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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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A predator can use the internet, schools, churches (yes Mullet, churches can be use to find victims,) playgrounds, etc. etc. Some male offenders may find victims by meeting single mothers. Punishing innocent transgender people is not the answer.

Having worked for years in the juvenile courts and foster care system, I see family member or significant other of parent, authority figure in church/school settings and internet predator situations 9 out of 10 times in abuse cases. NEVER have I had a situation where an LGBTQ person preyed on a kid. Not saying it's not possible but it's a long shot based on statistics. 

  • Love 3

What boggles my mind is the fact JimBoob and Mullet do not hug their own children because they may have impure thoughts or feelings, or JimBoob pretends to dry hump his wife in front of the cameras and his daughter, but they judge transgender people or gay or lesbians. I am sure someone would find it inappropriate to dry hump your wife in front of others.

I too frequently don't know whether somebody is a man or a woman.  I learned long ago never to guess from a voice on the phone, now I can't trust my own eyes.  I've known many fine gay and tran people.  I've worked with them as co-workers with no problems.  That doesn't mean that there are not some who are in fact molesters, just as there are straight molesters.  We need not defend every single thing to the point that the pendulum swings back and slaps us in the face.

  • Love 2
What boggles my mind is the fact JimBoob and Mullet do not hug their own children because they may have impure thoughts or feelings,

Several years ago, a website run by people cut from the same cloth as the Duggars ran what they called a modesty survey. One of the questions was the following:



Agree/Disagree Statement: Immodest clothing is not a problem (for you) when a girl in your own family wears it.

As for the responses.... whoo, boy:



Age 24: Maybe I am alone in this, but my "Hey! Female skin!" radar doesn't stop to check DNA first.


Age 23: A young lady, regardless of your relation to her, can be a stumbling block/temptation to a young man. Sort of a disgusting thought, but men, if not walking in the Spirit everday, can be wolves.


Age 22: My younger sister, 14, is just recently becoming more of a young lady. It was not too long ago that I (for the first time) had to bring up her dress to her. It's not a question of incest. It's a question of instinct. I could probably think for a moment and realize that it's my sister, but why be put in that position in the beginning?


Age 16: Immodest clothing is always a problem. Satan can even use our sisters to tempt us.


Age 18: A girl is a girl. My sisters look like girls, and therefore they are potentially a temptation. Just because I have a relationship with them does not mean that their womanliness physically can not stir up wrong thoughts.


Age 15: She is still a girl and everything that goes with it.

So, yeah. Looks like Jim Bob and Michelle aren't alone. And that grosses me out.

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 3

Exactly. And when, in addition to that, they are forbidden any physical contact with girls or women in general, then it's hardly surprising that "feelings" would spring up in reaction to any female that was close enough to provide them even the most innocuous contact and visual stimulation.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix

I could probably think for a moment and realize that it's my sister, but why be put in that position in the beginning?

Oh my God. That a 22 year old would think it's perfectly acceptable to say that about his 14 year old sister. That it's his 14 year old sister's job to keep him in line and keep from sinning AND TO KEEP HIM FROM EVEN HAVING TO THINK. I can't even.

Edited by alt0233
  • Love 6

Ok. So, in another thread, we were talking about all of the really questionable things the Duggars have exploited on film.

Here's my list, so far, but I'm sure others can add to it.

1. The Jubilee fiasco and funeral- complete with ammo box coffin.

2. Anna's toilet birth.

3. Grandpa Duggar being wheeled around a dark house in an office chair. Him being spoonfed with no respect for his dignity on camera. And, showing grandpa's funeral service complete with a shot of him in the coffin.

4. What one of the Howlers fell through the orchestra pit and was seriously injured. They all whipped out cell phones "for light", but just so happened to film it as well. Needing light? Ok! Filming? Wtf?

5. The vomit fest of 2009. We saw four kids toss their cookies and got to learn about Jim Bob almost drinking from a puke cup.

6. Showing all of the orphans at the mission in Central America and having the audacity to blame their lot in life on a lack of faith. Just showing the one young lady in tears was unnecessary and exploitative. Not to mention Jim Bob's bragging that his wife was pregnant in front of a woman who had just lost an infant because of poor sanitation.

7. The suffering of the girls having their wisdom teeth pulled and showing the emotional trauma of the one (Jill, maybe?) that was terrified of needles. Showing Jana high on nitrous was inappropriate as well.

8. Showing Josh and Anna listening to a sex instruction cd on the way to the hotel from the church. So much for modesty.

9. Exploiting the little girls whose father passed away by showing us how Jim Bob took th e m to father-daughter weekend at the funny camp. You can't tell me that that wasn't painful for those girls to know their dad wasn't there. And, we never saw them again...which means the soul purpose of sharing their tragedy with the world was to promote Jim Bob as a pseudo dad.

