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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I've had plenty of ultrasounds and have seen a gynecologist for ovarian cysts and I unfortunately have never been pregnant.

I also kind of think pics in doctor's offices are taking things a little too far.

I would fall on hard tile before I would let that crazy thing grip me up by the crotch and neck too.

Take my chances on the hard tile, with that big old Duggar head..hahaha


And before anyone purposes to get their knickers in a twist, he is adorable..I like kids.

I just like snarking on MeChelle more.

Probably wouldn't be the first Duggar that was dropped on his head as a baby. Hi, Grampa!

  • Love 2

Dear Baby Jesus, 


Plz no more kids. I want to be done counting. 






A comment on that Facebook post: "Maybe Josh crawled back in."

Which would be perfect, because then he could be born again.

  • Love 11

Safety issues much...talk about nothing but missteps lately.



What I'd like to know is why they have that table/footstool/whatever it is on wheels-thing in the upper right of the photo that appears to be fashioned after a stack of books ? Isn't that the kind of thing a person who actually likes books would buy ? 


Maybe they're supposed to be Bibles ? So they can LITERALLY swear on a stack of Bibles ? 

  • Love 6

What I'd like to know is why they have that table/footstool/whatever it is on wheels-thing in the upper right of the photo that appears to be fashioned after a stack of books ? Isn't that the kind of thing a person who actually likes books would buy ? 


Maybe they're supposed to be Bibles ? So they can LITERALLY swear on a stack of Bibles ?

I'm going to go with stack of books ottoman. They're all over Pinterest. This way they can trample knowledge underfoot while they're watching TV.

  • Love 4

Question here - as a never had a baby person who has stepchildren but never as babies or toddlers...


Where IS that baby-holder-chair-thing safe ? Doesn't it have the over-the-shoulder and between-the-legs straps like a car seat would ? Is it just the angle, or does that look like it should be called the Fisher-Price Baby Tips Over FunChair  ???

  • Love 3

Question here - as a never had a baby person who has stepchildren but never as babies or toddlers...

Where IS that baby-holder-chair-thing safe ? Doesn't it have the over-the-shoulder and between-the-legs straps like a car seat would ? Is it just the angle, or does that look like it should be called the Fisher-Price Baby Tips Over FunChair ???

That thing Meredith is in? My grand kids had them. They do have straps between the legs that keep the babies from slipping down and out, and they are very stable, at least in my experience. They bounce a bit so you can bounce babies very gently make them sleep. :)

I would keep them in the floor, though. Just nervous.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 5

Question here - as a never had a baby person who has stepchildren but never as babies or toddlers...


Where IS that baby-holder-chair-thing safe ? Doesn't it have the over-the-shoulder and between-the-legs straps like a car seat would ? Is it just the angle, or does that look like it should be called the Fisher-Price Baby Tips Over FunChair  ???


It looks to me like what's called a baby bouncer. .... They're supposed to be on the floor. And, yeah, they always come with a harness thing to hold the kid in. I can't imagine where the harness is in this one, though. It seems as if poor old Meredith must be sitting on it or something. But maybe they could just take it out and so they did? It's odd.    Aside from the unprecedented lack of a harnessing device, though, part of the reason I think it looks so precarious is the angle. If it were on the floor, you could see that it's very very close to the floor and not elevated much at all, so quite stable on those wide legs.  It's kind of like an anchored hammocky- thing for babies, with the position, I guess.  Leave it to the Duggars to disassemble baby seats to remove the harnessing straps, I guess.


But they probably take the seatbelts out of their cars, too.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 1

So possibly or quite likely the "going away" party was simply to make part of an episode.  Either that or Jill is going to leave right before Jessa gives birth? 


I'm going to be upset that Michelle and Jim Bob will be filmed in the specials unless they do a lot of editing to keep them out of the final version.

In the on-line pictures of the Farewell Event, JB and Michelle are on stage with micks so they appear to be part of the show. It'll be interesting to see where the event is placed. I'm betting on after Jessa gives birth with Jill's assistance they'll show the Farewell.

I can't get over the pink paisley chair. It's so out of place and doesn't go with anything else in the room.


The TTH furniture in that big common room has always looked very mismatched to me. Like pieces that were either donated to them or that they picked up at flea markets, garage sales etc. No surprise - none of them seem to have a sense of style or even an interest in it. Although I have seen some of the older girls - Jana, Jinger, Joy - looking nice on occasion.

  • Love 4

Seriously how hard would it have been for Michelle to sit her behind on the actual couch and have Izzy sit next to her while she also holds Meredith? Or (since grandpa and grandma seem to only pose next to Meredith in car seats/carriers/bouncers) put Meredith's bouncer on the floor and sit next to it while hugging on Izzy?

Please buckle Meredith in that bouncer if it's not going to be on the floor! (She should be buckled in then, too, but you know.....you can only expect so much with the Duggars.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 5

Seriously how hard would it have been for Michelle to sit her behind on the actual couch and have Izzy sit next to her while she also holds Meredith? Or (since grandpa and grandma seem to only pose next to Meredith in car seats/carriers/bouncers) put Meredith's bouncer on the floor and sit next to it while hugging on Izzy?

