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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

The Politics Policy is still in effect. A participants social media is NOT an invitation to discuss their political view points. Consider if discussion of certain social media posts will cause you to violate the politics policy BEFORE you hit the "Submit Reply" button.

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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6 hours ago, not you again said:

I wonder if Southwest flies near to wherever in Ohio the Rodriguii live.  Southwest has a pretty big presence in Florida, and they were having a killer deal a couple of weeks ago for companion level - one flight, and companion level (free) was reached until the end of February next year.  And, they're advertising very cheap ($49!) fares.  If Nurthan noticed, they could be spending lots of time at Mama's in the coming months.

I've been whimpering as I open Southwest's emails, because even though the deals are fantastic there is no way in hell I'm getting on a plane in a pandemic JUST FOR FUN.  

Southwest used to be at their nearest airport, Akron-Canton. But they left there about three years ago. The nearest airport where they could take Southwest would be Cleveland, which is about 50 - 60 miles from where JillR is, south of Wooster.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Since Nathan has been raised Gothard I have no doubt that Nurie will be pregnant sooner than later. I think the only question is whether they will have more than 10 kids or less than 10 kids. With any hope Jill's childbearing days are done and her family will start rapidly dwindling until she gets to a number she can manage to feed consistently.

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2 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Unless she is pregnant herself, I think Jill would just as soon Nurthan not get pregnant.  Because, once Nurie is pregnant and Jill isn't, she will take some of the spotlight off of the best mama in the whole wide world.  I could see Jill waiting until Nurie was showing before announcing the happy news because it might draw attention from her.  

Not to mention, Jill will be a grandmother. Jill doesn't want to be a grandmother, because it makes her sound old. She doesn't want to be old. She wants to be young and one of the girls. I get the same vibes from Kendra's mother. 

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3 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


4 pictures:






More outings that I'm sure Nathan paid for. On the bright side, I'm glad Jill didn't go to Applebee's. How normal that a group of siblings go to hang out and enjoy each other's company without mama Jill and Shrek tagging along like they are teenagers again. 


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I cannot express how much it annoys me that Jill always puts quotes around "hang" and "hanging" when she writes about people spending time together.

Honestly, it reminds me of the dad in Better Off Dead when he tries to use cool slang and tells Lane to "mellow off."

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4 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

More outings that I'm sure Nathan paid for. On the bright side, I'm glad Jill didn't go to Applebee's. How normal that a group of siblings go to hang out and enjoy each other's company without mama Jill and Shrek tagging along like they are teenagers again. 


I wonder if they felt obligated to bring them something back? I hope not

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And it looks like Tim has his own phone! Hopefully one day he can use it to Google "how to escape my mother's clutches and be happy"

The sister in the olive green shirt looks so much like Carlin Bates to me. And Carlin's a strikingly beautiful woman. The more relaxed hair immediately makes those girls look so much fresher.

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9 hours ago, not you again said:

Wow, the difference in the girls' smiles when they are with Mama and without Mama are telling. 😮

Because they are having a good time without Jill hovering and micromanaging everything. 

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Nathan has the face of a 55 year old gas station pump attendant who smokes three packs of cigs a day and has never heard of sunscreen.


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1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

Nathan has the face of a 55 year old gas station pump attendant who smokes three packs of cigs a day and has never heard of sunscreen.


I will never see him any other way...🤣

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2 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Nathan has the face of a 55 year old gas station pump attendant who smokes three packs of cigs a day and has never heard of sunscreen.


Hehe This is hilarious. I know someone fitting that description who still has marginally better skin than Nathan. I must confess, I am not as diligent as sunscreen as I should be, but if Nathan's doing yardwork in Florida, he really should be using it. 

Just now, BitterApple said:

Hmmm, if I have to say something positive, it appears Nathan is a generous young man. He bought a car for Nurie, treats her family well and takes her to restaurants that don't have paper napkin dispensers. I'm not trying to equate money with love, it's just that we see so many Fundie husbands who are selfish (Boob, Dave R, Josh, Jeremy) that it's nice to see one who prioritizes his wife's happiness.

