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S05.E20: Reunion Part 1

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Luckily for you I'm a proud graduate of the Judge Judy School of Law so of course I have the answer to how Kingsley could still be alive and available for future maulings.  According to my frequent tv viewings, if a dog is out of a person's control, that is off leash and outside running around, then the owner and dog are responsible financially and in the dog's case personally for whatever happens.  If the dog attack on Kyle's daughter happened in Kim's home where the dog had been confined in a room and Alexia had been told not to enter, Alexia might have to take responsibility for the attack - legally - because the dog was technically in Kim's control at the time.   ( Not defending any decision by Kim to keep a pet that is as aggressive as Kingsley apparently is.)  Same with the other attack which I guess we don't know the details of. 

The attack on KR happened in Kim's bedroom as well but Kim invited the woman into her room. They were talking and KR reached out towards Kim and the dog went after/bit her, Kim is at fault. As for what happened that led to Alexia getting bit, we only have Kim's word that she was told to not go into her room and I am not inclined to take her word on it without corroboration from someone else that was in the house.

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Thank you for the explanation. Still (and it's just an assumption, as I'm not a parent), I would imagine not having any residential custody of one's children would be somewhat devastating, and would feel as if they've been taken away. And for me, with Eddie having not taken action in that direction (to my knowledge), and without knowing anything about the actual environment Brandi is providing for her kids, I just can't make the judgment that Brandi's public actions - as embarrassing/awful as they may be - makes her any more an unfit parent than being a serial cheater and bringing third parties into the bedroom makes Eddie a bad father.


I guess I'm just not that invested in worrying about these women's children, to the extent of wanting their lives to be changed up. Like, based on years of footage of Teresa G. directly interacting with her kids, and the very real dark shit she's been putting them through, it's my belief that she's a rather shitty parent. However, I'm not hoping that she'll lose custody of her girls in some form, because, why should I?



I thought she said it on her last WWHL appearance? If not, my bad.


I understand what you're saying, and yes  - I was happy to have residential custody and would have been devastated if it had been taken away.  But custody, residential custody, and all of that has nothing to do with how upset a parent might feel.  It's about what's best for the children.  It's kind of too bad if Brandi would feel that her children were taken away from her.  You reap what you sow, and perhaps she should have been giving more thought to the impact that her actions have had on her children all this time.  Being a parent is a huge responsibility that should be taken seriously.  You can't just do what you want and say what you want.  She insists that this is who she is, and everyone else just has to deal with it.  Fine.  But if a court determines that "who she is" is not the best parent for the children to reside with, then that's a consequence that SHE will have to deal with.  


The fact that Eddie cheated on her years ago would have nothing to do with a case in front of a judge now.  And Brandi willingly participated in the threesomes (and bragged about them), so if it meant anything at all (and I don't think it would), then Brandi is just as guilty as he is.  A fresh look at custody would deal with now and the best current environment for the boys, not what happened in the past.   IMO Eddie & LeeAnn very likely would provide a more stable environment for the children.  I haven't seen or heard of anything either of them have done that even comes close to what we know of Brandi.  And of course that doesn't mean the children would be better off with them because none of us on the outside know everything.  But I hope the whole situation will be re-evaluated because Brandi is a mess and seems to be getting worse.  She can't get her own act together and stubbornly insists that she will never change.  It's the responsibility of every parent to do everything possible to raise children in a way that will give them the best shot at becoming decent, well-adjusted adults.  Serious stuff that the courts take very seriously.


As I said before, I don't know Brandi, Eddie, or LeeAnn.  I couldn't care less if any of them are upset or happy or anything else, and courts don't care either.  I would like to see those children in the best environment possible, though, because every child deserves that.  And as a society, we deserve that too so we don't end up with adults who do crazy things because their childhoods were screwy.


(And re Teresa, I live near her and know people who have known her for years.  She is most definitely not a shitty parent.  My adult son actually knows Gia quite well, and he always tells me how polite and sweet she is.  Smart as a whip too.  Overall, I don't think Teresa is a terrible parent.  Mistakes, sure, and she doesn't raise her kids the way I raised mine.  But I don't see anything about her as comparable to Brandi in any way at all.  JMO!!!!)

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The attack on KR happened in Kim's bedroom as well but Kim invited the woman into her room. They were talking and KR reached out towards Kim and the dog went after/bit her, Kim is at fault. As for what happened that led to Alexia getting bit, we only have Kim's word that she was told to not go into her room and I am not inclined to take her word on it without corroboration from someone else that was in the house.

So I found the amended complaint in the Kay Rosario action-it answers questions why in federal court, what happened according to the plaintiff-Kim and Kimgsley were laying on the bed and talking to plaintiff when suddenly unprovoked the dog bit plaintiff, the complaint relies on the strict liability standard in California here it is: http://www.scribd.com/doc/255676665/Kim-Richards-dog-bite-Court-doc


I should add this has not been edited so personal information appears such as the addresses of the plaintiffs and defendants.

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Yeah, Kim and Brandi can yuck it up all they like at Lisar and her happy, productive relationship with a man she loves and respects, her gorgeous home and family. It's not only tears that can taste bitter. And I cannot get over how Kim's sobriety and obvious lack thereof is entirely off limits even to people it has affected, but it's okay to badger and harass Lisar about an eating disorder. It's a gross thing to do if they don't actually think that and are just green over her beautiful, toned body, but if they do actually believe Lisar is suffering an eating disorder? Reprehensible and irresponsible. Just disgusting behavior.

