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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I was just reading today the actual robo call transcript and honest to God she said it would be traumatizing ( exact word) for girls to share changing space with a man. Ok I'm not going to get into how utterly ignorant she is about transgender issues....but how would that be traumatizing but being molested by your older brother is no big deal? I also read that the Dillard's have a phone number on their family page for donors to call if they want their money refunded. Hmmm

ETA yep I just popped over there and under the donor section this is a number to call with questions or refunds.


I wonder how much of the social media redactions and refund offers are driven by TLC? Because it would just be ironic as hell if the impact of the specials was to take down their grift operation when it's looking increasingly as if the specials are going to be a one-time thing.

  • Love 10

JB and Michelle just creep me out in general, and IMO they have this creepily possessive attitude about all their kids regardless of age or marital status, and probably that extends to the grandkids too.



This is what sick, power-mad, control-freak families do. As someone who grew up in such a family, though, to me there's something creepier. In real life, when you tell other people about the control-freaky things that happened in your home, almost noone believes you. What happens in this kind of family is so out of the ordinary and unnatural that most people don;'t even believe it exists. I expect that even now the three people who have married into the Duggars don't realize how sick it is, for just this reason. Even Anna, who comes from a similar family, obviously comes from a family that exerts quite a bit less control or else she wouldn't have so many siblings who've simply walked away, so I expect that even she doesn't know the extent of the crazy mind control and what drives it in this horrible household.


I suppose this explains how the Duggars could evade audience suspicion for so long. They hide their evil warpedness behind religion, and because their evil warpedness is so out of the ordinary, most people don't recognize it when it's right in front of their eyes but accept the "it's religious faith" excuse. So not only are they warped, but they're so warped that they can stand around in plain sight and not be recognized for what they are.


EMLTA: On Duggar kids -- the worst thing is that, when these things have been done to someone constantly from birth onwards, then those things are that person's normal . "Normal" to most people seems just as extraordinary to me -- and, I'll bet, the Duggarlings -- as the Duggars' doings seem to most other people. ... It's really really hard to root out a vision of "normal" and "not normal" that's been wiring your brain from birth.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 14

This is what sick, power-mad, control-freak families do. As someone who grew up in such a family, though, to me there's something creepier. In real life, when you tell other people about the control-freaky things that happened in your home, almost noone believes you. What happens in this kind of family is so out of the ordinary and unnatural that most people don;'t even believe it exists. 


Hell, the people involved don't believe it exists. I have family on both sides who would be genuinely shocked at the idea that there was an elephant in the living room while they were busy hanging glass balls on the tusks for christmas.

  • Love 11

The first time I ever read Michelle's "advice" about being there for your man, I gagged.


This time it just pisses me off.  Really?  "You are the only one who can be there for your husband in that special way".  Instead of telling this to your daughters, maybe you should have made sure that Josh got the memo!!


Anna, honey, take those little M's and run like hell.


Michelle, STFU.

  • Love 13

This is what sick, power-mad, control-freak families do. As someone who grew up in such a family, though, to me there's something creepier. In real life, when you tell other people about the control-freaky things that happened in your home, almost noone believes you. What happens in this kind of family is so out of the ordinary and unnatural that most people don;'t even believe it exists. I expect that even now the three people who have married into the Duggars don't realize how sick it is, for just this reason. Even Anna, who comes from a similar family, obviously comes from a family that exerts quite a bit less control or else she wouldn't have so many siblings who've simply walked away, so I expect that even she doesn't know the extent of the crazy mind control and what drives it in this horrible household.


I suppose this explains how the Duggars could evade audience suspicion for so long. They hide their evil warpedness behind religion, and because their evil warpedness is so out of the ordinary, most people don't recognize it when it's right in front of their eyes but accept the "it's religious faith" excuse. So not only are they warped, but they're so warped that they can stand around in plain sight and not be recognized for what they are.


EMLTA: On Duggar kids -- the worst thing is that, when these things have been done to someone constantly from birth onwards, then those things are that person's normal . "Normal" to most people seems just as extraordinary to me -- and, I'll bet, the Duggarlings -- as the Duggars' doings seem to most other people. ... It's really really hard to root out a vision of "normal" and "not normal" that's been wiring your brain from birth.


