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S11.E13: Staring At The End


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"...Callie asks Amelia if the other/better Dr. Shepherd is going to be helping her in the surgery..."

It's worse than that. Callie doesn't use the word "better" or even "other". She says "will Doctor Shepherd be helping you", not even thinking that she's talking to Doctor Shepherd at that moment. Even in her own "masterclass" Amelia is not the default meaning of that name.

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Even though I totally relate to the feeling of being 'other' in a family of over-achievers, Amelia is making it very difficult for me to be on her side. The show has hammered and hammered that this is difficult and almost impossible and groundbreaking. It seems arrogant to the point of professional negligence not to consult another neurosurgeon, even if it's not Derek. Put your pride aside and ask for a professional opinion for heaven's sake. 

I wasn't a fan of last night's episode, despite actually liking the three characters that had focus.  I don't even mind Amelia's smung-ness, though those lectures were awful.  I just started really enjoying the Robbins/Herman friendship so theoretically I feel like I should have liked this one, but it just fell flat.  


I never really felt like the show revolved around solely around Meredith, but these last few episodes have really been lacking without her or Derek. Something seems to be really off since the return from hiatus and I can't quite put my finger on it.  I think part of the issue is that nothing ties together anymore.  Now it seems to be storyline A, storyline B, etc and everything feels disjointed.  


I really hope they can get that "magic" back soon because Grey's used to be one of my favorites.


editing to add: I suspend a lot of disbelief on this show, but the fact that Amelia is going to start an 18 hour surgery at the drop of a hat was absolutely hilarious.  Like that would ever happen.

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 4


The only moment I kind of liked, or at least appreciated, was Owen saying to Amelia, "it's just coffee." I thought it was a nice nod to those of us who have stuck by the show since the beginning.

You're more generous than I am, BC Mama. When they do this I don't hear it as an homage to earlier seasons, I think it's just lazy/bad writers who don't bother to/can't create those kinds of moments anymore. And attempting to present Owen/Amelia as a new Burke/Cristina is just awful.

Edited by Tuleh2
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lol Tuleh, yeah, pushing them as the new Burke and Cris would be a fail. Episodes of their issues would be all about Owen screaming at people about soldiers or a kid being abused sl, while Amelia complains about Derek. Could you imagine how their fights would go? Owen yelling about how he wants kids and Amelia putting it off because she needs to make a name for herself to get out of Derek's shadow. You shouldn't put two "me me me me me" characters together in tv land. 

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I can only hope that this sad excuse of an episode was done to set up something extraordinary next week.  Of course, I'm an eternal and usually frustrated (when it comes to Grey's) optimist.  I'm still trying to get the point of the lecture series.  She was talking to doctors, for heaven's sake but the remarks were geared to a fifth grade class, at best.  And while I'm at it, I'd like to include a small and petty rant to the make up department.  Lower lips should be kept in proportion to the rest of the face, not painted wildly outside the lines causing a significant distraction.

I really do not like Amelia. I've tried. Really. But I cannot see her as this world-class surgeon that is attempting a surgery many other neurosurgeons have said was impossible - without even consulting anyone else. Didn't she have a breakdown on PP or something (I stopped watching that show in season 2 it was so awful) How does she even still have a license much less be doing this surgery? With just one intern. And with no rest. And no plan. At least she has Hunt bringing her coffee during that 18 hour surgery! If the surgery is successful we have to see her be as famous as her brother. If she fails, we have to see more of her "woe is me" and Dr. Herman is gone.

Is there a third choice? That involves her going away?  


This episode had way too much of an unlikeable character and not enough of the people we do like. Which is probably a harbinger of what is going to happen when all the rest of the original actors leave the show.

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I'm not nearly the expert on GA that others are. I watch it once and never look back. I definitely don't commit much of it to memory. All that said, the Amanda hate confuses me. I'm guessing that she was on Private Practice (a show that I watched a little but quickly grew bored of and I don't recall her being on the show). Are the memories of PP lingering, perhaps? It doesn't seem to me that this character has had enough screen time on GA to be so hated.


I don't think Alex needs any men friends. He's a loner.


Once again, this episode proves that these doctors are at their best when they're just being friends to each other. Was there a single kiss in this episode?


I want Arizona back on her Heelys.

  • Love 2


It doesn't seem to me that this character has had enough screen time on GA to be so hated.

