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S19.E10: Week 9

Tara Ariano
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It was hard to tell what the situation was that occurred between Becca and Chris in the morning because both of them have serious communication issues and can't really string together more than a few monotone words at a time. I thought that maybe she just freaked out about spending the night with a man even if nothing untoward occurred. But it also sounded like Chris expected Becca to say that she will move to Arlington immediately after the FRC. From what I could tell, Becca wasn't saying that she'd NEVER move to Arlington, just that she had to be certain that they're in love. And, I mean, for someone waiting for marriage, I'm assuming she's likely also against living with someone before marriage. But, I guess, contrast that with Whitney who is ready to quit her job and make babies TODAY without ever even visiting Arlington, it seems like a problem. But, again, I think the issue is that neither Chris nor Becca are capable of expressing any emotion both physically with their expressions/vocal inflection and just all around verbally, that Chris isn't sure how Becca feels and Becca isn't sure how Chris feels. (And we viewers at home are just as perplexed!) I think they both like-like each other, but they don't know it.That will make for an awkward life on the isolated farm!

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Add my name to the list of folks who noticed that last night was the first time we heard Becca say that she is "waiting for marriage." It was one of those spit-take moments for me -- "What the hell did she just say? Why didn't she say that before?"

It was also the first time she mentioned "temptation".  That just made me laugh to hear a 26 year-old (Or any young woman that isn't a Duggar!) on one of these shows refer to sex in such a biblical and old fashioned way.  

Edited by leighdear
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Maybe I misheard, because I only half-watch. But I thought the phrase Chris used over and over was "I can see myself falling in love with you".

Not "I'm in love with you"

Not "I'm falling in love with you"

But "Maybe sometime, someday I'll ger around to start thinking about maybe trying to see if I might want to maybe fall in love you."

Otherwise, I thought the RC was the most attractive Kaitlyn has looked all season. Maybe it's because her hair is such a mess that having it pulled back improves the whole package.

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She may also feel she's -had- a career and is looking forward to a different kind of lifestyle, maybe just while children are growing up, maybe forever. I can understand that. Plus, as a nurse, she will have more opportunities to do that--or work part-time as a nurse--than many other careers where you really can't get back in once you leave.


To the other point, that Chris pretty much thinks life with his wife will be "all about him", I think that's true. He has, imo, shown minimal interest in the needs and interests of anyone else. But I think Whitney, unlike Becca, is the kind of strong woman who goes after what she wants and who knows how to make situations work through determination, discipline and hard work. I think Chris could do a lot worse (can't say the same for her, though.)



I don't think Whitney is throwing anything away if she chooses not to work while having children. (And raising children is work, it's just not considered a "job" because there's no paycheck attached.) My impression of her is that she's thought very carefully about her options, what she can accept and what would be dealbreakers, and decided that she would like to be a stay-at-home mom when she has children. She can have an active and interesting life being a stay at home mom just as much as if she was working full time; it depends more upon her attitude than her circumstances.


I agree with both of you, plus, Whitney seems like the type of local go-getter that would get the town or school organized in some fashion or other.  Charitable fund-raising, pancake suppers, kids' outings, church socials.  (Not that we have any indication that she's particularly into church, but in small towns, churches do serve as social gathering places.)  Small towns are basically run by women like that and it keeps those social ties, that can be so strained by the natural distance in a farming community, humming.  I don't see Whitney as one to sit around feeling unfulfilled, wherever she finds herself.  She seems more like the type to try to make the world a better place by thinking and acting locally to get everyone around her working toward some mutually beneficial goal.


She seems like a natural cat-herder.  


Arlington, Iowa isn't going to know what hit it, if Whitney lands in their town.  Ghost town?  No way.  She'll show them how to be more.  Expect local art festivals in their very near future. LOL

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
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Message to Britt: learn from Kaitlin how to cry convincingly heart-broken tears. If you are truly heartbroken, you want to crawl in a hole and hide, not sit on a curb and bawl. I felt so badly for Kaitlyn. She just wanted to get out of there; she kept hiding her face from the camera. Then Chris was dithering on about how excruciating it was and not making a whole lot of sense, I felt she was just waiting for him to shut up so she could leave. After all, there's nothing he can say to make her feel better.


You could almost see the thought bubble over her head as he's trying to "explain":  "Yes, yes, whatever... is he still talking?  God, just let me get out of here..."


She was ready to get away and go lick her wounds in private.  The idea of listening to anything so bland and meaningless at the point was just more than she was able to stand.  She did go out with her dignity intact, I'll say that for her.  Good job, Kaitlyn. 

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I don't understand why being a virgin would be a "deal breaker" if you're in a mutually loving relationship?  Now, if one is waiting for marriage and the other thinks that's just silly and really needs that intimacy before marriage then that's a real issue that could break a couple up.  But the fact that your fiancee has to have slept with other men or you don't want her?  I don't get it?  There are men out there with scruples enough to know the relationship will not last and therefor will not want to take a woman's virginity when it means that much to her.  Just being a virgin is not an issue so long as you're both on the same page about when the big event will happen.