I think that this is why they rushed Derick through courtship and directly into marriage before he knew what hit him. Then Jill got knocked up ASAP just like a good girl and Derick was good and hooked. From what we've seen of him since, this may not have been necessary, but why take the chance?

  • Love 6

I think that this is why they rushed Derick through courtship and directly into marriage before he knew what hit him. Then Jill got knocked up ASAP just like a good girl and Derick was good and hooked. From what we've seen of him since, this may not have been necessary, but why take the chance?


Yeah, I'll bet you're quite right about that. For all they talk about "asking the tough questions" I doubt they want any tough questions asked of them. They'll do the asking, thank you. And when you've finished answering, we'll move this train right along. ... And most young men deprived of any physical contact will be thrilled to have the wedding soon. And so will the girls in their circles, both for the physical contact and because the only worth they get is after they're actually married.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

Yeah, I'll bet you're quite right about that. For all they talk about "asking the tough questions" I doubt they want any tough questions asked of them. They'll do the asking, thank you. And when you've finished answering, we'll move this train right along. ... And most young men deprived of any physical contact will be thrilled to have the wedding soon. And so will the girls in their circles, both for the physical contact and because the only worth they get is after they're actually married.

They are so ass backwards. My daughter has been dating a guy for a little over a year. We met him a few times during the last year or so at holidays and other events. She recently moved back home, and we are now just really getting to know him. I've asked general questions, about his family, interests, etc, and I pretend they don't know what sex is.


Maybe it's time to get out the pre-marriage book and ask him about debt, birth control and political & religious slants. Hope it's not too late.

  • Love 6

This is what sick, power-mad, control-freak families do. As someone who grew up in such a family, though, to me there's something creepier. In real life, when you tell other people about the control-freaky things that happened in your home, almost noone believes you. What happens in this kind of family is so out of the ordinary and unnatural that most people don;'t even believe it exists. I expect that even now the three people who have married into the Duggars don't realize how sick it is, for just this reason. Even Anna, who comes from a similar family, obviously comes from a family that exerts quite a bit less control or else she wouldn't have so many siblings who've simply walked away, so I expect that even she doesn't know the extent of the crazy mind control and what drives it in this horrible household.


Yes. I was raised by a power-mad control freak and an enabler who I think meant well. It wasn't a cult, or it was just her very own extremely exclusive cult, but this is exactly how it is. It's literally beyond belief. You try to explain, and people just shake their heads. People who have met my mother absolutely don't believe me -- "She seems so nice!" Grr.

I was lucky in not being particularly isolated; I babysat a lot and saw other families being very different and so I was able to see from an early age (around twelve) that something was Not Right. And even so, it's taken decades for me to really grasp how horrible, and how totally abnormal, some of this shit was. DH said, "I just don't understand why all these things that happened so long ago still have so much power to hurt you in the present." Because I'm literally just now grasping how wrong it was, and so I'm furious that I was put through this shit!

So, a lot of this maybe belongs in the Prayer Closet, but I did have a point about the Duggars. When you're abused as a child you can spend a lifetime processing it, and you may see things differently at different times in your adulthood. I think there will be a lot of variation among the kids in how they eventually come to understand their childhood, and even for each individual child it may change, and change again, over time. It would make a fascinating research project. Gathering information and tracking early outcomes alone could be a doctoral dissertation; the longitudinal follow-up studies could occupy someone's entire career. I find myself hoping they stay somewhat in the public eye just so we can see how things develop. I don't know what that says about me.

  • Love 21

I'm sorry anyone had to go through such a horrible childhood. Heck, I'm even sorry for Josh, although he makes it really, really difficult.


No matter how much I wish the world had never heard of them and their perverted beliefs, I'm curious what the kids will be like as adults. Although the negative example of Josh will probably scare a few of them further into the fold, I think as time goes on and they get further away from the glory days of fame and fortune, the kids are going to be way less inclined to buy into their parents' extreme beliefs.


But the one I am most curious about is Anna. At some point she's got to realize that the Duggars sacrificed her life and happiness in the interest of covering up Josh's problems for their wholesome image (and their TV show). How will she feel about her marriage then? Or is she not willing or able to go there?