I don't hate her and I believe there are plenty of others who like her just fine. I think she is hated because she had a big episode with significant screen time. It was similar to the reaction that Maggie got after her big episode earlier this season. Ditto other characters over the years.  She wasn't hated when she barely spoke and was the Shepherd babysitter.

I like Amelia, and liked her on PP.  PP turned into a shit-show by the time Amelia joined the practice and they gave her a ton of addictions baggage, dead-daddy baggage (more than Derek), whirlwind love affair/marriage/OD'd dead husband, and an encephalitic baby that she carried to term so the baby's organs could be harvested instead of just being born dead.  Basically, they gave her a horrible, depressing story line all the way through, so I can see people feeling grim about her.


But she's a lot less grim on Grey's, and she was always a perky, fast-moving, fast-talking character.  I do not like the competitive-with-Derek angle they've given her, but I think having a crisis of confidence moment when planning a ground-breaking surgery is a normal human reaction.  We've seen all of them have that crisis of confidence at one time or another. 

Edited by izabella
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This was one of the biggest, steamiest piles of Shonda Rhimes crap in this show's history. I can't remember an episode of Grey's that was THIS bad. The MONOLOGUES. The REPETITIONS. The PASSIONATE YELLING. The OVERACTING. I had to stop watching Scandal last year because it got too unbearable, and now Grey's is the exact same thing.


It all felt like a middle schooler wrote it, one who thinks that grand idiotic monologues like Amelia's badly delivered speech are powerful writing. For FUCK'S SAKE, this is such awful, hackish, idiotically bad writing and acting.


Fire everyone on the writing staff. Exile Shonda Rhimes. Keep Geena Davis but let everything else burn.


Speaking from my heart. Awful episode, awful Scorsone.


She and her character are like nails scratching on a blackboard. Horrible. I think she is ridiculous in this role.

Edited by owenhuntfan
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ITA that I want to keep Herman and get rid of Amelia. I am so tired of Amelia. Between her obnoxious "I can fix anything!" shtick and her "waaaaaaa, what am I going to do?" whining, I am so sick of her. I get that Derek can be an ass, but if you don't want to ask his opinion, how about consulting with any of the hundreds of other neurosurgeons in the world? Her inferiority complex about Derek was so annoying too. If you want to be better than Derek, then be better than Derek. But don't screw your patient out of spite because you don't want your brother's help. Your job as a doctor is to help your patient, not feed your ego at the patient's expense.


How did this theoretical surgery merit having at least three separate lectures? How did she end the first two? By saying, "Uhhhh, and then God's little chubby cheeked miracle baby is magically aborted from Dr. Herman's brain but I haven't exactly figured that part out yet"?


I guess an eighteen hour surgery merits eighteen hours of lecturing about it beforehand. It probably took longer since she had to go on and on about how we need to respect the tumor and life will out and blah blah blah.


While I totally agree with the overall message of Stephanie's lecture ("Get it together, Dr. Shepherd!"), I didn't like that Stephanie was lecturing Amelia on how she should be worthy of Stephanie worshipping her and looking up to her and being a mentor to her. While I agree that Amelia shouldn't yell at her resident and call her names, all that "make yourself worthy of the fact that I have been following you around like a puppy dog" just made me roll my eyes. You're not 12 years old, Edwards. Get your shit together too.


When Robbins and Herman set her mask on fire in the office, all I could think was dude, is it safe to burn plastic? Especially in an enclosed area?


Hated Bailey's storyline. If someone walked up to me during my lunch and said, "Edward," by way of starting a conversation that continued with a story about how he died with her hands inside his body, I would be insulted. It's such a hack-y way to try to suck someone in.


I love Geena Davis (and her See Jane/Institute on Gender in the Media group) so I would love to find a way for Amelia to fail but still keep Herman.


I got so annoyed when Amelia was yelling during her lecture. Those lecture halls always come with clip on mics. Please use one and QUIT YELLING AT ME.


And while we're at it, please stop trying to make this Hunt/Shepherd thing happen. Watching Amelia babble for two minutes straight about coffee made me want to put duct tape over her mouth just to make it stop.


She is insufferable.Full stop.

  • Love 1

She and her character are like nails scratching on a blackboard. Horrible. I think any sane person sees how ridiculous she is in this role.

I'm quite sane, and I like her fine. There was just way too much of her in this episode, but I wouldn't want to see an episode with this much focus on any character. (Except maybe Alex, to make up for years of character neglect.)

