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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Just throwing this one out here: If my husband decided he must have bacon and eggs cooked by me while I was in labor and before we left for the hospital, he'd need some significant medical attention of his own. There would be a frying pan wedged in his ass. I really detest J-chelle Duggar, but I have to ask what kind of brain-dead, selfish moron would consider his breakfast needs before his wife's attempting to pass a watermelon through an opening the size of a lemon.


He apparently likes this particular little control trick, since there's more than one story of his demanding breakfast at the last minute when the family needed to be doing something else.


This is the kind of thing that makes me sure he's a malignant, control-freak narcissist. People with that personality type, in my experience, absolutely adore and crave the power they feel when they break into something of importance to another person with their demands and they've amassed enough power in the relationship, one way or another, to make the other person jump when it's the last thing that person wants to do or should do.


I've seen that trick pulled in my family way too many times to count, and when you're in the situation you can see the absolute ecstasy they get out of doing it.


And they become experts at knowing the very worst time to make their demands, too, as well as the exact right strings to pull to make the victim either do what they want and lose something that matters to them as a result or, occasionally, explode into an impotent rage that the narcissist will then turn into an even bigger problem for the mark. Somebody with JB's personality plays others like a cat with a mouse. It's even more horrible when you watch it close up.


He's nowhere near a normal human being, in my opinion. He's a huge sick freak. And of course he also managed to dig up a cult leader who taught him how to couch his malignant behavior in fucking theology. It's sickening.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 18

Michelle has admitted that some kids have learning issues, but she's never elaborated on what those issues might be. But damn, James and Jackson with those flashcards YEARS below their supposed grade level is worrisome. I've suspected both of those boys have ADHD for years, but who knows? And we know that Boobchelle will never reveal actual details; being real isn't one of their strong suits. 



"When my husband, Jim Bob, was a little boy he had a speech impediment, and he really struggled with reading. As a homeschool mom, understanding his perspective helped me to not have certain expectations about how my kids would all learn.

When we were first married, we would read the Scriptures together in the mornings, and I would read, and then he'd take a turn. He would literally flip words around and put different words in different places.


"I noticed some of our kids had the same struggle ... One time when I was teaching the kids to read and write and I got a precious little keepsake of a 'Mommy, I love you' picture with the literally the whole message written backwards -- if you put it up to a mirror it looked perfect!"


"The next week they might write a word correctly and then the following week it would be incorrect, and we'd go over the lessons again and it would eventually click for them.


"There's a phonics program that I would teach the kids to read with, and for some of the kids it would take me take me three times of going through it because they just didn't catch it the first time, and then the second time. And finally the third time they'd grasp the concept


"I think if they had been in a public school setting they could have been labeled as reading-challenged. But because they were being tutored one-on-one with me I was able to just work with them and not pressure them. Different kids blossom at different times. I didn't focus on and fret about the age that the kids were able to read by, whether it was sheet music or reading lessons.


"There would be times I'd hear different kids say, "Well, so-and-so reads better than me," and they were referring to a younger sister or brother. I would try to strengthen them where they needed their strengths and encourage them to not compare themselves with others. I'd say, "Okay, you've got 15 minutes, and you're going to read this book to your 3-year-old sibling, who loves to be read to anyway. It doesn't matter if you get the words right or not." I think by them practicing that way it allowed them to be teach themselves by inadvertently teaching their younger sibling."



Because Michelle provided inadequate education, seven of the eleven oldest kids have not passed the GED.

  • Love 4

"I think if they had been in a public school setting they could have been labeled as reading-challenged. But because they were being tutored one-on-one with me I was able to just work with them and not pressure them. Different kids blossom at different times. I didn't focus on and fret about the age that the kids were able to read by, whether it was sheet music or reading lessons.


  • Love 6



"When my husband, Jim Bob, was a little boy he had a speech impediment, and he really struggled with reading. As a homeschool mom, understanding his perspective helped me to not have certain expectations about how my kids would all learn.

When we were first married, we would read the Scriptures together in the mornings, and I would read, and then he'd take a turn. He would literally flip words around and put different words in different places.


"I noticed some of our kids had the same struggle ... One time when I was teaching the kids to read and write and I got a precious little keepsake of a 'Mommy, I love you' picture with the literally the whole message written backwards -- if you put it up to a mirror it looked perfect!"


"The next week they might write a word correctly and then the following week it would be incorrect, and we'd go over the lessons again and it would eventually click for them.


