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S01.E07: Our Dancing Days

Tara Ariano
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So much for Jamal cutting himself off. He is driving a tricked out Empire car.

Yeah!  I noticed that shit too.  Glad for Michael jetting though, will miss the actor.



Annika doing the dirty to Elle was unforgivable. I was glad that she saw Lucious working Cookie in bed. I laughed when I saw Anika walk in the house.  Her punk-ass deserved a big eyeful for drugging Elle.

At first I thought Cookie saw her…how delicious would it have been if she had and, whilst watching BBK, said something scandalous like “That’s right Daddy, you be strokin’!”



"What's a Bae?" - Thank you Naomi, for asking something that I've been thinking for the past couple years.

Never thought this could become such a ‘thing’…hell, my drunken father used to greet me with ‘How you doin’, bae?’ whenever he saw me.



I want Becky to smash Malcolm the security guy.  No wait.   I mean Malcolm to smash Becky.


LMAO!  Now, I’m saying this as a big girl…I started visualizing that cartoon greeting card of a big woman with the dog stuck in her ass.  Speaking of Becky, I wish someone in hair would stop with the blonde wigs on Gabby, it is not becoming at all.


Was really digging Malcolm’s hair tonight, he had that Blair Underwood mini-braids thang goin’…and then the fucking Gumby part makes its appearance!  Oy!



(I'm just not into Terrance Howard...never have been and I laughed out loud during that sex scene because Lucious was NOT sexy)

‘Specially since we got to see his big belly…Cookie on the other hand was getting her well deserved freaky-deaky shimmy-sham on!



"CP time!"  I love the brave use of language on this show.

Watch your mouf Empire.   Watch your mouf.

Ha!  Zaldamo!  My eyebrow cocked at that, I was thinking the same thing.


(Matthew McConaughey)


See, this and his disavowing deodorant is the bullshit that got him kicked offa my celebrities I would hold hostage for no ransom list.

Sho 'nuff on the gitdown!  I was ready to mail some naked pics of myself when I read that…sent the pics to Lenny Kravitz instead, but he goes without it too.

Edited by Vixenstud
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Jamal handed the little girl to Cookie and then Lucious had the maid take her to bed so he could tell them that he had ALS. Regardless, it is all about Jamal washing his hands of fatherhood. We will see if that changes in time. No doubt as soon as he decides to step, the real father will show up to take custody.

Right, I originally thought you were saying Lucious handed the kid to his own mother about him handing her to the maid.  You meant Jamal's mother!  Sorry.


I noticed too Jamal seems to have given up on not taking daddy's money.  I guess since he realized he didn't have it in him to come out of the closet to the press to keep Michael, he may as well live the good life.  I can't blame him.  Being poor and principled is nice but rich and secretive is ok, too!  

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That said, I don't wonder about his attraction to her - she was a freaking supermodel!  I wonder what she sees in him.  And this episode answered that for me: nothing.  They nave nothing in common and Hakeem is immature even for a 20 year old.  And he has NO game at all.  NONE.  I'm 44 but I'm telling you right now, Andre can get it.  If Jamal changes his mind on that gay stuff, here's my number, baby.  But Hakeem?  Good lord!  Boy go sit down somewhere!  All that to say that she is definitely up to no good.  And I can't wait to watch Hakeem's MOMMY smack down Hakeem's MOMMA.

This was too funny and I totally agree about Andre and Jamal. They are kind of fine. I think people question Hakeem's attraction to Camilla because he has serious mummy issues and as you noted he has no game whatsoever. And after last night, I totally began to suspect that she has some major ulterior motive.


Love, love, love this show! I pray it avoids a sophomore slump. Now that Daniels et al have this first season under their belts, hopefully they will do an even better job next time around. 

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I thought Jamal hopped into an Empire company car to go chase down his boyfriend. Was it his actual vehicle?

Also, egregious product placement.

The valet gave it to him like it was his. It was product placement despite the fact it made no sense with him giving up the money that he'd still have this car in the neighborhood he was living in. 


The license plate also seems to indicate it was his. He's 4th in the family order. Lucious and Cookie would be 1 and 2, Andre 3, Jamal 4, and Hakeem 5.

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Ok!  Maybe.  I thought that it was an Empire company car and the valet - and probably everybody on staff - knows that Jamal is the boss's son and if he asks for a car, you give him a car.  The only one who could override his request would be his father.

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Imho this is the best episode. The family bond in this episode resonated so much with me. I might be one of the few people that dosent have a favourite character in this show, I love everyone. I think these people can achieve more if they come together.

