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S07.E01: Born Naked

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I do have to say that last season's 'two big openings' did help in giving the viewer a chance to see who was who but I really love all of the girls stomping through the room with their little intro liners. Although, holy crap, they really did edit to show how long those girls are meant to pose when they come in.


Pearl had me at 'Sup? I died.


Katya, though. Holy shit, Katya. Bilingual and Soviet inspired? "This was my great grandma's army uniform." YES. Her talking heads were great, too. Katya was a standout.


And I'm sorry, I didn't get offended by Max and the crutches for a couple of reasons: 1. It's drag and drag is supposed to be offensive and subversive. As Alyssa Edwards once said, 'It's not personal, it's drag.' 2. "Nothing says resort like polio." Clearly, Max' thing is old-school, old-world. Another poster already said that Max was all about history, yes, I agree. Max is pulling her aesthetic from a century ago... not ripping on places that still struggle with polio epidemics today.


That being said, I do wonder how long Max' character is going to work. As is usually the case in situations such as this, a character only goes so far so I'm wondering when Max will set aside the "Hollywood British" accent.


Miss Fame is fucking gorgeous and can clearly paint and has a very definite touch of the avant but she's another that appears to be very strong in her 'brand' and it will be interesting to see if that changes.


Trixie paints for the check cashing place down the street. Yes she do. I actually really loved her Barbie nude illusion. I thought it was clever and in keeping with what her schtik is.


Michelle defending costume in a drag show when she clocked Ben last season constantly for that very thing? You know, I like Michelle a lot but there's no real consistency to her. She had no time for Ben's "costumes" last season, she is way way way too hung up on the color green. I get that she doesn't like it but it's ri-god-damn-diculous to expect every queen on the show to completely wipe out one color because of her. "Green is fungus!" Get out more, sweetie... green is grass, trees, pesto, wasabi, mint ice cream, shamrocks and St, Patrick's Day. GET OVER IT! I imagine it's going to be Miss Fame, Violet or Pearl who gets the 'I want to see you get dirty' commentary.


(Having rewatched season 4 with Michelle coming after Chad for being 'too perfect' that still sticks in my craw.)


God, I'm so glad this show is back.

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I wish they hadn't blurred out the female parts of the nude suits.  It made it difficult to see the entire and look and why the flip was that done anyway?  Those aren't real boobies and lady bits!


I also didn't have a problem with Max's crutches on the runway.  I thought it was kinda clever and a nice way to stand out.  What people in crutches aren't allowed to strip and have fun? =)



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I'm completely in love with Trixie and Pearl. I love their looks and personalities. I think Pearl is going to rub people the wrong way for constantly seeming so aloof and over it, but I think it's hilarious. She was like that when she was being interviewed at all of the premieres as well.


Not at all offended by MAX's runway. Mostly because hey, it's drag. I've seen tons of her videos, and this girl is SERIOUSLY talented. She's not my absolute favorite, but she's my pick to win. No queen has ever impressed me this much pre-show.


Violet deserved the win, and she's clearly going to be bringing it in the looks department. The winner of the first challenge almost always makes it to the final three, and so far I wouldn't mind seeing it happen. Sort of bitchy and maybe a bit arrogant, but that stuff really doesn't bother me if they back it up with their performance. And she does.


Katya is hilarious and surprisingly polished, but she's not at the top of my list. To me, she's sort of the Dela of this season: clearly talented and funny, likely to win fan favorite, but I wouldn't be too upset to see her go at top 5. She's by far the most entertaining queen on social media, though - her tumblr is a goldmine.


Miss Fame's face tape bugged constantly. Probably wouldn't have noticed if I didn't know it was there, but I just couldn't not look at it. I get that it's hard to keep the tape "invisible" for extended periods of time, I don't hold it against her, but it was distracting. That said, she's leagues ahead of the rest in terms of polish.


The rest of them are sort of blah to me, but no one bothers me. Jaidynn and Mrs Kasha Davis might have potential.