I have no clue what he is like in person, obviously, but it does seem like he adores Nurie and pampers her in a way that a lot of other men in this circle don't. I'd venture to say after Nurie's upbringing with Jill the Narcissist, she feels like she won the lottery with Nathan. 

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20 minutes ago, Zella said:

Hehe This is hilarious. I know someone fitting that description who still has marginally better skin than Nathan. I must confess, I am not as diligent as sunscreen as I should be, but if Nathan's doing yardwork in Florida, he really should be using it. 

I have no clue what he is like in person, obviously, but it does seem like he adores Nurie and pampers her in a way that a lot of other men in this circle don't. I'd venture to say after Nurie's upbringing with Jill the Narcissist, she feels like she won the lottery with Nathan. 

It does seem like he is very enamored of her. And in Nurie's world, I guess she did win the lottery. 

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I see a guy who is likely nice, but we don't really know. Assholes can appear to be nice from the outside looking in and folks who seem cold and distant in public can be affectionate softies at home. 

It doesn't seem to me that of the Bates, Rods, Kellers and Duggars that any of the men treat their wives poorly, but I don't know enough about Nathan yet to form an opinion about him. 

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15 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

It doesn't seem to me that of the Bates, Rods, Kellers and Duggars that any of the men treat their wives poorly, but I don't know enough about Nathan yet to form an opinion about him. 

I can't say I've seen any of them treating their wives badly--except for Jeremy. I think the way he treats Jinger in those live streams is abominable, but I think his head is too far up his own ass for him to compute that he is being an asshole to her. I'm sure he thinks he's a very loving husband. But that being said, there does seem to be an underlying vibe of catering to the man in all things a way that doesn't seem to happen (at least) openly with Nathan. 

But of course we only see what Jill wants us to see. If Nathan's mother was constantly posting stuff about all the things Nurie did for him or even with Nurthan was posting their own content, it would read differently. 

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10 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


pictures and videos:



Oh my , " fruit of their labor", a lot of late night "talks " to produce this fruit, "press on".......... so very much to snark on and so many witty remarks waiting to be made. My brain is fried with stress, but I look forward to reading what you clever people post about this! Edited to add: " reap what you sow" and "never give up even when you feel tired ". I have no doubt that some of you can have a field day with this.

Edited by Liddy52
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3 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

wow! she was liked to practically every eligible duggar male and she/pa caldwell chose someone else.  take that JB

Maybe the Duggars didn't think there was a good match either. Maybe she and the boys didn't get along well enough. Maybe the Duggars thought it would look weird if two brothers married two sisters. Maybe the Duggars thought one Lauren Duggar was enough. 

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5 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Maybe the Duggars didn't think there was a good match either. Maybe she and the boys didn't get along well enough. Maybe the Duggars thought it would look weird if two brothers married two sisters. Maybe the Duggars thought one Lauren Duggar was enough. 

That I could see. 

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17 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Maybe the Duggars didn't think there was a good match either. Maybe she and the boys didn't get along well enough. Maybe the Duggars thought it would look weird if two brothers married two sisters. Maybe the Duggars thought one Lauren Duggar was enough. 

The Duggars think?

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The Duggars are the same people who named two separate kids Joy-Anna and Johannah. I doubt they cared if they repeated a Lauren. I could see Jim Bob finding that hilarious and getting a lot of cornpone mileage out of it, actually. 

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We understand that everyone will give account of themselves to God.  Convictions and standards may vary. We respect people that do things differently than we do.  😍

My point is though, that we do need to examine our hearts.  Why do we do what we do.  🤔🤔 Is it because GOD truly showed us it was "okay", or is it- bitterness at past hurts- or - justification for sin?

*Rock n Roll vs. God honoring music
*Inmodesty vs. Modesty
*Drinking vs. Sobriety 
*Laziness vs. Hard work
*Anger vs. Kindness
*Marking our bodies vs. Treating our bodies as the Temple of Christ
*Sexual interpretation vs. embracing what God made you 
*Etc. Etc.

What is interesting to me, is every time people start to justify the decline in their actions, it becomes an "out of control" spiral downward, because Satan has deceived them into believing it is "growth".  Growth in what way?  🤨

Come now.  Let's be honest with ourselves. Every time I watch this happen to Christians, I watch in sadness as the world CHEERS in joyful applause.  They LOVE to see the weakening of the church , because it helps them feel "justified" in their evil actions. When the WORLD (unsaved people) is applauding you for your choices, that is a BIG red flag!

