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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I don't remember if this is the same episode as the girls making pickles, but that and the Mini-Golf Humpage are the two segments (of the few I've watched) that stuck with me most. I simply could not believe he was doing that! The man is so bizarre. And Michelle has just given up on using her brain - did she donate it to science or something?

  • Love 9

I don't remember if this is the same episode as the girls making pickles, but that and the Mini-Golf Humpage are the two segments (of the few I've watched) that stuck with me most. I simply could not believe he was doing that! The man is so bizarre. And Michelle has just given up on using her brain - did she donate it to science or something?

No, she donated it to CREATION, you heathen.

  • Love 20

I think the difference would be lost on Da Boob. Remember, he thought it was just fine to dry hump his wife in public, and on teevee. While on a "double date" (or whatever it's called in their effed-up "courting" system) with his virginal never-been-kissed daughter and her courtee (courter?). In case you missed it, it's on YouTube and here's a snippet:


"We think it's important to show our kids that Mommy and Daddy love each other."

And these eejits blame "Satan!!!" for Josh's sexual issues.


I almost felt bad for Jessa here. I remember she nervously laughed and then looked away.

Jim Bob has a lot sexual issues he's passed down to his kids. He lacks boundaries and has no regard for the well being of his wife.

  • Love 16

WOW. I've never actually seen the footage, I've just enjoyed cackling at everyone's descriptions on the boards, here. Was he actually referencing sex there? Or was it just more Boob being the thickest moron on the planet? Either way: gross, but the latter would be way less head-explodingly foul than the former.

IIRC, and I rather wish I couldn't, as the stud positioned himself behind the broodmare, he asked, "Does this turn you on?" It was quite as cringe-worthy as legend has it.

  • Love 9

IIRC, and I rather wish I couldn't, as the stud positioned himself behind the broodmare, he asked, "Does this turn you on?" It was quite as cringe-worthy as legend has it.


Tells you something about these people that everyone within earshot didn't instantly scream "Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • Love 4

Wow, how did you manage to dodge THAT bullet for so long? Most of us have been in intensive therapy for a year trying to get the memory of that scene out of our heads:)

I'm going for a lobotomy and electro-shock therapy tomorrow to erase the image from my mind, the dr. Is not optimistic he can help me, nurse Ratchet will be my nurse.

  • Love 5

Wow, how did you manage to dodge THAT bullet for so long? Most of us have been in intensive therapy for a year trying to get the memory of that scene out of our heads:)

I spent Thanksgiving with my beautiful, talented niece who just happens to be a psychologist, and I often think I should ask her what she thinks of the Duggars, and also what the hell is wrong with me for being so drawn to the train wreck...


There's just so, so much wrong with the Putt-Putt golf video I don't know where I'd even start ! It's weird, but I know a few people who are waaaay out there with their sexuality - not promiscuous, per se - just open, willing to experiment, and not opposed to talking about their experiences to the right people under the right circumstances, but none of them - NONE - would ever, ever do something like that in public !!! They may very well have had a threesome the night before, but would never do something so tacky, tasteless, embarrassing, humiliating, and blatantly attention-seeking. 


It seems like JB never got over the fact that he's ACTUALLY having sex ! He's a perpetual boy, amazed that he gets to touch boobies, tee-hee, and wants everyone on the planet to know that they're "doing it" - THEY'RE DOING IT !!!


If I'd been Jessa and Ben I would have ripped my eyeballs out of my head right then and there. How on God's green earth can JB and Michelle NOT realize that they very nearly embarrassed them to death ?! The juxtaposition of "You can't even hold hands until you're engaged, and NO hugging !" with "But...you can watch your mother and me dry-humping to simulate sex. In public." is just mind-blowing !!! 


What, exactly, are they trying to prove ?

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 20

I spent Thanksgiving with my beautiful, talented niece who just happens to be a psychologist, and I often think I should ask her what she thinks of the Duggars, and also what the hell is wrong with me for being so drawn to the train wreck...


There's just so, so much wrong with the Putt-Putt golf video I don't know where I'd even start ! It's weird, but I know a few people who are waaaay out there with their sexuality - not promiscuous, per se - just open, willing to experiment, and not opposed to talking about their experiences to the right people under the right circumstances, but none of them - NONE - would ever, ever do something like that in public !!! They may very well have had a threesome the night before, but would never do something so tacky, tasteless, embarrassing, humiliating, and blatantly attention-seeking. 