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Miss Fame's face when Violet was revealed as the winner was EVERYTHING.


Max has been getting a lot of local press because he's a Minneapolis queen (they bill him from Hudson, WI because he grew up there). I have never met him and have heard from various sources that he's a) a total sweetheart and b) a total cunt. Celebrity is weird that way. I met Trixie as a boy about a month ago when I was in Milwaukee and she *was* a total sweetheart.


I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed Jaidynn. When she did her first "F-I-E-R-C-E" thing I thought, "Oh, great, another Laganja", but the rest of her talking heads were generally hilarious.


I liked how Jasmine was so excited to meet Kennedy. It reminded me of how much Joslyn loved Courtney. Moments like that on these shows always break the fourth wall in some ways (like how on "Last Comic Standing" when ANT queened out about Kathleen Madigan).


Speaking of breaking the fourth wall, while I don't think Sasha of the black bra strap is going to last very long, her story arc of "longtime fan who knows how to ACE this show" is certainly interesting. RPDR isn't ... rigged, per se ... but there's a reason why Willam has long referred to it as a "game show" and why Detox has said there's a difference between being a great drag queen and a great RuPaul's Drag Race contestant.


Alaska was both of those things, and I would love it if they keep sneaking in random cameos like that throughout this season.


Lastly, I *loved* Kathy Griffin saying "Do *not* tell a 53-year-old comedian about age. WRONG PANEL." I was hoping Kandi would go just for that, but she definitely out danced her competition.

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Well that was a interesting premiere. Though I get the feeling that who is strong and who is weak will really flip in the mid-season, since between the first challenge and the last two challenges is pretty much nothing but acting, comedy and performance challenges since season four. Maybe i'll be wrong and Violet and Fame will be better at those than your usual look bitches, but Fame at least seems like a very likely Snatch Game send off. Though Sasha, Kandy, Kennedy and Jasmine have cannon fodder written all over them, so I think the rest will be safe for now(Though who knows, I figured Joslyn and Trinity for early send offs last season). Though Miss Fame could really grow on me, I love Raja's polished high fashion avante garde style and if Fame can channel even a tenth of that, she'll hold my attention(that gold dress with feather fascinator was quite amazing, so here's hoping).


I like Max, Pearl, Katya, Ginger and Jaidynn so far, all for different reasons but they've all proven genuinely amusing. Violet Chachki is probably my least favorite so far, but that is a lot of run over from her Meet The Queens where she dissed one of the primary bars for drag queens to start in metro Atlanta as a dive bar in the sticks.. well that and about making me want to throw up when she was doing the nude runway this episode.


Should be a interesting season, some people seem strong and some people seem weak but there is no dominating Bianca Del Rio so far, or even 'shoe in for final three' Sharon and Chad.

Edited by snakenax
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And I'm sorry, I didn't get offended by Max and the crutches for a couple of reasons: 1. It's drag and drag is supposed to be offensive and subversive. As Alyssa Edwards once said, 'It's not personal, it's drag.' 2. "Nothing says resort like polio." Clearly, Max' thing is old-school, old-world. Another poster already said that Max was all about history, yes, I agree. Max is pulling her aesthetic from a century ago... not ripping on places that still struggle with polio epidemics today.

I think some people take issue about the appropriation. The artist currently known as Max was aping the movements of a person with a disability. It could be construed as careless or disrespectful.

I don't know where I stand on it. Maybe I sit on it. In a wheelchair. In a very avant-garde way.

And Michelle's reaction to Miss Fame's reaction was everything else.

Most of the queens blend together for me at the beginning (same is true for me with other competitive reality shows).

I interpreted Michelle's reaction as more disbelief that Ru picked Violet as the winner of the challenge since Violet really did have a  boy's body. I agreed with Michelle. she should have used padding, She's too twinky and has  no curves or ass to pull off being naked with out padding or being cinched.

