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S03.E09: Angel's Story

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I just have to say it. Gastric bypass is not a magic pill. Having it will not take away your cravings. So, having your surgery postponed is not the reason you still crave the sweets. If you cut out the sugar and carbs, in a few weeks, you won't want them or crave them.


As I've said, I'm on a journey. I started with no sugar and needed coffee on my 6th day I added a little less sugar than normal and it was so sweet I couldn't drink it. Angel, follow the diet and you will be able to curb those cravings on your own. She did good at first losing over 100 pounds. That diet is what she needs to stick to even after surgery.


She is doing great. She weighs less than me now, but, I'm quickly gaining on her. She's looking good. I just wish she were able to walk more upright. Her posture and walk make her look much older than she is.

Edited by Mom2twoNonna2one
  • Love 4
Guest dutronc

The screen said she lost the first 165 lbs by skipping meals and not eating a lot--I don't know if that's a good strategy. 


I missed the first fifteen minutes of the show, but was pretty horrified that she got a feeding tube put in. Unless her surgeon was Dr Mengele, I'm going to assume it was at least kind of indicated, which would mean that something was really wrong, and she wasn't losing weight by eating baked chicken and steamed veg. Superficially, I did enjoy Dr Now reading the riot act, but it was pretty obvious that Angel is a different case. At first, I thought that she either had a deranged surgeon (is a feeding tube on a bariatric patient a good idea?), and then I though maybe she's a Munchausen-type case. But then I just sort of formed the idea that she didn't have a lot of education or practice speaking up for herself. 


The trip to the therapist was really distressing and sad. 


I agree the husband was loving and caring, but his question about whether orange juice was healthy or unhealthy kind broke my heart a little. He was clearly trying--what's wrong with orange juice, right? It's basically fruit, after all--and reminded me that having solid nutritional information is so important and yet so out of reach.

Edited by dutronc

We didn't really see what Angel's diet was, so it's hard to say exactly how she lost those 100+ pounds at first. All they ever showed her eating was Jell-O.  I really wish this show put some more focus on the type of food the patients are eating and provided some kind of nutritional counseling or education. Half the time it seems that the people don't realize what they're eating is not healthy. 

I also thought Angel's body looked frail. The way she was walking seemed painful, and she couldn't bend or straighten her knees properly. I wonder what that's about. She did seem very depressed throughout the show and I hope her counseling helps her. I really liked her boyfriend/partner. 

Edited by purpleflowers
  • Love 3

The trip to the therapist made me really sad for Angel. I hope she gets to meet her long lost daughter and get some closure. She shouldn't have carried that guilt with her for all those years.

I have an adopted child and it would break my heart to know my child's birth mother was torturing herself with guilt like that. Adoption Is a gift, not a crime.

Edited by NJRach
  • Love 12

My guess is that the reason she went to the ER because she was sick was that she wasn't eating. I assume when you are discharged after weight loss surgery, you are given a very specific diet. She probably wasn't following the diet because she wasn't eating enough. But to not tell the ER doctor that she was under the care of another doctor, a bariatric surgeon, no less, was insane. 


Just as many of these folks need therapy, they also need a nutrionist to help them plan meals, shop and cook. 

  • Love 3

The trip to the therapist made me really sad for Angel. I hope she gets to meet her long lost daughter and get some closure. She shouldn't have carried that guilt with her for all those years.

I have an adopted child and it would break my heart to know my child's birth mother was torturing herself with guilt like that. Adoption Is a gift, not a crime.

I get that she felt guilt for adopting out her child, but she was never in a good position (especially now).  I have to believe that her little girl is in a much better place.  At least now she has her boyfriend to help her care for Andrew (that was her son, right?).

  • Love 1

Aha- that explains why she moved so oddly. She was still acting as if she was hauling a 500 pound caboose.

