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Season 4 Talk

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I still like Mike, even though he's getting the scary addict eyes.  He seemed like a decent person in the past, but I have trouble seeing him getting back to that with his new stranglehold marriage.  It would be nice if he'd get his shit together and stop being so intense all the time. 


GG is ridiculous, obviously she just wanted to fuck Mike's relationship up. I think she was hurt not that he wanted to sleep with her (her crush in S1 was a storyline all of its own) but that he wanted to sleep with her and still want back to his girlfriend.  But I have to say, she's no more ridiculous than the rest of these people though, they hate each other and forgive each other each season so I'm sure next year will be someone else's turn to be in the hot seat.  


Love Shervin!  Miss Lilly, which I didn't think would happen. 

You had me all the way up to "Miss Lilly." NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Everything else, yes.

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Late to comment as this just screened in Australia...

What the heck was MJ doing with the can of whipped fake cream? Eating the fake cream or getting high off the aerosol? (I've recently learnt about 'huffing' to get high from Real Housewives of Bev Hills. Kim Richards apparently huffs. The things you learn from the reality TV junk I watch!)

I also thought Jessica was behaving like an overacting fool but I guess she had to have a ton of adrenaline pumping through her body at the time!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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Just saw the whole episode and, to the earlier pisters who commented on Asa's body, you are right. Her body is gorgeous. Shaped beautifully. Goodness gracious. Genetics? They eat all the time though. Sooo jelly. And happy for her.

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Bobby keep your facial hair, with out you creep me out. While I'm being superficial what's going on with Asifa's hair line? It looks odd.

Asa looked amazing in her bathing suit.

Both Asa and GG looked refreshed in their nice flowy dresses. MJ in her tight white dress at dinner made feel sweaty.

I feel so bad for Adam

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^^ I do NOT want Mike &Jessica to leave the show. I DO think they fill a certain niche on the series. This is an ensemble show. And to be honest I'd rather have Mike and Jessica on the show than GG or MJ. Mike and Jess at least get some reaction from me. GG and MJ....not so much. Without this Mike "storyline" -- what would GG have brought to the show this season? Nothing.  



To be honest, I enjoy hating them. That probably makes me a sick person, but if they were ousted from the show I'd probably still be googling them to follow up on the demise of their marriage. 

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Bobby keep your facial hair, with out you creep me out. While I'm being superficial what's going on with Asifa's hair line? It looks odd...


Both Asa and GG looked refreshed in their nice flowy dresses. MJ in her tight white dress at dinner made feel sweaty...

Reza cracked me up with his "if Golnesa is the voice of reason, you're in trouble mother Fucker. Run!"


Bobby looks waxen and strangely mannequin-like without facial hair. Asifa (like Lily) threaded her hairline, which just looks weird. I can understand if you wanted to eliminate a side-burn, but to thread away your baby hairs just makes your hairline look completely fake. Like a wig.

There was a shot of MJ in her swimsuit, with a t-shirt that didn't cover her butt. It was really unflattering.

Reza's crack about GG coming off like the rational one in any situation being a sign of the apocalypse really cracked me up.

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Bobby looks waxen and strangely mannequin-like without facial hair. Asifa (like Lily) threaded her hairline, which just looks weird. I can understand if you wanted to eliminate a side-burn, but to thread away your baby hairs just makes your hairline look completely fake. Like a wig.

There was a shot of MJ in her swimsuit, with a t-shirt that didn't cover her butt. It was really unflattering.

Reza's crack about GG coming off like the rational one in any situation being a sign of the apocalypse really cracked me up.

Ok ,thanks, that makes sense. Yeah, I thought is she wearing a wig?  I didn't  think she was but couldn't figure it out.

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I'm sooo confused. Mike was driving around in a bentley to meet GG and then he left in some basic white car?? What was that!? As far as the night in Turkey goes - I do think Mike remembers as well as GG what really happened regardless of how drunk they were. I'm positive he will never admit it on camera though - he's not stupid. But seriously, we have talked about this pretty much eveeeery episodes - give it up already, it's not happening and it was juicy at first but now IDGAF!