Edited by Anne Elk
  • Love 7
But the one I am most curious about is Anna. At some point she's got to realize that the Duggars sacrificed her life and happiness in the interest of covering up Josh's problems for their wholesome image (and their TV show). How will she feel about her marriage then? Or is she not willing or able to go there?

Not able. I don't think any of these people have the mental capacity to draw such conclusions. They are well and truly brainwashed.

  • Love 7

Yes. It's very creepy. Their big thing is, "We have their hearts." I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. That they force their children to confide to them every single private thought they've ever had, I guess.

I get the feeling that, as a mother, I'm meant to feel rebuked by that kind of statement. And yet, I don't.

My mother, very Irish Catholic, always encouraged me to tell her everything. Strongly.

It turned me into a gifted liar at a young age. Not because my childhood thoughts were so awful, but because they were MINE.

  • Love 17

Yes. I was raised by a power-mad control freak and an enabler who I think meant well. It wasn't a cult, or it was just her very own extremely exclusive cult, but this is exactly how it is. It's literally beyond belief. You try to explain, and people just shake their heads. People who have met my mother absolutely don't believe me -- "She seems so nice!" Grr.

I was lucky in not being particularly isolated; I babysat a lot and saw other families being very different and so I was able to see from an early age (around twelve) that something was Not Right. And even so, it's taken decades for me to really grasp how horrible, and how totally abnormal, some of this shit was. DH said, "I just don't understand why all these things that happened so long ago still have so much power to hurt you in the present." Because I'm literally just now grasping how wrong it was, and so I'm furious that I was put through this shit!

So, a lot of this maybe belongs in the Prayer Closet, but I did have a point about the Duggars. When you're abused as a child you can spend a lifetime processing it, and you may see things differently at different times in your adulthood. I think there will be a lot of variation among the kids in how they eventually come to understand their childhood, and even for each individual child it may change, and change again, over time. It would make a fascinating research project. Gathering information and tracking early outcomes alone could be a doctoral dissertation; the longitudinal follow-up studies could occupy someone's entire career. I find myself hoping they stay somewhat in the public eye just so we can see how things develop. I don't know what that says about me.


That's it, all right. I don't think wanting to watch the Duggs develop says anything about you other than that you want to try to understand situations like this!


I must say that I actually wonder how many of the older Duggars will ever even notice what was going on here. In my family, there are people who never noticed anything until I've told them and every time I go away they promptly forget -- i.e., deny. .... Change and analysis are a lot harder for some people than for others, I guess.  I get a vibe from the older Duggar girls, especially, that reminds me of these people. I can see some pretty stunted, blind lives being led by these guys.


But, if you're truly not consciously bothered by something, I suppose it could be perfectly okay if you never try to fight it. That looks sad from the outside, but I wonder whether people of some natures won't just be more comfortable in life accepting things rather than separating or trying to fight it .... At the very least, DHs won't be saying -- "Why does this bother you so much now, after all this time?" ... They may find their beloveds a little nuts in other ways, though.

  • Love 4


But the one I am most curious about is Anna. At some point she's got to realize that the Duggars sacrificed her life and happiness in the interest of covering up Josh's problems for their wholesome image (and their TV show). How will she feel about her marriage then? Or is she not willing or able to go there?

She may likely never realize that without therapy or outside influence.  In her mind and upbringing, the Duggars are good people.  They are Christians.  Good, Christian people don't take advantage of other people that way is how she'd probably respond the first time the idea is presented.  With that kind of outlook, she won't even pose the question to herself.  She may find it in herself to blame Josh though 

  • Love 6

I'm trying to figure out if this is a veiled dig at Anna.  From the top story right now on People.com (http://www.people.com/article/michelle-duggar-sex-advice-newlywed-women):

Michelle Duggar Writes New Blog Post Encouraging Women to Be 'Joyfully Available' to Have Sex with Husbands ... Even While Pregnant

Michelle Duggar has some clear advice for newlywed women: "be available" to your husband.


The Duggar family matriarch, 49, took to the family website on Thursday to share her three pieces of marriage advice, and her first suggestion was all about catering to what she calls a man's "special need."