I think that Melissa, the first 600 pounder, had the same issue. She lost weight, but was still walking as she had before. She wound up in the hospital because she tore stitches, and then had trouble getting them to heal again. Big mess.


Also, isn't abdominal surgery kind of rough? She had a lot of stuff going on over a relatively short span of time. I wondered if she was just having pain and trouble standing straight because of the surgeries? 


Yo, Penny - do you see this chick over here? Angel? Just like you, she wanted to go to her son's events AND SHE EXERCISED AND WORKED HER FOOD PLAN AND WENT TO HER SON'S EVENTS. Eff you, Penny.

  • Love 16

Angel lost an astounding amount of weight pre-surgery. Of course, I was wondering why she couldn't do that before the possibility of surgery was on the table.

Did she/her husband not mention when they went to the hospital that Angel had recently had gastric bypass? I'd think that the doctor treating her there might have wanted to communicate with her surgeon (my partner said I'd be surprised by how many doctors don't get a patient's full history or consult with the patient's treating physician). I get the impression that Angel and her husband would go along with what a doctor said, and so they agreed to the feeding tube.

I really hope Angel can forgive herself for a decision she made as a vulnerable 14-year old. She did what she thought was best, given the information she had at the time.

I was worried that the husband was going to be one of those icky guys who gets off on taking care of a physically dependent person, but he seemed genuinely supportive and encouraging of Angel's increased mobility and independence.

They didn't mention skin removal surgery for her, though. I wonder if loose skin contributed to the way she was walking.

  • Love 2

I wouldn't have knee surgery unless they have the micro surgery where they make a small hole and shoot some stuff in.  Full blown--no thanks.


I missed understanding what Dr Now did in the first surgery where she had a lot of scar tissue and he could not continue.  Did he scrap it off and wait a month or so?  How about regrowth of scar tissue.  This is really bothering me so if anybody knows about the scar tissue complication, please do explain.


Why a doctor would go to a feeding tube for malnutrition is beyond me.  They stuck my butt is hospital on IVs for a couple of weeks and then added those nutrition bags to the IV.  Medical things are quite gory and it seems once you get started, it really compounds, and that is depressing.  


Good for you Angel.  Hip hip hoorah.  The very best to you and your family.  You are a winner.

  • Love 1

I'm a big fan of Dr. Now's 'take no bullshit' approach with his patients.  This time however, I thought he was taking his frustration out on the wrong person. It wasn't totally Angel's fault that she didn't call him first.  Yes, of course she should have contacted him.  But the ER doctor should have been able to tell that she had a recent surgery and sh/e should have reached out to the primary doctor.  I have a hard time believing Angel's condition was so dire that they had to insert a feeding tube right away or she would die. There was time to make a phone call or send an email.  I lay that on the feet of the ER doc and our fucked up medical profession.  It's not the patient's job to know the protocols within the medical field, and she wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box to start with.


Angel was already burdened with years of unwarranted guilt about her adoption.  Now she's made to feel unwarranted guilt about going to the ER?  I call foul on this one. I still love Dr. Now, it just could have been handled better, particularly with this patient.  (as opposed to, let's say, Penny).


That being said, Go Angel!  I really like it when they finally "get it".  

  • Love 13

Why do people keep enabling bad behavior? Stop cooling and bringing in fatty foods to a 600 pounder.

for all the questionable behaviors of the actual 600 pound patient, I find this aspect to be the most frustrating.  After all, if the person crabbing at you to bring them food gets mad, it's not like they can run after you and beat you up.  You just stay strong and say NO.  So much grief could be avoided this way.  

  • Love 5

Ugh. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's because of the truncated way these shows are filmed, but I found this episode to be ethically troubling. Here's a patient who loses, what? Nearly 200 pounds in two months? To me, that just screamed selective starvation, not smart eating. Couple that with what appeared to me to be a patient suffering with a major depressive disorder and a family already living on the margins who is neither schooled in proper nutrition nor adequate life-coping skills. And Dr Now just sends them on their way with instructions to "eat healthy?" They don't know what that means! I mean, at no point did I think that Angel was enjoying anything about her life -- pre- or post-surgery. My god, that scene with her trying on new clothes broke my heart. She looked so beaten down and sad. (It's also possible she never smiled because I also noticed that a good deal of her top teeth were missing.)


