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S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap

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Kyle looked insanely gorgeous at that dinner. Yowza! And I loved that she called Brandi out for what she is...someone who throws out any hurtful thing she can to see what sticks whether it's true or not. And we saw it in action with the LisaV "rumor."

I have to echo the Eileen love as well. She handled herself beautifully and like a normal person as opposed to a reality TV veteran (although I guess you could argue that as a soap veteran, she knows which persona to use when). I hope she sticks around.

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I loved how uncomfortable and unhappy Brandi looked when Kim came downstairs on shopping/museum day. "Where is everyone else?" She is definitely feeling the withdrawal of everyone's friendship. She doesn't seem at all happy, once again, to just be with Kim. She looks bored to tears. And this is the person I'm supposed to believe sits up nights talking with Kim and being her BFF? If you're ecstatic to be Kim's friend, Brandi, you'd better notify your face.


Kim and Brandi, miss me with the crud about how Eileen's remarks could have ruined Kim's whole life. Once again, Kim, it's your behavior, not what people say about you, which is the arbiter of that.

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Kyle looked really good on the dinner boat; Amsterdam brings out the best in her wardrobe, it would seem.


I am still sailing on the Eileen Love Boat. 


Kim's TH was hysterical - I'm surprised it wasn't shaking along with the cameraman's laughter at her delusional BS.


Bravo has made a deal with the devil that is Brandi. 

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 Eileen is crazy beautiful, too. 

Stunning. And without the weirdo face sheen post-peel or whatever.  She also has fantastic bone structure, which may mean less filler action. AND HER HAIR! Breezy-beachy-blonde that looks natural.  Yes, I have a HW crush. It'll pass, as it should

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Well, I didn't have to drink as much wine as I thought during the "slap" ep.  So that's a good thing.  BUT... I still find Brandi AND Kim to be total buttheads!! If we have to see either one of those bitches next year, I'm out.


Felt kinda sorry for Yolanda on the boat.  She looked like she felt like crap even though she looked gorgeous. The whole say something nice game was just ridiculous for Brandi to run away from, considering SHE'S the one who started it! DOAH! DUMBASS!  And I agree with folks upthread who thought she wanted to kill Kyle when she and Kim had a "moment".  She looked like she wanted to stab somebody!


The slap?  Seems like Brandi just cannot get over VanderPump not giving her the attention  she deserves.  i think Brandi is just butthurt that she and LVP aren't besties anymore.  Now she's besties with that blackhole of Calcutta; Kim.  Talk about a suckhole of neediness.  This woman is 50 freakin' years old!! Ugh. Just go away already Kim AND Brandi.

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The main thing is she didn't slap Lisa with an intent to cause harm.  And that's it.  And as far as the show goes, Lisa & Brandi are peers, so I still see no harm done.



I'm sorry, I don't get this line of reasoning. Because they're "peers" it's okay to get in someone's face, ignore their statements to back off, then do something which at the very least is insulting and potentially humiliating? And is it ok if they do harm even if they don't "intend" to?


I think half our laws on assault would be off the books if it's okay to conduct oneself in such a manner.


I agree this is not the horrific act Bravo wanted us to think it was, but it's not for nothing that this sort of behavior is considered OTT.

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I think Brandi was expecting the others to give superficial compliments like hers because things were still awkward, and when they took it seriously and acted like adults, letting each other know that they see the good in them and respect them, even though they have their disagreements, Brandi realized that her plan had backfired.  Then she showed her immature self by refusing to play the game any longer, wanting to take her ball and go home.  Her plan ended up biting her in the ass, and it was a thing of beauty to see.

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Eileen saved this episode by being strong, sensible and fearless while defending herself for doing something the other cowards basically dragged her into. (I was so happy the producers showed that clip of Eileen telling LisaR it’s a slippery slope to get involved with Kim’s sobriety issues.) I felt her balance and sanity rendered the other women speechless. That moment when Kim said, “we’re confused” and Eileen said “I’m not confused” and the other women looked confused and discomfited by Eileen’s refusal to back down? Priceless.



LisaR’s behavior and attitude toward Eileen before the shopping trip and during the wine meeting demonstrates why it doesn’t pay to defend people, especially “people pleasers” like LisaR. I understand why Eileen defender her when she did, and her willingness to do so proves she’s a better person than LisaR and all the rest of them, but as Eileen beautifully pointed out, LisaR did not have Eileen’s back. In fact, LisaR is a fraud. I rolled my eyes when she told Brandi (or Kim?) she loved her. She treated Kim and Brandi with more affectionate and respect than Eileen.


Eileen clearly demonstrated that she didn’t need a wimp like LisaR to defend her, but that isn’t the point. It wouldn’t have taken much to simply say Eileen deserved a thank you for her concern and an apology for being attacked for being concerned since Eileen came to LisaR’s defense.



