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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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All very interesting point of views.

I agree that they've probably chosen fundamentalism for the need to control themselves, their children and environment. Interesting point about looking at the less desirable lifestyles of certain family members and using that as a means in which to protect their children from falling into. With 19 kids it will be interesting to see how successful they are with this as each kid grows up and chooses for themselves what they value and how they want to live. So far they seem to be having more success than the average Christian family but that comes from the fact that the kids as adults are raised to be dependent on their parents. That is not good parenting however.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 5

I also think that Boob and J'chelle, like many people, see their kids as extensions of themselves. Therefore, if they have "perfect" children (and a lot of them) they themselves must be "perfect" too. The kids aren't treated like individuals because in J'chelle and Boob's eyes, they're not. They're an army of Duggarlings that have been bred to be just like their parents, but better. Every single pro-life tweet, new grandchild, like-minded son/daughter-in-law, over the top super wedding, etc is just another feather in their cap.

Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 7

Cults prey on the weak and valuable. Gothard makes his cult sound fun. Even some Duggar thumpers are amazed how well behaved the kids are. JimChelle are broken people. Jim bob had low self esteem and blames his father for everything. He wasn't popular. Then Michelle shows up. He got the pretty cheerleader. Michelle was normal until she met Jimbob. Getting married at 17 was the wrong thing to do for her. She had no support since her whole family moved to Ohio. The miscarriage probably send them over the edge. Jim Bob already had low self worth. He probably blamed the pill and Michelle for the miscarriage. They had to blame something. That christian doctor probably wasn't a real doctor anyway. The miscarriage made them both feel like horrible people so they probably found out about gothard. Gothard was like a dream come true for JB. He probably convinced Michelle to join and she agreed. Jim bob didn't have control or power in his own life so gothard was perfect for him. JB loves having his ego stroked. He loves that he can have sex whenever he wants. He loves that his children are weak. He can't gave his own kids smarter or more successful than him, it would hurt his ego.

Imo JB wanted to join more than Michelle.

take a look at this article about why people join cults https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sideways-view/201402/why-do-people-join-cults

  • Love 7

The Christian doctor who told them that the Pill caused the miscarriage was none other than Dr. Ed Wheat, the author of the fundie sex books that Josh received before his wedding. He's a Gothardite, so I am pretty certain he was their gateway into the cult. As an aside, I've seen some illustrations from the book (as in here's a diagram of the ladybits). There is no clitoris. How are these guys supposed to learn to pleasure their wives properly??? 


As I understand the homeschooling issue, it was hard to be accepted into the ATI homeschooling curriculum back then, and before the internet and electronic applications, things took a while. They were in the process of getting their application approved when it was time for Josh to start school, hence that one year at Shiloh Christian. This is explained in their first book, IIRC, just not in terms of full disclosure. They don't mention ATI or Gothard by name. Recovering Grace was very helpful in learning what the Duggars would have gone through to get accepted into ATI. They didn't take just anyone who had done the Basic Seminar. I believe the Advanced Seminar was also required. At any rate, the Duggars were pretty well steeped in the Kook-Aid long before they pulled Josh out of Shiloh Christian to homescool him. It all seems to go straight back to the miscarriage and Dr. Wheat's erroneous information. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

The Christian doctor who told them that the Pill caused the miscarriage was none other than Dr. Ed Wheat, the author of the fundie sex books that Josh received before his wedding. He's a Gothardite, so I am pretty certain he was their gateway into the cult. As an aside, I've seen some illustrations from the book (as in here's a diagram of the ladybits). There is no clitoris. How are these guys supposed to learn to pleasure their wives properly???

As I understand the homeschooling issue, it was hard to be accepted into the ATI homeschooling curriculum back then, and before the internet and electronic applications, things took a while. They were in the process of getting their application approved when it was time for Josh to start school, hence that one year at Shiloh Christian. This is explained in their first book, IIRC, just not in terms of full disclosure. They don't mention ATI or Gothard by name. Recovering Grace was very helpful in learning what the Duggars would have gone through to get accepted into ATI. They didn't take just anyone who had done the Basic Seminar. I believe the Advanced Seminar was also required. At any rate, the Duggars were pretty well steeped in the Kook-Aid long before they pulled Josh out of Shiloh Christian to homescool him. It all seems to go straight back to the miscarriage and Dr. Wheat's erroneous information.

Remember men like the physical part of sex, women like that emotional part. As long as a penis does its job and make babies pleasure isn't really a priority.