"There's a phonics program that I would teach the kids to read with, and for some of the kids it would take me take me three times of going through it because they just didn't catch it the first time, and then the second time. And finally the third time they'd grasp the concept


"I think if they had been in a public school setting they could have been labeled as reading-challenged. But because they were being tutored one-on-one with me I was able to just work with them and not pressure them. Different kids blossom at different times. I didn't focus on and fret about the age that the kids were able to read by, whether it was sheet music or reading lessons.


"There would be times I'd hear different kids say, "Well, so-and-so reads better than me," and they were referring to a younger sister or brother. I would try to strengthen them where they needed their strengths and encourage them to not compare themselves with others. I'd say, "Okay, you've got 15 minutes, and you're going to read this book to your 3-year-old sibling, who loves to be read to anyway. It doesn't matter if you get the words right or not." I think by them practicing that way it allowed them to be teach themselves by inadvertently teaching their younger sibling."



Because Michelle provided inadequate education, seven of the eleven oldest kids have not passed the GED.

If things were as they should be, this quote would get J'Chelle banned from homeschooling and prosecuted. Making up a story based on the book in front of you is NOT a remedial reading technique. I won't go on, but this makes me furious.


Exactly - they might have had extra support (or proper teaching in the first place) and actually - horror - learned to read, and felt good about their abilities!

  • Love 9

Here's what Michelle said about Jim Bob:


"When my husband, Jim Bob, was a little boy he had a speech impediment, and he really struggled with reading. As a homeschool mom, understanding his perspective helped me to not have certain expectations about how my kids would all learn.


"When we were first married, we would read the Scriptures together in the mornings, and I would read, and then he'd take a turn. He would literally flip words around and put different words in different places."


And clearly she has some brushing up to do on her own speech and grammar skills.

  • Love 1

The idea of having a child with dyslexia or other reading issues read to a younger child isn't actually a bad idea; there are programs today where kids with these problems read to dogs because it's a way for them to practice reading out loud without any kind of pressure or fear of ridicule and I suppose reading to a younger sibling would serve about the same purpose. BUT. Those kids get other kinds of help as well. With professionals who actually have degrees/training in working with dyslectic kids. And that's clearly not happening with the Duggar brood. It sounds like Michelle learned about this technique somehow and then adapted it in a way that would involve as little effort, expense and outside involvement as possible.

  • Love 5

Dear Missy Vixen:

*mic drop*

eta: Getting MEchelle to read that will be a rough task; she doesn't have the vocabulary necessary to understand most of the concepts.

Maybe I need to call her and sound out the big words. ;-)

The idea of having a child with dyslexia or other reading issues read to a younger child isn't actually a bad idea; there are programs today where kids with these problems read to dogs because it's a way for them to practice reading out loud without any kind of pressure or fear of ridicule and I suppose reading to a younger sibling would serve about the same purpose. BUT. Those kids get other kinds of help as well. With professionals who actually have degrees/training in working with dyslectic kids. And that's clearly not happening with the Duggar brood. It sounds like Michelle learned about this technique somehow and then adapted it in a way that would involve as little effort, expense and outside involvement as possible.

The trainer that worked with our rambunctious chocolate Lab also runs a program in which kids read aloud to dogs in the local elementary school. We are purposing (LMAO) to have our boy in some advanced training classes so he can join their numbers.


And this is another way the Duggars seal their kids off from the outside world. One can imagine that the family plane serves the same goal; no more waiting around in crowded airports and getting confronted by those who have a chance to speak their mind to Jim Boob, J-Chelle, or one of the adult children.

The idea of having a child with dyslexia or other reading issues read to a younger child isn't actually a bad idea; there are programs today where kids with these problems read to dogs because it's a way for them to practice reading out loud without any kind of pressure or fear of ridicule and I suppose reading to a younger sibling would serve about the same purpose. BUT. Those kids get other kinds of help as well. With professionals who actually have degrees/training in working with dyslectic kids. And that's clearly not happening with the Duggar brood. It sounds like Michelle learned about this technique somehow and then adapted it in a way that would involve as little effort, expense and outside involvement as possible.

Yes, read this one too, Michelle: reading to dolls, dogs and 3 year olds is a valid way to practise reading, but not to learn.


An open letter to J-Chelle Duggar. From me.