Lol at "intoxicated". I believe that base is covered. I like your triad, though, and it's interesting that some of the women can take more than one position in it now or have transitioned through them at different life stages. I do feel like there needs to be someone with a whiff of desperation, a hint of grift, because I think that's Hollywood both now and historically. I'd hope for a happy grifter, though, a cheerful bullshitter, because that drama with Taylor was too, too sad for me. Her poor little kid. I still sort of wish Taylor had dropped her off at Kyle's for a sleepover and then just forgotten where she left her for good.

Lisar did look like she was emotional but keeping a grip, and I don't blame her a bit. Her dad's had pneumonia three times already in a year, did she say, or was it even just this year so far? That's very, very serious. VERY. It's really tough to face when you can see the likely end so clearly but you keep going through this cycle of worry and beginning to grieve but then recovery and more hope. I give her a lot of credit for being self-contained about it, but she's got kids going through this with her, so she probably wants to keep things on an even keel for them. Unlike... certain others.


Kim and Brandi are idiots who think that comparing their proven drinking habits with something unproven (Lisa's so-called ED) gets them off the hook for their behaviors.  They are also too stupid to realize that there's Anorexia, the physical condition and Anorexia Nervosa, the mental disorder.  One doesn't necessarily mean the other and you can't be certain just by casually (and incorrectly, as in Brandi's case) observing a person's physicality or public eating habits.  Everyone who says that both of those Dodos specialize in throwing bullshit at the wall in hopes that it sticks, is absolutely correct.   


I have to say, I'm kinda scared for them to bring in anymore grifters and bullshitters, just because the previous ones still give me nightmares.  lol   Season 1 had me disliking Kyle and then Camille, but Taylor was and will always be the creepiest creeper that ever did creep, imo.  She put the ICK in sick.  Although maybe that title now belongs to Brandi, who puts the ICK in sick fuck (tm Kyle). 


Now if they could find someone who wasn't void of conscious but who was just some kind of one-upper or braggart or exaggerator, then maybe, as long as they were also kind of likeable.  I don't mind some desperation, because, hey, isn't that a basic requirement for reality TV stars?  lol  But not the bunny boiling kind of desperation, please and thanks. 


Exactly...which is why I have a difficult time believing that the dog is back with Kim.  No neighbor would stand for it.




That women has ruined turtles for me! 



Thank you for the explanation. Still (and it's just an assumption, as I'm not a parent), I would imagine not having any residential custody of one's children would be somewhat devastating, and would feel as if they've been taken away. And for me, with Eddie having not taken action in that direction (to my knowledge), and without knowing anything about the actual environment Brandi is providing for her kids, I just can't make the judgment that Brandi's public actions - as embarrassing/awful as they may be - makes her any more an unfit parent than being a serial cheater and bringing third parties into the bedroom makes Eddie a bad father.


I guess I'm just not that invested in worrying about these women's children, to the extent of wanting their lives to be changed up. Like, based on years of footage of Teresa G. directly interacting with her kids, and the very real dark shit she's been putting them through, it's my belief that she's a rather shitty parent. However, I'm not hoping that she'll lose custody of her girls in some form, because, why should I?



I thought she said it on her last WWHL appearance? If not, my bad.


For me, Brandi has crossed over from dysfunctional into the dangerous, with her behavior.  For instance, she touches people without their permission, even when they actively say no and try to get away from her.  She threatens people with physical violence and she gets drunk to the point where she blacks out and has boasted about how much sex she has with randos and doesn't remember any of it.  In fact, she says that life, itself, is boring when not drunk.  She thinks it's OK to hurt people and then say "sorry" and all is forgotten or uses the excuse that she was drunk and/or it's a new day, so who cares.  She becomes obsessive with her love interests and stalks them, pesters them, threatens them -- and I'm including LVP in that category.  But more than that, her apparent mindset on abuse is downright dangerous, where she wrote in her books that with regards to sex "NO doesn't always mean NO" or something to that effect, and she has also said that she wishes she had been sexually abused as a child and is jealous of the attention that sexually abused children receive. 


These are really dangerous behaviors and beliefs about sex and violence and for her to be raising boys who are already surrounded by rape culture, she sure seems to be advocating it quite a bit, herself.  She also advocates liberal use of drugs and alcohol and mixing the two.  Her behavior goes beyond typical one-night stands and threesomes, imo, into non-consensual physical contact.  Those are my reasons for worrying about Brandi's children.  YMMV, of course!   

Edited by SwordQueen
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God I wish Lisa V would get a different stylist. And hairdresser. And make-up artist. She looks 75 in all that tight lavender/fuschia/purple/rose satin with the frowsy dusty Brigitte Bardot partly-beehive hairstyle and the overly-precise makeup. Lots of women kind of pick a style they feel comfortable with and never change it. LVP clearly enjoyed the early 80's. But when women do that they date themselves. Lisa could look so much better. But somehow she never does.

And while I'm on a roll, Eileen, honey, strapless is not your friend. It's much harder to wear than it looks and the bra you need to wear with it does bad droopy things to your bustline. Look at yourself at the reunion and ditch that dress! Of course the above also goes for Miss Trashy McGarbage there. But I always expect her to look like something Kingsley might have dragged in off a pile of offal left behind a butcher shop. Eileen in general looks classy as hell and this is an isolated mistake.

