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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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ETA: I just had a gross thought about hey-hey-hey during her season of life. I hope she has someone to advise her about making things more comfortable if/as her body changes. I hope women in that cult don't think it's god's will for things to start hurting. If you catch my drift.

One can only imagine how attentive Jim Boob would be to that sort of thing. After all, it doesn't matter to him if she's in pain.


Imagine J-Chelle at the local pharmacy buying Astro-Glide, for instance. For a woman who can't show her knees on-camera, she's not tripping out to the drugstore to buy anything of the sort.

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Does she even have a gynecologist to prescribe her some lube so she doesn't have to go through the humiliation of hitting up the local CVS? Or will she, as some of you suggested, just lay back and think of tater total casserole? Then again, given the imagined state of things down there, pain may not be an issue for her post-menopause.

  • Love 3

Does she even have a gynecologist to prescribe her some lube so she doesn't have to go through the humiliation of hitting up the local CVS? Or will she, as some of you suggested, just lay back and think of tater total casserole? Then again, given the imagined state of things down there, pain may not be an issue for her post-menopause.

It is everything I have right now to not make a joke that my late mother would wash my mouth out with soap over.


One has to wonder if she sees an OB/GYN she's been with for a while, or if she's doctor-shopping to find someone who will assure her that she can still conceive #20.

  • Love 3

OMG. Remember THIS???




This was one of the first scenes taped for what was then 17Kids and Counting. Just lovely...

Just eww. Like I've stated before my kids have no desire to even think of how they were conceived. And in that echo chamber cavern that they call home in which no one ever leaves.  Do they sit all the kids down and say "Mommy and daddy will be needing a lot a private time in the next few days to make our next blessing."?


Just eww.

  • Love 5

All of those public "surprise" announcements on TV showing the big girls so absolutely thrilled and surprised! How can that surprise them when they are the ones putting stars on the fertile days? Knowing that thy will get the brunt of extra chores while mom and dad hey, hey, hey. Knowing yet ANOTHER little buddy will be added to the dorm for them to groom, bath, dress, discipline and play with? How can this "surprise" possibly make them giddy with happiness? Because that's how the older girls always reacted on TV.

I wonder what the girls really said amongst themselves while alone in the dorm room. Or did Michelle and JimBob listen in on the monitoring system???

  • Love 4

OMG. Remember THIS???


This was one of the first scenes taped for what was then 17Kids and Counting. Just lovely...

I can never, ever get over this. Why the HELL would this chart not be kept in the Insemination Chamber instead of on public display?? Seriously, no wonder Josh turned out a mess. I hate to think of what hangups the others could have.

For Jim Bob to be braying about hey-hey-hey and tracking when he needs to hit the target, while his kids and especially daughters look on, is SICK.

All of those public "surprise" announcements on TV showing the big girls so absolutely thrilled and surprised! How can that surprise them when they are the ones putting stars on the fertile days? Knowing that thy will get the brunt of extra chores while mom and dad hey, hey, hey. Knowing yet ANOTHER little buddy will be added to the dorm for them to groom, bath, dress, discipline and play with? How can this "surprise" possibly make them giddy with happiness? Because that's how the older girls always reacted on TV.

I wonder what the girls really said amongst themselves while alone in the dorm room. Or did Michelle and JimBob listen in on the monitoring system???

I honestly don't think these kids know how they really feel about anything. The girls may have been Keeping Sweet. I suspect that if they failed to jump up and down with excitement, they were chastised for questioning God's Will in sending a new blessing, and then Off to the Prayer Closet to contemplate the sin of independent thought.

  • Love 10

On the show, in the front "pretty" kitchen, (as Michelle refers to it, differentiated from the back, industrial kitchen), they always showcase a wonderful looking bistro coffee- maker.

That's why I've always questioned their continuous Starbucks runs.

"I have got to get out of this insane asylum for awhile - I am going to make a Starbucks run."

  • Love 10


I hope this link works! On Seewaldfamilyblog, JimBob is shown holding Spurgeon, sporting the beginnings of a beard!

Is that JimBob? He almost looks normal without helmet head and and aquaspray!

  • Love 3


I hope this link works! On Seewaldfamilyblog, JimBob is shown holding Spurgeon, sporting the beginnings of a beard!

Is that JimBob? He almost looks normal without helmet head and and aquaspray!

I'm uncomfortable with the way he's holding the baby.

I'm also uncomfortable with looking at his face for prolonged periods of time. (Or any period of time)

  • Love 5


I hope this link works! On Seewaldfamilyblog, JimBob is shown holding Spurgeon, sporting the beginnings of a beard!

Is that JimBob? He almost looks normal without helmet head and and aquaspray!


Now I see how much JB and Jill resemble each other. Aquanet JimBob looks so different.