Dear J-Chelle:


I realize that your days are spent having missionary-style sex with Jim Boob, attempting to make life hard for anyone who doesn't share your religious beliefs, or finding someone to drive to Starbucks for you. It's a bitch to be the Mother of the Year, isn't it? So many expectations. And I'm talking about one more, because nobody else in your life has had the balls to do so. And that includes all of your sons and your husband, who (if it's possible) is an even worse parent than you are.


Judging from video proof on your own TV show, your home schooling program is a complete failure. Seven of your 11 eldest children do not have a GED. Your insistence that your children have "learning disabilities" would be understandable if it wasn't yet another steaming pile of shit excuse, just like every other excuse you've made over the years about your multiple failures as a parent. Instead of enrolling your children in public school and allowing professionals with actual college degrees to assess and recommend assistance for your kids, you chose to seal them off from society and from any educational intervention. (Gotta' keep those family secrets at all costs, don't you?) As a result, you have children that can't do fractions. You have children who are "learning" their multiplication tables via flashcards several years after they would have been covered by a typical elementary school teacher. Your children haven't spent one minute learning about science or other subjects you deem "not godly" but are important for a well-rounded adult to know. You have children who are never seen to read for pleasure, who use the same words over and over because they wouldn't know a vocabulary list if it bit them in the face, and you pride yourself in this. After all, a child that knows how to read can obtain books not written by Bill Gothard and might discover that no, you're not right about everything. One has to ask what kind of monsters would ensure any desire to learn by any of her children was denied. "Wisdom booklets" aren't a curriculum. Believing that learning disabled children are "teaching each other" (while you are too effing lazy to get off your ass and either teach an actual peer-reviewed curriculum or again, enroll your kids in public school) is ridiculous. And you are the reason why I support having every homeschooled child in the United States sit for testing once a year with (again) educated professionals who can intervene if the child in question is unable to do work typical for their grade level.


It really chaps my ass that you would do this to your own kids. What the hell is wrong with you? Even worse is the following: What happens when you and Daddy shuffle off this mortal coil? You and your husband have not saved the type of money it will take to house, feed, and support 19 illiterate children for life. Your kids don't have the ability to do basic math. One wonders if most of them can read. This explains why they were so incurious during the many trips your family has been sent on by TLC -- your family doesn't consider it important to learn about anything but what Bill Gothard believes on any subject. How will they be able to protect themselves when they are alone and dealing with highly educated people who have a million and one ways to take advantage of them? Let me give you a hint: What's that old saying? "God helps those who help themselves"? You and your husband have nobody else to blame. Instead of preparing your kids for the rigors of the world around them with a good basic education, you thought a reality TV show and super-breeding would save you. Maybe you think it's adorable to watch your children struggle as they attempt any semblance of adult lives. After all, if they can't function in the world, they're tied to you forever, aren't they? What kind of sickness is afoot with parents who do not want to watch their children achieve as much as possible in life or strike out successfully on their own? Here's a question: What happens when TLC finally pulls the plug? Your kids are qualified to work at McDonald's. Maybe. If they can figure out how to put together a resume and fill out a job application. It's doubtful.


I have spent my life with my nose in a book since I started reading at four. I love books. I can learn about any subject I'd like and experience the breadth and depth of human experience from a chair in our family room. After all, my mother encouraged me to read and to keep reading. I wish I had the words to describe the disgust and revulsion I feel whenever I consider a parent so narcissistic, insecure and lazy that she would deliberately hobble her own children so they wouldn't surpass her (or her husband) in life. I'd call you a bitch, but that's an insult to actual bitches, who take better care of their puppies than you've taken of your children.


In the meantime, J-Chelle, just one more thought for you. Remember the footage of your father-in-law being dragged around your house on a broken desk chair before his death? Consider the fact your kids will be picking out your retirement home. Your illiterate children who have no idea how much it will cost. Imagine what will happen when they can't afford it anymore. Maybe it'll be on TLC so we can all enjoy it.


No love,


Thank you! I would have aimed for something like this if I hadn't been so irrational and angry. Perfectly said.

Edited by Obsidian

So characteristically Duggar that Michelle so self righteously throws public education under the bus, assuming, as always, SHE offers superior education to her children than college educated, trained, and certified educators. All evidence to the contrary - none of the Duggars can claim proper grammar, even low level math skills, or basic levels of articulation in conversation. Rote, pat, simplistic bible phrases seems a very low educational bar.

And don't forget this superior education does not encourage book reading, socialization, working in groups with non-relatives, organized sports/dance, taking direction from a non-relative, daily exposure and respect for different religions/cultures ...


