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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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I kinda' worry that participating in this wretched thing revictimizes the girls.


I agree with Missy Vixen.  If they're being revictimized, they're doing it to themselves for a paycheck.  And if Michelle isn't part of the documentary, then I'm sure she's there more for attention and another free vacation, courtesy of TLC, than for any other reason.

  • Love 10

I have big issues with the duggars (even the married and "we forgave him" ones) being involved in the documentary about abuse of any kind. I do. Unless they admit they suffered abuse and did pretty much EVERYTHING wrong - from the incidents to the aftermath. They won't do that, and that's all I'd be interested in hearing from them. If they would simply say, "here's what we did, and here's what we SHOULD have done". I DO NOT want to hear them defending their actions (inactions!) ever again. I fear for the safety of my TV that night, honestly. Gonna have to remove all "throwable" items before I sit down to watch. (Oh, and I WILL WATCH). I can't even IMAGINE the bump in Tums sales for this event. If I see even a hint of M/JB, Tums isn't going to make a dent. I'll be mainlining Nexium. I sincerely hope the piece is well done and the entire Duggar presence is minimal. Except to say "here's what you DON'T do". I can hardly wait to meet you all back here afterward!!!

So did they hurry and take in NYC and then rush off to the wedding?

Well said!  Who wants to hear them say that they were victims of 'nothing really'.  What's the point of them being there if they say it was nothing?  Just a curious Josh and it was so mild they didn't even know it and it was 'nothing really'.  

  • Love 8

I'm sure this makes me the biggest bitch that ever bitched before, but I don't. I'm sure they were more than happy to collect another paycheck. They're probably also hoping the spin-off can be resurrected as well. And the earth will not be able to contain my fury if they use that special to a) insist nothing happened to them and b) proselytize. It's nice of J-Chelle to show up to make sure they all stay on script, too -- oops, collect another paycheck, isn't it?


Let's be blunt, shall we? They weren't "revictimized" by the first TV appearance. They repeatedly said "nothing happened" and "we forgave him". Great. Then shut the hell up, get off TV, and go find something else to do with their lives.

Excellent points.  You hit the nail on the head.

  • Love 1

There are many things I dislike about Jim Bob and Michelle "handling" of Josh's abuse when it happened and how they handle it now. What bothers me with how they talk about it now is that they've minimized it to the point of it being called "inappropriate touching." Their fans are defending sexual abuse by calling it no big deal or somehow different from molestation. If I didn't know better, by the way they talk about his actions as a "young boy," I would think josh was a 1st grader when he committed these crimes. No Josh was a sly sexually predatory teenager and it is a big deal that they chose to ignore it. Preying on 5 girls is a big deal.


I don't think that Jill and Jessa have to damn him to hell or say he is unforgiven, but I think discussing how his actions changed their sense of security (locking doors, being in pairs, etc) would show how abuse affects the victims. I don't think they are required to talk about their abuse at all. However, saying it was nothing when big repercussions came from it is omitting facts.

Having Michelle at the taping looks suspicious because Jill and Jessa had their husbands for support and Derrick could look after Iz. It feels like Michelle didn't want them to go off script or reveal anything. Maybe Michelle jumped at the chance so she could get away from the family. Now I'll always question her motives.

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 15

For whatever little it's worth, the children in that family were raised pretty carefully to only have access to their parents' interpretation of the world, to the point of having a specific word to use when one of them decided that a passerby was so unclean that they'd be spiritually soiled by visual contact. Then the outside world came in, told them their parents are awesome, showered money and gifts on them, and put their family on TV as a role model for a successful life.


What little I specifically know about their beliefs makes me a little queasy, but I'm pretty sure there are things I was raised to believe that I've never questioned with a whole lot less incentive to play along and much better places to ask.


With any luck, when this airs, some of their impressionable tweeny fans are watching.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 8

The downgrade from "molestation" to "inappropriate touching" serious pisses me off.  "Inappropriate touching" would be two five year old's comparing and touching bodies.  A 14 (15?) year old boy touching 7-10 year old's is molestation.  See the difference Boob and J'Chelle? Over the clothes, under the clothes, doesn't matter.  He was in a position of power and used that to abuse his sisters.  If they can't even use the appropriate terminology, they should not now, nor ever, be featured on a documentary about dealing with abuse.  Even ignoring the lack of support for the victims and cover-up, if they cannot use words like "genitals", "breasts" and "molestation", they are not fit to serve as examples to the wider community.  

  • Love 14

re: that picture of Michelle, Jill and Iz


OMG, she is wearing that blue shirt again!  Please, make it stop. We had YEARS of The Green Shirt and now she is stuck in The Blue Shirt. 


Green Shirt should have its own show.  Even Anna wore that shirt. Green Shirt probably knows a lot of Duggar secrets. 

Maybe she can give the Seinfeld Puffy Shirt a twirl or 2. It fits the modesty code.

  • Love 1

Jim Bob really dressed up for the wedding, too! These people just can't resist the pull of the camera lens, even if it's Duggar Studios.