On the riverboat, Eileen brilliantly pointed out that LisaR was the one to bring up Kim’s sobriety and Eileen warned her about it without being accusing or malicious. It showed that they couldn’t forgive LisaR while still holding Eileen accountable, which they were all doing with their silence and (Yolanda’s disapproving glances). Maybe that’s why Yolanda called Kim out and told her to accept Eileen’s apology.


Eileen’s good. She made her points, won her arguments, and accepted responsibility for whatever they were accusing her while making it very clear they had all misunderstood her intentions. It was a lovely thing to watch Eileen ask Kim why she was rolling her eyes and to explain how Eileen ruined her life.



My only nitpick with Eileen is that she didn’t flat-out ignore LisaR.


I didn’t feel sorry for Yolanda. She was clearly tired and unwell and the lovely canal trip was ruined by the arguing, but Yolanda can be mean when she feels good and her behavior last season toward Ken and Lisa and Joyce was heinous. She has been happy to call Brandi her friend and deserves to experience all that friendship has to offer.



Not much to say about the slap. It reminded me of the wine toss. Brandi desperately wanted LisaV's attention (the way she wanted Eileen's), so she did something to force them to have a reaction. She's immature.


It's very possible Brandi has something on Yolanda. I also think she has something on Andy. He refuses to say anything bad about her on the show and always seems surprised when a guest says something negative about her.



I wouldn’t be surprised if Eileen is fired for being so grounded and forthright. And though I’d really like to see Brandi and Kim get the boot, I’d stick around to see Brandi befriend LisaR and turn on her – the same way I wished for it to happen to Kyle when Kyle turned on LisaV to be Brandi’s friend. They all get what the deserve eventually.

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I wonder how many 13 yo mean girls it will take to get Brandi's blurg up this week?  Any bets on what big-girl SAT words her ghostwriter pulls out this week?  Last week was "hyperbole". Can't wait to see the spin put on her actions/reactions to this week's peek into her insanity.

Sometimes I think Brandi must be trying to get fired.  She's just so over the top in everything she says or does.  She loves to excuse her own behavior in the name of her boys...when it suits her.  As for anyone else with children (other than Kim...at least this season) , Brandi goes for the jugular with her rumors or "truths".  I can't imagine how her friend Jennifer has stuck around so long.  Brandi doesn't seem to be a good friend to me.  She's shown she can turn on anyone like a viper, then blame the oter person for not "getting" her at the time.  Always an excuse..."I was tired"  "I was on too many meds" "I was only joking" "I had a fight with my ex"  "I had to deal with the lawyers" "I'm a single mom".  We ALL have our issues, even the rich and famous. It doesn't give anyone an excuse to lash out physically or verbally.  It's all about HER immediate gratification and satisfaction. There is no empathy.  There is no impulse control.  Brandi has the emotional intelligence of toddler.

As for the preview for next week, I share Eileen's joy when she hears Brandi isn't joining them.  YAY!  Less scenes to look at Brandi's tortured plastic face and sad extensions! (Speaking of which, Hi Adrienne!)

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It's very possible Brandi has something on Yolanda. I also think she has something on Andy. He refuses to say anything bad about her on the show and always seems surprised when a guest says something negative about her.



I'm convinced Andy would rather be thrown into a pit with an unmuzzled Kingsley than piss off that pit viper Brandi.


I doubt Brandi will be fired, either, since I suspect she's initiated inappropriate sexual misconduct with one (or more) Bravo employees, and has probably already threatened a lawsuit, should they think of getting rid of her. 

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I'm convinced Andy would rather be thrown into a pit with an unmuzzled Kingsley than piss off that pit viper Brandi.


I doubt Brandi will be fired, either, since I suspect she's initiated inappropriate sexual misconduct with one (or more) Bravo employees, and has probably already threatened a lawsuit, should they think of getting rid of her. 


I'm still not convinced neither.  Until the show hits ratings levels of NY or Miami, I believe Brandi will be safe.  Andy loves his headcases and troublemakers because he believe they bring the most drama.  While there is an old saying "If it's' not broke, don't fix it."  This cast and the audience are Brandi-fatigued!  Kim even needs to be downgraded because her storyline of her drug abuse ate up 85% of the show with no true resolution thusfar.  But that's why Im not banking on her leaving she's at least due for one more feud between either Lisa R or Eileen (if Eileen chooses to return).

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Disgusted by the way everything got twisted on the boat. How in the fuck did Eileen end up apologizing to Kim??


Because she's a kind and relatively normal human being who, when she's wrong, can apologize. She was there and likely realized that talking under her breath when everything was chill on that boat was what started the ball rolling. So later, she apologized. Classy. They were all (superficially) getting along, Rinna was talking about shopping and Eileen didn't need to add "Whatever.  It's all very confusing to me."  Which started Kyle, under her breath to LisaV about how phony it all felt.


LisaV was right when she whispered to Kyle that yes everyone was acting like nothing was wrong as they should do. Because, duh, you drama queens.  It was one of the last nights in Amsterdam.  Their hostess feels like shit.  Can't any of these divas put on their big girl panties and just stfu for 4 hours? 


