathryn, Whitney triangle is so silly.  Whitney is obviously jealous of Kathryn and out to destroy the poor girl.  I like that we're seeing that Kathryn is fairly strong herself.  She does have immature outbursts which are age related.  But she understands the full picture much better than TRav.  I think T is just used to doing whatever he pleases and can't understand why Kathryn might think what he's doing is inappropriate.  She wants to be a full partner and he can't wrap his head around that.  His standard of "if we don't fight for a month, I'll marry her" is ridiculous.  He wanted an heir, he got one, he either needs to marry Kathryn or set her up with a place in the city for life.


Anyone else that that "fundraiser" was just a setup for the show, much like the "second" christening?

  • Love 7

Using her friends in the commercial comes across to me as Thomas trying whatever possible to piss Kathryn off, to make her leave. But she'll take the baby when she goes, so he better be careful what he wishes for.

He does seem to yearn for his freedom - Kathryn was a sweet and spicy treat for a while but Thomas bit off way more than he can chew. Serves him right! lol

  • Love 3

Anyone else that that "fundraiser" was just a setup for the show, much like the "second" christening?



I thought so, but OTOH, Shep joked that "There are about as many people here as at the second christening," which breaks the fourth wall and would've been edited out. T-Rav could easily get hundreds of people to attend any type of gathering, so maybe it's another example of Charleston society opting out? Or not wanting to light their money on fire?


I don't blame Craig for trying to have some fun.  He's only 26, he's been in school since he was 5.  He probably does want a break before he becomes a real lawyer.



Couldn't agree more! I know his story arc this season is the "partying," but he's a guy in his 20s acting like a guy in his 20s. Or, um, like I did in my 20s. Hey, if you've got the energy, go for it!


A couple of people have mentioned spotting Whitney in the ad in the background waving a "pick axe". It's actually a long grill fork with a big sausage on it. WTF, Whitney? Subliminal?



Oh Lord have mercy, after I pick myself up off the floor from laughing, I have to go watch that damn commercial again ...

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Ok. I'm rewatchibg with full attention. Yes, Whitney has a foot-long hot dog on a barbeque fork, not a pick-ax, lol! I suppose it was supposed to be phallic, but it was all flopping around...so draw your own conclusions. And the wonky editing of the day after was ridiculous. Katheryn was 20 lbs lighter "the next day" with Danni but gained it all back in the next scene, lol. Also they acted like she just arrived home and it was the first time they've spoken, but on the bench scene she even said the fight was the other day. And T-Rav and Shep are both wearing their white pants at the shrimp boil fundraiser, but they both expressly said at Shep and Whitney's beach party that THAT was the last day to wear white. T-Rav is also wearing those damn white pants in the campaign ad as he's raising the roof, and that was also supposedly taped after the Labor Day party. Does T-Rav only have one pair of pants, or is it like when a cartoon character opens their closet and they have 20 of the same outfit? What detergent does he use? How can those pants always be so brilliant white? He's worn them in every episode, I think! Ah-ha! Shep's $250 check is dated 9/10! That IS after Labor Day! Thank goodness Cooper isn't there with them so flagrantly dismissing genteel fashion rules. Then again, did you SEE Cooper's suits? Katheryn is about halfway skinny at this fundraiser party--about 10 lbs lighter than the dinner fight, but not as skinny as the Danni apartment scene and not close to the emaciated talking heads. I mean it's normal to lose weight after the baby--and, heck, normal NOT to, too--so no judgment on her weight. It just makes it REALLY obvious that the story editing this year is not following any actual timeline--as much as they're attempting to pretend that it does. That commercial cost $20,000?! Maybe they should have went with a bun-size hot dog rather than foot-long.

  • Love 7

I like that we're seeing that Kathryn is fairly strong herself. She does have immature outbursts which are age related. But she understands the full picture much better than TRav. I think T is just used to doing whatever he pleases and can't understand why Kathryn might think what he's doing is inappropriate.

Before they had the talk on the bench she was doing a TH or voiceover saying that Thomas is very intelligent but (paraphrasing her words) he undermines himself by making bad decisions. I thought that was insightful of her, and showed genuine feeling for him. I think she did care about him, at least when their relationship began, enough to try to understand his personality.