In addition to advising her to lose weight before the procedure, he should have ordered her into counseling as well.


As for the insertion of the feeding tube, what doctor couldn't tell she just had recent abdominal surgery? There were likely fresh scars on her stomach, right? And while Angel and Donnie didn't seem to be the brightest folks, I can't imagine that at no point during the ER visit they did not advise the doctors there she had had gastric bypass. It's always a question on the medical forms, "Have you had recent surgery?" I also don't doubt she was suffering from malnutrition. It appeared all she ever ate were Jello cups (and at some point, I saw her frying what appeared to be onions.) That being said, I can't imagine a doctor putting in a feeding tube willy nilly. I think we weren't getting the full story there. At all.


And I also think that a lot more went on in Angel's life than giving up a child for adoption.


Regardless, with everything working against her, she was meeting her weight loss goals, whether she was doing it in a health way or not. Pauline and Penny, the world's biggest professional vicitims, could still learn a thing or two from her.


ETA: Like the other posters, I didn't understand the "scar tissue" thing either.

Edited by Guest

I think there was a lot left out about Angel's life prior to the adoption. She also seemed childlike when she would lean on Donnie. She's so sad.

When Donnie said Angel eats about 10-12 lbs of food a day I was taken aback. I know these people eat a lot of calories to sustain their weight, but putting it into actual pounds astounded me. That's a lot of weight in one day.

Angel is not the heaviest person ever to appear on this show, but she seems to be the most unhealthy. Especially to be so young.

Edited by RedKoolAide
  • Love 1

Finally a husband/boyfriend that I don't want to punch in the face!  And he cooked too!!


I was so sad for Angel nearly the entire episode.  I wish they would have shown her going to therapy sooner.  She needed that so bad. 


I was shocked... SHOCKED that she lost 165 pounds before surgery.  You could tell she lost a good amount because she was back to walking more easily than before the first time she went in there.  But yes, she starved herself. Hopefully after the surgery and all those kinks she finally found a good balance...  all we ever saw her eating was jello. 

  • Love 4
Here's a patient who loses, what? Nearly 200 pounds in two months? To me, that just screamed selective starvation, not smart eating. Couple that with what appeared to me to be a patient suffering with a major depressive disorder and a family already living on the margins who is neither schooled in proper nutrition nor adequate life-coping skills. And Dr Now just sends them on their way with instructions to "eat healthy?"


Totally agree. When she lost 150 pounds in 2 months my eyes almost popped out of my head. I don't care how big you are, losing 2-3 pounds a day is NOT healthy. It seemed that she was sustaining on Jello cups. Aside from her obvious depression, no wonder she was miserable! I'd be a mess if I only ate nasty Jello. Losing weight too quickly means you are also losing needed nutrients. Again, I really wish they would show an at home visit with a nutritionist. I think that would be helpful to the viewing public. I can't believe that they spend time showing them standing or sitting naked in their bathrooms, trying to wash themselves, but can't spend one moment talking about diet and nutrition, other than when Dr Now says eat healthy post op, or zero carb diet pre op. Do these people, who tend to be uneducated and in denial even know what a carb is, or what foods are high in carbs? 

