ElectricBoogaloo March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 A copycat killer who goes by the name “The Trickster” starts setting off bombs in Central City. In order to stop the villain, Barry and Joe meet with the original Trickster, a criminal mastermind named James Jesse, who has been imprisoned for 20 years. Things quickly go from bad to worse when the Tricksters unite and take Henry Allen prisoner. Meanwhile, Iris asks Eddie for help with a case, and flashbacks show how Eobard Thawne came up with the idea for the particle accelerator. Promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lkij00xF5Kc Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/
Trini March 30, 2015 Share March 30, 2015 Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xj5GjCqVK4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-983317
Popular Post Jenesis April 1, 2015 Popular Post Share April 1, 2015 Are you effing kidding me, show? Now Eddie is in on the secret and lying to Iris. I hope she reads all those bastards for filth when she finds out. 29 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987929
SimoneS April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) I knew that Barry would realize that Harrison is The Reverse Flash when he talked about how it felts to run fast. Poor real Harrison Wells. He was a nice guy. Ugh, Barry and Joe messed up telling Eddie Thawne that Barry is The Flash and their suspicions about Wells. At least, he has doubts about lying to Iris. I am such a sap, I actually went "awww" when Henry and Barry were reunited. I was glad that Barry finally learned how to hide his true feelings. Iris and The Flash have mad chemistry. When she and Barry finally hook up, they are going to explode. Could Mark Hamill be any more hammy? He came close to saying "Luke, I am your father." The Flash writers are hilarious. Edited April 1, 2015 by SimoneS 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987934
Demented Daisy April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Delurking to say: "That wasn't very sanitary!" was the best line of the night. Best episode so far. Back to lurking. 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987939
Enero April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Barry being suspicious of Wells is one thing. However, how did he go from suspicion to certainty of Wells’ guilt? That was a pretty big leap to make without any evidence, especially his thought that Wells could potentially be RF. Glad Iris is pushing for information as to where Mason has disappeared to, but I was disappointed that she showed no interest in the Trickster story, even though it literally fell in her lap. Also, it seemed that she was at the political event for plot. I do hope though that I'm wrong and that she will become suspicious of Flash first asking about Henry Allen before doing anything to help the people at the fundraiser and eventually use this info to put together that the Flash is Barry. On shallow note, Candace looked gorgeous. I really liked her red dress and hair for the scene at the political event. Nice twist with Wells and RF. But it was pretty obvious this was where the story was going when RF was revealed to be someone other than Harrison Wells. I just can't with Barry, Wells and Joe. There insistence upon treating Iris like a 16th century courtier is making me severely dislike them all and is really starting to ruin my enjoyment of the show. I really do hope Iris was smart enough not to buy that crap excuse Eddie gave her about Mason. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987948
opus April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 What happened to the tricksters grabbing Henry in case they got into trouble? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987953
Jediknight April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I'm first going to get the shallow out of the way. Iris in that red dress, holy freaking crap, holy crap. Eddie knowing is awesome, and I wasn't expecting that. The guy who was a Flash fan, now finds out The Flash is his friend. Loved Hamill, the guy was just perfect. He got the "I am your father" quote, complete with ominous music. And please, let him be Joker once more, it doesn't matter if it's live action or voice. He was channeling it tonight, and it was great. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987956
phoenics April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) Are you effing kidding me, show? Now Eddie is in on the secret and lying to Iris. I hope she reads all those bastards for filth when she finds out. This was the only thing that pissed me off about this episode. Why is this show SO determined to infantilize Iris? It makes NO sense and just comes off as seriously sexist. Just terrible. I was really enjoying the episode until that - although I was irritated that Iris didn't just investigate on her own rather than asking The Flash for help (even though their chemistry was awesome)... Sad when Eddie is the only one who seems to be questioning Joe's "it's for her safety" reasoning... though I did think Eddie was gonna faint when he saw that Barry is the Flash. At least Iris was smart enough to call her dad to help them track her and get help there. Thanks writers - but seriously DO BETTER. LOVED the whole Trickster storyline. The episode had a nice Lois & Clark feeling to me (except less partner-y and more ensemble-y). Really great misdirect with the two Tricksters... and of course... "I am your FATHER!!!" Complete with Darth Vader-ish music... I laughed long and hard... I just wish he'd screamed, "Nooooooooo!!!!" I awwed at Barry/Henry... love them... and it was fun to see the Trickster and Henry face off... so cool. ETA: Iris in the red dress - wow. I literally am combing every online site in search of a similar dress to wear. That dress was so simple, yet CP made it look AMAZING. That's some serious presence. Edited April 1, 2015 by phoenics 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987966