Edited by quaintirene
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So I found the amended complaint in the Kay Rosario action-it answers questions why in federal court, what happened according to the plaintiff-Kim and Kimgsley were laying on the bed and talking to plaintiff when suddenly unprovoked the dog bit plaintiff, the complaint relies on the strict liability standard in California here it is: http://www.scribd.com/doc/255676665/Kim-Richards-dog-bite-Court-doc


I should add this has not been edited so personal information appears such as the addresses of the plaintiffs and defendants.

After reading most of the document, Kim will lose imo.  Not as sure about Evolution Media, but if they also lose it could open a feeding frenzy of lawsuits against reality shows.  Thank God the dog didn't attack the granddaughter.

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After reading most of the document, Kim will lose imo.  Not as sure about Evolution Media, but if they also lose it could open a feeding frenzy of lawsuits against reality shows.  Thank God the dog didn't attack the granddaughter.

What we have to look forward is Kim threatening to hurt Kingsley's victims.  I don't know about Evolution Media-but I do think they made a lot of allowances for Kim and Kingsley.  It is a contrast to see Rumpy come back from obedience camp and romp around and Kingsley behavior and what sent him there.  As it pertains to the Reunion and the season in general I will say this dog bite incident happened on the 20th of March, Kyle had sold the Indian Wells property three days before.  I bet was Kim was nervous about getting a contract for this season.  Then Kyle buys the new mansion in shortly after the White Party.  No wonder Kim was determined to bring it this season.  She knew she had a lot riding on the season.


I still don't get why the sisters aren't speaking.  If I were Kim I would be doing my best to make sure Alexia didn't sue me as well.

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What we have to look forward is Kim threatening to hurt Kingsley's victims.  I don't know about Evolution Media-but I do think they made a lot of allowances for Kim and Kingsley.  It is a contrast to see Rumpy come back from obedience camp and romp around and Kingsley behavior and what sent him there.  As it pertains to the Reunion and the season in general I will say this dog bite incident happened on the 20th of March, Kyle had sold the Indian Wells property three days before.  I bet was Kim was nervous about getting a contract for this season.  Then Kyle buys the new mansion in shortly after the White Party.  No wonder Kim was determined to bring it this season.  She knew she had a lot riding on the season.


I still don't get why the sisters aren't speaking.  If I were Kim I would be doing my best to make sure Alexia didn't sue me as well.

I get the feeling that it is Kim freezing out Kyle because Kyle will not follow along with the story that Alexia is totally at fault for getting bit. I also suspect that this bite was the straw that broke Mauricio's back when it comes to Kim and Kyle has sided with her husband, not Kim. Kyle may have said publicly that she did not push to have the dog put down or removed but most likely Mauricio did say those things to Kim and Kyle sided with him in private, I know I would/do side with him.  JMO

Edited by WireWrap
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Kim and Brandi are idiots who think that comparing their proven drinking habits with something unproven (Lisa's so-called ED) gets them off the hook for their behaviors.  They are also too stupid to realize that there's Anorexia, the physical condition and Anorexia Nervosa, the mental disorder.  One doesn't necessarily mean the other and you can't be certain just by casually (and incorrectly, as in Brandi's case) observing a person's physicality or public eating habits.  Everyone who says that both of those Dodos specialize in throwing bullshit at the wall in hopes that it sticks, is absolutely correct.   


I have to say, I'm kinda scared for them to bring in anymore grifters and bullshitters, just because the previous ones still give me nightmares.  lol   Season 1 had me disliking Kyle and then Camille, but Taylor was and will always be the creepiest creeper that ever did creep, imo.  She put the ICK in sick.  Although maybe that title now belongs to Brandi, who puts the ICK in sick fuck (tm Kyle). 


Now if they could find someone who wasn't void of conscious but who was just some kind of one-upper or braggart or exaggerator, then maybe, as long as they were also kind of likeable.  I don't mind some desperation, because, hey, isn't that a basic requirement for reality TV stars?  lol  But not the bunny boiling kind of desperation, please and thanks. 



That women has ruined turtles for me! 




For me, Brandi has crossed over from dysfunctional into the dangerous, with her behavior.  For instance, she touches people without their permission, even when they actively say no and try to get away from her.  She threatens people with physical violence and she gets drunk to the point where she blacks out and has boasted about how much sex she has with randos and doesn't remember any of it.  In fact, she says that life, itself, is boring when not drunk.  She thinks it's OK to hurt people and then say "sorry" and all is forgotten or uses the excuse that she was drunk and/or it's a new day, so who cares.  She becomes obsessive with her love interests and stalks them, pesters them, threatens them -- and I'm including LVP in that category.  But more than that, her apparent mindset on abuse is downright dangerous, where she wrote in her books that with regards to sex "NO doesn't always mean NO" or something to that effect, and she has also said that she wishes she had been sexually abused as a child and is jealous of the attention that sexually abused children receive. 


These are really dangerous behaviors and beliefs about sex and violence and for her to be raising boys who are already surrounded by rape culture, she sure seems to be advocating it quite a bit, herself.  She also advocates liberal use of drugs and alcohol and mixing the two.  Her behavior goes beyond typical one-night stands and threesomes, imo, into non-consensual physical contact.  Those are my reasons for worrying about Brandi's children.  YMMV, of course!   

You said it all - thank you.  It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.


I didn't know about the comment about sexual abuse victims and the attention they get.  But I did know that she outed her own sister, a victim of sexual abuse. 