Please buckle Meredith in that bouncer if it's not going to be on the floor! (She should be buckled in then, too, but you know.....you can only expect so much with the Duggars.)

You know what,sometimes its like they do it on purpose to just anger people.

Remember the blind items about the coniving,scheming woman who chose to wear an (almost) white outfit to a wedding?

  • Love 8

https://www.duggarfamily.com/michelles-blog?ID=778dd00f-c069-4517-a8cf-067beea6511d Did I miss the discussion on this? Jill already has a kid, why would Jill being a newlywed be on anyone's mind? Is this a jab at Anna? Michelle is such a bitch.


Maybe she posted it because she just knows that everybody wants a shot at a marriage like her marriage with Jim Bob. You know, the kind where sex doesn't take long, your idiot husband thinks he's the smartest person in the universe and you're required to look at him as if you think so too no matter what he's saying, you're late for everything because when it's time to go he always demands that somebody cook him breakfast, you have to keep having babies to feed his ego even as your innards disintegrate and your pregnancies become death traps, and he thinks it's funny to pretend to hump you on a mini-golf course in front of your embarrassed children and, in fact, the entire world.


Who wouldn't want that? She should share her marriage advice on a daily basis, I think.

  • Love 16

https://www.duggarfamily.com/michelles-blog?ID=778dd00f-c069-4517-a8cf-067beea6511d Did I miss the discussion on this? Jill already has a kid, why would Jill being a newlywed be on anyone's mind? Is this a jab at Anna? Michelle is such a bitch.

This is just another example of how clueless they are. They really have know idea that that their way is not necessarily the best way. M & JB have got their heads so far up their kool-aid asses that they can't see the forest through the trees.

  • Love 4

Did anyone see the article on radaronline.com about Michelle giving sex advice?  I saw it last night and it's still the top story.  I don't know how accurate it is, but Michelle has some serious issues - as we all know.



Someone posted it in the Josh and Anna thread.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 2

First I knew Michelle would be taking over the grandbabies (until they're 6 months) because she can't have any more of her own.  It's like she owns Anna's kids now and don't forget it.  Second - her marriage advice to newlywed Jill (?) and all of us so timely Michelle.  Be available for your husband's pleasure no matter how you feel and if you are 'big pregnant'.  Another stab at Anna?  Michelle's needs are 'different' she just wants someone to talk to and JB puts up with that.  Had to laugh at the part about keeping things that are private between spouses private.  OK wouldn't that include NOT humping your wife on TV?  And so many other things that they publicly display?  According to Michelle - the first responsibility for the wife is her husband and then the children.  I disagree.  If Anna really is considering divorce I think this whole post is meant to tell her that it's wrong.  Also - don't EVER put your husband down in front others especially your family.  More rules for Anna.  This whole post is to discourage Anna and put her down if she is considering divorce and it's disguised (as usual) in a passive aggressive attack on Anna.


Apparently Anna wasn't available when she was 'big pregnant'.

Anna should not EVER put Josh down in front of others, especially her family.

If needed they can get counsel from a 'trusted third party'.  

And of course Anna should put Josh BEFORE her children.

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 4

In recent pictures of Michelle, she doesn't even come up to JimBobs shoulder. I just rewatched a couple older episodes and she has REALLY shrunk! For every child - a tooth, except the Duggar's actually do believe in modern dental care. So for Michelle, for every child - a vertebra!

Well now she can say that she has 19 missing back muscles.  And she lost every one.

  • Love 4

Michelle's untimely advice is just as insulting to men, if not more so, than it is to women.  A man, a GOOD man, a GOOD husband will NOT put his sexual needs before the needs of an exhausted wife, 'big pregnant' or not.  A good man will love his wife enough to consider her needs and feelings and will not have to be sexually satisfied at his every whim.  He will not be like an animal unable to control his sexual desires and if he truly loves his wife and family he will not have affairs with pron stars or others.  If he truly loves his wife he will not keep 14 kids in 2 bedrooms while he expects his sexual desires to be filled while the kids don't have enough beds and the oldest son is molesting his daughters.  GOOD men don't do that and you Michelle are insulting them by saying that they do.  Obviously Michelle you WERE putting JB's needs before your children's and you wouldn't even have your children anymore if TLC didn't come along and get you a bigger house and money to provide for them.  Don't try to say that the TLC show was God's plan because then  you believe God is now a TV show programmer and you really don't believe that since you don't watch TV.  Next you claim that JB would lay down his life for you.  If a man is good enough to do that then he is good enough to not expect his sexual needs to be filled by his exhausted wife.

Up vote to the 10th power. Why it's almost as if those marriage rules where written by a man.....oh wait, they were.

  • Love 10

Only one person can meet your husband's sexual needs? Unless of course, he's banging prostitutes and watching porn...right, Josh? That's totally Anna's fault *eye roll*.

Talk about adding insult to Anna's injury.

