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Small Talk: Viewers Like You

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Okay this is really bye for now-final reconstruction surgery later this morning 10 hours??!!

I'll be in hospital till the end of the week and then home to recover. Doubt I'll even be able to come here for the next few weeks. Need to concentrate on healing.

See y'all later!!!

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When I was there star talked to a few people in the first couple rows.  She did not want anyone to photograph her engagement ring.   Thought meridth was the friendliest with the audience. 

GHScorpiorule good luck with everything. Take care 

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GHScorpiosRule asked me to pass along this message:

"only a week out, sometimes I feel good, but others aren't so good like to day, despite my posting in the show thread.

if you could let everyone know, I'm doing okay, but it's a struggle and a long road ahead, even if my is healing faster than most and that everything looks good.

Well my new and real boobies look great from where I can see them( the top) when lying down!?

Thanks for ALL of your well wishes-please convey my thanks. I'm not ignoring anyone on purpose. I need to concentrate on me and getting well."??

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Thanks y'all! As you can see from my post above, I was loopy on my drugs! I forgot to mention my doctors said my body is healing faster or looks better compared to others who've gone through the same procedure.

Y'all know what a Grammar Nazi I usually am, but in lieu of my condition, will forgive me for any errors.

I feel like someone hit me full on with a truck and then backed over me in said truck. Plus feeling like a trussed up turkey with the abdominal adhesive binder. But with the good drugs, I've been able to walk some more, though the right boobie is slower to heal. Seeing my surgeon tomorrow, or rather, later today, to see if at least three of the four drains can be removed. Sorry for being TMI. Jus lemme know if you would rather I not go into so much detail, and I won't. Nor will I be offended.

What stuns me is that some women do this to themselves for whatever reasons. I guess they think the pain, learning to walk, is worth it. I wouldn't have chosen this if I had a choice, but in the end, my body rejected having foreign objects inside it, so this is the route I went with. So free tummy tuck thrown in? Yay?

Thanks again for all the well wishes. They were and are, very well appreciated.

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One question ... I don't get the connection of "learning to walk".  I don't think the women here consider anything as TMI, just valuable info.  Just sayin'.  We're all wishing the best for you & look forward to your posts!!

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9 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

One question ... I don't get the connection of "learning to walk".  I don't think the women here consider anything as TMI, just valuable info.  Just sayin'.  We're all wishing the best for you & look forward to your posts!!

Oh just that, I have to use a walker right now, and bend over about 30-45 degrees so as not to pull the abdominal stitches. I had the TRAM-took the tummy tissue from between my belly button and pubis, and put in my breast cavities. The tissue that is our dreaded "muffin top" pushed down to fill in tummy area, readjusted some ribs. In essential, a tummy tuck. I have to use that breathing thingamajig they give you, to expand and help my breathing so all of it takes its toll. Can only eat a quarter to half of the already small portions of food, so that adds to not being as strong as I could be.

so after three weeks of home nurse care to help with draining, I then have to have PT to learn how to walk upright and normally again without the walker. It's all very convoluted, but our resident nurse(?) @Celia Rubenstein can explain in more laymen terms?

I fear I will have to go back on antibiotics cuz right boobie seems to have morphed and not draining enough. Good thing is, no foreign objects so no FUCKING surgery to take anything out! Cuz it's my own body tissue!

My awesome surgeon will fix all!!

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Raycom Media owns the rights to broadcast CBS and ABC where I live and both of those channels went dark here at 11pm ct last night while I was watching Colbert. Don't have an OTA antenna so I can't get them that way. Will either watch shows I miss on ABC or CBS's sites or watch them through Kodi. Glad the internet is around so no shows actually are ever missed completely by these standoffs between companies. A lot of pissed off people in regards to March Madness though. 

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I did not see a thread for Joy so I'll put this tidbit here:  In Andy Cohen's book Superficial he gossips about how Jenny McCarthy told him that Joy takes notes each day she is on the View.  I will be first in line for that book.

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10 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I did not see a thread for Joy so I'll put this tidbit here:  In Andy Cohen's book Superficial he gossips about how Jenny McCarthy told him that Joy takes notes each day she is on the View.  I will be first in line for that book.

I would love to read that book with Joy writing about the behind the scenes stuff and her funny commentary.

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11 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I did not see a thread for Joy so I'll put this tidbit here:  In Andy Cohen's book Superficial he gossips about how Jenny McCarthy told him that Joy takes notes each day she is on the View.  I will be first in line for that book.

Well, you could have created one! I went back to see if we didn't already have one, we didn't. So I just created it.

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11 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Well, you could have created one! I went back to see if we didn't already have one, we didn't. So I just created it.

Honestly with all the locked threads and the hullabaloo over the years...........................................  Thank you.

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Just now, jumper sage said:

Honestly with all the locked threads and the hullabaloo over the years...........................................  Thank you.

No thanks necessary. I was happy to do it. The locked threads are for those that have left the show.

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On 3/15/2017 at 9:18 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh just that, I have to use a walker right now, and bend over about 30-45 degrees so as not to pull the abdominal stitches. I had the TRAM-took the tummy tissue from between my belly button and pubis, and put in my breast cavities. The tissue that is our dreaded "muffin top" pushed down to fill in tummy area, readjusted some ribs. In essential, a tummy tuck. I have to use that breathing thingamajig they give you, to expand and help my breathing so all of it takes its toll. Can only eat a quarter to half of the already small portions of food, so that adds to not being as strong as I could be.

so after three weeks of home nurse care to help with draining, I then have to have PT to learn how to walk upright and normally again without the walker. It's all very convoluted, but our resident nurse(?) @Celia Rubenstein can explain in more laymen terms?