When my husband got saved, he was living a horrible life of sin.  His dad fought in the Vietnam war and sadly committed suicide when David was only 5 years old.  David sought after EVERYTHING he thought would bring him peace & joy - Drugs, alcohol, smoking, girls, parties, bad music, rebellion, long hair, dirty mouth, etc. 😱 However, the Holy Spirit's convicting power CHANGED him from the inside out!  He took a 180 degree turn and cleaned up his life.  He has passionately lived for Jesus for 30 years now!  Hallelujah.  When we profess Christianity, we need to be ever growing to be more like Christ. 😁

I am a multi-generational Christian (meaning many generations before me, my forefathers/mothers have been Christians).  I was saved at 4 years old (and I still clearly remember doing it).  😉 God has been MORE than good to me and I recognize it was NOTHING I did to deserve that!  💖 What saddens me, is the great falling away of 2nd generation Christians who KNOW better.  They were raised better....yet they rebel and turn away from the Biblical values they once held dear and justify their actions as - right.  They forget the verse....

Luke 12:48b  "...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”

Yes, if you stand on the old fashioned values of the Bible, you WILL be attacked.  I can GUARANTEE you, I will be viciously attacked for this post.  Why? Because to be followers of Jesus Christ, is NOT popular in this world.  *Remember, they screamed "Crucify Him" to our perfect Saviour.  😢😭

Let me encourage you with these Scriptures...

James 4:4  "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."

John 15:19  "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."

Romans 8:7  "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."

We should always show LOVE and CHARITY to the world and try to reach them with the Gospel. ❤💙  But to look to the world for acceptance, will leave us "spinning our wheels" in exhaustion.  Jesus Christ is who validates us.  Use HIM as the true inward voice of conscience between good and evil.  

This message (unfortunately) is even becoming foreign in the "Christian" circles because we have become complacent and comfortable in sin....including me.  😟  We strive to be "politically" correct in everything we say.  

Remember, proclaiming truth is not judgement, but those grinding AGAINST truth will always perceive it as such.  😥

I do NOT (for one second) think I am better than ANYONE!  I am just an old sinner saved by grace.  I love fornicators, murderers, robbers, gays, lesbians, liars, etc.  Why? Because I am human like everyone else.  I am no better than anyone else.  🤤

But there is ONE that deserves my utmost adoration and respect and honor and obedience- Jesus Christ.  Yes, He loves the sinner, but hates the sin.  Remember, it was all of our sin that nailed him to a tree!  So, why would we....

Romans 6:1&2  "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?"

Let us not use our liberty as an occasion to our flesh.  

Galatians 5:13  "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another."

Let's love others BIG today, while firmly standing on God's Word, heart, and principles.  It is possible to do both!  Jesus set that perfect example for us.  😊😉

I love every single one of you!  💛❤  Jill Rodrigues


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2 hours ago, crazy8s said:

Children of the Corn was the first thing that came to my mind

second if Nurie clutched Nathan any closer he would have toppled the whole line like a row of dominoes

Once again I have second hand embarrassment for the older kids.  They are too old to be playing in this corn/covid mess and I'm guessing there was an age limit sign that was ignored.  

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Jill,the perfect Christian.LOL

They are not hard working,when they rely on others to finance themselves and their large family.

To whom much is given,much more is required.I don't ever see them doing anything for others.All they do is take.

I hope Nurie is noticing Nathan's hard work pays off.At least there won;t be another generation of grifters there.Nathan hasn't been shown to be that way so far

Edited by sondraK
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2 hours ago, Zella said:

The Duggars are the same people who named two separate kids Joy-Anna and Johannah. I doubt they cared if they repeated a Lauren. I could see Jim Bob finding that hilarious and getting a lot of cornpone mileage out of it, actually. 

Maybe they are sick of the Lauren they have and don't want to risk another?

41 minutes ago, ginger90 said:
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We understand that everyone will give account of themselves to God.  Convictions and standards may vary. We respect people that do things differently than we do.  😍

My point is though, that we do need to examine our hearts.  Why do we do what we do.  🤔🤔 Is it because GOD truly showed us it was "okay", or is it- bitterness at past hurts- or - justification for sin?

