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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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1 minute ago, peacheslatour said:

My parents paid for all of my bridesmaids dresses.

Same here, of course two of the bridesmaids were my sisters so they weren't being overly generous - but they did also pay for my maid of honour's dress.  To be honest I knew so little about wedding etiquette back then that I assumed this was simply what one did!  Fast forward to my daughter being asked to be a bridesmaid at a destination wedding where absolutely no costs were being picked up by the bride, groom or their families and when we crunched the numbers we found that if she participated it would have cost her several thousand dollars.  She graciously declined this great honour - and found out later that the bride had to run through quite a few choices before finally settling for having only her sister stand up with her.  Well what did she expect??  

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9 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Greediness & stinginess are both major pet peeves of mine.

Those folks mentioned above who expect extravagant gifts from everyone are assholes. I agree with the person that sometimes smaller gifts mean even more if they're from folks who don't have lots of money to throw around. Some of my favorite gifts ever were dear to me just because they were from people who were super special, the gifts were totally unexpected, or just really thoughtful. For me it's never been what's cost the most. 

I also find cheapskates really unattractive, especially when they expect generosity from others. If you're frugal, that's different. I'm referring to those who like for others to cover their share at restaurants, constantly borrow money and never pay anyone back, eat more than anyone else in the office but never bring anything in, not very becoming. 

My main pet peeve. Moochers as I call them always expect and never give. Cheap and have plenty of money. The worst!

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

My parents paid for all of my bridesmaids dresses. My husband's parents paid for all of the tuxes. I know not everyone can afford to do this but we felt that our friends were giving up a lot of their time, what with parties, rehearsal and the wedding itself, they shouldn't have to fork over more cash than they had to.

The first wedding was fairly bare bones. We were all just out of college, pretty much, and I know the brides' parents didn't have much money and the groom's parents certainly weren't rich.  I think choosing inexpensive dresses was good enough, IMO.  The second wedding was my sister's.  Her maid of honor picked up my dress for me and paid for it. When we went to the rehearsal I had forgotten to bring money to pay her back, so my grandmother covered me.  When I left to come back home I left a check for my grandmother with my mom and found out she got mad because she had meant to actually just pay for the dress for me. Ah, weird family problems.

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9 minutes ago, Katy M said:

The first wedding was fairly bare bones. We were all just out of college, pretty much, and I know the brides' parents didn't have much money and the groom's parents certainly weren't rich.  I think choosing inexpensive dresses was good enough, IMO.  The second wedding was my sister's.  Her maid of honor picked up my dress for me and paid for it. When we went to the rehearsal I had forgotten to bring money to pay her back, so my grandmother covered me.  When I left to come back home I left a check for my grandmother with my mom and found out she got mad because she had meant to actually just pay for the dress for me. Ah, weird family problems.

We were fairly young as well (22 &23) my bridesmaids were a diverse group. My fourteen year old cousin, my seven months pregnant friend among other things. The dresses were simple linen with square necks and empire waists. Lavender, which seemed flattering to all skin tones. They weren't expensive but I thought they all looked very pretty. Myself, I just wore a my hair down, same makeup I always wore, nothing fancy. I didn't want to look "fixed up" I just wanted to look like me.

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Pet peeve - making your best female friends dress alike just because it's your wedding. Why?  Why make them wear (and possibly pay for) something they wouldn't otherwise choose?  So everyone matches in your pictures?  Friends aren't props; would you leave out a friend who is unattractive or camera shy, just for the sake of your pretty photos?  So people can identify them as your bridesmaids?  The fact they are walking in with you,  standing beside you, and probably holding flowers, should be enough clues.   As noted, it's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to select dresses that flatter everyone's colouring and shape, and is appropriate for their age and comfort level.  Let them wear what they want, and trust that your friends have enough sense to pick something that generally matches the setting and event.  I was a bridesmaid (actually, Best Woman) once.  I was the only attendant. The bride said "Wear a dress. I like green."   

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2 minutes ago, Quof said:

Pet peeve - making your best female friends dress alike just because it's your wedding. Why?  Why make them wear (and possibly pay for) something they wouldn't otherwise choose?  So everyone matches in your pictures?  Friends aren't props; would you leave out a friend who is unattractive or camera shy, just for the sake of your pretty photos?  So people can identify them as your bridesmaids?  The fact they are walking in with you,  standing beside you, and probably holding flowers, should be enough clues.   As noted, it's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to select dresses that flatter everyone's colouring and shape, and is appropriate for their age and comfort level.  Let them wear what they want, and trust that your friends have enough sense to pick something that generally matches the setting and event.  I was a bridesmaid (actually, Best Woman) once.  I was the only attendant. The bride said "Wear a dress. I like green."   

