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S05.E14: Surprise!

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I know Lisa said it was a "joke", but it wasn't funny and both Kim and Yo thought it was uncalled for.  I thought it was almost as bad as Brandi's joke about sending Kyle to Ebola town.


I agree about not tip-toeing around Kim's addiction, but I am just so bored with them going on and on about it.  Kim needs to be taken care of by professionals outside of the show, because it is not entertaining and I'm tired of them talking about it.

LOL, Yolanda is afraid to cross Brandi so she stands by her and Kim needs Brandi because Brandi makes excuses when she gets high and she needs to hear those excuses. Lisa V was funny, snarky funny IMO.

  • Love 4

Brandi's Mohammad diss just proves she has never had, and never been, a true friend to anyone. It's so foreign to her that it seems "creepy."

I wish we could see Brandi and Shiva interact. Brandi is so threatened by younger more beautiful women. It was obvious with Joyce last year. And it makes sense, she can't crack her usual "you're all so old and gross! I'm so young and hot I still bleed every month see my tampon string?" routine around them. It makes me want her to still be on this show when she goes through menopause herself.


Oh man, she does do this a lot, doesn't she?  What's funny is that she's no spring chicken herself, so all of that "Oh Em Gee, you're soooo old!" has really lost any impact it might have had, otherwise. 


But when she can't use the "old" trash talk, she just picks on the women's ethnicity or their hygiene, or their husbands and children, which is even less becoming of her.   

  • Love 20

Lisa for the win!!!!  Making Brandi sing "I'm Sorry" was a move worthy of her Bobby Fischer status.  A lot of Lisa's jokes have fallen flat this season and last but she was spot on tonight.   Poor Kyle will always be the Dr Watson to her Sherlock Holmes.


Regarding Yo's recent health decline and the fact that she's on her fast again.  It seems to me that your body needs nutrients to run efficiently and effectively in combating disease.  Do you think it has occurred to anyone in her circle that her cleanses are a really, really bad thing for her to be doing?

  • Love 20

Do you think it has occurred to anyone in her circle that her cleanses are a really, really bad thing for her to be doing?

Hopefully, her many doctors are watching this show and will set her straight. The worst thing you can do when battling a disease like Lyme is to be popping vitamins instead of eating the foods you need for those nutrients. But, she's gotta keep that body model slim, right?

  • Love 9

I am fascinated by Lisa V's less than perfect figure.  She just does her without any self consciousness.  I appreciate that she did not feel the need to get some work done in order to fit in with the other people around her.


Two years ago I saw her in person.  At the time she was much smaller (aren't they all?) than expected, as well as totally gorgeous.  She looked younger, too.  Maybe it was because she was just wearing a t-shirt and jeans.  Anyway, I was blown away.

  • Love 9

I think Lisa R.'s and Eileen's fixation on Kim's behavior may be two-fold: 1) I think they are nice,compassionate people and Kim Richards is a drowning rat they want to throw a life preserver to, and 2) They're savvy enough to realize how Bravo is turning Kim's deadly serious problem into entertainment and want it on tape that they at least tried, just in case shit explodes in Bravo's face and Kim kills herself or, God forbid, gets behind the wheel of a car and kills someone else.


I don't think they actually think they can save Kim, but not getting involved isn't a great option either. I think I'd go along with Aileen and Lisa saying it's their moral responsibility to do something.  Far too often no one speaks out, or thinks something is someone else's responsibility, and then a tragedy strikes, and we ask, "Why didn't anyone see the warning signs?!"


I may be cynical but I'd like to add a third option to your post about Eileen and LisaR.


#3)  They know that Bravo will be evaluating their contribution to the drama this season and they want come back next season.

  • Love 6

Well, fuck it. I am so easily manipulated, but...everyone is being a bully to Brandi. I don't like it.

I agree with you completely. I'm a believer that resolving disagreements and rectifying past transgressions should be done on a one-to-one basis privately. It shows a solid lack of class to intentionally vilify Brandi publicly, particularly at an event such as Lisa's birthday party. There's just no excuse for it and I lost probably the last shred of any respect that I may have had for Lisa Vanderpump. I think that it was intriguing in the past to watch how the 'other half' lives but lately I feel totally saturated by the excessiveness that Lisa and Ken flaunt their wealth and influence. Is there even a tiny shred of humility left in their lives at all?

