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Newlyweds: The First Year - General Discussion

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Not surprised about Blair and Jeff. The only good news about them is that they both seemed to learn something from what they went through. I wish they had said something about Jeff's family. I wonder if they still disown him.


John and Kathryn...ugh. He's such a manchild. Not even taking the slightest interest in raising his kid.


Alaska appears to have done some work on himself but he still screams douche for some reason. I love Kim - and her fashions. I guess she likes mellow Alaska and his pot.


Tina and Tarz...whatever. She's way too hyper and they are going to regret pushing that kid into modeling. I really don't know what Tarz sees in her.

  • Love 2

After Tina's rampage in the Fro-Yo store I came to my senses and shut off the TV. It all came back to me from TwoP how people found out that she was the fakest and the feud with her dad wasn't even real.


I can't believe there was a whole series around these people because they are dull. I think Blair's only regret is that

now he has to work a real job (if you can call it that) and no longer lives in a big house.

Edited by Maire
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Right. And didn't Blair even evade the question about him seeing other people while he and Jeff were "on a break"? He just liked the pretty, cushy lifestyle Jeff afforded him.

I disliked all of these couples on the first run and seeing the update did nothing to change that. I think Kim and Alaska were very pretty to look at but I'm with Alaska, let me shower in private please.

Tina and Tarz have a beautiful baby boy but they both just grate. Their over sexulaized conversations, her over reacting to everything, wanting to highlight her babies hair?

John and Kathryn. He's a grade A douche and if I ever heard my husband makes comments like that about our child, to a national audience no less, his ass would find his shit out on the front lawn.

The first year is hard. I wasn't sure we would make it to our first anniversary and we didn't have cameras following us around. We were young (19 and 20) but not dumb. We have been married eleven years now and have two kids (5 and 2). I think most of the marriages on this show are for looks and not real, raw feelings. I fear season number two will show even worse couples and I don't know if I can handle it.

  • Love 2

I'm glad they had a where are they now dhow because I wondered how these couple were.

Not surprised about Blair and Jeff. Blair was too young and too needy and Jeff was at the quiet down phase in his life.

Alaska and Kim seemed happy and I think a big part of it was all the weed Alaska now smokes is making him calmer. He seemed so arrogant and douchey before.

John didn't change. Still a tool. I can't believe they are trying for another kid when he wants nothing to do with the one they have.

I'm not surprised Tina and Tarz have a nanny, Tina is still so into herself. And she's still a crazy bitch. I didn't have a problem with Tarz, he seems to be a hard working guy. Their baby is cute but I feel sorry for him. Tina wanted to highlight his hair and put make up on him and turn him into a model. They were on Miss Andy's show and she is pregnant again.

I think that whole scene in the yogurt shop with her creepy dad was scripted. She admitted on Andy's show that she knew the people who owned the place.

I will watch the new season with the new couples. They all look wealthy to me from what they showed on the previews.

  • Love 1

Not surprised about Blair and Jeff.  If I remember correctly, it seemed like Blair was more concerned about the ceremony than actually getting married.  I don't think he fully understood what it meant to be married, just wanted to get married.


From the scene where John was alone with his son, it was clear he spent little time with him.  John really wants to be king of his castle, and that shit would not fly with me at all.  Doesn't mean it has to be 50/50 all the time, but damn it's more of a partnership than a dictatorship.  She works but he puts her on an allowance?  And he critiques her meals.  Kathyrn seems to be trying so hard to make this work.  


Kim and Alaska seemed to have settled in the best or maybe they were just the least offensive this time around.


Tina and Tarz.  Agreed that they are both famewhores, but I think she is the driving factor there.  The scene in the yogurt shop was so fake.  Of course, she needs a nanny, and of course she was all decked out in her regular glitz craptacular for that modeling interview for her son.  It's all about her.  Her husband and her son are just extensions of her, using them so she can get her extra 15 minutes on tv.  Please let this be the last of them "gracing" our tv screens.  (Anyone wanna bet they're on the next Marriage Bootcamp Celebs show?)