  • Love 6

Artistically speaking her performance is very weak. I don´t buy a word she says. Sorry.


1102 was heavy on Maggie,but Kelly did a mighty fine job there,you have to see the difference, Kelly has depth, has subtlety,has drama,too,but keeps it natural, you believe the character she portrays. 


Just what I think.


Maybe Scorsone was better at something else in her career, but here no, it´s painful to watch.

Edited by owenhuntfan
  • Love 5
I think she is hated because she had a big episode with significant screen time. It was similar to the reaction that Maggie got after her big episode earlier this season.

Not necessarily. I think it's a very to each their own kind of situation. I loved the Derek-centric episode in S6, but they found a way to have every character involved in the story. Here, it was just three characters. I'm not a huge fan of Maggie and I didn't like her episode either, but it certainly was better than this.


I didn't hate Amelia. In fact, she was the only one I could stand (alongside Charlotte) on PP. But there's something about GA writing that made her impossible. This has gone for a few episodes. If you'd told me at the beginning of the season that she was going to have a stand alone episode, I'd be excited but with how they have turned out to be Amelia's SL, I am finding myself not liking her anymore. I think it's how izabella said, the "I am better than Derek therefore I must put him down" angle of competitiveness has been dreadful and frankly, dumb. It's like the whole Meredith being in Derek's shadow thing. I don't believe you can realistically expect to be better than someone who has developed his career for more time, but I'm sure Amelia is also the sun and what not. The show is very childish handling competitiveness as well as relationships and family relationships. 


Owen saying to Amelia, "it's just coffee." I thought it was a nice nod to those of us who have stuck by the show since the beginning.

I hadn't realized this until you wrote it. Now they're doomed. 

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I think Callie will alert the chief and others, they will come to the rescue. Herman will survive but will probably be blind.


Brilliant speculation, with this ep's focus on the tumor's impeding the optic nerve.  


Remembering Spock's saying, "The creature within me is gone.  I am free of it -- and the pain.  I am also...quite blind.  An equitable exchange, Doctor.  Thank you."  If it all works out that way, can we get you a cup of just-coffee?  And toast absent friends?


The idea of her just having one resident in a ground breaking, never been done before, long surgery is idiotic and sounds like malpractice to me. Since the show doesnt care about realism, I say in the middle of surgery, the baby tumor pops out with its sharp teeth and attacks Amelia. Baby tumor slashes Amelia's throat. Derek comes in and saves Harman. Amelia, in her last moments of life, sees this. And then she dies. The end.


This post had to be repeated for emphasis because it literally made me LOL. The snark on this board made the time I lost watching the episode worthwhile. 


Ahhh, the show could really benefit from a medical consultant with a real medical license.

  • Love 2

This episode bugged the hell out of me and I can't really decide why. I rolled my eyes contiuously at everything to do with the amelia tumor storyline. I just kep thinking oh come the fuck on, you can't expect me to believe that there is any doctor out there who would take on this complex one of a kind never been done before surgery for 18 hours by herself without doing a shit ton of research and collaboration with other experts in her field. Or that a hospital would allow that to happen. Which is funny because it's Grey's Anatomy and I've been totally cool with suspending disbelief for years on the way hospitals or medicine or real life works in order to enjoy this show but apparently this episode is my waterloo. Thus far I go and no farther!!! Accept I'll totally watch next week to because I'm some sort of sadomasachist.

Edited by dabronx
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Artistically speaking [the actress playing Amelia's] performance is very weak. I don´t buy a word she says. Sorry.


That's my problem with the character also.  I just don't buy what she is selling.  Christina, Alex, Derrick, Mere, hell even Izzie, and others such as Lexie, April, Jackson, Mousy, Stephanie, others....I buy them in their roles.  Amelia, I just don't.  I think, for me it is part writing and part actress which turns me off.


Also, I think Geena Davis and Jessica Capshaw were doing really good work this episode that seemed to be pushed to the side by this "I am awesome" lecture series for Amelia.


Amelia and her obnoxious refusal to be professional and discuss this surgery with her brother or hell, any other specialist, because it's all about:  "me, me, me" for that character is offensive to me.


As noted, she doesn't fare well in comparison to Davis (and Capshaw) here.  I'm not sure whether the writing intentionally started closed in with the writing of Davis's character, or recalibrated after the first few episodes, but she has just been wonderful the last few episodes. 