Can you imagine a Duggar without Google?!

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 4

I'm curious if anyone knows what the rules are in Arkansas. In Virginia homeschooled students qualify for any services they would receive as a public school student and don't have to give up homeschooling. 


In Arkansas, homeschooled kids with special-ed needs can receive the same level of services that the public schools offer to eligible private-school students under the IDEA -- which is to say, close to the same way it works in public schools but not 100 percent.


HSLDA advises against accepting any of these publicly funded services, though, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Gothard-education-machine agrees with that. Here's HSLDA's statement -- "Note: HSLDA believes that with receiving government funds, certain freedom and privacy is lost. Each homeschooler should weigh the cost against the benefit he or she would receive from accepting public school services. To enable families to not feel obligated to take government support for their special education students, HSLDA has established a private fund through the Home School Foundation that makes support available."



Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

In Arkansas, homeschooled kids with special-ed needs can receive the same level of services that the public schools offer to eligible private-school students -- which is to say, close to the same way it works in public schools but not 100 percent. The kids are eligible for both state-funded and federally-funded special-ed services.


HSLDA advises against accepting any of these publicly funded services, though, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Gothard-education-machine agrees with that. Here's HSLDA's statement -- "Note: HSLDA believes that with receiving government funds, certain freedom and privacy is lost. Each homeschooler should weigh the cost against the benefit he or she would receive from accepting public school services. To enable families to not feel obligated to take government support for their special education students, HSLDA has established a private fund through the Home School Foundation that makes support available."



Good old Michael Farris. He is a decidedly NOT NICE person, by the way. My family used to attend his church and because we never made it into his inner circle, he would literally stare right through us and rebuff friendly attempts from my parents at conversation. I later had coworkers who had to deal with interviewing him when his fundy college, Patrick Henry, had local police literally bar a peaceful gay Christian group from setting foot on the campus. In response to my coworker's respectful questions for her newspaper article, he was downright rude. Even other fundy colleges had allowed this group to come and have lunch.


I never understood his truly paranoid anti-government rants, though. How, in any way, can it be any danger to have a special ed teacher help your child? He used to tell stories like CPS were the devil incarnate. When I got older, I realized that CPS only intervenes in truly bad situations. These were cases of serious neglect and abuse, but in his world, if someone calls themself a conservative Christian homeschooler, that's all that matters. They have to be right.


All that said, I feel a bit bad for posting the Jim Bob train wreck political speech video. I hadn't realized he was dyslexic. But it is very worrying that his children who also struggle with it are not getting help, in large part due to the IFB stance on evil government schools.

  • Love 5

I wonder if JB was ever diagnosed or treated? My brother is his age, and wasn't diagnosed until he was 15. Dyslexia was just beginning to be known then; I wonder whether it was really widely known in AR, long before the internet, especially in a family like the one led by Mary Duggar. I doubt anyone at the brand spanking new Shiloh Christian school would have recognized or been able to refer Boob for help.

I also bet MEchelle self-diagnosed her kids and that they receive no real help.

  • Love 1


I never understood his truly paranoid anti-government rants, though. How, in any way, can it be any danger to have a special ed teacher help your child?

In the Duggars' case, Arkansas' version of CPS might have actually gotten the molestation survivors some degreed and licensed help years ago, if not removed them from the home outright. Jim Boob and J-Chelle weren't allowing anyone to find out what was going on at their house -- well, anyone who might DO SOMETHING to protect the other children from Joshley Madison. One has to wonder how many similar cases there are with "homeschooling" families across the US. I realize that there are many parents who do not mistreat their children and do their best to follow a curriculum, etcetera. And IMHO of course, but the only people who would not want (free) assistance from special education teachers or learning specialists are covering something up.


And I have not forgotten the fact that CPS (or Arkansas' version of it) showed up at the Duggars' house last year and asked to see one of the children; they were turned away at the gate. In other words, there's still an open file and maybe we'll be treated to more revelations.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 6

Dim Jim seems too lazy to know even the heathen opponent's NAME. 'Stark contrast' sounds so very sort of informed, and, in true Duggar style, it's always all about IMAGE, not substance, so Dim Bob remains hell bent on getting his 'stark contrast' out there for the camera.

Interesting, too, the way he absolutely IGNORES his wife's multiple suggestions to make his point without remembering the evil opponent's name. No, Dim Jim HAS to push forward, in his perpetual, full-on, patriarchal demeanor, insisting upon imparting his wisdom and political Sermon on the Mount HIS way, and, and, in the process, publically displaying just what an absolute dolt he is. What an interesting glimpse into day to day life with this patriarchal bozo.