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I knew Blair and Jeff weren't going to last but I did feel bad for Blair when he talked about how hard it was to wake up and go to sleep without Jeff. I've been there. Well, not with Jeff, obviously, but I've been there when the distractions of the day are over and it's just a big empty spot in bed where snuggles used to live. It sucks.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 2

Does anyone else think that Tina and Tarz are not really a couple and that the baby isn't even theirs? I'm just not buying it! I remember on TWOP that people had sniffed out Tina and her "dad" as total fakes and others questioned her pregnancy. That cute little boy looked like the nanny not Tina. He also acted like he didn't even know Tina as his mom and she had zero maternal instinct with him 


Also I don't really buy anyone else being a real couple except Kathryn and what's his face. He is just an asshole that married a pretty tolerant woman.  I think their IQ together doesn't even add up to 100.


I wouldn't put it past Bravo to make all this up 

Edited by raiderred1
Not surprised about Blair and Jeff.  If I remember correctly, it seemed like Blair was more concerned about the ceremony than actually getting married.  I don't think he fully understood what it meant to be married, just wanted to get married.


I don't think Jeff fully got it, either--if I remember correctly, he was startled with the attorney or financial adviser or whatever that was explained community property to him.

Does anyone else think that Tina and Tarz are not really a couple and that the baby isn't even theirs? I'm just not buying it! I remember on TWOP that people had sniffed out Tina and her "dad" as total fakes and others questioned her pregnancy. That cute little boy looked like the nanny not Tina. He also acted like he didn't even know Tina as his mom and she had zero maternal instinct with him



There's a lot of fakery about them (especially with her father, I agree), but I believe that's her baby. Tarz seemed pretty genuine when he was tearing up about her difficulties during labor. However, it bothered me to see the babysitter identified as the nanny/Pandoodle employee. I think that's a weird blending of roles.


Ugh, John. I am so bothered by men who brag about having changed very few or no diapers.


I liked pothead Alaska much more than uptight Alaska.

  • Love 1

I had to FF through most of this.  Tina looks like a glittery crane, all sharp angles and talons.  While I find her FASCINATING to look at (in a fearsome sort of way, like when a cobra's hypnotizing its prey) -- bitch be f'in crazy.


She is a famewhore par excellence, maybe the biggest one I've ever come across on reality t.v.  This girl's thirst cannot be quenched!  I think she's praying for a spinoff show for her and the drippy husband.  The judgmental dad will be the side-player who brings the faux conflict, and poor little baby boy (and soon-to-be-born sibling) will reel 'em in with the cuteness factor.  

Being South Asian, I was interested in the culture clash aspect in the first year.  But, it was all so very fake.  Tina's over-the-top antics and inappropriate comments are not funny and downright gross.  Joking about a strap-on in front of her son, even if he doesn't understand, is so repulsive to me.  No filter whatsoever.  What a loon!

  • Love 2

By all the gods that ever were, *please* let Tina be a total fake. Please tell me that she is not for real when she acts like she does in front of her son. That performance in the modeling agency borders on child abuse.


If she is for real, she will have her own follow-up show in a few years where she is divorced and her kids despise her and want nothing to do with her. And yes, whoever said she'll be on *Marriage Boot Camp* soon - oh, for sure. If she can drag her dopey husband with her. But maybe he'll do it for the money, too.


Jeez, why do I watch this stuff? ;)


  • Love 1

I was not surprised that Blair and Jeff split. Jeff never seemed open to the legal ramifications of marriage (sharing property, sharing bank accounts, etc.) and Blair sucked at communicating his points in a mature manner. Neither Jeff nor Blair were ready to be married.


Tina and Tarz are annoying as hell, but I do believe that their son is theirs. I remember on TWOP, there was a question as to how she gave birth when she did because her social media pictures didn't reveal any weight gain, but I don't think Tina or Tarz were lying about their son. I definitely think they are angling for a reality show and have been for some time.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 3

I was not surprised that Blair and Jeff split. Jeff never seemed open to the legal ramifications of marriage (sharing property, sharing bank accounts, etc.) and Blair sucked at communicating his points in a mature manner. Neither Jeff nor Blair were ready to be married.