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I don't understand why being a virgin would be a "deal breaker" if you're in a mutually loving relationship?  Now, if one is waiting for marriage and the other thinks that's just silly and really needs that intimacy before marriage then that's a real issue that could break a couple up.  But the fact that your fiancee has to have slept with other men or you don't want her?  I don't get it?  There are men out there with scruples enough to know the relationship will not last and therefor will not want to take a woman's virginity when it means that much to her.  Just being a virgin is not an issue so long as you're both on the same page about when the big event will happen.


Somewhere in the middle of Becca's segment, I said to Mr.Peep that we really should have had a drinking game for the word Virgin.  My goodness, did they ever beat that dead horse!


Seriously, Show!  Not. That. Big. A Deal!  

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I don't see anything "there" with her. She's pretty, she's quiet, she doesn't bring any drama. But she also seems to have no personality and be extremely dull no matter what she is talking about.



I find Chris's interest in Becca utterly baffling. Aside from being boring and inarticulate, she's not even that pretty to me (although I appear to be in the minority on that one). My best guess is that she's sort of a Hitchcock-type of woman in his eyes, i.e., perhaps he thinks all that quietness and reserve must be hiding deep passion just beneath the surface. At one point in last night's ep he even called her "passionate." Huh? She's just so bland. But then again he is too, so maybe they're made for each other.

I don't find Whitney attractive either but at least she's got a personality and some life to her. As for Kaitlyn, she was my favorite and I felt really, really bad for her. She did seem to be pretty devastated, even if it was only due to still being in the clutches of The Bachelor's unique brand of Stockholm Syndrome.

I know it's my choice to watch this show every season, but it really is just so ridiculous. No wonder the relationships rarely work out - this is not a healthy way to find a mate! Chris even said in his blog on people.com that in the real world he and Kaitlyn would probably still be dating. It just makes no sense. You can't put such a drastic time restriction on getting to know someone who may be your life partner. Or as it was said on "South Park" many moons ago, "You don't pick who you want to be with by making it into a game!" And yet I continue to watch....

Edited by violetr
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So either Becca was a virgin or she slept with a man, or men, she wasn't in love with. I think by the time she made her big reveal, the answer to that should have been obvious to Chris.


While I totally agree with you, I think that's a pretty huge mental leap to expect of a guy who can barely put a sentence together.

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I had my finger on the mute button for most of the show. I could not stand to hear him breathe so loudly. When I would see it coming I would mute it but the captions still spelled it out! "Inhales deeply" or "exhales deeply". It was bad enough hearing and seeing it but then I had to read it.


This literally made me laugh out loud - unbelievable!  I rarely have the captions on so I had no idea they'd caption this. That is pretty funny.


Now I'm halfway wishing I had that awkward yoga sex guru date/episode still on DVR, just so I could watch it with captions on... not that I really want to watch it again but it might be worth it for the comedy.

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I find Chris's interest in Becca utterly baffling. Aside from being boring and inarticulate, she's not even that pretty to me (although I appear to be in the minority on that one). My best guess is that she's sort of a Hitchcock-type of woman in his eyes, i.e., perhaps he thinks all that quietness and reserve must be hiding deep passion just beneath the surface. At one point in last night's ep he even called her "passionate." Huh? She's just so bland. But then again he is too, so maybe they're made for each other.

I don't find Whitney attractive either but at least she's got a personality and some life to her. As for Kaitlyn, she was my favorite and I felt really, really bad for her. She did seem to be pretty devastated, even if it was only due to still being in the clutches of The Bachelor's unique brand of Stockholm Syndrome.

I know it's my choice to watch this show every season, but it really is just so ridiculous. No wonder the relationships rarely work out - this is not a healthy way to find a mate! Chris even said in his blog on people.com that in the real world he and Kaitlyn would probably still be dating. It just makes no sense. You can't put such a drastic time restriction on getting to know someone who may be your life partner. Or as it was said on "South Park" many moons ago, "You don't pick who you want to be with by making it into a game!" And yet I continue to watch....

In the "real world" Kaitlyn and Chris would've never dated or gotten past a first date.

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I don't understand why being a virgin would be a "deal breaker"

At a certain point in ones life, trying to coax a virgin would be boring.  The whole head games thing too.  What if she then wants to try out others........ I once dated a guy that was a virgin.  He was in his 30s and what a headcase.


Thank God it the women tell all next week.  This is one of the most boring seasons ever.

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Somewhere in the middle of Becca's segment, I said to Mr.Peep that we really should have had a drinking game for the word Virgin.  My goodness, did they ever beat that dead horse!


Seriously, Show!  Not. That. Big. A Deal!  