  • Love 4

Hopefully, her many doctors are watching this show and will set her straight. The worst thing you can do when battling a disease like Lyme is to be popping vitamins instead of eating the foods you need for those nutrients. But, she's gotta keep that body model slim, right?

When that part came on I pointed out all the vitamins to my husband, and his response was, "She must have really expensive pee."

  • Love 16

Lisa Rinna is the real truth cannon. She has Kim's number and refuses to buy into her bull. I can see why Kim hates her. She's probably never had anyone be so honest about her addiction.


I liked what Jennifer said to Brandi on the beach. This is a serious issue. Kim's in trouble and needs help. A real friend would not support the lies and made up stories about every ailment except the relapse!  


Lisa Vanderpump is handling Brandi perfectly. Kyle should take notes.

  • Love 19

I liked what Jennifer said to Brandi on the beach. This is a serious issue. Kim's in trouble and needs help. A real friend would not support the lies and made up stories about every ailment except the relapse!

But....but.....but.....Brandi would lose her pill connection. Monty's pills.

And her pipeline to dirt on the Richards girls. Kathy included.

  • Love 6

Brandi! You love to be the center of attention! Why didn't you want to hang out with the menopause mamas? They were having fun together and singing! You know, like work buddies do here and there? Besides that, Brandi, you're in peri-menopause, trust me. Ain't nothing wrong with getting older.

So many times, the younger HoWives on the various shows make glib remarks about the older ones, and I don't get it - what is their point? It's never funny, even if you consider yourself the next Chelsea Handler, and it's always mean. Her "flow is still going?" She really said that?! She's so horrible.

I noticed she sat at the table, alone, when all the "older" ladies were yucking it up on the dance floor together, singing and having fun. Brandi is finally feeling left out of the group, so maybe I've answered my own question -- she made those nasty comments because she's immature and insecure, and everyone has her number, and they're not taking it anymore. This extends to even Ken, who I'm sure had no choice but to invite Brandi to the party, but had the guts to tell her to behave. And who was there to hear Brandi's anger at being spoken to like this? Not any of the HW's, but an outside friend.

  • Love 18

Besides making Brandi sing, Lisa's "Emmy speech" was great.  So good to have the old Lisa back!


The other thing that made me laugh tonight was Brandi pointing out that she still gets her period.  We Know!  She's such an ass.  Brandi is famous for being left by her husband and being so drunk that she didn't know that she was showing off her tampon string to the world.

  • Love 12

Sorry Brandi, you weren't showing any 'wit' with your menopausal moma's comment.  You were just showing your jealousy.  Newsflash:  You're not much younger than these women.  You 'think' you're in your twenties but the fact is you're very close to being the same age as the rest of the MM's.


And did Kathy Hilton look so out of place at this party or what?  Does she want to become the next housewife?  Me thinks she's probably gotten a little jealous of her two sisters in this regard.


Yo, you're pumping too much into your system.  Select a plan.  Don't take 'everything'.  It could end up hurting you more than taking anything at all.

  • Love 18

No, pretending all is fine equates to enabling IMO. If Kim doesn't want to get and stay clean so be it but people do not have to put up with it nor do they have to just ignore the very pink high elephant in the room. They don't have to get nasty or angry about to her but I see no problem with saying, "Hey Kim, your high, on something, you need to leave".


I totally agree with you.  My comments were based on if they want to continue socializing with Kim.  They have the option of asking her to leave, but they seem to want to do things with her and my point was they need to stop trying to save her until she is ready to be rescued.

  • Love 3

Kim really showed herself in that kitchen. Her life is hard right now, I don't doubt that, but as long as she can go on and on, tearily talking about how hard her life is, and how she has so much to deal with, and really getting into that theme of herself as a victim, and people tell her how sympathetic they are? All is good. The second they offer some practical advice that involves doing anything she might not want to do? Well, they just need to butt out, and "blah, blah, blah". She wants the sympathy with zero accountability. She wants the excuse to "take a pill" with no alternative to not take the pill. She doesn't want a sponsor, or therapy. That's WAY too hard for her.