As many have said before, she is exhausting, just like Kenya Moore, her arch-enemy.  They need to be let go.

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My point was lost in translation. Brandi is the one who classifies these other women as, dried up, old and hags. So to go into business with someone older than they are just seems like a rather strange choice. Leeza should be siding with these women, many of whom she knows and chastising Brandi, not partnering with her. I think Leeza is bright and did a good job on the Celebrity Apprentice show something I don't think of as an much of an accomplishment. Any respect I had for Leeza is going downhill if she partners with Brandi Glanville in any business endeavor.

I was. Thanks.

I would just love for one of these women to ask Brandi, "how old do you think you are?" She throw out her stupid remarks about age, I just want them to tell her she is not young.

Edited by imjagain
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I get the feeling that it is Kim freezing out Kyle because Kyle will not follow along with the story that Alexia is totally at fault for getting bit. I also suspect that this bite was the straw that broke Mauricio's back when it comes to Kim and Kyle has sided with her husband, not Kim. Kyle may have said publicly that she did not push to have the dog put down or removed but most likely Mauricio did say those things to Kim and Kyle sided with him in private, I know I would/do side with him.  JMO


Well, the dog should be put down.  Has any dog been truly retrained after biting so many people?  Especially unprovoked!


I do wish that Kay Rosario would have come forward before Alexia was bitten.  I also hope that Alexia doesn't blame herself as kids are prone to do.


Kim is her own worst enemy.

Edited by SoCal4Us
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(And re Teresa, I live near her and know people who have known her for years.  She is most definitely not a shitty parent.  My adult son actually knows Gia quite well, and he always tells me how polite and sweet she is.  Smart as a whip too.  Overall, I don't think Teresa is a terrible parent.  Mistakes, sure, and she doesn't raise her kids the way I raised mine.  But I don't see anything about her as comparable to Brandi in any way at all.  JMO!!!!)

Brandi vs. Teresa in the parenting department- that's an intriguing question. I think one of the biggest jobs a parent has is being a role model for their kids, and since we don't see scenes of Brandi with her kids, that's really all we have to go on. I guess I'd give her an F, cuz she's such a trashy mess, and mean, too. But Teresa doesn't grade much higher in the role model department, esp. now as she sits in federal prison after pleading guilty to four counts of fraud. Mistakes? A mistake is letting your kid stay up late with friends when they have a big test in the morning. Teresa committed crimes, and her kids are paying for it. I gotta give the edge to Brandi on this one.

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I have to say, I'm kinda scared for them to bring in anymore grifters and bullshitters, just because the previous ones still give me nightmares.  lol   Season 1 had me disliking Kyle and then Camille, but Taylor was and will always be the creepiest creeper that ever did creep, imo.  She put the ICK in sick.  Although maybe that title now belongs to Brandi, who puts the ICK in sick fuck (tm Kyle).

This is kinda off-topic, but your post reminded me of something I read back when I was lurking on TWoP.  Someone called Taylor "a grifting grifter who grifts."  Still cracks me up to this day.


I'd be okay with Camille coming back, but Taylor shall not pass.


I'd be pissed if Yolanda came back.  I realize people suffering chronic illnesses have good days and bad days (and months and years), but I'm struggling to believe that a person can bounce from 1% to 100% brain function and back so often.  I'm also starting to question whether someone who chases after every unproven expensive treatment should be considered a spokesperson (spokesmodel) for a disease.  YMMV

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I get the feeling that it is Kim freezing out Kyle because Kyle will not follow along with the story that Alexia is totally at fault for getting bit. I also suspect that this bite was the straw that broke Mauricio's back when it comes to Kim and Kyle has sided with her husband, not Kim. Kyle may have said publicly that she did not push to have the dog put down or removed but most likely Mauricio did say those things to Kim and Kyle sided with him in private, I know I would/do side with him.  JMO

Or say she is sorry.  I think that is the deal breaker.  Regardless if a "kid" is at fault it is still a huge price to pay and why California has a strict liability standard.  It is not merely teasing a dog that gets the owner a pass.  Alexia suffered a severe injury.  I doubt Alexia has plans to sue Kim or the property owners.  

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I get the feeling that it is Kim freezing out Kyle because Kyle will not follow along with the story that Alexia is totally at fault for getting bit. I also suspect that this bite was the straw that broke Mauricio's back when it comes to Kim and Kyle has sided with her husband, not Kim. Kyle may have said publicly that she did not push to have the dog put down or removed but most likely Mauricio did say those things to Kim and Kyle sided with him in private, I know I would/do side with him.  JMO

If that is indeed the case, then good for Mauricio!  I wonder how many years he's had to put up with the Richards family baloney with his hand stuffed down his throat.  Now that it is his flesh and blood involved, it's a whole different story, and I hope he read the riot act to Kyle to drop the ridiculous code of silence act that she's kept up for years.  He's also no longer the poor relation who probably never had a voice that was listened to, but was good enough to be an equal financial partner in paying Kim's bills.  I hope he cuts Kim off financially and leaves her mess to Kathy and Rick Hilton to clean up.

An unsubstantiated rumor - Suzanne Somers wants to be a HW.  Supposedly Kim and Brandi are gone after this season.  That was the scoop on Dish Nation.