My hope for a best case resolution is that Meredith does stop Amelia from doing the surgery; they close up; and even though we know she'll die (I can't see Davis committing long term), we get to spend more time with that character.

Edited by pennben
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Wow, I can't believe no one has yet mentioned the Sofia sighting. It was short, but sweet.

I also liked the Arizona/Callie scene (maybe because it occured right after we saw Sofia), and think if Hermann doesn't make it, that Callie will "comfort" Arizona (until they start fighting again).

The Arizona/Hermann scenes have gotten great, and I hope Hermann makes it.

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I like Amelia, but she really is dumb for going into this surgery alone.  She's not even letting a second resident help? That's just absurd.  And if it's really so experimental there'd probably be lots of doctors who want to be in on it.  Remember when they all fought over rare surgeries? However, I don't think it was right for Callie to question Amelia about this in front of that whole lecture hall.  At the very least because she's a board member and asking it in public forum shows she knows it is a possible risk and the hospital isn't taking the precautions it should.


Oh, and if Amelia didn't want to be compared to her brother why did she become a neurosurgeon? Of course people will make comparisons.  


This episode felt like an episode of Private Practice.  In the last season they would have these episodes basically devoted to what happens to one character over a longish period of time, with the other characters barely appearing.  They were really boring.  Shows like this work best when there's good interaction between the whole cast

This post had to be repeated for emphasis because it literally made me LOL. The snark on this board made the time I lost watching the episode worthwhile.

Ahhh, the show could really benefit from a medical consultant with a real medical license.

Yes, this 100%! In a show where there are typically 3-4 attendings plus multiple residents and interns for simple surgeries this is just rediculous.

Serious question though- everyone keeps saying Amelia hasn't consulted with anyone else, but she definitely talked about getting all the scans from Herman's seven other consults. I'm just assuming (hoping?) she's been in contact with these other neuro surgeons. I felt like that was sort of implied a few episodes ago.

Edited by Greysaddict

For me, the problem with the episode was the excessive scenes with Amelia talking in front of those ridiculous pictures of Herman's brain.  I felt like someone imagined it as a big Citizen Kane moment.  Her monologues were ridiculous, and I don't think even PD could have sold those scenes. 


I fell off the couch when Amelia identified Herman by name as the patient. 

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I'm quite sane, and I like her fine. There was just way too much of her in this episode, but I wouldn't want to see an episode with this much focus on any character. (Except maybe Alex, to make up for years of character neglect.)

I edited my post, I used the word in wrong context to describe what I meant, sorry - what I meant was some sort of sanity regarding the evaluation of the performance the actress gives, I have always been very fair when it comes to actors even if it is a character on Greys which I don´t particularly like and the actor/actress is superb,I´ll always say bravo, but this time as an artist she is overacting all the time not just this episode,this is not a solid performance, the role does not fit her or Greys does not fit her, one or the other,she is trying too hard and it pays off badly. JMHO



And the writing sucks here, the problem for me is it must be the patient in the first place - Hermann here, NOT the beauty of tumour, not the cool surgery,no lectures, no brother ego complex, it is so wrong that I can´t even explain it. How Arizona supported Herman that is what a doctor does,not Amelia boasting the images and having tantrums with Stephanie. Shame on her for calling herself a doctor. This is the same problem I had with Cristina (this lack of interest in the patient), but Oh was brilliant so I went with it, she persuaded me, but all Scorsone does is to make me cringe.


Rhimes has found a replacement Cristina for herself and Hunt but the actress cannot pull it off.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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Watching, I was also kind of hoping Geena Davis will stay on, but (spoiler free, I have no advance knowledge) don't know enough of her career at this point to guess as to whether they could afford to keep her. Though they've been able to afford an entire arc (vs everyone else in Derek's family, who they can only afford for one episode), so I'd love to keep her. I wasn't a big fan at first, but now that her face is moving a bit and is less distracting I've really enjoyed her character and Arizona's work/friendship with her.

I don't have any negative predisposition towards Owen and Amelia - I liked his character way better away from Cristina and after they broke up - but since I prefer him as a character single/in scenes with friends, I wish they'd give him more time without shoehorning him into a relationship. I'm just not seeing when either of them sparked with the other or where it's coming from other than their both being single doctors.