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I totally agree! I'm going to go on logo's website later to rewatch - hopefully they didn't blur it online?


I watched on the Logo app and it was blurred.  I was pleasantly surprised when Untucked wasn't blurred, and it really changed my reaction to some of the looks.


I hope they realize that naked runway is a terrible, terrible idea.  Maybe Tempest isn't the best "tv," but after watching Whatcha Packin, I think she would have brought some fun stuff to future challenges (including who she would be for Match Game).   

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After watching the unblurred Untucked, I'm beginning to think part of the reason we got the blurring on the episode was to create the illusion that these naked looks were far more realistic than they actually turned out to be.  Now I'm beginning to wonder if the Pit Crew was actually naked.  Lies, I tell you, LIES!


On a more general note, cable agreements have all sorts of content restrictions depending on which tier you want your cable network in.  So that could be why they blurred the episode.  Or, it could be that Logo has some content restrictions because of their sponsors or their brand position.  But, I like saying "LIES!"   So, I'm going to go with that.

  • Love 5

I would rather have had the traditional goofy introductory challenge - jump into a pool, get blasted by a huge fan, jump up and down on a trampoline, etc.

Me too. I enjoy seeing which queens immediately get their panties in a bunch and which ones decide "Eh, fuck it!" and totally go for it.

Whenever anyone asks me to do something that I don't want to do, I say "It's just not right for my brand." It's become my tagline.

Ha, A+! Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

I don't think logo is available in HD. I've had both time warner and direct tv and neither offer HD.

Gosh I just don't know what to think of this new untucked. I kinda like the beind the scenes a bit but to quote Gia Gunn"is there no budget this year?" It looks like untucked has taken 2 steps backwards; they're just sitting in the middle of a......what open area? With one sofa? It's like the lounge is being painted and this will just have to do until then. Maybe I will like it more once I'm more invested in the queens conversations

Edited by Dirtybubble

So far I like Jaidynn's personality, but not her look, and Violet and Ms. Fame's looks, but not their personalities.  The only one I like altogether at this point is Katya.  I could maybe start to like Max eventually, but she seems constantly on, and not in a good way.  One of the most hilarious things was watching her pull faces when she was in the background of scenes.  Oh, and Kandy is a skank ho.

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OK so I finally had time to watch Untucked - I have to say, I love the new format. I like that it's very stripped down, and I don't feel like I'm being force fed a story line (yet.) It does seem like the untucked budget was $50 and some donated cranberry juice, but I can overlook that because I sort of love seeing the actual backstage stuff. I was on a big game show once and all of the backstage stuff was fascinating - I find the same draw here. I still wish Untucked was being aired right after the race.


I still don't like the nude illusion stuff, though, even after seeing it unblurred. It just seems dull. I was sorry to see Tempest go home because I was interested in hearing more about her weight loss story, but I felt like they signaled it would be her by how much focus she got in the episode, so it wasn't a surprise.

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I think max might also have been referencing this iconic Helmut Newton photo shoot. Michelle even referenced it in her commentary:



I also thought it was referencing Lady Gaga's Paparazzi video. I can be (completely unintentionally, hence 'deaf') tone deaf to this kind of thing. For those who found Max's outfit and walk offensive, was it offensive when Lady Gaga wore/did something almost identical?

I love Katya.

I dislike Pearl pretty hard. People are responding to her because of hotness, I guess, and in or out of drag the conceit that causes is coming through loud and clear. At least Willam had satire.

Was sad to see the older queen go early again, but I think one of the judges nailed it about her not dressing for her new smaller size.

Enjoying Ginger Minj and Jaydynn.

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I like Pearl mostly because I find her dry in a funny way, but I also have a feeling that she'll get grating and annoying fast.


Though between Violet, Pearl, Kandy and Fame there does seem to be a fair number of young queens with 'totally over it' as their primary personality trait. But then last season had Adore, Laganja and Gia too so maybe that is just the new face of drag that I, just barely turning thirty, am too old to fully appreciate anymore.

