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The Returned (US) - General Discussion

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Simon walked across town from the morgue to the Community Center buck naked ?  Peter just gives him some clothes, cash and a used van.  And this time Simon remembers how he died -- from Tommy shooting him at Rowan's house.


Then Simon drives straight to Rowan's house and kidnaps Chloe.   And the car chase is on.  Rowan can't dial 911 for some reason and drops her phone, crosses lanes, swerves and smashes into a light pole.  Funny thing is that the airbag deployed during the collision but then disappeared when Rowan got out of the car.  Simon drives out to a lake in the middle of nowhere to talk to Chloe about her growing up with him as her dad since he didn't have that chance.


So Lena's friends (Ben, etc.) posted on Facebook that Camille is back from the dead, and killed the Koretzkys since she's a witch.  Hold on, how did they know that Camille had any connection with the Koretzkys - I thought Peter was going to take the fall for finding them in their house.  So how did their suicide become public knowledge and somehow the blame was pointed back to Camille.


Mrs. Goddard bangs a guy that works at an old coal mine where they dispose of old explosives -- and then beats him to death with a rock.  Then she drives out to where the explosives are stored and steals a bunch.  How does she know how to handle explosives ??  Because it is more likely that she would blow herself up than anything.


Camille confronts Peter at the Community Center about why everyone thinks she killed the Koreztskys -- how did Camille get there exactly ?  Walk across town like Simon.


Jack co-owned the bar with Tony -- really ? Is this the first we heard of this ?  And Lucy shows up from the hospital looking none the worse for wear, and Jack is looking to go bang again.  Which they do.


How did Rowan get a new car so quickly ?  It's only been a couple of house since she trashed the last one.  Simon calls her to arrange a place to return Chloe, which turns out to be the church where they were supposed to get married.  And the priest rats out Simon to the cops, but Simon gets away before Tommy shows up -- I guess Simon didn't want to get killed again by Tommy.


Victor shows Nikki a vision of Julie telling Nikki that it was her fault that Julie was attacked and that Nikki should just leave.  And Nikki falls down the stairs.  Is she dead ?


Camille and Peter show up to the bus crash memorial, and everyone is talking about Camille in hushed tones and pointing.  How does everyone know about Camille -- do all the parents of the bus crash victims follow Ben's Facebook page ?


If Peter died 29 years ago, in the flood in all likelihood, why would no one know that he died and returned ?  Unless he came back to life the next day like when Simon was killed by Tommy.  Or is Peter just full of shit and he is pretending to be Returned dead for effect.

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I just finished a rewatch of the French version this afternoon and the whole series held my attention.  This US version seems like it's going off track just to be different and not do the original material justice.



This is exactly what has happened with the American version which is a huge FAIL for me.  Not one thing in tonight's episode happened in the French version and Peter NEVER came out as a Returned although as toomuchtv47 said that's not to say it may be revealed when Les Revenants: Season 2 happens.  I absolutely hated tonight's episode and can't wait for this to end next week.  Here's hoping there will not be a season 2 as I won't be back.

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I'm just watching Simon kidnapping his own child and his ex-gf getting into a car crash because she was distracted driving.  I don't know if the show is sending us a message, it might be nice.  Don't drive while distracted and don't follow your ex-bf zombie corpse after he kidnaps your child.  All well, one episode left and I don't feel they've gone deeply enough to make this series.  One episode left and we now have an anarchist that wants to blow up the city dam...I think I should be saying that Hollywood should piss off, but I'll wait until next week. 

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If Peter died 29 years ago, in the flood in all likelihood, why would no one know that he died and returned ?  Unless he came back to life the next day like when Simon was killed by Tommy.  Or is Peter just full of shit and he is pretending to be Returned dead for effect.

Good questions. I'm going to riff off them, but I admit, I am not watching closely. Victor (Henry) hasn't aged since he died 29 years ago, and we know Peter was, what, a teenager then? So  he either would have had to die much later, or some returnees age and some don't. I guess Victor could just be special, which he certainly is in other ways. I guess we'll learn when Peter died and came back, or if he is lying. He isn't exactly above that.  

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US Version: Flashback to 29 years ago, Mrs. Goddard was commited to a mental hospital for burning down city hall.  And on the day of the flashback, the dam accident occurs.  But instead of going to the roof like everyone else, Mrs. Goddard walks out the front door and is killed in the flood.
French version:  Mrs. Da Costa tells several tales about how she died the first time, but we know from flashbacks that she survived the dam collapse. As did Victor, Serge and Toni.


US version: Victor started a fire in 2002 at a house where he was staying with yet another woman, and killed himself and her.  That makes 3 times that Victor has returned -- 2002, 4 years ago, and present day -- but why would Victor kill himself in 2002 ?
French version:  Victor has returned twice (that we know of) - 4 years ago on the road by the bus crash and present day.
Note: Once US version Julie finds out that Victor has frequently returned and tends to kill the woman he latches onto she might re-think the whole "specialness" of her bond with Victor.


US version: Victor never says anything at all, with the exception being when Julie tried to jump off the roof and he told her that she was his fairy.
French version: Eventually Victor warms up to Julie and speaks to her and at least communicates with head nods to people's questions, and he spoke with Mrs. Da Costa in the diner a couple of episodes back.


