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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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What also gets to me is Michelle having "old friends" over to the house.  Friends she went to high school with, and chatters merrily about the things she did in the past.  That feels like a slap in the face to her daughters, because they never got to experience all the fun stuff like that.  All they have is each other and their younger siblings

  • Love 9

It's obvious that J'Chelle is jealous of Anna's ability to have babies. I wonder if her head will explode when Jill has her first baby. Give it up, J'Chelle! You have 19 kids, and some that need you as a parent. You gave up on them long ago. You're addicted to pregnancy, and the spotlight and attention that comes with it.

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Been watching old episodes. I think J'chelle and Jim Bob's wedding is taking a natural course of most marriages.  Early on, JIm Bob was firmly in charge and J'chelle was all "make my man happy."  As time goes on, I've noticed with a lot of marriages there is a shift of, power, if you will.  Women finally become comfortable with themselves and their man and family, so they start to exert more control and are less "yes dear."  It's not indifference really, but I think more of a realizing what they need to make them happy.  J'chelle and JIm Bob seem to be at this stage. She's having a say more and letting JB know she's the one relaly in charge.

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JB is loosening up and starting to see the light about Gothard, IMO. A few years ago, no way he would have allowed one of his daughters to court and marry a college-educated, non-ATI man with facial hair and blue jeans, whose mom is a working woman with a master's degree! Once you start to admit a leader isn't infallible, there's a crack in the dam, and before long, whoosh!  Mullet still has blinders on...

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Mullet still has blinders on...


I think Mullet has anti-depressants or anti-anxieties on with her blinders too. She could also just be a straight up mean witch who is stewing in jealously & regret. I sometimes wonder if she ever questions her choice to be a brood mare, but she seems to be keeping her wagon firmly hitched to the Gothard wagon because she has no vision beyond it. I wish the girls could see beyond their ability to birth & serve. I'm not denigrating the choice to be a SAHM. I have done that in part & have no regrets, but it's not all I am & I never considered myself lesser than in any way to a manly man doing manly things. I'd love for the girls to get to choose. That's my biggest issue I think - there is no choice offered. Live this way or you are on a path to eternal destruction. Jana could have a full & fulfilled life without having children, being married or staying home, but she's never been shown that as an option so I doubt she can fully imagine that as something that has worth. If they choose to pump out a passel of kids then more power to them, but it should get to be their choice. Ok, I feel a full on rant approaching so I'm going to stop. 

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Another old episode, another post.  This was the one where J'chelle took the kids to a local elementary school (well, the girls and one boy).  Interviewing Boob, he says something like, "I can see my kids going on to college and becoming lawyers, doctors, engineers."  Then he says, "and my girls can become teachers and Nurses if they want."  Oooh, burned me up!

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Another old episode, another post.  This was the one where J'chelle took the kids to a local elementary school (well, the girls and one boy).  Interviewing Boob, he says something like, "I can see my kids going on to college and becoming lawyers, doctors, engineers."  Then he says, "and my girls can become teachers and Nurses if they want."  Oooh, burned me up!

Wouldn't there be less niking if a girl became an engineer rather than a nurse who sees the private parts of others? 

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Wouldn't there be less niking if a girl became an engineer rather than a nurse who sees the private parts of others?

Except engineering is still about a 70-80% male dominated field, probably more like 95 in Arkansas, and only brazen hussies and/or lesbians would work in that environment.

In their defense, I think they totally grasp the concept of sexual parts for pleasure vs sexual parts in a medical setting.

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I watched that show for its first couple of years when it was interesting and novel, but reached a point quickly where I couldn't stand JB & M.  She's never been a mother, only an overseer, and he's just been a business manager.  It was clear that she was a pregnancy addict and an attention-whøre.  Those kids have never really known quality motherly love.


Are the kids who have gotten married following that single-letter naming tradition with their own kids?

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Another old episode, another post.  This was the one where J'chelle took the kids to a local elementary school (well, the girls and one boy).  Interviewing Boob, he says something like, "I can see my kids going on to college and becoming lawyers, doctors, engineers."  Then he says, "and my girls can become teachers and Nurses if they want."  Oooh, burned me up!

Totally!  I hope Jenny and Jordyn becomes an evolutionary biologist and genetic engineers.  :)  

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Just like the Kartrashians and their "K" names !

Except for Kanye who chose the stunningly self-involved NorthWest. Maybe one of the J children can go a similar route. North, South, East, West, Left, Right, Up, Down, Over, Under. So many choices, although I wonder if South sounds like you're heading to hell. Up, Down & Under have sexual connotations. Ok, this won't work. I guess it'll have to be letters. Maybe someone can use U or Q. It'd be a little more challenging.
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There's only one married with kids so far, Josh.  And, yes, he and his wife are naming their brood (so far) all with names starting with "M".  Whether it will continue with the others remains to be seen. 