Brandi can also miss me with getting pissy about being told to be on her best behavior. The woman has prided herself on being a truth cannon for how many seasons? Has based her entire position on this show on behaving badly. Even her BFF Kim acknowledges that she says things to be mean, but hey, at least she "owns it". Maybe Ken didn't have to tell anyone else not to be a brat, because for the most part they can be relied upon not to be a brat. And yes, they have ALL had their bratty moments, but to me, it's Brandi's entire being on this show. It's who she is.

Lisa getting Brandy to badly sing "I'm sorry" made my evening. Kyle was right - that was Lisa's birthday present!

RIght now, this show is 60% Kim drama, 20% Brandi/Kyle nonsense, 10% Brandi being a bitch, and 10% everything else. It needs to be 100% everything else. Here's hoping Amsterdam at least provides some good scenery!

  • Love 21

Hopefully, her many doctors are watching this show and will set her straight. The worst thing you can do when battling a disease like Lyme is to be popping vitamins instead of eating the foods you need for those nutrients. But, she's gotta keep that body model slim, right?

There was an article recently here in NYC about how the vitamin/supplement industry is completely unregulated and a recent study found most herbal supplements were full of nothing. Unless she's getting FDA regulated pills I wonder if Yo is essentially doing nothing to treat her disease

  • Love 6

Lisa Rinna is the real truth cannon. She has Kim's number and refuses to buy into her bull. I can see why Kim hates her. She's probably never had anyone be so honest about her addiction.


I liked what Jennifer said to Brandi on the beach. This is a serious issue. Kim's in trouble and needs help. A real friend would not support the lies and made up stories about every ailment except the relapse!  


Lisa Vanderpump is handling Brandi perfectly. Kyle should take notes.

I am really loving Lisa V this season. This is S1 Lisa and I am glad she is back.

I have also liked the way she has handled Brandi until the party. IMO she gives her too much attention and therefore too much power. As we know from Brandi, any attention - even negative - is better than no attention. By constantly reminding Brandi of how much she hurt her, she makes it seem like Brandi is more important in her life than she really is. I would rather she just ignore her than get her up there and have her sing.

  • Love 13

I totally agree with you.  My comments were based on if they want to continue socializing with Kim.  They have the option of asking her to leave, but they seem to want to do things with her and my point was they need to stop trying to save her until she is ready to be rescued.

Not really, they do not have a choice because they are paid to be around each other and they are paid to share their side of a story, their opinions/observations. Now if Kim does not want her sobriety to be the topic of conversation or her sole storyline she should quit the show. The choice is really Kim's, not her fellow HWs.

  • Love 8

Two years ago I saw her in person.  At the time she was much smaller (aren't they all?) than expected, as well as totally gorgeous.  She looked younger, too.  Maybe it was because she was just wearing a t-shirt and jeans.  Anyway, I was blown away.

I think she is gorgeous, but I am always somewhat surprised (in a good way) when I see her behind which is larger than the typical actress/model type.  I should not have said her figure is less than perfect because it is absolute perfection.

  • Love 10

Kyle just needs to to tell the next few people that bring up Kim on camera or in public that she has been dealing with Kim and her issues for most of her life and no longer wishes to speak about it publicly but that she is always there if her sister needs her. And the next time Kim tries to bait her into anything on film or in public she needs to just tell Kim "I'm sorry you feel that way" and leave it at that and move along.

  • Love 9

Bullied? Hmmm consistently attack the women's character, business, husbands, children, looks, age, and throw wine in people's faces. Then never apologize or change your behavior. Yeah, uh, you might not have many friends left. That's not being bullied. That's people not putting up with your antics anymore.

Let me guess. Brandi's a poor single Mother who's husband left her so anything she says or does is okay. Wah wah wah. What a victim of the old menopausal rich ladies. What a crock.