I felt so much for Andre, he might be the one that loves his father the most, he was freaking out about him dying and not the company.

Bye michael, sorry never liked you that much.

Please can the litte girl stay? The family needs a daughter.

Hakeem and Jamal making up made me so happy. Those fool are better together than apart.

However we feel about Luscious and Cookie, those two have mad chemistry together and I enjoy it.

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First I just want to say that 1970 was a great year for making beautiful black women:  Taraji PH, Nia Long, Regina Hall, Naomi Campbell, and me.  Sike. I'll stop.  My point was that I am about tired of everyone acting like Hakeem wanting a woman of that age is akin to damn near beastiality.  I hate agism in general but particularly when it is one sided.  People haven't said anything to the men who have been chasing young girls since the beginning of time.


That said, I don't wonder about his attraction to her - she was a freaking supermodel!  I wonder what she sees in him.  And this episode answered that for me: nothing.  They nave nothing in common and Hakeem is immature even for a 20 year old.  And he has NO game at all.  NONE.  I'm 44 but I'm telling you right now, Andre can get it.  If Jamal changes his mind on that gay stuff, here's my number, baby.  But Hakeem?  Good lord!  Boy go sit down somewhere!  All that to say that she is definitely up to no good.  And I can't wait to watch Hakeem's MOMMY smack down Hakeem's MOMMA.


Girl I hope you know I wasn't shading Naomi, at all.  1970 was a good year, but 1968 was better ;)  lol.  Since I myself am a year younger than dirt lemme just make clear that I was saying that a gorgeous woman, but especially one who's good and grown would have more dignity than to voice her insecurity to her man-child-dude about treatment, even if that was how she was feeling.  Too thirsty for a chick that looks like that.  The love of my life was 12 years my junior, not a peep of agism outta this dirty ole lady.


Vixen, freaky deaky shimmy sham? could you be any more of a mom?  lmao!!


mindrewinding to becky - no more blonde.   since there are guest stars every which way but loose, I sort of want one of them to be Gabourey's mom.  She's a singer known for performing in nyc subways and her voice will blow your face off. 

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The chemistry between Taraji and Terrence is remarkable. I feel like I'm invading their privacy watching the scene is how convincing they are.

The entire episode illustrated how well they know each other and their history. They watch each other, they know what each other's reactions are going to be. There is anticipation because they know each other so well. Even when Cookie is flirting with Derek Luke, Lucious picks up on it because he knows that look she's giving him, how she flirts. And then she knows he knows, and she tells him to shut up. There is obviously a lot of respect between the actors and they know that the history between Cookie and Lucious is going to drive this whole show, no matter how soapy and crazy it gets. 


Anika is an asshole. And not very bright. 


Also, they sampled Dire Straits. So that was awesome. 

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LMAO!  Now, I’m saying this as a big girl…I started visualizing that cartoon greeting card of a big woman with the dog stuck in her ass.  Speaking of Becky, I wish someone in hair would stop with the blonde wigs on Gabby, it is not becoming at all.

I wish she'd get rid of the crazy wigs, too.  Gabby is a big girl and I find her kinda sexy. *  I think it's the way she carries herself.  It's probably not going to happen but I actually would like for her and Malcolm to get together.  I just bet she would rock his world.  I think Cookie thinks she's got dibs on him, but I'd like for Becky to slip in there and get him and leave Cookie's mouth hanging open.  


* Also, in Tower Heist, I liked the way she looked at Eddie Murphy and asked him, "You married?"  So cute and sexy the way she said it.

Edited by Ohwell
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The valet gave it to him like it was his. It was product placement despite the fact it made no sense with him giving up the money that he'd still have this car in the neighborhood he was living in. 


The license plate also seems to indicate it was his. He's 4th in the family order. Lucious and Cookie would be 1 and 2, Andre 3, Jamal 4, and Hakeem 5.


Don't you mean Lucius and Anika? I can hardly see Cookie having the number 2 car unless they got them since she was released from prison.


I loved Courtney Love's song and I bought it immediately. I can see Cookie listening to that after Lucious left her. 


Nothing else to add except - karma be coming for folks, don't it, Nika?

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There was a scene where Lucius noticed her from across the room.  I wonder if Lucius is her endgame - either to get him or to punish him.


I saw that. And I thought she was trying to draw him over. When Becky was reading off her business credentials I also wondered if Camilla is running another game and Hakeem is just access.

Edited by jsbt
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Speaking of not getting the love, I found it hard to believe that middle-aged white folks loved Jamal's and Hakeem's performance.

