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Season 11 (Kaitlyn) Spoilers

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Exactly. I understand the premise of the show but if RS is right and she slept with Nick TWICE then I have to side eye her. I am not slut shamming her in any way, but she had already slept with him. Why do it again? And letting him propose? Nagl.



And what's really interesting if this does turn out to be exactly what happens, is that while she didn't make a scene and there was no FS bombshell dropped, Kaitlyn did confront Chris about why he didn't give her the same courtesy that Andi gave him during her season, where let Chris go before the FS. And then she seemed especially bothered because Chris took time out of the rose ceremony to have a whole conversation with Becca and talk to her and really try to understand her and her feelings more, while in Kaitlyn's own words again, he didn't give her that chance and courtesy.


So I'm really interested in seeing how this all goes down if she really has sex with Nick not just once but twice and then later makes him go all the way through the trouble of proposing and then dumping him. If it all does pan out as being reported, I think this will be one time I will wonder if the producers' hands were in this and if contrary to what I thought and some have believed, that they really were setting Nick up as continued punishment for that plane video. Because if Kaitlyn and Nick really were, if nothing else, friends as has been reported, and RS even claims it was a pretty intense friendship with calls and face-timing every day, why would she sleep with him not once but twice and then let him propose knowing she is picking Shawn? That is just strange, especially knowing what happened with Andi's season and this was someone she was friends with. Unless again he was being set up to be humiliated - brought to the end again to be dumped. 


This is why the pre-FS sex is the one other thing that I've been unsure about with the spoilers. I know RS claims he's still certain on that and many seem convinced it is Nick after the promo for the episode and I may well be wrong, but I'm just saying I would not be surprised if RS is wrong about that too and it is not Nick who she had pre-FS sex with and if he is, maybe things don't continue exactly as he said. Because as odd as it seemed to me that there was all this information on what happened with Nick in the end but nothing on Shawn, I just think it is too damn strange that this woman has sex with a guy not once but twice while supposedly falling madly in love with another guy. The one time I can maybe understand as a momentary loss of judgement but damn, a second time - in the space of less than a month? It's just strange is all I'm saying. And it just makes me wonder if even despite the Snapchat mess, there's some craziness still to come with this season no one has spoiled or predicted yet. 


He had an interesting part of his blog today, that only US weekly and People magazine have NOT run stories about the snapchat video and that's cause they are part of the Bachelor/ette publicity machine.    US did run a blurb on their new cover "How kailtyn broke Shawn's heart";  guess they got inside scoop on pre-fantasy suite sex-gate.


Once again, kind of stating the obvious there RS. I think most people could have figured out those two publications, which are owned by the same parent company by the way, have a direct in with the show and most of their "exclusives" and "sources" during the season comes from the show itself planting stories to drum up publicity. I mean People is the publication the lead writes their weekly blog for, during the season. 


This was further confirmed to me during last summer's Bachelorette season, where right before the finale, US Weekly suddenly had an exclusive about how the F2 guy had been trying to contact Andi, hoping she would change her mind and that he even wrote her letter. All things that interestingly turned out to come up during the ATFR. 


By the way speaking of US Weekly and good ol' Andi Dorfman, apparently she may have found her much bigger fish to go after. US  Weekly's reporting she apparently hooked up with country singer Sam Hunt, during the CMT festival weekend. But as that's more media, I'll take it to that thread. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I can't see even the slightest comparison between Andi's confrontation with Juan Pablo and Nick's behavior.  


Andi complained that Juan Pablo was talking about the other 2 women when he was alone with her in the Fantasy Suite.  She also complained that he had no interest in even talking to her, he just wanted to have sex. And then she complained that when he did talk, it was only about himself.  She made this clear to him, then left the show.  


As for people calling Nick creepy, etc. Nick sought out a woman he didn't know, pursued her on social media and through mutual friends, spent many hours privately communicating directly with her, and then arranged with the producers to enter her show with an absolute advantage over the other contestants.  He then lied to those people directly, face-to-face and with NO hesitation about his prior contact with Kaitlyn.  He minimized it and then deflected questions from the others. 


Andi was forthright, direct, and yes, harsh with Juan Pablo.  Nick has been deceitful, sneaky, duplicitous and untruthful.  But none of this is new.  