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I get the feeling that it is Kim freezing out Kyle because Kyle will not follow along with the story that Alexia is totally at fault for getting bit. I also suspect that this bite was the straw that broke Mauricio's back when it comes to Kim and Kyle has sided with her husband, not Kim. Kyle may have said publicly that she did not push to have the dog put down or removed but most likely Mauricio did say those things to Kim and Kyle sided with him in private, I know I would/do side with him.  JMO

I would too. Every time, it seems, she sides with Kim or wants to do something nice for her it opens her up to the floodgates of Kim's dysfunction, and if Kyle doesnt tippy toe around her in just the right way she comes unglued on her and then everything is Kyle's fault or she hasn't supported her or she wasn't there for Kim when she needed her. Blah, blah, blah.

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This is kinda off-topic, but your post reminded me of something I read back when I was lurking on TWoP.  Someone called Taylor "a grifting grifter who grifts."  Still cracks me up to this day.


I'd be okay with Camille coming back, but Taylor shall not pass.


I'd be pissed if Yolanda came back.  I realize people suffering chronic illnesses have good days and bad days (and months and years), but I'm struggling to believe that a person can bounce from 1% to 100% brain function and back so often.  I'm also starting to question whether someone who chases after every unproven expensive treatment should be considered a spokesperson (spokesmodel) for a disease.  YMMV

Totally agree!  Great point!

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I feel terrible because I watched late last night and I thought that this was a very boring start to the reunion.  I can see that Andy is going to kiss both Kim and Brandi's ass for another year though, so I think I might be done after this.

Seriously, I got nothing.  Brandi is an ass, Kim is insane.  Yo is sick, I'm sorry for her, but she's not required to protect anyone when their behavior has been shitty, and it kind of annoys me that she would defend Brandi's inability to recognize that she constantly goes too far.  Whatever.

Edited by haydensterling
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This is kinda off-topic, but your post reminded me of something I read back when I was lurking on TWoP.  Someone called Taylor "a grifting grifter who grifts."  Still cracks me up to this day.


I'd be okay with Camille coming back, but Taylor shall not pass.


I'd be pissed if Yolanda came back.  I realize people suffering chronic illnesses have good days and bad days (and months and years), but I'm struggling to believe that a person can bounce from 1% to 100% brain function and back so often.  I'm also starting to question whether someone who chases after every unproven expensive treatment should be considered a spokesperson (spokesmodel) for a disease.  YMMV


Ha!  I'd say that might have been me, because it sounds like me, but I don't think I posted on the RHoBH board on TWOP. 


I'd be okay with Camille coming back too and I don't know why.  First season Camille's smug was just too much, but second season Camille was too dialed back.  Maybe Season 6's porridge would be just right.  I do miss her Art of War, mind-chess strategizing.  Much more interesting that Drunk and Drunker's feces throwing contests.


Oh, Yo.  I go back and forth with her.  I don't particularly like her, but I don't dislike her with any sort of intensity.  I'm meh.  She's sanctimonious but benign.  I won't miss her if she does not return, not even her fridge.  Maybe the lemons, though. 

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I would too. Every time, it seems, she sides with Kim or wants to do something nice for her it opens her up to the floodgates of Kim's dysfunction, and if Kyle doesnt tippy toe around her in just the right way she comes unglued on her and then everything is Kyle's fault or she hasn't supported her or she wasn't there for Kim when she needed her. Blah, blah, blah.

You are right - It's like the chorus of the Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song Deja Vu - we have all been here before.  Someone needs to break the cycle and her name is Kyle.

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But I don't see anything about her as comparable to Brandi in any way at all.

In terms of their parenting, I'm not sure why you would/should, as you admittedly don't know Brandi in the same manner. Her sons might be polite, sweet, and smart as whips, too.

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I caught a repeat of the reunion and really listened closely to what Yolanda was saying about Brandi. When she was saying that she believes that Brandi needs all of them and needs their support, I got the distinct impression that she was begging these women to help Brandi keep her job by continuing to film with her. I suspect that is why Brandi didn't go ape shit over the "throw her out like a bag of trash" line. She needs Yolanda to sway the other women because she knows she has completely burned that bridge.


What's most interesting to me about Brandi at that reunion was that she was sitting there looking at two women (Kyle and Lisa V) who had tried to move on with her multiple times and given her plenty of chances, and instead of owning that and apologizing for her behavior, she went on the attack time and again and even convinced herself that she was being abused by them when she had been the aggressor. And then, she had the chance to get in good with both Eileen and LisaR as they, well LisaR, had been willing to give her a chance with a clean slate. 


I think Brandi repeats her marriage with every relationship she has whether it is a romantic or friendly relationship. She clings and even appoints herself as the protector of her friend. Then, when things start to cool as the honeymoon phase ends, she brings in other people. Instead of bring other women into the marriage, she brings in another party to be the target of her aggression as she tries to keep the friends' approval. When that doesn't work, she goes completely HAM and gets physical - instead of slashing the tires, she threatens, restrains, and slaps. 


It is very disturbing, especially when we consider that she has young children who will watch and maybe even emulate her behavior. 


Back to Yolanda and her defense of Brandi. I think Yolanda sees the desperation in her. And maybe as someone else speculated, Yolanda had a "there but the grace of God" moment and realized that she could have been Brandi. I'm not sure that Yolanda would have ever allowed herself to end up like Brandi, because she has that very pragmatic almost simplistic way of looking at life. But, I think she looks at Brandi and sees where she could have ended up in a similar circumstance if she had made different choices. Because for Yolanda it is all about choices, even sexuality is a choice in her mind. 