She suggested that herself, or rather warned against it, before the episode: https://twitter.com/beccatilley5/status/569930065082867713


I figured she was waiting until marriage, since the first time it came up during Ashley I's freak out, she made some comment about it being just a decision she made. There's usually no decision involved in staying a virgin just because you haven't found a guy to do it with, which I believe was the case for Ashley I. I did expect her to offer Chris some explanation though, but maybe she did once the cameras left. This show is so funny about religious matters that maybe they told her not to go into detail.


I don't find Becca boring at all, she's just very laid-back and level-headed, which I can relate to and find way more appealing than the overemoting and drama. I think her SM shows how funny she is in in real life and that's what people who know her have said too (Danny Hoyt and mute Samantha). This show just manages to edit out nearly everything that doesn't revolve around talk about the relationships they're not actually having. Or maybe the show is trying to hide their obvious chemistry to lead people into thinking it's Whitney for sure? Just a thought.


I agree with whoever doubted Chris's sexual attraction to Whitney. I think he finds her pretty enough and knows she's the logical pick considering he's supposed to be looking for a wife, but his penis is pulling him towards Becca. He's just confused now because he knows he'll have to wait and she'll probably dump him before they ever get down to it. But is it better to take a risk or settle for a second choice for life? Even if they both dump him he's gonna have plenty of women throwing themselves at him after the show, so I don't think it makes any sense to settle for Whitney. But then again I'm not him. A big wuss who needs Chris Harrison for guidance.


His chemistry with Whitney is off the charts compared to his chemistry with Kaitlyn though. Their kissing literally made me yawn. It was like two friends kissing. They were just pecking at each other because they had to, not because they had any desire to. So awkward. He also said maybe 10 words during the whole date. She was "opening up" and going on about her feelings and he was staring at her unable to think of anything to say. She should've been celebrating when he cut her loose. Now she can go on to be the bachelorette and meet some guys who can actually string a sentence together and prefer living in a city.

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She suggested that herself, or rather warned against it, before the episode: https://twitter.com/beccatilley5/status/569930065082867713

I figured she was waiting until marriage, since the first time it came up during Ashley I's freak out, she made some comment about it being just a decision she made. There's usually no decision involved in staying a virgin just because you haven't found a guy to do it with, which I believe was the case for Ashley I. I did expect her to offer Chris some explanation though, but maybe she did once the cameras left. This show is so funny about religious matters that maybe they told her not to go into detail.

I don't find Becca boring at all, she's just very laid-back and level-headed, which I can relate to and find way more appealing than the overemoting and drama. I think her SM shows how funny she is in in real life and that's what people who know her have said too (Danny Hoyt and mute Samantha). This show just manages to edit out nearly everything that doesn't revolve around talk about the relationships they're not actually having. Or maybe the show is trying to hide their obvious chemistry to lead people into thinking it's Whitney for sure? Just a thought.

I agree with whoever doubted Chris's sexual attraction to Whitney. I think he finds her pretty enough and knows she's the logical pick considering he's supposed to be looking for a wife, but his penis is pulling him towards Becca. He's just confused now because he knows he'll have to wait and she'll probably dump him before they ever get down to it. But is it better to take a risk or settle for a second choice for life? Even if they both dump him he's gonna have plenty of women throwing themselves at him after the show, so I don't think it makes any sense to settle for Whitney. But then again I'm not him. A big wuss who needs Chris Harrison for guidance.

His chemistry with Whitney is off the charts compared to his chemistry with Kaitlyn though. Their kissing literally made me yawn. It was like two friends kissing. They were just pecking at each other because they had to, not because they had any desire to. So awkward. He also said maybe 10 words during the whole date. She was "opening up" and going on about her feelings and he was staring at her unable to think of anything to say. She should've been celebrating when he cut her loose. Now she can go on to be the bachelorette and meet some guys who can actually string a sentence together and prefer living in a city.

Agree with all of it. I do think he'll end up picking Whitney as I don't think Becca will reciprocate because in real life, she's not all that into him. Edited by Treebeard
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I loved Kaitlin, but she deserves better.  I hope Kaitlin is the next bachelorette.  Whitney's spray tan and hair that is in serious need of conditioner is just ewww.  Becca is sweet and real, and definitely deserves better than Chris. Run Becca run!

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So we had another week of Chris doing fun things BY HIMSELF just like he did in Deadwood, having all those period photos OF HIMSELF taken in different costumes. Then *yawn* he has to spend time with some woman. This week he got to roam all over Bali and do all sorts of things. Then *yawn* he was forced to spend time with some women.


I'm thinking Chris is single mainly because he likes spending time with the one he loves most. He even said to one of the b-ettes that's how he spends time in Arlington.


Can't wait to see those two women walking through the frozen Arctic tundra that is N.E. Iowa this winter. That will have to be The.Most.Dramatic.Episode.EVAH when they both say no way in HELL am I living here.

Edited by saber5055
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100 bonus points go to Kaitlin, the first b-ette (or b, for that matter) to think safety first and buckle up when getting into the Limo Ride of Shame. Gotta love girl for that! You rock, Kaitlin! Plus, there was no "Why, why, why, why am I always being rejected, why does no one ever love me" blah blah boring speech. Give her an extra 50 bonus points for that.