Sometimes MJ's body looks great and other times I want her to cover the F up, I don't get that. She must wear mad spanks. Asa on the other hand - wooow - you go girl!


I honestly don't see why Bobby and Asifa are even together. They're pretty much the most annoying couple I've ever seen. What do you even have to bicker about daily!!!?? I mean, he definitely fucked up with the sucking tricep comment. If Asifa didn't suck them, why are you bringing it up in front of her that it feels so good. You're an idiot. 

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Oh, good. Bobby & Asifa took their messy asses back to the US.

OMG, Reza and his burka obsession. I find it disrespectful.

God, Mike looks terrible. Like he slept under a bridge for a week.

Tony the Tiger is not the one. Hope he takes a chunk out of Reza's ass.

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I thought it interesting that Mike began with, "it didn't happen," then it changed to, "I don't remember" and finally graduated to, "so what if I tried to have sex with you?"

I don't have to be drunk to watch this show; I watch this show sober, however the show has put me to sleep in the past.

Yeah, better not to be sedated around the shahs. One of them might try to have sex with you. Then again, so what?! ;)


Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Bobby and Asifa definitely ruined the mood of the trip. Even though Reza sort of opened that Pandora's Box by telling Bobby that he needed to confront her, I think it was safe to assume he didn't mean right then. Bobby acted the fool. He had to know Asifa would take it to the next level and they'd both cause a scene.

Mike is just.. ew. I do think he tried to screw GG in Turkey, but at this point I don't see why she's so stuck on it. It hasn't broken Mike and Jessica up (which is what I think she wanted by bringing it up), and Mike doesn't really even seem to care. Or he doesn't remember. So the best thing GG can do is either accept that kinda half-assed apology he gave her or drop it altogether and cut him out of her life for good. It's been an annoying undercurrent all season.

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Reza's crack about GG coming off like the rational one in any situation being a sign of the apocalypse really cracked me up.

Reza says a lot of things that crack me up.  He's funny.

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I don't understand why they were buying suits at the fancy suit store if there isn't going to be a wedding.


Thailand is renowned for making Savile Row-level bespoke suits super cheap and really fast. I was watching a travel show and they said if you're traveling to Bangkok, don't leave without getting some suits made.

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I laughed heartily when MJ said she was 40 and her doctor said '40-ish' since they went to HS together and he knew her real age. I also laughed at Asa's mom's bikini t-shirt. She is adorable.


IMO, if your bf slept with someone on a break and you agree to be with him after he tells you, you need to move on and accept it. If you can't accept it, don't get back together with him. Asifa keeps bringing up this 'friend' which means it still bothers her a lot. She should not be with Bobby at all and they definitely should not be remarried. I wish Bobby would walk away at this stage.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Bobby and Asifa are the worst kind of people -- they're annoying apart but they're a goddamn wreck together. Please tell me they've stayed broken up since the season wrapped.


Mike ruined himself even more tonight with the "so what" repetition. There was a sliver, the barest of slivers, when he apologized by parroting what GG wanted to hear, but ending it with, "So what if I tried to have sex with her"? Really, douche? What would behoove you to say something so flippant after this issue has cost your friendships and has made your fiancee batshit? Can we swap out all of Mike's scenes for Shervin next season?


I, like anyone else on this board, don't really know Reza or Adam but they've always seemed really ill-matched on screen, aside from Reza talking to the therapist about Adam's porn searches. They're both freaky, but freakiness can only do so much.


Duuuuude, if you're capable of making this bunch leave in embarrassment, you are a damn panic.  I hope they don't ever have to see each other again, they're ridiculous. 


Asa's body tho.....

Shallow, i know, but damn i love how she loves her body and her food.

Shervin was over it. He was so irritated at dinner.

Assifa's nastiness cancels out any of her beauty. Bobby seems like a decent guy. But just needs to not be with her.

