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S04.E12: Show Stoppers

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That was one of the best episodes of the season.


Stanley got what he deserved as did Maggie.


Elsa truly sucks leaving Dandy in charge.


The twins should have never warned her.


A young Dr .Arden !


Steal her jewelry and bury the bitch was a great line.


Loved the Freaks being together in this one and having screentime.

  • Love 8

Well that ep was a show stopper for sure!  Really enjoyed this one, especially that opening.  I agree with ShadowHunter, that was one of the best eps this season. And it could have even been a great finale, if not for some loose ends.



Loved all the S2 call backs... did everyone catch when one of the freaks said in the opening "Not the Sign of the Cross again"? which was the film that Sister Jude showed the asylum folks on their one movie night.

  • Love 8

So what the hell was the point of letting us know that Stanley has a giant penis?


I guess either a) he'll be in the next episode, and there will be some reference to his huge dick being part of what makes him such an interesting attraction, or b) it's supposed to reinforce the idea that it's the outsiders who are the real freaks, not the members of the freak show.


Either way, it seems totally unnecessary.

  • Love 4

I didn't like it. Sure, Stanley got his comeuppance big time. That was sweet. The crazy puppet man sawing Maggie in half, that sucked. She did have a change of heart and warned the freaks, so she didn't deserve that gruesome of a death.


Personally, I would have preferred Dandy in the box. Unless that guy dies a horrible death, then this show is worthless.


Elsa needed to die, too. I think that's why I hate this episode. That individual getting a happy ending in Hollywood just bunches my shorts.


As long as Elsa and Dandy die gruesomely at the end, then I might decided to like this episode retroactively. I mean, Stanly was turned into Meep, and rather violently. That was cool.


Otherwise, I think this episode sucked.


And really, after the Twins warned Elsa, I wish we could have moved back in time and had Neil Patrick Harris saw them in half. Don't promise to kill Elsa and renege. That was not nice.


And another thing, Dandy owning the freak show and possibly getting a happy ending? Bullshit. I want him to end up mutiated and up in a pen next to Stanley.


Not enough of the right people died. That makes me cranky. Shakes fist and screams"Now get off my lawn!"

Edited by mustbekarma
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I really love the freak show reference here. The rain scene when the freaks were looking for Elsa was perfect homage to the ending of freak show when they attack the strong man. I do have to wonder Ryan Murphy killing someone who might be consider sweet. He killed misty in similar way on coven and now Maggie again. Misty help the coven by bringing them back to life and Maggie tried to warn them and come clean but still died tragically. That they died at the end of the season and not being the survivor girl, I wonder if this is all same universal they are doom to have tragic endings no matter what universe?


Did the twins have a backstory yet? I ask this because when freak show started to air I read an interview with Ryan Murphy saying there would be one explaining what happen the night that made the twins and there mother leave Georgia I think the stare she mention. Cause I remember in first ep the mother was telling the twins they were to young to remember that night and for the life of me I can't remember if they did veil the backstory for the twins or I just missed it?

Edited by JellyFishQueen
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I really love the freak show reference here. The rain scene when the freaks were looking for Elsa was perfect homage to the ending of freak show when they attack the strong man

Yeah, they took exactly from the movie and also the ending with Stanley.  If anyone hasn't seen Freaks you can check out the comparisons here. Start at about the 58 second mark, then skip about 2:23 to see the same ending they did for Stanley.  I forgot how disturbing that was.  But they added the little hat to Stanley. That was Meep's hat right?


Boy Bette and Dot were making up for lost sexual time. You go girls!


So what the hell was the point of letting us know that Stanley has a giant penis? 

Yeah, I was so sure we were going to see it in a jar at the Morbidity Museum. Who knows, there's still one more ep.

Edited by Valny
  • Love 2

It didn't do much for me either.  A lot of it was just odd- how was Chester planning to fit the twins in that box?  After all of the build-up about the twins (and the amount of soul-searching/blathering on they've done all season), why not show their reaction when they find out that their true love has a body count?  Why wouldn't Elsa have sold the show to Dandy in the first place?   Loved Dr. Arden, but while electricity to the danglies was pretty bad, I kept thinking that the Axeman was lucky not to have run into him after he'd started his genetic experiments. 


I felt more sorry for NPH than anything- I wasn't sorry to see Maggie go, and he was a lot less evil than just ill. 