Best exit since Love It Don't Come Easy Wes. "I saw a one-legged pigeon ..."

Edited by saber5055
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I find Chris's interest in Becca utterly baffling... She's just so bland. But then again he is too, so maybe they're made for each other.



I wouldn't be surprised if deep down Chris finds Whitney too challenging. He respects her drive, intelligence, and love for her job, but is insecure about where he lives and maybe knows that she wouldn't find it stimulating enough. Plus, Whitney just always seems ON. I can see where he'd admire that chipper-ness and excitement but at the same time feel drained by it after a while. Maybe he thinks someone like Becca wouldn't expect as much from him, would let him stay in his comfort zones?

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I know a couple of people who like living in rural areas because they have peace to write or because they are big animal people, but Whitney doesn't seem that way.



You just described me, but I'd rather live LIKE Chris ... alone ... than WITH Chris. Man is just no prize that I've seen, and I was all about this season.


I gotta ask ... when Chris/Whitney jumped into the water, did anyone else see the BALD SPOT on top of his head? That could explain why he always wears Ed Grimley hair, even when swimming/showering.

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I like Kaitlin OK, but she just doesn't seem to have the personality (or the flashiness/beauty of someone like Britt) to pull off being the Bachelorette.  I admit she looked lovely in the last Rose Ceremony but she is more the girl next door type (nothing wrong with that but not the type of person you want to anchor a show).  We just had a Bachelor who was every man...it would be nice to have someone with at least an unusual story line or something for the next go around.

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I don't understand why being a virgin would be a "deal breaker" if you're in a mutually loving relationship?  Now, if one is waiting for marriage and the other thinks that's just silly and really needs that intimacy before marriage then that's a real issue that could break a couple up.  But the fact that your fiancee has to have slept with other men or you don't want her?  I don't get it? 

It wouldn't necessarily be a deal-breaker for me, but I'd want to have some clear conversations about why they made that choice.  I don't think that sex is the be all and end all of marriage or a loving relationship, but a passionate/healthy sex life can often make the doldrums that every marriage faces a bit easier to work through.  It has nothing to do with a possible partner's having slept with a certain number of people that aren't me- it's whether or not they think that sex is a healthy part of a relationship, and whether they're in tune with their own sexuality.  


I'm probably just a bit cynical because I'm older, and have seen so many couples with little sexual experience (especially with each other), get married and find out that they're not on the same page sexually, or they have different sexual drives.  There are certainly a lot of understandable and 'good' reasons why someone would want to stay a virgin until marriage, but I'd want to do a lot of talking about those reasons, and have some indication that they did have some sort of libido.  Becca's family went out of their way to indicate that she isn't a physically demonstrative person (to say the least), and because I am, that would really give me pause.  I don't think that it's as much about having a prospective partner sleeping with 'x' number of people,  as much as having an idea of how your prospective loved one approaches their sexuality.  That's not a conversation that is easily had or appropriate on a stupid TV show- her family seemed to get the 'bad' edit, and neither she or Chris seem to know how to form sentences.  But that is a conversation that I would want to have.  Unless you're in certain religious/cultural groups, most of us want partners who are sexually compatible.  

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I like Kaitlin OK, but she just doesn't seem to have the personality (or the flashiness/beauty of someone like Britt) to pull off being the Bachelorette.  I admit she looked lovely in the last Rose Ceremony but she is more the girl next door type (nothing wrong with that but not the type of person you want to anchor a show).  We just had a Bachelor who was every man...it would be nice to have someone with at least an unusual story line or something for the next go around.

I'd love to see Kaitlyn as the Bachelorette, but I doubt if that's going to happen.  Britt's 'beauty' seems to rely on makeup (that she may or may not wear 24/7, and I don't find that appealing.  I don't remember Britt having an actual personality- she was happy, bitchy, or sad, but none of it seemed genuine.  Kaitlyn was sometimes crude, often funny, sometimes seemed out of place, and while I don't think that she was on the show for the 'right reasons' initially, she seemed to get caught up in it, and made a realistic and dignified exit.  A lot of the other contestants seem to like her a lot, which I think speaks fairly well for her.  And yay Canada :-) 


At this point I'm just going for anyone but Andi/Britt as the Bachelorette. I can see Britt being the next Michelle Money/Chris Bukowski in the franchise, and I just never want to see Andi again. 

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And I think [Whitney's] decision to go on The Bachelor was also a decision to "fall in love"  with whomever the B turned out to be.



What a great decision that was...because there are so few eligible bachelors in her tiny hometown of CHICAGO.



But, I guess, contrast that with Whitney who is ready to quit her job and make babies TODAY



Who knows? They might have made a baby in the fantasy suite!



The idea of listening to anything so bland and meaningless at the point was just more than [Kaitlyn] was able to stand.