The guidance was first given to Michelle several years ago from a "dear friend" friend of hers, and the 19 Kids and Counting mother said it's "been the best advice" that she has ever received in regard to her relationship with her husband Jim Bob Duggar, 50.


"She told me: 'Michelle, I know you're so excited. You're a bride-to-be, but some day you'll be at this point. … You've got to remember this,' " Michelle wrote. " 'Anyone can iron Jim Bob's shirt, anybody can make lunch for him. He can get his lunch somewhere else. But you are the only one who can meet that special need that he has in his life for intimacy. You're it. You're the only one.' "


" 'So don't forget that, that he needs you,' " she added. " 'So when you are exhausted at the end of the day, maybe from dealing with little ones, and you fall into bed so exhausted at night, don’t forget about him because you and he are the only ones who can have that time together. No one else in the world can meet that need.' "


Michelle went on to recap her friend's advice, which is to "be available, and not just available, but be joyfully available for him. Smile and be willing to say, 'Yes, sweetie I am here for you,' no matter what, even though you may be exhausted and big pregnant and you may not feel like he feels. 'I'm still here for you and I’m going to meet that need because I know it’s a need for you.' "


According to Michelle, Jim Bob, in turn, lays down "his life in any way."


"He will sit there and listen to everything I need to tell him because he knows that I'm there for him, too. I’m meeting his needs, he's meeting my needs," Michelle wrote. "We're willing to be there for each other. And each one of us has different needs in a marriage relationship and that's what's so precious."


Michelle also advised newlyweds to talk about disagreements in private, as well as to get "marriage advice when you need it."


Michelle's post comes at a difficult time for the family: her eldest child Josh Duggar, 27, is currently seeking treatment in a faith-based rehab center after admitting in August to having a pornography addiction and being unfaithful to his wife Anna, 27.


Josh also found himself at the center of a molestation scandal that broke in May, revealing that as a teen, he had molested five underage girls, including two of his sisters: Jill (Duggar) Dillard and Jessa (Duggar) Seewald.


I do love the quote, "No one else in the world can meet that need." Because Josh has clearly proven that he feels otherwise with his A.M.-related pursuits.

Right? I mean how many politicians and Evangelists have been caught with their pants down around their ankles and Michelle thinks a spouse is the only one who can provide sex?

  • Love 13

Right? I mean how many politicians and Evangelists have been caught with their pants down around their ankles and Michelle thinks a spouse is the only one who can provide sex?

Michelle thinks that no one else in the world should provide that need. There's a difference, and she's correct. No one should meet your sexual needs except your spouse. 

  • Love 2

J-Chelle seems unable to realize that she has revealed more about her own marriage than her pointed and nasty observation about her daughter-in-law's and what she thinks Anna did wrong.


Keep talking, J-Chelle. You have no business giving marital "advice" to ANYONE.

Michelle thinks that no one else in the world should provide that need. There's a difference, and she's correct. No one should meet your sexual needs except your spouse. 

I submit that Michelle Duggar's spouse has NEVER met her sexual needs in 30 years of marriage, and he never will.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 17

Michelle thinks that no one else in the world should provide that need. There's a difference, and she's correct. No one should meet your sexual needs except your spouse. 

There is a difference -- unfortunately, that's not what she said.  Throughout her entire post, she uses "can" instead of "should."


I wouldn't be surprised if she later edits it -- they seem to have a history of posting first, then proofing/reading second.

  • Love 13

The first time I ever read Michelle's "advice" about being there for your man, I gagged.


This time it just pisses me off.  Really?  "You are the only one who can be there for your husband in that special way".  Instead of telling this to your daughters, maybe you should have made sure that Josh got the memo!!


Anna, honey, take those little M's and run like hell.


Michelle, STFU.


Have we ever heard JB giving marital advice to the boys about meeting their wives' needs (and I'm not talking, "Just listen when she wants to talk".)??

  • Love 6

Have we ever heard JB giving marital advice to the boys about meeting their wives' needs (and I'm not talking, "Just listen when she wants to talk".)??

He showed his daughter and future son-in-law how to dry hump his wife of 30 years on a public mini golf course. That must count as "marital advice" in his opinion.