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Did Ross and Carson's salary completely bankrupt the Untucked budget? (They can't be that expensive, but Untucked was never that expensive and Ru probably paid Santino in sandwiches or something). 


I like the "behind the scenes" feel to it, and it definitely feels less artificial (and when you get to the point where contestants like Laganja anticipate and plan their big Untucked moment after the message from home you need to change things up), but you think they could have coughed up enough cash for an extra chair or two so everyone had a place to sit? And I laughed when I saw that the drinks were being served off one of those carts used to transport large amounts of crap with a board slapped on top of it. Almost as hilarious as season one's "Under the hood" where it was clear that a PA was given $50 and a Costco card because the queens were served little packets of fruit snacks and cans of Diet Coke. I don't know - the stripped down look and dumping it on YouTube the morning after makes it all feel like an after-thought.


As for the show itself - meh. Too many runways. I wish they had another type of task to do. But I do like that while there are some clearly talented queens, there are no standout winners for me. In seasons past, Bianca, Sharon and Raja all screamed "Winner!" or "Top Three!" the second they walked in the door. So far, I really like Katya, Max, and Ginger (Glamour Toad cracked me up, and she's a polished big girl). Violet and Pearl have to show me that they can do something other than haughty haute couture.


I am with those who likes Michelle but finds her frustrating. She's way too in love with the pretty/"Fishy" look (which is why when given the opportunity she always brought back the prettiest eliminated queen, even though she had nothing else to bring to the table and was immediately eliminated again) and she needs to let go of her issues with the color green. I sometimes think she is inconsistent with her critiques because she feels like she needs to say something critical and can't always think of something.


New ginger Pit Crew guy is hot.

Edited by Kostgard
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I also thought it was referencing Lady Gaga's Paparazzi video. I can be (completely unintentionally, hence 'deaf') tone deaf to this kind of thing. For those who found Max's outfit and walk offensive, was it offensive when Lady Gaga wore/did something almost identical


I'm actually not familiar with the Lady Gaga video, so I can't really answer that, but I am familiar with the Nadja Auermann/Helmut Newton photoshoot that was in Vogue in 1995 and I've never had a problem with that.  Newton said that it was about empowerment and I believe that.   However, I felt that Max wasn't about empowerment at all, she wasn't walking down that runway with dignity, she was playing it was though she was the creature from The Grudge.  

I'm actually not familiar with the Lady Gaga video, so I can't really answer that, but I am familiar with the Nadja Auermann/Helmut Newton photoshoot that was in Vogue in 1995 and I've never had a problem with that.  Newton said that it was about empowerment and I believe that.   However, I felt that Max wasn't about empowerment at all, she wasn't walking down that runway with dignity, she was playing it was though she was the creature from The Grudge.

Lady Gaga does the same walk in Paparazzi:


Ugh sorry for ugly url, I'm on a tablet.

I'm not making any particular point about offensiveness, although I think the reference was more clearly this video.

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I sometimes think she is inconsistent with her critiques because she feels like she needs to say something critical and can't always think of something.

When she went off on the other judge about how it's not a bad thing for drag to be costumey, I immediately flashed back to other seasons where she ragged on Sharon, Chad, Ben, Jinkx and Alaska for being costumey or kitschy. She has a lot of weird up and downs in how she reacts to things.

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I liked the stripped-down version of Untucked--it gives me hope that they won't do too many heart-string gimmicks. I think Untucked is always a little weird at the beginning of the season because you have to jam 14 queens worth of footage into 22 minutes. Hopefully it'll be good when there are fewer queens left.


As for Max's crutches, I thought it was kind of boring. There didn't seem to be a connection to anything. It would be edgy and interesting if the challenge had been to show off your best body part, or something like that, but as it was, it was just a gimmick for gimmick's same. I also thought it wasn't very edgy because it seemed ripped from Lady Gaga in Paparazzi.