She was very nasty when she yelled out about millions in his bamk account and him not spending it on her.

Hit it Kanye.....


...I ain't saying she a goldigga


I don't get what GG (and the others) wants from mike...he DID say IF he did anything inappropriate he's sorry. And she STILL wasn't happy.


Look, the man said he doesnt' remember anything...which I believe. GG herself has said they were both super drunk. How much of any apology do you want from someone who says they don't remember what happened....the most you could get ANYone to say would be ....IF anything happened, I'm sorry. Mike did that. I'm with him....enough already.


I agree with this.  And I agree with Mike.  That having been said, that apology was delivered through clenched teeth.  Something like "I'm sorry IF I did something, that. I. don't. fucking. remember."    Decide to give it or not, but don't do that.   I'm of the opinion that he probably tried it, passed out before they could get it kicked off and now in her head it's attempted rape or something.   Not to delegitimatize actual attempted rape, but with that gang of shit in his system, if anybody was ruffied that night it was Mike.   If the so what is supposed to be a stand in for yeah ok, maybe something happened, who's to say for sure? but why did this chick turn what wasn't even a molehill into Mount damn Everest?  I get the shoulder shrug but the phrasing without context is shitty.  Not a fan.

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GG is ridiculous, obviously she just wanted to fuck Mike's relationship up. I think she was hurt not that he wanted to sleep with her (her crush in S1 was a storyline all of its own) but that he wanted to sleep with her and still want back to his girlfriend.



This. I also agree with selhars, Sun-Bun and ZaldamoWilder.


Besides, the editors showed flashbacks from Turkey with GG on his lap, pawing him, and them going to the room together. How dare he "try to fuck you" and still be engaged. Yawn ...

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Oh, good. Bobby & Asifa took their messy asses back to the US.

OMG, Reza and his burka obsession. I find it disrespectful.

God, Mike looks terrible. Like he slept under a bridge for a week.

Tony the Tiger is not the one. Hope he takes a chunk out of Reza's ass.

I agree that Reza's burka obsession is disrepectful. Also, imo, the restaurant scene with the "Saudi and his two wives" was obviously a setup for the show. Why would Reza go over to strangers to say hello? Because of the traditional dress? Ridiculous. Very ugly American (naturalized, or not).

If Reza and Adam reconcile and even marry (and I think those are strong possibilities) then I think Reza simply wanted to be in Thailand as a single man, because of the country's rep for its open sexual marketplace. IOW, the trip was really a last open fling for Reza, with no need to answer to Adam. The melodramatic navel-gazing and second-guessing at the wedding dinner are phony to me and just to advance the story. Jmo

Edited by sleekandchic
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I, too, wondered what the point of buying suitcoats and those guys pretending to be a sheik and his wives. I should have known something was up when Assa didn't seem to care.

I am so glad that screaming banshee left. I couldn't figure out why I was enjoying the show until it was brought up. If Bobby takes her back he is a moron.

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I'm going to be cynical enough to say that I never for a minute believed in this whole wedding shtick.  Even if Reza did, which I don't think he did.  I think it was for a storyline and that he knew from the get-go that he didn't intend to go through with it.  I think the Adam-Reza relationship was at least 90% made-for-TV. (Whether Adam knew that or not, I can't begin to guess.  And if he didn't, that just makes Reza an even worse person than I already believe him to be.)  I think the intention was to get lots of screen time, lots of freebies, a great trip, and the full attention of the camera for his badly acted, grieving-on-the-beach climax scene.  So there's that.


It occurred to me tonight that if any person on any of Bravo's reality shows used the F-word for gay men, or the D-word for gay women, or the N-word for African-Americans, or the K-word for Jews--you get the point--as often as Reza routinely calls women "bitches," that person wouldn't be long for that show.