So good on Eileen for recognizing her part and apologizing. 

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We were discussing the slap on here when it was part of the season trailer before the show aired this year. In the original footage, several of us thought it looked fake, it was such a dinky slap it didn't even make a sound... it was more like a pat. They added the sound in later.


I'm not condoning it either, I just think the whole thing is hard to get worked up over, because Bravo basically let it slip that the slip was either completely staged or the force of Brandi's drunken claw was so minute that it might as well have been a feather hitting Lisa's cheek.

For me, the issue isn't how hard the slap was or whether Lisa was hurt. To be slapped in the face is humiliating. Anyone who has ever been slapped instantly has to deal with the embarrassment of the situation and it can be really difficult to let it go in their own head.


I have been slapped before as a child by a bully and once by my mother. In both circumstances, I felt every thought in my head leave me and could only just feel my face get warm with embarrassment and humiliation. Neither slap hurt very much but it was the abruptness and loss of any sense of power that it caused that made it stick in my mind as a defining moment. 


We see people get slapped on television and maybe it desensitizes us to exactly how awful the experience is. But, it doesn't matter what the circumstances surrounding it are, a slap does something to the recipient. In most cases it humiliates them especially if it is witnessed by someone else - like the camera crew. It is something that is very hard to respond to with any sense of dignity.


Maybe I am not explaining it well, but I could understand that Lisa was shocked and believed Brandi had gone too far. I could also understand her wanting to tell people what happened and how she felt about it. My desire as a viewer to not see it rehashed over and over does not in anyway diminish the fact that Lisa has a right to react to it then and now.  

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Eileen and Lisa V came off  the clear winners.  Brains and class will always outwit, outsmart the jilted ex-wife of a D list actor. 

There was obvious anger behind The Slap.  Brandi had known Lisa V had pretty much dismissed her from her life - so this was her payback.  Just like Brandi has always fumed with jealousy that Eileen is one of the highest paid housewives and is an Emmy award winning actress.


With regards to passive/aggressive Lisa R - she is a people pleaser - which mirrors her attitude of doing what ever it takes to stay relevant.

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I missed a bit of the Eileen airing her grievances at the boat cruise dinner, did Kim ever apologize to her or even Kyle? Did Brandi apologize for her comments toward Eileen and the home wrecker comment? 


LisaR did go overboard in her telling Kim something nice about her, but I still like her.


As Blondie said, "No and no." It continues to amaze me that the two worst offenders on this train wreck continue to exact apologies from everyone else, multiple times on the same ridiculous issues, yet never offer their own apologies. Well, Brandi did give Eileen some sort of apology, but it sounded more like she was insulting Eileen's home all over again, in the guise of an apology.


I don't think Eileen owed Kim any sort of apology, much less multiple ones.

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Brandi's blog is up.



Yo’s private boat dinner should have been perfect, and I tried to save it three times. I didn’t succeed, but I tried.


And of course she disses Eileen:



I was trying to defuse the whole thing, making us seem equally mislabeled and level the situation. This Emmy winner clearly needed her moment and had to pull out the soap opera acting card by interrupting me dramatically. She cut me off and stole the scene to try and make it all about her, instead of all us having a moment to agree we’ve all been stuck with unfair labels at one time or another. Eileen’s constant LAME soap opera dramatics and “How dare yous!” can be filed under fake bad acting and completely exhausting.



I laughed and laughed.



Edited by Persnickety1
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Brandi has no idea how fortunate and lucky she is to be BH where these women will not sink to her level of crazy! Brandi could had been handled years ago if she was any franchise that with a few women that wouldn't take her crap. On BH, a lot of these women, particularly LVP, are trying to use their platform that goes beyond being trashy. LVP did a great job talking about Ebola a week or so ago (the same disease Brandi poked fun at and even Porsha/Fakedra did in a recent episode of ATL). I see in her future she might have political goals even if she decides to give up her Reality TV gig. Brandi is not too wrapped up too tight in the head if she really thought Lisa V was going to give her slap back or play her game so she could victimize herself.

From Tumblr, they are few of my favorite moments



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With regards to passive/aggressive Lisa R - she is a people pleaser - which mirrors her attitude of doing what ever it takes to stay relevant.

The narcissism was a little much in the nauseating game of "say 3 nice things." I forget who said what to LisaR, but she was eating it up. Even getting verklempt! (To be fair, so were the others). It doesn't take much to win her over, I guess.

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Regarding the game that Brandi suggested:


I too think that she initially thought that it would go another way. I don't think she thought that the other women would be so kind and complimentary towards each other. I don't think she thought that the exercise would be taken all that seriously. I think she was hoping for a snarky comment from one of the women and that this then would get the ball rolling into another argument. Brandi was very deliberate with her superficial comments--she could have played it like Kim and complimented the parenting of the other women or said something about Lisa's work ethic or Yolanda's discipline or Kyle's beautiful marriage or something. Brandi isn't stupid and she could have come up with something but she couldn't bear the thought of saying something nice about the other women that wasn't superficial. It would have offended her. 