Trini April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Are you effing kidding me, show? Now Eddie is in on the secret and lying to Iris. I hope she reads all those bastards for filth when she finds out. I was all set to say this was one of the best episodes but NOW EDDIE IS LYING TO IRIS. UGH! They must know how ridiculous this all is, right? Right?? 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987967
Whitley Trillbert April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I loved this episode but telling Eddie before Iris made me so freaking mad !!!!!!!!!!!!! Girlfriend wears the hell outta of a dress though. First that green one and now the red one this episode. Mark Hamil was scenery chewing like it was his last meal and I loved every freakin minute of it. Hope we see him again. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987969
SimoneS April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I'm first going to get the shallow out of the way. Iris in that red dress, holy freaking crap, holy crap. Yes, Iris looked hot as hell in that red dress. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987975
miracole April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) "That wasn't very sanitary!" Hi-lar-i-ous! Loved everything about this episode EXCEPT for the lying liars that keep lying to Iris. Dude, everyone in the city knows Barry is the flash now(except of course for Iris) what's the point of a secret identity?! The only man that treated Iris like an intelligent, capable woman is dead, go figure. Edited April 1, 2015 by miracole 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987982
bettername2come April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I love that Eddie questioned the decision to not tell Iris. Telling him was full on ridiculous. Mark Hamill is amazing. Barry and Henry hugging got to me. This show has to stop making my boys cry. Eobard actually had a nice resemblance to Eddie pre-makeover. Oh my gosh, the promo. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-987988
catrice2 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I like my superheroes super, and I like them SECRET! I am so tired of everybody in town knowing who the hero is. Why doesn't he just take out an ad in the paper? So now we rewrite time so that nothing interesting ever happened, but we then let Eddie in on the secret? Eddie, whose relative is the bad guy? Iris is so stupid that she thinks in the middle of an investigation that a man like Mason would move to another country without a goodbye, quitting his job, etc. for a WOMAN? Barry again, who is supposed to be smart, is not smart enough to even attempt to act normal around Wells? Why also would they assume he is not following them or have their places wired for sound? He is some type of tech genius. They are openly talking about their distrust of him in his own building? Where of course there are no cameras or microphones, especially in front of the holding cell? Oddly, Iris and the Flash do have chemistry. Sad they took away a love interest for Barry. Put him with Iris or give him a woman of his own. Eddie continues to bore me, and I hope the dad stays in prison because it cuts into my Barry and Joe scenes. I still like the show, but I just can't with some of this stuff. Was Trickster II really the Trickster's son, or did he just tell him that? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988003
Lantern7 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 It's Barry Allen in My Three Dads! He learns to mistrust Science!Dad, gets another heart-to-heart with Police!Dad, and reveals his secret to Actual!Dad. And Eddie. Is it a reflex to unveil that that? Nice to see Mark Hamil, especially outside the spandex. It's kind of weird seeing somebody channeling the Joker without the clown makeup, though it is kind of cool. Pity Axel Walker was a wanker, though. I'm hoping Joe lives past this season. I like the pep talks with Barry. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988033
XtremeOne1 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) Such a great episode. The big reveal was SHOCKING. Like I didn't see it coming. And it was brutal. And what a twist. So many answers. Love they aren't make us wait... My only issue. I hate how they treat Iris. It's insulting, sexist and disrespectful. It's bad enough that they aren't telling her about Barry but the fact that she can't even do her own investigations, her own job, help her own friend? Who the hell are they to decide this? Edited April 1, 2015 by XtremeOne1 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988041