I wish I had done that. Ah well, next wedding.

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I have always thought that the tradition of selecting (usually horrible) dresses for one's attendants, then making them pay for them, was the height of indulgence, bordering on the absurd.

Actually, most traditions associated with weddings are absurd.  I salute the couples who pave their own way, shedding some of these ridicuous customs along the way, despite receiving likely much grief and consternation from family and friends.

I'm not a proponent of the wholesale cancel culture, but I'll make an exception with weddings, and all the hoopla that is the run-up to them.

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16 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I have always thought that the tradition of selecting (usually horrible) dresses for one's attendants, then making them pay for them, was the height of indulgence, bordering on the absurd.


Re: the part I bolded - wow people really do this is real life!?  I see it on TV shows all the time but every wedding I've ever been to or been involved with I've always found the attendants dresses are quite lovely, and often dresses that could be worn for other occasions.  To be honest they're usually a lot nicer than the bride's dress!  But then all the brides dresses I've seen in the last buncha years are strapless and fairly low cut and seem to be chosen because "that's what everyone says a bride should wear" rather than "this is most flattering to me".

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On 2/10/2021 at 10:07 AM, WinnieWinkle said:

My cousin does this all the time!  She can't seem to get in the car to go to the store without letting her "audience" know about it accompanied by an extreme close up of her sitting in the car.  These pictures are not flattering to her but no one is going to tell her that!  If she's happy, why not I guess.  But I do have to wonder why people (a) post multiple times a day about the minutae of their lives, and (b) post pictures that do them no favours.  

I also love people who have like no followers constantly doing IG or FB live to go to the grocery store or run other errands. Like dude, you don't need to go on IG live to tell everyone you went to Costco.

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On 2/10/2021 at 10:47 AM, auntlada said:

Or why they post pictures that say, "Hey! I'm not home right now."

Last time we traveled abroad, what seems like eon's ago now, I didn't mention on FB till we had been home for a few days.  A few friends were sooo annoyed that I didn't tell them we were in Morocco until after the fact and behaved as if it were a personal snub, which was astounding to me. 

Like, why would I want to announce that my house was empty for two solid weeks?  Yeah, they're my friends but they can wait.  Anyone that needed to know I was out of the country knew, and knew how to contact me in an emergency.  Sheesh.    

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30 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Re: the part I bolded - wow people really do this is real life!?  I see it on TV shows all the time but every wedding I've ever been to or been involved with I've always found the attendants dresses are quite lovely, and often dresses that could be worn for other occasions.  To be honest they're usually a lot nicer than the bride's dress!  But then all the brides dresses I've seen in the last buncha years are strapless and fairly low cut and seem to be chosen because "that's what everyone says a bride should wear" rather than "this is most flattering to me".

I liked the two dresses I had.  I didn't really have occasion to wear them again, but if I were a person that went to fancy events, I suppose I may have been able to.

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49 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I have always thought that the tradition of selecting (usually horrible) dresses for one's attendants, then making them pay for them, was the height of indulgence, bordering on the absurd.


30 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Re: the part I bolded - wow people really do this is real life!?

I don't think they select horrible dresses on purpose or to make the BM's look bad, the problem is the BRIDE likes them. My sister picked out and made the ugliest bridesmaid dresses for her wedding, Royal satin blue with a paisely blue & red patterned skirt. Myself and the other BM's were horrified to be seen in them but my sister thought they were da bomb! Still talks today about how wonderful those dresses were. They were butt ugly.

I think the mistake most bride's make is thinking one-style-fits-all. Not everyone looks good in mermaid style or a sweetheart neckline. Bride's that allow the BM's to pick out a style that they feel good in get high points from me.

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1 hour ago, Quof said:

Pet peeve - making your best female friends dress alike just because it's your wedding. Why?  Why make them wear (and possibly pay for) something they wouldn't otherwise choose?  So everyone matches in your pictures?  Friends aren't props; would you leave out a friend who is unattractive or camera shy, just for the sake of your pretty photos?  So people can identify them as your bridesmaids?  The fact they are walking in with you,  standing beside you, and probably holding flowers, should be enough clues.   As noted, it's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to select dresses that flatter everyone's colouring and shape, and is appropriate for their age and comfort level.  Let them wear what they want, and trust that your friends have enough sense to pick something that generally matches the setting and event.  I was a bridesmaid (actually, Best Woman) once.  I was the only attendant. The bride said "Wear a dress. I like green."   