This 60+ white boy LOVED it! Great mix of Knopfler and Timbaland.

First I just want to say that 1970 was a great year for making beautiful black women: Taraji PH, Nia Long, Regina Hall, Naomi Campbell, and me.

Jada Pinkett Smith was born in 1971, so there's a bit of overlap (which is to say Ms "Fish" is FIIIIIIINE!)

ETA: This white boy figured out "CP time" (so VERY wrong!!!) before my black wife did! LOL

Edited by jhlipton
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Right now, I'm loving how all the storylines are going, but Andre and Rhonda's scene was the best for me tonight. I kind of want to see more about their relationship, but at the same time I don't. Everyone is getting all sorts of soapy twists in their storyline, so I want the writers to just keep doing what they're doing with Andre and Rhonda- leave em alone and amazing.


I have been saying it from the start!  I do want to know more - but I am ok if they draw it out.  One or 2 scenes like the shower one (maybe not that dramatic) every episode or so should add even more depth.   I also want to point out that to me it seemed Rhonda's was legitimately sorry about Luscious' diagnosis and Andre's reaction to it.  Plus girl was rocking that dress.  Also kudos to both actors- with some big names in this show and some great acting their scenes really did stand out tonight.  That is exactly the way I expect someone like Andre to react.  Grief is such a crazy emotion- and with an ALS diagnosis it just drags that out.  I know this is a night time soap- but it really is the strongest when it actually focuses on the family and their dynamics.  


Like everyone else- Anika did lose any and all sympathy I might have had for her.  Screwing with someone's sobriety is just not cool, man.  I honestly thought she was smarter than that.  


Cookie openly flirting with Malcolm - perfect.  His non-reaction was hysterical.  


I really did love Hakeem & Jamal's song tonight- Dire Straits make everything better. 

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What bugged me about the shower scene was why would you not shut off the water and then tend to Andre.  But I knew she wasn't going to because it's so much more cinematic to have beautiful people sharing anguish and compassion under a shower stream than sitting in a puddle.  

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This was too funny and I totally agree about Andre and Jamal. They are kind of fine. I think people question Hakeem's attraction to Camilla because he has serious mummy issues and as you noted he has no game whatsoever. And after last night, I totally began to suspect that she has some major ulterior motive.


Love, love, love this show! I pray it avoids a sophomore slump. Now that Daniels et al have this first season under their belts, hopefully they will do an even better job next time around.

All they have to do is watch Sleepy Hollow to see exactly what not to do.

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What bugged me about the shower scene was why would you not shut off the water and then tend to Andre.


 She is probably familiar enough with his condition that a sudden change while he was having his episode, would make it worse.

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When Lucious made his announcement, it was as if no one had ever heard of ALS. I was surprised nobody at least said "the Lou Gehrig disease?" especially since the whole world has spent the last two years dumping ice buckets over one another in its name and it was bigger than cancer, as diseases go. 


All I could think about watching Courtney Love falling over that couch in her effed up stupor was her breastfeeding some dude at Wendy's a few years back.


Poor Mr. SK is slow. Episode 7 and he says "Hey, weren't they in Hustle and Flow together? This is kind of like a continuation of that." Like we haven't watched that movie fifty-leven times. There, there, honey. It's hard out here for a pimp.





= Things just got exponentially better. :) :) :)


Watch your mouf Empire.   Watch your mouf.

Yeah, putting that line in Courtney's mouth. So edgy, miright?? Lee's like DeGrassi, man, he goes there.



(I'm just not into Terrance Howard...never have been and I laughed out loud during that sex scene because Lucious was NOT sexy)

I have never been into TH either. He has all the necessary ... accoutrements to be considered cute/attractive/sexy, but he looks too much like my damned younger brother to ever have done it for me. He was spoiled for me from jump. Even without the belly.



Ok so this reminds me of the things I love about this show.  There's so much to look at, so many real life cultural references that sometimes I can't concentrate on the dialogue from staring at stuff that should be random.

See, this and his disavowing deodorant is the bullshit that got him kicked offa my celebrities I would hold hostage for no ransom list.


This is like, the only show I will save on the DVR and watch at least once more between episodes. You just can't take it in all at once, there's no way to watch Cookie and whatever else is happening at the same time.


And I accidentally watched Magic Mike this weekend and ... yeah, as long as there's a shower around, I'll allow it.


 (Matthew McConaughey)

Sho 'nuff on the gitdown!  I was ready to mail some naked pics of myself when I read that…sent the pics to Lenny Kravitz instead, but he goes without it too.