It seems like JB never got over the fact that he's ACTUALLY having sex ! He's a perpetual boy, amazed that he gets to touch boobies, tee-hee, and wants everyone on the planet to know that they're "doing it" - THEY'RE DOING IT !!!


If I'd been Jessa and Ben I would have ripped my eyeballs out of my head right then and there. How on God's green earth can JB and Michelle NOT realize that they very nearly embarrassed them to death ?! The juxtaposition of "You can't even hold hands until you're engaged, and NO hugging !" with "But...you can watch your mother and me dry-humping to simulate sex. In public." is just mind-blowing !!! 


What, exactly, are they trying to prove ?

You answered you own question, Bolded,

  • Love 10

I hope I'm not. Can you imagine Josie as a big sister? Imagine the smug look on JBoob and JChelle's faces when they announce to their grown, married with children of their own kids that they're expecting their next precious blessing?

Oh, I can picture that smug look on their faces & wouldn't they just love to throw it in everyone's faces (not just their kids) that MEchelle was still able to get pregnant? Poor Josiah would have a coronary!

I'm with you, very hard to imagine Josie being a big sister. Does that mean she wouldn't be carried around anymore?

  • Love 2

Imagine the complete lack of self-esteem (or the sheer evil of someone taunting their own children) in a woman who will let her husband -- who allegedly "loves her" -- do something so physically and emotionally degrading to her not only in public, but in front of a TV camera.


And I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop re: Jim Boob. Anyone that obsessed with sex (and with zero self control) has something else going on. Please, InTouch, 20/20 or Vanity Fair -- do a little more digging.


100% agree. I can't get over the feeling that there is something in Boob's past. Something he doesn't want made public. Because It's ALWAYS those who protest the loudest against Whatever that end up being neck-high deep into it at some point. In Boob's case it could be anything, because just about everything fun and joyful about Life is against Gothardism. Gee, you don't think Boob once danced with someone, do you?? Shocking!!!

  • Love 7

100% agree. I can't get over the feeling that there is something in Boob's past. Something he doesn't want made public. Because It's ALWAYS those who protest the loudest against Whatever that end up being neck-high deep into it at some point. In Boob's case it could be anything, because just about everything fun and joyful about Life is against Gothardism. Gee, you don't think Boob once danced with someone, do you?? Shocking!!!


I was thinking about this post -- and I agree that there is something in JB's past. I've always thought that there was something in J'chelle's past that caused her to essentially break ties with her family at age 17 and take up with JB, but there must have been something odd in his past as well.


That also got me thinking about something I posted a while back -- I think that J'chelle might be the one to break away, and the one to write the tell-all:

1. She's about to turn 50, and her baby factory has stopped working. Her whole sense of self is being turned upside down

2. She doesn't (to me) seem that crazy about JB (IMO, she wasn't an active and willing participant in the putt-putt shenanigans). She has mentioned multiple times that he doesn't listen to her, gropes her all the time, has bad breath, etc.

3. She's just not that maternal. I think she genuinely loves a few of her kids but, for the most part, really doesn't enjoy parenting anyone over 6 months in age

4. Unlike her kids, she has some experience in the outside world. She went to school, she had friends, she worked. She may have actively run away from that as a young woman but, as she nears 50, she may want more in her life.

5. She has someplace to go. She has friends and family outside of the cult. While the show was running, it was absolutely in her best interest to keep popping out "blessings" and talking in that weird baby voice, but without the TLC paycheck she may decide that she can do just fine for herself selling real-estate (or her story).


Of course she may well just be dead inside -- that's the way it looks from the outside. I doubt that she was ever that smart to begin with and she hasn't actually had an original thought in at least 30 years -- brains to atrophy without use.

  • Love 12

100% agree. I can't get over the feeling that there is something in Boob's past. Something he doesn't want made public. Because It's ALWAYS those who protest the loudest against Whatever that end up being neck-high deep into it at some point. In Boob's case it could be anything, because just about everything fun and joyful about Life is against Gothardism. Gee, you don't think Boob once danced with someone, do you?? Shocking!!!

And besides the overt sexuality he almost knocked her over. Her short legs were dangling awkwardly. 

  • Love 3

100% agree. I can't get over the feeling that there is something in Boob's past. Something he doesn't want made public. Because It's ALWAYS those who protest the loudest against Whatever that end up being neck-high deep into it at some point. In Boob's case it could be anything, because just about everything fun and joyful about Life is against Gothardism. Gee, you don't think Boob once danced with someone, do you?? Shocking!!!

