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S08.E19: The Skywalker Incursion

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When Leonard and Sheldon are invited to speak at UC Berkeley, they take a detour to try to meet an idol. Also, when Bernadette and Howard battle over the fate of his Dr. Who TARDIS, Raj and Amy offer to settle the dispute with a game of ping pong.

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Sheldon:  Play that funky music, white boy.

Leonard:  I'm surprised that you're familiar with that reference.

Sheldon:  What reference?


Cute episode.  Was there a scene in another episode where Bernadette and Howard made a decision about living in his mother's house? I don't remember knowing that they were going to move in (instead of selling it or renting it to Stewart). That garage sale might be an interesting one to go to.

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I spent the whole episode dreading that Leonard and Sheldon would miss their presentation. I guess it meant more to me than to them.

And why couldn't the Tardis just stay in the garage? And isn't a life-size (on the outside) Tardis pretty valuable?

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I don't know if I was in an unusually receptive mood, but I really enjoyed this episode.  I don't think I ever saw Sheldon smile so much.  I liked that he and Leonard seemed to be having some fun in the car, and ended up having an adventure together.  And I loved the other story too.  I actually laughed a lot at this fun, light-hearted episode.   More like this, please.

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Wasn't the purpose of the game to determine whether H&B would keep the tardis or sell it, not to decide who could buy it?  I was a bit surprised that Amy ended up with it, because surely Raj could outbid her.  Unless she intimidated him into letting her buy it.

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This episode sort of annoyed me because it seemed to imply that only guys like Doctor Who. Amy only liked it because she thought it would get Sheldon in her bedroom. I love Doctor Who, so it just bothered me.

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That's pretty par for the course on this show.  Makes me wonder if any of the writers have actually ever talked to the women they meet about the TV shows, movies or books that they like.  I know just as many women as men who like Star Trek, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Dr Who, Lord of the Rings and so on.  I will admit I don't know any women personally who like comic books.  That may be more a generational thing than a man vs  woman thing though.

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Although, Penny likes Game of Thrones for her self and not because of Leonard. I thought that was a nice change of how the show normally presents geeky things. And its fairly in character for Penny since its a very popular show with sex and dragons.

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I also love Doctor Who. I want a life size Tardis and was pissed that everyone wanted him to sell it. I mean, come on! That was amazing. Did they take it apart to make Amy's door? Who decided that was a good idea, ruin the value why don't you? I liked the roadtrip bit with Leonard and Sheldon, the taser discussion was classic. Leonard got a real treat witnessing that.

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I am a woman who loves Star Wars, Star Trek (TNG), Stargate, Dr. Who, etc.. I was ambivalent towards Bernadette until now. Now I hate her. How dare she make Howard get rid of his TARDIS and you could just tell by her "sure we'll discuss it" that it was gone. It's not like it was taking up valuable real-estate in the garage.


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I was ambivalent towards Bernadette until now. Now I hate her.



It bothered me so much that she wouldn't compromise. The Tardis obviously means a lot to Howard, so why not agree to keep it in the garage or the spare room until he's ready to let go of it? Especially since we all know Bernadette will be getting her way in all the major decor decisions.

Edited by chocolatine
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The words geeky and nerdy have lost all meaning. Liking Star Trek, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings - i.e. some of the most iconic, profitable, and immensely popular franchises in all of modern pop culture - is not nerdy or geeky or otherwise looked-down-upon or outside-rish. It's beyond mainstream. Try being someone who loathes fantasy. That's unusual.

Edited by CleoCaesar
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Bernie wanting to get rid of the Tardis bothered me too. I always have issues with women/wives who want to get rid of their husbands premarital things/friends. I just don't get it. I've seen it happen in "real" life too. I wish I could word this better. Why should she alone get to decorate their home with her taste and not take into consideration his? Or dismiss his friends because you might not like them. He does. Shouldn't that recommend them just the least little bit?


He could have kept it in the garage or basement. It didn't have to be a house centerpiece. What a shrew.