Amelia, you know that there are other neurosurgeons you could shoot the shit with, right? They probably even already have a bit of background on what you're doing, if this is a recorded "masters class" with requests for access. Be a little responsible to your patient, even if you're correct that your brother has historically proven he'll be patronizing (to her, in this/his job, in particular, and then she escalated it by "putting him in his place" with sutures because she was insecure), insufferable, and probably hop a flight back to jump in and join the surgery. There are other cutting edge neurosurgeons somewhere in the world with whom you could brainstorm. We really don't need to see it, just mention having done so.

Not sure if Amelia was better written in PP or if everyone was just worse there that she seemed kinda great. But no.

I bet it's a bit of both - I don't watch all the writing credits, and know some surely stay on with Shonda on several shows, but it's probably a different team writing her character on Grey's. She was one of my favorites on PP too, but really half of those characters were just awful, annoying people. (Like, pretty much all of the original central cast.)

I didn't hate Amelia. In fact, she was the only one I could stand (alongside Charlotte) on PP. But there's something about GA writing that made her impossible. This has gone for a few episodes.

ITA. She, Charlotte, Sheldon, and generally Cooper were the only ones I liked for the last few seasons (when I tried again after quitting during the season two dreck). Conversely, I generally liked Addison on Grey's - not always liked her, but liked having her character on - but thought the writers on PP couldn't quite capture the same character we already knew.

A properly qualified surgeon should be sent in also. If Shadow Shepherd is still there he would be sent in and not Meredith. If they are pulling a surgeon then they need someone who can take over. If its supposed to be this never done before difficult neurosurgery then why send in a general surgeon?

I was figuring that she was in to help because they'll forget/ignore that the hospital has any other neurosurgeons, and since she basically spent all but the last year of her internship and residency in neuro she's by far the only other qualified regular (aside from Derek) - the other resident who focused on neuro is Lexie, so she obviously can't scrub in. But Meredith is the most logical/qualified to scrub in if they aren't going to acknowledge Shadow Shepard or anyone else in the actual neuro department. Aside from the fact that Amelia would have been briefing anyone on the team all along, but she apparently didn't need a team.

Serious question though- everyone keeps saying Amelia hasn't consulted with anyone else, but she definitely talked about getting all the scans from Herman's seven other consults. I'm just assuming (hoping?) she's been in contact with these other neuro surgeons. I felt like that was sort of implied a few episodes ago.

I took it more as she has all of her previous records and all of them just said it couldn't be removed. (I assumed in the records, since that's what they all told Herman, but even being generous and assuming Amelia called them, that's what they said.) She easily could have asked any of them (since as a doctor herself Herman surely went to perfectly great neurosurgeons) the question she wanted Mer to ask Derek for her, in general if not in a "hypothetically on this tumor" way.

I was figuring that she was in to help because they'll forget/ignore that the hospital has any other neurosurgeons, and since she basically spent all but the last year of her internship and residency in neuro she's by far the only other qualified regular (aside from Derek) - the other resident who focused on neuro is Lexie, so she obviously can't scrub in. But Meredith is the most logical/qualified to scrub in if they aren't going to acknowledge Shadow Shepard or anyone else in the actual neuro department. Aside from the fact that Amelia would have been briefing anyone on the team all along, but she apparently didn't need a team.


I agree they'll just ignore that there are more qualified doctors. To me that is equally as bad as having Amelia not have a team of surgeons scheduled in the OR with her. I joke about department of one for all but clearly we aren't supposed to think that. They made a point of showing Amelia's briefings packed with doctors. They even included dialog with Richard saying the Fire Marshall had to move people into the hallway.  Amelia didn't consult with others but hundreds of SGM doctors have been being briefed for weeks about the case. Surely there is a surgeon in there who has been consistently working in neurosurgery more recently than 3-4 years ago. When was the last time she actually performed a neurosurgery? 


Its so dumb. They could have had extras in scrubs walking out of a room with Amelia and have her say she was speaking with her team then them in the OR. One of the Dr. Randoms could take over if needed. They wouldn't even need dialog for them.

Edited by windsprints

One of the only high points of this episode for me was seeing Arizona get a storyline that doesn't revolve around Callie. I thought that Jessica Capshaw did a good job showing her fear about Herman. I hope that if they get her back together with Callie that they continue to let her have friendships and storylines that don't revolve Callie. It was great to see her happy and smiling again.