Poor Tempest. She seemed sweet but I was worried as soon as I saw that Magnolia Crawford nose.

When she went off on the other judge about how it's not a bad thing for drag to be costumey, I immediately flashed back to other seasons where she ragged on Sharon, Chad, Ben, Jinkx and Alaska for being costumey or kitschy. She has a lot of weird up and downs in how she reacts to things.

And she loved Manila! But Manila was witty, costumey and gorgeous... She brought glam all the time so I guess she appealed to all of Michelle's hotspots.

  • Love 2


And she loved Manila! But Manila was witty, costumey and gorgeous... She brought glam all the time so I guess she appealed to all of Michelle's hotspots.

Heh, true. But i'm fine enough with Michelle since there is consistency to her inconsistency(or more specifically, she seems to have a limited vocabulary of critique which means she often ends up using the same words to mean different things), Santino was the truly WTF random one and thankfully he's gone now. Though Michelle's reaction to Sharon's looks will always make me think she was snorting too much coke, since she absolutely hated Sharon's well put together and thought out looks and loved the ones that looked like they were hastily thrown together out of Forever 21 offerings.

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[Michelle] has a lot of weird up and downs in how she reacts to things.


Or maybe she is just raising points for everyone to consider, as judges often do (or should do). When I interview people for jobs, or when I participate in meetings, I sometimes raise points for discussion without necessarily endorsing them. Sure, it would be clearer had a judge said, "Do we think she is too costumy?" but I also think it's useful to recognize the "let's discuss!" aspect or function of a judging panel.

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Poor Tempest. She seemed sweet but I was worried as soon as I saw that Magnolia Crawford nose.


I am wondering how she got chosen for the show, perhaps its because she is inspirational  with her weight loss, her ability to juggle kids, teaching husband and DRAG!!  I don't think that America's Next Drag Superstar is going to be Phyllis Diller (or Bea Arthur, like magnolia--WTF was that?) BUT I think that Miss Fame, Pearl and Violet, although all are stunning--are going to have to show some personality in order to win.  Beauty alone is BORING (in the RPDR world at least)


Best line of the night--Ginger Minj, "Can someone be a Christian and loan me some scissors"

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 4

This.  It was horrifying, offensive and just fucking unnecessary.  And to be honest, the whole naked thing?  Ick.  I thought this was one of the worst runway ideas yet, nobody looked good.  

ITA, what was the point of it when it was all blurred out? Candy Ho and her make-up should have gone. I want to see more of Tempest. I really like Violet and appreciate Miss Fame. 

Max and her accent can just go.



I totally agree! I'm going to go on logo's website later to rewatch - hopefully they didn't blur it online?

They did blur it out.


Interesting that two queens had newspaper in front of their face to do their big reveal. I thought it was mean when (Miss Fame?) torn a piece from Max's newspaper.


I am loving the new Untucked. It mad me even more sad that Kandy Ho stayed. Tempest seems awesome. 

Edited by jellywager
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I really enjoyed watching this episode with Bianca and Alaska's commentary. Funny, sure, but also really interesting behind-the-scenes tidbits from both on how it was to be up there on that stage and what it was like in the workroom. I really hope they keep this up for the whole season even if they end up using different queens for each episode (though I'd be happy keeping it just Bianca and Alaska).



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I am really entertained by Pearl. I found her whole deal to be hilarious. I don't know if it is a character she is doing or if that is just her, and I don't even know which one of those options I would prefer, but I will enjoy it as long as I can. Mr. Micat sees her as sulky, but I'm leaning towards over it in a very blase way.


I also like Ginger. She knows how to dress her body and her confidence seems boundless.