I fear I will have to go back on antibiotics cuz right boobie seems to have morphed and not draining enough. Good thing is, no foreign objects so no FUCKING surgery to take anything out! Cuz it's my own body tissue!

My awesome surgeon will fix all!!

/me high fives Scorp ^5 ^5 double high fives!!!!  Who knew???!!!

That's for the drugs btw :p  kidding kidding

Seriously,  though, you rock it, and you continue to rock it, and you will keep on keep on rockin it

Btw  can I get the name of said awesome surgeon?  Again, kidding, but maybe not Lol

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From Week of 10/27 Thread:

12 minutes ago, nokat said:

Pancake Presses suck, but having a mastectomy is way worse. Happy for you to make it through, and seeing us bitch about a moments pain during a mammography probably makes you roll your eyes.

Well, the actual mastectomies aren't worse when actually happening, because, hey, anesthesia! But the pain? And drains? Oh YEAH.

And no, hearing y'all talk about getting them and how much it hurts, because it DOES! does not make me roll my eyes. At all. Please don't think that @nokat!

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On a lighter note, I'm going to a Halloween party as Baba Wawa.  Mr Haleth is Fr Guido Sarducci.  The theme is SNL characters and we figured none of the youngsters would think of these (or know who they are).  Funny thing is that the only appropriate wig I could find was a Marilyn Monroe type do.  So am I doing Gilda Radner as Baba or Babs as Marilyn?  Hmmmm....

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On 10/28/2017 at 4:36 PM, Haleth said:

On a lighter note, I'm going to a Halloween party as Baba Wawa.  Mr Haleth is Fr Guido Sarducci.  The theme is SNL characters and we figured none of the youngsters would think of these (or know who they are).  Funny thing is that the only appropriate wig I could find was a Marilyn Monroe type do.  So am I doing Gilda Radner as Baba or Babs as Marilyn?  Hmmmm....

Hah!  Love it!  Have a great time!

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2 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Thanks. I watch the Daily Show irregularly (I love Trevor Noah, but for some reason I end up missing shows all the time) and I had just been looking up listings to see if the interview would be re-run sometime later this week.

I usually catch the ones I miss On Demand. Though the extended interviews are only on the site. I can't wait to find out what didn't make it to the broadcast version.

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Well it's back under the knife I go. And right after Christmas! I will probably be out of the loop until after the new year, as I recover.

To whit: when I had the hysterectomy a few years ago, the doctor left the cervix in; so I would only maybe get spotting until The Menopause hit. I thought I went through that during chemo, but last month I had what could only be described as a light period, and when I went to my OBGYN, she told me because I no longer had my uterus, she couldn't do a biopsy to figure out what was going on. And with my history, it would be best for her to remove the cervix, and while she was there, she'd snip!snip! and remove the ovaries as well. Hell, I ain't givin' Cancer to attack me there, even though I tested negative when doing the genetic testing. December 28, is the day. Oh, and I get the "dog ears" on my hips that were left after reconstruction, removed next Friday.

Oh, JOY!!!!

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21 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Well it's back under the knife I go. And right after Christmas! I will probably be out of the loop until after the new year, as I recover.

To whit: when I had the hysterectomy a few years ago, the doctor left the cervix in; so I would only maybe get spotting until The Menopause hit. I thought I went through that during chemo, but last month I had what could only be described as a light period, and when I went to my OBGYN, she told me because I no longer had my uterus, she couldn't do a biopsy to figure out what was going on. And with my history, it would be best for her to remove the cervix, and while she was there, she'd snip!snip! and remove the ovaries as well. Hell, I ain't givin' Cancer to attack me there, even though I tested negative when doing the genetic testing. December 28, is the day. Oh, and I get the "dog ears" on my hips that were left after reconstruction, removed next Friday.

Oh, JOY!!!!

Wishing you a smooth surgery and speedy recovery.  

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2 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

Wow, you've sure had the lion's share of troubles!!  Let's hope, PRAY & keep our fingers crossed for good luck, that this will be the end of you be subjected to yet another surgery.  Will your parents be coming to help you?

I feel like a FOOCKING Cadaver at this point! No, parents aren't coming over. I should be okay over the New Year's holiday, with bed rest and GOOD DRUGS. I can always depend on my OBGYN for the GOOD DRUGS.

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Thanks y'all. But it's an outpatient surgery, so I won't have to stay overnight in the hospital. Though that would be nice--I wouldn't have to cook! Speaking of which, I need to call my sister and ask her to make me some stuff while I recuperate. Assuming she's going to be in town.

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11 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Thanks y'all. But it's an outpatient surgery, so I won't have to stay overnight in the hospital. Though that would be nice--I wouldn't have to cook! Speaking of which, I need to call my sister and ask her to make me some stuff while I recuperate. Assuming she's going to be in town.

My how things have changed.  I’m amazed that they can do all that with outpatient surgery. In any case, wishing you a smooth surgery and recovery with the best of results.

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