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So I found the amended complaint in the Kay Rosario action-it answers questions why in federal court, what happened according to the plaintiff-Kim and Kimgsley were laying on the bed and talking to plaintiff when suddenly unprovoked the dog bit plaintiff, the complaint relies on the strict liability standard in California here it is: http://www.scribd.com/doc/255676665/Kim-Richards-dog-bite-Court-doc


I should add this has not been edited so personal information appears such as the addresses of the plaintiffs and defendants.


Interesting read.  Well, as interesting as a long legal document can be :)  This caught my eye: "The misrepresentations by Defendants in the broadcasts of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills television shows premiering on November 11,2013, and on March 17, 2014, and other relevant episodes, caused Plaintiff, through her daughter, to not be concerned at all about the dog and to agree to spend the night at Defendant Richards’ residence."  What show were they watching?  Every episode with Kim and Kingsley has shown it to be a dangerous situation due to her lack of ability to be a proper master to a dog like Kingsley.  


Now if they could find someone who wasn't void of conscious but who was just some kind of one-upper or braggart or exaggerator, then maybe, as long as they were also kind of likeable.  I don't mind some desperation, because, hey, isn't that a basic requirement for reality TV stars?  lol  But not the bunny boiling kind of desperation, please and thanks. 


Dana Pam!

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Interesting read.  Well, as interesting as a long legal document can be :)  This caught my eye: "The misrepresentations by Defendants in the broadcasts of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills television shows premiering on November 11,2013, and on March 17, 2014, and other relevant episodes, caused Plaintiff, through her daughter, to not be concerned at all about the dog and to agree to spend the night at Defendant Richards’ residence."  What show were they watching?  Every episode with Kim and Kingsley has shown it to be a dangerous situation due to her lack of ability to be a proper master to a dog like Kingsley.  



Dana Pam!

Kim went with the story that the dog was not aggressive towards people, only objects, in her private life as well as on camera IMO and that is where she went wrong. If she really wanted to portray the dog as a goofy over grown pup that like to chew things on the show, fine, but she had an obligation to at least be truthful in private/off camera to anyone that entered her home. Don't forget, she gave the impression that the dog had been retrained and was behaving much better not just on camera but in social media, her blog/twitter, as well.

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Dana Pam!

I could get on board with this, or Linda ex-Elvis ex-Bruce-have-you-ever-touched-a-cloud-I-am-so-Zen Thompson or whatever her surname is. Either of these ladies would bring the bizarre.
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Kim may have said he was just reactive to objects, but watching the show and observing the dog, it was obvious that was not true.  I'm not blaming the victim or defending Kim, I think Kim is 100% at fault.  I just thought it was funny that they are saying that seeing the dog on the show caused them to be not afraid of it, where as I think seeing the dog, and Kim's handling of the dog, on the show made it evident that there would be future problems.  I'd be terrified to go to Kim's house. 

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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I caught a repeat of the reunion and really listened closely to what Yolanda was saying about Brandi. When she was saying that she believes that Brandi needs all of them and needs their support, I got the distinct impression that she was begging these women to help Brandi keep her job by continuing to film with her. I suspect that is why Brandi didn't go ape shit over the "throw her out like a bag of trash" line. She needs Yolanda to sway the other women because she knows she has completely burned that bridge.


What's most interesting to me about Brandi at that reunion was that she was sitting there looking at two women (Kyle and Lisa V) who had tried to move on with her multiple times and given her plenty of chances, and instead of owning that and apologizing for her behavior, she went on the attack time and again and even convinced herself that she was being abused by them when she had been the aggressor. And then, she had the chance to get in good with both Eileen and LisaR as they, well LisaR, had been willing to give her a chance with a clean slate. 


Back to Yolanda and her defense of Brandi. I think Yolanda sees the desperation in her. And maybe as someone else speculated, Yolanda had a "there but the grace of God" moment and realized that she could have been Brandi. I'm not sure that Yolanda would have ever allowed herself to end up like Brandi, because she has that very pragmatic almost simplistic way of looking at life. But, I think she looks at Brandi and sees where she could have ended up in a similar circumstance if she had made different choices. Because for Yolanda it is all about choices, even sexuality is a choice in her mind.

Yolanda is lame; I'm sorry, but, imo, if she thinks giving Brandi chance after chance is some kind of act of gracious benevolence she's wrong. It's gracious to give someone a second, maybe a third chance depending on the circumstance. Everyone makes a mistake; we all screw up, right? Brandi goes out of her way to hurt people, to humiliate and intimidate people. Yolanda would not let Brandi disrespect and humiliate her for a second. She's not going to be all zen and "Let's look at the bigger picture and give Brandi another chance" when she's getting slapped, called a c***, having wine thrown in her face, etc.

I'm just glad no one is falling for it. I hope the rumors are true and they finally fire her bony ass.

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Kim may have said he was just reactive to objects, but watching the show and observing the dog, it was obvious that was not true.  I'm not blaming the victim or defending Kim, I think Kim is 100% at fault.  I just thought it was funny that they are saying that seeing the dog on the show caused them to be not afraid of it, where as I think seeing the dog, and Kim's handling of the dog, on the show made it evident that there would be future problems.  I'd be terrified to go to Kim's house.

There's a lot of discussion of this on Kim's thread, but in short, Kim and the producers created a story arc re: Kingsley, with the trainer taking the dog away for more intensive training, and returning to Kim rehabilitated. And scene!

