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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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49 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

I thought ma would go to a nursing home if she wasn’t well. Hopefully her family takes good care of her at home. 

Since she is being sent home from rehab, she wouldn't qualify for Medicare for a skilled nursing facility.  Income, resources, and medical condition would determine if she's Medicaid eligible.  Other than that, I doubt the Rod parents can afford SNF care.  

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2 hours ago, scriggle said:

I plugged the urls of their three most recent videos into the calculator in the article merylinkid provided. That gave incomes from those videos at between $400 - $550. It seems that to make bank you need over a million subscribers and the viewers also need to click the ads.

Does anyone ever click on YouTube ads?

1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:



This picture will never fail to crack me up. 

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46 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Welp now we know what day to NOT attend Music on the Square.

Oh those poor people who will be expecting a nice night of music and then get the caterwauling of the Rodriguii screeching about Jeebus.

It might be fun to find a good vantage point and observe how the public reacts to them.  This is out in the public, not necessarily with their religious crowd.

ETA:  Maybe with ear plugs to protect your ears.

Edited by sagittarius sue
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12 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Welp now we know what day to NOT attend Music on the Square.

Oh those poor people who will be expecting a nice night of music and then get the caterwauling of the Rodriguii screeching about Jeebus.

Exactly my reaction! Those poor people who have no idea what they’re in for. 

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1 hour ago, sagittarius sue said:

It might be fun to find a good vantage point and observe how the public reacts to them.  This is out in the public, not necessarily with their religious crowd.

ETA:  Maybe with ear plugs to protect your ears.

That's what I was thinking.   This is not your usual audience.   People will leave.   They will make loud comments.    I don't think they can have a basket out for love offerings either (I dunno maybe they can, I don't know the rules).   they are going to be mighty surprised when they are not met with thunderous applause.   Of course, then Jill will go on a rant about how "ungodly heathens" don't appreciate her good christian family.

Edited by merylinkid
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3 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

That's what I was thinking.   This is not your usual audience.   People will leave.   They will make loud comments.    I don't think they can have a basket out for love offerings either (I dunno maybe they can, I don't know the rules).   they are going to be mighty surprised when they are met with thunderous applause.   Of course, then Jill will go on a rant about how "ungodly heathens" don't appreciate her good christian family.

She’ll say they were being persecuted for their beliefs. 🤦‍♀️

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1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

I thought ma would go to a nursing home if she wasn’t well. Hopefully her family takes good care of her at home. 

Jill will show up at ma’s to eat, drink and sing 2-3 times a year. Jill only cares about herself.

Ma can count on an unnecessary 80's makeover whenever Jill is in town. 

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2 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

I thought ma would go to a nursing home if she wasn’t well. Hopefully her family takes good care of her at home. 

 She’ll probably receive in home physical and occupational therapy. If she doesn’t need skilled nursing, home is where she should technically be. That’s not to say she may not return to the facility or go to a nursing home in the future.

I just hope the family gets some good instruction.

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Isn't Berlin where the Creamy Ivory Creamy Boutique is located? Jill might want to give her fans an update on her business. I think she sold at least one copy of the Gospel Guide for Young Women (can't remember the title) book at the boutique. Wonder how that is going. 

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16 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I agree and these have all been discussed in the Bates thread. The one option I feel you left out is they're just straight up lying. They took a real problem, knowingly exaggerated it and it grew out of control.

Also very early into all this, I couldn't help but think even Evan thought Carlin was faking. But as per my posts in the Bates threads, I went from believing it, to malingering, to factious disorder, conversion, to lying and cycled back through them all.

Curiouser and curiouser.

How is malingering or factitious disorder really different from lying though. Even if they are actually doing things to make themselves (or their loved ones if by proxy) sick on purpose, they are still knowingly lying about the cause.

7 hours ago, Notabug said:

There is a 4th possibility:  Carlin has a non-neurologic medical disorder which is causing symptoms that could be mistaken for seizures.  For example; someone with hypoglycemia can tremble and shake and appear to be 'out of it'.  However, that one is easy to rule out with a simple blood test and I presume that has happened.  Cardiac problems where there is disruption of blood flow, like a cardiac arrhythmia could, in rare cases, cause syncopal episodes (fainting spells).  Many people who faint will tremble and be confused initially, but most fainting spells are very brief as the person gets blood flow to their brain as soon as they are horizontal.  Carlin has had extended cardiac monitoring which was apparently negative since she hasn't mentioned it again and, also, her episodes last for up to half an hour while she is lying on the ground which means they're not typical fainting spells.