Yeah I liked both Jeff and Blair best out of all the couples, but they had some major issues going in and probably never should have gotten married.

Funny thing is at the end of the day I actually thought Jeff's issues were the more serious. Blair, to use a very gendered term, was a spoiled young bride. Like a million spoiled pretty young things that got married way too young to someone way too old, he expected to be allowed to switch from being the child to the full partner at his connivence. To his credit he seemed to be growing up and becoming aware of his behavior.

Jeff...well Jeff seemed like he was still in the closet to be honest. I mean I know he wasn't (he was having a public wedding and filming it after all), but emotionaly he still acted like he wasn't quite ready to fully accept his life. I always got the impression that Jeff didn't really think that a marriage between two men counted. He always acted sort of surprised when anyone started to treat him and Blair like a real married couple on a practical, emotional, or functional level. I don't think he ever really believed in what he was doing do I can't imagine how a marriage to anyone would have worked.

  • Love 8

Oh no. I can't believe I missed the update or maybe I didn't realize they'd do one. I didn't watch the last couple of episodes last season, the couples were just kind of tiresome and I didn't watch the WWHL reunion (wasn't able to at the time). I will have to see if they are replaying the update or maybe it's on demand. Haven't really seen anything about the new couples yet, am going to keep an open mind.

Does anyone else think that Tina and Tarz are not really a couple and that the baby isn't even theirs? I'm just not buying it! I remember on TWOP that people had sniffed out Tina and her "dad" as total fakes and others questioned her pregnancy. That cute little boy looked like the nanny not Tina. He also acted like he didn't even know Tina as his mom and she had zero maternal instinct with him

Also I don't really buy anyone else being a real couple except Kathryn and what's his face. He is just an asshole that married a pretty tolerant woman. I think their IQ together doesn't even add up to 100.

I wouldn't put it past Bravo to make all this up

What did people find out about Tina and Tarz? Tina and her dad did seem like huge phonies. I could see them faking everything for the show.

What did people find out about Tina and Tarz? Tina and her dad did seem like huge phonies. I could see them faking everything for the show.

Shoot I wish I knew where to find the video that someone found of her "phony" dad.  It was on TWoP so no way of pulling that information up.  Maybe someone will see this and be able remind us of the shenanigans, it's why I don't believe any of their stuff.


FozzyBear, that was a very astute analysis of the Jeff-Blair relationship. I also was so focused on Blair's immaturity and infatuation with the planning of a wedding (so typical of many young brides), along with their age and life experience differences: Jeff being in his early 40's (I think) and more settled; and Blair being in his mid 20's and still figuring out his career path and less financially set. It was also a textbook mistake for Blair to move into Jeff's house rather than the two of them choosing a new abode together. Jeff stayed in control and set in his ways while Blair had much less power - not equal or fair for a spouse.


I blamed most of their problems on Blair and gave Jeff's issues a pass. Now I think there is a mountain of family issues/history  - layers of it that Jeff never dealt with...the nonacceptance of Jeff's father at his being gay. Really, Jeff needs a long stint in therapy before he even attempts another committed relationship.  The other irony was even given Blair's immaturity, it was he who had the courage and hopefulness to live his life "out", while the older Jeff stayed enslaved in fear and anxiety of being out. 


Like many upthread said,Tina is really angling for her own spin off reality show. We saw that after their first season and their first stint on WWHL with the season end reunion last year. And she upped it even more so with the 'where are they now' special and last week's subsequent appearance on WWHL again.


Frankly, I find her exhausting. She must be exhausting to live with too. But I do think she and Tarz are a real couple and baby Tarzie is theirs. And he is one cutie patootie. Interestingly, I find that husband Tarz really is the counter balance to Tina's steroid like behavior. He is calm and mellow to her crazy. I think that works for them and I do think they love each other. If Tina dialed it down a notch or 30, I might like seeing her a little more on TV. 


Lastly, I suspect that Andy Cohen isn't so crazy about her. He seemed a little put off by her behavior and antics on WWHL - like when she whipped off part of her short dress to surprise and expose her several months pregnant belly, calling out "haters" (such an overused and immature cliche'these days).