TomC April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 This is a minor thing, but it looked to me like we may be getting a costume update some time soon. If I saw correctly, the Flash in the fight in the past had the classic white backdrop on the lightning emblem rather than the red they have been using. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988049
Jenesis April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) Ok, I was really angry in my first post up there, but let me get to the highlights. I kinda liked the misdirection with Wells. I mean it looked like we were going to get this heartbreaking back story. We did, but not like we thought and the Wells we have is just bad news. The scene with Barry and Henry was touching at Star Labs. I did like Henry's glee at his son being the impossible. All of Barry's important people were there to share this touching moment. Everyone *cough cough Iris cough cough*. I miss you already, Mason. Hopefully your cub will take up your legacy and doesn't take the crap her loved ones are feeding her. Candice was serving in that dress. It was nice to see an Iris/Flash scene. They sizzle. I had a huge smile on my face when Mark Hamill said "I am your father". Lol I might have groaned too, though. I hope he comes back. Edited April 1, 2015 by Jenesis 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988070
theschnauzers April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) I have a feeling the writers needed Eddie to know who the Flash really is, and I think it has to do with the Eiobard arc the rest of the season. (No knowledge, no spoilers, just my speculation, given the way the writers have been doing things throughout the season.) From the interviews Mark Hamill and the EPs gave in advance of this episode, it sounds as if The Trickster isn't done yet, as he's one of a group of Rouges that have been showing up all season on The Flash, and it comes right out of the canon. We now know how Eiobard is not the real Harrison, but whether its a F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. set=up or something else is hard to tell, as we did not see the other body towards the end of the flashback involving Tess, Harrison, and Eiobard. But I suspect the writers have just opened the door just a crack for the real Harrison Wells to return if the timeline ends up being reset, which would seem to be where things are headed. (Also allows them to keep Tom Cavanaugh on the show.) And the preview confirms something was was leaked over this past week. We're getting like two or three seasons of storytelling if this were like any other scripted show. It's fun, and who knows what's next! Edited April 1, 2015 by theschnauzers 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988105
netlyon2 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (1) Glad Iris is pushing for information as to where Mason has disappeared to, but I was disappointed that she showed no interest in the Trickster story, even though it literally fell in her lap. Also, it seemed that she was at the political event for plot. (2) I do hope though that I'm wrong and that she will become suspicious of Flash first asking about Henry Allen before doing anything to help the people at the fundraiser and eventually use this info to put together that the Flash is Barry. [snip] (3) I just can't with Barry, Wells and Joe. There insistence upon treating Iris like a 16th century courtier is making me severely dislike them all and is really starting to ruin my enjoyment of the show. (4) I really do hope Iris was smart enough not to buy that crap excuse Eddie gave her about Mason. (1) My fanwank is that she's trying to cover the stories that she knows Mason was working on or would have covered; so she's too busy to follow the Trickster and has to go to the mayor's shindig. Okay, yeah, that doesn't really hold up, but a girl can ignore realism. (2) That's the first thing that I thought when he rolled up to the room full of poisoned people and demanded to know where the inmate was! Like, seriously Barry, priorities! Wouldn't it be great if the writers actually wrote Iris as a journalist whose nose would be twitching at that point? (3) I actually yelled at the TV. I'm at the point now where I don't even have the same warm fuzzies that other posters are experiencing for Barry and his dad because I am so frustrated with Barry and his adopted dad. I'm surprised they didn't have a scene where Henry agreed that they needed to keep Iris in the dark for her own safety, just to have all the family menz of the super-sekrit conspiracy on the same page. (4) I think they left it ambiguous enough for me to decide that she needs to keep on digging. Maybe she'll confront Eddie and demand to know why he's lying to her, forcing a much-needed clearing of the air. At least, I'll believe it until they crush my dreams next episode. On the upside, I appreciate that while they did induct my Tawny Thawney into the Lying Liars Who Lie to Iris Club, he is not okay with it. Also, that he expressed his not being okay with it in a really sexy but only somewhat-threatening growl. I love that Eddie questioned the decision to not tell Iris. Telling him was full on ridiculous. Mark Hamill is amazing. Barry and Henry hugging got