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IIRC, Dana Pam got popped for fraud and will be doing some time.

All BravoTV needs is a few more of these chickies to be sent to the Big House and the network will announce "The Real Housewives: Redemption".

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 AnnA... I'm telling ya...Baby Jane.



good job on those so far!



I'm sorry to say, that I tried and tried to do Baby Jane and Kim but I just couldn't get it right.  The shape and coloring of their faces was too different so I went with the Wicked Witch of the West.  It's fitting for our Kimmy since she escaped from Witch Mountain.


All the HWs are now re-styled for Tuesday's Reunion.  This project kept me laughing all week. 


My OCD kicked in and I had to try Kim and Baby Jane one more time.  The only way I could make it work was to do it in black and white.  


This one is for you Giselle...



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Kim may have said he was just reactive to objects, but watching the show and observing the dog, it was obvious that was not true.  I'm not blaming the victim or defending Kim, I think Kim is 100% at fault.  I just thought it was funny that they are saying that seeing the dog on the show caused them to be not afraid of it, where as I think seeing the dog, and Kim's handling of the dog, on the show made it evident that there would be future problems.  I'd be terrified to go to Kim's house. 

I think there was quite a bit of reassurance by Kim that the dog was cuddly.  I don't think it was just the show they relied on.  Kim did say she wanted Kingsley to be a good example for the breed.  OOps. . . she blew that all to hell.

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My OCD kicked in and I had to try Kim and Baby Jane one more time.  The only way I could make it work was to do it in black and white.  


This one is for you Giselle...



Oh crap, that's funny!

That's the best one you've done, AnnA. And the black and white is actually better, it makes Kim look more pathetic bc she's living in the past. A legend in her own mind.

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Oh crap, that's funny!

That's the best one you've done, AnnA. And the black and white is actually better, it makes Kim look more pathetic bc she's living in the past. A legend in her own mind.

Which one is Kim?

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In terms of their parenting, I'm not sure why you would/should, as you admittedly don't know Brandi in the same manner. Her sons might be polite, sweet, and smart as whips, too.


You're missing my point.  I threw in those comments about Gia, but I was really addressing Teresa as a parent and as a person from what I know to be true.  In addition to the crappy stuff, of course.  If I had to choose who would look after my children - even for an afternoon - I would choose Teresa over Brandi in a heartbeat.


In any case, this is way off topic here, so best to let it rest.  I don't want to break any rules!

Edited by DebbieM4
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If I had a daughter that asked if a town was filled with "chub chubs" I would take the opportunity to have a discussion about how processed food and poverty relate to obesity/

If I had a daughter who made that kind of comment on camera, I would've been horrified!  She came across as a total snob, IMO.  Her comment was insulting.  I think her kids come across as very spoiled anyway.  I don't think they have any concept about anything outside of their little world.  Yes, you can eat a hamburger from time to time and still be healthy, and it's really not cool to call somebody a "chub chub."  Sheesh.

Edited by ChitChat
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An unsubstantiated rumor - Suzanne Somers wants to be a HW.  Supposedly Kim and Brandi are gone after this season.  That was the scoop on Dish Nation.


She could take Yolanda's place as the over-the-hill, in shape blonde who pops vitamins like there's no tomorrow.

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I didn't think her teenagers were all that bad, considering they're rich and on TV. Chub chub is terrible, but on the list of horrible things teen says, it's not horrible...


Hella embarrassing, though

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I think the thing about Camille is that - even in her first season when she was pretty awful - she was always fun to watch.  Gorgeous clothes, beautiful homes, expensive vacations.  She said some idiotic, pompous things, but she was always interesting.  I'm actually pretty fascinated with her at this point, after seeing her after that first season and also after some lovely interactions I've had with her on Twitter (re books and other things having nothing to do with this show.)  I certainly think she's flawed - like everyone else - but I would love to see her come back.  She's the kind of person I expected to be on this show.  It's her kind of life that I'd love to see featured.  And her personality is multi-faceted enough that she's never boring.  And she's not trashy & low-life.  I've had enough of that to last several lifetimes.  Snarking about Camille in Season One was a whole different thing than snarking about Brandi, at least for me.  Brandi has zero entertainment value, and Camille has a lot, IMO.


And as for Mauricio, all I can say is that he married into a heck of a situation having to deal with the trainwreck that is Kim.  He's an incredibly patient and easy-going man.  Which is a good thing because I'm sure he's a good balance for Kyle.  We probably cannot even imagine what they have had to put up with for many, many years.  Their own little family seems so normal and happy.  It's really a shame that this kind of shadow hangs over their heads - Kim' neediness & instability, her financial situations, Kyle's constant worry about her and her children.  I think this kind of situation could have broken up a lot of couples, and many men would have high-tailed it out of there long ago.  Kyle is truly blessed, and I think she knows that.  Money or not, she ended up with a partner who really seems as though he meant it when he said, "for better or worse".  Kim is damn lucky too that he hasn't kicked her to the curb or put his foot down.  I'm sure there have been some interesting Kyle/Mauricio conversations, though!

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 If I had to choose who would look after my children - even for an afternoon - I would choose Teresa in a heartbeat!

She's not available. She's in federal lock-up in Danbury, CT. Brandi wins again. Damnit!