Once it became clear that the other women weren't going to use the exercise to snipe at each other Brandi worried about what the others would say thinking that they would all use her tactic of only commenting on her appearance (or worse). 


Where I think I differ a little in my interpretation of Brandi going to the bathroom is that I think she was hoping that this would gain her sympathy from the other women so that they wouldn't go hard on her or say the things that she was fearing that they'd say. I think she was hoping that the women would pet her and tell her it's okay that they understand and that there are no hard feelings and that she'd basically get some adoration speech similar to what Kim got from LisaR. I think Brandi knew that Kyle truly was done with her and was nervous that she might have set herself up for having all of the women save Kim having a go at her all while they mask their insults in compliments. Brandi was fearful that she'd be dealt with the way that she deals with others and she couldn't take it. She is truly less than manure. She would have loved it if LisaV or Kyle had jumped from the table for fear of what the others would say.


Brandi can dish it but she can't take it. That much is obvious. She's worse than LisaV in this sense IMO. 


Regarding LisaR's bullshit love speech to Kim--


If the worst thing I can say about LisaR is that she's sweetly insincere with people then I think I'm okay with that...for now anyway. There are so many offensive things when it comes to these women that this doesn't tweak me all that much in the grand scheme of things. If she starts trying to be besties with Kim though then she'll have crossed the little arbitrary line here that I've drawn in the sand. ;-)

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With that slap I don't think Ken will invite Tammy Tampon  to Lisa's next birthday party just because she is "one of the group". I should think that door has officially closed and is locked, dead bolted, barricaded, retina scaned closed





I can't even imagine how angry Ken must have been over that - little slap or not - it was still a slap in the face.  If I were Brandi, the first thing I would have done after that was block Ken on my cell phone, so she wouldn't have to listen to an earful of Ken's anger!!  

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The main thing is she didn't slap Lisa with an intent to cause harm.

It certainly was not an accident. She purposely slapped Lisa.


The whole thing reminds me of abusers who slap, hit, or push someone and then say, "I didn't mean it".  Brandi saying she is joking around is equivalent to "I didn't mean it".  What bothers me is how many times Lisa made it clear she wanted Brandi to leave her alone in so many words. If a man was trying to get a kiss from Lisa and then trying to force a kiss upon her? That would be all kinds of wrong. And, he then slapped her? I think without a doubt, it would be looked upon differently regardless if he was a friend of hers.


That scene reminded me of this moment in time back in college. One evening while a bunch of us were out celebrating our upcoming college graduation, one of our male friends had some drinks. He then decided he wanted a kiss from me. At first, he was joking around, but the more I told him no, the more he persisted. He did what Brandi did last night, using his body and his height to get near me and trying to plant a kiss on me. I pushed him slightly away, and he then put his hands in the back of my neck and trying to force my face near his. Luckily, another male friend intervened. If he hadn't intervened, I would have slapped that guy in the face.


Watching Brandi pucker up her lips and putting her hands on Lisa that way, was so offensive. It makes me think she has been approached in a forceful way by many guys, and she likes it. Didn't she say that having sex with Eddie the first night they met was just like rape? It made things hotter for her, if I remember right.


I am not even commenting that Brandi wanted to kiss Lisa the way a lover would kiss another, but her forceful manner, regardless of the fact she is female, was just so wrong on so many levels. Criminal act? Eh, no. But something doesn't have to be criminal in order for it to be wrong and it doesn't have to be criminal in order for the person to feel offended, humiliated, hurt, disgusted, and pissed.


Brandi needs to stop labeling people. She keeps referring to the other ho wives as being the ones who label. Oh, and she needs to learn the true definition of multiple personality disorder. Just because a person loses their shit at one person and then makes up with them and is now friendly with them again, doesn't make them a person with MPD.  Friggin' idiot.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I respect Eileen and I haven't read Brandi's blog but I will agree with this:


Eileen’s constant LAME soap opera dramatics and “How dare yous!” can be filed under fake bad acting and completely exhausting.


Didn't anybody think her chat with Lisa Rinna at the wine bar was just a little soapy and fake?  With each breathy word, I could almost see soap bubbles escaping from both their mouths. 


I don't find her dramatic dialogue exactly exhausting but if I was a cast mate and heard her doing it more than what WE hear.  Yeah, exhausting.


Also something I noticed from that scene:  IF Eileen is capable of getting really hepped up, I think she just might suffer from Hand Tourette's, too. Her hands are constantly moving. But I'll be happy if we never see that.

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AnnA, on 10 Mar 2015 - 10:41 PM, said:

    If anyone thinks that Brandi's stupid, inappropriate and unfunny joke "slap" of LisaV was assault then they must also believe that LisaR's throwing a glass was assault with a deadly weapon.  Any of the women sitting at that table could have had a shard of glass stuck in their throat.