US version: After Nikki does some investigating about Victor, Victor confronts her at Julie's house, causes Nikki to see a vision of Julie who blamed Nikki for everything bad that had happened to her and caused Nikki to fall down the stairs (possibly to her death, but we don't know for sure but Julie being a doctor probably would know for sure if she was dead, so Nikki's probably not dead).
French version: Laure, Julie and Victor pile into Laure's police car and try to leave town, but instead get caught in an impossible circular road loop that keeps taking them back to the road over the dam.  Since they can't seem to leave, they sleep in the car overnight, encounter Toni trying to kill himself by jumping off the dam, Julie talks Toni down, and Laure, Toni, Julie and Victor drive away to escape the approaching horde.
Note: Despite his attempts, the kid actor playing Victor in the US version is just terrible at pretending to be all creepy and evil.


US version: Simon shows up at Rowan's house, and after Chloe spots Simon in the backyard she goes after him and Simon takes Chloe away in the van he got from Peter.  Rowan hops in her car and chases Simon's van.  But while fumbling with her cell phone trying to call 911, Rowan veers into oncoming traffic and then drives off the road and smashes into a utility pole. Rowan gets out of the smashed car and gives chase on foot but eventually gives up and goes back to the accident site.

French version: Simon shows up at Adele's house with Luci.  While Simon restrains Adele, Luci takes Chloe away with her.  Simon tells Adele not to worry as he would never hurt their children, which is a surprise to Adele because she didn't know she was pregnant.  Adele pulls a kitchen knife on Simon and stabs him in the chest, and then hides in a closet to get away from Simon.  Simon, Luci and Chloe just walk away from Adele's house.


US version: Rowan and Tommy are getting married tomorrow, with some 70 people attending including some from out of town and there appears to be some issue with the caterer.
French version: While there was talk of Adele and Thomas getting married, there was no date specified and once things went to hell with the Horde it didn't seem to matter.
Note: If Rowan was really getting married the following day, wouldn't there be more wedding related activities going on ?  With the exception of Rowan's wedding dress laid out on the bed, it just seems like a normal day.  Tommy certainly isn't acting like he is about to get married the very next day.


US version: There's a memorial ceremony for the anniversary of the bus crash and the victims.
French version:  Didn't happen.


US version:  Peter reveals himself to be Returned.

French version: Didn't happen.


US version: Mrs. Goddard concocts a plan to seduce a guy that works at an old coal mine and is responsible for the disposal/demolition of old explosives, kills the guy she seduces and then steals a large quantities of explosives.
French version: Mrs. Da Costa was hanging out at the Helping Hand with everyone else.


US version: Simon spends some quality father/daughter time with Chloe at a lake, and then returns Chloe to Rowan at the church.
French version: At the confrontation with the Horde at the Helping Hand, Chloe is exchanged for most of the Returned inside the Helping Hand (Victor, Camille, Mrs. Da Costa, but not Serge)


US version: After Chloe is kidnapped by Simon, Tommy confronts Peter because he knows that the van Simon was driving was registered to the Community Center.  Tommy roughs up Peter while trying to get answers about why Peter is helping the Returned.
French version:  Didn't happen.


US version: Camille visits Peter at his cabin and tries to get him to explain what happened with the Koretzskys wasn't her fault because Camille was doing what Peter told her to do. And then Camille tells Peter some nonsense about how he can't give up on her.
French version:  Didn't happen.


US version: Lucy goes to the bar and finds Jack smashing mugs and anything that belonged to Tony, because apparently Tony and Jack were partners in the bar.  And Jack goes on about how the past year of his relationship with Lucy is the happiest he's been in awhile, a time where he was banging Lucy to get her to reveal what turned out to be fake psychic visions of his dead daughter.  So they bang again because Jack really "needs her".
French version: None of that happened.

Note: Jack's description of his relationship with Lucy really seems to contravene the scene in Episode 1 where he angerbangs Lucy after he discovers that Camille has returned.


US version: Mrs. Goddard finds the shed containing all sorts of old explosives including a box of dynamite sticks.
French version: None of that happened.

Note: Are the US version viewers really expected to believe that Mrs. Goddard knows how to wire up explosives, based on her flashbacks that she was a housewife that went crazy and burned down City Hall and was committed to a mental hospital and drowned when the dam collapsed ?  Really show writers ?


US version: Rowan visits the Winship house to see if Lena has seen Simon, tells her that Simon has kidnapped her daughter, and the Camille should be considered dangerous.
French version: Didn't happen.
Note: Considering that Rowan was just in a car accident, she looks pretty good (no facial cuts or scratches) and is wearing the same outfit and apparently has a new car already in order to drive to the Winship house.


US version: Simon calls Rowan to arrange the delivery of Chloe, as Chloe munches on a corn dog in the car.  Simon tells Rowan to meet her at the "place I left you" which seems kind of vague but I guess Rowan figures it out that he meant the church where they were supposed to get married.  So why didn't he just say the church ? Stupid US version writers.
French version: Didn't happen
Note:  Where did Chloe get a corn dog out in the middle of the woods ?  Was there a food truck out by that lake ?


US version: After banging Jack above the bar, Lucy wakes up hearing things and finds black water bubbling up the drains in the sink.  Considering that she is on the 2nd floor, the bar downstairs should be flooded in black goo before it got to the 2nd floor.
French version: While black water was backing up in the ground floor bathroom sink of the bar, it happened much earlier in the series and Toni tried to fix the problem himself.