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 4

Lastly, I suspect that Andy Cohen isn't so crazy about her. He seemed a little put off by her behavior and surprise antics on WWHL - like when she whipped off part of her short dress to surprise and expose her several months pregnant belly, calling out "haters" (such an overused and immature cliche'these days).


Totally. Plus, she tried to drag it out really slowly so the focus would be completely on her. Andy was getting impatient. I agree that he's not down with her. I wonder if the new baby is a boy or girl. I can't imagine how Tina will dress up a girl so I hope it's a boy. Heh.

  • Love 2

Lastly, I suspect that Andy Cohen isn't so crazy about her. He seemed a little put off by her behavior and surprise antics on WWHL - like when she whipped off part of her short dress to surprise and expose her several months pregnant belly, calling out "haters" (such an overused and immature cliche'these days).

Yeah, I don't think he was into Tina at all. She took forever with the belly unveiling and I could tell Andy just wanted the episode to end. Tarz seems like a chill guy and I agree with you that they love each other. I thought it was cute how he said without hesitation that Tina is his best friend.


Out of the remaining married couples, I think Tina and Tarz have the best odds.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 1

Yeah, I don't think he was into Tina at all. She took forever with the belly unveiling and I could tell Andy just wanted the episode to end. Tarz seems like a chill guy and I agree with you that they love each other. I thought it was cute how he said without hesitation that Tina is his best friend.

Out of the remaining married couples, I think Tina and Tarz have the best odds.

Yeah, it's funny because I don't particularly like them, but I do think they love eachother and get eachother and want to be together. Blair and Jeff, who were me favorites, are already done. John and Katheyn seem like they got married because it was time to get married and start a family. They don't even like each other, although I could see them sticking it out in one of those horrible calling each other "mommy" and "daddy" even when the kids aren't around (and not in a sexy way) marriages. Kim and Alaska, no way. Do not see them staying together. Kim is so needy and Alaska is so secretive. I wonder if they've had issues with infidelity.

  • Love 2

I finally got to watch the update show, on demand. The only couple I was really rooting for in that season was Jeff and Blair. It's sad that they couldn't work it out but at least they tried. They didn't just walk away like so many couples.


Kathryn defending John was actually sickening. "There's a reason we're together, we get each other". Yeah Kathryn, we get him too. He's an asshole that wants nothing to do with his child and you're going to have another one with him?! 


Tina's fit at the ice cream shop was over the top. I totally wasn't buying that the modeling agency called at the end either. Definitely a fake call/interview.


Kim and Alaska are no surprise.  She's got her hooks in and isn't letting go and he's cool with it now that he gets "medicinal" weed on the regular.

I hope that Adonis's fiancee got tested for every STD under the sun after he told her he slept with 14 prostitutes. I'm unspoiled, so I hope they parted ways. If not, it's only a matter of time before they divorce. Also, I like how he tells her this three days before their wedding, and on top of that, has the nerve to have a shit eating grin on his face.


Oh, that burlesque number was beyond awkward. I don't know what Tara was thinking. Even on paper that sounds like a disaster, so I can't even use the it sounded good in theory, excuse. That should've been left to the bachelor party, not during the wedding reception.


Tara's going to have to get her husband straight about her family. I can understand not tolerating disrespect, but that goes both ways.

  • Love 7

Not clear on names yet, so, yeah Adonis's fiancée should not , NOT marry him. Fourteen postitutes! She better get every sexually transmitted disease test she can get! Poor girl.

since this was the third wedding for Tara's husband and Tara's second I think it would have been better if they had had a JOTP wedding at a courthouse or something. Clearly her family was upset about the wedding itself and those burlesque dancers were uncomfortable to watch.

Rob seems a little douchey but he and Ro have known each other a long time, I think she can handle him.

Brandon and Craig remind me of the other gay couple from last season. Older guy with younger , devil may care attitude. Not sure how that's going to work out.

  • Love 2

What no new thread?


14 prostitutes!

14 prostitutes!!

14 prostitutes!!! 


In Brazil no less. Deposits be damned. Out of town guests be damned. After hearing that, I would throw all my shit into a bed sheet, tie it to the end of a stick like a hobo and be peeling out of the driveway like my ass was Mario Andretti. Bye teefus.  


