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Like Sand Through an Hourglass: Behind the Scenes of DOOL

Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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I liked EJ. I miss EJ. But I do not blame James Scott for writing off Days for good. I'm not entirely surprised either given interviews where he expressed his displeasure about how the show treat Joe Mascola at various times as well as the writing. And he has my sympathies after that gag-worthy storyline where he was stuck w/Kate Mansi for the last year he was on.  The writers crapped on the Sami/EJ fans.  It's pretty bad when the actors went on another show to give their fans the HEA they wanted.  Honestly, I don't really understand why AS keeps coming back if her last stint was any indication. Sami's character has become a dumping ground for half of Salem to blame their problems while acting high and mighty as if their shit doesn't stink.  


1 hour ago, CanaryFan98 said:

However Ben's victims not named Will stayed dead along with Nick Corelli.

Nick was an interesting character. I really wish they would have brought him back along w/Charlotte Ross. Instead they screwed over the character of Eve from the day KDP walked on set and it's only gotten worse since. 

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32 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

JS has been saying for years he doesn't want to return to daytime. I dont care for his hostile tone in response to someone telling him to "call Days and come back with Sami"

He's just so above us all, you know.

6 minutes ago, Peanut6711 said:

But I do not blame James Scott for writing off Days for good.

It's not just DOOL, though, it sounds like he has written off acting for good.


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5 hours ago, Peanut6711 said:

...they screwed over the character of Eve from the day KDP walked on set and it's only gotten worse since. 

Perfectly put.

I feel the same way about Kristen. She's just been stupid since Stacy took over...and she was hardly at her best when Eileen finally bid her farewell.

Thanks for posting KA's tweet. Very nice montage. An upbeat epilogue to a needlessly sad ending for Hope.

I will be very happy if she ever returns, and surprised.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Thank you for posting Kristian's montage, Howmanywords, I teared up watching it.   I just feel like this is just another loss in a horrible year in 2020.  I did not expect Kristian's departure would affect me so much.  I wish her well and I hope we get to see Hope one last time in Bo's arms.. 

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Same. It didnt hit me until the show ended how emotional I am about this. When you read all the farewell wishes under the video I think we all feel the same.

I thought it was odd she didnt include Galen in the video. I'm sure it was not possible to include every person she had memories with but Rafe/GG was a pretty significant part of her story despite my Rope hatred lol

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11 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Regarding EJ:  Why can't they just recast him if they want to bring him back?  In my opinion, Ryan McPartlin looks very similar.  Can he do an English accent?  His show was just cancelled, so he might be free... 

Nah . EJ is not recastable . JS has solidified his hold on the role . I cannot picture anybody else playing the role  .

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Rafael said:

Nah . EJ is not recastable . JS has solidified his hold on the role . I cannot picture anybody else playing the role  .

A character is a character to me.  At least in a soap opera, where recasting is done all the time.  I think the only people you can't recast are those who have been in the role for decades upon decades, and EJ was only around for maybe 5 years?  And he's been gone so long, a lot of new viewers don't even know who he is.  I think it's do-able.  Plus, I think every other current Dimera has been recast at some point...  Stefan, Chad, Abby, Kristen...

  • Love 4

I actually wouldn't mind them bringing someone new into the role....the problem is there's nothing they could do with the character I'd be interested in seeing. EJ's story was pretty much the story of most of the villains on the show. They're genuine in their love for someone but otherwise pretty much corrupt and doomed and crazy. We have enough characters like that on the show already. I would much rather see Samantha move on.

And again - he RAPED HER. So let's not.

  • Love 5

I agree he's recastable if the show absolutely felt they needed him, especially since he's very clear about not wanting the job any longer.  (I hate recasting a character when the original actor who left his/her mark is perfectly willing to continue to do the job). 

They don't need him as some sort of love of Sami's life.  But if they need a villain, he's better than the reanimated corpse of Stefano.

  • Love 7

I'll just weigh in on the opposite side - I like EJ. I think the character has enough ties to others on the canvas to make EJ viable even on today's ... er... show. This show that features a recovering serial killer as a romantic lead. (Because having Franco on GH didn't get it out of the headwriter's system.) Wasn't Hope wandering around killing people, too, at some point?