If I were a politician, I'd be begging the Duggars NOT to support me. Theirs is not a reflection I'd want voters to associate with me in any way.

I love it that The holy Duggar candidate lost the election.

So spot on. I like your observation about how he ignored Michelle. I noticed that too, and I also noticed that you can almost physically see the humiliation radiating from Michelle's mullet as she giggles and slaps her knee WAY past the point of awkward, trying to convince everyone that he's aw-shucks funny instead of a raging idiot.

  • Love 4

An open letter to J-Chelle Duggar. From me.

Dear J-Chelle:

I realize that your days are spent having missionary-style sex with Jim Boob, attempting to make life hard for anyone who doesn't share your religious beliefs, or finding someone to drive to Starbucks for you. It's a bitch to be the Mother of the Year, isn't it? So many expectations. And I'm talking about one more, because nobody else in your life has had the balls to do so. And that includes all of your sons and your husband, who (if it's possible) is an even worse parent than you are.

Judging from video proof on your own TV show, your home schooling program is a complete failure. Seven of your 11 eldest children do not have a GED. Your insistence that your children have "learning disabilities" would be understandable if it wasn't yet another steaming pile of shit excuse, just like every other excuse you've made over the years about your multiple failures as a parent. Instead of enrolling your children in public school and allowing professionals with actual college degrees to assess and recommend assistance for your kids, you chose to seal them off from society and from any educational intervention. (Gotta' keep those family secrets at all costs, don't you?) As a result, you have children that can't do fractions. You have children who are "learning" their multiplication tables via flashcards several years after they would have been covered by a typical elementary school teacher. Your children haven't spent one minute learning about science or other subjects you deem "not godly" but are important for a well-rounded adult to know. You have children who are never seen to read for pleasure, who use the same words over and over because they wouldn't know a vocabulary list if it bit them in the face, and you pride yourself in this. After all, a child that knows how to read can obtain books not written by Bill Gothard and might discover that no, you're not right about everything. One has to ask what kind of monsters would ensure any desire to learn by any of her children was denied. "Wisdom booklets" aren't a curriculum. Believing that learning disabled children are "teaching each other" (while you are too effing lazy to get off your ass and either teach an actual peer-reviewed curriculum or again, enroll your kids in public school) is ridiculous. And you are the reason why I support having every homeschooled child in the United States sit for testing once a year with (again) educated professionals who can intervene if the child in question is unable to do work typical for their grade level.

It really chaps my ass that you would do this to your own kids. What the hell is wrong with you? Even worse is the following: What happens when you and Daddy shuffle off this mortal coil? You and your husband have not saved the type of money it will take to house, feed, and support 19 illiterate children for life. Your kids don't have the ability to do basic math. One wonders if most of them can read. This explains why they were so incurious during the many trips your family has been sent on by TLC -- your family doesn't consider it important to learn about anything but what Bill Gothard believes on any subject. How will they be able to protect themselves when they are alone and dealing with highly educated people who have a million and one ways to take advantage of them? Let me give you a hint: What's that old saying? "God helps those who help themselves"? You and your husband have nobody else to blame. Instead of preparing your kids for the rigors of the world around them with a good basic education, you thought a reality TV show and super-breeding would save you. Maybe you think it's adorable to watch your children struggle as they attempt any semblance of adult lives. After all, if they can't function in the world, they're tied to you forever, aren't they? What kind of sickness is afoot with parents who do not want to watch their children achieve as much as possible in life or strike out successfully on their own? Here's a question: What happens when TLC finally pulls the plug? Your kids are qualified to work at McDonald's. Maybe. If they can figure out how to put together a resume and fill out a job application. It's doubtful.

I have spent my life with my nose in a book since I started reading at four. I love books. I can learn about any subject I'd like and experience the breadth and depth of human experience from a chair in our family room. After all, my mother encouraged me to read and to keep reading. I wish I had the words to describe the disgust and revulsion I feel whenever I consider a parent so narcissistic, insecure and lazy that she would deliberately hobble her own children so they wouldn't surpass her (or her husband) in life. I'd call you a bitch, but that's an insult to actual bitches, who take better care of their puppies than you've taken of your children.