Erica - get thine ass to your local clinic for STD testing.


His father grossed me out too.


Why did I know that Rob and Tara were real estate agents before they even said they were? What a messy ass couple. She cheats on her marriage with him 4 months in and he is on #3. Yeah, this will last. I think Rob turned Tara out and she is coming into her own sexually via him but I wonder if it is love.  I had to laugh when he said that this one was different from the last 2. Sure it is buddy. The wedding looked like they were getting married in hell - all the black and red. 


So in Persian culture adultery is frowned upon. I don't know too many cultures where it is smiled at and encouraged.  I hate statements like that.


I don't know in what circumstances a burlesque show would be apropos for a wedding but this sure as hell wasn't it. 


Persian mom was getting down at the wedding when the Persian music came on.


I like Brandon and Craig. 


Rob has some unattractive qualities typical of only childs. I hate men that throw tantrums. A shame because I was looking forward to seeing an interracial couple, especially bw/wm.  

  • Love 11

There is no way Persian Tara is only 28. I really thought she was much older. Her husband Rob is 20 years older, which makes him 48. He's aging better than she is. I don't think they're going to last.

Sadly, I think many of these people are fame whores, so I can't take them seriously. Ro is a blogger (bloggerella), Tara is an aspiring actress, Craig is a fitness expert, Brandon is a celeb hair dresser, and Adonis is the grandson of a famous comic.

  • Love 5

I'm so happy! This looks like it has real potential this season for some genuine trainwrecks. The Persian woman who dumped her husband at *four months* to be wife #3 to a guy 20 years older - a great start! A guy whose fiancee is just now finding out he's got the sexual history from hell! Two gay men who really seem very sweet together! And I don't remember the fourth couple, but I'm really looking forward to this season!

Edited by okerry
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Maybe not fair but I saw the gay couple posing with Lance Bass.  So that is a huge strike against them.  I swear Lance Bass would appear if you hold your thumb over the camera button on a cell phone for more than second.   It must suck never being Justin Timberlake (says someone who is not a fan).  It probably does not hep Bass in my eyes when you are number one to both Andy Cohen and Reichen of the Amazing Race (and tons of sad pathetic reality shows since) in a game of pathetic Six Degrees of Separation. 


14 prostitutes.  The disease threat is bad enough.  But it also speaks to his sexual nature and his identification of sexual pleasure and how he seeks it with women.  This sets off all kinds of alarms.  I know there is a mindset of having sex with a prostitute keeps one 'pure' because it avoids any kind of emotional ties so that the first time a person has relationship sex it is with their partner.  But the fact he told her when and how tells me he actually thinks it is some kind of achievement and hints to him being a man.  They were prostitutes.  His dick could have fallen off when he unzipped his pants and they would still simulate copulation.  Tests?  I'd cut his dick off and take it to the lab and be done with it once and for all. . 


I'd love to know how many of these couples, both in this season and the previous two, would have honestly gotten married had there been no cameras or hoped for appearances with Cohen on his cacklefest at 11 pm.  They could all have talked about it without the show, but I feel for too many it is a tipping point in the wrong direction.  That a natural amount of time as a couple would provide the necessary space for thought and reflection.  though I'm guessing most of these people have a past and a future (if not a present) of getting with the wrong people.  Marriage or no marriage.  Show or no show. 

  • Love 3

I will eat my hat if Tara is 26.

She looks at least ten years older than she's claiming. I missed a few minutes so I didn't know there was a 20-year age difference between them or that she was claiming to be in her 20s, and looking at them I never would have guessed. 7-8 years' difference, sure, but not 20. Just looking at them I assumed she'd married in her 20s, it didn't work out, and she was starting over in her mid-late 30s with a guy who was also divorced.


The interracial couple is very sweet. When he was tearing up and saying how he didn't understand how a father could leave his kids and he'd replace all the sadness she felt over that with happiness, I said "Awwwww" out loud. 