Edited by kat165
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kat - I think you worded it perfectly. Bernie has evolved from strong and confident into bitchy and a bully. I've seen the same thing happen IRL too and maybe that's why it irritates me so much now. 


I so want that TARDIS. At least it went to some member of the gang, even if it will never be seen again.

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I have never watched an episode of Dr Who, but even I thought that Tardis was cool. It's fun and whimsical, even to a non-fan. It made me wonder what happened to the time machine they bought seasons ago. Bernadette needs to lighten up.

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Wasn't the purpose of the game to determine whether H&B would keep the tardis or sell it, not to decide who could buy it?  I was a bit surprised that Amy ended up with it, because surely Raj could outbid her.  Unless she intimidated him into letting her buy it.


Good point, but I think the idea was that if Bernadette wins the right to sell it, she gets to decide whom to sell it to. It's a yard sale, not an auction, after all.


Ping pong and badminton are not that similar. Penny should have been defeating Raj, I think, unless she played beer pong to lose, which I guess is possible. 


Blowing off a guest lecture seems like a big deal to me (though they probably lied about the reason). Since they had a hotel room anyway, they probably should have tried to reschedule for the next day or something.

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Count me in as also hating Bernadette tonight, although normally I either like her or at least understand where she's coming from. That TARDIS was beyond cool.  I hope that Amy realizes that having it isn't going to get Sheldon into bed and sells the TARDIS right back to Howard.

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Loved the episode. I agree that Bernadette shouldn't have forced Howard to get rid of the TARDIS. I don't watch Doctor Who, but that phone booth is gorgeous. And I also agree that the show has problems to understand that lots of women enjoy that kind of nerdy things too. I love Harry Potter, ST:TOS, DS9, Star Wars, LotR, vampires, zombies...


But other than that, it was a very funny episode. The ping pong match made me laugh and while I disagree with Bernie, it was hilarious to see her manipulating everyone, tempting them. And Leonard and Sheldon's trip was hilarious too. The quotes, the "I can't spy" game... And every thing about the Skywalker Ranch XD

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I wouldn't have had a problem with Bernadette complaining about the cost of the used 3D printer Howard and Raj bought, if it weren't for the fact that Bernadette spent a bunch of money on a Rolex for Howard.  I wouldn't have been shocked if the Rolex had cost more than the printer.  In both cases, neither one consulted the other before making the purchase.


They weren't married then, it was totally Bernadette's decision what she wanted to spend her money on and it was a gift for Howard that he certainly didn't turn down!  Totally different scenario when Howard is splashing Bernadette's money around without even having the courtesy of consulting her first.  Don't get me wrong I completely hate that they've set things up that Bernadette is making big bucks and by comparison Howard is making peanuts but that's what they've done and Howard is the one bragging about his wife's money.  He completely deserved a slap on the wrist over spending that kind of money on a non-essential item and if she has to put him on an allowance and treat him like a child there is a simple solution to that.  He can stop acting like a child!

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I actually don't care a bit about Dr Who, have never been a fan, but Bernadette just seemed to be going overboard here. Just keep it in the garage. For the most part I like Bernadette and I don't always disagree with her on these things. She does keep Howard from doing some stupid things. This one though, just pick your battles, its harmless to keep it in the garage.

I like knowing Penny is a GOT fan and it makes sense. I had the same reaction as her when they suggested the ping pong match played by champions......just like on GOTs!!!

I actually didn't mind Sheldon much this episode. He really had a point. Thats a story now, despite the outcome. They got on the Skywalker ranch, which is more than most will ever do.

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The words geeky and nerdy have lost all meaning. Liking Star Trek, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings - i.e. some of the most iconic, profitable, and immensely popular franchises in all of modern pop culture - is not nerdy or geeky or otherwise looked-down-upon or outside-rish. It's beyond mainstream. Try being someone who loathes fantasy. That's unusual.

This bugs me to no end, actually, and such a good point. I think many, many people are casual fans of these shows and just enjoy them. Just liking them and know them does not make you a geek or a nerd.