  • Love 3

Reading over the last few posts, it's pretty scary to think about what happened to Jim Bob and Michelle when they joined Gothardism or however we want to define it. They certainly would not have had 19 children if they had not joined. To believe in it the way they do, it's like their minds were taken over completely and whoever they were in the past, they are not the same people at all today. Even more frightening to see is how they have complete control over all of their children, the ones at home and the ones who are married. I guess Josh is the only one who is semi-independent in that he's no longer working for his father in a home based approved business. Most of us want our kids to grow up and lead independent lives , even if we don't always agree with their choices. The Duggars might wind up with several kids who literally never leave home, staying on well into their 30's and 40's. That's a pretty scary aspect, too...is this what Gothard feels is right for every family to do? Keep adults dependent on their parents until they pass away in their old age?

  • Love 6


The Duggars might wind up with several kids who literally never leave home, staying on well into their 30's and 40's. That's a pretty scary aspect, too...is this what Gothard feels is right for every family to do? Keep adults dependent on their parents until they pass away in their old age?

It's very scary and sad that they reached a point where controlling their children became a primary focus of their lives.  One of the creepiest things that I've heard with them is having the children confess to them.  Some of the families following the same or similar belief systems already have unmarried 30 somethings at home.  What is going to happen to them when the parents die?  

  • Love 4

Yes, Absolom, I agree completely with your post. Exactly what did Michelle mean when she said that they have "their childrens' hearts"? She never explained the meaning of that catch phrase...never an explanation. I also think that it's sick to require your children to confess their sexual fantasies, struggles etc with YOU? Detail is not necessary. If they have some struggles, keep it very general, I think. Please, why are they interested in such things? There is something woefully wrong there...

  • Love 5

Darknight....THANK YOU.....I have wondered for some time now just who was that  doctor who informed Michelle about the pill with J'Caleb.  That explains so much. Why did they go to this physician? The could have ALSO received another opinion from a "regular Christian" physiclan who would have given them the MEDICAL facts about the pill, etc...and exactly what happened with that event in Micelle's personal case. This family in my opinion, has never recovered from these events and are living out the effects of not handling a life event properly. They still carry the guilt and the blame for their whole lives up to that point.  JMHO

  • Love 1

Remember men like the physical part of sex, women like that emotional part. As long as a penis does its job and make babies pleasure isn't really a priority.

I was going to post something similar. Remember these girls are probably raised to believe you can't even look "down there" yet let alone touch anything. Even if they have accidentally touched something which stirred up desires, they probably had to report it to MEchelle to pray it away. They may have been brainwashed to believe even if your husband touches you there it's still wrong as he is the one to get pleasure out of sex not you. (Hence the missing clitoris in Dr Wheat's books.) I can't believe people actually follow the beliefs of this man.

  • Love 7

I just watched the latest episode on demand and its the one leading up to the few days before Jessa's wedding. I agree with the people that think Michelle is acting high during her talking head segments. For people so  concerned with themselves that they don't drink, dance or wear pants because it's sinful, then why is getting stoned out of your mind ok?


I don't understand their way of thinking at all. 

  • Love 3

Maybe Michelle is seeing some doctor in regards to her depression/anxiety, and is either over medicated or not on the right type of medication. I guess it's also possible that she's not medicated at all, but really should be. She doesn't seem to be the type of person who can cope with the family situation that they have created and her crazy eyes and increasingly high pitched voice are a reflection of that. Probably one more reason Jana is still home. If Jana leaves to get married, Michelle is going to have another nervous breakdown because no on in the household, including Michelle, can fill Jana's duties and be as loving as she is.

  • Love 3

It's very scary and sad that they reached a point where controlling their children became a primary focus of their lives.  One of the creepiest things that I've heard with them is having the children confess to them.  Some of the families following the same or similar belief systems already have unmarried 30 somethings at home.  What is going to happen to them when the parents die?  

They will have to join a local Catholic church and confess to the priest.  Another reality show!  

  • Love 2

Oh, the original post was from SewSumi..about Dr. Ed Wheat being the physician Michelle originally spoke to all those years ago after J'Caleb..Thank YOU, then, too.

Also, if the Duggars believe that confessing sins to a priest within the privacy of a confessional isn't what one should do, (just confess them to God directly), then why do they insist that their children confess their "sins" to THEM? What makes them so qualified and approved for such things? Such contradictions, IMO.

  • Love 4

I saw someone mention in another thread that they could very well end up with 100 grandchildren. That many grandkids, plus then great-grandkids, will probably cause the family to drift apart/break apart. I don't see Jim Bob and Michelle being able to control that many people. At that point statistically you're going to have ones who are gay, ones who start thinking for themselves, ones who question everything, probably have one or two "stray" and get pregnant or get someone pregnant out of wedlock. Their whole belief system/premise just isn't sustainable over the generations.