US version: Simon takes Chloe to the church and talks to the pastor about how he has died and has hurt everyone he's loved.  The pastor seems genuinely unshocked to find someone talk about returning from the dead.  Pastor takes Chloe into a sideroom and calls the police that Simon is at the church. Rowan shows up and tells Simon that she is over him and is marrying Tommy.  Simon says goodbye to Chloe, that he will always be her angel, and then leaves after hearing the police sirens approaching the church.  Tommy and the police enter the church and confirm Rowan/Chloe are alright, and as Tommy starts to search for Simon, Rowan convinces him to just let Simon go (WTF ?)
French version: Simon enters the church and confronts the pastor. The pastor is in shock because he knows who Simon is, and the pastor secretly calls the police.  As the pastor continues to talk with Simon as Simon calls him out on what he is preaching is basically bullshit, the police carefully and quietly enter the church and arrest Simon.  Simon spits on the pastor since he betrayed him and the police take Simon off to jail.


Still no mention of the Horde, or the Returned experiencing decayed flesh issues, Rowan's pregnancy with Simon's baby or animals returning from the dead in the US version.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Otto, I love your comparisons and look forward to them, even though they make me even more frustrated with the US version (and I don't automatically always like the original foreign version better). I rewatched the French version when it was on weeks or months ago, but still, this will be a good refresher for when season 2 begins.  

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Although I obviously don't condone kidnapping, the kid has two absolute nut bars for parents at home.  I was hoping for Simon to get away.  As soon as the kid asked why mommy wasn't going along, I knew the kid would be going home.  


I don't really think we got any progress in this series other than establishing that people die and come back to life in this town and Victor likes to kill people.  Apparently, the people he kills, don't come back? That must be some real special power of killing.  

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Good questions. I'm going to riff off them, but I admit, I am not watching closely. Victor (Henry) hasn't aged since he died 29 years ago, and we know Peter was, what, a teenager then? So  he either would have had to die much later, or some returnees age and some don't. I guess Victor could just be special, which he certainly is in other ways. I guess we'll learn when Peter died and came back, or if he is lying. He isn't exactly above that.


Was it ever established that people dead or alive can leave this town?  I had originally thought Peter simply died in another town and just wandered in here--it's what I would do if this happened to me.  But if they can't leave then IDK, but honestly you think someone would have noticed that the guy hasn't aged in 29 years!!  Helen hasn't appeared to age since her demise in the flood so I would guess no one that dies ages.  I'm not sure how this aging process works but can't Victor (Henry) leave town?  I'm a little unclear if the cop interviewing people about Victor/Henry/Eric is having to go from city to city or if it's all done in one place.  If so, dang this must be a BIG city, you think someone would have recognized this kid by now.

Edited by Dirtybubble
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Early on in the show, when Peter told Simon that he (knows or knew) someone like him, I got the impression that Peter was talking about himself.  I didn't remember whether that had happened in the French version.  I posted what I thought and other posters commented that he must have been talking about Camille so I figured I must be wrong.  But thinking back on that now, I'm convinced the character was foreshadowing this reveal.  I guess he could be lying.  If he did die 29 years ago, he must have come back soon after that because I think he's been in this town for quite a while.  He didn't just appear recently.  And that would mean the returned can age, I guess.  Most likely he is lying. 


The one thing I did find very interesting in this episode was Peter telling Tommy how he has lied to Rowan all along, especially about how Simon died the first time.


Maybe this show should have been called Secrets and Lies.  I don't get calling this a remake and then veering so far off the original.


Victor/Henry/Eric is a very bad child actor.  I can't believe they couldn't get someone better.

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Was it ever established that people dead or alive can leave this town?  I had originally thought Peter simply died in another town and just wandered in here--it's what I would do if this happened to me.  But if they can't leave then IDK, but honestly you think someone would have noticed that the guy hasn't aged in 29 years!!  Helen hasn't appeared to age since her demise in the flood so I would guess no one that dies ages.  I'm not sure how this aging process works but can't Victor (Henry) leave town?  I'm a little unclear if the cop interviewing people about Victor/Henry/Eric is having to go from city to city or if it's all done in one place.  If so, dang this must be a BIG city, you think someone would have recognized this kid by now.


Huh, I don't know about leaving town. I wonder. 


Young (teenage) Peter was  there when Victor was killed and the friend (relative?) who did the killing is buried there, so he has at least some local connection. But I have some vague memory that Peter and the dead killer weren't from this town, so I am remembering something wrong. I just don't know what. And he could have traveled for years after that killing and come back as an adult (returned or not).  


The thing about aging is that Victor came back earlier, so we know he doesn't age (but is also different from others, it appears) but I thought the rest returned the same day so we wouldn't know if they were going to age. It could be interesting to see what's going on with Peter. 


Good point about someone recognizing Victor if everything happened in this town. Even Helen might be remembered. Local history and all. This town has murals (she's on one) and memorial parks.  They teach the kids about the flood. I bet some of these kids have done reports for school and the local paper probably does a feature on the anniversary of the flood (maybe they did one on the 25th).   I don't know. I'm starting to think we're giving this more thought than the writers. 

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The thing about aging is that Victor came back earlier, so we know he doesn't age (but is also different from others, it appears) but I thought the rest returned the same day so we wouldn't know if they were going to age. It could be interesting to see what's going on with Peter.