I do have hopes for the finale- we know that Elsa becomes a Hollywood star (unless they're showing her old porn films on Friday nights), but hopefully Dandy will get back to being Dandy. 

  • Love 1

A few surprises. I'm sure no one thought Maggie was going to survive the box. Chicken Man seems a good gig for Stanley. Chester was just so hard to watch. War survivor, metal plate, a sad, sad character. Loved seeing the Coven's Ghost! I have a feeling well see a repeat of the first season for the finale. Elsa rocking Dandy on her lap....

  • Love 1

The crazy puppet man sawing Maggie in half, that sucked. She did have a change of heart and warned the freaks, so she didn't deserve that gruesome of a death.


I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that.


She's the one who convinced Stanley that Ma Petite would be the perfect freak to kill. She'd be alive if Maggie had done something about Stanley sooner.


And then she was dumb enough to stick around after admitting her complicity - because the freaks are so forgiving to people who betray them.

  • Love 5

So glad to see Maggie and Stanley get their comeuppance. Elsa is a stone cold bitch for leaving the freaks with Dandy. I'm super glad that they killed the bitch who ran the museum. It was good to see the bad guys(at least most of them) get what they deserved. I'm hoping that Dandy soon meets his maker. I really want to see Amazon Eve, Desiree and the rest of the freaks have a happy ending. 


ETA: I knew the freaks plan wasn't going to take place because we already know that else ends up on the cover of Time Magazine. 

Edited by Dancingjaneway
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He killed misty in similar way on coven and now Maggie again. Misty help the coven by bringing them back to life and Maggie tried to warn them and come clean but still died tragically.


Yeah but Misty was awesome and Maggie sucked.  :)


So why did Massimo give Jimmy lobster hands and not regular hands again? I think he said something about it but I forgot.  Jimmy was quite happy with them though. Maybe it's because it's the only hands he knew.


 Jamie Brewer had some good line readings. Loved the "good riddance" talking about Elsa, and "that'll pack 'em in...Chester." 


The visual effects for Dot/Bette seemed to look really good tonight. I was always amazed how perfect the part around their neck look; like two heads are actually there. Sure, sometimes from behind, not so much but head on(no pun intended) it looks  perfect.


In the opening when the told Stanley to open his present, did anyone think it was going to be the jar with Ma Petite? 


I cracked up so much after Dandy was blowing kisses at Bette and Dot, and then you see Bette blink a little.. because it made me think some much of when you blow into a dog's face and they do that look of, "hey,what was that?Cut that out."  :)


ETA because Dot s/b Bette.

Edited by Valny
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Now that it's almost over I have to admit Sarah Paulson and her portrayal of Dot and Bette are the only reason I came back week after week. I thought she did a magnificent job in her portrayal of the twins. Two distinct personalities...one sweet and one not so much.  The visuals were good also.  I am surprised that she wasn't nominated for any awards. 



Hopefully with both Maggie and Chester out of the way Jimmy and the twins will get together,  Unless the finale has them bite the dust. 


I keep wondering if the finale will portray the whole season  as a long dark nightmare of the twins...wouldn't that be a kick in the head...no pun intended, lol. 

  • Love 1

So why did Massimo give Jimmy lobster hands and not regular hands again? I think he said something about it but I forgot.  Jimmy was quite happy with them though. Maybe it's because it's the only hands he knew.


My interpretation:  Jimmy was not surprised by the hands, therefore he requested them.  He used to hate his hands, and although he loves the freaks, he was ashamed and embarrassed of being one.  He thought his life would be perfect, if not for those hands.  After everything has happened, and after the freaks have proven that the "real freaks" are the normal people, he's embraced that in himself.  Maybe even hearing Dell's story about his famous family gave him some pride.  It's also acknowledging that he was never meant to be with a non-freak like Maggie.  This is his life as it was meant to be.  Totally spitballing here.


Since Ryan Murphy likes to pay homage (copy) to horror films, Stanley's ending makes me think that RM is a fan of the Japanese film, Audition.  It creeped me out a little - as it should.

  • Love 4

Well we're left with Dandy running the freak show...disaster!  The coming attractions for the finale seem horrific.   


Will we feel the end justifies the means...all the darkness surrounding the Freak Show has to have one tiny silver lining.  If only Ma Petite was around once again. Though no one is sacred...so I won't be surprised if a tornado swoops in to carry the few bloodied survivors off into the clouds.