And yet...five minutes earlier, she was still head-over-heels in love with Chris, and ready to marry him if asked. I'm not saying your analysis is wrong, but it's just silly how quickly the contestants snap out of their Stockholm Syndrome.

Edited by PhilW
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I wouldn't be surprised if deep down Chris finds Whitney too challenging. He respects her drive, intelligence, and love for her job, but is insecure about where he lives and maybe knows that she wouldn't find it stimulating enough. Plus, Whitney just always seems ON. I can see where he'd admire that chipper-ness and excitement but at the same time feel drained by it after a while. Maybe he thinks someone like Becca wouldn't expect as much from him, would let him stay in his comfort zones?


I see this and YET, Becca is the one who isn't falling all over herself to change her life IMMEDIATELY to meet Chris' needs. If anything, Becca's conversations with him where she openly tells him her hesitance about moving to Arlington and/or getting engaged immediately seem so much more realistic than anything else on this show. Couples usually work out issues like that (where to live, when to have kids) with some discussion and compromise - it's unusual that desires line up so perfectly that no debate is needed, or that one person just rolls over consistently to meet the others needs without building resentment.


Whitney, lately, seems so determined to win she's lost a lot of credibility with me. Is it Stockholm's, desperation, or acting? I just don't get it. I see nothing wrong with her wanting to stay home with the kids for a few years (it's a privilege many - yes even career women - would love to be able to afford)  However, her concern about her sister "ruining" it for her by making the perfectly sane and rational decision not to 'give her blessing for a proposal' from a man she's known for 12 weeks - who is still dating other women - was just odd. Whoever said she acts like she's on a job interview hit the nail right on the head. She has these perfectly crafted answers, that ultimately end up catering to whatever Chris would want. It's exhausting.


Plus, why is there even no debate of moving to one of the bigger towns closer to Arlington? Surely, Chris can compromise a little for "love." If he can take months off work to be on reality shows, he can certainly drive an hour into work 3 days a week and work from home the other two. Come, on!

Edited by Beebee111
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Plus, why is there even no debate of moving to one of the bigger towns closer to Arlington? Surely, Chris can compromise a little for "love." If he can take months off work to be on reality shows, he can certainly drive an hour into work 3 days a week and work from home the other two. Come, on!


I definitely don't get this part. I understand they can't move to France or something but how can they not move nearby and just suck it up for the commute?

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She [Whitney] seems more like the type to try to make the world a better place by thinking and acting locally to get everyone around her working toward some mutually beneficial goal.

That high school may get band uniforms yet! 


I think Whitney explained herself pretty well to Chris -- admittedly at high pitched, top speed.  She said something about always wanting to be a stay-at-home wife and mother, but her family told her she should have some sort of professional training, "to fall back on"  in case "something went wrong."  So I don't really think Whitney believes she's giving up her dreams and a great life in the city to marry Chris.  I think she feels she's finally getting to the life she's always dreamed of.

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OH NO! NOT A VIRGIN! I'm not sure how Chris could get past this MOST SHOCKING NEWS EVER that Becca revealed to him, but he took it like a champ and reacted similar to how he does to everything, with a deep breath and difficulty formulating a response. Seriously though, they sure did beat a dead horse with this one, and it sure was anti-climatic. With all that build up, I was expecting something better like her telling him she had 3 boobs. I can't imagine a hot woman's virginity being a big deal for a guy even in the real world, so it certainly wouldn't be a dealbreaker on this fairytale show where Chris is, of course, going to handle the news like a gentleman in order to not appear like a jerk in front of a national viewing audience. It's not like Becca couldn't have sex if she wanted to, and it's considered noble since it's her choice and shows that she sticks to her beliefs. I understand why she had to tell him. We all know what happens in the fantasy suite. Wink, wink! I wonder if she's one of those "anything but" virgins who does other stuff besides intercourse. Anyway, it was good that Becca put that on the table to avoid a potential rejection of sexual advances later in the evening, which would've ensured not getting a rose.


I haven't been watching this season. I only saw the first episode and this one. But Whitney strikes me as wife material. She's ready to go, and unlike Becca, wants to have a lot of sex and start popping out kids. Her strategy has been flawless in the parts I've seen. She seems to say all the right things. I respect her gamesmanship and think she will definitely win. I think Chris wants a homemaker, and Whitney seems to want to fill that role. I still don't understand how Chris can deal with that voice though. He's a better man than I am because I would've eliminated her in the first episode.


I live in Iowa. Whitney would do well here. She'd be the PTA president and would organize potlucks at the local church. They'd definitely have to travel a lot, but Chicago is a day trip and world away from little Arlington. The weather's similar to Chicago, so she wouldn't experience much of a shock to the system there other than the likelihood of being occasionally landlocked during the wintertime because the roads aren't safe for travel. Let's face it though. If Chris picks her, he's probably doing Dancing with Stars out in LA and if other opportunities present themselves, it could be a while before he's ready to settle back down on the farm. So while Whitney seems like a good match for what Chris wants, Chris could end up turning into a famewhore and not want what he thinks he does after the show. Either that or Chris and Whitney will work out and end up being the most boring couple this craptacular franchise has ever spawned.