If you're guessing the divorce story is why I felt for Brandi, no, that's not the case. Generally speaking I have more sympathy for the guy who plays the dumb husband in the Dannon commercial than for Brandi. She's a bitch. She's trifling. She's petty and cruel and she's reaping what she has sewn. I get that. But they've all got a choice to be indifferent; to take the high road they pretend they're on, or to make snarky comments and fake jokes and blame her for the things she's responsible for and the things she isn't, while not "owning their shit" when there is shit to be owned by everyone except Eileen. As much as I love these shows I don't like to watch that. So, yeah, I call it bullying even though she brought a lot on herself.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4

Regarding Yo's recent health decline and the fact that she's on her fast again.  It seems to me that your body needs nutrients to run efficiently and effectively in combating disease.  Do you think it has occurred to anyone in her circle that her cleanses are a really, really bad thing for her to be doing?

I think the same thing every time she brings out the cayenne pepper! I swear, those lemons should get top billing on the show because that's 50% of Yoyo's storyline every season. Crash diets like that have been proven to do more harm than good. I can't imagine it's healthy for someone whose health is already deteriorating.

  • Love 9

I wonder if Jennifer hangs out with Kim while she's at Brandi's house.  Was she seen with Brandi, Kim and company during those filmed scenes at Brandi's house?  And I also wonder if the conversation on the beach was just for the show or did she really not know about Kim's issues and Monty living with her and her taking his meds, prior? 

  • Love 3

I myself was thinking that the menopause comment was way out of line and a shitty thing to say. I doubt all or perhaps any of those women are menopausal. Just because they aren't your BFF, Brandi, doesn't mean they are bitchy because of menopause. Maybe it's you.


I am not menopausal and I don't care enough about Brandi to be bitchy towards her.


Not really, they do not have a choice because they are paid to be around each other and they are paid to share their side of a story, their opinions/observations. Now if Kim does not want her sobriety to be the topic of conversation or her sole storyline she should quit the show. The choice is really Kim's, not her fellow HWs.


They have a choice on whether they want to spend much time on this storyline.  An addict is not going to get an epiphany on a TV show that she needs to change her behavior.  They are choosing to delve deeper than they need to with Kim.  They could have cut this drama short by commiserating with Kyle and asking her how than can help her help Kim.  She would have told them that its complicated and that they really need to stay out of things.  Next conversation.


Of course if production is dictating this whole thing, then no one has a choice and all of my commentary is moot.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 4

Kim's blog is up, and it's unreal. It's kind of a relapsed addict in denial primer, it's that bad. Here's one highlight. Kim decides to cite recovery teachings, and writes:

"According to the recovery programs, a relapse is when someone preeminently abandons their recovery plan completely by choice."

Compare that to what Jennifer, a real addiction counselor and specialist said in tonight's episode: "Kim took a pill? She relapsed. " Period. None of this "by choice" bullshit. Doesn't every alcoholuc know that it's one day at a time? That you start your recovery on day one, and then every day sober is significant, but if you take just one drink, you're back to day one? Hell, even I know that, and my only addiction is coffee. But Kim is still sticking to her "three years sober!" narrative.

  • Love 18

I myself was thinking that the menopause comment was way out of line and a shitty thing to say. I doubt all or perhaps any of those women are menopausal. Just because they aren't your BFF, Brandi, doesn't mean they are bitchy because of menopause. Maybe it's you.


I agree - I thought it was very out of line...I also thought her comment about Lisa turning "70 - whatever?" was also a low blow - she continues to throw jabs...and then, will wonder why the ladies take offense with her.

  • Love 13

I don't think Kim will ever admit that she's an addict, not just an alcoholic   She could come back from the brink of death, and I don't ever see her admitting it.  She's been sheltered and protected for so long.  I don't think she sees anything she does as being wrong.  Maybe, just maybe if one of her kids said something, but I have the feeling they've learned to walk on eggshells around her.  Just remembering when her youngest went to college, all of the you'll be ok without me, you need to be strong - from her daughter.  The daughter seemed to be more concerned about how Kim would be without her; Kim didn't seem all that concerned how her kid would be at school - just how it would impact her.   Eileen and Lisa R seem to be decent people who are just shocked by Kim's behavior, and how no one wants to even speak of that huge elephant in the room.


I am seriously thinking of not commenting about Brandi  as my Lenten sacrifice.  It's the same stuff all the time.  Brandi, had you acted respectful at other events, then Ken would not have had to ask you to be on your best behavior.  I don't think I've ever had anyone tell me to be on my best behavior at an event as an adult. And Brandi, you're only a couple of years younger than the other women.  If you don't like hanging around with them, then get off of this show.