Michelle and Jim Blob did such a good job with their parenting skills. Josh is fondling young girls at 14 and then banging protitutes while his wife is at home pregnant. How about those "character qualities", Michelle? These family is the least self aware family I've ever seen on t.v. They just don't. know. when. to. shut. the.hell.up.

Just once, I want to see them answer for their bullshit propaganda without any canned responses.

  • Love 13

Defrauder, I agree regarding the Mkids. There's a very weird, possessive vibe going on with all these social media posts. In the past six years, Boob and Michelle have barely paid attention to Mack and Co. and now they're photographed with Meredith at every opportunity. There's just something very threatening in the underlying message, like they're telling Anna she can leave, but there's no way in hell she's escaping the TTH with her children in tow.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 11

Defrauder, I agree regarding the Mkids. There's a very weird, possessive vibe going on with all these social media posts. In the past six years, Boob and Michelle have barely paid attention to Mack and Co. and now they're photographed with Meredith at every opportunity. There's just something very threatening in the underlying message, like they're telling Anna she can leave, but there's no way in hell she's escaping the TTH with her children in tow.

Yes I am getting a very creepy dark undercurrent with Michelle and JB's pictures with Anna's kids all of a sudden.  It's like they're saying WE'RE their parents now and you're not getting them back.  I'm getting the exact same message you are.  

  • Love 7

Well, but she was "big pregnant."


Right. The perfect person to advise Michelle on what kind of impact letting other people take over the tasks her husband doesn't need her for, like raising her children, was going to have on her teenaged son and her five year old daughter.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 6

https://www.duggarfamily.com/michelles-blog?ID=778dd00f-c069-4517-a8cf-067beea6511d Did I miss the discussion on this? Jill already has a kid, why would Jill being a newlywed be on anyone's mind? Is this a jab at Anna? Michelle is such a bitch.


Sounds like a recycled post to me, like something she was asked just before Jill got married. Although I really have no idea. I never read their posts or visit their site other than when checking out links from this forum.


 It seems to me the whole JB and Michelle family dynamic is that the kids belong to - and with - them regardless of age or marital status, and regardless of all that headship BS that they spout so conveniently when it's Boob who'd be the "headship" and ignore when it comes to their married kids.


Yes. It's very creepy. Their big thing is, "We have their hearts." I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. That they force their children to confide to them every single private thought they've ever had, I guess.

I get the feeling that, as a mother, I'm meant to feel rebuked by that kind of statement. And yet, I don't.

  • Love 6

JB and Michelle just creep me out in general, and IMO they have this creepily possessive attitude about all their kids regardless of age or marital status, and probably that extends to the grandkids too.


A few months ago I checked into the Duggars' scheduled appearances in the aftermath of Joshgate One. And saw that JB and MIchelle were scheduled to appear via video at the IBLP family conferences, and their talk was all about how they were so Godly wonderful at rearing their children and "releasing" them into adulthood.


Which I find ironic as hell in light of the fact that every. single. adult. Duggar child still lives in or near the Duggar compound. Including the two married daughters, which seems at odds with the GotHardite idea that females leave their father's headship for their husband's headship upon marriage. 


It seems to me the whole JB and Michelle family dynamic is that the kids belong to - and with - them regardless of age or marital status, and regardless of all that headship BS that they spout so conveniently when it's Boob who'd be the "headship" and ignore when it comes to their married kids.


Josh did briefly escape with his family but the minute the excrement hit the spinning metal blades, they were all right back on the compound. And the Dullards have remain trapped within the Duggar Family Enterprises orbit, despite their much-ballyooed brief vacation, I mean mission trip, to Central America. Time will tell where they go next and if they can manage to stay there (in other words, if they can get more than 90 day or similarly limited visas in whatever country they're heading for).


But about those photos with Meredith - and Izzy was in one of them - I think JB and Michelle are so self-deluded and dim that they could have consciously thought they were just showing the world that they lurve their grandkids (and in one case, Lowe's) and were just putting nice photos out there for their legions of fans to ooh and ah over.

Releasing them into adulthood like releasing them from prison.  Yet they can't release them completely and they have to talk about how wonderful they are and give advice on how to be so wonderful, meanwhile horrible Josh is the perfect example of their truly horrible parenting.

  • Love 2

Yes. It's very creepy. Their big thing is, "We have their hearts." I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. That they force their children to confide to them every single private thought they've ever had, I guess.

I get the feeling that, as a mother, I'm meant to feel rebuked by that kind of statement. And yet, I don't.

The kids aren't even allowed their own hearts.

  • Love 6

Right. The perfect person to advise Michelle on what kind of impact letting other people take over the tasks her husband doesn't need her for, like raising her children, was going to have on her teenaged son and her five year old daughter.

I was just reading today the actual robo call transcript and honest to God she said it would be traumatizing ( exact word) for girls to share changing space with a man. Ok I'm not going to get into how utterly ignorant she is about transgender issues....but how would that be traumatizing but being molested by your older brother is no big deal? I also read that the Dillard's have a phone number on their family page for donors to call if they want their money refunded. Hmmm

ETA yep I just popped over there and under the donor section this is a number to call with questions or refunds.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 7
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Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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