Edited by leighdear
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As for people calling Nick creepy, etc. Nick sought out a woman he didn't know, pursued her on social media and through mutual friends, spent many hours privately communicating directly with her, and then arranged with the producers to enter her show with an absolute advantage over the other contestants.


Nick did not pursue Kaitlyn on social media. They flirted on social media, which if you believe some other reports which judging by your comment that he lied to the other contestants, I assume you do, by the time of the social media comments they'd already been in touch with each other frequently on the phone. If reaching out to someone who'd been on the show automatically makes one creepy then a whole slew of "Bachelor Nation" people are creepy. So many of these people become friends, meet, get to know each other, particularly ones who live in the same city but competed on different seasons. How does one think these things happen? It's no different from people who make acquaintances online, through mutual friends, etc. 


And I am beyond baffled as to how Nick coming onto the show to compete for Kaitlyn with a supposed huge advantage makes him creepy. I doubt for one second the producers weren't aware of the truth of Nick and Kaitlyn's friendship and they allowed it which let's face it, they have all the power to say no. Nick didn't storm the show on his own with no say so from anyone else.  And what about Kaitlyn? Did Nick hold a gun to her head to talk him? Nick's "so creepy", and yet not only does she not reject his contacting her, which let's face it would have been very easy to do, but again, if you believe the reports and rumors she proceeds to talk to him all the time and have an intense friendship with him. 


He then lied to those people directly, face-to-face and with NO hesitation about his prior contact with Kaitlyn.  He minimized it and then deflected questions from the others.



Which people are we talking about here - the contestants? I'm sorry but why should Nick have to give any of these guys an honest blow by blow of his relationship with Kaitlyn prior to joining the show? And seems to me Nick wasn't the only one who minimized what they shared. Kaitlyn started it when she first mentioned Nick being there. So maybe this wasn't Nick being a liar, duplicitous and again so creepy but him repeating the party line they both or hell them and probably the producers agreed upon - i.e., you only spoke casually a few times in texts. I'm sorry, YMMV but I get that people don't care for Nick and like I've said more than once, whatever he gets putting himself through this again is on him but I think that is a bit of a stretch to justify calling him creepy.


I feel like this is just like the Andi situation. Andi did nothing wrong, Andi just did what many others before her did by sleeping with Nick, she owed him nothing and she had every right to be cold and a bitch to him, but Nick mentioning them sleeping together makes him evil, creepy, awful, slimy. And now he's creepy because he reached out to a woman who not only entertained it but welcomed it and willingly engaged with and connected with him. So that makes him creepy but not her. And then he's creepy because he didn't feel the need to tell a bunch of guys he didn't know, already didn't like him, who he was competing against, the extent of his friendship with Kaitlyn even though she pretty much told the same lie to the guys. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I really wish during filming the guys had found out Kaitlyn was already banging one of them weeks before the Fantasy Suite. And if that guy is Nick... The guy that showed up 4 weeks late. The guy she only talked to a "handful of times" beforehand? How reassuring for the original men that her connection is stronger with this new guy than the guys that have already been there for weeks. This crap season would have been cut short. I don't believe Kaitlyn gives a crap about any of these guys.

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I believe it.




I'm telling you, I think there's some epic ATFR madness to come with this season that may rival Jason's whole switcheroo from Melissa to Molly. Not that that's what I'm expecting for the record but just that I don't think that snapchat and RS's sudden "oh yes they're engaged and I'm sure because my sources say so even if I was sure before she picked no one" is the final word on what really goes down this season. 

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If she slept with Nick after all the furor had died down over his arrival, she's even dumber (or more of a drama queen) than I thought.


If she slept with Nick, two weeks after his arrival--and the others found out--honestly, I'd see a mass exodus (unless the lure of European travel is just too great). But I would think the rest of the season would be unfilmable because there would be no one left who was interested in Kaitlyn (except, maybe, the guy she'd slept with. And who even knows how that turned out? It could easily backfire by either not working out, or having Kaitlyn or the guy now be much -more- intense about everything, more possessive and jealous).