Michelle once again bites her tongue as JimBob cuts her off, also "you know Michelle, seems like I'm interviewing you when I talk like this".

Is that John David in the background?

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

Looks like his hairline and rabid enthusiasm. Seriously, a tee shirt? Why did he need to be there at all? Couldn't he have stayed home with Joe, or would that have ruined Boob's constant need to have all his fuck trophies in one place for show as often as possible?

I thought Joe lived near or with the Bates.

John David might have gone wild with a forbidden "bate" if left alone, and given some privacy.

Jim Bob really dressed up for the wedding, too! These people just can't resist the pull of the camera lens, even if it's Duggar Studios. 


JB is like a robot programmed with like 10 phrases. And really this is SOMEONE ELSE'S day, nobody cares how long you have been married or that you are preoccupied with marital sex.

  • Love 12

JB is like a robot programmed with like 10 phrases. And really this is SOMEONE ELSE'S day, nobody cares how long you have been married or that you are preoccupied with marital sex.

"Hey can everyone come down here real quick, I wanna talk to you about somethin' real quick"

"This is my wife Michelle, and we have 19 kids!"

"Mama and I were thinkin' that maybe..."

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 8

man I dont miss those two on my tv at all. Wow. How does Jim Bob always find a way to bring the topic around to him/his marriage/his kids? "you know michelle its just like yesterday we got married 31 years ago..." aight anyway.


Thank you. Way to try to bigfoot your way into being the star of someone else's wedding.


the rest maybe I should move to the clothing thread.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

^^^^^ Preach, sister! These two will keep "Duggar Studios" afloat, long past the time any of the boys give two shits.

The creepy thing is, though (I know, pick one) that the splash screen on Duggar Studios is an attempt to make the courting-age Duggar brothers look like a boy band, and all the videos seem to be about the boys. Which seems like an odd choice, since the one video featuring Jinger (granted apparently Jessa shared it on FB) has more hits than the four since put together.

I guess Jim Bob has learned his lesson about letting his junior helpmeets become more popular than he is.

OK so Michelle get's the 'special', 'rejoicing'. praise God.....in, Jim Bob get's the "I love you Michelle', and then the advice, be fruitful and multiply.  JimBob hasn't tightened his belt since the cancellation obviously so couldn't he have afforded to wear a dress shirt of some kind?


Also why does he feel the need to constantly tell Michelle that he loves her?  What's the deal with that?  It's so old already.  She knows.  We all know.  Michaela and whoever knows.  No one doesn't know.  Advice for JimBob: if you save the 'I love you Michelle' for intimate private time it may be extra special and Michelle may even purpose to say it back someday.  Good luck JB.

  • Love 9

The creepy thing is, though (I know, pick one) that the splash screen on Duggar Studios is an attempt to make the courting-age Duggar brothers look like a boy band, and all the videos seem to be about the boys. Which seems like an odd choice, since the one video featuring Jinger (granted apparently Jessa shared it on FB) has more hits than the four since put together.

I guess Jim Bob has learned his lesson about letting his junior helpmeets become more popular than he is.

Jinger got far more screen time on the show and showed more personality too. What do we know about Jed, Jer and Jason? They like making amateur movies, one of them likes chess, one hates falling down orchestra pits. That's about it.
  • Love 7

^^^^^ Preach, sister! These two will keep "Duggar Studios" afloat, long past the time any of the boys give two shits. 


Yes, because all the boys will be flailing about trying to make a living, with their no educations, no training, no job experience, no work ethic, no comfort with the outside world and their years and years and years of imbibing JB and M's stupid toxic worse-than-useless parental "advice". Poor slobs. They're going to have their share of struggles, especially if they purpose to follow their horrible father down the hyperfertility trail, as he never stops suggesting.

  • Love 4

I wish I could splice every tape of JimBob saying 'I love you Michelle' followed by Michelle's stare, into one long streaming video.

This tape could be used nationwide in police interrogation rooms as a way to make a criminal confess.


1.5 minutes into the tape, the perp would be screaming, I DID IT    I DID IT, shut that damn thing off !!

  • Love 9

Jim Bob thinks about sex more than Hugh Hefner.

Yeah right!  On their wedding day all he could think of was them being fruitful. 

She's been watching Jill R's style & makeup video!

Or more than likely one of her daughter's did her makeup for her.  I have to give her credit though she's seems to have matured to a 7 year old girl voice now. 

  • Love 2

I wasn't going to click on that. I wasn't. I wasn't.

And then I did and now I hate myself. But I hate JimBob "Everything is about us!" even more.

Amazingly, Michelle managed to be borderline appropriate...and then the Master Phallus waded in. I swear I saw a brief half second of honesty where her front teeth ground together at his cloddery, but I'm probably giving her too much credit.

That man is STUNNINGLY tone deaf.

  • Love 12

Breaking in to ask the age old question of what happen to the expression "practice makes progress and progress makes babies." Is this expression only reserve for the Duggar women or a woman marrying into the Duggar family.