In the meantime, J-Chelle, just one more thought for you. Remember the footage of your father-in-law being dragged around your house on a broken desk chair before his death? Consider the fact your kids will be picking out your retirement home. Your illiterate children who have no idea how much it will cost. Imagine what will happen when they can't afford it anymore. Maybe it'll be on TLC so we can all enjoy it.

No love,


No lie..you made me cry. At the paragraph about learning to read at four. Bravo! I love this post.
  • Love 1

In Arkansas, homeschooled kids with special-ed needs can receive the same level of services that the public schools offer to eligible private-school students under the IDEA -- which is to say, close to the same way it works in public schools but not 100 percent.


HSLDA advises against accepting any of these publicly funded services, though, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Gothard-education-machine agrees with that. Here's HSLDA's statement -- "Note: HSLDA believes that with receiving government funds, certain freedom and privacy is lost. Each homeschooler should weigh the cost against the benefit he or she would receive from accepting public school services. To enable families to not feel obligated to take government support for their special education students, HSLDA has established a private fund through the Home School Foundation that makes support available."




Thanks for the info... FYI a good portion of homeschoolers, including myself, find the HSLDA to be a boil on the butt of society.

  • Love 5

In the Duggars' case, Arkansas' version of CPS might have actually gotten the molestation survivors some degreed and licensed help years ago, if not removed them from the home outright. Jim Boob and J-Chelle weren't allowing anyone to find out what was going on at their house -- well, anyone who might DO SOMETHING to protect the other children from Joshley Madison. One has to wonder how many similar cases there are with "homeschooling" families across the US. I realize that there are many parents who do not mistreat their children and do their best to follow a curriculum, etcetera. And IMHO of course, but the only people who would not want (free) assistance from special education teachers or learning specialists are covering something up.


And I have not forgotten the fact that CPS (or Arkansas' version of it) showed up at the Duggars' house last year and asked to see one of the children; they were turned away at the gate. In other words, there's still an open file and maybe we'll be treated to more revelations.



Dim Jim seems too lazy to know even the heathen opponent's NAME. 'Stark contrast' sounds so very sort of informed, and, in true Duggar style, it's always all about IMAGE, not substance, so Dim Bob remains hell bent on getting his 'stark contrast' out there for the camera.

Interesting, too, the way he absolutely IGNORES his wife's multiple suggestions to make his point without remembering the evil opponent's name. No, Dim Jim HAS to push forward, in his perpetual, full-on, patriarchal demeanor, insisting upon imparting his wisdom and political Sermon on the Mount HIS way, and, and, in the process, publically displaying just what an absolute dolt he is. What an interesting glimpse into day to day life with this patriarchal bozo.

If I were a politician, I'd be begging the Duggars NOT to support me. Theirs is not a reflection I'd want voters to associate with me in any way.

I love it that The holy Duggar candidate lost the election.

Thank you. You raise a wonderful point. I should have rephrased -- people with  nothing to hide should have nothing to fear from public schools and CPS. But homeschooling is indeed a way for abuse to fly under the radar. I knew of a family that was so extreme that after their home births, they did not obtain Social Security numbers for their children. The government was not aware of their existence.  I always wonder what became of them.


Ha, yes, I was so happy to vote against Ken Cuccinelli, and about his loss.

  • Love 5

Shamelessly copied from Facebook.  Sing it, people!


Here’s the story of a long-haired lady
Who liked spurging lots of boys and girls
Each of them trained up - by their mother
Who really loved the Pearls


Here’s the story of her man Jim Shady
Who just loved a bit of mullet on the bone
And their oldest boy – he was a pervert
Who preyed on kids alone


And then one day Mr Shady met the cameras
And he knew it was much more than a hunch
That TLC would buy his Fundie family
That’s the way he’d feed the lazy Shady Bunch

Jim’s Shady Bunch
Jim’s Shady Bunch
That’s the way Jim Bob sold his Shady Bunch

Edited by WescottF1
  • Love 24

The jessa thread got me thinking about Michelle and her breastfeeding.

Remember when she went to the public school to read stories and she had some J child stuck on that boppy pillow thing that was strapped around her waist and then had the breastfeeding cover over the baby? She actually walked around with the pillow strapped to her with the baby lying on the pillow nursing.

It looked like the baby's feet were growing out of her side!

What a lunatic!!!!!!!! Who does this??????????


Here is Michelle attracting attention to herself as usual.