Was I really supposed to cheer for seeing a woman getting sawn in half? I loved Ma Petite and I understand the need for revenge but nothing about that seemed okay to me. Chester wasn't personally wronged by Maggie and who knows what else would have happened to the freaks if Maggie hadn't come clean. I'm not saying she didn't have some form of payback coming but to me having her get sawn in half was overkill no pun intended. ETAWhen I think too that she interjected when some of the female freaks were going to kill Penny's father--she was trying to help them for their own good and was concerned about them ending up in jail or being "changed" people after participating in a cold blooded murder. IMO things like that should count for something.


I did like the take her jewelry and bury her line though. (What the hell though, I don't even recall her having/wearing any decent jewelry.) 


Elsa needed to die, too. I think that's why I hate this episode. That individual getting a happy ending in Hollywood just bunches my shorts.



I personally think we're being misled by that magazine that Pepper saw. My guess is that the image was in Pepper's head.


As far as Elsa needing to die, what irritates me about the freaks wanting revenge on her is that they're mad about Ethel and they have no idea that Elsa was in a kill or be killed situation with Ethel. Ethel was trying to break their code too but nobody other than Elsa knows this. If the twins don't think that Elsa deserves to die then surely that speaks to how they feel about Elsa "selling" them to Dandy. (I never even believed that they were "sold" since they could and did leave at any time they wanted plus they enjoyed themselves while they were there.) I guess I don't understand why Elsa needs a gruesome death in order for the show to be satisfying. (ETA: If anything would be fair it would be to put her on that spinning wheel and allow Paul to throw the knives. Apart from that though the idea of her just being tortured by all of the freaks and then killed just rubs me the wrong way.)


Now that she's sold the show to Dandy I can totally see why death will be a fitting end for Elsa, that makes sense, but prior to that I guess I just don't agree that it would be right based on everything that we were shown. And even with her selling the show to Dandy--after x amount of years working and living together these people were all going kill her without so much as hearing her side of the story. Elsa taking the money and running seems like her only option and unless I'm forgetting something, does she have any reason to suspect that Dandy is a full blown murdering psychopath? I mean seriously, the twins came back from him unharmed with new clothes and a taste for caviar with their eggs.


Yeah, I was so sure we were going to see it in a jar at the Morbidity Museum. Who knows, there's still one more ep.



I asked this last time this was brought up but--can they show that on basic cable? I suppose it could be implied but I don't see that happening. Plus we don't even have the woman who's running the museum anymore. 


I was sort of hoping we'd get some sort of explanation for how "Marjorie" originally came to be in Chester's head. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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A few other things:


Maggie doesn't at least attempt to scream for help from the freaks once the cuffs are placed on her ankles? I thought the amount of time she waited before reacting to what Chester was doing was absurd. 


I agree that it felt like a bit of a cheat for us to not see Bette and Dot reacting to the info that Dandy's detective dug up on Chester. Why is Chester still at large if he's the type who will go running to the police to confess what he's done? He's been on the run for the past three years? 


Desiree basically gets to be in charge now and nobody so much as questions what she knew about Dell and what all he was up to? 


Jimmy is the only one who doesn't know about Ethel and Elsa so I am curious to know how he'll react to the accusations from the freaks considering the fact that Elsa is the one who has been taking care of him and brought in the doctor to help with his hands and everything. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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I could have done without the literal gut-spilling, but other than that, I thought this episode was pretty awesome. Loved the "Freaks" shout-outs.


For those of you who are keeping score, I'm still going to hell because I still think Jamie Brewer is just awful in this role. Her inflections are bizarre and her diction is poor. Yes, I know this is a product of her disability, but I just don't understand why she's been cast in this role. Why would Chester's imaginary killer doll have that voice? Am I missing something?


I was delighted when I looked up the actor playing young Arden and discovered that he's James Cromwell's son. Perfect!


I love Danny Huston, but is he physically incapable of speaking out loud?


I agree that Dandy needs to die . . . but not yet. Am I crazy? I was oddly exhilarated when he strode in wearing his snappy striped blazer. Dandy's large and in charge!  . . . Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with me.

Edited by Portia
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I loved this one.

Stanley's comeuppance was so deserved and certainly an interesting way to see the character dealt with as well.