14 prostitutes.  The disease threat is bad enough.  But it also speaks to his sexual nature and his identification of sexual pleasure and how he seeks it with women.  This sets off all kinds of alarms.  I know there is a mindset of having sex with a prostitute keeps one 'pure' because it avoids any kind of emotional ties so that the first time a person has relationship sex it is with their partner.  But the fact he told her when and how tells me he actually thinks it is some kind of achievement and hints to him being a man.  They were prostitutes.  His dick could have fallen off when he unzipped his pants and they would still simulate copulation.  Tests?  I'd cut his dick off and take it to the lab and be done with it once and for all.


Yeah. I'm not one who thinks sex work should be criminalized or stigmatized, but a man who sleeps with 14 prostitutes and tells his fiancee about it THREE DAYS BEFORE THEY GET MARRIED is not a man who should get married. I think the fiancee is worried that he'd get some polyamorous ideas since his parents are poly (and part of me wonders if Dad was just cheating away all the time and the wife decided to just go with it) and she's clearly not here for that, so that, coupled with his checkered sexual history, is a sign that this is not the guy for her. I also think it's telling that he only talked about his father's polyamory - "my father has a wife and two girlfriends." What about his mom? Maybe she doesn't have other partners, but he didn't even mention her. I don't think he's a bad guy but I think there are some issues with women that he needs to get a handle on, and until he does he has no business being a husband.

  • Love 8

14 Prostitutes in Brazil?  So does that mean there were others in the US?


The issue for me is that Adonis told her three days before the wedding.  I don't like that.  Years ago I dated a man who'd been with hookers, as a young man,  but he told me that early on, and he was fifty when he told me that.


I also don't have issues with polyamory, because not everybody is the same and not everybody should have the same lifestyle.  BUT, it seems that Erica wants a certain type of relationship, she wants monogamy.  Maybe Adonis isn't the man for her.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 5


I also don't have issues with polyamory, because not everybody is the same and not everybody should have the same lifestyle.  BUT, it seems that Erica wants a certain type of relationship, she wants monogamy.  Maybe Adonis isn't the man for her.

He definitely isn't the man for her since she is looking for monogamy. Polyamory isn't for me, but what bothered me the most with Adonis and his family is their attitudes towards women. The misogyny runs deeps. Women are just walking vaginas. I would be okay with his father's polyamory if everyone was mature about it, but his father acts like a teenage boy who got laid for the first time. There's no boundaries between father and son. That Brazil trip was some type of bonding for them. What doesn't help matters is one of the girlfriends sent Adonis a naked picture.


If Erica is smart, she'd run far away. The warning signs are on red alert. He might give monogamy the old college try, but he's already used to being a player. If you can't be faithful during the boyfriend/girlfriend stage, then it won't change once you say I do, either.

Edited by Sheenieb
  • Love 11

There is no way Persian Tara is only 28. I really thought she was much older. Her husband Rob is 20 years older, which makes him 48. He's aging better than she is. I don't think they're going to last.

Yes! I was thinking at the time that I don't know if this is an insult to her or a compliment to him but to me they looked like contemporaries in that I never, ever would have thought they had such a big age gap between them. Seeing that someone says she is a wannabe actress she is probably an actress 28 - yeah, definitely lying about her age. 


I so wanted Tara to put her boobs away when she was getting ready for her wedding. Her robe was practically open to her naval and her bright shiny new boobs were just oddly suspended there (as fake ones do). 


Why do I have the feeling that this whole polyamorous thing is gonna give Bravo and/or TLC some show ideas? 


Polyamorous is one thing, big pimpin' is another and that is the sense that I get from Adonis' dad. No he isn't tricking these women out but he seems to have the same mindset in that women are just a warm hole he can rest his peen in. He is not living on a higher plane in these so-called mature loving relationships. Sorry, not sorry. I will never think highly of a man who takes his son on prostitute runs to Brazil.  Nope! I wouldn't be surprised if when Adonis was a teen his dad paid a prostitute to take his son's virginity.


Plus, there was mention of him sending some form of risque photos of one of his paramours to his son and this is recently. With dad whispering in his ear and his past indiscretions I just don't see long term fidelity as a possibility. 

Edited by islandgal140
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