to me. This show has to stop making my boys cry. Eobard actually had a nice resemblance to Eddie pre-makeover. Oh my gosh, the promo. Agreed (see above), and I spent a good chunk of flashback time trying to figure out if they just did a really good makeup job on Eddie to have him play Eobard (or if Eobard was played by Aaron Eckhart, but maybe that was just me). (1) Barry again, who is supposed to be smart, is not smart enough to even attempt to act normal around Wells? Why also would they assume he is not following them or have their places wired for sound? He is some type of tech genius. They are openly talking about their distrust of him in his own building? Where of course there are no cameras or microphones, especially in front of the holding cell? (2) Oddly, Iris and the Flash do have chemistry. (1) IKR! Way to be stealthy there, Bar. When he and Joe plunked down to have a heart-to-heart in S.T.A.R. Labs, I thought the jig was up, especially since they seemed to be near the (illegal and inhumane) prisoner containment unit. Don't they have cameras and speakers to keep tabs on the baddies? (2) Yeah, it was nice to have a scene with the two of them and a reminder of their chemistry. Aside from the CONSTANT STREAM OF LIES, I'm down with WestAllen, so I liked the return to the little flirty-flirt. It will be interesting to see if they have Eddie think back over the Irish/Flash interactions (especially the whole thing with yanking Eddie out of the car) and start to realize that "Lightning Psychosis" is just a bunch of BS. I'd totally be fine with more punching. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988130
HunterHunted April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Are you effing kidding me, show? Now Eddie is in on the secret and lying to Iris. I hope she reads all those bastards for filth when she finds out. I actually said aloud "What is this? Clone club?" Wells/Reverse Flash knows. So does Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Captain Cold, Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, Ronnie, Martin Stein, Girder (R.I.P.), General Eiling, Plastique (R.I.P.), Clarissa Stein, Pied Piper, Henry Allen and now Eddie. The only people who don't are the captain, Iris, and Linda. There are very few recurring characters who don't know. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988157
bettername2come April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) I actually said aloud "What is this? Clone club?" Wells/Reverse Flash knows. So does Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Captain Cold, Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, Ronnie, Martin Stein, Girder (R.I.P.), General Eiling, Plastique (R.I.P.), Clarissa Stein, Pied Piper, Henry Allen and now Eddie. The only people who don't are the captain, Iris, and Linda. There are very few recurring characters who don't know. And Roy and Laurel! Edited to add: And Lyla! Edited April 1, 2015 by bettername2come 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988175
thuganomics85 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) Really, show? You were doing so well, but you just have to keep fucking it up, when it comes to Iris. So, not only is she still in the dark, but even freaking Eddie knows?! And, somehow, Joe and Barry have roped him into carry on the deceit (at least he has some misgivings, but still...) This is just such horse-crap. It's disrespectful, obnoxious, foolish, and, yes, sexist. Because it really does feel like these guys are afraid that Iris' female mind just would be able to "handle" all the pressure and danger, which is so stupid. If anything, telling her would probably make her be safer and to know when to pick her battles. Ugh, I hate this entire thing. Besides that? Loved everything else! Mark Hamill was a blast and a half as OG Trickster. Just a big old ball of ham, and I would have it any other way. Definitely brought some of his Joker performance into it as well. And, I have to think his "I am your father!" was a shout-out to Star Wars. The New Trickster was alright, but Hamil was easily the highlight. They better bring him back. He is right up there with Agents of Shield's Cal, as one of the most hilariously entertaining villains this year. So, their was an actual Harrison Wells, but he died years ago, and this Wells we've been seeing was Eodard Thawne, who did something that makes him look like Wells. It sounded like, in the original time-line, Wells and his wife didn't create the accelarator until 2020, but he did this to bump it up, and get back to his timeline. Glad they got Henry back, and even let John Wesley Shipp get a scene with Hamill. Loved him getting to meet everyone else at S.T.A.R. Labs, but it kind of makes me think he isn't long for this world. Barry? Work on you poker face. Wells is probably already on to you and your little hissy-fits. The scenes for the upcoming episodes look great. Well, except the Ray Palmer one, because fuck that guy. But, we have to wait two weeks? What gives, CW? Edited April 1, 2015 by thuganomics85 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988176
