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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Didn't she wear The Breast Friend thing in the Christmas parade too? We've discussed it before, but I think someone said it should only be used when sitting to help support the baby. It wasn't made to be used while walking around & may I add, DRAWING ATTENTION TO YOURSELF. I'm hoping the Duggar ladies use the privacy shields/covers only when necessary. Those poor babies not being able to see Mom while feeding is ludicrous.

She's got EVERYTHING figured out. She only nurses the babies for like 3 months, right, so that she can then be "joyfully available" for the next insemination? Those first 3 months, babies aren't usually hugely fussy. My kid was always toying with nursing covers, to the point that I just gave up.

Plus, at one of these esteemed outlets (in the sewage world, where they belong, this is where the effluents emerge, right?) the "reporter" opines that what with the teevee show, the Duggar books and their blog, Jizm Bob must be approaching billionaire territory.

The last time there was any reporting on Jim Boob's net worth it was $3.5 million. And anyone getting close to a BILLION dollars would have walked away from the show and resumed their private lives. Then again, we're talking about the terminally narcissistic Jim Boob and J-Chelle here.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 3

Jim Bob loves the money (who wouldn't?) but I think he does it because it feeds his crazy ego. Jim Bob NEEDS to be the best and to have all the attention on him.

He also wants to climb out of the pile of crap that Joshie shoveled on them and show that his family is really Ok, they walked through the fire and are stronger than ever.

  • Love 6

And Aja said on the Joshley Madison forum:


>Was a single thought given to what would happen to those nineteen existing children if the devil had purposed to build a fortress around Michelle's brain and give her a stroke?<


Not only no, but hell, no. J-Chelle's four eldest daughters were there to clean up her mess! And Jim Boob would be remarried in a NYC minute and impregnate his (much younger and even more brainwashed) new wife before the ink was dry on the marriage certificate.


There's something very wrong with both of them.

  • Love 8

IF Jim Bob is done with Josh it is because it all became public, not because of what Josh did. 


When Josie was in the hospital at Little Rock for months, and the entire family (except Josh and Anna) moved  there, this was shown on an episode:


The 4 oldest girls needed to go back home to Little Rock, spend the night.  They needed to clean up the home after Joseph and JD had stayed there, and take down the Christmas lights.  They were NOT allowed to spend the night at the family home, even though Jana was over 18.  Instead, they were required to pack themselves in like sardines at Josh and Annas'.  Now, given what we have learned, isn't this like forcing the chickens to bunk with the coyotes?


This was Jim Bob and MIchelle's rule.    So, I don't believe either one of them would throw  Josh out on his ear.   

  • Love 8

IF Jim Bob is done with Josh it is because it all became public, not because of what Josh did. 


When Josie was in the hospital at Little Rock for months, and the entire family (except Josh and Anna) moved  there, this was shown on an episode:


The 4 oldest girls needed to go back home to Little Rock, spend the night.  They needed to clean up the home after Joseph and JD had stayed there, and take down the Christmas lights.  They were NOT allowed to spend the night at the family home, even though Jana was over 18.  Instead, they were required to pack themselves in like sardines at Josh and Annas'.  Now, given what we have learned, isn't this like forcing the chickens to bunk with the coyotes?


This was Jim Bob and MIchelle's rule.    So, I don't believe either one of them would throw  Josh out on his ear.   


I'm sure the decision stemmed from Joshie poo being "all cured".


In fact, he was so "all cured", J&M didn't even feel the need to give his "future accountability partner" the real heads-up about what she would be protecting her (and their!) kids from.  


This is is really disturbing, now considering/requiring Anna to live in the big house with her sisters-in-law after the fact.  Maybe Anna would liked to have known that she should be protecting the door to whatever bedroom the J-Slaves went to bunk down in, when they crashed with her and Josh.

I'm sorry Big Sky Girl.  Did not mean to sound as if I was speculating on Josh's actions at this stage of his life ( or at any point that we have not been told about).  Meant to counter the theory that Jim Bob wanted no more to do with Josh, or cared about his daughters more than Josh.  If needed, feel free to delete my comment. 

Saw the marriage advice one earlier. It's a giant passive-aggressive FU to the In Touch article claiming that Mere and Pere are divorcing. Jessa also posted it on her wall, just to be sure more people saw Mechelle's inane drivel. They are sooooo transparent! 