Why must all the good ones smell? Maybe next season with everyone knowing it's a cult hit, blacktors will be lined up for a part and we'll get a delicious cameo from TH's Best Man co-star Morris Chestnut... but then my nights of watching with Mr. SK will be over. LOL.

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"Bae" is the next slang that will be ruined by the mainstream like "you go girl".


Please don't start the "angry black woman" bullshit about Cookie. Aren't we allowed to be emotional? Aren't we allowed to feel betrayed, lonely and lash out in response. I'm so fucking sick of people who COULDN'T walk in our shoes getting to define us. 

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While I'm not happy that Boo Boo spiked Elle's drink, I'm just as disappointed in Cookie regarding Elle ending up trashed. Elle is not the first addict that Cookie has been around, so she should've stayed with Elle throughout the night.


Not because she feared, Anika would spike a drink, but because Elle was incredibly nervous and wanted to do well for Lucious and Empire, so she herself could've broken in the end and took a sip or a hit to calm down. She's been sober for a week, not a decade. At the very least, Porsha should've been with Elle throughout the night. Cookie should've known better.


Regarding Elle, if Empire (the show) wanted an "old" white woman that could sing, they should've gotten Taylor Dayne. Perhaps, not as big of a name as Courtney in many homes, but much bigger and important in mine. Taylor has done just enough acting and is probably the only old school artist that could've believably pulled off the role of being Empire's biggest R&B act.


Lucious has wanted lay Cookie down from the moment she returned, however, I don't think he made the decision that it had to be that night until he saw that Cookie was more than willing to find Mr. Number 2 in Malcom.


The funniest thing about Hakeem's love life is that what he does for the 20 year old is what the 45 year old would want and appreciate and Ms. 20 was playing the game hard enough that she would've taken that Hakeem bling and risked the gangrene it was bound to give her. He doesn't know his audience.

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Had to finally post about this show! It's crazy how it draws you in and never skips a beat.


Has anyone thought about if Lucius and Cookie had a daughter? Would the dynamic be any different? I think it would have been interesting to throw a girl in the mix between all the sons. Though it may have been alot going on in what's a pretty crowded show.


I know you aren't supposed to like Lucius but Terrance plays him so well with all the layers. 


So many pretty people! The cars, the sets, the clothes. Everything is really thought about and you can tell they take the time and the planning to get it all put together. That's as much a part of the show as the characters themselves. Very striking.


As much as I would like to see more episodes I do think a short season does it make it more impactful,

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All I could think about watching Courtney Love falling over that couch in her effed up stupor was her breastfeeding some dude at Wendy's a few years back.



Yes, that's what I thought too.  That Wendys was on 14th street (I know because I once got sick from eating there). And she was running around, taking pictures with random people.  2004?  Wow, how time flies.

Edited by Neurochick
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‘Specially since we got to see his big belly…Cookie on the other hand was getting her well deserved freaky-deaky shimmy-sham on!


I never liked TH in the past.  Too slick, those crazy eyes, the hair - something about him just seemed like an untrustworthy, emotionless, lizard hustler.  He always turned me off.  However I found him quite sexy in this scene and in this series in general.  I like him old and with a little pudge, LOL.  It softens and humanizes him - makes him approachable.  Flawed but still a grown damn man.   And he was wearing the hell out of that suit in his scene with Jamal.   I'll float him sexy.  Not fine, but sexy enough to work.

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Please don't start the "angry black woman" bullshit about Cookie. Aren't we allowed to be emotional? Aren't we allowed to feel betrayed, lonely and lash out in response. I'm so fucking sick of people who COULDN'T walk in our shoes getting to define us. 


Who says Cookie is angry? I think Cookie's reactions have been spot on since the first episode. I would do the same thing if I were her (and I'm not angry and I'm not a black woman either!) I love Cookie. She's one of the best female soap characters ever.



Had to finally post about this show! It's crazy how it draws you in and never skips a beat.


Has anyone thought about if Lucius and Cookie had a daughter? Would the dynamic be any different? I think it would have been interesting to throw a girl in the mix between all the sons. Though it may have been alot going on in what's a pretty crowded show.


I know you aren't supposed to like Lucius but Terrance plays him so well with all the layers. 


So many pretty people! The cars, the sets, the clothes. Everything is really thought about and you can tell they take the time and the planning to get it all put together. That's as much a part of the show as the characters themselves. Very striking.