  • Love 9

I was going to post something similar. Remember these girls are probably raised to believe you can't even look "down there" yet let alone touch anything. Even if they have accidentally touched something which stirred up desires, they probably had to report it to MEchelle to pray it away. They may have been brainwashed to believe even if your husband touches you there it's still wrong as he is the one to get pleasure out of sex not you. (Hence the missing clitoris in Dr Wheat's books.) I can't believe people actually follow the beliefs of this man.

That's sad these kids can't enjoy sex. I remember an episode of that Dr. Berman show on Own. Dr. Berman was counseling a woman who grew up in a christian environment and lost her virginity at 16. She felt so much shame and when she told her parents her parents said she was used and Noone was going to marry her. She did eventually get married but she still had a whole heap if problems. She could just let go and enjoy sex with her husband. She had to be a good girl and make him happy. The husband felt bad and tried to get her help. Their sex life was non exist. Even when doctor berman mentioned pleasure via orgsam or masturbation it was wrong. The woman felt shame all over again.

The way the Duggars teach their children about sex has to be traumatizing. How can you go from 0 to 60 in one day, when you've been brainwashed to believe the very thing you're doing is wrong. Or sex isn't for pleasure it's for babies. A good respectful man will make sure his wife is ccomfortable and gets to enjoy sex like he enjoys it. Just because JimChelle has a horrible sex life doesn't mean they should pass their horrible sex life down to their children. I bet Michelle would think she's broken if Jim gave her an orgasm or had wild sex.

  • Love 1

Nope. Michelle (or any Duggar under Boob's control) can ever see a psychiatrist or take medication for depression or other mental imbalances. They believe that these sorts of things are the influence of Satan and can be prayed away. Lord help any Duggar who is bipolar or, even worse, schizophrenic. They will never get the help they need. 


It's bad enough that Boob/Mechelle don't appear to get help for children who they've admitted have some unidentified learning disabilities. I wonder if, for them, that was code for "needing glasses." I don't know how they could identify anything else; they don't seem overly concerned that 13 year-old James is still working on multiplication tables. 


All in all, they do their children a HUGE disservice, all in the name of being OF the world and not IN it. They've taken this to an extreme that even the Bateses - with Gil sitting on the Gothard Board of Directors - haven't  quite gone. 

  • Love 7

Creepy interview regarding porn on the internet with Boob and Mechelle. There is no gray with these people: you are either a pious, upstanding Christian, or you are a smut-loving pervert. Boob also believes that only men are visually stimulated (women are "only stimulated by touch" - his words).  Boob also charmingly calls the Iphone a "personal pornography theater" and admits that some of his sons have the old flip phones so they can't access the internet. You KNOW that poor Josiah, shuttled off to ALERT for 9 months last year, has a Flip Phone of Shame. 


Part One: http://www.covenanteyes.com/2015/02/11/


Part Two: http://www.covenanteyes.com/2015/02/18/

  • Love 3

That's sad these kids can't enjoy sex.

We don't know that they can't. That poster was speculating. 


Gothard does teach that men are physical and girls emotional (hence no Nike equivalent for the women) and that women should honor their husband's desires, but if a woman's desires coincide, there doesn't seem to be anything that says they can't have crazy enjoyable sex.


Clearly their beliefs don't coincide with Catholic ones (since Catholics can prevent pregnancy through natural means)- but the Catholic Church even teaches that sex is just as much about husband/wife time as it is about creating a family.  Gothard very well may see it as marital bonding.

From what I've read on Recovering Grace and other places for survivors of spiritual abuse there appears to be quite a range when it comes to ideas about sex among Gothardites and other fundies. There also seems to be a discrepancy between what is said (sex should be pleasurable for both husband and wife) and what is actually practiced (sex is mainly for the pleasure of the man, the women must always be available, women doesn't have as strong physical urges as men et cetera).


Also, the obsession with keeping their children "pure" in body and mind leads to these extreme ideas that Boob and Mechelle showcase in the interviews above. From what I've read they're not alone in this obsession and judging from survivor testimonies, that kind of attitude about sex as dirtybadwrong right up until the second you get married can have some severely damaging consequences for those children once they becaome adults.