I've speculated since the first scandal broke and the original police report became available that Michelle was molested by her father. It may explain why she was desperate to get married at 17 to a loser like Jim Bob. Her father was also living in the same home when all of the molestation went on. I'm not too sure that Josh's behavior wasn't learned instead of exploratory (ugh). It may also reason that this is one more reason why they are so rabidly against same sex coupling.

All of the above is pure speculation revolving around the police report and subsequent behavior.

Edited by FakeJoshDuggar
  • Love 4

I've speculated since the first scandal broke and the original police report became available that Michelle was molested by her father. It may explain why she was desperate to get married at 17 to a loser like Jim Bob. Her father was also living in the same home when all of the molestation went on. I'm not too sure that Josh's behavior wasn't learned instead of exploratory (ugh). It may also reason that this is one more reason why they are so rabidly against same sex coupling.

All of the above is pure speculation revolving around the police report and subsequent behavior.


I have had the same feeling, but I wasn't sure if it was okay to post. She left home at 17 and married JB, and then her family just moved away. That's just so odd. She has almost no relationship with her family. And, I noticed that same thing about her father being in their life at the time of the molestation.


Exeryone's level of sexual disfunction is just so extreme: JB's endless public horniess J'chelle's obsession with pregnancy, and Josh's -- well everything. And this is what we know of so far. I think that there are a lot of sexual secrets behind all of this.

  • Love 13

I have had the same feeling, but I wasn't sure if it was okay to post. She left home at 17 and married JB, and then her family just moved away. That's just so odd. She has almost no relationship with her family. And, I noticed that same thing about her father being in their life at the time of the molestation.

Exeryone's level of sexual disfunction is just so extreme: JB's endless public horniess J'chelle's obsession with pregnancy, and Josh's -- well everything. And this is what we know of so far. I think that there are a lot of sexual secrets behind all of this.

Her family moved away because her dad had a job out of state. Hence, the quickie marriage to Jim Bob.

  • Love 1

I have had the same feeling, but I wasn't sure if it was okay to post. She left home at 17 and married JB, and then her family just moved away. That's just so odd. She has almost no relationship with her family. And, I noticed that same thing about her father being in their life at the time of the molestation.


Exeryone's level of sexual disfunction is just so extreme: JB's endless public horniess J'chelle's obsession with pregnancy, and Josh's -- well everything. And this is what we know of so far. I think that there are a lot of sexual secrets behind all of this.

This could explain why she was a bulimic she was trying to take control over the situation.

  • Love 5

Her family moved away because her dad had a job out of state. Hence, the quickie marriage to Jim Bob.


I can only view these things through the lens of my own experience -- and I think that my experience is very different from theirs, but . . .


If I had had the remarkably bad idea of marrying a doofus like JB when I was 17, it would have been a non-starter with my parents. I had a LOT of bad ideas when I was a teenager, and my parents gave me a lot of freedom to explore those bad ideas. Getting married to a guy with a hight school diploma and job at an ice cream parlor while they moved 1000 miles away would have been off of the table. I can hear things like "If you really love each other, you will still be in love in 6 months" or "We'll talk about it when you graduate from college."


It seems to me that she was desperate to get away, and they were willing to let her go. She was supposedly the spoiled youngest child, so they may have agreed because she always got what she wanted, but it seems more likely to me that they would have wanted to keep their spoiled youngest at home.


This is all very speculative, and the man isn't here to defend himself anymore, so I don't want to go too far down this road except to say that it wouldn't surprise me at all if something wasn't very off in both JB and J'chelle's family of origin.

  • Love 8

I was thinking about this post -- and I agree that there is something in JB's past. I've always thought that there was something in J'chelle's past that caused her to essentially break ties with her family at age 17 and take up with JB, but there must have been something odd in his past as well.


That also got me thinking about something I posted a while back -- I think that J'chelle might be the one to break away, and the one to write the tell-all:

1. She's about to turn 50, and her baby factory has stopped working. Her whole sense of self is being turned upside down

2. She doesn't (to me) seem that crazy about JB (IMO, she wasn't an active and willing participant in the putt-putt shenanigans). She has mentioned multiple times that he doesn't listen to her, gropes her all the time, has bad breath, etc.