And I think she's very right in her assessment.

So Shep told Cameran his 35th birthday was "in a few weeks". Is he a Virgo or a Libra? I see aspects of both.

  • Love 3

I think she's overstating the case about how embarrassed Kensie will be by it--Kensie will have lots of things to be embarrassed by, and I don't think the commercial will crack the top 10. But I do think that she was right about the commercial being disrespectful because a) Thomas specifically rejected the idea of using her and the baby in in the campaign, even though he made such a huge deal last season about how a baby and a significant other would make him look more respectable; and b) because the "dancing girls" were Kathryn's friends.

That baby is the cudgel with which she will forever beat TRav.  She knows she has no hold on him whatsoever.  


I agree the fight wasn't about the rude commercial.  Most fights aren't about the thing argued anyway, amiright?  My take is it was just crushing to her that 1) He would not display her as a newlywed version of a debutante and 2) The one thing she actually may have some expertise in is SC politics - and he has no respect for her acumen.


Cooper is a pill.  More, please.


It seems Bryan did not make his goal of a March opening for Generalissimo.  I have to agree that it could be a phenomenal space.

  • Love 4

Shep told Cameran his 35th birthday was "in a few weeks". Is he a Virgo or a Libra?



Ha ha! Astrology geek here - I was wondering the same thing, and I'd guess Libra.


I don't see lack of commitment to be a flaw in Shep's situation.



I agree - he shouldn't be beholden to "settle down" before he's ready. Look at how well that's working out for T-Rav.

  • Love 1

Seems to me that dancing girls commercial was completely driven by Whitney, from the idea, to the actual girls, to the funding and crew. Looking at his and Patricia's lifestyle you know he has the 20k to burn. Or he was calling in favors and throwing out some bullshit number when questioned....especially since the commercial never actually aired as part of the campaign. Seems like the guys were just messing around at the expense of T-Rav...and Kathryn's feelings. I'm sure she was relieved.


Landon is more dull than Jenna, but at least she's owning her background. It irritated me last season when Jenna was all elusive about her boyfriend and where her money came from. If your man's a sugar daddy just own it. It isn't like we all couldn't tell.


I can sympathize with Craig. I was very much the same way in my 20's. I hated leaving anything "early" in case I missed something (which was rare anyway) and I get not wanting to take the bar immediately after graduation considering he's probably been a student for close to 20yrs. Although he could have taken the bar and still taken time off for filming and whatever. Ahh to be in my 20's again and able to bounce back quickly after a long night out. Seriously. Now I need like 3 days recovery from a night out, haha....and I'm only 33. I do have some respect for Whitney in that regard. He's nearly my parents' age but he can throw down with the kiddies. He must have inherited the lush gene from his mama. I envy their dedication....and their bank accounts. Patricia seems like quite the pill, I have to wonder how she landed two millionaire husbands. She's fun to watch but I'd never want to be around her. All that superiority and condescension must be so mentally taxing, no wonder she begins cocktail hour promptly at 5pm.


I wish Kathryn would shit or get off the pot with Thomas. Their relationship is tedious to watch so far, and I hope if there is a third season we get the update they've broken up and have found a way to co-parent without being a couple. She deserves better than him, especially after that "I'll give her a ring if she can behave for a month." comment.


Cameran is my hero.

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She deserves better than him, especially after that "I'll give her a ring if she can behave for a month." comment.



Kathryn needs to align herself with someone who will either see that her modeling career continues where it can make her some good money short term...and then the kind of people who will urge/help her finish college--continue to a graduate degree and grow as a person and a mother.  She seems like a smart savvy girl with a lot to offer, but she's stunted in that atmosphere of "southern charm."

The bloom is off the JD rose. The thing that pissed me off was his Hooters comment about that's what men want to see. It's as if he doesn't understand that women can now vote. Gay men can vote. That lots of people who aren't straight land-owning white men can vote and that some of us don't vote for candidates based on how hot the women in the campaign ads are.

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