  • Love 4

I was nearing my breaking point with this show, but after Angel's story I'll definitely keep watching.  I tune in to see weightloss, increased mobility and a triumphant reentry in the world. The past few weeks have felt more like a lesson in futility. I know it won't be like season 1 and we're not likely to see dramatic results when surgery isn't performed until month 3 or 5. So, I was surprised that Angel had lost something like 150 lbs in a few months prior to surgery! And that's not a good thing. She wasn't seen eating solid foods after her treatment began, the only thing I believe she was seen eating on camera was jell-o, and the (protein?) supplement drink when she had her feeding tube. That sounds like torture. Now, I don't believe the film crew is there more than a few times a year, though the on-screen narration plods along a month at a time. We really don't get to see a proper timeline. Could most of the eating shots been earlier in the process when she had to eat soft foods? Then other times they filmed her going to the football game, walking to the gazebo and going to therapist?


I feel like there's so much more this show could be if it was edited differently. Did she feel healthier later down the road? When could she start eating regular foods?  And yes, the whole issue about her previous scar tissue. Is it too invasive to have had an on-screen explanation or Angel herself talking about it? We saw her washing her folds virtually naked on a toilet for crying out loud. At least we're to understand it's not from a previous wls, right? I wondered if it was from a c-section, though I suppose that sort of scar wouldn't interfere with what Dr. Now was doing.


I also found it sad that there was no family or friends involved in the show except her partner and child, and the child didn't speak on camera. It always seems like it's a boost to people's morale to show off after a weight loss like this and she didn't have that (on camera).


I also think she's walking that way because her knees and maybe her hips are shot. She didn't have the lymphedema others do and her legs didn't look in bad shape, but all that weight she carried in her mid-section had to stress her joints something awful.

  • Love 3

 I can't believe that they spend time showing them standing or sitting naked in their bathrooms, trying to wash themselves, but can't spend one moment talking about diet and nutrition, other than when Dr Now says eat healthy post op, or zero carb diet pre op. Do these people, who tend to be uneducated and in denial even know what a carb is, or what foods are high in carbs? 


not saying this is even close to having a consult with a nutritionist but Dr Now does give them a list of approved foods and foods they should definitely not eat. 

It did crack me up a little when she went in after the feeding tube and Dr Now was upset and showed her the instructions about calling him first and then shoved them to her boyfriend and said "now you read the instructions"  lol 

  • Love 3

I think that a lot of people think that orange juice is really healthy due to heavy advertising from the orange juice industry -- "A day without orange juice is a day without sunshine".   Broccoli has about the same nutrients as o.j. without all the sugar.  Dr. Now was right -- your body doesn't know the difference between o.j. and soda when it comes to the amount of sugar you are drinking.  Plus, fruit juice goes down so easily.   Angel didn't look very prosperous -- her teeth had been neglected, etc.  She probably came from a background where paying to have enough food was what was important -- paying attention to nutritional value came second to filling your stomach.  I cheered for Angel when her spouse (?) asked her if she needed help up off the couch, and she said "No, I'll do it".  And she did!!  What a difference from whining, crying Penny and Pauline.  I, too, think her knees and hips were damaged by years of carrying that much weight.  Perhaps some physical and movement therapy will help her learn to walk more upright.  But, hey, at least she's out there walking!    Angel to me was someone I wanted to hug instead of slap.

  • Love 12

I, too, was rooting for Angel.  What a difference between her and the Pennys and Paulines we've seen.  Even though she was severely depressed, she was determined to lose weight for her child.  Made me sad that she didn't want to lose weight for herself before she got so big though.  She really should have been taken to therapy/counseling back when she first got depressed - what a difference that would have made.  I know poor people shy away from counseling, thinking it's only for rich people, but most larger cities have mental health therapists who work on a sliding scale.  But she and Don (?) were so criminally ignorant, even about proper nutrition.  When she said she'd lost the pre-surgery weight by skipping meals, I was nervous.  When I saw how MUCH weight she'd lost, I was horrified.  Starvation is just as bad for the body as being overweight is, and that's what she was doing.  Dr. Now really needs to show these people doing counseling and nutrition classes pre and post surgery stat.  I'm assuming that he has them doing so.  If not, I would get right mad at him.  Nothing kills faster than ignorance.