3. She's just not that maternal. I think she genuinely loves a few of her kids but, for the most part, really doesn't enjoy parenting anyone over 6 months in age

4. Unlike her kids, she has some experience in the outside world. She went to school, she had friends, she worked. She may have actively run away from that as a young woman but, as she nears 50, she may want more in her life.

5. She has someplace to go. She has friends and family outside of the cult. While the show was running, it was absolutely in her best interest to keep popping out "blessings" and talking in that weird baby voice, but without the TLC paycheck she may decide that she can do just fine for herself selling real-estate (or her story).


Of course she may well just be dead inside -- that's the way it looks from the outside. I doubt that she was ever that smart to begin with and she hasn't actually had an original thought in at least 30 years -- brains to atrophy without use.


All interesting points to consider.  I especially agree that Me-chelle is really not that into Boob; never has been. I also think in the end your last paragraph will prove to be the most accurate.

  • Love 4

The Michelle/Boob pairing is rather interesting. I know it's common in the South to marry young, but you'd think a pretty, popular cheerleader would have held out for someone better than Boob.


I usually look for the most likely and common solution first, so I'm thinking... Could Me-chelle have become pregnant during last semester in high school? It's not difficult to imagine Boob becoming completely out-of-control some night while the two of them were locking up the yogurt shop. And hey, Me-chelle was a cheerleader!  Everyone knows they're easy - LOL. That would be the likeliest reason for everything being rushed and for all the parents to be in relative agreement when in reality, these 2 teenagers had no business getting married at their age, and in their financial position. Most parents would REQUIRE a baby to be on the way in order for OK a wedding in these circumstances. Then, several weeks or a month or so after their wedding, a miscarriage or accident or whatever? Would fundies who married because of a baby divorce if it turned out there wasn't going to be a baby?

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 11

I usually look for the most likely and common solution first, so I'm thinking... Could Me-chelle have become pregnant during last semester in high school? It's not difficult to imagine Boob becoming completely out-of-control some night while the two of them were locking up the yogurt shop. And hey, Me-chelle was a cheerleader!  Everyone knows they're easy - LOL. That would be the likeliest reason for everything being rushed and for all the parents to be in relative agreement when in reality, these 2 teenagers had no business getting married at their age, and in their financial position. Most parents would REQUIRE a baby to be on the way in order for OK a wedding in these circumstances. Then, several weeks or a month or so after their wedding, a miscarriage or accident or whatever? Would fundies who married because of a baby divorce if it turned out there wasn't going to be a baby?

Well, if I had married Boob in a shotgun wedding and lived the next 30+ years with his lascivious sex obsession, having 19 children and having to be joyful all the while, I'd be switched off, too. If that's the case, she may not even have liked him. (Does she like him now?)

  • Love 8

Well, if I had married Boob in a shotgun wedding and lived the next 30+ years with his lascivious sex obsession, having 19 children and having to be joyful all the while, I'd be switched off, too. If that's the case, she may not even have liked him. (Does she like him now?)


Good question. All we can say for sure is that she certainly tows the Gothard company line. She's says everything she's supposed to - in public at least - and her gazes of rapt adoration cannot be topped. But whether she actually likes him, who knows? Hard to tell. He doesn't do much to help himself, IMO. He reminds me physically of both President Carter's goofy brother Billy, and Howdy Doody as well. I'm a massive SNL fan. Have watched it for - gulp - 40 bloody years, ever since the first episode in the Fall of my sophomore year in college. No kidding, isn't that nuts? It's been on TV for 40 years! Anyway for the last several years I've been praying they would parody the Duggars. Unfortunately when the molestation scandal broke the season had ended for SNL, so we missed that opportunity. But I feel positive that if and when SNL ever does parody 19 Kids, Boob will be portrayed as a very horny Howdy Doody.

  • Love 5

I usually look for the most likely and common solution first, so I'm thinking... Could Me-chelle have become pregnant during last semester in high school? It's not difficult to imagine Boob becoming completely out-of-control some night while the two of them were locking up the yogurt shop. And hey, Me-chelle was a cheerleader!  Everyone knows they're easy - LOL. That would be the likeliest reason for everything being rushed and for all the parents to be in relative agreement when in reality, these 2 teenagers had no business getting married at their age, and in their financial position. Most parents would REQUIRE a baby to be on the way in order for OK a wedding in these circumstances. Then, several weeks or a month or so after their wedding, a miscarriage or accident or whatever? Would fundies who married because of a baby divorce if it turned out there wasn't going to be a baby?