There is a difference between being a casual fan and being TRULY obsessive about them, and that is when it crosses the line into geekdom/nerdiness, in my opinion. These guys have action figures, costumes, comic books, will buy anything associated with these shows. I love Star Wars and Star Trek. I had a few posters and books when younger, but I grew up, not anymore. I never owned a Star Trek costume. I have never dressed up like one of them for a non-Halloween related event (I haven't for Halloween either, but just to draw the distinction, makes a difference) Often times in the media and especially on this show, they draw absolutely no distinction between the casual and obsessive fans of these shows they enjoy and I do agree it makes a big difference.

In particular, most people who watch Game of Thrones I don't think are Geeks or Nerds at all. It has something for just about everybody to love and in truth the fantasy elements of it are the parts I don't particularly like.

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I don't know, I'd want it out of the garage so I could park my car in there. So I'm with Bernadette. Get it outta there.

And I like many of those genre shows but only casually. Honestly, I don't remember the last time I saw most of them. I'd want to get rid of the more hardcore fan items too.

Edited by kariyaki
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Perhaps Bernadette wants to keep one or more cars, a moped and a lawnmower in the garage. The Tardis seemed rather large. I was surprised it fit in Amy's apartment.

Having had an ex-husband who kept (and still does) 12 non-functioning vehicles lying about the yard, this did occur to me.

Still, having just lost his mother, I think she could cut him some slack for a bit.

They could debate its value later, and it would probably be better to keep just one big thing that could be sold later if he was then willing to part with everything else.

These thoughts all flashed through my mind while watching, but, yeah: joke plot.

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I have never been a fan of the controlling hen-pecked husband routine.  I hated it in "Everybody Loves Raymond".  I hated Deborah Barone.  Now that whole hen-pecked routine is ruining this show along with the Bernadette character.


Interesting how perspectives differ. See, I HATED Raymond on that show and felt some sympathy for Deborah for being married to such a whiny, useless mama's boy. Of course she has to be a hardass when she's married to a child. (The reason I say "some sympathy" is because she voluntarily chooses to stay married to a child.) Same thing with Bernadette. They made her into a stereotypical "bitchy ballbuster wife" character because it's funny according to Chuck Lorre & Co. Sexist humor in this case (and Everybody Loves Raymond and countless others) makes both genders look bad.

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See, I HATED Raymond on that show and felt some sympathy for Deborah for being married to such a whiny, useless mama's boy.


Yep, as Debra once said "You are the reason for the yelling".  In Howard's case Bernadette is almost invariably reacting to yet another selfish or stupid thing that Howard did. When she's "shrewish" with Howard I am almost always on her side.  On the other hand now they've decided to make her into a bully so I have to wonder where the writers were going in those earlier episodes when it seemed like Bernadette was right in the way she reacted to Howard's childishness. 

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Ping pong and badminton are not that similar. Penny should have been defeating Raj, I think, unless she played beer pong to lose, which I guess is possible.


Ping pong and beer pong really aren't that similar, either.  And as someone who grew up with a pool table in the house, it doesn't take long to lose those kinds of skills if you don't keep playing.


Count me in as someone who has never watched Doctor Who, but still knows what a tardis is and thought that one was pretty damned cool.  If Bernie wanted the space in the garage, why couldn't it just go in Howard's old room (or his mother's, if they're going to use Howard's)?  They live in an apartment now that looks much smaller than Mrs. Wolowitz's home, so I doubt they need every spare inch of that space immediately.  Just do what most people do - stuff it in the second bedroom, and then if/when you get pregnant or decide you want that room for something else, clean it out then.


I loved the episode, though.  It's so nice seeing Leonard and Sheldon actually be friends, instead of parent and child.  More of that, please.

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Just out of curiosity I googled the price for a life-size Tardis. Obviously a cardboard one doesn't leave a massive dent in your purse but as far as I can tell there's only one solid wood model out there and that one comes at $5600. I hated that whole plot so much, the over-used women don't get nerd stuff, Bernadette being once again manipulative and bullying and the whole imbalance in their marriage. Plus: ONE SIMPLY DOES NOT DISMANTLE A TARDIS!