I also think the former fatties have to keep the weight off for a year or so before they qualify for skin removal, so that's why it wasn't mentioned in this episode.  Hopefully Angel is success and we'll see her get that surgery next year.

  • Love 2

I was struck by how deeply depressed Angel was. She expressed so many clear, distorted, automatic thoughts (so much black and white thinking) that I kept yelling, "get this woman into cognitive behavioral therapy!" I googled her therapist and it does seem she does CBT and I really hope she utilizes it in a very structured way with Angel. She kept blaming the weight on the food and I never heard her say "my relationship with food could change if I were less depressed." Eating less won't stop depression, starving herself won't either. Exercise might be able to give a little boost, but walking was such a struggle for her I could see that increasing all those distorted thoughts. I wonder if Dr. Now requires a psychological evaluation prior to bypass? I'm down in Mississippi and have a colleague who does all psych evals for bariatric surgeries in his private practice. He's so empathic and cares so much about clients that I am sure he would recommend a period of counseling and anti-depressant use (the standard of care for depression), as well as nutritional counseling and family education. It seems to me this should be required before any surgery. Sure, some folks are not depressed but Angel so clearly was. Also, I was saddened by the fact that she starved herself to achieve this weight and disturbed it was not addressed by Dr. Now. I also agree she needed to be in physical therapy immediately. They would be able to help her with her gait and building strength. Walking is good, but there are many additional exercises she needs.

  • Love 3

It was distressing to see how depressed Angel was. I don't think they showed her smile at all until the last doctor's visit. She didn't even smile during the times when a parent usually does almost automatically, like sending your child off to school or when they are all cute in their uniform while playing sports.

Her whole body seemed to relax after the therapist told her she was blameless for giving her daughter up for adoption. I really hoped she continued therapy.

  • Love 3

I am not personally calling these people freaks, but this is what TLC is doing. They are producing nothing more than a freak show.  Penny and Pauline are the new villains on tv.   Exploiting the super morbidly obese and uneducated is the new soap opera.

                These people for the most part are very low income who will do almost anything for a surgery, a little money.

It made me sad to see Angel being interviewed in a T shirt and underpants.  We have all seen other people that big wear pants or at least a sheet, so why did they have to film her like this?    Because they are pieces of shit.

  • Love 6

for all the questionable behaviors of the actual 600 pound patient, I find this aspect to be the most frustrating. After all, if the person crabbing at you to bring them food gets mad, it's not like they can run after you and beat you up. You just stay strong and say NO. So much grief could be avoided this way.

Exactly. When her bf was explaining she eats 10 pounds of food a day then I see him in the kitchen making it, I'm like then stop bringing her unhealthy shit. Unless she orders take out which then again you can take the phone away, then she has to eat what's in front of her right? My grandmother always told me if you're hungry you'll eat it.

  • Love 1

Is it possible that Angel had scar tissue from previous C-sections? Or was it from hernias? 

I thought her husband was one of the most supportive partners that we've seen on the show. Go Donnie! I'm glad he expressed his concern and frustration over her getting to nearly 600 lbs and was willing to do whatever he could to help her rather than just being

her caregiver. That said, it appears that Donnie had a job, too, I think in one scene he was wearing a work uniform. 

It's really a shame that Angel was given no choice when she got pregnant at 14. I'm assuming she doesn't have a good relationship to this day with her mother. Threatening to kick her out of the house at 14? As far as I know, that's against the law. And I have to wonder if Angel herself actually made the decision to have sex at that age, or if perhaps she she was coerced into it . That was so traumatic, as the therapist said. It's a shame she carried the burden of guilt with her all those years and it only seemed to get worse after her son

was born. 

I'm really happy that Angel is in therapy. I suspect there may have been sexual abuse in her background. 13/14 is very young to be fully sexually active, especially if we're talking thirty years ago.

I also completely agree that these people need to work with nutritionists. You can't just tell them "no carbs" without explaining why processed carbs aren't good for them.