As much as I would like to see more episodes I do think a short season does it make it more impactful,


Whoa! If Cookie and Lucious had a daughter.... I think she would have been a total Daddy's girl and a spoilt rotten Daddy's girl. She might not get along with Cookie (abandonment issues and Freud's pesky Electra complex). And I don't think she would get along with Anika either.

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Regarding Elle, if Empire (the show) wanted an "old" white woman that could sing, they should've gotten Taylor Dayne. Perhaps, not as big of a name as Courtney in many homes, but much bigger and important in mine. Taylor has done just enough acting and is probably the only old school artist that could've believably pulled off the role of being Empire's biggest R&B act.


EXCELLENT IDEA!  Awwww you done started it now, gotta listen to some TD tracks....girl was da bomb back in the day, too bad she fricked up her face with plastic surgery.


(Puts on weave and acid jeans, sings Tell It To My Heart)

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I never liked TH in the past.  Too slick, those crazy eyes, the hair - something about him just seemed like an untrustworthy, emotionless, lizard hustler.  He always turned me off.  However I found him quite sexy in this scene and in this series in general.  I like him old and with a little pudge, LOL.  It softens and humanizes him - makes him approachable.  Flawed but still a grown damn man.   And he was wearing the hell out of that suit in his scene with Jamal.   I'll float him sexy.  Not fine, but sexy enough to work.

Right. The average man especially in his 40's doesn't have a six pack. People acting like he has a big ole beer belly. He's a little soft, but def not overly so.On a side note Terrence talked about the weight he gained and that the producers didn't like and felt that it didn't fit the image of Lucious. So he was working on slimming down. He has lost some weight from the first episode til now.

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When Lucious made his announcement, it was as if no one had ever heard of ALS. I was surprised nobody at least said "the Lou Gehrig disease?" especially since the whole world has spent the last two years dumping ice buckets over one another in its name and it was bigger than cancer, as diseases go. 


All I could think about watching Courtney Love falling over that couch in her effed up stupor was her breastfeeding some dude at Wendy's a few years back.


Poor Mr. SK is slow. Episode 7 and he says "Hey, weren't they in Hustle and Flow together? This is kind of like a continuation of that." Like we haven't watched that movie fifty-leven times. There, there, honey. It's hard out here for a pimp.



= Things just got exponentially better. :) :) :)


Yeah, putting that line in Courtney's mouth. So edgy, miright?? Lee's like DeGrassi, man, he goes there.


I have never been into TH either. He has all the necessary ... accoutrements to be considered cute/attractive/sexy, but he looks too much like my damned younger brother to ever have done it for me. He was spoiled for me from jump. Even without the belly.



This is like, the only show I will save on the DVR and watch at least once more between episodes. You just can't take it in all at once, there's no way to watch Cookie and whatever else is happening at the same time.


And I accidentally watched Magic Mike this weekend and ... yeah, as long as there's a shower around, I'll allow it.


Why must all the good ones smell? Maybe next season with everyone knowing it's a cult hit, blacktors will be lined up for a part and we'll get a delicious cameo from TH's Best Man co-star Morris Chestnut... but then my nights of watching with Mr. SK will be over. LOL.


LOL!  that made me laugh but I don't think he gave them a chance to get it in, he spiraled right into talking about progression before anybody could get a gasp out.


Oh Courtney.  Had to closeout at "milkman."  Mind bleach.


ROTFLMAO!!!  Degrassi!! So Lee's hard in the same way Drake is?  BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 


We'll get back to how exactly one *accidentally* watches Magic Mike in a minute.  From what I understand, unless it's been revised, he has a very relaxed policy about grooming in general.  I can cook so I was ok with the slimdown, beard didn't upset me, I would've Delilah'ed his ass in the middle of the night, but I must draw a line at incentivizing a man to cure breath/pit funk.  Good day sir.


Nuff reee-speck to Mr. SK for making you choose.  Surely he knows Morris is the grown and sexy good googamooga holy grail.  See if you can promise not to make any sounds or movements.  Producers, if you read the boards and can see your way clear to introducing us to the rest of Malcolm's security team, and um, they happen to be made up of Larenz Tate, Michael Ealy, Don Cheadle and Dijmon Hounsou or any combination thereof, 'be most appreciative.  Sho would.


I never liked TH in the past.  Too slick, those crazy eyes, the hair - something about him just seemed like an untrustworthy, emotionless, lizard hustler.  He always turned me off.  However I found him quite sexy in this scene and in this series in general.  I like him old and with a little pudge, LOL.  It softens and humanizes him - makes him approachable.  Flawed but still a grown damn man.   And he was wearing the hell out of that suit in his scene with Jamal.   I'll float him sexy.  Not fine, but sexy enough to work.