lovebug871 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Ok, I'm not a big commenter. I just love reading everyone else's posts. That was hilarious. Seeing Luke Skywalker say "I am your father" still has me laughing. Even my husband laughed and he doesn't even watch the show. Good grief I just love this show! 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988184
Lady Calypso April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) and of course... "I am your FATHER!!!" Complete with Darth Vader-ish music... I laughed long and hard... I just wish he'd screamed, "Nooooooooo!!!!" God, you don't know how badly I wanted that to happen. Mark Hamill was cheesing up every single scene and I loved every minute of it. I knew the Trickster was in on it when he went overdramatic on his 'copycat', but it was just funny. Ok, there was less to no reason to tell Eddie about Barry. It actually made very little sense. Oh no, Iris is looking into Mason! If you want her to stop looking, why don't you tell her a big fat lie about him, JOE? You're a cop too! Or, better yet, get the freaking Flash to tell her a lie! I mean, it made it a little better with Eddie's reaction (I legit thought he was going to faint and then fangirl), but at the same time...why? Iris better get to kick all of their asses after this. Also loved her standing up to the Trickster. She's fiesty, I'll give her that. But yeah, she has all right to not talk to any of these people....for a long time, at least. Maybe join Eodard in the 25th century, learn some things, then come back. So...we get a Wells flashback storyline, but it turns out he's dead. Halfway through the episode, I thought 'hey, this is how Tom Cavanaugh can come back! Because Harrison isn't Harrison and he's somewhere locked up, or he's Firestorm 2.0!' And then....nope. Darn it. It would have been a good idea so we can keep good guy Harrison around, and now they may have just written themselves into a corner with Tom. But....the twist WAS good, and I was thoroughly surprised. Speaking of...Tom actually creeped me out when Wells was describing how to phase through the wall to Barry. I legit got shivers and had to pause the episode. Yay! Henry came back! His relationship with Barry really is the best, and Grant Gustin really does his best scenes with John Wesley Shipp. I guess Barry wasn't totally awful this episode, except for the last few minutes. I really do like Barry, but the cliches are really doing him in. I was applauding this show for not going the cliche routes at the beginning of the season, and now my love for the show is wavering because of them. Wells totally knows that Barry knows at least something. He really needs to be a better liar. All in all, entertaining episode, which quickly dived into a 'what the actually hell why show why' territory. Edited April 1, 2015 by jessied112 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988215
bmoore4026 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Poor Daddy Flash had to back to prison at the end :( Besides that, great episode! Mark Hamill does villains so well. Great as the voice of the Joker. Did a great job as the main bad guy in this video game called Dark Cloud 2. So this was a thrill! I'm sure Trickster and Trickster Junior can spend lots of time bonding in that plexi-glass cell. How The Reverse Flash became Harrison Wells was kind of fucked up. Anything that involves sticking a needle in someone and sucking out their blood or life force is fucked up. Poor guy. How many more episodes are left this season? Just asking considering the promo showed so much happening, especially the evil gorilla! Yay for Gorilla Grodd! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988226
quarks April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Loved this episode up until the last two minutes. Good things: 1. Mark Hamill! "That's not very sanitary!" and "I am your father!" Ok, I think we all predicted that last bit, but still. With the added Music of Doom I could not stop laughing. Great fun. 2. Barry/Henry hug! 3. Cisco jealous that he didn't get to name the Trickster guy! 4. The Trickster actually managing to pull off a trick! 5. The opening scene between Flash and Reverse Flash zipping through Barry's old house. Though I'm not sure why they were also doing flips while running around. 6. Thank you, Eddie, for protesting the "we have to lie to Iris" bit. I knew there was a reason I liked you. The sexy voice helps. Questionable things: 1. This is directed at both shows, but for crying out loud, can we please come up with better reasons for "We can't afford another set, so we're meeting at the coffee place?" Even tweaking that dialogue slightly to "I forgot to give them back my key," might have helped, although I sorta liked the "This feels like our place" bit. Bad things: 1. Echoing everyone else here: are you kidding me with this crap that Iris can't know for her own safety? Seriously? When twenty other people know, including various villains? This is ridiculous. It was one thing over on Arrow when Laurel had really good reasons to distrust Oliver and the Arrow, but Iris likes Barry and Flash! She calls them up for help! Stop this paternalistic bullshit, Joe. At this point, she's in more danger not knowing. 2. Iris. You're a reporter. If a masked superhero starts asking about Henry Allen, who as far as you know is in prison, and who as far as you know the masked superhero doesn't know, be suspicious. Especially if you get a really questionable story about your mentor heading off to Brazil right after that. 3. Out of curiosity, what does Eddie think will happen when a year passes and Iris realizes that Mason hasn't come out of the jungle yet? Though, I guess in his defense he's figured out that Iris isn't the sort of reporter who will ask questions like that. On the bright side, Candace Patton looked gorgeous this episode. She deserves better than this, show. Still loved the rest of the episode. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988232