*off to dust tiny Tardis standing on bookshelf*

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I have never watched a single episode of Dr. Who, so I was lost.  I looked it up on IMDb to get the jist of the show, so I learned something new.


Also, I think Sheldon quoting Play That Funky Music might have been a shout out to the new animated movie he voices (sorry can't remember the name).  The creature he is voicing says something like, "My hands are in the air like I just do not care!!"  I thought it was cute.

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I am a woman.  I have a TARDIS hanging in the time vortex of the stairwell window.  Had some fun a while back chatting with some Storm Troopers about someone's homemade TARDIS that was on display at a craft fair!  It's really gotten so mainstream except in AU Big Bang verse.


Now, back to figuring out to which cons I can take my granddaugter.

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Bernadette didn't make him get rid of the Tradis. They had a bet and he lost (because she has the better people skills). She even let him pick a new champion half way through the competition. They reached an impasse in the argument ("You Can't Decide") and came up with a mutually agreed upon way of deciding who would win the argument.


It was a Tardis that had lost 3/4s of its value ("one day, this may double in value and be worth half what I paid for it") that we've never seen or heard about before. It's called hoarding. I'm reasonably certain there is a large amount of crap he is still going to get to keep. I'm for parking the car in the garage. If it was something that meant a lot to him and he used (like his magic stuff or his astronaut suit or his Mom's favourite chair or something), then she should let him win that argument. Something that is large and long-ago relegated to the garage, she can debate him about.


Ultimately, it was a very GoT event where champions fought, were corrupted, were replaced and were corrupted again. And to once again show that Amy fundamentally can't win with Sheldon.


How come Leonard has to have his picture in the guard house? He didn't take a runner and get tazed. If they caught three people in such a short time, they probably have to digitize those pictures because that guard house isn't big enough.

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I spent the whole episode dreading that Leonard and Sheldon would miss their presentation. I guess it meant more to me than to them.



Blowing off a guest lecture seems like a big deal to me (though they probably lied about the reason). Since they had a hotel room anyway, they probably should have tried to reschedule for the next day or something.

Not to be all fanwanky, but I always assumed their lecture *was* the next day.  It's a 5 1/2 hour drive from Pasadena to Berkeley under ideal circumstances, and I would think that of all people, Sheldon would insist on arriving the day before so as not to risk getting stuck in traffic and having to rush getting ready or, god forbid, miss the lecture altogether.  Yet they clearly turned around and drove home after their adventure at Skywalker Ranch.  Did they just forget to go to the conference?  I don't think there was any reference of it once the prospect of meeting George Lucas came into the picture.


[unless it was stated outright that the lecture was the same day they were driving, in which case nothing to see here, move along...]

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I need this on a shirt.


Bernadette didn't make him get rid of the Tradis. They had a bet and he lost (because she has the better people skills). She even let him pick a new champion half way through the competition. They reached an impasse in the argument ("You Can't Decide") and came up with a mutually agreed upon way of deciding who would win the argument.


I guess in theory I agree with you, but history says that once Bernie decided it was going, it was going.  She knew it, Howard knew it, all their friends knew it.  The only thing still to be decided was how "mean" she was going to have to be to get rid of it.  (And I say this as someone who generally loves Bernie.  But when does Howard win an argument anymore?)


[unless it was stated outright that the lecture was the same day they were driving, in which case nothing to see here, move along...]


When they got back to the apartment, Leonard said they missed the lecture.

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I could see Bernie not wanting the Tardis cluttering up the place, but it would have been a simple matter to throw a set of shelves inside it and have it replace some existing storage in the basement or garage. Bernie has an issue with Howard liking things she doesn't respect, not unlike Sheldon's attitude towards Leonard wanting to watch Babylon 5.


It made no sense for Leonard to not wait until the trip back to make the detour. The guy that overthinks everything should have realized that just because they were ahead of schedule didn't mean something wouldn't happen later to delay them, and their time at the ranch would be limited by still having to get to Berkeley.