  • Love 8

Adding my two cents:


Arizona/Herman - for as long as this storyline has gone on, it still hasn't provided much character development or real emotional depth for Arizona.  She is still as much of a cypher as she has ever been.  Sure they have had some nice scenes together but for a storyline that started in episode 1 of this season, the payoff seems lacking with regards to her character.


Stephanie - good on her for telling off Amelia.  She was being such a tool to Stephanie and deserved every word she got.


Amelia - she doesn't even really give a damn about Herman.  It's all about her ego.  She has to prove she's as good as or better than Derek.  When you follow a parent or older sibling into a career, it's only natural that people compare you, but she's the one doing the comparing and she is the one limiting herself that way.


Callie - could she have worded her question better?  Yeah, she could have asked something along the lines of whether any other neurosurgeons would be involved given the complexity of the 18 hour operation, but was she out of line in asking the question?  Not at all.  The point of a Q and A after a presentation is to ask questions that may be hard, not blow sunshine up the presenter's ass.  Does Callie truly care about Herman?  Only insofar as how what happens to her affects Arizona's happiness, and that is still far more selfless than Amelia's motivations.  Also, if that question caused Amelia any sort of blow to her self-esteem, seriously do you want her taking a scalpel to your brain.  Amelia's response was awful.  I don't understand why she has no other neurosurgeons as part of the team working on Herman.

Edited by North
  • Love 3

Where was Meredith?


Wasn't she there at the lunch table with Callie, Alex and Maggie? But yeah, she only had a line or two, and not even the best line of that scene.

I don't hate Maggie but the show needs to stop having people say it out loud that she's funny or likable or whatever. It's very annoying. 

They actually gave her a funny line this time.


Oh my God!!  I'm a bit claustrophobic, and barely made it through an MRI with my eyes squeezed closed.  Hearing that mask being locked on almost made by hyperventilate.  It also seemed like it restricted her breathing a bit.

I actually found out I was claustrophobic when I had an MRI. Not a good time to find out. But boy, that mask for radiation treatment made me cringe. I was totally with Herman when she struggled to get out. (though less so when they burned the mask - that's pretty expensive hospital equipment, there, isn't it?)


I've always been neutral about Amelia. I didn't watch PP, so I don't have that baggage. I even kind of like the incipient romance between her and Owen. But not calling Derek, or someone else, was inexcusable. Clearly she thought Derek would provide some insight, or she wouldn't have asked Meredith to call him. They wouldn't even need PD - just show her call and start to talk to him.  Personally, I've respected my doctors more when they openly research something. Makes me feel more at ease, because they have to know so much stuff that they can't always remember every little aspect.


The faux TED talk though - that was horrible. I don't know if it actually took up more than half the episode, but it sure felt like it. And most of it was waxing philosophic, just BS, and offensive BS at that.

  • Love 1

I enjoy Arizona and Herman's working relationship and friendship, and I think Jessica Capshaw did a nice job in the episode. But she is, without a doubt, one of the worst criers on the show. The scene I'm mainly referring to is when Herman tells her to stop crying, I was completely taken out of the moment because the execution was not believable.

I actually found out I was claustrophobic when I had an MRI. Not a good time to find out. But boy, that mask for radiation treatment made me cringe. I was totally with Herman when she struggled to get out. (though less so when they burned the mask - that's pretty expensive hospital equipment, there, isn't it?)

They custom fit the mask to the person.  It is like a mold of your face and upper body.  So it is a one-size-fits-one situation.  Just having one made can push a claustrophobic over the edge.  They will give them to the patient when their radiation is over if the patient asks.  Some use them in celebrations.  I've also seen people use them in art pieces.  

  • Love 2

They custom fit the mask to the person.  It is like a mold of your face and upper body.  So it is a one-size-fits-one situation.  Just having one made can push a claustrophobic over the edge.  They will give them to the patient when their radiation is over if the patient asks.  Some use them in celebrations.  I've also seen people use them in art pieces.  

Thanks. Makes sense that it would be customized when you think about it. So I guess that wasn't out of line after all. Boy, they'd have to drug me up to put me in that mask!

Edited by clanstarling

I actually found out I was claustrophobic when I had an MRI. Not a good time to find out.

We always ask our MRI patients beforehand if they are claustrophobic beforehand but sometimes you never know until you're actually in the magnet. And every once in a while someone who was fine being scanned before becomes claustrophobic. I'm not sure how much of Herman's freak out was claustrophobia or just being fed up with treatment.