TobinAlbers April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 The only way that scene of Hamill's Trickster saying 'I am your father' could be made even better is if Tricky Jr. had been played by Matt 'Voice of Anakin Skywalker' Lanter. He's CW royalty (Liam on 90210) so I'm shocked and a little sad they couldn't make it happen. OG Harrison Welles was such a sweetie to Tess. So sad how they both died. And yet if the show wants to keep Tom Cavanaugh as Harrison Welles we got us time traveling reset! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988246
Trini April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Iris better get to kick all of their asses after this. At this point, I don't just want it to happen; it NEEDS to happen. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988257
steelyis April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) Okay, the only thing spoiling my enjoyment of this episode is the mens treating my girl Iris like a child. What the hell, dudes? But everything else was pure comic book joy! Mark Hamill. Mark-Mother-Lovin'-Hamill! Was he chewing the scenery like it was his last meal on Earth? Yes, but I loved every second he was on screen! He needs to come back and officially be Barry's Joker and have all kinds of hilarious, sick, twisted fun! Edited April 1, 2015 by steelyis 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988262
opus April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I'd been waiting all season for the Flash to vibrate thru something. Classic Flash bit. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988284
Sandman April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) Iris's newspaper job kind of bores me, to be honest. Unless she actually starts investigating the hinky Flash situation that EVERY OTHER FRICKIN' PERSON IN TOWN knows about, it's not really advancing the plot. Also, Mason Bridge was annoying. I can't say I'm all that sorry he's dead. "That's debatable" made me respect Eddie more than anything else in the show has. I admit it: I am a sap. I got choked up when all three of Barry's Dads were in the same room. Does it really matter that Harrison Wells isn't really Harrison Wells? How is an undetectable replacement different from a pseudonym? (Wait -- are these questions going to call for spoil-tastic answers?) Edited April 1, 2015 by Sandman 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988297
Enero April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) (1) My fanwank is that she's trying to cover the stories that she knows Mason was working on or would have covered; so she's too busy to follow the Trickster and has to go to the mayor's shindig. Okay, yeah, that doesn't really hold up, but a girl can ignore realism. I could kind of see this if she wasn't hired to do stories on the Flash. She might've had some form of job protection while Mason was around. Now that he's gone along with her mentorship I'd think her job might be in limbo. So what better way to keep job security than to publish a story about how she "helped" the Flash with the Trickster case. It makes no sense that the very person that inspired her blogging which led to her journalist position, the very person that just a few episodes ago she was passionate about and even snuck a picture of, she'd have no interest in now. Edited April 1, 2015 by Enero Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988300
phoenics April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I'd been waiting all season for the Flash to vibrate thru something. Classic Flash bit. And the speed bracelet thing was lifted directly out of Justice League: Doom. Except then he vibrated through an iceberg instead (as instructed by Batman). I love that movie. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988309
Whitley Trillbert April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I have to assume that by seasons end there will be a reset and we will go back to not everyone knowing Barry is Flash. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988368
quarks April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 What makes not telling Iris worse is that Joe and Barry had no problem telling Eddie, who a) last we checked, was under the impression that Barry was either after his girlfriend or suffering from lightning psychosis, and b) has only known them for about seven months, but not Iris. Grr. When you do find out, Iris, you have my permission to kick all three of them to the ground. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988396
Sandman April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 And aim for the 'nads, girl. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988417