Maybe Victor doesn't age because everytime he returns it's only for a short time and then he dies.  So after all of the times he has returned, he's technically he's only a few weeks older now than when he died originally during the home invasion so he would look to be the same age.


We know that Victor has returned at least 3 times -- the first time in 2002, the second time 4 years ago, and the third time a few days ago (in the show's timeline).  In 2002,  Victor set fire to the lady's house and killed her and himself.  As far was we know, Victor wasn't alive again until he returned 4 years ago to latch onto the school teacher who ditched him out in the woods, and consequently Victor caused her death by standing on the road and contributing to the bus crash.  Where Victor went after that I have no idea ?  Did he kill himself and only return recently or has he been hanging around in the hills and woods surrounding the city all this time ?

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The one thing I did find very interesting in this episode was Peter telling Tommy how he has lied to Rowan all along, especially about how Simon died the first time.



Didn't see the other version of this show, but I figured all along that Tommy ran down Simon on the wedding day.  One thing I didn't understand was even if Rowan believed that Simon decided to bail on their wedding day and has mixed feelings about him, why would she allow Tommy to kill him in cold blood in her house.  She liked him enough to have sex with him a few days/weeks before!  And did she forget Tommy was taping her and on the obsessive side....she is now OK with that?  I guess she is taking the easy route and marrying for security and the proper father for her kid. 

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I'm confused and annoyed by Rowan, too.  I understand her world has been shaken up, and big.  But she's treating Simon like he's some low life scum. He was wrong for taking his daughter, but he should be a part of her life.  And I can see him being scared to go to Rowan and ask or discuss given the last time they talked he got shot and died. Even though he came back, he doesn't know how many times this will happen.  His world has been shaken up big time too.  But no one seems to care about that.  At least Camille has family that cares, even if they don't know what to do.  (Who would?)

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Well the thing about Simon is he's DEAD and dead by his own choice so yeah I can understand Rowan decision in not wanting Simon to be part of her daughter's life.  As far as her sleeping with him, I don't know maybe just confusion, caught up in the moment of him being back, she did sleep with him before she found out how he actually died *shrug*.  If he died in a car accident or something that he wasn't in control of then yeah let him be a part of his daughter's life (as much as a dead man can be) but the fact that once he found out she was pregnant THEN he decided to kill himself--well that just doesn't speak highly of him wanting to be a dad now. 


IDK maybe I'm judging him too harshly; I don't hate the guy.


The one thing I did find very interesting in this episode was Peter telling Tommy how he has lied to Rowan all along, especially about how Simon died the first time.

I assumed he meant lying to Rowan about Simon being in a car accident instead of how he actually died.  I don't think Peter knew that Tommy had already told her the truth.

I figured all along that Tommy ran down Simon on the wedding day.

Why would he do that though?  I don't believe Tommy even knew Rowan before that.  I seem to remember Tommy & Rowan speaking of the first time they meet and it was when he went to Rowan's house to break the news of Simon's passing. 


Edited by Dirtybubble
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Victor/Henry/Eric is a very bad child actor.  I can't believe they couldn't get someone better.

I think they hired him because he is very innocent, cute, all-american looking, to contrast with the horrible things he does. But yes, he has no talent whatsoever. The french actor playing Victor is not so innocent and cute looking, he's just creepy.

Am I wrong or american version Victor is way more evil than french version Victor (who is en evil f*ck too)?

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Well the thing about Simon is he's DEAD and dead by his own choice so yeah I can understand Rowan decision in not wanting Simon to be part of her daughter's life.  As far as her sleeping with him, I don't know maybe just confusion, caught up in the moment of him being back, she did sleep with him before she found out how he actually died *shrug*.  If he died in a car accident or something that he wasn't in control of then yeah let him be a part of his daughter's life (as much as a dead man can be) but the fact that once he found out she was pregnant THEN he decided to kill himself--well that just doesn't speak highly of him wanting to be a dad now. 


IDK maybe I'm judging him too harshly; I don't hate the guy.

Right, but in response to this she conspired in his murder. Which is infintely worse than anything he ever did to her. It's not like she knew he would revive. The writers have turned this show into a bad soap opera.

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I assumed he meant lying to Rowan about Simon being in a car accident instead of how he actually died.  I don't think Peter knew that Tommy had already told her the truth.



The thing I got from this is that Tommy LIED originally to Rowan about Simon's death (being a suicide) when it was a car accident (or maybe a car accident caused by someone, perhaps)?  Simon has admitted he didn't remember what happened. And Peter knows it wasn't a suicide.  Definitely all confusing and I can't remember if Tommy already had a thing for Rowan while she was engaged. 

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After watching this episode, the reveal that Peter is a returned is pretty much all I can remember.  And it was a pretty crappy reveal.  


It was worse than that for me.  You know how you get a song stuck in your head, well Peter says "I died, twenty nine years ago."  and I'm singing 'I died, twenty nine years ago"  over and over again in my head and I've been trying to figure out where the hell I've heard that lyric in a song.


Mystery solved.  Its actually 'I died, so many years ago' and its Spike singing in my head from BTVS Once More with Feeling.

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I was seriously underwhelmed.  How much  time do we have to spend on Camille's teenage hormones?  There was so much else they could have done with the time.  And she killed her boyfriend by having sex with him?