There are a lot of really obscure medical conditions that could also possibly cause her symptoms; but they are so obscure, that it is far more likely that there is a psychological basis for her problems.  Also, she has had a lot of testing including multiple CT scans and a lot of blood work which could be expected to rule out even rare stuff.

Occam's razor applies to medicine too.  Or, as we were always told in med school, 'When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras',  Carlin might be a zebra, but far more likely, she is a horse.

That's a really good point. 

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3 hours ago, merylinkid said:

That's what I was thinking.   This is not your usual audience.   People will leave.   They will make loud comments.    I don't think they can have a basket out for love offerings either (I dunno maybe they can, I don't know the rules).   they are going to be mighty surprised when they are not met with thunderous applause. 

I looked up some of the other groups on the schedule, several seem to be families that sing christian or gospel music so the town is probably used to that type of show and plans accordingly on which nights to attend. Personally I would like to be there to witness audience reaction to Jill and the ironing board of cowbells should they make an appearance. 🤣

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If I recall correctly, Medicare pays for the first 6 weeks of care in a facility (nursing home) after release from hospital.  (I think it was 6 weeks--it is not very long). Then the family has the responsibility to either find a nursing home, and pay out of pocket, or take the patient home and either pay for care or take care of the patient themselves.  My brother and I had in-home care for my parents--mom with dementia  and dad who could not walk or speak--and it was very expensive.  In CA it was about $24/hour for care from a reputable agency.  After Dad fell and hit his head, we moved them to a very nice assisted living home.  We were VERY fortunate that our parents could afford to pay for their care.  By the time we counted the cost of the in-home aides, groceries, utilities, property taxes, and worry, it was less expensive by far to have them in the assisted living home than staying in their house with the aides.  And we had the relief to know that they were being taken care of and watched 24/7.  My brother and I both have worked in health care (pharmacist and RN) and we know what was going on and did a lot of the care.  I cannot imagine having no background and relying on "the kindness of strangers" to care for my parents.  They have no idea what they are in for.

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37 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

How is malingering or factitious disorder really different from lying though. Even if they are actually doing things to make themselves (or their loved ones if by proxy) sick on purpose, they are still knowingly lying about the cause.

That's a really good point. 

It’s lying to their audience, but factitious disorder is an illness like any other. Maybe both of them need to get help.

40 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

I looked up some of the other groups on the schedule, several seem to be families that sing christian or gospel music so the town is probably used to that type of show and plans accordingly on which nights to attend. Personally I would like to be there to witness audience reaction to Jill and the ironing board of cowbells should they make an appearance. 🤣

We always need more cowbell! I wonder if Jill would even get that reference. 

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49 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

How is malingering or factitious disorder really different from lying though. Even if they are actually doing things to make themselves (or their loved ones if by proxy) sick on purpose, they are still knowingly lying about the cause.

Malingerers are doing it for personal gain, factious disorder is more about being sick, being a patient. Malingerers lie on purpose, but always about a health issue and always with a clear plan to gain something from the get go.

Being an opportunist and taking advantage of a situation and lying about it, is to me, different. I don't think Carlin and Evan sat down and came up with a plan to get more clicks. I think they fell into it. Then I think they hyped her initial illness much like they did with Carlin's pregnancy issues. Now I think they're lying because it grew out of control.

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36 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

After Dad fell and hit his head, we moved them to a very nice assisted living home.  We were VERY fortunate that our parents could afford to pay for their care.

YES.  My father was no longer living when my mother decided she needed more help than she could get at her independent living apartment.  My mother was so wise in deciding that they would sell their house by age 75, quit driving in her mid 80s.  They also had long-term insurance to pay much of the assisted living rent although it took 6 months to kick in.  I was so grateful that at assisted living she was checked on at least 5 times per day, meals provided or assisted with, assisted with the shower, and tucked in at night.  On her last day she was found unresponsive early in the morning unlike possibly much later in a regular apartment.  My dad also had done well with investments and savings, and we three "children" received nice inheritances.