I'll be interested to see if anybody on the reunion ever gets around to asking GG what exactly she means by "He tried to have sex with me."  Because if she's said, I've missed it, and that's the most open-ended, open-to-interpretation, lack-of-specificity accusation I've ever heard that such a damn big fucking deal has been made of.


Did I just see Reza use a fully grown tiger as a pillow?  Muffucah is badass.

Badass maybe, but also maybe not in the way you mean.  Less than a week ago, I signed an online petition to make it illegal in Mexico to drug baby lions, tigers, and monkeys so that they'd be docile enough for tourists to cuddle them and take pictures with them.  I was totally clueless to the fact that this was going on, but of course it makes sense.  And it makes even more sense with the larger animals.  Do we honestly believe that that adult male tiger would've let asshole Reza lie down on top of him if he weren't drugged into a stupor?  The person I was really shocked at was Asa.  You'd think she would know better, or at least have some remorse about the fact that these animals were kept in cages for her pleasure.  I can't express how I hated that whole scene.

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Thailand's pristine beauty was marred by that bitch Reza's incessant whining about the wedding he never had. Even Tony the tiger wanted nothing to do with him.

In my estimation Reza's relationship with Adam was staged for the cameras and screen time and spiraled into something so out of control that he was proposing and planning a wedding before he knew it. The best thing he did was call it off, but if this farce continues for another season I just might have to call it quits on the Shahs.

I am glad we were at least we were given a reprieve from Asifa and Bobby's bickering. Mike has become such a nonentity on this show. I never miss his drug-eyed presence. If GG's goal was to push him so far to the periphery that he's practically off the show, then job well done because it looks like she succeeded.

I wasn't buying all the ladies' tears at the Buddhist monastery either, save for MJ who seems legitimately broken up after the passing of her morbidly obese Pablo.

My DVR cut off before the preview for next week's episode was shown. Will the reunion be as tedious as this season has been?

Edited by OnceSane
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Badass maybe, but also maybe not in the way you mean.  Less than a week ago, I signed an online petition to make it illegal in Mexico to drug baby lions, tigers, and monkeys so that they'd be docile enough for tourists to cuddle them and take pictures with them.  I was totally clueless to the fact that this was going on, but of course it makes sense.  And it makes even more sense with the larger animals.  Do we honestly believe that that adult male tiger would've let asshole Reza lie down on top of him if he weren't drugged into a stupor?  The person I was really shocked at was Asa.  You'd think she would know better, or at least have some remorse about the fact that these animals were kept in cages for her pleasure.  I can't express how I hated that whole scene.


At first I would have loved to go to the "Tiger Temple" but I read up on it yesterday.


The "Tiger Temple" is a tourist trap. The money doesn't go towards tiger conservation but towards building a enormous temple. You pay to get inside. You pay to have a picture taken with your camera it lasts just a couple minutes if that (up to 900 people come through a day). If you want more time with the tiger, you pay. Wanna feed a cub? You pay.


One article said they pull two month old cubs away from their mothers and are subjected to two sessions of multiple tourists feedings per day. Some have said that they have seen them throw up from all he formula they are forced to drink. They have to have a constant supply of cubs so you wonder where they all go to when they are grown. Some have speculated that the ones they don't keep and drug for photo ops are sold to be killed for oriental medicinal purposes.


The tigers are drugged, beaten, manhandled into posing with tourists and they aren't fed a proper diet.




It seems that very recently the monks and the temple are not being allowed to charge like they used to be able to do and the tigers may possibly be removed. We'll see.




Edited by Giselle
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I'm sooo confused. Mike was driving around in a bentley to meet GG and then he left in some basic white car?? What was that!? As far as the night in Turkey goes - I do think Mike remembers as well as GG what really happened regardless of how drunk they were. I'm positive he will never admit it on camera though - he's not stupid. But seriously, we have talked about this pretty much eveeeery episodes - give it up already, it's not happening and it was juicy at first but now IDGAF!


It was probably bad editing. They needed footage of him driving to use with his voice over and so they just used what they had not taking the time to match the car. Didn't really look but his clothing match or was it different?

