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Snark Should Be Multiplied, Not Divided: General Show Discussion

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Oh, how sad, their "privacy was violated.  As if they haven't been airing their dirty laundry quite willingly for years.  It's like waving a flag at a bull and then whining about the injustice of being gored.  Idiots.

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If the law change in Utah is limited to what the judge said (legal marriage to only 1 spouse, co-habitation with others at the same time ok), then I can accept it (truly accept it, not just tolerate it).  When Sister Wives first came on, I equated them with FDLS, and that the concept was disgusting.  However, now, I am content to let stupid, low-esteem women be stupid, low-esteem women.... still don't like the FDLS stuff.


However, understanding the concept of slippery slope, I am concerned that someone will actually try to make it legal  to be legally married to multiple spouses at once, which would further cripple our Social Security, tax, health insurance, and other financial benefits of being married. 

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However, understanding the concept of slippery slope, I am concerned that someone will actually try to make it legal  to be legally married to multiple spouses at once, which would further cripple our Social Security, tax, health insurance, and other financial benefits of being married. 


If it's legal, and people enter into a polygamy marriage contract, then the welfare laws might have to be adjusted so that the income of all the spouses is taken into account before one of the spouse gets welfare.

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I'm pretty sure the pligs don't want polygamous marriages to be legal, they just don't want polygamous marriages (or co-habitation) to be ​illegal (in other words, get arrested for being married). They can't bleed the beast if they get legally married. In fact, I would imagine that if the option were available for polygamous folks to get married, they still wouldn't do it, just so they can continue to file for welfare. Like Christine said, pligs like free stuff. We won't be seeing the plig community pushing for legislation to legalize their unions anytime in the near future.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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I just spent the last 2 weeks at my sister's house where I overdosed on "different families" by watching tens of hours of DVR'd 19 Kids and Counting (about the Duggars) which my nieces (aged 11, 8 and 6) all love to watch and got through almost the first two seasons of Big Love on my sister's Kindle via Amazon Prime. 


Many, many times while watching them, especially 19 Kids and Counting, I thought about what screw ups the Browns really are!!  If the Duggars can feed and clothe all of their children and not go on welfare, so can the Browns! 


Even Big Love which is fake, got me more ticked off at the Browns!!  The Hendricksons don't rely on the system at all and they live in Utah!    

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I just watched the first season of Big Love for the first time.  Not planning to watch any more, but I did read synopses of the rest of the episodes.  I'm convinced that the Browns are using the Hendricksons as the family they most want to be.  Adjoining houses?  Check.  Recommitment ceremony?  Check.  Road trip to visit sites important to their religious heritage?  Check.  Youngest wife wants to start a home-based business?  Check.


Here's something they should try:  Stop bleeding the beast and quit filing serial bankruptcies.  Check?

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I didn't know that Big Love has a recommitment ceremony, home-based business headed by the last wife or road trip to Mormon sites!  I really want to watch the rest of the series now!! 


The Brown's are huge grifters so it doesn't surprise me at all that they copied Big Love at all!! 


Yes, they should stop bleeding the beast and quit filing serial bankruptcies for sure!!!  

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I just spent the last 2 weeks at my sister's house where I overdosed on "different families" by watching tens of hours of DVR'd 19 Kids and Counting (about the Duggars) which my nieces (aged 11, 8 and 6) all love to watch and got through almost the first two seasons of Big Love on my sister's Kindle via Amazon Prime.

Many, many times while watching them, especially 19 Kids and Counting, I thought about what screw ups the Browns really are!! If the Duggars can feed and clothe all of their children and not go on welfare, so can the Browns!

Even Big Love which is fake, got me more ticked off at the Browns!! The Hendricksons don't rely on the system at all and they live in Utah!D

Don't want to get too far afield here, but who knows what the Duggars might have had to do to feed all of those children if reality television hadn't been an option. From what I've read at the TWOP Duggar threads, things were not going well.

The fact is that when you have that many mouths to feed and bodies to clothe and keep warm and have medical care, it costs a lot of money. There was a time in our society when every new child was a potential farm hand and therefore could produce more of what kept a family going, but unless the Browns plan to plow up the Fool Du Sac and grow corn, those days are long gone.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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I just watched the first season of Big Love for the first time.  Not planning to watch any more, but I did read synopses of the rest of the episodes.  I'm convinced that the Browns are using the Hendricksons as the family they most want to be.  Adjoining houses?  Check.  Recommitment ceremony?  Check.  Road trip to visit sites important to their religious heritage?  Check.  Youngest wife wants to start a home-based business?  Check.


I'm halfway into season 4, but when I saw them give Sarah a patchwork quilt before she moved to Portland, that's when I really thought the Browns were modeling their lives after Big Love. 