Caught on Tape:


Yes.  One does not negate the other.  If that was your point.

I just happen to agree with Lisa R more than I do with what Brandi did.  There's also a difference.  Could have and did are not the same thing.  No one was hurt.  No one got a shard of glass in their throat.  Brandi, however, DID slap Lisa.




Although it doesn't absolve LisaR, when she tossed the glass, it was a reaction to Kim's completely nasty, and completely uncalled for  baiting. Lisa should have been more in control. Unfortunately, she wasn't. She lost it. She admitted she lost it. No one did get hurt. She didn't throw the glass at anyone, she threw it on the table. Yes, it could have still harmed them, and that's a problem. Fortunately, it didn't.


Brandi's actions were not on the defensive, They are generally calculated and she initiates the behavior purposefully and deliberately. She means to be nasty, she intends that people will be, at the very least, offended. Most of her junk comes completely out of the blue. There is no excuse for what she does. She is deliberately and nastily provocative. She needs help.

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One more thing I wanted to say about the slap. From personal experience other than humiliated, the recipient will also feel demeaned and vulnerable. And to the recipient, it doesn't matter how hard the slap is, because it is in the face it sounds louder than it actually was and feels stronger than it actually was. I really wish I was better at explaining how it feels when it happens to you regardless of the circumstances. I guess best way to describe it is to say that short of getting physical  or violent herself, I don't think there is any thing Lisa could do  or say that I would consider overreaction to this incident. 

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Brandi has had so many fillers, her head looks huge.

Her cheeks get bigger and bigger and then the blush just follows suit. She's starting to look like that tricycle clown from Saw.


Let's imagine Brandi blocking and slapping, Heather (NY), Teresa, Caroline, Tamra, Adriana, Joanna, etc.

It's an unpopular opinion perhaps, but I love Teresa (sorry, I guess). And I would love to see Teresa tell off Brandi or, better, just do that "feh, who cares about you/go scratch" blowoff she sometimes does. Yes, Teresa has articulation issues and a great many faults but the looks on her face sometimes when she (admittedly atypically) finds a person/situation too stupid to bother with are pretty funny to me. I think Brandi would take very confused offense to being dismissed Teresa-style.


Yeah, Brandi's not completely stupid.  Her podcasts, though I've only listened to about 3 minutes of one, have gotten some good reviews.  I do believe she's capable of using the word 'hyperbole' correctly and not pronounce it 'high-per-bowl' like my 12 year old self might have done.

I don't hate her either, though, I think she's one messed up chick.

I kind of agree (I never heard her podcast, though, except for the bits the ended up on this show). And I think it bugs me even more because I can see a trace of the funny cool chick Brandi seems to believe she's exhibiting! Outside of what appears to be some real-deal issues that bubble up, I think she's fully capable of being fun, funny person. But she tries and tries and pushes and pushes and just makes it all weird and insane.


The whole thing reminds me of abusers who slap, hit, or push someone and then say, "I didn't mean it".  Brandi saying she is joking around is equivalent to "I didn't mean it".

My sister and I used to do this... [Hard out-of-nowhere pinch that was simultaneously painful and funny] "JUST KIDDING!" How can it be kidding when you did it?! Words, OK; an actual pinch? NO! 

Edited by Lisin
Removed extra quote box
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So when Brandi slaps LisaV, do I believe Lisa's outrage?  Yes.  I do.  But not because Brandi did something completely out of line.  Brandi does what is asked of her.  Brandi often does.  That's what is so bizarre about her, for me.  Brandi does not violate the rules; Brandi is the rule.  Rules are always foregrounded when Brandi is active.  Rules and Brandi share the same stage.  Almost every time.

No. Just no. Lisa did not ask to be slapped. Brandi asked to be slapped, but Lisa declined. Good, because if she had slapped Brandi, we'd be hearing how hard Lisa slapped her and how Brandi tried to have charges filed against Lisa. The same woman who had just told Kyle at the boat dinner how the way she [Kyle] touched her arms at Poker Night was all kinds of wrong.



Brandi:  I really want to take Yo back to Amsterdam and just have her show me everything. That would be a perfect trip, and I know for a fact we would actually have a really good time, because we get each other.

LOL pathetic. Literally begging for a free trip to Amsterdam. What a leech.

Edited by GreatKazu
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That first scene with B and Kim waiting for the ladies in the lobby, oy. I had to rewind to be "certain" of Brandi's look of total resentment and boredom.  I would think that Kim's conversation, unless she's spilling Hilton dirt, is just a mish-mash of fake-recovery platitudes, self-congratulation and thoughtless reaction.
Kim's eyes look very empty to me,  like she's only capable of rudimentary observation along the lines of "that book is yellow' "I see myself in the mirror" etc.  There's not an insight to be found.