God, why can't I quit this show. WHY?

So, yes, in my moral universe murder is worse than rape. Sue me. Nothing's going to stop me liking my girl Hope no matter how many people she kills. Or loving Andre, despite a bodycount that rivals Stalin. Or loving Tony, who did rape Liz back in the day. Or liking Jack. You get the picture. It's not easy liking characters on this show because each of them has gone through the headwriter wringer. EJ could be recast. But, again, unless Sami is given something to do other than berate people I'm not sure why they'd bother. Also, almost every time one of my fave characters has been brought back the writing has been a hit-job from the first scene. (I'm looking at you, Carly Manning.)

If this show wants me to put up with 70-something John giving a beat down to 20-something Tripp then this show needs to deliver a few scenes that give me some motivation to care about these characters on screen. Or start featuring the Eric Brady Partial Naked Crocheting segement twice  week.

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I like EJ too and wouldn't be opposed to him returning but he'll only be allowed to be with Sami and honestly hard pass(I preferred EJ with anyone but Sami). I agree he's not much worse than what we have as current romantic leads.

Hope didn't kill anyone she tried to as Nighttime Hope. 

Which reminds me of how I wish the show kept Dr. Baker I'd go for him and Hope a shame John Callahan passed away earlier this year.

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12 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Hope didn't kill anyone she tried to as Nighttime Hope. 

Which reminds me of how I wish the show kept Dr. Baker I'd go for him and Hope a shame John Callahan passed away earlier this year.

That's it, "Nighttime Hope." I'm glad she didn't actually kill anyone. It's that sort of storytelling - all shock and no long term implications - that is killing the genre. I guess the writers rolled their Magic 8 Ball and the options were, as usual: rape, prostitution, murder, previously unknown spouse, previously unknown child, brain chip and try again. 


5 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Jesus, Tony raped someone too?


Is literally Everyone on this demented show either a rapist or rape survivor?!?



This is why I can't take it too seriously on this show. Everyone is either a rapist, a murderer (or seriously attempted murderer) or a rape victim. It's a decades long fascination. I mentioned in another thread watching an old episode and there was a rapist, assisted by his son - the product of the aforementioed rape, operating on a newly minted rapist. You could literally fill a room with them. Ugh.

Yes, my beloved Tony raped his then wife, Liz. They were very unhappily married and, if memory serves, both wanted a divorce but Stefano wouldn't let them and insisted on a grandchild. Tony went on to fall in love with Renee (sob!) who turned out to be Stefano's daughter. Tony's had it rough, people!

I was about to say that Hope is one of the very few long-term characters not be be a rapist or rape survivor and then I remembered Sub!Sex and fans flipping out that somehow both Hope AND John were rape victims. I guess Stefano's brain chips played the role of rapist in that scenario.

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Wait wait wait..  if Tony slept with Renee, but he was later retconned into being Stefano's biological son, then doesn't that mean he slept with his half-sister retroactively?


...also, does anyone think the footage we saw of Hope crying on the floor was literally the last footage they had in the can, or that they cut and chose not to air the scenes following that because they would have pushed Hope into a different story direction or left the character with a less (arguably) resolved final appearance? It was my understanding going into this that they weren't going to air all the footage they had because they had to pick a moment to try and write Hope out. But maybe the crying was the last stuff they filmed. I can't remember what's what between all of the interviews given and speculation made on the subject in the last few weeks.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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For me, the worst thing about EJ is that they subsequently had his rape victim enter into a relationship with him.  DOOL spent a lot of time reforming Jack, but I don't think there was ever any hint after the rape that Kayla and Jack could ever have a romantic relationship.

Similarly, with Ben, the grossest thing to me is that they had his victim Will become his BFF.

  • Love 9
21 minutes ago, bubble sparkly said:

For me, the worst thing about EJ is that they subsequently had his rape victim enter into a relationship with him.  DOOL spent a lot of time reforming Jack, but I don't think there was ever any hint after the rape that Kayla and Jack could ever have a romantic relationship.