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I'm halfway into season 4, but when I saw them give Sarah a patchwork quilt before she moved to Portland, that's when I really thought the Browns were modeling their lives after Big Love.

That's too funny!!  There are way too many coincidences for them not have done exactly that!  It's a little creepy.  Maybe way creepy.   

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Okay, I have stared at that for a really long time and I am embarrassed to admit I got nothing--BK? Big Kitchen? Bozo King?




The Browns(Janelle) have added a dog to their family. She's a mini schnauzer.

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However, I think it is impossible to sustain a family as big as the Brown's in our society today.

I think what makes it impossible in the Brown's situation is their refusal to have the five adults work at legitimate jobs that have benefits and retirement options. They would also have to completely change their lifestyle concerning homes, cars, vacations, eating out and all the other ways they waste money, but that's another story...

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I think what makes it impossible in the Brown's situation is their refusal to have the five adults work at legitimate jobs that have benefits and retirement options. They would also have to completely change their lifestyle concerning homes, cars, vacations, eating out and all the other ways they waste money, but that's another story...


These days, even a usual family with both a husband and wife working would have trouble supporting six kids.  In their case, even with all the adults working, they've just got too many kids.  Most of the wives are essentially single mothers trying to support a large brood without the help of the husbands each one should have.  This lifestyle will never work except for a few very rich men. 


On that other show about polygamy last year, Polygamy USA, there was one guy who had to have all his wives working, and only one wife at home to care for 9 preschoolers, including 3 infants.  It was hard to watch her struggle trying to do it all. 

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Sooo... MSWC put up Autism Awareness bracelets for sale.  People started asking 'are the proceeds going to charity?'  MSWC immediately pulls the bracelets from their website


Now they are back up for sale - with the obligatory 'some' of the proceeds will be donated, blah blah blah.  Oh please - we know that means one penny from each sale will be donated to a real charity - the rest will go to the charity known as MSWC.


At the bottom of this blog post (I'm not good with links, it is the Sept 2 post if a new one is up) - go ALL the way to the bottom:



Edited to add - thinking it thru a bit more - I'm not sure I believe they will even donate a penny.

Edited by Xena
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Someone on the blog did the math. The bracelet wholesales for 5.99, they are selling it for 14.99 and are donating 2.00 per bracelet. They are still clearing 7.99 for Disney trips per bracelet. You can find Autism Speaks bracelets online for around 10.00 with more proceeds donated towards the charity.

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I mentioned in the comments there that, if they're messing with a national nonprofit brand (e.g., using its logo or an adaptation thereof) without that brand's cooperation, they may very well find themselves in a heap of legal trouble. Well deserved legal trouble. For a nonprofit, reputation and public trust is everything. They don't take kindly to opportunists trading on it without their authorization.

I wonder if Autism Speaks has been alerted to this situation. Just in passing, the logo on the one bracelet I saw somewhere looked suspiciously familiar. If not AS, another autism org.

No, I don't believe for a red-hot second that any checks will be written to charity. Scam artists to the bitter end, this bunch.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Now that the Browns have 5 offspring in college, and mostly outside the house (Aspyn, McKenzie, Logan all live in apartments, not dorms), do you think Janelle and Christine will have to raise their own children?  Rather than Logan and Aspyn doing it for them?    How will Kody deal with about 35% fewer offspring around to bark orders to, and blame for all his own mistakes?

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I'm halfway into season 4, but when I saw them give Sarah a patchwork quilt before she moved to Portland, that's when I really thought the Browns were modeling their lives after Big Love.


Both the Browns and the Dargers have at times claimed to be the inspiration behind the "middle class suburban polygamy" story that Big Love started off as. It might be BS but there's no doubt both families were actively looking for opportunities to be on TV. I do think that at least the producers know there is crossover between those who watch BL and those who (still) watch the Browns. Lets face it, the Browns are fairly boring in their cluelessness, copying the filler scenes from BL counts as "action" as far as the TV show goes. I'd be much more interested in meatier topics that they won't discuss. (No not just sex).


I don't really have a problem with any group of consenting adults arranging their lives as they all wish. Monogamy is not the only way to fulfilling relationships, although just as monogamous relationships begin to have the same issues over and over, so to do "more communicative" poly ones. I do have more of a problem with religiously motivated polygamy but even so, all the wives seem to know Kody isn't such a prize and whilst 3 of them grew up in the community, they all have female relatives who've left that they could turn to if they really did want to leave, not to mention their own special "Breaking Brown" etc.