One can only imagine how enjoyable an evening with one of the Duggar sons must be.

  • Love 8

There is a difference -- unfortunately, that's not what she said.  Throughout her entire post, she uses "can" instead of "should."


I wouldn't be surprised if she later edits it -- they seem to have a history of posting first, then proofing/reading second.


This is a repost from months ago, though. So I don't think she's paying that much attention at this point. It'd be actual work to go through and change words. 

Edited by Churchhoney

The comments really aren't kind on the People site.  I guess this goes to show how little J'Chelle and Boob know about public relations.  You don't need to have a diploma to realise that they are in the sh*tbooks right now and that if they want their show back, they should be looking for good publicity.  Then they go and repost a badly written article about how a woman should submit her body to the needs of her husband.  Like Mrs Kisses said, there are so many things they could post yet they go with a blog post that is ridiculously out of touch.  

It is sad that while most of us have moved forward, the Duggars and co are still of the opinion that it is completely fine for a husband to demand to have sex with his wife and that she must submit.  "Listening" to problems does not make up for ignoring your wife's legitimate feelings and choice to say no.  

  • Love 9

Yes. I was raised by a power-mad control freak and an enabler who I think meant well. It wasn't a cult, or it was just her very own extremely exclusive cult, but this is exactly how it is. It's literally beyond belief. You try to explain, and people just shake their heads. People who have met my mother absolutely don't believe me -- "She seems so nice!" Grr.

I was lucky in not being particularly isolated; I babysat a lot and saw other families being very different and so I was able to see from an early age (around twelve) that something was Not Right. And even so, it's taken decades for me to really grasp how horrible, and how totally abnormal, some of this shit was. DH said, "I just don't understand why all these things that happened so long ago still have so much power to hurt you in the present." Because I'm literally just now grasping how wrong it was, and so I'm furious that I was put through this shit!

So, a lot of this maybe belongs in the Prayer Closet, but I did have a point about the Duggars. When you're abused as a child you can spend a lifetime processing it, and you may see things differently at different times in your adulthood. I think there will be a lot of variation among the kids in how they eventually come to understand their childhood, and even for each individual child it may change, and change again, over time. It would make a fascinating research project. Gathering information and tracking early outcomes alone could be a doctoral dissertation; the longitudinal follow-up studies could occupy someone's entire career. I find myself hoping they stay somewhat in the public eye just so we can see how things develop. I don't know what that says about me.

Please do take this to the closet as I would love to discuss this. Working through some stuff myself right now.
  • Love 3
Memo to Mullet: Just because Dim Jim is quiet when you speak to him, doesn't necessarily mean he's actually listening. Or caring what you're blathering on about.

Good Lord. Of all the possible subjects in the Whole Wide World, why does MEchelle decide to address teh sex on her blog, right now?

It's such a tell, no?

Because another woman - with 19 kids and 5 grandkids and a busy businessman husband - could have found any number of things to write about, that have nothing to do with a married couple bumping their uglies. A few of the Duggar boys have made some videos for YouTube. The grandkids are young and no doubt going through fun stages of growth, and doing/saying cute things. Some of her kids have been attending U of Arkansas football games. One son has his pilot's license and flies the family plane. And so on. Nothing earthshaking, but a normal person in the midst of a busy family can always find something to talk about - and thus to write about in a short blog post. Things like "Mack and her little brother have been building the cutest play fort this week, and they invited me in to see it." "Jxxx and Jxxx [boys] have been making the funniest videos and putting them on YouTube. They asked me to help them out by [insert her involvement and observations.]" "Jill, Derick, and some of the kids got dressed up as pirates this morning, and brought home lots of free donuts!"

You know, the little stories of normal - or abnormal - family life that are somewhat funny, or cute, or touching. That are nice short blog posts on their own - or as a vehicle for a writer to make a point about her faith and beliefs. Without violating anyone's privacy. And I'm sure she could use all of those subjects to lecture her readers on her beliefs and why she's right and everybody else is wrong, and Jesus, and all.

But no, MEchelle can only manage to recycle an old post about how a wife's role is to put out on demand to her husband, no matter how exhausted or big pregnant she may be.