Yeah, the whole "one comment can ruin someone's whole life" thing just struck me as immature and indicative of a poor understanding of responsibility's role in sobriety.  The thing is, sober people want to take responsibility. It's liberating.
So, yeah, Kim is Still The Worst

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I also think her behavior with Kim is creepy too.  Very possessive. 

I rewatched this morning and when LisaV took that picture of Brandi and Kim on the boat, Kim was looking at the camera and Brandi was facing Kim. It gave me all kinds of heebeejeebees.

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The more I watch Brandi, the more I'm convinced that she has a social disorder.



Brandi IS a social disorder. 


I did like YoFo last night, except for her telling Kyle that God's plan and job for her is to take care of Kim.  Sorry, no.  I think God's plan would be for Kim to take care of Kim.   But back to YoFo - - I think she was a generally fantastic travel host.  I loved that she was so proud of her country.  Too bad some of the women didn't appreciate where they were. 


I liked seeing Eileen and Kyle seeing the sights of Amsterdam.  You can go shopping back home, for heaven's sake.  Not saying you don't want to get some souvenirs or check out something Holland is known for but lingerie?  Clothing?  Really?  I would much rather have been with Kyle and Eileen and seen art, architecture, the city and then enjoyed some cafe au lait.   And those pancakes . . . heavenly.


While Kyle's seemingly neverending crying does get on my nerves, I felt for her last night.  She just cannot win with regard to Kim.  Ever.  I know it's her sister but I really think she needs to dose out some tough love and cut her off.  She really should have given Kim a taste of her own medicine and lit into her for not defending her against Brandi . . . and then tell her that Kathy most certainly would have because Kathy is a REAL sister.  Ugh.  Bish.


I do think LisaR is a people pleaser and I also think she's running scared right now because Kim does know something.  She's terrified that Kim will spill the beans on whatever it is and is basically placing nice to placate her.  Sad, really, because that's what most everyone has been doing for four or five seasons.  Kim wigs the fuck out and then it's like it never happened.  No wonder Eileen is confused. 


Regarding the slap, it was assault and it was totally wrong.  I don't care if Brandi was joking or not.  Lisa told her no, period.  End of story.  It's on film so if I was Lisa I would be sorely tempted to tell Brandi I was going to sue her for assault.  Let her sweat a little bit.  It's not that Lisa was physically hurt, it's the principal of the thing.  Brandi can't run around and act like a two year old and think there are no repercussions.    No wonder Eddie dumped her ass. 


Whoever coined the Lemon Palace for YoFo's home - - you deserve a medal.  Genius.


I cannot wait for next week.  Let stupid Kim see how awesome her bestie Brandi is.  I can't wait to see how Brandi will try to squirm out of that.  And please let Eileen be part of that conversation because, as others have said, Eileen doesn't give two fucks and she will calmly and cooly put it on the table.

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I respect Eileen and I haven't read Brandi's blog but I will agree with this:



Didn't anybody think her chat with Lisa Rinna at the wine bar was just a little soapy and fake?  With each breathy word, I could almost see soap bubbles escaping from both their mouths. 


I don't find her dramatic dialogue exactly exhausting but if I was a cast mate and heard her doing it more than what WE hear.  Yeah, exhausting.


Also something I noticed from that scene:  IF Eileen is capable of getting really hepped up, I think she just might suffer from Hand Tourette's, too. Her hands are constantly moving. But I'll be happy if we never see that.

Brandi irritated the fuck out of me when she said "This isn't a soap opera" to Eileen as though Eileen has been the one trying to play soap opera with the other women. This shit seriously blows my mind with how frustrating and ridiculous it all is. I didn't think Eileen was playing soap opera there at all but even if she were, why is it okay for Brandi to play that game and not Eileen? She's so obvious in her hypocrisy--how have they been able to deal with her for this long? I'm fucking dizzy from all of her inconsistent and nonsensical bullshit.


Brandi telling Eileen that this wasn't a soap opera reminded me of Brandi telling Joyce that "this isn't a competition". Brandi pulls this shit on women she feels threatened by for some reason. 


Edited to switch names and other clarification.

Edited by Avaleigh
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Brandi irritated the fuck out of me when she said "This isn't a soap opera" to Eileen as though Eileen has been the one trying to play soap opera with the other women. This shit seriously blows my mind with how frustrating and ridiculous it all is. I didn't think Eileen was playing soap opera there at all but even if she were, why is it okay for her to play that game and not Brandi?

And, remember, it was Brandi who wanted to play "soap opera" when she ended up throwing wine in Eileen's face. Such a hypocrite she is.


Maybe I am too tired, but I think you meant to post "...why is it okay for her to play that game and not Eileen?"

Hmmmm...Brandi must be tired from trying to break up multiple relationships. She is a multi-tasker and a bitch:


From Lisa V's. blog:


When we were shopping earlier, as you saw, which was remarkable considering the debacle the night before, BG informed me that Kyle had told her I had an affair with my trainer. I scoffed at the ridiculousness of this remark and claimed it to be untrue...Kyle wouldn't say that, and also, just a small point, I don't have a trainer.