I do think if legal marriage to more than one person was allowed then most of a massive amount of the "western" family legal system would have to be rewritten from scratch. Person A is married to B who is also married to C. IF C and B die does A get the benefits from C even if they themselves were not married to C? IF A, B, C and D are all group married and B dies, and C leaves the group what happens to any kids, finances and benefits? If E leaves a group marriage do A, B, C, D, and F have to get re married? What if A is married to B and C and but B is only married to A and D? But A and C are getting a divorce but it turns out D is doing most of the child rearing whilst B is earning most of the money?


It may happen eventually but most current systems would go "um, WTF?" when faced with that.

Edited by Featherhat
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I have seen Mindy Jessop on the show, in the background quite a bit. She is on twitter also and there is a picture of her with three little kids, not sure if they are her kids or not. I guess she is being slowly introduced to the family, and eventually Kody will get his 'calling' from someone and she will become #5. That is probably the big surprise!! Robyn won't mind because she feels it will give her more placement power!! She will also share her house with #5. General consensus is that Robyn is Kody's favourite. I have an idea Miss Victoria Secret introduced him to something the other three puritans would never consider. His eyes have rolled into the back of his head and he thinks he has won the lottery!!! Me thinks missy has hidden talents and I am sure you all get my drift. Hahaha. Robyn is extremely fake with all the pontificating of losing her purity! She has certainly come a long way from a trailer home!! Will be very interesting to watch them going forward.

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You know that they were dancing in the Fool de Sac when the Boo Boo show blew up. Now they can eke out another season of non-content and manufactured puddle dramas because TLC has a big fat hole (pun unintentional, actually) in their programming line up.

I have zero idea what they can possibly film. They've gone to the well on every possible storyline not once but twice.

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You know that they were dancing in the Fool de Sac when the Boo Boo show blew up. Now they can eke out another season of non-content and manufactured puddle dramas because TLC has a big fat hole (pun unintentional, actually) in their programming line up.

I have zero idea what they can possibly film. They've gone to the well on every possible storyline not once but twice.


Oh I'm guessing that's the main reason they're loading up "My SisterWife's Closet" with tons of crap.  They must know they can't possibly make a profit on it, they're doing it purely for plotlines.  Otherwise it's going to be a mini-season of Is Robyn Preggers, More Kids Going to College, uncomfortable road trip from hell, and pointless parties to celebrate God knows what.  Oh, and Dayton's eye, which Robyn had previously tweeted that Dayton didn't want it on the show.  I bet Kody talked him into it for of course plotlines. Zzzz.

Edited by DakotaJustice
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Seriously?  Kody's yapping about a new female moving in and it's a puppy?  Sounds like the year the Big Brother producers insisted that two of their houseguests were secretly related and the person who could figure out who they were was practically guarenteed to win.  I never make it to the end of the season because the people I like are always treated badly and then kicked out, but I remember the outcry when the 'secret relatives' turned out to be the pet hamsters, or mice, or whatever they were.

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I saw that preview and my face is still partially paralyzed from rolling my eyes that hard. Zero new there. More of the same tired crappy boring non-issues with a fake therapist. Yawn. At least the stupid ponytail seems to be gone.

And now I'm going to worry about that puppy, which will no doubt disappear by episode two, never to be seen again.

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Why does this family need a "direction"????

(in the promo they talk about not having the same direction)

Isn't the direction of a family to love each other, raise kids (if you have them) and just get through life together? Enjoy the goods and support eachother through the bads.

Why do they need a family statement, a family direction and such drama.

For this family, their direction should be: love each other. raise kids well. provide financially.

Is it that freaking hard?

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Is it that freaking hard?


For them, apparently it is.  


Infighting among the wives, multiple bankruptcies and a failing business, and so many kids that they needed food stamps to feed them.  And not one real job among them.  Of course, there isn't a full brain among the parents, either.


Their "direction" should be straight to the employment bureau to get a job and stop relying on the TLC gravy train.  When you have to resort to baby animals for something new, the end is a short section of track away.

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Why does this family need a "direction"????

(in the promo they talk about not having the same direction)

Isn't the direction of a family to love each other, raise kids (if you have them) and just get through life together? Enjoy the goods and support eachother through the bads.

Why do they need a family statement, a family direction and such drama.

For this family, their direction should be: love each other. raise kids well. provide financially.

Is it that freaking hard?


They spent a whole freakin' season writing that stupid mission statement. And, yet, they remain in conflict about direction. 


As if we needed more evidence they're a giant waste of oxygen.

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Those promos already have me fed up with the coming season. I'm insulted that they think we haven't figure out their editing tricks yet and expect us to tune in to see the family falling apart and/or another "woman" moving into the house. GUYS, WE'VE FIGURED YOU OUT. Nothing is going to happen. Gah.

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