Both Brandi and Kim tend to tune anyone out who speaks as an adult and tells them the damned truth.


Why was Kathy at the event?  Is she a good friend to Lisa V?  I get the feeling that if anyone pisses off Kathy, she'd take no prisoners.  Is Kathy wanting to be part of the show now?


Kyle needed to take Lisa V's advice to heart.   Lisa V, keep on playing Brandi like a violin.  I love it.


Anyone else think that Yo's illness is related to her bad dieting habits?  I can only imagine what she did when modeling.  With a chronic disease, wouldn't you need to build up your immune system and actually eat healthy foods?   Vitamins and minerals are more potent when consumed in a food or drink rather than taken in a pill.  As for her doctors seeing this and telling her that the cleanses are not good, I have a feeling that maybe if doctor A says something she does not agree with, she's off to see doctor B.

  • Love 12
Compare that to what Jennifer, a real addiction counselor and specialist said in tonight's episode: "Kim took a pill? She relapsed. " Period. None of this "by choice" bullshit. Doesn't every alcoholuc know that it's one day at a time? That you start your recovery on day one, and then every day sober is significant, but if you take just one drink, you're back to day one? Hell, even I know that, and my only addiction is coffee. But Kim is still sticking to her "three years sober!" narrative.



LOL! So it's only a relapse if the addict says it is? No wonder she's doing so well in her sobriety. It literally only requires that she tell everyone that she's sober and accept praise for it. Even by choice taking a powerful pain pill isn't by choice. She's basically saying, "I took a pill, but I didn't want it to count." Kim should have gotten clean years ago!

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 17

So if Brandi is such good buddies with Kathy Hilton now why is she dumping this Kim shit on Kyle? Why isn't Brandi bragging about how after she called Kyle at 2am and got turned away she called Kathy who ran right over to Kim. If she's gonna show her face on this show then I want to know how she fits in to this whole mess.

And i see we can still not get through one whole episode without a mention or innuendo of Eddie the ex husband? Give it a rest already, noone cares that he dumped you. If anything we are wondering what took him so long. Talk about a person not being able to let go of something!

  • Love 17

So many times, the younger HoWives on the various shows make glib remarks about the older ones, and I don't get it - what is their point? It's never funny, even if you consider yourself the next Chelsea Handler, and it's always mean. Her "flow is still going?" She really said that?! She's so horrible.

I noticed she sat at the table, alone, when all the "older" ladies were yucking it up on the dance floor together, singing and having fun. Brandi is finally feeling left out of the group, so maybe I've answered my own question -- she made those nasty comments because she's immature and insecure, and everyone has her number, and they're not taking it anymore. This extends to even Ken, who I'm sure had no choice but to invite Brandi to the party, but had the guts to tell her to behave. And who was there to hear Brandi's anger at being spoken to like this? Not any of the HW's, but an outside friend.


I think Brandi was very uncomfortable at the party, because she was not drinking.  When Brandi is drinking, she is all lively, giggly and "fun times"....apparently, she does not know how to have a good time while sober.

  • Love 15

LOL! So it's only a relapse if the addict says it is.

Yes - exactly! That's Kim's thinking. And just so you know, I'm not a Housewives addict just because I watch every episode and post here daily. It's my choice to watch, and I can quit or go on a 21-day cleanse/withdrawal whenever I choose.. I'll let you know when I think it's becoming a problem. Okay? (Can it start after the reunion?)

  • Love 21

I wonder if Kathy was present so that she can keep an eye on the situation between Kim and Brandi.  Kathy seems to be ride or die family in the end.  She will grin with you and all, but she will get a bitch together if she needs to do so.  Her approach may be to watch whats going on and only press Kim when absolutely necessary.  Brandi is suicidal trying to come between the Richards sisters.


Yolanda's issues may stem from all those damn vitamins she is taking.  It can't be said enough that her house is breathtaking.  I want to practice Yoga on her deck too.


The script reading was fun.  Even Kim was enjoyable doing that scene.


On WWHL, did Lisa say her shoes were $3,000?  She was wearing a beautiful pair of shoes.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 3

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