AmandaPanda April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Speaking of...Tom actually creeped me out when Wells was describing how to phase through the wall to Barry. I legit got shivers and had to pause the episode. Maybe I need to go back and rewatch that part because I found it oddly zen. Like I was hoping I could get some sort of guided meditation narrated by Tom to help me destress and phase through walls. I don't know why, but Mark Hamill kind of reminded me of Rutger Hauer, particularly him as Sookie's fairy grandfather on True Blood. I knew it was Hamill, but there was just something about him that reminded me of Hauer. If CSI: Cyber gets cancelled, can James Van Der Beek please show up as The Flash’s long lost brother? There has to be one somewhere in The Flash’s history. It really disturbs me that police thinking a journalist disappearing for a week is standard protocol. It’s not. I have lots of friends who are journalists and they don’t just go missing. At the very least, an editor knows what’s up. I really hope Iris keeps looking for him. The Trickster did have a point about sanitation. They might not have metal poisoning, but I hope Barry didn’t give all of them hepatitis. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988423
AES13 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Anyone else wonder how they got the shape shifter technology from the other side? ;) Enjoyed everything except for the treating Iris like a mushroom. Surely she could better protect herself if she knew she was at risk! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988432
opus April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) If CSI: Cyber gets cancelled, can James Van Der Beek please show up as The Flash’s long lost brother? There has to be one somewhere in The Flash’s history.Well, .....................http://www.comicvine.com/cobalt-blue/4005-5732/ Edited April 1, 2015 by GaryE 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988466
Actionmage April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Mark Hamill is a professional man! We'd like you to reprise an old role? Boom! Gives us exactly what we want, need, and deserve! Thanks Mark Hamill! Trickster Jr. wasn't on long enough to get a read. I hope both return to vex the gang. The My Three Dads scene was nice. Caitlin was giving hugs out like the Flash was handing out antidote! Man, I hope we don't lose any of the dads. I have come to enjoy them a bunch, even lying liar Joe. To echo others, Iris looked really nice in that dress. I hope she kicks everyone's ass when she finds out and everyone in on the Ronnie lie twice more. There are very few recurring characters who don't know. And Lyla Michaels, because Barry was sloppy and thought other people's secrets wouldn't matter in a marriage. ("You didn't tell her?"- to Diggle) It'd serve him right if Waller knew now too. (I can see Eiling and Waller hand in glove, re: metahumans.) I can't express my thoughts on Wells' revelation just now. That preview is wonderous and I hope the episodes live up to the hype. Did I get my Joe Wells/ Quentin Lance scene, or was I dreaming? If the latter? I'll be okay. I'll have hope for it in the future. I just enjoyed the heck out of this and the stupid, sloppy writing hasn't made me feel very disappointed. I look forward to the next episode. In two weeks, due to insane scheduling. Stories don't need pacing, apparently! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988484
phoenics April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Well, .....................http://www.comicvine.com/cobalt-blue/4005-5732/ But the question is, will there be a reason for this character to cry a la Dawson? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988524
theschnauzers April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Anyone else wonder how they got the shape shifter technology from the other side? ;) Enjoyed everything except for the treating Iris like a mushroom. Surely she could better protect herself if she knew she was at risk! There's a post-episode interview at TVLine that the future tech that was used by Eiobard is a form of genetic manipulation that changes one's DNA to be someone else's DNA. There are future spoilers in that article, so beware! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988537
statsgirl April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 "I am your father" was worth the price of admission. I thought Mark Hamill was great. That's how you do a guest stint -- all out and leave 'em wanting more. So is the real Harrison Wells personality completely gone now? Or merged? (Tom Cavanaugh really needs to do guided relaxation tapes.) I love how all the guys now know about Barry being the Flash and Iris doesn't. Not. Seriously, this taking away the wimmiz autonomy, first Thea and Felicity on Arrow and Iris here, is getting very annoying. Speaking of Felicity, I did like Cisco's mention of her to set up the next time she comes by. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988565