I really liked Angel's boyfriend and his positive attitude. This is one of the few couples I've seen on this show who I'm truly rooting for.

  • Love 3

Dr Now said she had previous stomach surgery before and didn't know if he could do a bypass because she would have a lot of scar tissue which she did.  He removed a good amount and let her heal then did the bypass.  He didn't do the first surgery so he didn't comment other than that.


Angel and Dan didn't read the agreement they signed with Dr Now before proceeding with surgery.  When she came back to him post feeding tubes he showed her a piece of paper saying you agree to this yet did the opposite?  I don't think any patient walks out of there not knowing the path to follow or foods to eat.  He wants them living close by for a year so he can monitor them.  They are told what foods to eat and what foods not to eat.  

  • Love 2

"I wouldn't have knee surgery unless they have the micro surgery where they make a small hole and shoot some stuff in. Full blown--no thanks"

My husband was once a very heavy man. He had gastric bypass back in 2001 and successfully she'd most of the weight (gained back some though). His knees were shot. They were the knees of an old man and he is in his early 50s. We tried the gel injections but total knee replacement was unavoidable. He had his right knee done last year and his left knee done this January. Painful surgery yes, but he is doing so much better.

Angel may well need this done in the future. It's unbelievable what excessive weight can do to the body.

"I wouldn't have knee surgery unless they have the micro surgery where they make a small hole and shoot some stuff in. Full blown--no thanks"

My husband was once a very heavy man. He had gastric bypass back in 2001 and successfully shed most of the weight (gained back some though). His knees were shot. They were the knees of an old man and he is in his early 50s. We tried the gel injections but total knee replacement was unavoidable. He had his right knee done last year and his left knee done this January. Painful surgery yes, but he is doing so much better.

Angel may well need this done in the future. It's unbelievable what excessive weight can do to the body.

(Sorry about format, using phone so don't know how to quote properly)

  • Love 2

Angel was the most profoundly sad person ever featured on this show.  It wasn't fake. It wasn't manipulation to get those around her to do what she wanted. She was seriously depressed and yet still she managed to pull herself up by her bootstraps and do what needed to be done for herself and her family with very little complaints. She was walking more and actually made it to her son's game. Looking at you Pauline and Penny.

With regards to the child she put up for adoption, part of me wondered if the child was biracial and that was why the mom was so adamant and perhaps why we didn't see any family support to this day due to her current relationship and son.

not saying this is even close to having a consult with a nutritionist but Dr Now does give them a list of approved foods and foods they should definitely not eat. It did crack me up a little when she went in after the feeding tube and Dr Now was upset and showed her the instructions about calling him first and then shoved them to her boyfriend and said "now you read the instructions"  lol


I've never seen Dr. Now so angry. I felt bad for Donnie especially given how supportive and kind he was. It is apparent given this episode that Dr. Now gives them paperwork to read, etc., yet still I was at a complete loss when Donnie was wheeling Angel out after their 1st visit when she was told she had to lose 50 lbs in order to qualify for surgery and they were under the impression that the only thing Angel could eat was eggs. Dr. Now is giving me weight loss center mill vibes right now. These people need serious nutritional education and I think a folder full of reading materials just ain't gonna get it. The OJ question just gave me a serious case of the sads. It really does just come down to a lack of education on food nutrition. I know people who think white rice is a health food.

I have to look cross-eyed at a doctor who hears that a patient lost 150+ lbs over the course of only 2 months and proclaims that is good progress. That can not be healthy. I know he used the excuse that a patient that size loses quickly since the calorie intake to sustain 600 lbs is large, but damn, that is too much of a drop. Angel admitted to starving herself.

Not to be too down on the doctor because he truly does provide hope to the hopeless. I just wish we were seeing more of the services his clinic provides and the support services his patients are receiving.