Lisa V: 



I have never insinuated that it was that hard. I had a small scratch on my upper lip from her acrylic claws, but the strength of the slap was not the issue. I think in her own distorted mind she thought this was playing, but no, it didn't feel like that. First she pushed me...OK...But it wasn't the actual slap. It was the violation...I haven't had a hand laid on me since I was a child. Also, I might add that it seems ironic that this is the same person that constantly reiterates to Kyle, "Don't touch me." Might seem a tad hypocritical.

Edited by GreatKazu
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At some point I wish Yolanda had stood up and told the group to straighten up and fly right or go home.  While it was incredibly rude of the gals to fight constantly, it was also rude of Yolanda to sit there and allow Brandi to behave the way she did.  Her "friend" should respect her more than that, be mindful of the strain this puts on Yolanda, and want to make things right.  Yolanda should not let her guests be attacked and be silent about it.


I feel like giving her a pass on this. Even though I have often taken exception with her saying things like, "I've been trapped in my house for 18 months/ 2 years" and "I couldn't speak for 2 years," she actually was in bed sick for most of the day. I have a chronic illness, too, and thinking about having spent the day in bed, then dragging herself to the dinner in spite of how she felt, the stress of this train wreck was probably just too much. She often has no problem correcting Brandi. But that night, she just looked overwhelmed by it all, and she probably genuinely was. These are grown women. Why do they need a referee in the first place?

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From Lisa V's. blog:

Lisa V:

Brandi is a total liarface! LVP only proved how jealous and threatened Brandi is of she and Kyle's closeness and that she's a total nut job. Brandi also made a comment about LVP on her podcast or twitter about why shes with Ken, I forget what she said when LVP replied.

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No. Just no. Lisa did not ask to be slapped. Brandi asked to be slapped, but Lisa declined. Good, because if she had slapped Brandi, we'd be hearing how hard Lisa slapped her and how Brandi tried to have charges filed against Lisa. The same woman who had just told Kyle at the boat dinner how the way she [Kyle] touched her arms at Poker Night was all kinds of wrong.

Haven't watched the ep yet - and considering skipping to be honest - but Brandi is *still* going on about Kyle dealing her near mortal wounds on Poker Night? WTF? She's on camera shoving Kyle down those steps in the foyer right after and then later she has Kyle's wrists pinned in the driveway. At the VERY least call it fucking even and move on. I swear, there's some kind of twisted genius in the way that Brandi and Kim's ceaseless bleating about all the wrongs done unto them warps reality around them until they create their own reality and people stop even trying to challenge it.

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BlackMamba - As if Kyle would really talk to Brandi and tell her some affair Lisa was having behind Ken's back! Really Brandi??? After what went down at Eileen's, the gay mixer, and the pot shop? Brandi must have syphilis and it is eating at her brain!


By the way, forcing anyone to kiss Brandi's lips...gross!! Is it any wonder why Lisa didn't want to kiss her? Aside from the fact LisaV is done with Brandi, the idea of putting one's lips on Brandi's lips...*barf*  Brandi looks like she smells, she looks like doesn't take showers, I can only imagine how her mouth must reek with alcohol and what is floating around in the mouth of the herpes queen. Now that I think about it, it should be a criminal act to force someone to kiss your STD-infected mouth.

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The most interesting comment from LisaV's blog:


I have seen the self mutilation, which she struggles with, and that she often complains about, the self destruction as she digs into her face and the destruction of relationships close to her.



Ooh - spill a little more English Breakfast Tea about the meth face, pretty please, Lisa!   ;-)

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If I were in LisaV's place & Brandi smacked me...... No doubt I'd haul off & smack her twice as hard ! I know I'd be giving her what she wanted but there's no way on Gods green earth I'd be able to restrain myself. Same goes for if she threw wine in my face.

I'd don't care what kind of stupid juvenile insults she throws around. She could blather on all day; I personally am not affected until someone invades me physically.

The majority of these women have been far too physical, always kissing ( in my book that's a greeting reserved for family & very close friends)grabbing boobs, grabbing asses, throwing things, fingers in faces, etc ..... So glad my circle of friends are not like that.

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I feel like giving her a pass on this. Even though I have often taken exception with her saying things like, "I've been trapped in my house for 18 months/ 2 years" and "I couldn't speak for 2 years," she actually was in bed sick for most of the day. I have a chronic illness, too, and thinking about having spent the day in bed, then dragging herself to the dinner in spite of how she felt, the stress of this train wreck was probably just too much. She often has no problem correcting Brandi. But that night, she just looked overwhelmed by it all, and she probably genuinely was. These are grown women. Why do they need a referee in the first place?