Similarly, with Ben, the grossest thing to me is that they had his victim Will become his BFF.

There was never a hint at the time Steve/Kayla were at the height of their popularity. I also think the show didn't expect Jack to be popular afterwards after they had him and Jennifer interact. Course back then things were different as characters committing rape and being amongst everyone else with fans accepting it was commonplace(but it didn't happen overnight either). 

I mean Luke/Laura wouldn't have happened today but back then it was acceptable.

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9 hours ago, JaneDigby said:

Yes, my beloved Tony raped his then wife, Liz. They were very unhappily married and, if memory serves, both wanted a divorce but Stefano wouldn't let them and insisted on a grandchild. Tony went on to fall in love with Renee (sob!) who turned out to be Stefano's daughter. Tony's had it rough, people!


Also, Tony like all Dimeras became obsessed with Liz.. It seems all of the Dimeras become obsessed with somebody they used to be with romantically. Tony was believed to be  the father Noelle, Liz's daughter with Neil Curtis.. I think he tried to take custody of her...

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11 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

There was never a hint at the time Steve/Kayla were at the height of their popularity. I also think the show didn't expect Jack to be popular afterwards after they had him and Jennifer interact. Course back then things were different as characters committing rape and being amongst everyone else with fans accepting it was commonplace(but it didn't happen overnight either). 

I mean Luke/Laura wouldn't have happened today but back then it was acceptable.

I think Jack was a different case entirely.  We the audience had already started to form a bond with him before he raped Kayla.. The rape was never presented an act of love after the fact like Luke and Laura, it was an act of violence, it was very brutal..

What was commonplace back then was the raping of the bad girls of the shows.. I always thought that was gross on so many levels, we will punish this bad girl by having this alpha male rape her to punish her for her misdeeds.. His phallus will teach her a lesson by dominating her and putting her in her place.. Marty from One Life To live and Natalie from All My children were both bad girls who changed their ways after being raped.. Both were also raped by men they had had a physical relationship with in the past..

Edited by Pearson80
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7 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Wait wait wait..  if Tony slept with Renee, but he was later retconned into being Stefano's biological son, then doesn't that mean he slept with his half-sister retroactively?

Under Reilly, IIRC, Tony was retconned to be Stefano's son again so, yes. When Tony came back under HS he was clearly not Stefano's son once more and, as a personal favor to me, Tony even mentioned Renee in a "Dimera family dinner" scene. (Yes, I'm kidding about the personal favor to me. Tony & Renee were my first 'ship. That retcon burned me.)

1 hour ago, bubble sparkly said:

Similarly, with Ben, the grossest thing to me is that they had his victim Will become his BFF.

Shameless doesn't cover it. Couldn't they just have had Ben have a twin? Plus I'll never forgive Ben for not making Abby his first victim. There's his insanity defence right there.

30 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

I think Jack was a different case entirely.  We the audience had already started to form a bond with him before he raped Kayla.. The rape was never presented an act of love after the fact like Luke and Laura, it was an act of violence, it was very brutal..

What was commonplace back then was the raping of the bad girls of the shows.. I always thought that was gross on so many levels, we will punish this bad girl by having this alpha male rape her to punish her for her misdeeds.. His phallus will teach her a lesson by dominating her and putting her in her place.. Marty from One Life To live and Natalie from All My children were both bad girls who changed their ways after being raped.. Both were also raped by men they had had a physical relationship with in the past..

I like Jack, I really do. But I wouldn't say the audience had formed a bond with him in the 3 months MA was in the role before the rape. Jack gave off a stalkery vibe at first, then it was an "I love me so much Kayla must love me too" vibe that set up the inner conflict. Jack raped Kayla to punish her, then he forced her to play the role of his wife while he psychologically tormented her, etc. He never paid for his crime. That doesn't mean I don't like him, it just means the character commited a rape and never paid any legal consequences. And I will never, ever get over the utter BS of Dr. Tom Horton telling Jack he should ease up on himself and realize he was worthy of marrying the town virgin. (I'm paraphrasing, obviously) because even a noted rape apologist like Dr Horton (see Bill Horton's rape of Laura) wouldn't go that far and, even worse, it removed the inner conflict that made Jack an interesting character. 