I just do not understand how sex became this important in the fundie quest for salvation. I admit I haven't read the Bible from start to end, but from what I have read there doesn't seem to be that great an emphasis on sex, especially in the New Testament. I mostly remember the bits about not being judgemental, love everyone and give all your stuff to the poor, but then I'm a heathen so what do I know? ;)

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 3

I saw someone mention in another thread that they could very well end up with 100 grandchildren. That many grandkids, plus then great-grandkids, will probably cause the family to drift apart/break apart. I don't see Jim Bob and Michelle being able to control that many people. At that point statistically you're going to have ones who are gay, ones who start thinking for themselves, ones who question everything, probably have one or two "stray" and get pregnant or get someone pregnant out of wedlock. Their whole belief system/premise just isn't sustainable over the generations.

Interesting point.  The 'ultimate control' thing was probably sustainable back in the days when ultra fundamentalist families were more isolated from the rest of the world, socially and geographically. Now with the Duggars being actively on the internet and travelling all over the country, that same degree of isolation isn't there. 

All it would take is for one or two of the Duggar kids to loosen up a bit when they have their own families and it breaks down.  I don't think that the younger kids, like Jackson (who seems to be so over the whole thing) or Hannie or Jenny will be as strict with their own kids as J'Chelle and Boob have been.  I can see some of them allowing their own kids to go to college or let them go out in groups to have a coffee without being watched the whole time.  

If each Duggar has just 5 each, there is 95 grandchildren and J'Chelle and Boob can't control all of them. 

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I will guess that each younger Dugger couple received quite a few Christian books on sex as wedding gifts (I know I did) from various people. This is another example of Jim Bob's control breaking down. He has no way of knowing what books Anna might have been given, for instance. I've read or thumbed through most of them, and not all of them are terrible. Some are actually pretty decent.

And let's be honest - lots of secular children go on to have terrible adult sex lives because they can't communicate with a spouse/significant other, they never really learned how to best operate the, um Legos outside of the basic design, and real life has a way of not ending up looking like the porn video.

So yes, a lot of Fundies and Christians are messed up about sex. But having come from that world into the secular world, I was surprised to learn that not everyone in that world was having great sex either. It was kind of disappointing, to hear, actually! If you all are such dreadful sinners like I was told, I thought at least you all would be have fantastic sex to show for it! ;)

Edited by GEML
  • Love 4

Of all the 19 kids in the Duggar family, somewhere along the way, one of them is probably going to get divorced at some point. Whether it's early in the marriage or after 30 years together, it will happen. I really wonder how Jim Bob and Michelle would react to an event like that, especially if they are still as involved in choosing the spouse for all of their kids in the future as they are now. Would they blame themselves in any way , and would they feel that their child was going to hell? What if one of their kids or spouses ended up using drugs or alcohol and developed a substance abuse problem? You can't "pray away" alcoholism or an addiction to painkillers.

  • Love 2

Of all the 19 kids in the Duggar family, somewhere along the way, one of them is probably going to get divorced at some point. Whether it's early in the marriage or after 30 years together, it will happen. I really wonder how Jim Bob and Michelle would react to an event like that, especially if they are still as involved in choosing the spouse for all of their kids in the future as they are now. Would they blame themselves in any way , and would they feel that their child was going to hell? What if one of their kids or spouses ended up using drugs or alcohol and developed a substance abuse problem? You can't "pray away" alcoholism or an addiction to painkillers.


I feel pretty safe in saying that neither Boob nor Me-chelle will be blaming themselves for any divorces among their kids, or even their own. Should the earth crack open and that ever occur. No matter what evil thing happens, it will ALWAYS be someone's else deal... or God's will. 

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I'm quite sure that Michelle, Anna, Jilly and Jessa ALL sport a full bush look. In fact the other older girls would also. I say this ( needing brain bleach) because I would think that they feel it's the natural way God intended them to be and any "ladyscaping" of the area would be a heathen thing to do...but, oh, please, pass the Clorox NOW.

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I don't know where to put this but here it is. I never watched Oprah when she had her talk show but I was flipping through the channels last night and ended up watching a show she did about the FDLS. I had nightmares last night on how people still can be swayed into a cult. Warren Jeffs was/is a creepy pedo. Why did families give their 12 girls to him to abuse?


IDK it makes me just as sick as any girl being sent off to the Gothard camp for Gothard to drool over the girls. I sure hope that Gothard's cult will die. No need for it and as we all know not educating your children has SERIOUS repercussions.  Willie Jessop has moved on. He now lives in a community with other former Jeff's followers. Willie lobbied to have a real public school again. Now that the kids are in a real school vs. Jeff's teachings they are learning what all other kids learn in school. The Principal said that the kids they get are 3-4 years behind not only in academics but seriously behind in social skills. We see the exact same thing with the Duggars. No way can these kids survive in the outside world. I doubt that Boob or MEchelle have a clue nor care about their kids education. So sad. 