IF it happened, she's really dumb.  I think if Chris had come out and told all the women that he and Britt had sex in his hotel room (as I believe was the case with the two hour "nap"), wouldn't a lot of them have left? I know I would have.  She might talk her way out of "I invited Nick to join but it doesn't change my feelings for all of you" but it sounds a little different "Nick and I had sex in my room last night, but it doesn't change the relationships I'm building with everyone here."

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Well RadarOnline per InTouch, is reporting that she slept with two guys pre-FS and based on the spoilers of the F2 plus E! Online and RS reporting Nick is who she sleeps with next week, I'm guessing the suggestion is that she slept with both Nick and Shawn before the FS. 



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I believe she recognized him and leaped into his arms for a photo op.  Nothing more.



I'm with Wings. That article even says the woman is some singer, and names her. It's another way to get publicity. The choker is that Shawn is called a "reality star." Geesh. That field is really getting crowded. And there's nothing wrong with being "flirty" IMO, if your "real" relationship is strong ... and really real.

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Well RadarOnline per InTouch, is reporting that she slept with two guys pre-FS and based on the spoilers of the F2 plus E! Online and RS reporting Nick is who she sleeps with next week, I'm guessing the suggestion is that she slept with both Nick and Shawn before the FS. 

I found this part interesting:

"According the insider, one of the men had become so close with Bristowe that producers became concerned for the show. They brought in Nick Viall, the villain from Andi Dorfman’s season to stir the pot. “Producers freaked out when they saw how close Kaitlyn was growing to one of the men — it was no contest — so they brought Nick on the show [during week 4] to keep things interesting.”"

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If Kaitlyn was sleeping with Nick at the same time she was sleeping with Shawn -- and telling both that she loved them -- why -wouldn't- Shawn be flirty (or more) with other women? Maybe the reports of his actions are true, and reports of the engagement are true, and its all still fine, per "Kaitlyn's rules".

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Do y'all believe this?


Not for a minute. She just so happens to be an unattractive aspiring singer with hardly any views on Youtube after several years of trying? How convenient. It's all in order to get some clicks. Nice try, Bri!


Kaitlyn sleeping with both Nick and Shawn? Now that I do believe. I think she might've slept with Shawn in Texas already.

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Ok, we've rehashed the Andi-Nick situation and analyzed its implications on the current Kaitlyn-Nick situation enough here since it's really off topic.  If you want to continue to discuss the past, please go to the "Past Season" thread. But that is a non-spoiler thread so you can continue to speculate on FUTURE events that may or may not occur based on spoilers here.  I hope that makes sense.  Basically if you're only talking about past events, go to the other thread.  Let's try to keep this to current spoiler discussion/speculation.


Also, enough with the RS hating.  We get it.  Lots of people hate him.  And I'm not saying they're wrong to do so.  It's just off topic here.  Take it to the Small Talk thread if you must.

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I find it hard to comment on any of the spoilers for this show because I feel like everything is one big set up and fake out. And the show is so bad at it, it's like they don't care and the BS is part of the show now. That said, I'm glad Kaitlin slept with whoever as many times as shed wanted, and I disagree with anyone who is offended or thinks that makes her less of role model. If you are looking for any life guidance from this show, then Soyuz need some help. That said I hope Ben Z or Cupcake Chris are the next bachelor. LOL

Edited by OnceSane
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I'm glad Kaitlin slept with whoever as many times as shed wanted, and I disagree with anyone who is offended or thinks that makes her less of role model.

Kaitlin's supposed to be a role model? Edited by OnceSane
quoted post was edited
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This show has always been a set up and fake out.  This season is no different.  RS was wrong about her not choosing anyone.  No fake out there, he just did not have the correct information.  


And I am fine with any lead having sex with anyone they choose.  It has probably been done in many previous seasons but just not reported.  

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Okay, so I'm behind. RS says Kaitlyn chooses ("gets engaged to") Shawn? I wonder if she picked no one as RS originally reported, and the show made her reshoot the finale so she "finds true love and her forever husband."


Is Shawn the one with the partially shaved head?


Because I don't care about Kaitlyn and most certainly don't see her or anyone else in this franchise as a role model, she can do whatever in her personal life. It has no effect on me.

Edited by saber5055
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Kinda of reminds me when Ben was "engaged" to Courtney but the paps were catching him with ladies that weren't Courtney.  They did show up at the ATFR still "engaged" but we all learned later it was fake, fake, fake.   Could be another repeat situation with Kaitlyn & Shawn were the "engagement" is just for show.   And when the publicity dies off, so will the "engagement". 