I know someone who picked out bridesmaids based on who'd look best in cameras. She wasn't concerned about other girls outshining her, she wanted a picture perfect wedding, and that included thin, pretty women standing beside her. 

Speaking of both camera shy girls and selfies, I sound hypocritical because I'm a typically camera shy girl who loves selfies. I like selfies to see what I look like so I take pics even if I look really rough. I do delete those when I get around to it. On days I put in a lot of effort on my makeup and hair, I'll take pictures then as well because I like to capture what I look like when I'm looking my best. I often dodge cameras, so selfies are kind of proof of my existence. lol I'm not posting them anywhere. I do hate the thought of someone going through my camera roll and seeing all my selfies. I'm very private with my phone, and people think it's because I'm hiding sexy photos. I'm mostly just hiding my face, nothing too juicy! 

One friend did ask me how I felt about being a bridesmaid knowing I'm camera shy. I had a ton of anxiety about the whole thing, but I loved her and wanted to be a bridesmaid. (I also don't mind cameras as much when I'm dolled up. I just hate when people like to take photos randomly and care more about pictures than the experience.) One issue I had was the dress had to be ordered, and it was strapless. All the girls were told the dresses run very small and to order up. My measurements were about a 2 at the time, but I ordered a 4 to be safe due to my hips. When the dress came in, it was huge on me. I'm skinny, but my weight fluctuates a little, so even though I took the dress to a tailor, I lost a little weight afterwards due to anxiety and it was still too big. I was tugging on my dress all night trying to keep it up. (I also HATED the fact it was low-cut. I'm not shy about a bit of cleavage for a night out on the town, but I am at family events.) Looking at the old photos, I look like a stick. I should have ordered a 0. Another bridesmaid had the same issue, and she had the opposite body type as me, shorter, heavier, bustier. She was really scared of flashing people. She was also in school at the time, and paying for the dress itself was hard for her. I forgot how much it cost, but it wasn't cheap. 

I guess I'm against strapless for a bridesmaid's dress. Can a girl get at least one strap? 

I'm someone who's very into aesthetics myself, but God bless all the brides who basically let their bridesmaids wear anything. I know it doesn't look as pretty in photos, but it saves your friends the stress of paying for dresses they won't ever wear again, don't flatter them, don't fit them, etc. 

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Does anyone know where that bridesmaid tradition comes from and what the original reason was?

We don't have that in Germany. We also don't have maids of honor. Just a witness each for groom and bride. They sign after the civic ceremony. They dress in whatever.

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46 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Re: the part I bolded - wow people really do this is real life!?  I see it on TV shows all the time but every wedding I've ever been to or been involved with I've always found the attendants dresses are quite lovely, and often dresses that could be worn for other occasions.  To be honest they're usually a lot nicer than the bride's dress!  But then all the brides dresses I've seen in the last buncha years are strapless and fairly low cut and seem to be chosen because "that's what everyone says a bride should wear" rather than "this is most flattering to me".

I have been witness to some real atrocities.  As has been mentioned ^upthread, the dress is often selected to fit the smallest attendant with the least ample bosom, thereby rendering it a fashion fail for anyone outside of those parameters.  Sometimes, a dress that's lovely in a size 6, is not so much in a size 18.  

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23 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

Bride's that allow the BM's to pick out a style that they feel good in get high points from me.

My daughter did that for her wedding.  She wanted a specific shade of either Blue or Green and took the three girls interest to heart.  They chose blue and she said they just needed to be knee length and all the same shade of blue they liked but any style they chose. 

Unfortunately, to my mind, the bustiest girl chose a less than flattering neckline but SHE loved it and to my daughter that was all that mattered.  All three girls chose completely different styles that they were comfortable wearing.

 They also decided they'd all wear chucks with their fancy dresses.  So my daughter wore the dresses shade of blue chucks for the reception and the BM's wore white chucks.  Groom & groomsmen wore tuxes with black chucks.  It was all the rage that year.  I just kept reminding myself it wasn't my wedding!  🤷‍♀️

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7 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I also love people who have like no followers constantly doing IG or FB live to go to the grocery store or run other errands. Like dude, you don't need to go on IG live to tell everyone you went to Costco.

I refer to this technique as "daily establishing an alibi".