My guess is that Jill will pick a theme, but Jessa will say to hell with it and name her kids whatever she - or Ben, since I still get a controlling vibe from him - wants.

I wonder what'll happen if one of the kids doesn't want their courtship/marriage filmed. Can they opt out? Will J'Chelle and Boob actually care about what their kids think, rather than the money from TLC for once? I guess time will tell.

I'm waiting for any "courting" kid to tell their parents they don't need a chaperone and then go off on a date with their significant other. I had high hopes for Derick, but he's being more cautious about everything and toeing the line. I told my husband about courting the other day when he gave me a side hug at the grocery store (more like he put his arm around me, but it was still hilarious) and rattled off these rules and he was amazed that anyone would put up with it on either side. He could see a double date (with friends) at age 16, but a couple in their 20s with a chaperone is just embarrassing. 

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The girls don't know any other way.  All the families they've been allowed to associate with do it the same way.  To them, it's normal.  


Remember that episode of "The Simpsons" where Apu is trying to look patriotic so he changes the octuplets' names to Lincoln, Freedom, Condoleezza, Coke, Pepsi, Manifest Destiny, Apple Pie, and Superman? That's what popped in my head with all these name posts!

  • Love 7
Wow, Michelle looked really nice in the episode where Anna gave birth to Marcus. Her hair is straight, and I think she has some make up on.  Of course, the whole time Anna is freaking out in the back of the van she doesn't say a thing to comfort her, though Anna did ask for her to be there.


I didn't even recognize her as Michelle when they were in the van. She came across as a stranger who didn't really know Anna. I thought maybe she was a nurse or something... not a doula, for sure, way too cold and disinterested. Weird.

Edited by Rhondinella
Fixed quote formatting
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I watched that today as well. I think Ms. Query had to swing by and pick up Michelle at 0 dark thirty (they said they left for Fort Smith around 6am) just to meet up at the Smuggars' house for the drive. I don't think she had time to do whatever the hell she does to her hair every day.


Still skeeved out by her expression in the car. She offered no support to Anna; she was essentially a third wheel, along because the cameras were there. She was able to brag that she's been at the births of all 3 of her grandkids. Then, of course, she forgets they exist since she doesn't have to nurse them.

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I am a long time reader from twop. I'm so glad this web site is here, so many have posted things that I have noticed, as well as things I hadn't noticed before and found interesting.


One of the things I have never seen mentioned is that I was originally impressed with the Duggars faith in Jesus. I find it wonderful and I have often thought how nice to see a family not afraid to express their faith. I often thought if more people were like that, this place would be a better world. I just don't understand how they got so mixed up with Gothardisim? If you have such a strong faith in Jesus, why are you following some random man that was never married or had children and yet his is the final word on marriage relationships or child rearing? Jesus never needed any help from anyone getting his message across, either. Not once in the Bible did Jesus bring up Gothard. So, that would've been the end of it for me. 

Just like the Kartrashians and their "K" names !

I found it funny that Kim's baby was called  IGNori West because her mother was so preoccupied with herself! 

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Still skeeved out by her expression in the car. She offered no support to Anna; she was essentially a third wheel, along because the cameras were there. She was able to brag that she's been at the births of all 3 of her grandkids. Then, of course, she forgets they exist since she doesn't have to nurse them.

I actually thought it was a positive thing that she had such a serious expression, as if she recognized the situation for what it was and was genuinely concerned. Most of the time she seems to have some sort of affective disorder whereby she shows emotions inappropriate to the context of what's going on (like when Jordyn got her head stuck in the bannister and all she could do was laugh, even when JB was saying, "It's not funny"). Lately I've been thinking she must have some very serious psychological problem (I know that sounds DUH in the face of 19 kids!) because with each episode it's more and more apparent she does very little hands-on work whether it comes to organizing things at home or on trips or interacting with the kids at all. I don't think it's just laziness--I think she is truly mentally incapable.

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Marcus was her third, I can't remember if Ma Keller was there for Mack's birth.  But I think that 1) Ma and Pa Keller are not very financially liquid, and 2) that Anna may still have siblings that are minors.  So it's possible they couldn't afford to send her (and as if the Duggars would pay for Anna's actual mom, and Josh had not escaped Arkansas and started making income outside of family ventures), and/or that she couldn't leave the younger kids.

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I saw that episode and was horrified that they had to wait for Mullet while Anna was having pains 2 minutes apart!  Anna does ask Smuggs where Mullet is, with a teeny tiny bit of impatience (SIN!) in her voice.  Mull could care less.  I did not notice a serious expression in the car but rather a detached, here I am in a one hour car ride face.  Cannot abide the Mullet, but I love Kelly Bates.  She cares for her kids.