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I'm thinking the show doesn't want a female Brad or Juan Pablo so Kaitlyn HAS to pick someone, and it can't be Nick, who was/is a producer plant to create drama IMO. So yeah, I agree with CindyBee, it's a "just for show" engagement. Or, "just FOR the show" engagement. Neil Lane has to get his screen time in, after all. Will he get to go someplace more exotic than Dubuque, Iowa?

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I don't know why I find this season's whole implosion so hilarious but here I am....


Yeah its going to be a great implosion as the tabloids have latched on to Kaitlyn after sex-gate and snapchat-gate so everything that she says and does is going to be watched.  Shawn too, which he probably loving as I get a big ole phoney vibe about him.   Well they are all phoney but he seems to be more so than some of the others. 

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Kinda of reminds me when Ben was "engaged" to Courtney but the paps were catching him with ladies that weren't Courtney.  They did show up at the ATFR still "engaged" but we all learned later it was fake, fake, fake.   Could be another repeat situation with Kaitlyn & Shawn were the "engagement" is just for show.   And when the publicity dies off, so will the "engagement". 



I'm thinking the show doesn't want a female Brad or Juan Pablo so Kaitlyn HAS to pick someone, and it can't be Nick, who was/is a producer plant to create drama IMO. So yeah, I agree with CindyBee, it's a "just for show" engagement. Or, "just FOR the show" engagement. Neil Lane has to get his screen time in, after all. Will he get to go someplace more exotic than Dubuque, Iowa?


Except in this case, Shawn was in bed with Kaitlyn a week ago in real time. So either the Snapchat leak was a fakeout, or Shawn and Kaitlyn have an open relationship (maybe he demanded a "hall pass" because she slept with Nick), or they've broken up since last week. 

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Yeah its going to be a great implosion as the tabloids have latched on to Kaitlyn after sex-gate and snapchat-gate so everything that she says and does is going to be watched.  Shawn too, which he probably loving as I get a big ole phoney vibe about him.   Well they are all phoney but he seems to be more so than some of the others. 


I think he's a phoney for the simple fact that he quit his job for this and sign the letter to his former co-worker bachelor Shawn. He does got a lot of fans though and a lot of women going poor Shawn for some reason.

The other phoney don't seem to quit their job... although some of them might have been unemployment before ABC call them up.

Edited by gator12
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Except in this case, Shawn was in bed with Kaitlyn a week ago in real time. So either the Snapchat leak was a fakeout, or Shawn and Kaitlyn have an open relationship (maybe he demanded a "hall pass" because she slept with Nick), or they've broken up since last week. 

Shawn and Kaitlyn are probably just fuck buddies until they no longer have to pretend they're getting married. Like I said before, if Kaitlyn were serious about finding a husband she would've chosen someone that had a job.

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Except in this case, Shawn was in bed with Kaitlyn a week ago in real time.

Was there a time/date stamp on the picture?  If not, that picture could have been taken a long time ago but just posted last week.

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I am over 40 (read: old) and have never used Snapchat so I don't know much about it.  But I read someone (maybe here?) saying that you couldn't send delayed pics through snapchat.  As in, you could only take a pic in that moment and send it immediately.  You can't set it to delay and send later, or save it for a later date.  Is that true?  If it's the case, then, yes, that would confirm that they were together when the photo was sent.  

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You can't send old photos using Snapchat. You can't access your gallery roll and just upload a picture, it doesn't work like that. Unless she had a hack on the app and installed another app that let her use from her gallery. 

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I am over 40 (read: old) and have never used Snapchat so I don't know much about it.  But I read someone (maybe here?) saying that you couldn't send delayed pics through snapchat.  As in, you could only take a pic in that moment and send it immediately.  You can't set it to delay and send later, or save it for a later date.  Is that true?  If it's the case, then, yes, that would confirm that they were together when the photo was sent.  


This is what I read too -- that you can't upload a picture; it has to be taken right then and there and then it's sent and auto-deleted in whatever time frame (but, they say, not as soon as this one was deleted!).  Another interesting thing is that if the person you sent it to did a screenshot of it, that info is recorded and sent you.