Jessa needs to post it because it mentions "date nights", so knocks off her neener-neener FU Internetz quota for the day for making fun of hers.

  • Love 3

Saw the marriage advice one earlier. It's a giant passive-aggressive FU to the In Touch article claiming that Mere and Pere are divorcing. Jessa also posted it on her wall, just to be sure more people saw Mechelle's inane drivel. They are sooooo transparent!

I thought the same thing. Can they be more obvious?
Looks like Boob is sporting an Under Armour shirt. If I were UA, I would be embarrassed seeing him wear one of my company's shirts.

"Marriage advice" from Jim Boob and J-Chelle Duggar? That's rich. In what universe do they have any kind of functional marriage? And US magazine should be embarrassed by their pandering to the Duggars.


Dumb question: Does Under Armour know that Jim Boob is wearing their merchandise? I can't believe he'd be someone they'd want representing their brand...

Edited by Missy Vixen


Saw the marriage advice one earlier. It's a giant passive-aggressive FU to the In Touch article claiming that Mere and Pere are divorcing. Jessa also posted it on her wall, just to be sure more people saw Mechelle's inane drivel. They are sooooo transparent! 

It's also a huge slap in the face to Anna, whether they intended it or not! The book they're touting, His Needs, Her Needs, is subtitled "Building An Affair-Proof Marriage." It sounds unbelievably trite and stereotypical, and I hate that Anna is likely left thinking that she didn't get the formula right and didn't make enough deposits in Josh's "bank." Here's an official summary:


Harley's approach to "affair-proofing" a marriage centers on a concept he labels "the love bank." Every husband and wife has a love bank that encounters both deposits and withdrawals from the opposite sex. A crucial distinction is made, however, in that deposits and withdrawals are made differently with men than they are with women. These differences are based upon the ten most felt needs of a relationship with the opposite gender. Husbands, in general, place the highest importance on the following five needs: sexual fulfillment, recreational companionship, an attractive spouse, domestic support, and admiration. Wives, in general, place the highest importance on the following five needs: affection, conversation, honesty and openness, financial support, and family commitment.

  • Love 3

So, it's April Fool's Day. Dear Abby, in honor, published "a few of the most colorful [prank] letters that have turned up in [her] mailbox lately." And - drumroll please - it includes a Mowing The Lawn While Scantily Clad™ story! My thoughts immediately flew to Michelle Ruark, Teenaged Heartbreaking Hussy, who despite her Missing Back Muscle™ donned a bikini, or shorts and a bikini top, I forget which, mowed the lawn thusly attired, and thereby created lust and havoc in the marriages of neighbors. 


But, in the Dear Abby column, and a few of the comments, the scantily clad lawn mower was male.


I've never given much credence to the whole Michelle lawn-mowing (sub)urban legend, and Dear Abby's column today reminded me why. I don't doubt Michelle as a teen wore a bikini. However, I find it hard to believe that she ever lifted a hand to any useful work, and I totally call BS on the claim that the mere sight of her would affect a man so strongly it would damage or destroy his marriage. 

  • Love 13

Harley's approach to "affair-proofing" a marriage centers on a concept he labels "the love bank." Every husband and wife has a love bank that encounters both deposits and withdrawals from the opposite sex. A crucial distinction is made, however, in that deposits and withdrawals are made differently with men than they are with women. These differences are based upon the ten most felt needs of a relationship with the opposite gender. Husbands, in general, place the highest importance on the following five needs: sexual fulfillment, recreational companionship, an attractive spouse, domestic support, and admiration. Wives, in general, place the highest importance on the following five needs: affection, conversation, honesty and openness, financial support, and family commitment.


Does this sound suspiciously like the infamous Vicki Gunvalson Love Tank to anyone else?


I've never given much credence to the whole Michelle lawn-mowing (sub)urban legend, and Dear Abby's column today reminded me why. I don't doubt Michelle as a teen wore a bikini. However, I find it hard to believe that she ever lifted a hand to any useful work, and I totally call BS on the claim that the mere sight of her would affect a man so strongly it would damage or destroy his marriage. 