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I actually thought it was a positive thing that she had such a serious expression, as if she recognized the situation for what it was and was genuinely concerned. Most of the time she seems to have some sort of affective disorder whereby she shows emotions inappropriate to the context of what's going on (like when Jordyn got her head stuck in the bannister and all she could do was laugh, even when JB was saying, "It's not funny"). Lately I've been thinking she must have some very serious psychological problem (I know that sounds DUH in the face of 19 kids!) because with each episode it's more and more apparent she does very little hands-on work whether it comes to organizing things at home or on trips or interacting with the kids at all. I don't think it's just laziness--I think she is truly mentally incapable.

I agree. I know there are several factors that make her seem "off" for a woman her age (typically). She's being filmed. Others (outside of camera range) are probably interacting with family members. Her manner of walking -- bent and with small almost shuffling steps -- is probably affected by osteoporosis. But beyond that, many red flags. There is so little purposeful in the way she moves. When I walk through a roomful of youngish children I'm making eye contact, touching a shoulder here or there, stepping around a toy. I think I'm pretty typical. She reminds me of an old-fashioned tin doll on little wheels with arms permanently bent forward (as if holding something, but not) rolling straight forward.  

Edited by mbutterfly
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I am interested in the comments that some people think Michelle has a true mental issue. I mean, most people think having 19 kids is crazy, no doubt, but really a mental issue? I admit I did think that when the doctor was talking about all the horrible things that can happen during another pregnancy and she kept nodding and SMILING at him! that was terrible. I hope she was only trying to appear polite, but instead she looked like she wasn't comprehending what he was saying. 


I have no doubt that having that many children could do someone in. Especially when you think of all the work that comes along with children. Then to never have a break because they aren't going to school, unable to work outside the home, or wear comfortable sweatpants once in a while.... I think I would slip a cog or two if that were me. 


I was all sorts of creeped out when JB called her doctor! My husband has never made any kind of appointment for me! let alone my gyn/ob dr! I can't figure out why she didnt get a prescription for birth control pills or even a shot that he would never see? I'd be  surprised  if no doctor looked into her mental history

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I'm not that concerned about JB calling the doctor and setting up the appointment. If it's an issue of fertility that they are looking at (which I think it was if I remember correctly), then JB is an integral part of that. The doctor may have spoken to JB about his issues as well, but TLC may not have wanted to let a discussion about sperm happen on-camera. If that doctor was J'Chelle's OB/GYN then I would agree that that's majorly weird. 


My belief is that TLC set the whole thing up. Saying Jim Bob called was the excuse of the week. It's like when they said we decided to go to Biltmore House. No, production decided you were going to Biltmore House and made all the arrangements.


Plus the doctor isn't a fertility specialist.  He's a high risk OB. 

Edited by Absolom
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Dr. Paul Wendel is a high-risk ob/gyn. The "fertility specialist" label is just another little Duggar joke on us. He is a well qualified and apparently highly respected specialist. My little online search suggests while he doesn't belong to the Duggars' religious circle, he holds similar "right to life" views. That may be why he agreed to appear on this silly show in that supremely silly episode. I remember Michelle saying something about if she should conceive, she wanted to be sure she could carry the pregnancy. Dr. Wendel would be a good choice in that situation. 

Here;s a simple solution then -- don't get in the damn car just to get tv time.    She did not have to be there.   In fact, she made an advanced labor Anna wait for her to get her ass over ot the house just so she could be seen riding in the car.   Just so Michelle could claim she was at the birth of each of her grandchildren.   Big whoop de doo considering she ingnores the little angels thereafter.   Who cares she was present?   Not Anna who is a little busy?   Not the kid who won't even remember it.   MIchelle is just doing it for attention.   

  • Love 11

Plus, at the births I don't think J'Chelle helped all that much. Not that there is much one can do (besides a midwife/doctor) when a woman is in labor besides hold her hand and comfort her. Although J'Chelle should be given some credit because she didn't GO TO SLEEP like Josh did when Anna was in labor with Mackynzie. 

After watching Josh and Anna's special moments rerun, I saw the 3 births all over again. Doesn't anyone realize that Anna seems to have hard labors and suffered what, 16 hours in labor AT HOME? That poor young girl is an idiot. She isn't built as sturdy as Michelle was. Michelle was a chunky 17 year old, Anna is a small boned girl...she has filled out after 3 kids, but that's just flab from babies, underneath it all, she is still more frail than Michelle...I don't think multiple births year after year will be good for her. Get that girl to a hospital to deliver from here on after...they just don't care for their own health and well being..it's evident with Esther, Anna's sister on down. I think it's just $$$ with them.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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