I don't have anything to say about Kaitlyn other than I don't like her tats and she took the dismissal well. I actually find her least attractive of the 3 remaining ladies. It's my understanding that she had a good season, but I don't want her for Bachelorette. I'm one of the few who wants Grumpy Cat back. But maybe Kaitlyn can be the first bachelorette to appear on The Bachelorette Canada if they don't have that already.

Edited by jmonkey
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Arlington, Iowa isn't going to know what hit it, if Whitney lands in their town.  Ghost town?  No way.  She'll show them how to be more.  Expect local art festivals in their very near future.


I can't help but think of the Christopher Guest movie, Waiting for Guffman. I can totally see Whitney as a Corky St. Clair - "hey everyone, Arlington's [random festival name] is coming up and we should put on a musical with a historical theme!" - and frenetically providing direction while balancing a baby on one hip.

Edited by archer1267
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I find myself agreeing with people on BOTH sides of the virginity question. Which doesn't make me indecisive, just able to see both sides.  Virginity or lack of it should NOT be a detriment to a relationship BUT a man needs to know the reasons why his chosen is still a virgin/or not and be able to respect that.  No woman wants to regret who she gave "it" up for.   If her partner is in it for the "right reasons" then she needs to be mature enough to accept things if they don't work out.  If not.....then hold on to "it".


Quite honestly?  My husband and I rarely have sex due to my health issues.  We have a relationship that transcends those boundaries and are able to find reasons to still love one another that don't include sex.  It's not the first and last reason to marry.  It's just a nice side benefit. 

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Plus, why is there even no debate of moving to one of the bigger towns closer to Arlington? 


Because the narrative this season has been all about "Farmer" Chris, out at 4 am every morning driving tractors in order to make a living.  Even in Andi's season Chris' family took pains to point out that he wasn't wedded to Arlington- he's a very successful man,  who isn't tied to a specific place.  His "intro" this season had him all wide-eyed at encountering Los Angeles- except that he'd been there for a few months at least in Andi's season. 


And even on Andi's home visit last year his family took great pains to assure her that he had financial and time resources that didn't entail him spending any length of time in Arlington. "Farmer Chris" who has to spend every minute of his time in a very, very small place, in order to make a living, is a joke. 

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If Becca (a virgin for whatever reason and, more important, apparently quite undemonstrative both in word and deed) is indeed cold, not that into him, and she and Chris had bad chemistry in the FS, she would make a perfect F2.


However, since I don't think Chris is even (that) creative, I suppose he's keeping her because she's pretty and a challenge. Plus, because like him, she doesn't seem to have many thoughts or use many words. He may also find the far-more verbal and interesting Whitney exhausting to be around.  I can see Chris and Becca on adjacent rocking chairs in their golden years, with one occasionally making a comment about the corn crop and the other, barely listening, giving a grunt in response.  I cannot remember a more boring possible F1 in TB history. 

Funny you should mention Whitney being tiring to listen to. I actually told her at one point last night, when she and Chris were cuddling on the boat, "Shut up for a moment!" It's like she's incapable of just resting in the moment. I can see Chris liking that for being unlike him, but that Minnie Mouse voice really starts to grate after awhile.


Loved your idea of Becca and Chris in their dotage grunting about the corn! LOL!

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This week there was a lot of talk that went like this:

"It's really, really small. I'm worried that whoever I pick will think it's too small."

"I know it is small. But I think I can make it work."

They were talking about his hometown right?

Also, if this was Katelyn's most humiliating moment she's doing fine in life. It might not even make my top five.

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This week there was a lot of talk that went like this:

"It's really, really small. I'm worried that whoever I pick will think it's too small."

Also, if this was Katelyn's most humiliating moment she's doing fine in life. It might not even make my top five.

I had the same thought! And Andi said this was her greatest failure. Look out ladies, it's going to be a bumpy ride :)

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Right, just finished watching this episode and I haven't yet read your comments. Firstly and mostly I'm really glad Kaitlyn finally left. In my eyes (and I'm sorry to say) Kaitlyn seems like a low low level quality porn star. She isn't serious enough to start a family with. Plus I think the editors did a lousy job at showing us the progression of Chris' and Kaitlyn's relationship cause I never realized it was that serious. Personally the only thing I remember of her was Jimmy Kimmel catcheng her and Chris kissing and then proposing to have a threesome. Everything else of Kaitlyn for me is a blur. I never took her seriously and I wonder what Chris saw in her.


Regarding Chris' and Witney's date: I found Chris to be kind of sceptical while Witney was saying how she was feeling about him and explaining about her sister's refusion to give him her blessing, but afterwards it showed it was because of his being worried whether Witney could leave her job and live in his small town. I was happy he did ask this tough question, but to be honest her reply was not very clear in my eyes. First she says her mother taught her she should have a job and be independent, but then she says if leaving her job is what she needs to do to have a family then she'll do it. I mean, does this make sense?