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 5

Didn't she wear The Breast Friend thing in the Christmas parade too? We've discussed it before, but I think someone said it should only be used when sitting to help support the baby. It wasn't made to be used while walking around & may I add, DRAWING ATTENTION TO YOURSELF. I'm hoping the Duggar ladies use the privacy shields/covers only when necessary. Those poor babies not being able to see Mom while feeding is ludicrous.

  • Love 12

If JimBob is going to talk about how Ken Cuccinelli is different/better than Terry McAuliffe it would help if he at least knew McAuliffe's name.

Maybe JimBob was having a heavy burtation.


I'm guessing that Boob was deliberately not naming McAuliffe. It's a time-honored political tradition and practice - you continually refer to the opponent as The Opponent. They do somersaults to avoid naming the enemy, lest they be providing free publicity and name recognition. Although for this to be true, we must first assume that first Boob knows this trick, and he is a few fries short of a Happy Meal, so he may not.

  • Love 6

I'm guessing that Boob was deliberately not naming McAuliffe. It's a time-honored political tradition and practice - you continually refer to the opponent as The Opponent. They do somersaults to avoid naming the enemy, lest they be providing free publicity and name recognition. Although for this to be true, we must first assume that first Boob knows this trick, and he is a few fries short of a Happy Meal, so he may not.

In that clip JB repeatedly said "Terry" and then fumbled the last name. He was trying to call out the opponent by name and failed, and wasn't fast enough on his feet to switch to plan B and say "the opponent."

  • Love 8

Holy Shit! (if this is true). It seems Intouch has been busy.





After 31 years and 19 kids – and forever reminding the world they don’t believe in divorce – are Jim Bob and Michelle really going to call it quits? According to In Touch the family called some kind of emergency meeting and all the Duggar kids have chosen sides. Some of these kids are too young to take a side in mom versus dad, aren’t they?


Now it’s all over, or so it seems. Jim Bob apparently wants nothing to do with Josh and prefers to pretend the eldest Duggar son doesn’t exist. Maybe Jim Bob thinks if the Duggars cut Josh out of the family completely they can regain their America’s Most Beloved Family status and keep that money train rolling?

However, Mama Michelle isn’t ready to give up on Josh and wants the family to forgive, forget and move on. If that means the money is gone, so be it – as long as Josh is welcomed back to the family with open arms?
The public isn’t going to forget the hypocrisy of the Duggars anytime soon. Viewers may even tune out Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald’s new show Jill & Jessa: Counting On. That must have Jim Bob seething! We’ll take a wild guess and bet he’s banking on that spinoff to refill the family coffers.


“They rarely argue, but this one was a doozy. [Jim Bob] argued about putting family first and how Michelle needed to move on and put things in the past, and she stood her ground and said she was putting family first by being cautious.” The insider added, “Michelle has actually raised her voice to Jim Bob, which never happens. It’s gotten so bad that friends think this could destroy the marriage that no one ever thought could be broken.”

*lights up a cigarette* Good, good....





The primary source of their relationship troubles shouldn’t surprise anyone: it’s Josh, the son of theirs who is currently in rehab for like, what is he in there for again? Some kind of addiction that isn’t drug-related, right? Sex addiction? Porn addiction? Whatever he’s there for (or not there for, depending on who you believe), “the handling of Josh’s return” has made Michelle “speak up.” Jim Bob wants to welcome their son back “with open arms,” but she’s a little more hesitant—due to the fact that “some family members don’t want Josh around their children.” Though they’ve fought before, sources say Michelle “isn’t giving in so easily this time,” and that she could be ready to say goodbye to Jim Bob and his hard-working testicles.

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Pretty funny that one article says JB wants to distance from Josh and "apparently wants nothing to do with Josh and prefers to pretend the eldest Duggar son doesn’t exist." Whereas Michelle, "wants the family to forgive, forget and move on. If that means the money is gone, so be it – as long as Josh is welcomed back to the family with open arms?"


The second set of quotes says, "Jim Bob wants to welcome their son back “with open arms,” but she’s a little more hesitant—due to the fact that “some family members don’t want Josh around their children.”

The jessa thread got me thinking about Michelle and her breastfeeding.

Remember when she went to the public school to read stories and she had some J child stuck on that boppy pillow thing that was strapped around her waist and then had the breastfeeding cover over the baby? She actually walked around with the pillow strapped to her with the baby lying on the pillow nursing.

It looked like the baby's feet were growing out of her side!

What a lunatic!!!!!!!! Who does this??????????