I guess Carlton Cuse thinks these cliffhangers will make people want to come back for another season.  I can't believe there will be another season, and if there is, it will be without me. 


This remake was beyond bad and it was worse with each episode.  Watch the French version, people!

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The finale seemed pretty jumbled; and yes the French version is much superior. So, Camille killed some teenager by having sex with him, Victor moved on to another dark haired fairy, Peter somehow came back aged appropriately, and I don't know what is going on with Rowan's wedding. So are we supposed to think one of the dead blew up all the places mentioned by the reporter?


The only question I still really want answered is why or if SImon actually killed himself. He doesn't seem actually depressed and appeared to love Rowan and their unborn child, so why?

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I wished Helen's timing was better.  I wanted the flood to rush through Rowan and her psycho boyfriend's wedding.  


For a while, I thought the dam would wipe everyone out and they would move on to likable  characters next season.  


So the other un-dead don't kill people during sex - Simon actually managed to create a life, but Camille kills people.  Man, this 2nd life is really going to suck for her.  

Edited by CommanderCody
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That was a very underwhelming season finale.


How come the actor playing 29 years ago Peter has a dramatically narrower face than Jeremy Sisto who plays present day Peter ?  Turns out Peter wasn't lying at the memorial -- he really is a Returned.  So why did he act so surprised/shocked when he found out Camille was Returned in the early episodes ?   And his name isn't even Peter.  And why would his partner in crime be buried in the local cemetery if they weren't even locals ?  And how long has he been back ?  Did he return the next day like Simon did (the second time) and just wake up in the woods ?


So, Tommy is getting married that day, but he has time to go arrest Peter.  How does Tommy know that Peter is a Returned ?  And who told Peter that he was fired from the Community Center -- because that seems to have happened quickly.  Did Peter confess at the memorial that he was someone else and had been lying about who he was all this time ?  How else would Tommy have known about identity theft and fraud.  Man, that's confusing.  Was a scene cut ?


Lucy hears the voices of the dead people on the memorial wall talking to her -- were the ghosts of the people killed in the flood actively haunting the memorial wall ?


Even though Rowan was apparently having trouble with the caterers last episode, the wedding reception is being held at the bar previously owned by Tony and Jack (now just Jack, but that's not really how it works).  Would a bar/restaurant remain open after the owner died (by committing suicide) ?  Jack was apparently a silent partner as he didn't even know that Tony rented out the bar for the reception.


Lucy the vague medium -- oh nooooes, the voices are telling her that something bad is going to happen and that the locals haven't been watching for the signs.  If the signs are people returning from the dead, that has apparently been going on for years.


Now Rowan has a feeling that something terrible is going to happen -- is that one of the signs that the voices were telling Lucy about ?


Hottie in a red pickup truck comes to town -- and she's asking about blackouts and power surges.  Only there haven't really been any blackouts or power surges during the course of this show and this is the first mention of anything like that.  And she's looking for the Winships.  You know, it's a little late in the this show's season to start introducing new characters in the finale.


Mrs. Goddard is driving towards the dam with her bag of loosely contained dynamite (it's old explosives, why isn't it going off with all the shaking ?). And she's having visions of her dead husband as she drives.  WTF ?  Dead people having ghostly visions ?  And her husband's ghost is telling her that the town is cursed.


Peter tells Claire that he died in the flood -- only problem, was there ever an Andrew Barlett recorded as a victim ?  That would be no.  Was Andrew's face on the Flood memorial wall ?  Probably not.  So here's my question -- when did he return ?  I'm not sure why Claire was mad at Peter/Andrew -- something about hiding behind Camille ?  Anyone understand her reasoning ?


Lena's friends come over and want to take Camille over to the ole swimming hole, but Hunter and some boys were there -- and apologizes for "blasting her on Facebook".  Damage is done, and now its out there on the Internet forever -- taking it down doesn't get rid of it.  And Ben apologizes for freaking out after kissing Camille.  And everyone is friends again.


Nikki survived the fall down the stairs at Julie's place, only a concussion and a broken wrist.  That will teach her for going against Victor. Mwa-ha-ha-ha.  Julie demands that Victor tell her who else he has hurt.  And Victor's response is to -- turn on the car radio. And after Julie turns it off, he turns it back on and cranks up the volume.  And after Julie turns it off again, he turns it back on ... with his mind.  What an evil dick !


Meanwhile all the teens are enjoying themselves around the ole swimming hole, and one of Lena's friends whips out a big ole bag of magic mushrooms.  Camille's never shroomed -- well, she has been dead for the past 4 years and hasn't had a lot of quality time to 'shroom' since she returned.


And the hottie that arrived in town arrives at the Winship house and introduces herself as a podcasting journalist for something called TruthVox (I thought she said TreeFox at first).  And she's there to ask about Camille since she must follow Hunter on Facebook (as podcasters do).


Rowan and Tommy are getting married -- and Rowan is kind of hoping to be saved by Simon since her face lights up when someone comes in late.  It's kind of a sad ceremony -- no Best Man/Maid of Honor or other attendants.  Just Chloe as the flower girl.  So who was going to sign as witnesses on the wedding certificate ?