Lizard hustler?? LMAO!! Okay good, it's not just me.  In my head Terrence is his Best Man character in real life.  I'm alright with the pudge, it's ripping his shit off all, yeah you know you want this dontcha girl, as though it's invisible, that bothers me.   Slap it or something so we can both giggle at it and move on.  Terrence Howard and Derek Luke are only 5 years apart.   #layoffthehooch


'kitty down in front - Magic Mike slip and fell in it explanation.  Geaux.

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EXCELLENT IDEA!  Awwww you done started it now, gotta listen to some TD tracks....girl was da bomb back in the day, too bad she fricked up her face with plastic surgery.


(Puts on weave and acid jeans, sings Tell It To My Heart)


See, this is why we can't have nice things.


We'll get back to how exactly one *accidentally* watches Magic Mike in a minute.  From what I understand, unless it's been revised, he has a very relaxed policy about grooming in general.  I can cook so I was ok with the slimdown, beard didn't upset me, I would've Delilah'ed his ass in the middle of the night, but I must draw a line at incentivizing a man to cure breath/pit funk.  Good day sir.


Okay I am literally LOL at this! I can't even lie and call it a giggle, it's a straight-up guffaw.



Nuff reee-speck to Mr. SK for making you choose.  Surely he knows Morris is the grown and sexy good googamooga holy grail.  See if you can promise not to make any sounds or movements.  Producers, if you read the boards and can see your way clear to introducing us to the rest of Malcolm's security team, and um, they happen to be made up of Larenz Tate, Michael Ealy, Don Cheadle and Dijmon Hounsou or any combination thereof, 'be most appreciative.  Sho would.


Oh Larenz. I love him so. He's my pocket blackman crush. Just like John Leguizamo and Marc Anthony are my latino pocket crushes. Tiny love, tiny love ... 

I promise to behave if they can get MC on the screen. (this) Woman cannot live on the bar entry/bulb flashing scene from TBM alone.


'kitty down in front - Magic Mike slip and fell in it explanation.  Geaux.



I was in a hotel room in freezing-ass Albany, NY and refused to go outdoors (except to see Eric Benet. Because ... Eric.) And hotel TV rules = you get what you get and you don't get upset. Don't expect to catch a show from the beginning, or see the end -- unless you memorize the channels so you know where you were before you turned during commercials. But you won't.


I accidentally watched some of Twilight too. The struggle is real.

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the rest of Malcolm's security team, and um, they happen to be made up of Larenz Tate, Michael Ealy, Don Cheadle and Dijmon Hounsou or any combination thereof, 'be most appreciative.  Sho would.

No women on the team? hardly seems fair! Christine Hollingsworth had e teeny part in Gotham -- she pulled off a Grace Jones like you wouldn't believe! Mos def part of the Empire Sexy Security Squad!

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I thought Jamal hopped into an Empire company car to go chase down his boyfriend. Was it his actual vehicle?


I must watch this episode again, apparently I missed a lot. I don't remember seeing where Jamal was going when he hopped into the "company" car.

Being a mother with three sons I always like how Cookie is able to calm her sons down.In spite of everything going on they (well not Andre) she is still their Mother and they respond well when she has to remind them..There is still a family there.

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Am I the only one who CANNOT with Becky's blonde wig? I just can't. It really bothers me.


Already mentioned, Tallulah....with Gabby being dark skinned (btw, love her skin tone!), I'm sure there are better colored wigs that can be used.

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I'm Southern and in my 50's and we've been calling loved ones Bae all my life. Down here it's always been an abbreviation of "Baby", just like Hakeem said.

Yes! I love that Lee Daniels said eff you to (sub)Urban dictionary and it's idiotic definitions. I'm from the south too and yes, we been saying it since forever. Hakeem got it right.

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Re: the CP time comment, I side eyed it too but what I loved, and what I love about this show in general, is that we get honest reactions. The three backup singers side eyed her too. It was a small moment but just enough that we know as soon as they went to break, they'd be like "no she didn't."

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While I'm not happy that Boo Boo spiked Elle's drink, I'm just as disappointed in Cookie regarding Elle ending up trashed. Elle is not the first addict that Cookie has been around, so she should've stayed with Elle throughout the night.


Not because she feared, Anika would spike a drink, but because Elle was incredibly nervous and wanted to do well for Lucious and Empire, so she herself could've broken in the end and took a sip or a hit to calm down. She's been sober for a week, not a decade. At the very least, Porsha should've been with Elle throughout the night. Cookie should've known better.