10. Using your kids to build your home and guilting TLC into finishing it because your poor planning and cheapskate ways almost left your family homeless.

11. Allowing someone to film and promote as a teaser the scene wherein the kids learned that Michelle had miscarried.

12. Selling your pregnancy announcements to the Today Show.

I don't think there's anything these people wouldn't film for a little cash.

  • Love 7

TLC is showing the early specials. It's shocking how much J'Chelle and Boob have changed. She seems so normal in 14 children and pregnant again.

they're showing the house build right now. It's interesting that we've never seen their "best friend" Clark Wilson beyond his participation in building the Bates' house. And, the Holts (broomball besties) were never seen again either.

Michelle seemed slightly drugged in some of the earlier episodes. Her hair was nuts! But, the biggest difference is the wardrobe. The frumpers are gone. Even the current little girls aren't wearing those dresses as hand-me-downs.

After watching Josh and Anna's special moments rerun, I saw the 3 births all over again. Doesn't anyone realize that Anna seems to have hard labors and suffered what, 16 hours in labor AT HOME? That poor young girl is an idiot. She isn't built as sturdy as Michelle was. Michelle was a chunky 17 year old, Anna is a small boned girl...she has filled out after 3 kids, but that's just flab from babies, underneath it all, she is still more frail than Michelle...I don't think multiple births year after year will be good for her. Get that girl to a hospital to deliver from here on after...they just don't care for their own health and well being..it's evident with Esther, Anna's sister on down. I think it's just $$$ with them.

Yeah, I could hardly bear to watch Anna going thru those God-awful labors. Seriously, I can't stand to watch anyone in pain anyway and all I kept thinking is, why would anyone deliberately put themselves thru that when they could go to the hospital and have an epidural? To each their own, but I've NEVER understood the reasoning behind a drug-free childbirth, especially when an epidural does not hurt the baby. I've always thought that the only reason women put themselves thru that agony is just to prove that they can. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. Even Kelly Bates had enough sense to go to the hospital and have epidurals during her last few births. If I were Anna I would tell Joshie that there would be no more babies without epidurals, but of course she won't. I'm telling you that eventually something awful is going to happen during one of these home births.

  • Love 5

J’Chelle is definitely disconnected  from her kids now. In the early specials she actually taught them. Now she relies on her kids, and computers.  i think the fame has definitely gone to her and Boob’s heads. J’Chelle acts like she the Grandmother Of The Year with the 3 M’s, but she’s just as disconnected with them, as she is with her own kids.  She was so excited to have grandkids, but now she could give a rat’s ass about them.  All of the times when J’Chelle has to interact with her kids, seem so forced.

  • Love 2

I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking Anna's births were bad. At the time I kept asking myself why she wasn't at the hospital after all her declarations of pain. It was uncomfortable to witness. At least if she was at the hospital she could have started out the natural route and then asked for drugs later if things were too unbearable. 


Michelle, OTOH, seemed to handle herself well enough. Even when JB had the nerve to ask for breakfast while she was in labor. 

The thing is, had Anna been in the hospital she could have used laughing gas, or even a shot of Demerol in the middle to give her body a chance to rest. Epidurals aren't the only option available to women to make a long birth less painful. Then she still could have been up and walking around, using a birthing ball, whatever, if she liked.

I don't really have an issue with home births in a normal, healthy pregnancy. I wouldn't do it myself, but women have been birthing outside of hospitals for thousands of years, and without pain medication, too. When you're in a hospital it's very easy to get caught up in a downward slope of unnecessary medications and interventions - it happens every day. If it's a normal, healthy pregnancy I think it's a woman's prerogative to do it outside of s hospital, with an educated midwife (CNM or CPM) who knows what they can or can't handle and if they need a transfer. Some births are much safer in hospitals, obviously, and one of the few things I think Michelle did right is know when to give up the hope for a VBAC, see a high risk OBGYN, and get the medical expertise she needed for the last few births. But if Anna and Jill are making informed decisions about homebirths or birthing centers, I say more power to them.

  • Love 1

Watching the marathon -- the episode with the auction -- Michelle seems like a cartoon. I think she has gone so far overboard on the "women must sound sweet in order to seem feminine" that she sounds unbelievable. Extreme sing-song voices and "awws" when talking about dollar figures?? No wonder they believe that a woman can't be a business-person -- I mean can you imagine anyone at any Fortune 500 taking you seriously in any capacity if you sing the numbers to them in a budget meeting?