  • Love 1

On a funny note, at Christmas dinner tonight my sister was telling me about her boss, who is a lot like DimBoob. He convinced his sons-in-law to give up their jobs in order to focus on their families. All the kids live in Daddy-purchased houses and routinely drop by the office to hand their bills to his accountant. My sister said his daughters' husbands went from being educated, successful executives to meek, schleppy losers who can't take a piss unless their FIL gives the okay. I was like, holy shit, it's the Duggars, albeit the upper-crusty New England version.

I said, doesn't your boss get tired of supporting all these people, and she said no, he loves the control. For example, if he wants to take a vacation, he expects everyone to drop what they're doing and join him, and the kids can't say no. Kind of like how Boob made Josh and heavily pregnant Anna join the Stink Bus tour. It's just funny how guys like my sister's boss and Boob probably seem so magnanimous to potential spouses, then after you're sucked in you realize you're totally, royally fucked, lol.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 11

On a funny note, at Christmas dinner tonight my sister was telling me about her boss, who is a lot like DimBoob. He convinced his sons-in-law to give up their jobs in order to focus on their families. All the kids live in Daddy-purchased houses and routinely drop by the office to hand their bills to his accountant. My sister said his daughters' husbands went from being educated, successful executives to meek, schleppy losers who can't take a piss unless their FIL gives the okay. I was like, holy shit, it's the Duggars, albeit the upper-crusty New England version.

I said, doesn't your boss get tired of supporting all these people, and she said no, he loves the control. For example, if he wants to take a vacation, he expects everyone to drop what they're doing and join him, and the kids can't say no. Kind of like how Boob made Josh and heavily pregnant Anna join the Stink Bus tour. It's just funny how guys like my sister's boss and Boob probably seem so magnanimous to potential spouses, then after you're sucked in you realize you're totally, royally fucked, lol.


This is why they should move the Duggs from reality tv into the horror genre.

  • Love 4


I hope this link works! On Seewaldfamilyblog, JimBob is shown holding Spurgeon, sporting the beginnings of a beard!Is that JimBob? He almost looks normal without helmet head and and aquaspray!

Once again, we are shown the two sides of the Duggars. They don't believe in the commercialization of Christmas & Santa, yet Spurgy is wearing a Santa hat.

  • Love 12

Just eww. Like I've stated before my kids have no desire to even think of how they were conceived. And in that echo chamber cavern that they call home in which no one ever leaves. Do they sit all the kids down and say "Mommy and daddy will be needing a lot a private time in the next few days to make our next blessing."?

Just eww.

Wtf? Eww no child should have to see a calendar of their parents cycle then thinking of them banging.

  • Love 7

I can't believe JimBob and Michelle are really serious about adopting, considering how much Gothard is against it.  Or at least, he used to be.


I wonder whether it isn't something like Jessa's allowing filming of her home birth, which I think was a bit out of character. At this point, all of the fame-whory, jobless-and-clamoring-for-cash Duggars and Duggarlings may be emphatically for whatever might provide enough drama and potential plot lines to goose an entire new teevee series. No matter how distasteful they might find those things otherwise (or how unlikely they are to actually do some of them once the series actually gets going).

  • Love 2

I hate to mention this, but since you brought it up, that Dim Jim 'golf stance' was probably the pregnancy position, since Mullet, with her characteristic sanctimony, instructed us to 'always be joyfully available, even when big pregnant.'

Oh my heavens. I haven't even had breakfast yet...

"Big pregnant" will always be hilarious. PS, I think Jinger pronounces it "pregnate" (in a Jessa-related talking head).

  • Love 3

I'm wondering if there's anyone in the entire state of Arkansas that might have objections to the Duggars' adopting a child. I'm also wondering if the backlash to a child living in the home of a confessed child molester (considering the fact that Jim Boob sold Joshley Madison and Anna's house right out from under them) might bring even more scrutiny from Arkansas' version of CPS.


Be careful what you wish for, Duggars.

  • Love 2

I think the general line of thinking is they'd do a private adoption. When that State Rep and his shady wife unloaded their three daughters, all they did was sign a custody transfer and the kids were no longer their responsibility. I can see some naive fifteen year-old thinking the Duggars are the awesomest, bestest family evah and signing over her baby, no questions asked.

  • Love 9

Today I learned a good way to look at whether something is a cult is if it follows the BITE model -

Behavior control

Information control

Thought control

Emotional control

Organizations that practice all 4 of these things are typically regarded as a cult. Looks like Boob and Mechelle can check that off..

  • Love 12

Jenny pretty much never looks happy in pictures, except sometimes when she's holding babies, and in a lot of them she looks extremely unhappy. I worry that they've got a genuine case of pediatric depression there. Poor child, my little namesake.

  • Love 6

I'm like Pavlov's dogs when i see that phrase and automatically purposed to find my most precious pic of JB that everyone loves so much. But I just couldn't. Wasn't sure my own tummy could take it tonight.

You're welcome.

And I'm old , because when I see, it I hear Dwayne from What's Happening!

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 5
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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