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In Memory of Shaunda Jones Gardner (1964-2014)

Who is that?



At first I would have loved to go to the "Tiger Temple" but I read up on it yesterday.


The "Tiger Temple" is a tourist trap. The money doesn't go towards tiger conservation but towards building a enormous temple. You pay to get inside. You pay to have a picture taken with your camera it lasts just a couple minutes if that (up to 900 people come through a day). If you want more time with the tiger, you pay. Wanna feed a cub? You pay.


One article said they pull two month old cubs away from their mothers and are subjected to two sessions of multiple tourists feedings per day. Some have said that they have seen them throw up from all he formula they are forced to drink. They have to have a constant supply of cubs so you wonder where they all go to when they are grown. Some have speculated that the ones they don't keep and drug for photo ops are sold to be killed for oriental medicinal purposes.


The tigers are drugged, beaten, manhandled into posing with tourists and they aren't fed a proper diet.




It seems that very recently the monks and the temple are not being allowed to charge like they used to be able to do and the tigers may possibly be removed. We'll see.




Holy crap! That is so depressing! I wonder how much Reza (and Bravo) knew about this?

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It seems that very recently the monks and the temple are not being allowed to charge like they used to be able to do and the tigers may possibly be removed. We'll see.

Hi Giselle, I guess I am super naive but I always saw monks as peace-loving people.  To think that they are involved with this animal abuse is sad. 

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I'm going to be cynical enough to say that I never for a minute believed in this whole wedding shtick.  Even if Reza did, which I don't think he did.  I think it was for a storyline and that he knew from the get-go that he didn't intend to go through with it.  I think the Adam-Reza relationship was at least 90% made-for-TV. (Whether Adam knew that or not, I can't begin to guess.  And if he didn't, that just makes Reza an even worse person than I already believe him to be.)  I think the intention was to get lots of screen time, lots of freebies, a great trip, and the full attention of the camera for his badly acted, grieving-on-the-beach climax scene.  So there's that.


It occurred to me tonight that if any person on any of Bravo's reality shows used the F-word for gay men, or the D-word for gay women, or the N-word for African-Americans, or the K-word for Jews--you get the point--as often as Reza routinely calls women "bitches," that person wouldn't be long for that show.


I'll be interested to see if anybody on the reunion ever gets around to asking GG what exactly she means by "He tried to have sex with me."  Because if she's said, I've missed it, and that's the most open-ended, open-to-interpretation, lack-of-specificity accusation I've ever heard that such a damn big fucking deal has been made of.


Badass maybe, but also maybe not in the way you mean.  Less than a week ago, I signed an online petition to make it illegal in Mexico to drug baby lions, tigers, and monkeys so that they'd be docile enough for tourists to cuddle them and take pictures with them.  I was totally clueless to the fact that this was going on, but of course it makes sense.  And it makes even more sense with the larger animals.  Do we honestly believe that that adult male tiger would've let asshole Reza lie down on top of him if he weren't drugged into a stupor?  The person I was really shocked at was Asa.  You'd think she would know better, or at least have some remorse about the fact that these animals were kept in cages for her pleasure.  I can't express how I hated that whole scene.

I hated it , too. I kept thinking these beautiful animals must be drugged. Is there a more shallow person on earth than Reza?  Oh, yes there is. MJ. I wish Adam would tell him to fuck off. 

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Badass maybe, but also maybe not in the way you mean.  Less than a week ago, I signed an online petition to make it illegal in Mexico to drug baby lions, tigers, and monkeys so that they'd be docile enough for tourists to cuddle them and take pictures with them.  I was totally clueless to the fact that this was going on, but of course it makes sense.  And it makes even more sense with the larger animals.  Do we honestly believe that that adult male tiger would've let asshole Reza lie down on top of him if he weren't drugged into a stupor?  The person I was really shocked at was Asa.  You'd think she would know better, or at least have some remorse about the fact that these animals were kept in cages for her pleasure.  I can't express how I hated that whole scene.