As Mrs. Goddard is still driving towards the dam she spots Simon walking along the roadway (how far away is this dam ?). As they drive along, the car radio acts up and then the front left tire blows and the car screeches to a halt on the edge of a cliff.  Mrs. Goddard blames the blown tire on the fact the town is cursed.  As Simon spots the dynamite in the back of the car when Mrs. Goddard gets the tire iron out, she hits Simon with the tire iron.  Did she kill Simon or just knock him out ?  I think she just knocked him out because later in the episode he still had the facial wound from the tire iron on his face (and the Returned normally come back intact and any/all wounds gone).


Julie takes Victor to the house where he was killed 29 years ago, and even though Victor has been demonstrating Damien from 'The Omen' level evilness she still holds his hand.  And as she tells Victor that she can't be with him anymore, Victor whips out the vision of the guy that stabbed Julie 7 years ago.  But Julie says he doesn't belong here anymore and Victor up and disappears like a fart in the wind --  so is Victor magic ?


Mrs. Goddard drives right up on to the top of the dam -- despite the fact it isn't a public roadway -- and there is no security to stop her.  She climbs down to a lower level and enters a unlocked door to the interior of the dam.  Seriously, why hasn't that bag of old dynamite blown up yet from all the jostling it's taken so far.


All the teens at the ole swimming hole are high on shrooms (complete with 60ish background music) but Camille is feeling nothing.  Hunter figures out that Camille isn't high since she's already dead and cuts her with a knife to see if she bleeds (which she does).  Camille runs off into the woods.  Ben won't let Camille kiss him, but Camille says he kissed her first in the 8th grade.  Ben says he liked Lena better because she put out.  So Camille bangs Ben, and Lena feels it happening (the opposite of what happened during the bus crash).  Should A&E really be showing this because Camille is supposed to be 16 ?


Lena spots Adam hanging out in the woods as she searches for Camille and he's acting all creepy again -- why exactly would Adam be there in some random place in the woods ? And since he's wearing the hood again is he back to his stabby ways ?


Julie shows up at the hospital as Nikki is checking out, and tells her that Victor left.  And then they make out right in the hospital hallway.  Meanwhile, Victor is stomping along the edge of t road on the way out of Caldwell and a woman drives by and stops, wondering where his parents are and where his coat is ?  I guess Victor found himself a new fairy already -- so Julie really wasn't that special after all -- and he's going to go screw with people in another town (which makes absolutely no fucking sense at all).


After some stupid petty jealousy crap between Claire and Jack (they are separated after all and he's been banging Lucy for over a year), the power goes out at the bar.


Despite the fact that dam is very narrow, the tunnels under the dam seem to go on for miles.  Mrs. Goddard -- being the structural engineer that she is -- determines the point to blow up the dynamite for maximum destruction. However Mrs. Goddard only brought a book of matches and they won't light in the damp conditions within the dam.  Until she finally gets one to fire and a gust of wind blows it out and the door to the dam interior slams shut (seriously ?). 


Somehow, the hottie reporter/podcaster pays a visit to Peter in jail and her name is Cara Pine from TruthVox (which Peter is apparently familiar with) base out of Chicago.  Apparently Caldwell isn't all that special (or is it cursed ?) since Cara tells him that other towns have reported people coming back from the dead, followed by everyone in town being wiped out.


Camille finishes banging Ben, and rolls off him.  When she tries to talk to him he doesn't respond because he's dead.  Camille banged Ben to death.  When Peter banged Claire she didn't die, and when Simon banged Rowan she didn't die -- so maybe it was the 'shrooms that killed Ben.  Or magical twin powers.


At this point in time, the black water starts to back up the drains in the bar, similar to the previous episode when Lucy noticed it after banging Jack upstairs (with still no idea what could be causing this ?).  I think that might ruin the reception if the sink drains are plugged, in addition to the lack of power.  Lucy starts hearing voices ... again ... when Rowan is talking to her.  She tells Rowan that "he's going to be there soon" and "when he comes you need to listen to his message".  Lucy places her hand on Rowan's stomach and tells her the person who's coming is "the man whose baby you're carrying".


Did they skip a scene ?  All of sudden, as Simon runs down the road back to town, a wall of water is coming down the mountain.  That wall of water looked way larger than anything that would have come from that very narrow dam.  Last we saw, Mrs. Goddard couldn't get her matches lit and some supernatural shit was going on at the dam.  Or was this all a vision in Simon's head ?  Why exactly would Simon have that kind of vision ?


Seriously, that's the end of the season ?  WTF ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I'm not even going to bother doing the contrast and compare for the 10th episode -- because there was nearly nothing in the US version that happened in the French version.  Except for this -- still no mention of the Horde, no mention of Returned flesh decaying, and no mention of animals coming back from the dead.

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That was pretty bad.  And off my Season Pass list.  That'll teach them.   


I thought it was TruthFox and some kind of Fox news thing & made my judgement based on that.  Heh.  


That's advanced fucking for someone who's essentially a 16 year old virgin, Camille.  Was she channeling Lena?  


It's a shame they couldn't have just shown the French version with dubbing if necessary.  Please watch it if you think the US version had potential but didn't do it for you. 

Edited by MrPissyPuppy
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I'm not even going to bother doing the contrast and compare for the 10th episode -- because there was nearly nothing in the US version that happened in the French version.  Except for this -- still no mention of the Horde, no mention of Returned flesh decaying, and no mention of animals coming back from the dead.

Otto, I was wondering if you were going to try to do a comparison.  You're right, there's nothing to compare, really. 


I know I'm not the only one.  I sure appreciated the recaps and comparisons you were doing. It was fun to come here and read your comments!