I'm wondering if Shawn was instructed to go somewhere, act drunk and flirt with women, to confuse the masses after the Snapchat incident.  But it's more likely they have an open relationship, although according to his show-chats he's into fidelity (or was).


And if you're "old" I have 1.5 feet in the grave  :-)

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I don't know why you couldn't snapchat a video that is playing on another phone or screen (like old bootleg movies were just people filming the movies while they were playing)--snapchat can't detect if it's filming a video or a real time event, right? Just aim your phone at another phone or a computer screen while the previously filmed video is playing, and there you are.

I have to say I was struck at how dark Shawn's hair is in the snapchat Kaitlyn posted--it is so blond on the show and his beard is not very heavy, but in the snapchat his hair looks as dark as hers and he has a heavy heard. But again in the recent Nashville photos he is blonde with a not-heavy beard. Better sleuthers than I have not commented on these observations, so theybare probably meaningless.

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I don't know why you couldn't snapchat a video that is playing on another phone or screen (like old bootleg movies were just people filming the movies while they were playing)--snapchat can't detect if it's filming a video or a real time event, right? Just aim your phone at another phone or a computer screen while the previously filmed video is playing, and there you are.

I have to say I was struck at how dark Shawn's hair is in the snapchat Kaitlyn posted--it is so blond on the show and his beard is not very heavy, but in the snapchat his hair looks as dark as hers and he has a heavy heard. But again in the recent Nashville photos he is blonde with a not-heavy beard. Better sleuthers than I have not commented on these observations, so theybare probably meaningless.


The guy's hair was all tousled, and his hair dark plus his face didn't even look like Shawn's to me -- cheeks plumper, and a darker more luxurious beard. I did mention this, but apparently Reality Steve 'confirmed' it was Shawn, but then who knows what games are being played ...


  I've liked Shawn on the show so sort of hope it's legit and that the Shawn-flirting photos later were just a ruse.  

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Apparently the show jumps the shark --again-- tonight. They go to Ireland and have a "wake" for Kaitlyn. Yahoo had a photo of her lying in a coffin. Ben (H?) wanted to "keep it light" but found it difficult because it reminded him of his mother's funeral.


Who is planning these awful dates? Were they out sick last week when times were fairly normal--singing and dancing, not fighting and death--in San Antonio? 


I really don't find things like this fun--and no one can convince me that it wasn't planned exactly with Ben's raw emotions over his mother's death in mind, the same way that if you say you're afraid of heights you know they'll plan for you to bungee jump or parachute from a plane.


I watch this to see fun dates, cute guys, maybe a real romance. But whoever is making the choices for dates, is very mean-spirited (and since CH is a producer now, I'm blaming him, too.) Do they really think this makes good entertainment for its target audience? Or are they trying to get a (probably younger) crowd who watches raunchier reality shows than this? 

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The guy's hair was all tousled, and his hair dark plus his face didn't even look like Shawn's to me -- cheeks plumper, and a darker more luxurious beard.



While it did look like him to me, what I thought was strange was the color of his hair and beard. They both looked black but on the show and pictures of him just a few days ago, he's very much blonde. So that's what I thought was really strange. 

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Apparently the show jumps the shark --again-- tonight. They go to Ireland and have a "wake" for Kaitlyn. Yahoo had a photo of her lying in a coffin. Ben (H?) wanted to "keep it light" but found it difficult because it reminded him of his mother's funeral.



Its Ben Z whose mom died when he was a kid.  So yeah, that's pretty awful for him to have to show up and pretend to have fun at a wake.   


There's plenty of cliche Irish stuff to do without dragging out a coffin and having fake Irish wake.   Sometimes I wonder if Fleiss' minions have even a tiny bit of sense; after this season, the answer probably is NO!

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I watch this to see fun dates, cute guys, maybe a real romance. But whoever is making the choices for dates, is very mean-spirited (and since CH is a producer now, I'm blaming him, too.) Do they really think this makes good entertainment for its target audience? Or are they trying to get a (probably younger) crowd who watches raunchier reality shows than this? 


At an Irish wake, people who were close to the deceased drink and tell personal stories about the good times they had with the person.  it's not a joke thing that you do about someone whom you've known for a few weeks WHO ISN'T EVEN DEAD.  