Regarding Chris's reaction to Becca telling him she is a virgin: priceless. I mean, I was laughing so much. I could almost see his thoughts in his head. He tried not to laugh, he tried to act surprised, he tried to be polite, and the result was funny faces. Honestly I expected Becca to support her belief a lot more than "I'm so sorry to say this, I wish I didn't have to inform you about this, I hope you forgive me, but I'm a virgin". I expected her to be proud of her choices rather than seem to regret and be scared of how she would be seen about them.


It's obvious by now I guess that Chris' first choice would be Becca cause she totally fits his ideal wife: beautiful, smart, low profile, modest, not many experiences in life, open to learn and experience new things, she is like a piece of clay ready to take the shape Chris wants to give it. But unfortunately Becca is not ready to move to a small town and become a housewife and a mom. She is too young for this and she has yet so many things to experience. Witney will win by default in my opinion cause she is the only one really ready to fulfill Chris' wishes for a wife. But if Chris chooses Witney, how will she feel after watching herself being the second choice?

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But if Chris chooses Witney, how will she feel after watching herself being the second choice?



I don't think Whitney sees Becca as a serious threat, but I bet that after Britt left the RC, she did cartwheels all the way back to her room. That said, if she's Chris' final pick, she can't be digging his "I'm falling in love with you / I can see _____ becoming my wife" comments about Becca and Kaitlyn.


It just hit me who Whitney reminds me of - Avery (Kelly Preston) from "Jerry Maguire," albeit a much nicer version of her. It's the determined "I can make this work" attitude when it's clear that her relationship has hit a bump in the road, or that her fiance has disappointed her. (The full quote is: "I did the 23 hour nose-route to the top of El Capitan in 6 hours and 18 minutes! I can make this work.") I think Whitney goes full-throttle at everything in life, and if she wins the big prize at the end of the season, she's not going to let a couple of Chris' "past mistakes" get in the way.

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So am I the only one who feels that Chris wants to choose Becca cause he thinks she is more fitting to him but her indecisiveness will cause him choosing Whitney in the end? And thus Whitney will be the second choice for Chris?

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So am I the only one who feels that Chris wants to choose Becca cause he thinks she is more fitting to him but her indecisiveness will cause him choosing Whitney in the end? And thus Whitney will be the second choice for Chris?


I feel the same way. Though I'm still holding out hope that Chris will do what his heart tells him to, despite the risk. But then again... he's weak. Or maybe Becca takes herself out of the running at the finish line? In any way, I don't think it's looking good for Whitney and I'll be honestly surprised if they ever make it down the aisle.

Edited by MsPH
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Why do I feel like we just saw the Disney Epcot version of Bali here?


Also I HATE Monkeys, apes, anything of that family. I am really terrified of them and start bawling everytime I come across them in real life. I also hear horror stories about those creatures attaking tourist.

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I don't understand why being a virgin would be a "deal breaker" if you're in a mutually loving relationship?  Now, if one is waiting for marriage and the other thinks that's just silly and really needs that intimacy before marriage then that's a real issue that could break a couple up.

I feel like the bolded part shows why it would be a deal breaker for some (but I get why it wouldn't be a deal breaker for you).  I do think in most cases it has less to do with how many men Becca would have been with, but more with going into marriage having no idea if they'll be compatible, or even if she'll like sex.  Not that sex is the end all and be all to a relationship (although I personally feel it's extremely important), but I think it's something both partners should be on the same page about.

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Also I HATE Monkeys, apes, anything of that family.

I hear you, JellyFish. I, too, hate monkeys although I am no way afraid of them. Monkeys just creep me out. So to be somewhere that wild ones are climbing all over people and stealing food out of their hands ... just no. I wouldn't let my domesticated dogs do that, I won't let some diseased flea-ridden wild beast do it. My first reaction would be to pick up a big stick and let those monks all know they'll "get it" if any approach or try to jump onto me.


How many of those "It BIT me!" sentences were edited out this week? I hope everyone on TB crew got shots before they flew into that place.


And yes, why Bali all of a sudden after spending all season in the U.S.? Like someone else said, Hawaii wasn't good enough? Or maybe Hawaii didn't want to fork over megabucks for ABC to film there and Bali did. So there's that.

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I hear you, JellyFish. I, too, hate monkeys although I am no way afraid of them. Monkeys just creep me out. So to be somewhere that wild ones are climbing all over people and stealing food out of their hands ... just no. I wouldn't let my domesticated dogs do that, I won't let some diseased flea-ridden wild beast do it. My first reaction would be to pick up a big stick and let those monks all know they'll "get it" if any approach or try to jump onto me.


How many of those "It BIT me!" sentences were edited out this week? I hope everyone on TB crew got shots before they flew into that place.


And yes, why Bali all of a sudden after spending all season in the U.S.? Like someone else said, Hawaii wasn't good enough? Or maybe Hawaii didn't want to fork over megabucks for ABC to film there and Bali did. So there's that.