Maggie's death - I wasn't overly sad but it did seem like she genuinely wanted to make amends and that happened.

Chester kind of descended into craziness and fizzled out though. Hoping NPH gets a bigger role next season.

Liked the Jimmy/Ethel flashbacks and I liked the Massimo/Elsa stuff, especially when it linked back into Asylum as well. At least Jimmy got some new hands as well.

Dandy taking over the freak show - this can't end well, right?

Does Elsa really deserve to get her dreams? 9/10

Was the Nazi doctor in the flashback the same one from Asylum? I know it wasn't James Cromwell but the actor looked really similar. If it is the same doctor...lame. I liked the Sister Mary Eunice callback but that's as far as I'm willing to go with the "connected storylines" BS.



Yes the Nazi Doctor is Dr.Arden from Asylum.


Jimmy finally accepting himself was a touching moment.

Okay, I was about to offer to sell my soul for whatever botox/wrinkle cream he's using but thank goodness I read this:


That was John Cromwell, James Cromwell's doppelganger son who also played young Dr. Arden in Asylum.

Thank you, That is amazing.

  • Love 2
Maggie doesn't at least attempt to scream for help from the freaks once the cuffs are placed on her ankles? I thought the amount of time she waited before reacting to what Chester was doing was absurd.


Ugh don't even get me started on this stupid death.  Sawing someone in half?  Really?  The spinal cord alone would require a chainsaw and he's just gonna saw thru the thickest part of her body; no one comes in to stop him.  Good grief!  I get that she wasn't really liked amongst the freaks (and Desiree's one liner was funny) but she warned everyone about Stanley and she tried to redeem herself.  I don't think her character deserved this.  And then Jimmy is all like Enh whateves to her dying?!  Come on, really?


Don't tell me we are gonna get cheated out of seeing Stanley's giant shlong!! 


So this is goodbye to Chester?  NPH played the part well so I blame the messy storyline on the writing.  It was just so jumbled and rushed.  I would have felt more if he was introduced sooner and let his character develop naturally.  The same for Jamie Brewer.  Love her but again just rushed and when she was killed I was barely cared. 


Happy to see another tie in from Asylum.  Although I believe I've become desensitized by R.M. shock and awe because I really didn't care that he was tortured.


More hurrahs to Amazon Eve stealing every scene she's in but I'm actually happy this season is wrapping up.  Embarrassment to the art of sideshows honestly.

  • Love 1

When Dandy told Paul "I'm thirsty, fetch me a lemonade." and then stood up on the stage and raised his arms, I was sure I had somehow missed the information that the episode was the season finale.  That would have been such a RM way to end it.

Paul's reaction was really the scariest and saddest part of the episode for me.  


In the context of the show, the freaks really can't do anything to make their lives better.  Elsa's freak show has a high body count, but much less than they'd face on the outside.  They can kill the odd person, but they're dependent on the show to give them a fairly safe space to sleep and eat.  When Dandy waltzes in with the deed to the show and starts posturing all of the freaks look at him like he has two heads, but as soon as Dandy says "I want a drink", Paul takes a deep breath, and then gives a short bow and runs off to get him one, because he has no choice.  

  • Love 6

Yes! I do remember the younger Cromwell playing Arden in a flashback during S2. The resemblance is amazing. 


Did anyone else think that having Maggie come out from behind the curtain to be the assistant was just...awkward? It could have been Emma Roberts' poor acting, but I thought if she'd been sitting in the audience and maybe volunteered as a way to protect the twins or "make it up to them" it would have been more convincing.

  • Love 2
Thinking back to Pepper receiving a Time magazine with Elsa on the cover. Maybe Elsa went to one of those photography places where you pay them to be on the cover of a magazine. Her way of staying in touch with Pepper.



It seemed like Pepper stumbled upon the magazine by chance though, not as though somebody had sent it to her.


I agree that the magazine is meant to be misleading I'm just not sure how yet. 

  • Love 2


That was John Cromwell, James Cromwell's doppelganger son who also played young Dr. Arden in Asylum.


I had the hardest time trying to figure out if that was him or not. His resemblance to his father was uncanny in Asylum, but in this scene the resemblance didn't seem quite as strong, so by the end I'd convinced myself it was just someone who looked similar and there wasn't meant to be any connection between this character and the mad doctor from Asylum. I wonder why he seemed to look so much more like his father in the earlier series.