It's ridiculous and offensive.   How can a guy give a EULOGY for a woman he is competing for on a dating show?  What are any of these guys supposed to say about her?   

 Something like :  

"Kaitlyn seems like she would make a good girlfriend.  The one date we went on, she laughed a lot, and it was fun making out with her.  She's hot. I think she's nice to animals.   Here's to Kaitlyn!   (raise your beer glass)"

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Not to mention it's almost begging for compliments about her as no one would speak ill of the dead and it's not a roast--show is enjoying portraying her as a little needy that way. And I agree with everyone else tgat the guys don't really have much to say about her at this point. And it's just creepy too.

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My dad's wake was hilarious - I've never heard so many funny stories in my life, though I knew Dad provided a lot of material. Even the priest told a few tales.


But he was really dead, not fake dead. He was also elderly and had been sick for a long while, so it wasn't a shocking blow to anyone. His youngest child was 46, not a teenager or young adult. And no one was competing to carry on a courtship with him. Big difference!


This sounds like something that might have been funny in an Irish movie that never made it to America, in which all of the actors had impenetrably thick accents and used vernacular that no one outside of Ireland would understand.


What it doesn't sound like is a good Bachelorette date!

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Its Ben Z whose mom died when he was a kid.  So yeah, that's pretty awful for him to have to show up and pretend to have fun at a wake.   


There's plenty of cliche Irish stuff to do without dragging out a coffin and having fake Irish wake.   Sometimes I wonder if Fleiss' minions have even a tiny bit of sense; after this season, the answer probably is NO!

So, if I go to Ireland I can go to a fake wake instead of the cliffs of Moher, circle of Kerry, pub hopping, visiting the birthplaces of various Irish authors, tour the Guinness factory, etc?  Just lie in a coffin?   I can do that at home, and have done so. 


That's fucking stupid.  

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A wake?!  Holy fuck, these dates just get worse, which I really didn't think was possible.  I really want someone to just turn around on one of these dates and say "screw this stupid shit, I'm outta here".  Actually, I guess that's pretty close to what Tony did.

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As I posted in the episode thread, watching tonight's episode, I'm starting to wonder if that tabloid rumor that Kaitlyn slept with two guys pre-FS is really true and why I've been feeling like there has to be more to this season than we've heard. While I don't doubt Shawn is incredibly possessive and territorial and dude kind of worries me with that attitude, his talking to the producer seemed very honest and if he's saying Kaitlyn told him he was the one, unless he's completely insane, there must be a legitimate reason to that. 


So as I said in the episode thread, I'm starting to wonder if Kaitlyn fell hard for Shawn early (she did give him the FIR and made out with him hardcore that first night - okay she made out with Cupcake too but still) to the point that it was obviously going to be a meh, game over kind of season. And so the producers, knowing about her pre-Bachelorette "friendship" with Nick brings him on because they know one, it's going to make for great drama among the guys and two, to have someone pose a legitimate threat to Shawn. And Kaitlyn took things to the point of having sex with Nick as well. 


If that is the case, I can see then how she ends up not choosing Nick in the end and picking Shawn because while there definitely was a lot of heat and passion between Nick and Kaitlyn tonight, I do think Ashley S. words about lust vs love was aired for a reason. And honestly, I've always liked Nick well enough but I actually didn't feel like he loves Kaitlyn or is on his way to falling in love with her, watching their date. Again, they're clearly VERY attracted to each other but I actually funny enough bought Nick's feelings for Andi a lot more. And so I guess Shawn is who she actually falls in love with but color me not hopeful on that relationship lasting based on Shawn's behavior in tonight's episode. 

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As I posted in the episode thread, watching tonight's episode, I'm starting to wonder if that tabloid rumor that Kaitlyn slept with two guys pre-FS is really true and why I've been feeling like there has to be more to this season than we've heard.


The fact that it was in In Touch Weekly means it's less likely to be true. For context, here are some of their other cover stories:

-Three recent cover stories about George and Amal Clooney's "$200 million divorce"

-O.J. is Khloe Kardashian's father

-Scott Disick slept with Kim, Khloe and Kylie

-Too many "Jennifer Aniston is pregnant" covers to count

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