  • Love 3

Alt- I don't either, and if the pregnancies were like the first one for Anna, I wouldn't think it worth commenting on. But the last two pregnancies have not been that way, which is why Im hesitant to say they are "healthy" at least regarding deliveries. And I also think that if she simply gave her body more time between births, the deliveries actually would go easier for her.

All the episodes tend to run together in my brain--especially after they run a bunch of older ones in a row.  I saw about 5 minutes last night of the visit to Niagara Falls in which Jana gets to help the younger ones fish.  That made me sad about Jana and so mad at Michelle that I almost screamed at the television.  I can't stand how they rely on the older girls.

The one thing that stood out on that episode was the lack of comfort that was extended to the kids. They were crying and JB side hugged one or two and patted one or two of the kid's heads, but that was it. There wasn't any long, comforting hugs, soothing words, or a gentle back rub as someone tried to regain their composure. 

  • Love 1

I was watching a video on Youtube where JimBoob was saying he was abused by his father because daddy was not godly enough. Yes, you nitwit, your father did abuse you because he was no religious enough for you. Seriously... There are children who are sexually, mentally, and physically abuse every second around the world, but lets whine about daddy not going to church or wanted to pray with you.

I could not believe these two nitwits were allowing the filming of them finding out about the loss of Jubilee, telling the kids, and her funeral. Talk about tacky with a capital T.

It's not bad that they filmed it--because when they were filming, they didn't know what was going to happen. (I'm referring to the appointment itself). But then to film their kids as they found out? OMFG! That was bullshit. And it was wrong of them to air it. They could have very easily made an episode where they talked about what happened without showing everything. No one would have forced them to show that footage.


As far as the kids schooling goes, I'm not against alternative methods of learning. There are a multitude of ways for children to learn academic skills without sitting down with a book to explain it all. But for the Duggars, there is no need to learn science, because they don't believe in it. To them, a cake doesn't rise because it has leavening and the ingredients + heat make a chemical reaction. To the Duggars, the cake rises because God wanted it to. To them, that's the only reason anything happens--it's because it was the Lord's will. 2+2=4 because GOD SAID SO.

  • Love 3

I was watching a video on Youtube where JimBoob was saying he was abused by his father because daddy was not godly enough. Yes, you nitwit, your father did abuse you because he was no religious enough for you. Seriously... There are children who are sexually, mentally, and physically abuse every second around the world, but lets whine about daddy not going to church or wanted to pray with you.

Yeah. I think Jim Bob comes across as a completely arrogant jerk in regards to his father. On the show, and (mainly) in the books, there's this text and subtext that alludes to JR being an abusive, neglectful father. The anecdote about Jim Bob's mom using decorative rice for a meal comes to mind. Jim Bob blames his dad for the poverty and hard times his family experienced. What is interesting is the fact that the whole country, and Arkansas more so, was going through a very bad depression. His dad was employed, just not making enough after the bills were paid and it's hinted that he had a drinking problem. Why that had to be made public is beyond me. It may be bad parenting, but it's not abuse. For that matter, casting stones about your dad's neglect while you are cramming 14/15 kids in a two bedroom home that's about to be destroyed isn't stellar parenting either.

  • Love 8

This is coming from a man who claim to fame and fortune is having nineteen kids who he controls behind a religion ran by a man who molested innocent girls. He capitalizes on the lost of his daughter and allows the filming of her funeral on television. He goes along with Mullet's sick obsession of getting knock up and dry humps his wife in front of his daughter and the male suitor to prove he can have sex and they cannot.


 I hope one of the kids comes out with a tell all book and expose what type of father JimBoob really was.

Ah, I just saw the episode where the Mother of the Year didn't notice Jackson was missing at the airport and once he found very calmly interviews how scary it is when your child is missing. Michelle, you didn't know your child was even missing, and when you didn't look worried or scared. Neither did JimBob for that matter. Also, you didn't comfort him when he was found. I've never seen a child who was lost crying and being comforted by his sister after being found. 

  • Love 7

That's one thing abt Michelle that I never minded: hiding her stomach during an ultrasound.

Do we really need to see everything nowadays?


I was just watching the updates and they pretty much showed everything during her C-section. I wasn't paying much attention, looked up and thought for a second her vagina is HUGE. Missed the C-section part...