I had no idea but it makes perfect sense.  It shouldn't count if the poor thing has had his behavior subdued.  Badassery hereby rescinded.    On a related note:  


At first I would have loved to go to the "Tiger Temple" but I read up on it yesterday.


The "Tiger Temple" is a tourist trap. The money doesn't go towards tiger conservation but towards building a enormous temple. You pay to get inside. You pay to have a picture taken with your camera it lasts just a couple minutes if that (up to 900 people come through a day). If you want more time with the tiger, you pay. Wanna feed a cub? You pay.


One article said they pull two month old cubs away from their mothers and are subjected to two sessions of multiple tourists feedings per day. Some have said that they have seen them throw up from all he formula they are forced to drink. They have to have a constant supply of cubs so you wonder where they all go to when they are grown. Some have speculated that the ones they don't keep and drug for photo ops are sold to be killed for oriental medicinal purposes.


The tigers are drugged, beaten, manhandled into posing with tourists and they aren't fed a proper diet.




It seems that very recently the monks and the temple are not being allowed to charge like they used to be able to do and the tigers may possibly be removed. We'll see.






How do these sanctuaries even get a hold of big cats?  and why are they allowed to keep them?  where would they be if not here?   The babies were sweet.   Separation and abuse sound hideous.  Animal rights and conservation organizations aren't worldwide?  I mean I guess if I'm the government of a poverty stricken country and I'm getting a cut of the ^900 or so people per day x 7 days, I'm gonna make it pretty difficult for anybody to do anything to change that.  Globally is this not considered an important enough issue?

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Hi Giselle, I guess I am super naive but I always saw monks as peace-loving people.  To think that they are involved with this animal abuse is sad.

I don't recall there being monks there, just that shady (in retrospect) strangely-dressed guy telling them the rules on how to behave with the tigers, which seemed REALLY dangerous at the time. Seriously, no squealing? Half these fools, Reza included, would be dead seconds after they entered the cage if that were the case!
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Hi Giselle, I guess I am super naive but I always saw monks as peace-loving people.  To think that they are involved with this animal abuse is sad. 


My sister in law has said like any religion the majority are good, honest and peace loving but there are some involved in scandals or who see it as a way to power and riches .  She pointed out a monk who was in the news when she was last there, and below is an older article I found on line. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/thailand-hunts-fugitive-jet-setting-monk-article-1.1402055



For the record I have family who are both Thai and Buddhists.

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Asa looked amazing in her bathing suit.




She did  !  I was impressed.  Girl's stomach was toned!  I love how she loves her bod too, it's refreshing.

Edited by jnymph
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What was MJ wearing to the Wedding dinner?  It was awful looking and when did it become fashionable to have your Spanx show? 


And GG saying she did not know it was a Wedding Dinner?  Really?  Are we to believe it was not discussed that the dinner was already paid for.......um kind of like the plane tickets and they might as well eat it?  And I can't believe the Hotel would not move that dinner inside or comp them an awesome dinner at their restaurant.  I am assuming that it was the Hotel that provided the dinner on the beach.


The whole thing was weird.

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They probably couldn't get their money back from the hotel and whomever else, and they shouldn't have, so Bravo, Reza and TPTB said "Bring it on then so we get something to edit."

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At first I would have loved to go to the "Tiger Temple" but I read up on it yesterday.


The "Tiger Temple" is a tourist trap. The money doesn't go towards tiger conservation but towards building a enormous temple. You pay to get inside. You pay to have a picture taken with your camera it lasts just a couple minutes if that (up to 900 people come through a day). If you want more time with the tiger, you pay. Wanna feed a cub? You pay.


One article said they pull two month old cubs away from their mothers and are subjected to two sessions of multiple tourists feedings per day. Some have said that they have seen them throw up from all he formula they are forced to drink. They have to have a constant supply of cubs so you wonder where they all go to when they are grown. Some have speculated that the ones they don't keep and drug for photo ops are sold to be killed for oriental medicinal purposes.