  • Love 2

I'm not hating on Angel's mom who told her 14 year old child that she couldn't bring a baby back to the house.  And I really don't think it mattered what color the baby was - it could have been green for all she cared.  After all, who do you think was going to end up supporting and paying for everything for that baby?  And likely having to raise it as well?  I think her mom was just done with having to change diapers and get up for late night feedings.  There's very few 14 year olds who could handle taking care of a baby 24/7.  If Angel had decided to keep the baby, she'd probably be put into foster care (likely a group home).  I have some friends who adopted a baby who was birthed by a 14 year old.  The teenager's mother had put her into foster care, as the stress of having a daughter who was running the streets and taking drugs was hindering HER bid for sobriety.  The baby's mom took care of the baby for about 2 months, then walked out the door of the group home and never looked back.  She had no interest in spending her teen years taking care of a baby.


It's sad for both the mother and the baby.  But that's why 14 year olds shouldn't be having sex - they're not ready for the responsibility that comes with it.

  • Love 9

I thought I heard Donnie say that all they had at home (that fit the diet) was eggs. I agree about the need for nutritional education, which needs to be more than a sheet of paper handed to them in a doctor's office, when their heads are probably spinning from an overload of information to begin with. Donnie seemed to be trying to help her eat right but Angel admitted she was starving herself those first few months. I guess the enabler has no control, whether it is handing them too much or too little food.


The contrast between the first few months loosing 160 pounds, then only loosing 5 pounds after the scar tissue removal, was jarring. It looked like she was still eating the jello packs, so why wasn't she loosing the weight like she was before?


Her voice-over words sounded so hopeful yet seeing her leaning on Donnie and the veil of sadness over her were such a contrast. I really do hope she continues with the therapy. And I also hopes she sees a dentist and gets a bridge. I bet she would feel better about smiling if she had more teeth.

  • Love 5
I agree the husband was loving and caring, but his question about whether orange juice was healthy or unhealthy kind broke my heart a little. He was clearly trying--what's wrong with orange juice, right? It's basically fruit, after all--and reminded me that having solid nutritional information is so important and yet so out of reach.


That's the thing.  We can all laugh when certain teen moms put Mountain Dew in their baby's bottle because, well, duh.  But orange juice is not necessarily any better, but i'd guarantee that the vast majority of people don't know that.  It was only the other day that I found out what "fresh (not from concentrate)" orange juice is, and that was only after I did some real digging around on the internet. And I'm pretty smart.  And that's just one item on the grocery shelves--usually on the perimeter shelves, at that.  You know, the ones where you're supposed to be shopping from. 


Never mind the conflicting information out there.  What's the real culprit?  It used to be calories.  Then it was fat.  Then it was carbs, and now it's sugar.  If you really think about what "average" intelligence is, it's unrealistic to expect people in that range (never mind well below average) to figure all this out. 


But, really, if someone is addicted to food, I'm not sure how much nutrition education would help.  People know meth is bad for you, but they use it anyway.  And they don't even have big conglomerates paying billions of dollars to convince them that it's good.



I also thought Angel's body looked frail. The way she was walking seemed painful, and she couldn't bend or straighten her knees properly. I wonder what that's about.


Some posters have said it has to do with not knowing how to walk while carrying 300 pounds less.  Which might be part of it, because she lost that first 165 so fast.


But what I noticed was that, unlike the other two I saw back-to-back with this one (never a good idea--too confusing), even months into her "journey," she still could barely make it out to the gazebo.  The other two were hitting the gym and moving, and what Angel did was lie around and starve herself.


I wouldn't be surprised if her knees are shot even from limited time spent holding up that amount of weight, but I know someone who never weighed anywhere near what she did, but who lost weight eventually and always walked kind of like she does.  It's as if they can't naturally swing a leg forward to take a step, and I think it has something to do with muscle flexibility--all those years of inactivity have made it so the hamstring can't stretch enough to easily straighten the leg, so the knees always stay bent a ltitle. 

  • Love 2

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