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19 hours ago, Callietwo said:

My daughter did that for her wedding.  She wanted a specific shade of either Blue or Green and took the three girls interest to heart.  They chose blue and she said they just needed to be knee length and all the same shade of blue they liked but any style they chose. 

Unfortunately, to my mind, the bustiest girl chose a less than flattering neckline but SHE loved it and to my daughter that was all that mattered.  All three girls chose completely different styles that they were comfortable wearing.

 They also decided they'd all wear chucks with their fancy dresses.  So my daughter wore the dresses shade of blue chucks for the reception and the BM's wore white chucks.  Groom & groomsmen wore tuxes with black chucks.  It was all the rage that year.  I just kept reminding myself it wasn't my wedding!  🤷‍♀️

My son and his wife had a Halloween Zoom wedding cause of the Covid. Maid Of Honor wore this:


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19 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I have been witness to some real atrocities.  As has been mentioned ^upthread, the dress is often selected to fit the smallest attendant with the least ample bosom, thereby rendering it a fashion fail for anyone outside of those parameters.  Sometimes, a dress that's lovely in a size 6, is not so much in a size 18.  

When I was in my best friend's wedding, the dresses she picked out were a mermaid style with a flair at mid-thigh. My other best friend who was also in the wedding was a size 20 at the time but she was a trooper and went to fittings with no qualms....until the bitch of a dress fitter pointed out that she wasn't built for the dress. Man, I've never wanted to punch someone in the face so bad. It wasn't like my friend didn't know she wasn't the right body type, why the fuck did that lady have to point it out?? Sheer evilness. My friend begged me not to tell the Bride what happened because she didn't want her to feel bad but I have never forgotten how awful that woman was. So that's why I love the trend of letting each bridesmaid pick out the style that suits her. 

19 hours ago, Callietwo said:

They also decided they'd all wear chucks with their fancy dresses.  So my daughter wore the dresses shade of blue chucks for the reception and the BM's wore white chucks.  Groom & groomsmen wore tuxes with black chucks.  It was all the rage that year.  I just kept reminding myself it wasn't my wedding!  🤷‍♀️

I love this! My cousin's wife wore Chucks with her wedding dress, I remember thinking that was so smart! I hate those dye-to-match super uncomfortable ugly pumps they used ot insist every bride wear in my day!

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48 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

I love this! My cousin's wife wore Chucks with her wedding dress, I remember thinking that was so smart! I hate those dye-to-match super uncomfortable ugly pumps they used ot insist every bride wear in my day!

Matching shoes & heel heights wouldn't have worked well, as one attendant is 6 feet tall and the other two barely crack 5 feet.  Plus the wedding was outdoors and grassy. 

And this way they could really and truly wear those shoes again.  "Wedding shoes" are typically stupidly expensive!  Well, weddings are stupidly expensive period.  But she managed to throw a fun wedding,  reception (for 40) AND honeymoon for under $4000 which is an absolute bargain these days, it seems.     

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12 minutes ago, Cara said:

My pet peeve of the day is the plastic bags they have in grocery stores for you to put produce in. Why are they so hard to open?

Because you can’t lick your fingers anymore! Stupid COVID!  But seriously, I find that I can kind of rub the open end between my palms and it eventually opens up.  But I have seen a video of someone using a sticker (from nearby fruit or vegetables) to help. 

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The produce section in my grocery has misters that dampen the veg.  I dampen my fingertips with the mist and open those bags that way.


Peeve for today:  Our weather.  The forecast for almost every single day this coming week (except Wednesday) is "Rain, freezing rain, sleet."  Last night and today was all sleet and freezing rain.  I am over this.  I would rather have snow than freezing rain and sleet.

Edited by Browncoat
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40 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

The produce section in my grocery has misters that dampen the veg.  I dampen my fingertips with the mist and open those bags that way.


Peeve for today:  Our weather.  The forecast for almost every single day this coming week (except Wednesday) is "Rain, freezing rain, sleet."  Last night and today was all sleet and freezing rain.  I am over this.  I would rather have snow than freezing rain and sleet.

We have a little bit of snow and are supposed to get more Sunday and Monday, but since the high Monday is supposed to be 6 (before the wind chill) there will be no going outside in it. Right now it's 13 and feels like -2. I've decided it's the extreme cold that is causing my general feeling of anxiety.

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51 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Peeve for today:  Our weather.  The forecast for almost every single day this coming week (except Wednesday) is "Rain, freezing rain, sleet."  Last night and today was all sleet and freezing rain.  I am over this.  I would rather have snow than freezing rain and sleet.