Maggie got what she deserved, if not for her complicity with Stanley, then for her sheer stupidity in volunteering for this "trick" with such an obviously unstable performer. By this time everyone under the Big Top has heard him talking to himself or his doll for crying out loud. This isn't someone you want even fake sawing you in half.

  • Love 4


I had the hardest time trying to figure out if that was him or not. His resemblance to his father was uncanny in Asylum, but in this scene the resemblance didn't seem quite as strong,


I agree. In fact, I checked IMDB before posting that it was his son because I wasn't quite sure. Perhaps they look more alike from certain angles than from others.

Desiree's reaction after Maggie was sawn in half is the funniest thing I've seen all season.


I was positively gleeful! I was so sure someone Maggie was going to be forgiven/redeemed/whitewashed, or at least mourned/grieved if she did die. This was a massive relief for me. And gory, too! Thanks, art directors and visual effects folks, that was awesome!


Why would Chester's imaginary killer doll have that voice? Am I missing something?

Because it's creepy and funny and weird, is my guess. I mean I've got a Brewer Bias, to be sure, I think she's dynamite and I love how AHS uses her. She was far and away my favorite thing about Coven.


This show is such a weird mix of phenomenal actors and very, very limited ones. For me, the show sometimes works really well around the limitations (Brewer, some of the freaks, etc) and really horribly around others (Roberts, Sidibe).


That business in Coven with Ax Man was some of the most tedious stuff for me to watch, so I wasn't feeling warm about his return. It was blissfully brief, and did give us the perfect, perfect moment of Jimmy getting his lobster hands back. 


Giving Stanley the Meep treatment was fantastic. Major drawback: they now all have to live and work with him. (Though with Dandy as the new owner, that won't last long anyway. I just mean in terms of their decision-making.)

  • Love 4

When Dandy told Paul "I'm thirsty, fetch me a lemonade." and then stood up on the stage and raised his arms, I was sure I had somehow missed the information that the episode was the season finale.  That would have been such a RM way to end it.


For a moment, I thought it was the finale, too.  The sad part is it will probably be better than the actual finale.


I wasn't moved by Maggie's death - primarily because it seemed like a fake out.  I didn't like her, but she's received the most horrific death so far.  Yet Elsa and Dandy are still happily living.  Twisty was treated more humanely.  Dandy's mother - one of the biggest monsters - had a quick death.  Ma Petite suffered, but her killer was humanely put down.  I'm not liking it. 


I like Angela Bassett, but she was out of control by the end of that episode.  She couldn't have chewed the scenery harder if she tried.  Sucking down a whole bottle of whiskey, breaking the bottle, then preparing to go murder Elsa - while somehow becoming the leader of the other freaks.  Just too OTT for me.  And it was strange how quickly they turned on Elsa.  Oh look how beautiful our Elsa looks in these pictures - yes she's evil - let's all kill her now!

  • Love 2

I was so disappointed that Marjorie, in the end, was all in Chester's head. I'm a bit tired of regular, yet crazy, people. I want the supernatural/fictional edge. 

Leave the serial killers to American Crime Story.


+1 to all comments about Maggie's non-fullfilled redemption and Desiree's reaction!


It seems as if Ethel was the only one who knew about Elsa's legs. No matter how much she took care of them, the "freaks" didn't consider her truly one of them-and that's a big deal. (It probably didn't help that she was always pretty patronizing, even in her proclamations of love for them).


I've watched everything except Coven, and this is the third time the penultimate episode has real felt like (and maybe should be) the finale.

Edited by morgankobi
  • Love 2

Well, having never seen Freaks, I was the perfect rube for Stanley's Meep-meld reveal.


When he was trapped under the trailer and everyone was closing in with weapons, I thought, "Huh.  That's bad, but at least it's quick.  I thought they'd come up with something a little more horrific for this guy."





Jimmy asking for artificial lobster claws was . . .poignant, but dude, consider a backup set of regulars.

  • Love 2

Maggie has a traumatic experience in the box with a killer clown (Dandy) manning the saw and she cheerfully volunteers for another go with a stranger who's been acting crazy all over the place? No way. That's completely ignoring the character to fit an end.


And none of the group cared that Chester had wanted it to be the twins in that box? How exactly was Chester planning to fit them in that box anyway, with their extra-wide shoulders and second head?

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