Of all the subjects under the sun . . . she has to go there. Eeeww.

And they wonder why their eldest displays interpersonal and sexual dysfunction.

The Duggars can't write about anything fun and trivial, because they are convinced beyond all reason that their only job is to teach all of us sinners how to get to heaven. They are totally blind to the fact that they are hypocritical, egotistical, uneducated dimwits who are really living under Gothard's commandments, not God's. These folks are going to have a rude awakening come Judgement Day.

Nor does he CARE. It's Always All About Jim Bob. Mullet picked a real winner there.

It may be all about JB IN the bedroom, but I'd say it's a whole lot about Mullet OUTside of it.

  • Love 1

Just read the People article. That's nothing more than a blatant dig at Anna. Mullet, you are a cold-hearted bitch. Fuck you.

If the blame for Josh's infedility lies with Anna, then where should we start pointing fingers for Josh's molestation of five underage girls? I'm guessing Michelle has no passive-aggressive spiel for that one...

  • Love 10

The comments really aren't kind on the People site.  I guess this goes to show how little J'Chelle and Boob know about public relations.  


The comments on their own FB page are brutal! 


If the Duggars intend to stay in the public eye, they desperately need to hire a PR firm to manage their online presence, because they have zero common sense and their tactlessness will eventually alienate everyone, including the hardcore leghumpers. 


Michelle. Jim Bob. Your son just admitted to being a serial molester/adulterer. You have forfeited your right to give advice about sex. 

Have we discussed the L&O:SVU episode based on the Duggars? Airing 11/4. Point me to the right board, please, if it is already discussed.


TLC/Media board. The actress slated to play Michelle is much too pretty. 

For people who claim to have such happy sex lives, they sure wonder what's going on in everyone else's. I wonder why?


Well, it only takes a minute or two, so they've got some time to kill. 

I know I am going to sound like a broken record, but why are these people, all the members of this clan, still speaking publicly?  On any topic?  Isn't what has happened embarrassing enough that y'all should slither away and go into hiding.  Forget the spotlight.  It is not for you.


I just don't get it.  

  • Love 17

If the Duggars intend to stay in the public eye, they desperately need to hire a PR firm to manage their online presence, because they have zero common sense and their tactlessness will eventually alienate everyone, including the hardcore leghumpers. 


I agree 100%. I doubt it will happen, though, since JB was unwilling to pony up the money for a PR firm at the height of the Josh molestation scandal. If they were different people, they might have learned something from that, but experience says that they won't.


I was trying to look at the situation from the point of view of a humper today, and I started thinking about what they would see in looking at the adult children:


Josh -- well, maybe he's just a bad seed. His parents are such good Christians and raised him with good values.


JD -- He seems to be doing well. He works. Of course, he's 25 and has no girlfriend -- and no friends.


Jana -- she seems like a lovely girl. Of course, she does do a lot of the work around the house and, well, she seems sad a lot of the time. Oh, and she's 25, too, and she doesn't have a boyfriend -- or friends.


Jill -- she seemed like such a lovely girl -- with a servant's heart. I was really happy when she found that nice young missionary. He even gave up a good job at WalMart to serve the Lord! But, you know, I sent them a donation and I feel foolish -- it seems like my donation has gone to pay for airline tickets so that the whole family can be photographed in Central America without actually doing any missionary wrok!


Jessa -- she's a spit-fire isn't she? I'm happy that she found a nice Christian boy, but they're expecting a baby soon, aren't they? That boy needs to find a job!


Jinger -- she's a nice girl! She seems a little sad since Jessa has gotten married, and it looks like she's lost quite a bit of weight. I hope she's okay.


Joseph -- He's so quiet! I don't know much about him, but I hear that he is in college now!


Josiah -- He seems like such a nice boy -- it's a pity that his courtship didn't work out, He's so young, though, there's still plenty of time!


That's eight kids, and only two are doing well in the eyes of this (totally ficticious) humper -- and she only likes Joe and Josiah because they have no noticable media presence.