I can understand and appreciate that, in that moment, Cookie didn't have the time/headspace to care for Elle.  As she said, it was her redemption, too, and I'm sure she felt quite a bit of personal betrayal along with professional frustration.  Plus, she had to be available to take over and give her awesome speech.  You know, because plot reasons.




I couldn't fully engage with the rest of the episode because I was so intensely worried for Elle.  I mean, heart-pounding, "Girl, it's just a TV show" worried.  Hell, I'm still worried.  I really love the bond that they managed to establish between these two supposedly washed-up and past-their-prime women and I'm so concerned that the conclusion of CL's arc will be Elle somehow harming herself because she backslid/disappointed Cookie.  Even during Lucious' big ALS revelation, I was worried that Cookie's phone was going to ring.  I could totally see Anika being desperate enough (and dismissive enough of Elle's humanity) to spike the drink, and I hope that Cookie visits her with a rain of brimstone that will make God jealous. [\AbbieMills]


That being said, I really hope that while Cookie was bragging about their beginnings and bonding with rich folk over the first rule of the hustle, she realized that Elle represents the "demand" side of things.  As much as I despise Anika for probably seeing Elle as some old junkie who would eventually fall off the wagon anyway, I have to admit the possibility that my much-beloved Cookie, through the lens of a seemingly-unrepentant drug dealer, reacted the way she did because she saw Elle in the same light.

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I never liked TH in the past.  Too slick, those crazy eyes, the hair - something about him just seemed like an untrustworthy, emotionless, lizard hustler.  He always turned me off.  However I found him quite sexy in this scene and in this series in general.  I like him old and with a little pudge, LOL.  It softens and humanizes him - makes him approachable.  Flawed but still a grown damn man.   And he was wearing the hell out of that suit in his scene with Jamal.   I'll float him sexy.  Not fine, but sexy enough to work.

I'm surprised nobody here has yet mentioned the many times Terrence Howard has been arrested for or accused of assaulting women.  He's fantastic as Lucious, but I have a very hard time watching him because he's such a douchenozzle IRL.  I'm all in for Taraji P Henson and Jussie Smollett, though, and hope Courtney Love is around for more episodes.

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I totally didn't see Anika drugging Elle coming; I expected to her poach like she try to do with Portia, but slipping a mickey? It reeked of desperation of ensuring Cookie's failure in managing Elle.  Even more disturbing is Elle could relapse thanks to her, and as mentioned in previous posts, she could have ruined Luscious for that stunt she pulled. I take comfort knowing that Karma worked overtime; Cookie came out on top--Luscious looked on lovingly after Cookie finished her speech AND she caught them in the act..simply glorious. I just wish Cookie made direct eye contact why they were making out.


I enjoyed the scene where Andre had a meltdown after learning of his father's condition. We're under the assumption that he's cool and calm under pressure at work; however, we learn that he may not have the ability to handle such a huge change such as Luscious illness---which could be the reason why Luscious has his doubts in him running Empire.

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No women on the team? hardly seems fair! Christine Hollingsworth had e teeny part in Gotham -- she pulled off a Grace Jones like you wouldn't believe! Mos def part of the Empire Sexy Security Squad!


Lol!  Not a one.  I'm not interested in fair, I'm interested in handsome.

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No women on the team? hardly seems fair! Christine Hollingsworth had e teeny part in Gotham -- she pulled off a Grace Jones like you wouldn't believe! Mos def part of the Empire Sexy Security Squad!


I'm here for it! And can we get more of AzMarie/Chicken on my screen, too? Can't stand Hakeem's immature ass, but at least there's the potential of his squad being on screen when he's around. 

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I'm surprised nobody here has yet mentioned the many times Terrence Howard has been arrested for or accused of assaulting women.  He's fantastic as Lucious, but I have a very hard time watching him because he's such a douchenozzle IRL.  I'm all in for Taraji P Henson and Jussie Smollett, though, and hope Courtney Love is around for more episodes.


It feels like everywhere I read something about Empire, I read about the many failings of Terrence. Don't get me wrong, I do not condone domestic violence, but I am tired of hearing about Terrence's past when I know that somebody is clamoring for the next Alec Baldwin project.


That dude cursed his own pre-teen daughter out in one of the cruelest voice mails I've ever heard, but he was still allowed to work without issue. He's called both a taxi cab driver and a papparazzo a "f-----," before and after Isaiah Washington, but is still allowed to work without issue and he's still causing problems everywhere he goes. Just because Kim Bassinger didn't call the police every time, doesn't mean he wasn't bouncing her off every wall in their home, but he's still A List and a hot commodity.