Do you think it is tax reasons? Like so many shows nowadays are filmed in New Orleans becasue it is so cheap for tax purpose for televison studios. So I wonder if Bali has more relex laws for filming and cheaper?


And HA! Your verison of the date brought to much joy then this ep did.

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I understand why she had to tell him. We all know what happens in the fantasy suite. Wink, wink! I wonder if she's one of those "anything but" virgins who does other stuff besides intercourse. Anyway, it was good that Becca put that on the table to avoid a potential rejection of sexual advances later in the evening, which would've ensured not getting a rose.



And this was total producer manipulation that she get into the FS, then told him.  The show wanted to be able to say in the Promo "A Virgin Goes to the Fantasy Suite" as their banner headline, and they made this happen.


I'm one of the few who wants Grumpy Cat back. But maybe Kaitlyn can be the first bachelorette to appear on The Bachelorette Canada if they don't have that already.



Oh I would rather see Claire as Bachelorette over Grumpy Cat redux.  I would not like Kaiylyn for the Bachelorette, I just don't see her in that role.  I think I also do not like her arm tats.

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It's obvious by now I guess that Chris' first choice would be Becca cause she totally fits his ideal wife: beautiful, smart, low profile, modest, not many experiences in life, open to learn and experience new things, she is like a piece of clay ready to take the shape Chris wants to give it. But unfortunately Becca is not ready to move to a small town and become a housewife and a mom. She is too young for this and she has yet so many things to experience. Witney will win by default in my opinion cause she is the only one really ready to fulfill Chris' wishes for a wife. But if Chris chooses Witney, how will she feel after watching herself being the second choice?

I agree with all of that except the "smart" part. Becca seems like one of the dimmest bulbs on the planet to me. She doesn't seem unkind or catty and I think it's very commendable that these three women competing so hard for the same guy all became close friends. She's probably suffered from the editing (as hopefully Chris has, too) but watching them together is about as exciting as watching two shades of paint dry. I think Whitney is exhausting because she's trying so hard to create some excitement with a man like Chris who just doesn't bring much personality into the mix. Once she has what she wants, she'd probably calm down and, as others have said, singlehandedly revitalize Arlington as PTA president, chairman of the annual Pig Art festival, whose prize-winning pastries earn money for charity at the new Starbucks she convinced to move to Arlington. Whitney's a go-getter and for now, she's going all out to get Chris. When (if) she gets him, she'll have to turn her energies to other things because he's kind of a dead end. With his (now their) money, and her energy and ambition, the sky could be the limit!

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Regarding Chris' and Witney's date: I found Chris to be kind of sceptical while Witney was saying how she was feeling about him and explaining about her sister's refusion to give him her blessing, but afterwards it showed it was because of his being worried whether Witney could leave her job and live in his small town. I was happy he did ask this tough question, but to be honest her reply was not very clear in my eyes. First she says her mother taught her she should have a job and be independent, but then she says if leaving her job is what she needs to do to have a family then she'll do it. I mean, does this make sense?

I interpereted that as mom telling her to have a career she can fall back on if need be, rather than just being dependent on a husband. So if she quit her job and married Chris, then divorced him a few years down the road, she could always support herself (and her kids) as a nurse, because that's a solid in-demand career.

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I had my finger on the mute button for most of the show. I could not stand to hear him breathe so loudly. When I would see it coming I would mute it but the captions still spelled it out! "Inhales deeply" or "exhales deeply". It was bad enough hearing and seeing it but then I had to read it.

Of all the agonizing over who to choose that's ever taken place on all the seasons (and there's always agonizing on every season of Bachelor and B'ette), this was the. most.ponderous.agonizing.EVER!



She may also feel she's -had- a career and is looking forward to a different kind of lifestyle, maybe just while children are growing up, maybe forever. I can understand that. Plus, as a nurse, she will have more opportunities to do that--or work part-time as a nurse--than many other careers where you really can't get back in once you leave.

Or she can just inseminate the cows and pigs and horses and what not on the farm. Kinda the same gig, no? 


Message to Britt: learn from Kaitlin how to cry convincingly heart-broken tears. If you are truly heartbroken, you want to crawl in a hole and hide, not sit on a curb and bawl.

I had kinda forgotten how funny her Ugly Cry Face and fake wailing were until I saw the previews for next week - "uh, huh, huh, HUH!! Huh, huh, HUH!!" Miss Aspiring Actress didn't do her wannabe career any favors if she included any of those scenes in her demo reel.



My guess is Britt will be the next Bachelorette. Chris Harrison still praises her in all his interviews.

Sweet Baby Jesus, I hope not. That's exactly why she joined the cast this season. If she ends up as B'ette, then she has truly made a pact with The Devil (or Mike Fleiss. Which may be the same thing). And I will say, "You did this, America...you let this happen."

That is all.

Edited by Lone Wolf
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