Tempest should have come in with some ready made comebacks about her age. She had to know it would be brought up. It always is by the younger queens. She seemed ill-suited for the venue (i.e. too thin-skinned for Drag Race). She didn't have a chance once she failed to come up with a good costume, especially since that was supposed to be a strong suit for her. I really liked her entrance with the whole giving birth to Amber Alert - she would have been a valuable player in a comedy challenge. Oh well, we'll never know. One thing I feel certain about though: I will never warm up to Kandy Ho.

  • Love 5

That is the sad thing with the first challenge, because it's a pure look challenge it usually knocks out a performance/comedy queen.. who would have been much more entertaining to watch through the mid-season, which is all performance and comedy challenges. Because lets face it, Kandy Ho is almost certainly not going to bust out anything more interesting than what we saw on this one.

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If you have the Logo app, you can watch the entire first episode with a running commentary by Alaska and Bianca! I don't know if this will be an on-going feature, but it was everything! As you can imagine, there were reads for days, but there was also some really interesting insight into how they felt in their respective seasons.


MAGNIFICENT! I had this going while I was getting ready for work today and was just laughing my ass off the whole time. I haven't been able to watch/listen to the ending of the commentary yet but, damn, I love those two bitches.


I don't necessarily dislike anyone yet. Kandy Ho is probably the closest to that... but then I'm over 40 and have gotten the 'how old are you?' question from young, stupid bitches. It's just such a young, thoughtless thing to do but in this case it was definitely rude. And man, that beard! Wha-aa-aat?


But I really do like Pearl so far, and Katya absolutely, and Ginger... there are a lot of girls I want to know better for sure. Bring it!

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Okay... so... All T all Shade...  I know that everyone gets a chance to rehearse the lip sync song, and therefore it should be an even playing field .. but it really does seem like that choice was a set up to keep the younger queen.... despite the fact that she contoured ON a beard.  Who does that?

 I loved all of Violet's looks.. I'm not that sold on her personality.

I REALLY enjoy Katya... she's totally my fav so far

Mrs. Kasha Davis is very amusing to me, particularly in the outtakes and candid stuff.. I hope she stays a while

Trixie is growing on me quickly.  I wasn't all that impressed with her MTQ vids... or her painting.. but she's growing on me.. I get it now, I think.

I totally thought Jasmine Masters should have been on the chopping block for that cocoon / fringe fiasco..  

Ginger Minge is also very amusing... I love that she's willing to beat people to the punchline... I mean what bad things can you say about someone who calls themselves a "glamour toad"

I still flat out don't like Stank Bearded Ho...

And then there's Miss Fame and her "brand" ... one would think that with all her damn tutorials on the web about how to make sure your face tape isn't showing, that I wouldn't have had to stare at her face tape for 30 minutes... I will give credit on the outfits.. and the fact that she cinches for the gods.. 

Jayden ... funny, sassy, great skills... don't know where she'll end up though because she has "taste issues" ... Appalonia Six, Seven, and Eight say that was NOT a spring look.

Pearl... I don't quite get Pearl... I understand that the "over it" impression is an affectation.. but she needs a smidge more personality in her drag personality... her boy personality is funny, and energetic... I need to see that in Pearl.

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I would rather have had the traditional goofy introductory challenge - jump into a pool, get blasted by a huge fan, jump up and down on a trampoline, etc.

I agree. I like runway, but this episode I was all runway'd out by the end of it.


Gosh I just don't know what to think of this new untucked. I kinda like the beind the scenes a bit but to quote Gia Gunn"is there no budget this year?" It looks like untucked has taken 2 steps backwards; they're just sitting in the middle of a......what open area? With one sofa? It's like the lounge is being painted and this will just have to do until then. Maybe I will like it more once I'm more invested in the queens conversations

I didn't love this new Untucked either. This was just a couch and random conversation. I liked the Interior Illusions lounge and the Gold bar decorated nicely and with classic Ru pictures, the pink box, Absolut cocktails ready to go and everyone sipping them conspicuously in between shade. I don't miss the videos of some of their family members who now accept them, it's nice for the queens but I feel like we played out that moment so many times.

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