So, no, I wouldn't stand in a room alone with Terrence, but I'm not going to roll my eyes every time he comes onscreen either. If Alec is working, then I'm gonna watch Terrence work.


Now, if somebody wants to put those two chumps in a ring together, I'll watch that too, but I already know they won't be doing too much damage. Dudes that like to fight women rarely like to fight men, they can't take a punch like they throw 'em.

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I hadn't heard about Howard but the only thing I knew about Henson coming in was that she openly complained about her last show not treating her like a big enough star, in the media ads and articles.  I love her on this but I dropped POI about six eps in because I found the whole thing "eh", and her role seemed like every other token black cop on tv today-- small, predictable.  

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Please don't start the "angry black woman" bullshit about Cookie. Aren't we allowed to be emotional? Aren't we allowed to feel betrayed, lonely and lash out in response.

Of course we are allowed.  It's just that in Cookie's case, it's about 90% of the time and it gets tiring after a while--from anybody.  Cookie's got the mean face most of the time.  Like I said, no wonder Lucious just fell out.


Speaking of angry, Cookie had better watch how she treats Porsha.  I hate the way she snaps at her, and this episode when she did that, Porsha looked more hurt than angry.  I don't want her to go with Anika, but I wouldn't blame her.

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I'm surprised nobody here has yet mentioned the many times Terrence Howard has been arrested for or accused of assaulting women.  He's fantastic as Lucious, but I have a very hard time watching him because he's such a douchenozzle IRL.  I'm all in for Taraji P Henson and Jussie Smollett, though, and hope Courtney Love is around for more episodes.


It's true that I would never agree to a date with TH - he sounds like a real life thug and a horrible person.  And yet, how does he keep getting women to marry/reconcile/ be on again-off again with him?  He punched you a week into marriage and you stayed out the year?  And NOBODY pressed charges that stuck in all of that?  I just don't get it.  I'm not blaming the victim, because I abhor men who commit violence towards women, but why do women continue to go toward the danger?  I'm not talking about battered wives syndrome, I'm talking about women who know this man's history and date/marry him anyway.


That said, I am going to let him completely off the hook for the baby wipes thing.  Dry paper wiping is not cleaning.  Which is why we use baby wipes on babies.  He is just saying that he prefers a woman to be WHAT HE CONSIDERS clean before he get freaky deaky with her.  I'm a Virgo, and yeah, shower before the sheets is my motto.  Not judging others, just stating my own preference as he was stating his.


He's a bad person but a good actor -it's his job to sell the character, just like driving a bus is a bus driver's job.  If nobody puts him all the way in jail, then he can still obtain work and if the ability to work was based on character, we'd have about 25 people running the world.  That said, I hope one of those women finally presses charges so that this dangerous man can be removed from society.  He wouldn't find me defending him.

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Of course we are allowed. It's just that in Cookie's case, it's about 90% of the time and it gets tiring after a while--from anybody. Cookie's got the mean face most of the time. Like I said, no wonder Lucious just fell out.

Speaking of angry, Cookie had better watch how she treats Porsha. I hate the way she snaps at her, and this episode when she did that, Porsha looked more hurt than angry. I don't want her to go with Anika, but I wouldn't blame her.

Why does she have to be "angry" or have a "mean face"? Why can't it simply be that she has..... bitchy resting face?

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From the Entertainment Weekly recap:

“Our Dancing Days” is a line from Romeo and Juliet, act 1, scene 5. It comes from a speech in which Capulet (Juliet’s father) reminisces to his attendants before a big party:


“Nay, sit, nay, sit, good cousin Capulet;
For you and I are past our dancing days:
How long is’t now since last yourself and I
Were in a mask?”


Lucious is the clear stand-in for Capulet, the aging patriarch who’s realized that he can’t keep up with the young kids anymore. Of course, Capulet’s nostalgia is misplaced—he spent a lot of his youth stuck in a feud with the Montagues—and those dancing days were probably times when he was actively killing people. So when Cookie and Lucious look back on their years spending hustling, they probably think of those dangerous times as dancing days, too.

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Re-watched this episode over the weekend with my luv, who happens to be a couple years younger....realized that its not the principle of Hakeem's December/May romance that is offputting....but the fact that he's so effing WHINY and petulant, that it makes him seem even younger than he is. He and I wouldnt last past the first d*ckdown....if it even got there. LOL!

Now I'm convinced that Naomi has a hidden agenda...I just cant believe that an accomplished woman can live on young lovin alone.

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