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What the hell was that?  I get that they were taking a different route than the French original but come on!!  The hoard?  The crazy skin blotches that Camille and Victor had?  


So, Simon sees a flood happen but it's just a vision.  Mrs. Goddard and the crazy dynamite (yeah, don't think I didn't have a LOST flashback).  Sure she didn't want Simon seeing anything in her trunk even though she opened it up right in front of him.


When the scene turned to Camille and the teen having sex, I have to agree with the above poster, that was some serious bouncing going on for someone who I'm under the impression hadn't had sex yet.  


There's no pattern - sex is ok for Lena with Adam but not for Camille.  Victor doesn't seem to age but Peter isn't the teen he was when his buddy shot him.  Am I to assume that each returned has a different set of rules associated with them?  And then the stranger coming to town asking about the power surges and outages??  I shouted at my TV 'you're in the wrong city, go to France, that's where the power stuff is happening'.  The first thing I thought of was introducing a new character at this stage was a no-no.  And how did she find out Peter was in jail?


Ugh, this frustrated me in a way that I'd like to tell Carlton Cuse I'm disappointed.  There was nothing in this finale that made me wonder what was going to happen next.  The only thought in my mind when the credits began to roll was 'When does the second season of the French version start?'

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There's no pattern - sex is ok for Lena with Adam but not for Camille.


Likewise, when Lena had sex with Adam, Camille didn't feel anything odd at all (unlike the day of the bus crash when Lena was having sex with Ben and Camille freaked out and helped cause the bus crash by distracting the driver).  Does this make Camille some sort of succubus?  If Ben Returns and he has sex with Camille again, will he die again ?


Am I to assume that each returned has a different set of rules associated with them?


It's like the Returned X-men -- Victor has gnarly powers to give people visions, telekinetic powers and has been returning multiple times over many years, Simon can see alternate realities via visions, Camille bangs a guy to death and is a psychic twin (though they were apparently psychic twins BEFORE Camille died), Mrs. Goddard is a housewife/super-spy/assassin/demolition expert and sees dead people, and Lucy can hear ghosts and see the future (I'm pretty sure Lucy died in the hospital and returned in minutes since her wounds were all miraculously healed).


ETA:  I completely forgot that after Lucy died and came back from the dead with clairvoyant powers she banged Jack in the penultimate and final episodes and Jack didn't die either.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I know I'm not the only one.  I sure appreciated the recaps and comparisons you were doing. It was fun to come here and read your comments!


You're welcome.  I was a big fan of the French version so having seen what Carlton Cuse did with the US version they would have been further ahead to just hire some voice actors and dub the French version into English instead of what they ended up doing.  The changes made in the US version were definitely not improvements and really wandered away from the dark, creepy, horror movie feeling of the French version.  The whole Mrs. Goddard blowing up the dam was just ridiculous.


The one thing that I find odd in both the US and French versions is where 'The Returned' come back from the dead.  In some cases, they come back at the place that they died.  In other cases, they come back where the body is physically located.  Sometimes where they died and where they returned is the same place.  And neither series explained the water in Camille's coffin.

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Tommy is a dick and Rowan is his co-dick-conspirator in dickitude.


I had more, but ottoDbusdriver made me laugh too hard to maintain my huff.


In spite of their tortured effort to write EVERY CHARACTER into a cliffhanger, this thing better not get renewed; Stalker was much, much better and it's dead in the water.  (heh)


Au revoir.

Edited by candall
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I can't say I'm totally invested in the story and perceived plotholes, and have ZERO interest in the "superior" French version, but OMG, the scenery is fucking gorgeous.  Makes me homesick.  :-)

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That wasn't too bad, but as others have said there were too many inconsistencies. It didn't leave me on the edge of my seat but I'll be back if it's renewed.


ETA: Camille sex scene made me feel dirty. That was some straight up kiddie porn.

Edited by tricknasty
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I can't say I'm totally invested in the story and perceived plotholes, and have ZERO interest in the "superior" French version, but OMG, the scenery is fucking gorgeous.  Makes me homesick.  :-)

Will you PLEASE go find a dvd of Twin Peaks?  The ending is, mmm, insufficient, but meanwhile the level of quirky/spooky is right up your alley and the scenery is practically one of the starring cast members.

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Will you PLEASE go find a dvd of Twin Peaks?  The ending is, mmm, insufficient, but meanwhile the level of quirky/spooky is right up your alley and the scenery is practically one of the starring cast members.


I can't do DVDs.  And even if I could, I can't afford them.  Oh, yes, there's the library - but that would require some effort on my part, and I'm old, lame & tired (I just barely manage to program my DVR!).   I have seen the real place, though - very picturesque.  :-)


Maybe one day ...

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These comments reflect exactly how I felt after watching this BaaD adaption from the superior French version

"That was pretty bad. And off my Season Pass list. That'll teach them."

Exactly what I did when the episode was over.

"It's a shame they couldn't have just shown the French version with dubbing if necessary. Please watch it if you think the US version had potential but didn't do it for you."

"Tommy is a dick and Rowan is his co-dick-conspirator in dickitude."

"Camille sex scene made me feel dirty. That was some straight up kiddie porn."

toomuchtv47 said it best...