No way to know, but I'd tend to doubt it. They love to talk about how glad they are that they waited. Gag. Yes, of course they could be lying, but for all their faults, I don't think they would do that in this instance. Quite a few fundie couples actually do make it to the altar virgins. Not nearly as many these days, but I have known some. But Boob didn't want to wait long, hence their very young ages! 


I also can't picture Boob having affairs, for all his faults. For him, sex whenever he wants it is enough, I think. And they thought it would be enough to keep Joshie in line too, but it wasn't. It's because he has a real problem that goes far beyond horniness, which I think is all that Boob has going on, in his eternal simplicity. Hey, good news for him is that menopause is likely in progress and doesn't that mean that they don't have to take a week off anymore for J'Chelle's period? YUCK, why am I thinking about this.

  • Love 6

I have had the same feeling, but I wasn't sure if it was okay to post. She left home at 17 and married JB, and then her family just moved away. That's just so odd. She has almost no relationship with her family. And, I noticed that same thing about her father being in their life at the time of the molestation.


Exeryone's level of sexual disfunction is just so extreme: JB's endless public horniess J'chelle's obsession with pregnancy, and Josh's -- well everything. And this is what we know of so far. I think that there are a lot of sexual secrets behind all of this.

I missed how her father was in their lives when the molestation happened. Did he move back from Ohio? 

  • Love 1

I missed how her father was in their lives when the molestation happened. Did he move back from Ohio? 

Must have. I don't remember this either, but I do remember something about Boob's mom buying one of the Duggar houses -- maybe the mold house -- from Michelle's dad somewhere in the latter stages of the molestations unfolding and people speculating that the price was too high or too low or something and that the purchase may have been made to have a place to put Josh or something like that? Anyway, I do remember (well, sort of remember) something like that being discussed. Have no idea how or when Michelle's dad got that house.... but I was thinking that maybe he moved back there after MIchelle's mom died or something? (And thus concludes my remarkably unhelpful post!)

  • Love 4

Must have. I don't remember this either, but I do remember something about Boob's mom buying one of the Duggar houses -- maybe the mold house -- from Michelle's dad somewhere in the latter stages of the molestations unfolding and people speculating that the price was too high or too low or something and that the purchase may have been made to have a place to put Josh or something like that? Anyway, I do remember (well, sort of remember) something like that being discussed. Have no idea how or when Michelle's dad got that house.... but I was thinking that maybe he moved back there after MIchelle's mom died or something? (And thus concludes my remarkably unhelpful post!)

There has never been any explanation as to why Michelle's father was living with them, other than the fact that the girls admitted it in the police report. It also puts light on another fact that all of those people were crammed into such a small space.

Mary had a long history of buying houses well under market value. But she purchased the mold house (which backs up to an interstate, for example, among a long list of undesirable real estate no-no's) from Garrett for almost $100,000. The house was also purchased in the time frame that Josh sued the Arkansas DHS and presumably lost, meaning that he would not be allowed to live in the same residence with his victims. So boom, the lawsuit does not go to Josh's favor which means he can't live in the TTH any longer. Gothard precepts state that no "child" should leave their father's umbrella of protection except under contract of marriage. The Duggars had a big problem if they just let Josh move out. It would go against the brand they were developing and it would raise questions (and the Duggars don't like questions.) Their only choice was to gift him a "career", a house, and a wife to wrap it all up in a pretty package.

  • Love 14

Ah, so it was in the police report that Michelle's dad was living with them at the time of the molestation. And perhaps that was shortly after her mother died. Well, he scooted out of Dodge pretty quickly after that it seems.

Michelle's mother died in the early 90s.


  • Love 2

My theory - J-Chelle, 17 years old, marries JB.  From what we've seen of JB he is extremely controlling.  When I watched some old episodes of 14 kids and counting he didn't look at J'Chelle like he adored he her he looked more like he was watching everything she said very intently.  JB kept 14 kids in 2 bedrooms, had J'Chelle and all of the girls wearing prairie dresses (sure J'Chelle could have been behind it - but JB definitely wanted that as well).  Before the TLC show they had 14 kids already and we really don't know the relationship between  JB & J'Chelle.

  • Love 6

I don't remember seeing anything in the police foi release about a grandfather or a Garrett. Considering how overcrowded the house was, I don't think he would've chosen to live there.