Here is Michelle attracting attention to herself as usual.

Apologies, I meant to quote the post above. They had some jacked teeth in that video!!

Plus, at one of these esteemed outlets (in the sewage world, where they belong, this is where the effluents emerge, right?) the "reporter" opines that what with the teevee show, the Duggar books and their blog, Jizm Bob must be approaching billionaire territory. So at least one of these "reporters" is not only an idiot but very very stoned. I'd bet on both "reporters" actually.


I'm sure JB and M are fighting. But where else would either of them go to get their particular dysfunctions accommodated? I say bullshit.


Would be funny, though.

  • Love 6


Right Tabby.  Directly oppositional messages.  I was scratching my head, too, and going back to re-read.  So I guess the thing to do is to pretend neither article exists.

FWIW they both claim to be rehashes of the InTouch article, which isn't online yet (I looked). InTouch has had a pretty good Duggar track record...

  • Love 1

Plus, at one of these esteemed outlets (in the sewage world, where they belong, this is where the effluents emerge, right?) the "reporter" opines that what with the teevee show, the Duggar books and their blog, Jizm Bob must be approaching billionaire territory. So at least one of these "reporters" is not only an idiot but very very stoned. I'd bet on both "reporters" actually.


I'm sure JB and M are fighting. But where else would either of them go to get their particular dysfunctions accommodated? I say bullshit.


Would be funny, though.

I agree. These magazines write stories with assumptions of how people might react, how normal people would react though.

  • Love 2

I clicked on another story at the bottom of the linked celebdirtylaundry page, and that article said that Anna and her children lived in a closet at the house. If there weren't real people involved (mainly the children) I would love some of the Duggars to sleep in a wardrobe or small cupboard somewhere. Michelle and Jim Bob can share a small, uncleaned toilet cubicle. They don't really have to separate, as such, and destroy whatever part of Brand Duggar Josh didn't ruin. They can sleep in separate rooms, be grouchily unavailable ( pending) and argue in private, and as long as Michelle remembers to gaze at JB in a soppy and deferential way when they're out, nobody will be any the wiser.


The article says that Arkansas isn't a community property state and so JB would get everything. Does that mean that joint assets aren't split in a divorce, and so is it implying that the house and all their stuff is solely in JB's name?

  • Love 2

Pretty funny that one article says JB wants to distance from Josh and "apparently wants nothing to do with Josh and prefers to pretend the eldest Duggar son doesn’t exist." Whereas Michelle, "wants the family to forgive, forget and move on. If that means the money is gone, so be it – as long as Josh is welcomed back to the family with open arms?"


The second set of quotes says, "Jim Bob wants to welcome their son back “with open arms,” but she’s a little more hesitant—due to the fact that “some family members don’t want Josh around their children.”


Interesting that we've been hearing about the first scenario - JB is donezo with Joshy while Michelle goes all Mama Bear to protect the oldest issue of her loins - since January.


Also interesting, in a "Whaaaa?" line of things, one of Radar's sources on the esteemed couple apparently has himself in a spot of trouble: http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/jim-bob-michelle-duggar-friend-accused-assault-arkansas-city-councilemember-john-la-tour-defends-himself/

About the divorce talk, there's a lot of uninformed clickbait garbage that's put on the innernets, and the Duggars will be featured in some of it as long as they have any name recognition. I doubt they would divorce, and I don't care what their sleeping arrangements are. 


I can't be bothered to watch their latest show, and I would have wandered away from the discussions here, except that you're all so intelligent and witty that I just can't quit.


But. I do harbor a hope that as the new episodes are created, TLC will - perhaps in spite of itself - reveal more of the not-so-pretty reality of the Duggars' lives. The messy houses are a nice start. 


I'd actually watch an episode in which TLC cuts old footage of Boob and Mechelle pontificating on their "values" such as "modest dress" and "no dancing, no music with a backbeat" with Bin doing Christian rap and some of the daughters' much less frumpy (tighter, etc.) attire. 


I would love it if TLC has some old footage of Michelle yakking about how even tiny girls must be all covered up so they don't defraud men. And someone at TLC has the cojones to run it now.


I remember a scene at someone's wedding where a tiny Josie (aged 4?) was wearing a sleeveless or sun dress with a jacket over it, and as she ran around playing the jacket slipped off her shoulders. Michelle was *very* determined to pull that jacket up and hide those little shoulders! After the revelations about Josh's molestation of little girls about that age, that's a disturbing scene to me.

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