benteen April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) Great episode! I really enjoyed this one. Hamill was great. His two episodes as the Trickster were the best ones of the original series and his characterization of James Jesse hasn't lost a thing. It got even more fun once he broke out of jail. The "I am your father" and "That's not very sanitary" lines were great but I'd also like to nominate his Breaking Bad reference, explaining to his son that "They gave me cable so I would stop killing the guards." I was sorry we didn't get a final scene with him at the end but I have a feeling he'll be back. Major props for recreating the Trickster's old warehouse from the original series. Very interesting developments on the Harrison Wells front. It makes sense for him to assume an existing identity...with technology and information now it's impossible to create a high-profile identity from scratch. I hope this opens the door for the return of the true Harrison Wells. Awesome seeing Henry at Team Arrow headquarters. That entire sequence was a major win. I do understand Joe wanting to keep Iris as far away from Wells as possible. BUT this plot point further showed how ridiculous and insulting his whole paternalistic attitude toward Iris is. It's going to blow up in his face and he'll deserve it in a big way. Eddie's reaction to learning the truth was great but this brings the list of people who know the Flash's identity to almost two dozens. He has to be able to keep his secret identity from some people...preferably people who aren't named IRIS! Also going to call out the really stupid scene of Barry talking to Joe about Wells in Wells OWN BUILDING. In the prison where there should be a thousand cameras. Seriously, Barry, if you don't trust Wells anymore, don't you think it's a good idea not to say anything. Wow, some awesome stuff in that preview trailer for the reset of the season. Edited April 1, 2015 by benteen 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988619
patchwork April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 This Don't Tell Iris bs is really souring me on Joe, Barry and now Eddie. He has reservations about lying to her? Great! But he does it anyway, a token protest after the fact doesn't win him any points in my book. Have we heard anything from the writers about why Iris has to be kept in the dark? Especially in such a demeaning and sexist way? I was enjoying this episode right up until that scene. Barry has no chill so I'm not surprised he couldn't pretend to be okay with Wells when he suspected him of killing mama Allen. Hamill like Shattner just excels at eating the scenery "I am your father!" lol. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988685
CMH1981 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Seriously show? I still don't get the need for Barry to reveal the secret to Eddie, makes no sense to me. Eddie is obviously in shock but won't he eventually figure out that Barry making moves on Iris is all for real and not due to the story Caitlin concocted last episode? If anything he will be more suspicious and jealous b/c he knows Iris has a crush on the Flash. When Barry took Iris's laptop to watch the new video of the Trickster, I noticed Barry didn't seem to be vibrating/hiding his face, so i'm guessing when he eventually tells Iris she is going to end up saying she has known for quite awhile. The actor playing new-Trickster is hella ripped. Those arms....damn.... 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988732
In2You April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 If CSI: Cyber gets cancelled, can James Van Der Beek please show up as The Flash’s long lost brother? There has to be one somewhere in The Flash’s history. There is one but it would make more sense for Eddie to be the long lost brother based on the history of that character. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988762
cynic April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 (edited) I had to stop upvoting all the posts irritated by the treatment of Iris. I couldn't agree with you all more, but I was getting carpal tunnel. At least Eddie had some objections, but ugh with this storyline. Plus, the writers' desire to keep Iris in the dark has caused them to write her character as strangely uncurious and passive. Candice Patton is a good actress, she deserves better than this. Do the writers hate her? Rather, do they hate women in general? Because Caitlin's character has been pretty shafted too in terms of development except for her role as Firestorm's love interest. Even the poor girl who could teleport was treated shabbily. First, she was mainly doing the bidding of a man and basically gave up when he left her, like she had no will of her own. Second, she was relatively non-violent and is now in solitary confinement for life, while Cold was let go to wreak havoc elsewhere with a wink and a smile. Ugh. At least I got an Iris/Flash scene. I love their chemistry. Speaking of...Tom actually creeped me out when Wells was describing how to phase through the wall to Barry. I legit got shivers and had to pause the episode. Maybe I need to go back and rewatch that part because I found it oddly zen. Like I was hoping I could get some sort of guided meditation narrated by Tom to help me destress and phase through walls. ... Ummmm, (small voice) I actually found Cavanaugh kinda hot in that scene. I know. I'll show myself out. Edited April 1, 2015 by cynic 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/24422-s01e17-tricksters/#findComment-988833
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