I can't help but concur with you on this one.  Yes, I can see her running around in a bikini because that's what normal skinny teenage girls do.  I can even see her laying out on her lawn to get tan.  But mowing the lawn?  Oh hell no.  Not with that hair.  She might sweat and you know what that does to the Aqua Net.  Nice to know she's always been a complete and total narcissist who believed that everyone was always watching her every move.  

Edited by Lemur
  • Love 7

"Don't forget to double-tap if you want to see more moments like this on TV"????? You have to be fucking kidding me.

Okay, it's happened. That "adorable" photo has taken me instantly from annoyance/bemusement to full on hatred. Memo to The Duggars...you are not teen-agers, this is not 1956, this is not the fucking corner malt shoppe, and you can't even see "adorable" from your fucking rocking chairs. YOU ARE MIDDLE-AGED GRANDPARENTS. Jesus.

Gah. The only thing I want to double tap is their heads together.

  • Love 17

The flip side if this book in reference to Anna is that had Anna cheated on Josh, Ma and Pa Duggar would have tripped over themselves trying to throw Anna under the bus. Anna's parents would have been ran over for not properly raising a godly wife with a servant's heart, etc. It's patriarchal abuse at its finest.

  • Love 8

So, it's April Fool's Day. Dear Abby, in honor, published "a few of the most colorful [prank] letters that have turned up in [her] mailbox lately." And - drumroll please - it includes a Mowing The Lawn While Scantily Clad™ story! My thoughts immediately flew to Michelle Ruark, Teenaged Heartbreaking Hussy, who despite her Missing Back Muscle™ donned a bikini, or shorts and a bikini top, I forget which, mowed the lawn thusly attired, and thereby created lust and havoc in the marriages of neighbors. 


But, in the Dear Abby column, and a few of the comments, the scantily clad lawn mower was male.


I've never given much credence to the whole Michelle lawn-mowing (sub)urban legend, and Dear Abby's column today reminded me why. I don't doubt Michelle as a teen wore a bikini. However, I find it hard to believe that she ever lifted a hand to any useful work, and I totally call BS on the claim that the mere sight of her would affect a man so strongly it would damage or destroy his marriage. 

Ha! Well, Michelle's lawn mowing story may have been true. But even if it was, it is incredibly narcissistic to think that the sight of a teen in a bikini could ever make a good marriage end. We all have eyes and we all encounter attractive people as a part of life. If she really did mow the lawn in a bikini, a neighbor may have had a passing thought, "Nice body," and then moved on with life. It's hard to envision the thought process going much further: "I'm abandoning my wife and children because I've been permanently defrauded by this immodest person!" It's pretty silly.

  • Love 3

The jessa thread got me thinking about Michelle and her breastfeeding.Remember when she went to the public school to read stories and she had some J child stuck on that boppy pillow thing that was strapped around her waist and then had the breastfeeding cover over the baby? She actually walked around with the pillow strapped to her with the baby lying on the pillow nursing.It looked like the baby's feet were growing out of her side!What a lunatic!!!!!!!! Who does this??????????http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/10/giveaway-duggar-recommended-nursing.htmlHere is Michelle attracting attention to herself as usual.

Who does this? The same idiot that decides to breastfeed while riding on a Xmas(?) float that's being pulled down the middle of Main St., instead of getting in the cab of the truck where she'll have some privacy. That's who.

  • Love 6

See, I always assumed that Michelle "having a servant's heart" meant an actual heart...I'm thinking either in the freezer or in a glass jar...probably Na Na's predecessor in the laundry room. I figured that's how they've kept her chained to the Duggar laundry duty all these years..."See what happened to the last person who tried to walk away from Duggarland??? Now sort, soak, fluff and fold, or else!"

  • Love 9

On DuggarFamilyOfficial facebook page and DuggarFamily.com, Michelle and Boob posted a video to wish Izzy a happy birthday. I guess I haven't heard Michelle's voice much lately, because it was downright shocking how high-pitched and "sweet" and generally looney Michelle sounded! She sounds a lot like Priscilla Waller and makes the same facial gyrations. 

  • Love 3

The matching green shirts were also pukeworthy.