Except when Brandi was being a total bitch to Joyce and her spouse at YoFo's house. YoFo sat there and did not do a damn thing to stop Brandi. Oh, but when Brandi was drunk and saying things to Babyface, suddenly she and David intervened and asked her to stop. I won't say YoFo and David are prejudice, not gonna go there, but I wonder why they said nothing when it came to Joyce and Michael? Is it because Babyface and David work together? YoFo was not as sick back then when that whole thing went down at her dinner party where YoFo purposely played that childish game of "you get my heart on your name".



Ooh - spill a little more English Breakfast Tea about the meth face, pretty please, Lisa!   ;-)

Isn't that just awesome? I could have sworn I read somewhere that Brandi herself mentioned how she picks at her face.

Edited by GreatKazu
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BlackMamba - As if Kyle would really talk to Brandi and tell her some affair Lisa was having behind Ken's back! Really Brandi??? After what went down at Eileen's, the gay mixer, and the pot shop? Brandi must have syphilis and it is eating at her brain!


I have no problem believing Kyle told Brandi unflattering things about LisaV when Brandi and Kyle were going on their lovely hikes together. I don't believe LisaV cheated on Ken, but I'm surprised LisaV is defending Kyle after how two-faced Kyle was last season.

Edited by slade3
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One more thing I wanted to say about the slap. From personal experience other than humiliated, the recipient will also feel demeaned and vulnerable. And to the recipient, it doesn't matter how hard the slap is, because it is in the face it sounds louder than it actually was and feels stronger than it actually was. I really wish I was better at explaining how it feels when it happens to you regardless of the circumstances. I guess best way to describe it is to say that short of getting physical  or violent herself, I don't think there is any thing Lisa could do  or say that I would consider overreaction to this incident.

First, I thought you explained it really well; and secondly, Lisa V. describes it very similarly in her blog. She said she had to retreat to the washroom to collect herself because she was crying, and because she was stunned and humiliated. And also, like you, she said it wasn't a very hard slap, but that doesn't matter - it crossed the line. Apparently, for the last time. Lisa V. said she will never interact with Brandi again. Ever!

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The most interesting comment from LisaV's blog:


'I have seen the self mutilation, which she struggles with, and that she often complains about, the self destruction as she digs into her face and the destruction of relationships close to her'

Ooh - spill a little more English Breakfast Tea about the meth face, pretty please, Lisa!   ;-)


Nooooooo!!!!  It's not the information that I mind if it's true, it's that it's coming from LisaV!  NOOOO.  She and Yo and MAYBE Eileen are the only ones left that I thought woudn't stoop to Brandi's level of dish.  Don't do it, Lisa.  Come back from the dark side. 

Edited by ryebread
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BlackMamba - As if Kyle would really talk to Brandi and tell her some affair Lisa was having behind Ken's back! Really Brandi??? After what went down at Eileen's, the gay mixer, and the pot shop? Brandi must have syphilis and it is eating at her brain!


By the way, forcing anyone to kiss Brandi's lips...gross!! Is it any wonder why Lisa didn't want to kiss her? Aside from the fact LisaV is done with Brandi, the idea of putting one's lips on Brandi's lips...*barf*  Brandi looks like she smells, she looks like doesn't take showers, I can only imagine how her mouth must reek with alcohol and what is floating around in the mouth of the herpes queen. Now that I think about it, it should be a criminal act to force someone to kiss your STD-infected mouth.


Brandi's lies scream of desperation!  She wants someone to listen to her but no way not anymore.  She's burnt her bridges and she has to live with the consequences. 


LOL!  She did say Eddie gave her an STD huh.  Lisa V is no dummie, I wouldn't dream of laying my lips on Brandi.  Even Kyle didn't want to suck out the same straw as her during the scavenger hunt.

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Haven't watched the ep yet - and considering skipping to be honest - but Brandi is *still* going on about Kyle dealing her near mortal wounds on Poker Night? WTF? She's on camera shoving Kyle down those steps in the foyer right after and then later she has Kyle's wrists pinned in the driveway. At the VERY least call it fucking even and move on. I swear, there's some kind of twisted genius in the way that Brandi and Kim's ceaseless bleating about all the wrongs done unto them warps reality around them until they create their own reality and people stop even trying to challenge it.


Of course, Brandi would say that she was justified in pushing Kyle so hard that Kyle stumbled off the step, and that she had every right to hold Kyle by her wrists. I mean, one of the charms on Kyle's bracelet caused a SCRATCH on Brandi's arm! It totally absolves all the ways in which Brandi was (overly) aggressive.


I have no problem believing Kyle told Brandi unflattering things about LisaV when Brandi and Kyle were going on their lovely hikes together. I don't believe LisaV cheated on Ken, but I'm surprised LisaV is defending Kyle after how two-faced Kyle was last season.


I'm glad that Lisa and Kyle have tried again at their friendship, but I don't have any difficulty believing that Lisa was two-faced about Kyle during the break in their friendship. I mean, not only on camera (since we saw some of it from Lisa toward Kyle "behind Kyle's back" ("behind," of course, being a a silly term given that they're filming) on the show with her dream team members) but off camera as well. 

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