Plus had he ever done anything to Josh, there's no way the family wouldn't have trotted that out for sympathy after the Josh molestation scandal .

  • Love 2

Please do not speculate about Michelle's father molesting Josh or one of the other Duggar children. We have absolutely no proof this happened. All of you have been warn in the past not to do so. Posts in the future speculating possible molestation by Michelle's father will be hidden or deleted and warnings may be given out. Thank you.

My theory - J-Chelle, 17 years old, marries JB.  From what we've seen of JB he is extremely controlling.  When I watched some old episodes of 14 kids and counting he didn't look at J'Chelle like he adored he her he looked more like he was watching everything she said very intently. 


And sometimes there are experiential reasons for people being the control freak or the person drawn to the control freak, and sometimes people are just born that way.


In my family, the head control freak is the only one out of a large group of siblings with this nature and, from family stories, had it from childhood, allowing it to be honed and perfected in the family of origin, who were as gobsmacked by it as successive generations -- and as incapable of successfully countering it.


Meanwhile, the person who married the head control freak and ended up largely aiding and abetting the brainwashing, controlling evil as an accessory was completely suckered by the control freak from the beginning of the relationship, continued to be suckered forever, and suffered physical and psychological damage from the relationship that would have prompted most reasonable people to run for the hills. (and this person was otherwise reasonable) However, according to anything we have been able to uncover, the person in thrall never had any prior experience of being in thrall to such a person, had no massive crazy control freaks in the family of origin and never experienced any damage in early life that might have accounted for the strong attraction. Now, of course, there may be some hidden thing that nobody's uncovered that was the triggering awful pre-control-freak event. But there's been a lot of digging done and nothing has ever been uncovered.


Some people just have outlier natures. And unfortunately all too often pairs of these people find each other, I think. When you have a really really strong outlier trait, I think that a radar for the people who will fit to that trait in a sick way is often part of the package.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 1

Is it different with John David? It seems like he lives elsewhere but he is well below the radar and there don't seem any issues with him similar to Josh's

I assume that since John David has a profitable business he can tell Jim Bob to f*ck off. I can't imagine that a grown man approaching 30 would want to live in a room with a bunch of school age kids. I further speculate that Joseph was living with him as an "accountability buddy" until he got shipped off to ALERT indoctrination camp. Since JD and Joseph can claim that the towing business can keep them out late, it would behoove them not to wake up an entire house when duty calls. Also, JD and Joseph aren't central plot characters in the 19K&C franchise, it can be done quietly and with little notice.

  • Love 7

I assume that since John David has a profitable business he can tell Jim Bob to f*ck off. I can't imagine that a grown man approaching 30 would want to live in a room with a bunch of school age kids. I further speculate that Joseph was living with him as an "accountability buddy" until he got shipped off to ALERT indoctrination camp. Since JD and Joseph can claim that the towing business can keep them out late, it would behoove them not to wake up an entire house when duty calls. Also, JD and Joseph aren't central plot characters in the 19K&C franchise, it can be done quietly and with little notice.

How strange it is that we here have all of these theories as to how and why JD and Joseph finally escaped Gulag JimBob ! If it was ANYONE else on the face of the planet finally leaving home in their mid-20s we'd all be saying "Yeah, so ? Big deal. S'about time."


JB and Michelle have created their own little mini-cult within the boundaries of the greater Gothard cult, and they're just making this shit up as they go along ! No one gets to leave until they're married ! No jobs ! No independence ! 


Except JB and Joseph, apparently, though I have no idea how they pulled THAT off, but your scenario, FakeJoshDuggar, is a great explanation. I can only imagine the hair-pulling and tears that occurred when JB moved out and finally left behind living in a land of Legos and Underoos. 


The thing is, I can't think of a single example from either real life or fiction, where children and parents, or all siblings, just living all together forever and ever didn't end badly, tragically, or perhaps just creepily...


When a news story starts out with "Two elderly sisters living in a suburb of Cleveland..." or "A mother and son from just outside Houston..." you just KNOW it's not gonna be good ! 


Maybe it's just me, but past a certain point (barring the need to live together) when siblings live together or with parent(s) I just get uncomfortable. Maybe it's the psychological trauma I experienced from watching Psycho, but all those adults living, ostensibly until they get married or die, in the Tinker Toy Castle gives me the willies. The SUPER willies. 

  • Love 10
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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