Edited by LoneHaranguer
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It made no sense for Leonard to not wait until the trip back to make the detour. The guy that overthinks everything should have realized that just because they were ahead of schedule didn't mean something wouldn't happen later to delay them, and their time at the ranch would be limited by still having to get to Berkeley.

I think that was the point... he was doing something spontaneous and fun.

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I assume that Howard built his TARDIS himself and it wasn't a valuable actual prop.


He made some sort of joke about how in so many years it will be worth double the cost of half of what he paid for it, or something like that. So I definitely think he bought it.


I join in the frustration that this show can't seem to find a better balance about "geek" stuff. There are many lines one could find between casual watcher of a show to one who participates in water cooler talk about it (in physical setting or someplace like PreviouslyTV) to one who loves a show enough to buy all the DVDs to one who wants memorabilia to the one who goes to a convention or dresses in costume or ... all the way to the guy in this episode who wanted to make out with Chewbacca. Hell, even Nathan Fillion just wrote a brief article for Entertainment Weekly about his love of The Walking Dead. And as an acquaintance friend of mine joked in the title of a collection of essays she helped to edit: Chicks Dig Time Lords. So there is precedent for a multitude of ways one can express their interest in art forms of all kinds (TV, film, theatre, books, dance, whatever).


The problem with this show is that it seems to think it's either you don't watch a show, or you obsess over it. And nothing in between. Or they think everything in between is still on the geek obsessive side. And they present it like there's something wrong with you for engaging enthusiastically in a program (or comic book or film or novel series or whatever). I don't understand why. Everybody has an interest in something. Why is it so bad to be curious and enthusiastic about it? If we weren't interested (on some level or another), then these shows would never last past a season, if that. They wouldn't be making money at all.


I like stories, I like reading, I like writing, I like discussion about character development. So naturally, I'm going to zero in on those aspects when watching a film or TV series, or reading a book. It jazzes me up to come across a show that presents its story and characters really well, and it interests me to talk about it with other people and hear their insights about it, especially if it's something I never would have thought of or considered myself. And while I'm no longer one to go over the top with things like posters or memorabilia, I still like indulging in the occasional item that reminds me of a show that I love. Sitting at my desk right now, I can glance up at my bookcase and see the entire top row is scripts of my favorite Firefly and West Wing episodes (in book collection form), and books about writing (by people like Russell Davies or Stephen King) and books with behind-the-scenes information about The X-Files series. Others may not be interested in that but I am. So looking up at that shelf and the entire bookcase (which contains my favorite novels and writing books) inspires and energizes me. It brings me joy. I think that's fantastic.


So if Howard wants to keep a relic from Doctor Who, I wish the show wouldn't treat it like it's stupid, or that "geeky" interests are obsessive and will only get you restraining orders or arrested at Skywalker Ranch. *eyeroll*  

And I wish they wouldn't write Bernadette as if she can't seem to comprehend why Howard has an interest in any of this stuff.

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This seemed more of an old school episode. Lots of science, sci-fi, and some timey wimey stuff thrown in. I liked seeing the group broken up. I loved the ping pong match. Amy was hilarious! Sheldon was back to his old self too. Even his voice was missing the whine. I'm with everyone, one simply does not dismantle a Tardis! I think Bernadette has replaced Howard's mom. I hope, one day, Howard stands up for himself. Good episode!

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I assume that Howard built his TARDIS himself and it wasn't a valuable actual prop.


That would make it even worse - the thing looked as if quite some time was spent on its creation. But since he mentioned its price it's safe to assume Howard has no secret talents for cabinet-making.

I don't mind Bernadette occasionally putting her foot down when the geekery gets out of hand like in the episode with the 3D printer. But here she just came across as bullying no matter how much they tried to hide it behind bets and GoT tournaments. If they really wanted to make Howard's geek paraphernalia (of which we haven't seen much in their shared appartment) an issue I would have preferred them fighting it out and finding some sort of compromise.


ETA: I googled their appartment - there's a glass cabinet in the living room containing a Space Shuttle model, Howard and Bernadette miniatures in 3D and a Gandalf figurine.