  • Love 2

I actually fast forwarded all the tumour talk crap right after the part where a bunch of doctors went "ooohhh...." when they heard about some tumours with teeth / eyes.  Ummm...aren't these trained professionals who have been to medical school?

Me too. I fast forwarded whenever Amelia started speechifying, after that bit.

Add me to the list of people freaked out by the face mask and how it was secured onto the table. I've had brain MRIs but even those seem like a breeze compared to that.

Can they give laughing gas or something while you're strapped down? It's the only way I can imagine if being bearable.


What really offends me is that they have Owen pursuing Amelia like 6 seasons of Crowen never happened,and he says one thing in one episode (like he doesn´t think he will ever have anything like that with sb else, or he holds invisible Cristina on the vent, then he follows Amelia like a puppy everywhere, kisses her out of nowhere,brings her coffee,etc  -  what kind of b...t is that?

They portray Owen now as a liar,like he has no backbone,just goes with the flow, which I find really offensive to the character.


Also why does he suddenly discuss Amelia with Richard????  Where is that from? Also in 1114promo photos Owen is again with Richard watching Amelia??


And they both applaud her for those awful speeches full of nothing?They both applaud her arrogance and aggressiveness???


What are they doing with Richard?? Why isn´t he trying to build up something with Maggie but instead  pays so much attention to Amelia???? Yes, they are buddies from AA meetings but still??? It seems he cares more about Amelia than his newfound biological daughter???!!!


Who gets these writers´s logic???? I definitely do not.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
They portray Owen now as a liar,like he has no backbone,just goes with the flow, which I find really offensive to the character.

This is pretty standard behavior for GA writing. Owen has lost his backbone since he became Chief (at least in terms of of his professional life). I never liked him as a person, so probably not the best person to judge here but I see no different writing for him than many other characters on this show.


Yes, they are buddies from AA meetings but still??? It seems he cares more about Amelia than his newfound biological daughter???!!!

I don't think this is a bad thing. Maggie has a father and it isn't Richard. She may share her DNA with Richard but other than that, I don't see her pursuing a bigger relationship. She also seems to be more interested in Ellis than him, since that is her link to Meredith and that's all that matters. The next move should be hers but I don't think Richard should be the one pursuing the relationship.  


As for Richard and Amelia, the bond they share of the same disease is different and it's something that will always be there and having someone to talk to is good. Amelia can't talk about this with anyone, so she finds Richard a safe haven and same on the other side. It seems to me this is more of a normal flow of relationships.


Can they give laughing gas or something while you're strapped down? It's the only way I can imagine if being bearable.

The first time I had an brain MRI, I was offered anti-anxiety medication (not Valium but a very very very weak one). I was 12 years old, so my pediatrician told my mother it was a possibility in case I couldn't stand the amount of time in the machine. I assume this may be a practice for those who are claustrophobic or have problems being laid down for a long time.  

Edited by AnitaM86
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[re the facemask scan/treatment] Can they give laughing gas or something while you're strapped down? It's the only way I can imagine if being bearable.

Yeah, they often have to knock young kids out for MRIs, etc, and it isn't unusual for claustrophobic or anxiety-prone adults to get valium or xanax if they've been unable to tolerate it before. Given her reaction, I assumed she didn't take or request anything because she was squeezing it into her workday and not wasting any time in that department.

Laughing gas does sound like a good option in terms of the tiny half life, but I don't think it's one of the routine options - even if the writers thought of it, it would have robbed them of a sympathetic character moment.


A segment from Hippocratic oath:


"I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery."


I would advise Amelia who calls herself a doctor to reread what she swore for her profession, she should be ashamed to call herself a doctor.


She is all me,me,me, what a coward she is not to ask for or accept help.


Smug,unprofessional, egoistic. No respect for her.


Only when she is failing,losing Herman, she will call Meredith and Richard for help,or maybe they will force her to let go,  she is a loser in my eyes, nothing will ever change that.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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Serious question though- everyone keeps saying Amelia hasn't consulted with anyone else, but she definitely talked about getting all the scans from Herman's seven other consults. I'm just assuming (hoping?) she's been in contact with these other neuro surgeons. I felt like that was sort of implied a few episodes ago


You're right. She did say she consulted with them but they wouldn't do the surgeries so is she consulting with them on the surgery going forward? Her not having a lot of doctors working with her is really dumb writing.