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I think the thing about Camille is that - even in her first season when she was pretty awful - she was always fun to watch.  Gorgeous clothes, beautiful homes, expensive vacations.  She said some idiotic, pompous things, but she was always interesting.  I'm actually pretty fascinated with her at this point, after seeing her after that first season and also after some lovely interactions I've had with her on Twitter (re books and other things having nothing to do with this show.)  I certainly think she's flawed - like everyone else - but I would love to see her come back.  She's the kind of person I expected to be on this show.  It's her kind of life that I'd love to see featured.  And her personality is multi-faceted enough that she's never boring.  And she's not trashy & low-life.  I've had enough of that to last several lifetimes.  Snarking about Camille in Season One was a whole different thing than snarking about Brandi, at least for me.  Brandi has zero entertainment value, and Camille has a lot, IMO.


And as for Mauricio, all I can say is that he married into a heck of a situation having to deal with the trainwreck that is Kim.  He's an incredibly patient and easy-going man.  Which is a good thing because I'm sure he's a good balance for Kyle.  We probably cannot even imagine what they have had to put up with for many, many years.  Their own little family seems so normal and happy.  It's really a shame that this kind of shadow hangs over their heads - Kim' neediness & instability, her financial situations, Kyle's constant worry about her and her children.  I think this kind of situation could have broken up a lot of couples, and many men would have high-tailed it out of there long ago.  Kyle is truly blessed, and I think she knows that.  Money or not, she ended up with a partner who really seems as though he meant it when he said, "for better or worse".  Kim is damn lucky too that he hasn't kicked her to the curb or put his foot down.  I'm sure there have been some interesting Kyle/Mauricio conversations, though!

I totally agree with you about Mauricio.  Marrying into that family must have been a real eye-opener. I hope that Kyle's family is celebrating his success but somehow I get the feeling that that may not be the case.  Now that Kim's children are young adults, I hope that Kyle can move away from that drama and walk away.  She is lucky to have such a supportive partner and I hope that they cut off the money to Kim.  I never got the impression that Kim cared for him, perhaps because she knew that he wasn't buying into her game and that at one point she'd be cut off.  I really do hope the Umanskys walk away and don't look back.

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I totally agree with you about Mauricio.  Marrying into that family must have been a real eye-opener. I hope that Kyle's family is celebrating his success but somehow I get the feeling that that may not be the case.  Now that Kim's children are young adults, I hope that Kyle can move away from that drama and walk away.  She is lucky to have such a supportive partner and I hope that they cut off the money to Kim.  I never got the impression that Kim cared for him, perhaps because she knew that he wasn't buying into her game and that at one point she'd be cut off.  I really do hope the Umanskys walk away and don't look back.


After I posted, I actually had some similar thoughts to yours.  I think that one of the reasons Kyle couldn't disengage was because of  concern for Kim's children.  But now that they are older, maybe she will give herself permission to be free of Kim & to cultivate relationships with her nieces & nephew without Kim being involved.  The fact that Kim's kids have grown up, coupled with Kyle's realization that there's only so much she can do for Kim will hopefully allow her to take a major step back.  Has Kim ever been concerned about Kyle, or shown any caring for her at all?  Not that we've seen.  It's time for Kyle to enjoy her own little family, include Kim's children and whoever else in her life, and be rid of the ungrateful shadow that has been hanging over her for far too long.


It's sad. Such a sad story. But if I were Kyle, I would grab onto what's good and leave the rest behind.  Keep the door open, but go about my life concentrating on the people who really do love me and the people who enrich my life rather than suck it dry.

She's not available. She's in federal lock-up in Danbury, CT. Brandi wins again. Damnit!


Let's check back in 10 years.  No, make that five!

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Not sure what that means. Do you think Brandi is going to lose custody? And Teresa is going to be...?? Hosting a cooking show? With her daughters?


I'm not sure what I mean either!  :-)   


I have no idea if Brandi will lose custody, and I wasn't thinking along those lines.  Just more that Brandi is on a downward spiral.  I have no confidence that she or her life will be any better in five years than it is right now.  Among other things, she lives a very self-destructive lifestyle.  I think it's easy to say that Brandi "wins" over Teresa at this moment in time, but I would bet anything that before too long that will not be the case at all.


Again, this is off-topic so I'm trying not to comment about it here.  Just didn't want to be rude by not replying at all!

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I'm not sure what I mean either!  :-)   


I have no idea if Brandi will lose custody, and I wasn't thinking along those lines.  Just more that Brandi is on a downward spiral.  I have no confidence that she or her life will be any better in five years than it is right now.  Among other things, she lives a very self-destructive lifestyle.  I think it's easy to say that Brandi "wins" over Teresa at this moment in time, but I would bet anything that before too long that will not be the case at all.

From what I understand, it's really hard to lose custody of your kids, and even though my disregard for Brandi is off-the-charts, I don't know if she'd qualify. I agree, however, that she's on a downward spiral, and I've been saying for awhile now that she's unhinged. Where she'll be in five years is anyone's guess, but I certainly hope it's not on our tv's. Or bookstores, or wine stores, etc... However, Teresa's fate, imo, is similarly bleak. Yes, she'll one day leave prison, but I've always said her real hell is life without money. No mansion, no job, no money, a husband in prison, lawsuits, creditors, bills, a prison record, curly hair.... Maybe she'll move to Italy when Joe's deported. Can Brandi's life ever get worse than that? (Rhetorical question - I wouldn't consider it rude if you don't reply).

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