The tigers are drugged, beaten, manhandled into posing with tourists and they aren't fed a proper diet.




It seems that very recently the monks and the temple are not being allowed to charge like they used to be able to do and the tigers may possibly be removed. We'll see.







Holy crap! That is so depressing! I wonder how much Reza (and Bravo) knew about this?

Its obscene!

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^^^^^plus they had the individual menu cards with the Grooms names on them.   REALLY?  That whole trip was bizarre.


The entire wedding was suspect. Did anyone notice how small the reception area and table was? This is Reza Farahan we're talking about. Everything about him is loud and over the top. If this affair was legit, there would be a hell of a lot more people in attendance.


Moreover, I noticed that during the flashback of Reza calling off the wedding in the shrink's office, Adam did not seem the least bit blind sighted or distraught--just a bit disappointed (probably that he wouldn't be getting an all expenses paid trip to Thailand).

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I'm sad but (given "Blackfish" and similar revelations) not surprised to hear about the tiger temple. My gut says I need to visit somewhere like that, stat. Where I would behave pretty much like they did. However, years ago I gave up zoos, aquariums, and animal parks due to ethical convictions.

I don't think Reza was planning to marry Adam any more than I am. However, even as a plot line it was ponderous to hear him going on about the breakup. If you break up with someone, it's done and over. There's no point or value in wallowing in it.

MJ looks better in her TH with lighter hair. The dark hair is too severe.

I was over Bobby and Asifa's dysfunction a long time ago, and I don't accept her trite justification of the heart overruling the brain for continuing the relationship. I'm sure (like Reza mourning his faux engagement) we-fight-but-we-love-each-other-why-won't-he-marry-me is supposed to be another plot line that viewers are supposed to be able to identify with, but I won't tolerate it on TV, let alone in real life.

And of course, we end the season on a positive, uplifting note, with Mike apparently coming to terms with his life because he walked his dog and looked at a pretty view, and Shah-hood and semi-skinnydipping rather unclearly overcoming all the other adversity these brave souls dealt with. Very inspirational.

However, major story arcs remain open - Reza's going home to hug and kiss Adam and sit Mike and GG down. Translation: Stay tuned for next season, folks! Meanwhile, don't miss the reunion.

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http://www.worldanimalprotection.org/sites/default/files/int_files/wildlife-on-a-tightrope-thailand.pdf   Here is a site that advocates for protection for animals worldwide.  This link is specific to animals used to for tourism in Thailand.  I encourage you to explore that entire site if you are not familiar with animal exploitation abroad (as well as here in the US).  You won't enjoy it, but you can help by helping to educate and by not throwing your money at this type of "entertainment."  I'm glad I didn't see this episode, my blood pressure couldn't have handled it.  There are no graphic pictures, but those are available if you want to find them online.

Edited by shirazplease
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WOOOW I had no idea that was happening to animals in the tourism industry. When I was watching this episode, logic dawned on me that tigers were drugged, but a part of me just didn't want to believe it. :(    And stuck in those cages too.  I'm so angry and sad about that !!



I do want to chant with Buddhist monks.  That looked very cool.


I'll be interested to see if anybody on the reunion ever gets around to asking GG what exactly she means by "He tried to have sex with me."  Because if she's said, I've missed it, and that's the most open-ended, open-to-interpretation, lack-of-specificity accusation I've ever heard that such a damn big fucking deal has been made of.



Thank you for that !!!!!!! My thoughts entirely.    Nobody's asked her SPECIFICALLY what happened.   GAH.  So annoying.



ETA:  wait a sec..........................were the monks responsible for the abuse of the tigers?  I'm confused.   I didn't think that was related.   But if so, then fuck those monks.  I'll do my chanting elsewhere.


Also, forgot to ask; does anybody know if Reza and Adam are still together?  I can't find anything online.

Edited by jnymph
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