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Offering the both-sides-of-the-coin, benefit-of-the-doubt generosity that we Libras are prone to, it seems conceivable that she did do some consulting with the doctors who refused tot ouch the thing and declared it terminal in the beginning. But it seems to me that if someone says "Nope, can't be done," and you go "But what about—" and they go "Nope, can't be done," maybe consulting with that doctor is less than helpful? And I feel like there's been at least some implication that that's the general consensus from most neurosurgeons about this case.


That said, it does seem somewhat inconceivable that there are no other neurosurgeons in the world (other than perhaps Derek) who would be into it as an amazing challenge, if nothing else. And the idea that she would be doing this surgery all by herself and that not to do so would be somehow lessening of the achievement (assuming success) is definitely a bit ridiculous. But hey, we're not watching this show to learn how hospitals are run, right?


As for her talk, I feel that hospital shows should really just avoid having their doctors give talks, because there isn't really a good way to show any of it while making it remotely realistic. There are two kinds of talks of this nature: a populist, TED-Talkish sort of thing, intended to be interesting and accessible to people who have little or no knowledge of the field; and a specialized, in-depth, highly technical presentation, intended for people with extremely high-level understanding of the subject. Amelia's talk was presented to us as if it were one of the latter, but you can't present one of those on a prime-time drama, because your audience is not a bunch of doctors who would understand a single word of the kind of talk that would actually be delivered to other doctors. So you end up delivering something more like the former, which just looks completely ridiculous in that context. Therefore, IMO, they should really just not even go there. No character comes out of that looking good.

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I literally started yelling at my TV when I saw the jealousy coming out of Callie. This show (and Callie?) either need to get this couple back together or let us (and Arizona?) move on for good. Unless this whole thing is a move towards getting them back together and in a HEALTHY emotional relationship, If Callie continues to be jealous of Arizona finally having a friend (did April really count?), I'm going to scream bloody murder.

As for Amelia, I didn't like her on Private Practice and while her start on Grey's this season was much less obnoxious, this episode was further evidence of her character returning to her old ego maniacal ways. And I don't like it one bit.

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Some of the best episodes of GA have shown the doctors working together.  A whole team worked on separating the conjoined twins.  They had press conference type talks on that episode that made sense.  It is interesting to watch them think through how they would try to solve a difficult case.  That is what makes so little sense about Amelia, lone warrior of the brain.  What is especially aggravating is that two episodes ago she was telling Hermann she could do this and she had a detailed plan.  Now she is all bravado to the audience with no actual plan for the surgery and no confidence that she can do it.  

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To be fair Arizona Hermann storyline is pretty awesome, very good perfomances by both actresses,good writing,but why did Stacy McKee go to write these nonsensical Amelia speeches is beyond my grasp of logic. I´ve always held her in high respect,I also didn´t like what Maggie said at the lunch scene "It´s in there,bla,bla, that was so weird and the whole thing was awkward,talking about grooming at lunch?Can´t they talk about anything else?


Many other fan forums discuss these Amelia speeches, with very unfavourable comments, it was just terrible.It spoiled the whole episode.How many times has she said tumour, baby? Who can say this is good tv?


Also nonsensical like Webber and Owen were in awe when applauding  Amelia, why? What for? What did she do to achieve their admiration?Also why weren´t there any others (like Meredith, Maggie,Alex, Bailey) to support a colleague? That stinks, too. I guess she does not deserve any of this awe she was given by Steph,Jo,Webber,Owen.  And Owen, the chief just talks nonsense,brings her coffee, why doesn´t he act like chief and ask what is her plan, where is her team of doctors, is he totally blind? In 1102 he was all over Maggie, being an ass to her for having the guts to open Yang´s unsolved case and now Amelia can do whatever she wants and he is OK with it? Change the Chief,please.


The best part was Callie, speaking like not giving a damn about She-Shepperd´s awesomeness, maybe a little tactless, but how else should A´s smugness been addressed than by this direct approach?

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I had laughing gas at the dentist once and I particularily liked how it made everything chill but then wore off immediately. That seems more practical for Dr Herman than pills that would affect her the rest off fhe day while she's trying to work.


Can you stay still when you have laughing gas?  I have had MRIs before and you are not allowed to move at all during the scan.

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