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Always take Social Blade with a grain of salt, but this link shows E&C YouTube channel and estimated earnings.  YT isn't so much about subscriber count but overall engagement of a upload.  The more time (general) you spends watching/interacting, the more money the creator can make.  And earnings are based on 1000 views, so for folks that don't even get that many, they will make pennies, if anything at all.

Do I think Carlin is sick?  I don't know.  But, I will say as a "zebra", having the medical community not know what is wrong is frustrating, and it can lead to a whole other host of problems.  I totally understand their reasoning for putting her episodes on video, but I don't agree with posting them.  Share it with your doctor?  Yes.  Share it to the world?  No.

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1 hour ago, CalicoKitty said:

I cannot imagine having no background and relying on "the kindness of strangers" to care for my parents.  They have no idea what they are in for.

Jill doesn't care.   As long as she doesn't have to do the care or pay for it, she could not care less if it is skilled, unskilled or otherwise.   

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10 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Jill doesn't care.   As long as she doesn't have to do the care or pay for it, she could not care less if it is skilled, unskilled or otherwise.   

Sadly, I agree. If she can grift someone to come in and take care of her mother, she wouldn't care. I hope, really hope, I am wrong. 

Edited by libgirl2
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10 hours ago, Notabug said:

GoFundMe was to allow Jill's father to stay home from work while Mama was in the hospital.  She asked for 20 grand and got about 6.  After Jill paid for her most recent vacations, I think her Daddy wasn't left with enough to cover their household expenses for a couple of months, let alone hire outside help. 

I wonder if Jill's father and sisters noticed the discrepancy between the $6000 donated to the GoFundMe and whatever amount Jill actually forked over for her mom's care. If we're right and she did siphon off money for her own selfish use, wouldn't they confront her and demand that she give it back? Or has she conditioned them over the years to be so afraid of her wrath that they'll let her get away with anything?

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2 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

f I recall correctly, Medicare pays for the first 6 weeks of care in a facility (nursing home) after release from hospital.  (I think it was 6 weeks--it is not very long).

I can't remember exactly, but I think it's 30 days and reviewed every 30 days up to a total of 90 days as long as the patient is making progress.  Mom went through that a few years ago.  Once the patient stops making progress and is discharged which could be at the first review, then yes it's all on the family or get Medicaid qualified.  I've been paying around $5000 a month for over ten years for one or the other of my parents.  

2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Malingerers are doing it for personal gain, factious disorder is more about being sick, being a patient. Malingerers lie on purpose, but always about a health issue and always with a clear plan to gain something from the get go.

When you think malingering, think Jill Rodrigues and her knee.  She had an initial injury and then used that and used that and used that to avoid what she didn't want to do and for sympathy and attention.

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16 minutes ago, Albanyguy said:

I wonder if Jill's father and sisters noticed the discrepancy between the $6000 donated to the GoFundMe and whatever amount Jill actually forked over for her mom's care. If we're right and she did siphon off money for her own selfish use, wouldn't they confront her and demand that she give it back? Or has she conditioned them over the years to be so afraid of her wrath that they'll let her get away with anything?

Jill also posted that money could be sent directly to her home or PO Box if people didn't want to donate through Go Fund Me. The family would have no way of knowing if Jill received $0 or $6k.

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When two worlds collide - I just read a tragic story involving a kid and adult being swept up in a drainage ditch in Bentonville, AR. I doubt JillR reads/watches any news other than political news, but I'm hoping this story somehow finds her.

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11 minutes ago, YupItsMe said:

I wonder if the whole huge family went to that meet & greet? I would have died if that happened when I went to college.

The older 5-6 went.
Was the meet and greet free? Because I don’t see Jill paying. Tim must have bought the Starbucks. 

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2 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

The older 5-6 went.
Was the meet and greet free? Because I don’t see Jill paying. Tim must have bought the Starbucks. 

Meet and greets are usually free to attend.

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I don’t know about bible college, but it would be really difficult for Phillip to attend a real college without some type of smart device these days. A flip phone is not going to cut it when you’re asked to download an app from the university or scan a QR code. 

Edited by charmed1
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