  • Love 2

I have been watching Dishing with the Duggars this week. Has anyone noticed Michelle's demeanor in these "dishing clips"? She was seated with the older-younger boys, whose names I don't even remember, as we don't see much of them, anyhow, she is slathered in bad orange self tanner and is rapidly losing weight. She also seems quite uncomfortable with those boys on the loveseat with her, HER OWN SONS, and her eyes are vacant, her voice barely there and she is emotionless. Methinks, that she has "upped the valium" and is having a very hard time not conceiving and spitting out the kids on cue every year. With the older adult children marrying off, she may be increasingly faced with having to pick up a broom and actually do some work around there. This woman is having a breakdown of some kind, in my opinion based on what I have seen and heard from these clips. A woman who has and shows NO emotion with vacant eyes, is having a hard emotional time. Anyone else notice this?

  • Love 1

Which has me wondering.....how would they explain a breakdown, under these circumstances?


I think Michelle is going through a very bad time. For twenty years all she cared about was creating people. She didn't care about the people she created, just creating them. I don't think she even cares about JimBob. She just needed him to make babies. Now she can't make kids and is surrounded by all these people who mean nothing to her. I wouldn't be surprised if she has another breakdown.

  • Love 1

Michelle is probably finally realizing that she has no more excuses for not knowing her own children.  The buddies are being married off and she's not making any new babies.  (Which makes me wonder, would they have allowed Jill to be married if Michelle were able to get pregnant again?)  And I think there's little she wants to do LESS in the world than spend time with her children on any substantial level.  She seems to tolerate being near them, but interacting with them, she always looks like she wants to run the hell away. 

Edited by WTFFF
  • Love 1

One of the biggest questions in the QUIVERFUL movement (and yeah yeah, I know the Duggars claim not to be part of the official movement but my point isn't about politics) is what happens psychologically to women after they can no longer have children? We haven't seen the first generation go through it fully yet. I think someone like Kelly Bates is culturally still tied into a genuine community as well as her family, which will help. But Michelle seems really isolated, either by choice or by circumstance (perhaps even by the show.). If you want to see Michelle truly as express emotion towards a real person, watch the episode where Rev Charles Stanley comes to visit.

I second LOVEMYLABS request to know about her breakdown, some details.  I know she had one after she had several kids and then turned the raising of them over to the older ones.  But what was the nature of her breakdown?  Or perhaps she never gave details.  In the small house they in, with one bathroom I believe, it's no wonder.  Anybody would break down.  However she kept on having kids to add to that little house, rented wasn't it?   And IIRC the landlord wanted the house vacated.  

  • Love 2

I'm another who thinks the story of Michelle's "breakdown" is inflated in similar ways to her "sinful" and "baggage filled" adolescence. It's traditional in these types of religious settings to have moments when you are down to that last moment - (out of food, about to take that drink, pulling the suitcase out of the cupboard, etc.) and then someone comes in and you see that person sent by God to intervene to keep you from making a big mistake. This becomes your personal testimony, since so many people have never, really, in a big way, done something in an obviously sinful way such as stealing, committing adultery, or things like that.

I don't think there was much of a breakdown, just a woman who constantly needs to define her narrative with herself at the center of it. Which, interestingly enough, might be the most insidious sin of them all, if you care about a worldview like the one they claim. (And I do, somewhat.). Ironic, huh?

  • Love 5

I think Michelle is addicted to having babies and the attention it brought to her. Now that she is done having babies and the attention is moving elsewhere, she is probably going through depressing withdrawals.  She has probably been jonesing for her pregnancy fix for the past several years. I have always found it very sad that she seemed to care more about being pregnant and having more and more babies than she did about the babies themselves after they were fostered out to their buddies at 6 months.  Her kids don't seem to interest her that much. She doesn't seem to even know them all that well. 


And this is supposedly what God wants? To have a shitload of kids you exploit on TLC for their entire lives, don't care enough to know on a deep level, and logistically couldn't even manage even if you tried.  

  • Love 3

The story as I remember it:

Michelle had 6 under 7. She was in the laundry room doing umpteenth load in the middle of the night when she cried out to god (I feel weird even writing that) for help because she didn't think she could handle the stress.

The next day the piano teacher offered to do laundry for her therefor saving Michelle's sanity and enabling her to have 12 more. And a hugely successful and hypocritical reality show. Luckily for us of course.

  • Love 5

If also be interested in knowing how hormones are playing out in her body. This is the rare woman by any standard, let alone modern standards, that spent basically all of her years from 24-45 either pregnant of nursing with almost no break. Hormonally, her body is being denied it's normal state at the same time it is also shutting down the natural making of those centers. Like Michelle or not, from a physiological perspective, that's a huge switch. If she is one of the women for whom being pregnant brought out a sense of better well being and perhaps even mild euphoria, quitting cold turkey from her drugs is not that different from someone who stops drinking socially or uses low dose, but consistent medications to improve mood.

  • Love 3
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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