Word to the power of WORD (TWOP reference) on the "redemption thru rape" trope. Sami is my girl - she's a very shouty girl right now but I'm in her corner - and the fact that this show has had her raped TWICE and, for kicks and giggles, had her commit a rape, is just beyond gross. All three events were just plot point BS but the EJ/Sami stupidity was all about making Sami suffer enough to make her worthy of Lucas after the Stan stupidity. (Pardon me while I vomit in a corner.) I was never a huge Sami/Lucas fan but I didn't hate them, I really liked them in the very beginning. The appeal for me was that Sami didn't need to be "worthy" of Lucas because he was a little schemer himself. They understood that about each other. The whole blackmail rape in a car was dumb. 

  • Love 4
38 minutes ago, JaneDigby said:

I like Jack, I really do. But I wouldn't say the audience had formed a bond with him in the 3 months MA was in the role before the rape. Jack gave off a stalkery vibe at first, then it was an "I love me so much Kayla must love me too" vibe that set up the inner conflict. Jack raped Kayla to punish her, then he forced her to play the role of his wife while he psychologically tormented her, etc. He never paid for his crime. That doesn't mean I don't like him, it just means the character commited a rape and never paid any legal consequences. And I will never, ever get over the utter BS of Dr. Tom Horton telling Jack he should ease up on himself and realize he was worthy of marrying the town virgin. (I'm paraphrasing, obviously) because even a noted rape apologist like Dr Horton (see Bill Horton's rape of Laura) wouldn't go that far and, even worse, it removed the inner conflict that made Jack an interesting character. 


Remember Jack took a dark turn when Matthew took over the role. The previous Jacks were kind of bland entitled rich boys who were used to women falling over him. Kayla was never impressed with him at all and he followed her to Salem from Hawaii.. He was a bit pathetic and kind of a wuss to be honest, everybody had to convince Kayla to marry him. Once Matthew came on board, he breathed new life into Jack, the writers and the audience took notice and the rest is history.

I think that Jack paid for his sins against Kayla and others. He never really got to have the family he wanted with Jennifer, there were always dark forces keeping them apart. Plus, Jack's biggest hater is himself, he has never forgotten his misdeeds and he continues to try and make up for them, unlike others on the show..

Edited by Pearson80
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17 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I think Jack was a different case entirely.  We the audience had already started to form a bond with him before he raped Kayla.. The rape was never presented an act of love after the fact like Luke and Laura, it was an act of violence, it was very brutal..

What was commonplace back then was the raping of the bad girls of the shows.. I always thought that was gross on so many levels, we will punish this bad girl by having this alpha male rape her to punish her for her misdeeds.. His phallus will teach her a lesson by dominating her and putting her in her place.. Marty from One Life To live and Natalie from All My children were both bad girls who changed their ways after being raped.. Both were also raped by men they had had a physical relationship with in the past..

On GH, Elizabeth was a bad girl before she was raped as well but they retconned who raped her. At one point they were going to have it be Tony(but it wasn't) so they just had a Who Done it and turned out to be Brenda's photographer Tom.

I personally wish they just never had Elizabeth find out who her attacker was in a way I think that would've been more powerful she would have to deal with what happened despite not having that closure.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, CanaryFan98 said:

On GH, Elizabeth was a bad girl before she was raped as well but they retconned who raped her. At one point they were going to have it be Tony(but it wasn't) so they just had a Who Done it and turned out to be Brenda's photographer Tom.

I personally wish they just never had Elizabeth find out who her attacker was in a way I think that would've been more powerful she would have to deal with what happened despite not having that closure.

The writer on the show who wrote Elizabeth's rape wanted her assailant to have remained unknown and at large but she was overruled by the suits in charge. That same writer had been raped a man she did not know  as a teen and she wanted to call attention to that of rape that is extremely rare. Most people who are victims of a crime knew their perpetrator.  