*Rock n Roll vs. God honoring music
*Inmodesty vs. Modesty
*Drinking vs. Sobriety 
*Laziness vs. Hard work
*Anger vs. Kindness
*Marking our bodies vs. Treating our bodies as the Temple of Christ
*Sexual interpretation vs. embracing what God made you 
*Etc. Etc.

What is interesting to me, is every time people start to justify the decline in their actions, it becomes an "out of control" spiral downward, because Satan has deceived them into believing it is "growth".  Growth in what way?  🤨

Come now.  Let's be honest with ourselves. Every time I watch this happen to Christians, I watch in sadness as the world CHEERS in joyful applause.  They LOVE to see the weakening of the church , because it helps them feel "justified" in their evil actions. When the WORLD (unsaved people) is applauding you for your choices, that is a BIG red flag!

When my husband got saved, he was living a horrible life of sin.  His dad fought in the Vietnam war and sadly committed suicide when David was only 5 years old.  David sought after EVERYTHING he thought would bring him peace & joy - Drugs, alcohol, smoking, girls, parties, bad music, rebellion, long hair, dirty mouth, etc. 😱 However, the Holy Spirit's convicting power CHANGED him from the inside out!  He took a 180 degree turn and cleaned up his life.  He has passionately lived for Jesus for 30 years now!  Hallelujah.  When we profess Christianity, we need to be ever growing to be more like Christ. 😁

I am a multi-generational Christian (meaning many generations before me, my forefathers/mothers have been Christians).  I was saved at 4 years old (and I still clearly remember doing it).  😉 God has been MORE than good to me and I recognize it was NOTHING I did to deserve that!  💖 What saddens me, is the great falling away of 2nd generation Christians who KNOW better.  They were raised better....yet they rebel and turn away from the Biblical values they once held dear and justify their actions as - right.  They forget the verse....

Luke 12:48b  "...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”

Yes, if you stand on the old fashioned values of the Bible, you WILL be attacked.  I can GUARANTEE you, I will be viciously attacked for this post.  Why? Because to be followers of Jesus Christ, is NOT popular in this world.  *Remember, they screamed "Crucify Him" to our perfect Saviour.  😢😭

Let me encourage you with these Scriptures...

James 4:4  "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."

John 15:19  "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."

Romans 8:7  "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."

We should always show LOVE and CHARITY to the world and try to reach them with the Gospel. ❤💙  But to look to the world for acceptance, will leave us "spinning our wheels" in exhaustion.  Jesus Christ is who validates us.  Use HIM as the true inward voice of conscience between good and evil.  

This message (unfortunately) is even becoming foreign in the "Christian" circles because we have become complacent and comfortable in sin....including me.  😟  We strive to be "politically" correct in everything we say.  

Remember, proclaiming truth is not judgement, but those grinding AGAINST truth will always perceive it as such.  😥

I do NOT (for one second) think I am better than ANYONE!  I am just an old sinner saved by grace.  I love fornicators, murderers, robbers, gays, lesbians, liars, etc.  Why? Because I am human like everyone else.  I am no better than anyone else.  🤤

But there is ONE that deserves my utmost adoration and respect and honor and obedience- Jesus Christ.  Yes, He loves the sinner, but hates the sin.  Remember, it was all of our sin that nailed him to a tree!  So, why would we....

Romans 6:1&2  "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?"

Let us not use our liberty as an occasion to our flesh.  

Galatians 5:13  "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another."

Let's love others BIG today, while firmly standing on God's Word, heart, and principles.  It is possible to do both!  Jesus set that perfect example for us.  😊😉

I love every single one of you!  💛❤  Jill Rodrigues


what hard work??? Grifting??? 

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20 minutes ago, luvbadtv said:

Once again I have second hand embarrassment for the older kids.  They are too old to be playing in this corn/covid mess and I'm guessing there was an age limit sign that was ignored.  

I was going to say the same thing. These fundie families all do this, lumping all the kids together in the same activity regardless of age. In one of the video she pans around and one of the boys (never know which is which) is sitting on the edge looking bored shitless.

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