My guess is that this is drilled into the heads of the uterohumans to lower their expectations about sex and you know, expecting to actually enjoy it. After hearing their entire lives about the glories of being fruitful, the actual experience probably doesn't match the hype. Rather than start the wimmenfolk actually questioning their brainwashing, this way they have a back up plan for when reality turns out to be 45 seconds of being pinned to the mattress by a frantic post-teen.

  • Love 8

As if Jim Bob is qualified to counsel anyone. Not sure how accurate this is, but I wouldn't put it past him. These dipshits can't get it through their thick skulls: The public doesn't like you! The gravy train is OVER bitch! Buy a fucking clue.


  • Love 1

I suspect the venn diagram of people Jim Bob knows and trusts enough to tell them his plans and people who have any idea what's going on inside TLC is pretty much two separate circles on opposite sides of the room at this point. I believe the Duggars are upset that the gravy train has left the station without them. An anonymous source close to the rest of the stories reveals that they're maybe not too rigorously fact-checked.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 1

Oh boy, if this new "abuse counseling show" pitch IS true, how is this in keeping with Jim Bob and Michelle's excuse to be on TV because they wanted to highlight and advertise their religion in their everyday lives? I fail to see a connection in that concept with counseling on abuse...Furthermore, they have absolutely NO qualifications to do so. Abuse happens to non-Christians and atheists...how will these two counsel those people? It is apparent to me that their TV "ministry-minded intent was abandoned a long time ago...they just want to be"TV stars" and collect a paycheck for it....so not christen in my mind. How stupid do they think we are?

  • Love 6

Oh boy, if this new "abuse counseling show" pitch IS true, how is this in keeping with Jim Bob and Michelle's excuse to be on TV because they wanted to highlight and advertise their religion in their everyday lives?

What, are they are going to teach parents how to sweep it under the rug and convince the girls a la Gothard teaching it was all their fault and they should watch 24/7 how they dress and behave in front of men? Not even TLC is that stupid. (I live in constant hope!)





edited because I do know grammar even if I don't reread my posts.

Edited by Catlyn
  • Love 6

That's insane.


JimBob may be the dumbest person on the planet. He clearly never understood the appeal of the show (it wasn't about him, but he evidently thinks it was). And he clearly does not understand the way people perceive him and his family now. In fact, I doubt he clearly understands much of anything except maybe where babies come from. What an idiot!

  • Love 14

That's insane.


JimBob may be the dumbest person on the planet. He clearly never understood the appeal of the show (it wasn't about him, but he evidently thinks it was). And he clearly does not understand the way people perceive him and his family now. In fact, I doubt he clearly understands much of anything except maybe where babies come from. What an idiot!

What is fascinating to me and and shows clear as a bell is that Dim Bob is the perfect specimen of a Gothard recruit.   They look for stupid, ignorant men who are severely insecure probably stemming as other posters have said from being the kid nobody liked.  They are also likely to be lacking in the "putter" department which can manifest it many ways.

        They are drawn into this cult, then their mates who obviously have issues too think they have found the way to finally fit in somewhere, feel powerful because they are told they are now special and superior because they believe.

   Those adoring gazes looking up at that imbecile.    It truly is The Stepford Wives, but with living, breathing idiots.

              The list is endless, but if we even think of just a few rules or whatever the hell silly word they use, its insane.     So, now we are really seeing the REAL outcome of this cult.

 So, as Bella said, the only thing they actually know is where babies come from and they have produced one child molester and 19 uneducated, jobless hate mongers. 

   I predict they will be living on the stink bus in a year or two unless they start filming Fundie porn at Duggar Studios.

  • Love 14

I have to say, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that Boob seems to think that he is the main appeal of the show. One thing I've noticed about pretty much all the Gothard men we've come across (Boob, Sly Joshie, Bin, TFDW, that Rodrigues guy) is that they are emphatically not natural leaders with the kind of charisma that would naturally put them in positions of authority. Luckily, they have the mighty Gothard and the threat of Hellfire to 'encourage' their wives and families give them that kind of obedience and adoration that they never would have gotten in a million years otherwise. Boob (and co.) have bought into this image hook line and sinker. The way he sees the world, he is the virile specimen that can father 19 (or 21 depending on when you ask) (and yes, I just threw up a little in my mouth typing that), the guy who landed the hot cheerleader (who destroys marriages through the sheer hotness of her bikini-clad body), the skilled provider for a family of 21, and the leader who is so wise that his daughters won't even cut their hair unless it pleases him. Who (in his little, creepy, boob-ish mind) wouldn't be drawn to a show about such a prime and holy example of masculinity? (okay, really need to barf now). 


ETA: Or what Cherrio said

Edited by satrunrose
  • Love 12

Re: that Bates "Congratulations! Now BANG!" video, I was at a wedding this weekend that wasn't fundie (but was Christian, though not aggressively so) and there were so many direct, unambiguous remarks about the anticipated/expected/REQUIRED grandchildren to come that I was squirming in my seat. In the actual service and at the reception. Is this normal behavior?! God help us (or maybe just my heathen self without children) if Boob & Chelly are actually in the mainstream on this one.

  • Love 2
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