My point is that I think a lot of the people who have seen JB and J'chelle as wonderful Christian parents are now looking at the adult children and probably seeing a lot of the same things we are. There are 8 children 18 and older and none of them is successfully out on their own, or even on a path to self-sufficiency with the exception of JD and Joseph. I think that by any standards -- even without the Josh scandals -- it's becoming clear that JB and J'chelle are not the super-parents that they have pretended to be all these years.

  • Love 12

I'm trying to figure out if this is a veiled dig at Anna. From the top story right now on People.com (http://www.people.com/article/michelle-duggar-sex-advice-newlywed-women):

Okay. Seems like these GotHarders husbands would be just as happy with a blow up doll. Happier, maybe, since they wouldn't have to pay for their daily rape privileges with time spent listening to her talk.


What's interesting is the silence from the leg humpers. There are over 2,000 comments on that article. I read through as many as I could stand to, and found exactly one comment from a supporter. One.

Kudos to People; whatever their motivation is, they've brought this vile essay to the attention of a lot more readers and the readers are horrified. I could live without having to scroll through all the rabid infighting on their board to see what's being posted, but as far as I read it seemed genuinely furious with Mechelle having said this at all; the backhand slap at Anna isn't too popular either, but it's the actual concept she espouses that has so many people so very, very pissed off. Which is excellent news, AFAIAC.

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 12

I agree 100%. I doubt it will happen, though, since JB was unwilling to pony up the money for a PR firm at the height of the Josh molestation scandal. If they were different people, they might have learned something from that, but experience says that they won't.


I was trying to look at the situation from the point of view of a humper today, and I started thinking about what they would see in looking at the adult children:


Josh -- well, maybe he's just a bad seed. His parents are such good Christians and raised him with good values.


JD -- He seems to be doing well. He works. Of course, he's 25 and has no girlfriend -- and no friends.


Jana -- she seems like a lovely girl. Of course, she does do a lot of the work around the house and, well, she seems sad a lot of the time. Oh, and she's 25, too, and she doesn't have a boyfriend -- or friends.


Jill -- she seemed like such a lovely girl -- with a servant's heart. I was really happy when she found that nice young missionary. He even gave up a good job at WalMart to serve the Lord! But, you know, I sent them a donation and I feel foolish -- it seems like my donation has gone to pay for airline tickets so that the whole family can be photographed in Central America without actually doing any missionary wrok!


Jessa -- she's a spit-fire isn't she? I'm happy that she found a nice Christian boy, but they're expecting a baby soon, aren't they? That boy needs to find a job!


Jinger -- she's a nice girl! She seems a little sad since Jessa has gotten married, and it looks like she's lost quite a bit of weight. I hope she's okay.


Joseph -- He's so quiet! I don't know much about him, but I hear that he is in college now!


Josiah -- He seems like such a nice boy -- it's a pity that his courtship didn't work out, He's so young, though, there's still plenty of time!


That's eight kids, and only two are doing well in the eyes of this (totally ficticious) humper -- and she only likes Joe and Josiah because they have no noticable media presence.


My point is that I think a lot of the people who have seen JB and J'chelle as wonderful Christian parents are now looking at the adult children and probably seeing a lot of the same things we are. There are 8 children 18 and older and none of them is successfully out on their own, or even on a path to self-sufficiency with the exception of JD and Joseph. I think that by any standards -- even without the Josh scandals -- it's becoming clear that JB and J'chelle are not the super-parents that they have pretended to be all these years.


I'm not sure leghumpers are that insightful. LOL!


Josh -- Judge not! He's a good boy who tripped and fell into temptation (repeatedly) despite his godly upbringing, because Satan. Hopefully Jesus will touch his heart again, he will repent again, and then we can rejoice in the fact that he will be forgiven... again! 


Jana -- Accomplished concert pianist (nope) and licensed doula (nope).


John David -- How wonderful! A police officer (nope) serving the community!


Jill -- I'm so proud of Jill and her family for sacrificing their creature comforts and time with family to go over to Central America to dig wells and build schools for the disadvantaged. (Giant NOPE!)


Jessa -- Aww, babies are a blessing from the Lord! Jim Bob and Michelle (and TLC) supported 19 children without a 9-5 job! I'm sure these two crazy kids will be just fine! (Another giant NOPE!)