"Ugh, this frustrated me in a way that I'd like to tell Carlton Cuse I'm disappointed. There was nothing in this finale that made me wonder what was going to happen next. The only thought in my mind when the credits began to roll was 'When does the second season of the French version start?'"

and walnutqueen if you have cable you'll be able to see the superior "Les Revenants" on the Sundance Channel which bought the rights and will be airing it later this year before they premiere season 2. Yes the scenery was nice but if you watch I think you'll be pleasantly surprised it's even better in the French Alps.

Lastly, MANY THANKS for all the great informative and entertaining posts by OttoDbusdriver!

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and walnutqueen if you have cable you'll be able to see the superior "Les Revenants" on the Sundance Channel which bought the rights and will be airing it later this year before they premiere season 2. Yes the scenery was nice but if you watch I think you'll be pleasantly surprised it's even better in the French Alps.


Yes I have Sundance, but I don't do subtitles anymore.  Really and truly not interested.

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This was disappointing.  The French show left some riveting drama and details that weren't explored that gave the show a genuine cliffhanger.  The American version has badly written subplots, an evil demon child, a succubus, and some explanation on how they got there via destroyed cities, a truth blogger, and the freaking Roanoke colony.

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This was disappointing.  The French show left some riveting drama and details that weren't explored that gave the show a genuine cliffhanger.  The American version has badly written subplots, an evil demon child, a succubus, and some explanation on how they got there via destroyed cities, a truth blogger, and the freaking Roanoke colony.

I didn't like that. Feels like they are writing this like "lets see what sticks" and throwing random shocking things at every character.  Too bad I don't care about any of it. This series is so "American". And lame.

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Ok, who watched Warehouse 13? I thought it was hysterical that the Myka Bering was partners with Pete Latimer in that show, but on this show she was looking for Peter Lattimore. Joanne Kelly is not credited for this episode, so maybe I am crazy and its her doppelganger I was just watching.  I will watch a second season if it happens, but I still have no idea what just happened. Can we just flood the town again and call it a day?

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I was seriously underwhelmed.  How much  time do we have to spend on Camille's teenage hormones?  There was so much else they could have done with the time.  And she killed her boyfriend by having sex with him?


Apparently the writers were watching the first episode of American Horror Story: Coven.

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Apparently the writers were watching the first episode of American Horror Story: Coven.

I thought of that, too. 

I haven't watched this whole season, but I caught that bit as I was looking through the channels.


This was disappointing.  The French show left some riveting drama and details that weren't explored that gave the show a genuine cliffhanger.  The American version has badly written subplots, an evil demon child, a succubus, and some explanation on how they got there via destroyed cities, a truth blogger, and the freaking Roanoke colony.

I want to re-watch the French version again, but now I'm actually more curious about this series. I'm laughing at what they came up with - a truth blogger, and a demon child? That last one is so overused. 

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Victor remembers what happened to him 29 years ago (when he was Henry) and four years ago (with the spinster schoolmarm), but I don't think they've established whether he's Returned more than once. Also, Victor has powers and abilities far beyond those of the average Returnee.

I've been wondering all along if maybe the others do have "abilities" like Victor and just don't realize it because they haven't intentionally tried. If he's been in this sitch for longer than the rest he might've figured out more about being in such a state. Just a wild guess though.
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the reveal that Peter is a returned is pretty much all I can remember.  And it was a pretty crappy reveal.

 I didn't think that even was a reveal. We already knew he was from when it was revealed he killed Henry, because otherwise he's way too young. The reveal, I thought, was that he admitted it in public.


And this time Simon remembers how he died -- from Tommy shooting him at Rowan's house.

I took that to mean he must remember the first time too and just wasn't admitting it. Either that or whatever happened the first time surprised him/happened in such a way that he didn't see it coming and thus wouldn't have anything to remember.
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There's no pattern - sex is ok for Lena with Adam but not for Camille.  Victor doesn't seem to age but Peter isn't the teen he was when his buddy shot him.  Am I to assume that each returned has a different set of rules associated with them?  And then the stranger coming to town asking about the power surges and outages??  I shouted at my TV 'you're in the wrong city, go to France, that's where the power stuff is happening'.  The first thing I thought of was introducing a new character at this stage was a no-no.

OK I have a theory on this. So they all have some sort of "hunger" uber metabolism whatever. Adam's was to kill (apparently both before and after he died.) So sex with him killed nobody because his hunger was satisfied by his violence. Camille sexed the kid to death because that's how hers manifested. Victor literally drains power. I have no idea what Peter does besides be boring. Maybe he'll condescend someone to death.

I think the aging thing has to do with when they came back and they will age forward from that moment. So Peter came back a while ago and aged since. And Victor keeps re-dying so he doesn't.

I still sort of want to know why Simon is the only one who looks super pale. Or maybe he just is/was? But it looks enhanced to me and like he's made up to look dead when the others clearly are not.

But at this point I no longer have any confidence this is going anywhere satisfying.

Edited by theatremouse
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I know I'm in the very tiny minority (maybe alone) but I haven't been as disappointed with this show as others. I haven't seen the French original and I will check that out this summer. Normally I am a very loud complainer when there are plot gaps and inconsistencies, but I guess I'm so caught up in wanting to know why this is happening I'm willing to be more open minded. Some characters make no sense and are poorly acted but I am actually wanting to see what happens in a season 2.

And is Victor the key? Will the next town he enters go through the same thing?

Edited by English Teacher
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