There should be a warning for your eyes before watching that. Once again, besides saying Izzy has mastered a few Spanish words, they didn't name anything specific or personal about him. . (Or did they & I missed it?) Even Jill named specifics in her letter about Izzy liking to dance in church, what he eats, etc. Instead we had to hear what wonderful Godly parents he has. Poor Izzy, he's just another name on the birthday greetings list of his unknowing useless grandparents.

Side note - I liked how Jill gave kudos to Grandma Cathy about keeping a journal with specifics of Izzy milestones, likes & dislikes, etc. so they wouldn't forget them & Izzy could read when he's older. Maybe if Michelle had done this, she would know more about her children.

  • Love 11

Sooo, JB is mocking his son for not doing something he's not supposed to do????


What a creep.




OMFG. I've said it before and I'll say it again. He is a sick, evil bastard.


I'm very familiar with this kind of behavior, and he isn't doing it because he's a hyuk hyuk dumb bunny trying to be humorous. He knows exactly what he's doing, why he's doing it and how to do it most successfully. He does it to taunt, wound and diminish those kids and thereby keep most of them, at least, under control. Because people succumb to that kind of dominance, especially when they've been trained to it from birth. It's disgusting.

  • Love 19

OMFG. I've said it before and I'll say it again. He is a sick, evil bastard.


I'm very familiar with this kind of behavior, and he isn't doing it because he's a hyuk hyuk dumb bunny trying to be humorous. He knows exactly what he's doing, why he's doing it and how to do it most successfully. He does it to taunt, wound and diminish those kids and thereby keep most of them, at least, under control. Because people succumb to that kind of dominance, especially when they've been trained to it from birth. It's disgusting.

Let's call it what it is: Emotional abuse. And yeah, I'm going there.


Those kids are never going to recover from this.

  • Love 9

OMFG. I've said it before and I'll say it again. He is a sick, evil bastard.


I'm very familiar with this kind of behavior, and he isn't doing it because he's a hyuk hyuk dumb bunny trying to be humorous. He knows exactly what he's doing, why he's doing it and how to do it most successfully. He does it to taunt, wound and diminish those kids and thereby keep most of them, at least, under control. Because people succumb to that kind of dominance, especially when they've been trained to it from birth. It's disgusting.



Let's call it what it is: Emotional abuse. And yeah, I'm going there.


Those kids are never going to recover from this.


This is what I've always said.... this is purposeful, calculated, emotional abuse. And this is why I regularly compare the difficulties with the kids leaving to the difficulties a woman has leaving an abusive marriage.  They are abused emotionally, physically, educationally, and financially. 

  • Love 14

So Jason has a Heart For the lord, oh, and a Servant's Heart as well! Gee Michelle, you are so checked out that you have to say the exact same thing for every single kid's birthday!

Poor Jinger, forced to stand there. At least she got in her trademark eyeroll. JB is disgusting to even think about any of his kids' sexuality. He is showing himself to be insecure.

I still don't get saying a birthday greeting in front of a camera when the birthday boy is standing right there, most likely.

  • Love 7

And what marital problems is this dipshit referring to, anyway? What possible marital problems would result from Michelle having kissed other guys - except the obvious; she has a basis of comparison and probably knows he is a lousy f*ck. And he knows she knows. Because you know he is.

He's a petty, narcissistic, emotionally abusive asshole that married a woman who bought his line of BS for whatever reason. This may have had something to do with the fact she was 17 and was more desperate to get out of the house than to take a long, hard look at what the rest of her life would be like. One could also make the argument that she shares a lot of his personality defects.


There would be "marital problems" if she came to their marriage bed never having spoken to another member of the opposite sex, let alone kissed him. His brand of jealousy is all-consuming and he's spent a long time nurturing it. After all, it keeps her under his thumb. If he's so willing to do everything but call his wife a slut in public, God knows what he does in private. And I'll bet everyone in that household knows it, too. He's been modeling this behavior for his sons since they were born, which is why Josh treats his own wife like something he scraped off the bottom of his shoe.


This is the same guy that dry-humped his "modest" wife on a public mini-golf course in front of TV cameras because he could.


And of course he's a lousy kisser and a lousy lay. He doesn't care about anyone else or their pleasure; it's all about planting HIS seed and having HIS babies and getting HIS way. He's disgusting.

  • Love 16
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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