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4 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

On GH, Elizabeth was a bad girl before she was raped as well but they retconned who raped her. At one point they were going to have it be Tony(but it wasn't) so they just had a Who Done it and turned out to be Brenda's photographer Tom.

I personally wish they just never had Elizabeth find out who her attacker was in a way I think that would've been more powerful she would have to deal with what happened despite not having that closure.

To add to it, they made Elizabeth say she was a virgin just to make it more tragic, like it's less tragic if a non-virgin is raped. Sami was raped the first time because Alan was angry that Carrie wasn't a virgin and he knew Sami was, if I'm remembering correctly. (I didn't watch the story but I read about it.) Sami started off the show as a sweet girl but became bad after she was raped. Then she became the heroine again over a decade later because EJ blackmailed her into sex. Then she was bad again when Abby decided she wanted herself a piece of EJ.

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 10/16/2020 at 2:49 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

A character is a character to me.  At least in a soap opera, where recasting is done all the time.  I think the only people you can't recast are those who have been in the role for decades upon decades, and EJ was only around for maybe 5 years?  And he's been gone so long, a lot of new viewers don't even know who he is.  I think it's do-able.  Plus, I think every other current Dimera has been recast at some point...  Stefan, Chad, Abby, 

The failure rate of recasts under the Ron regime at Days suggests that  it’s probably best to leave the character off the canvas.


7 hours ago, Rafael said:

The failure rate of recasts under the Ron regime at Days suggests that  it’s probably best to leave the character off the canvas.


At this point it doesn't really matter whether its a recast role or not the writing is terrible for all characters I don't think any actor would make a difference tbh. 

However at least with a familiar face it gives the show more of an identity/comfort level.


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1 minute ago, Silver Raven said:

Well, Season 3 hasn't come out yet.  😄


I'm actually very tired and read that wrong anyway.  I thought you said that he had signed up for three seasons of The Boys. 🤣

But either way, I've heard it's really good and have been meaning to watch it.  I should get caught up.  😉

4 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I'm actually very tired and read that wrong anyway.  I thought you said that he had signed up for three seasons of The Boys. 🤣

But either way, I've heard it's really good and have been meaning to watch it.  I should get caught up.  😉

Warning:  It is raw.


16 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Jennifer Anniston has asked the show to tape Victor episodes at his house, and the show has agreed.  They will chauffeur the other actors to and from the studio and his home.


You know what this means?  NEW SETS!

46 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

There are going to be new cast photos

Oh lord. That Jake/Gabi pic..queue reaction s GIF


It's nice to see them.

So is that Victor/Maggie pic photoshopped? 

And when did Eli grow that much hair?  He doesn't have that in the scenes that are airing, right?

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Good call Jennifer...and I look forward to seeing more of the "Kiriakis mansion".

Hope they're smart enough to write Jennifer into the show...if she's still willing. Apparently she wanted that in the 90s.

Sal looks terrible in that picture for a former model.

Nice to see Judi photographed. Wasn't sure she was still "on". When were these taken?


I miss Chandler.

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13 hours ago, nilyank said:

It is going to look a million times better than the current set.

That was my first thought, too. It's gonna be so out of place lol.

Feels like a really odd time to do a photoshoot, what with us being in the middle of a deadly pandemic, but OK. 

13 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Nice to see Judi photographed. Wasn't sure she was still "on". When were these taken?

I have to say, I really did not expect her to be back after her insane health struggles. I'm happy but then I'm like girl maybe it's not the time lol. She looks amazing though. It's hard to believe she can look that great after what she went through.

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19 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Sal looks terrible in that picture for a former model.

It's a weird expression, plus the color of the photo is washed out. I thought she was nude at first! LOL

6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Also, let me be mean and shallow for a minute, CB and BB look terrible in the photo lol.

They're all pretty bad, with the exception of Wally and Judi. They look great, everyone else, meh. Oh, except for the actress who plays Gwen, she looks good too, but that could just be because she's not wearing flannel for once.

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Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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