Edited by MissLucas
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Why should she alone get to decorate their home with her taste and not take into consideration his?

Because a lot of men have terrible taste when it comes to decorating.  Seriously though, I wish Bernie would've just dropped the argument and let him keep the Tardis in the garage.  She can put her foot down when it comes to him moving it in the house.  That house doesn't look big enough for it anyway.   It's tough when you have one spouse with completely different ideas than the other one, but you can usually come to some sort of resolution without going into full-on bitch mode.  It would serve her well to learn the gentle art of persuasion too when it comes to gently nudging Howard to either get rid of stuff, or not to display something like a Tardis in the living room.  I do say that with the utmost respect to fellow Dr. Who fans. :)    

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A full-size TARDIS could be sold on eBay or Craigslist and could likely make 100 to 1000 times the price people would be willing to pay at a garage sale. And,  considering the current longevity of the show, Howard's children would love to have it as a playhouse. If she banishes it from the garage, there is no reason why it has to be in a living room. If it was sturdy enough, it could go in the back yard. Did she send all his costumes to Goodwill as well? or just throw them out?

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I loved the ping pong match. Amy was hilarious!

She really was! I don't usually enjoy Amy that much - even though MB is fantastic - because she's such a sad sack. But she had me ROLLING with her delayed reactions to Raj's serves. She' so great at physical comedy.

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Thank you, theredhead! I hate what they've done to Bernie, too. I'd love that Tardis, too. The ping pong game was funny, but not what led up to it. Similiar to what they did an episode or two ago when S & L were fighting over their paper getting attention & Leonard's name got left out. All to get to Bernie yelling at them in the next room. Obnoxious plot device.


I have mixed feelings about the allowance episode. It bothers me that he continues to act like a child & Bernie is his mom. No wife wants to be the husband's mom! He also shouldn't be spending their money without a consult with her. But I'm not sure about the allowance. Which justs drives in that he's a child and she's the parent. I see Chuck Lorre's hands all over this.


Icemiser, good point about the Rolex. But were they married at that point? I thought Bernie already had her job when they got married. So it was her money, if they weren't.

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If this thread is any indication, viewers are more worried about Howard's TARDIS than Howard was.

Not a Dr Who fan, so I had no problem with the dismantled end product. I thought it was a good idea. I don't want a TARDIS anywhere near my house, but I appreciate the idea of such a doorway.

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If this thread is any indication, viewers are more worried about Howard's TARDIS than Howard was.

We're fighting for Howard since he's apparently checked his balls at the door when it comes to standing up to Bernie.  ;)

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We're fighting for Howard since he's apparently checked his balls at the door when it comes to standing up to Bernie.  ;)


For me, I think it's more that I'd like to see these characters continue to grow and develop healthier relationships.  Howard was a horrible perv when we first met him, and he's still pervy, but not as much.  Thanks to Bernadette he got some separation from his mother before she died, but it was in a good way.  He still made awful jokes about her weight and her smothering personality, but he started to come around when he got jealous over his mom bonding with Stuart.  If his mom hadn't died, I think they could have worked it out and developed a more normal and satisfying relationship over time.


Unfortunately, due to the Chuck Lorre influence, Bernadette stopped being a cute and loving partner, she's been revealed to be a bully who gets her way every time.  She bullies, she manipulates, she channels Howard's mom.  I've no doubt she loves Howard, but why does she have to be so mean about it?  I blame Chuck Lorre.

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But were they married at that point? I thought Bernie already had her job when they got married. So it was her money, if they weren't.


She got him the rolex in the same episode where she gets  offered the job from the pharmaceutical company, it's at end of the 4th season and Bernadette is still working at the cheesecake factory.  I don't remember but am assuming she must have gotten a hefty little bonus for signing with them.  What was most obnoxious about this episode was it kept pounding home the idea that now that Bernadette has a doctorate and a job earning Big Money that completely emasculates Howard and makes her the man of the family and Howard is the fluffy headed woman (insert rolling eyes here). 


Edited by CherryAmes
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