Jinger -- Accomplished professional photographer (nope)


Joseph -- Attending an accredited college (nope)


Josiah -- What a talented filmmaker (nope) 


The hardcore leghumpers, like Michelle and Jim Bob, are totally out of touch with reality, but they are quickly dwindling in numbers. Thank goodness!

Michelle Anna was a virgin never been kissed. Lost her v card to your son who molested your daughters, got pregnant 4 months later, gave birth, waited 80days to have sex again, has sex again when your son head ship wants it even when tired or doesn't feel up to it, gets pregnant again, cycle rinse repeat but your son still cheated. Gee maybe Josh has a problem not Anna. Maybe Josh needs to stop being treated like a baby and having mommy defend him. Maybe the Duggars should stfu already

  • Love 20

Michelle Anna was a virgin never been kissed. Lost her v card to your son who molested your daughters, got pregnant 4 months later, gave birth, waited 80days to have sex again, has sex again when your son head ship wants it even when tired or doesn't feel up to it, gets pregnant again, cycle rinse repeat but your son still cheated. Gee maybe Josh has a problem not Anna. Maybe Josh needs to stop being treated like a baby and having mommy defend him. Maybe the Duggars should stfu already


Well, it's just back to one of the key Duggar characteristics: There is only one answer for everything. In this case, the one answer for making a marriage happy -- applicable to all cases -- is for the woman to be available for sex at all times. ....


Same thing as their approach to everything else. They say people can make their own "courting" rules -- but, really, there's only one rule -- Don't kiss till the wedding.     There's only one pattern for being a good Christian family -- Have a million kids and don't let them out of the house.   And so on.


They're rigid and stupid and incredibly stubborn in a world with a googolplex of facets that should make it obvious that bone-simple rules are completely inadequate. But they're so arrogant and ignorant that they insist on shouting their stupid rules into everybody's face over and over again without ever listening to additional facts or learning anything. Most people do seem to gain at least a little wisdom with age. But JB and M seem completely hopeless in that regard.


I don't know how Anna or the other kids keep from slugging them in the face at times when they persist in arrogantly spouting their same old lines, even when those "ideas" have been repeatedly proven to fail. And yet you see pretty much no visible rebellion or questioning. Evidence doesn't seem to have any effect on Duggarling (or Duggarling-in-law) brains. I don't get it. But maybe one day some of the kids will wake up. Hope either Anna or Josh does before they try the same failed thing again with the same inevitable results.

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I find it interesting that the same article has been posted on various sites and the comments are all negative toward's MEchelle. With that being said any normal person would just retreat into their hidey hole and never come out but not MEchelle so convinced of her convictions that she keeps on posting the most vile crap. She needs a day or a whole week working in a woman's shelter so she can hear stories of abusive situations and how her convictions are not right because men take those convictions and feel that it's a pass to rape their SO. 

  • Love 16

He showed his daughter and future son-in-law how to dry hump his wife of 30 years on a public mini golf course. That must count as "marital advice" in his opinion.


One can only imagine how enjoyable an evening with one of the Duggar sons must be.

When I first saw that, I believed he was giving marital advice as he understands it. "Ben, this is what you can do when you are married." There is nothing remotely subtle about JimBob as -- I think -- we all agree. 

These people are deeply disturbed. How can Michelle think it's a good idea to give sex advice on the internet? Her son, that she raised is in a "rehab" being "treated" for sex addiction. Four of her daughters were molested by him on her watch.

This family insists on publicly displaying how very, very sick they are. I can't imagine how this whole thing is going to end. The dysfunction is hitting unbelievable proportions and keeps getting worse.

I don't think that this family is going to stop, be quiet, and get out of the public eye until they have completely destroyed themselves.

Or perhaps Josh's sex addiction is just a variant of Michelle's procreation addiction. 

  • Love 7

I find it interesting that the same article has been posted on various sites and the comments are all negative toward's MEchelle. With that being said any normal person would just retreat into their hidey hole and never come out but not MEchelle so convinced of her convictions that she keeps on posting the most vile crap. She needs a day or a whole week working in a woman's shelter so she can hear stories of abusive situations and how her convictions are not right because men take those convictions and feel that it's a pass to rape their SO. 



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