  • Love 4

Monday chuckle.


My twins are on a mission trip down to NC. So I get a text from Twin #1 that said:


Twin #1 Mom I saw a man that looked like JimBob I'm scared.


Me: Next time your near a Walmart or Wags go and buy a small trial size spray bottle of hairspray that you can use because you guys forgot to bring your pepper spray with you. (hardened Chicagoan you can never be safe enough)


LOL It dawned on me this morning that I told her to get some hairspray to ward off the creeper. If it was Boob he would run into the hairspray not run from it. *blonde moment and I'm not even blonde*

  • Love 7

Monday chuckle.


My twins are on a mission trip down to NC. So I get a text from Twin #1 that said:


Twin #1 Mom I saw a man that looked like JimBob I'm scared.


Me: Next time your near a Walmart or Wags go and buy a small trial size spray bottle of hairspray that you can use because you guys forgot to bring your pepper spray with you. (hardened Chicagoan you can never be safe enough)


LOL It dawned on me this morning that I told her to get some hairspray to ward off the creeper. If it was Boob he would run into the hairspray not run from it. *blonde moment and I'm not even blonde*


Fuzzysox - Your kid is funny. Made me laugh. Give 'em a hug when they get back :>)

  • Love 1

Pickles and Hairspray is reporting that there was a gas explosion at a warehouse owned by Boob.

It was right on their property at the warehouse where Bin lived.


**news story from her FB page:



Edited by Fuzzysox

Yeah, Bin's warehouse was detatched. A friend of mine was at the property last week, and took a picture of the Shed from the road; it is definitely self-standing. However, all of the Duggar crap was housed in one of *these* warehouses. I hope everyone's okay, but it would be ironic if this happened in the Duggar's own storage facility rather than one of the rentals. 



In this case, "construction crew" is more than likely code for "negligent Duggar sons." After all, they've spent an inordinate amount of time these past couple of seasons bragging about how they can watch a professional once, then do the work themselves. On Duggar property, I think it's clear that's what happened here. 

  • Love 2

I will guess that each younger Dugger couple received quite a few Christian books on sex as wedding gifts (I know I did) from various people.


Wow!  I learn something new on these threads every day!  I've never heard of any kind of sex book being given as a wedding gift.  Surely the giver would be a very close family member rather than extended family, friends or acquaintances, right?  

  • Love 2

Yes, mine came from various people - including my father, what passed for godparents (we didn't use that term) the minister who did the counseling - people like that. The Duggars take the sex stuff to an extreme, and that was not the case in my family, but that depends more on the family than fundamentalism or even evangelicalism in general. If you watched 90 Day Fiancé there was an evangelical couple who had a family that was also fixated on it. Some pastors are fixated on it, and some never touch it.

The Duggar preaching on sex, and it being mainly the man's desire and the woman should comply right away, because as Michelle told Jessa it doesn't take too long, reminds me of the book Clan of the Cave Bear where the guy would say OOG or something and point and the girl (Ayla) would rush to him and bend over.  Really romantic.

  • Love 5

The Duggar preaching on sex, and it being mainly the man's desire and the woman should comply right away, because as Michelle told Jessa it doesn't take too long, reminds me of the book Clan of the Cave Bear where the guy would say OOG or something and point and the girl (Ayla) would rush to him and bend over.  Really romantic.


Oh, LOL. I'm remembering something very similar from "Quest for Fire" - caveman lovin'... 

Edited by Wellfleet
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Oh I've got you all beat. When my mother decided it was time to tell me about the facts of life she took me to a hotel for a 'mother-daughter' weekend. She brought books and a WHITE BOARD to draw pictures. 


I don't know how old you are, 3girlsforus, but your mom sounds pretty progressive to me. Good for her! My mom came to the 5th grade menstruation movie with me, and that was about it! Not one additional word was EVER said. Although we did have some rollicking laughs about it years [and years] later. LOL!

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 3

I'm 45 and it didn't feel progressive to me at all but hey - maybe it was. She had never mentioned anything about any of that before that day and never again after. We hadn't developed any kind of relationship to have those discussions. So I was just stuck in a hotel room with my mother drawing pictures of fallopian tubes and penises on a white board. She never discussed sex for fun. Someone else's mom told me what an orgasm was. I was so traumatized I didn't even really get the concept of a period. I though you just peed blood once a month. I didn't realize it was a several day process LOL. Thank God I had friends.

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