Where I live in NJ we got around 20” of snow almost 2 weeks ago.  A little bit of it melted only to get about 8” more this past Sunday.  There’s more on the way next week.  I wish it would get warm enough for it to just rain.  The only thing that’s keeping me sane right now is the town cleared enough of the sidewalks and paths near me that I can take my walks around the neighborhood.  

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I'm in Texas where we are supposed to get blizzard-like conditions on Sunday through Monday, with highs in the teens and lows below zero. It iced over yesterday so there's a nice,  slick layer already. Then more snow on Wednesday. It's insane, we are not equipped to deal with weather like this. 

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5 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Because you can’t lick your fingers anymore! Stupid COVID!  But seriously, I find that I can kind of rub the open end between my palms and it eventually opens up.  But I have seen a video of someone using a sticker (from nearby fruit or vegetables) to help. 

Just please, for the love of your local grocery worker, don't take the sticker off an apple or tomato. Those stickers have price look-up codes on them that identify the produce, and there are different kinds of apples and tomatoes that look very similar (to other apples and tomatoes, not an apple to a tomato). Take a sticker off a cantaloupe or banana if you must. For the rest of my life, I'll never forget that 4011 is banana.

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49 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Just please, for the love of your local grocery worker, don't take the sticker off an apple or tomato. Those stickers have price look-up codes on them that identify the produce, and there are different kinds of apples and tomatoes that look very similar (to other apples and tomatoes, not an apple to a tomato). Take a sticker off a cantaloupe or banana if you must. For the rest of my life, I'll never forget that 4011 is banana.

I go for the annoying mist they spray on the veggies. Wet my fingers with that and open the bag. I'd never use the stickers... that leads to back ups in check out as someone has go find the correct codes for the fruit/veggie.

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And now my roof is leaking.  I *think*, without any real knowledge or concrete evidence, that maybe the ice load affected the seal around one of the pipes (plumbing vent?  no idea) coming through the roof and melting ice is coming through.  In the bedroom, over the bed.  Fortunately, not my side of the bed, but still.  It was freezing rain all night, and I also consider myself fortunate that I still have electricity.  @CobbSalad, I would much rather have all of your snow than this ice.  We're getting close to 1/4" of ice since Thursday night.

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Because it is so cold outside (9 degrees, feels like -8), the heater is running almost constantly, and the air is so dry, much more than usual. The inside of my nose is dry and hurty. I've started using the saline nasal spray again and reminding myself to drink more water. I don't mind cold weather and don't want summer temperatures year-round, but this is too cold.

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31 minutes ago, auntlada said:

Because it is so cold outside (9 degrees, feels like -8), the heater is running almost constantly, and the air is so dry, much more than usual. The inside of my nose is dry and hurty. I've started using the saline nasal spray again and reminding myself to drink more water. I don't mind cold weather and don't want summer temperatures year-round, but this is too cold.

We got about ten inches of snow last night and it's still going strong. Oh how I miss our usual Seattle rain.

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11 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Just please, for the love of your local grocery worker, don't take the sticker off an apple or tomato. Those stickers have price look-up codes on them that identify the produce, and there are different kinds of apples and tomatoes that look very similar (to other apples and tomatoes, not an apple to a tomato). Take a sticker off a cantaloupe or banana if you must. For the rest of my life, I'll never forget that 4011 is banana.

Mea culpa, I didn't mean to come off as an advocate of sticker-switching.  In the store I normally go to, there are  plenty to spare on the produce I'm planning to put in the un-openable bag.  In fact, that's another peeve.  They don't stick so well to the produce, but they sure as heck stick to the bag causing it to bunch up and tear when you try to fight past the stickers.

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17 hours ago, Cara said:

My pet peeve of the day is the plastic bags they have in grocery stores for you to put produce in. Why are they so hard to open?

We now use these  Reusable produce bags that I received in my Causebox subscription.  We just toss them in with the towels to wash.  No more fighting those damn plastic bags!  

Edited by Callietwo
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35 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

And a tree limb just broke and narrowly missed my car.  It did block the driveway and was partly in the street, though, so I had to take care of that.  I hate ice storms.


Last night was really windy on top of the snow, I was so worried something like that was going to happen but I'm glad you're safe now.

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On FB I often get ads for magazines like Time or newspapers like the New York Times and without fail there are people who have "liked" these ads with a laugh icon.  I'm sure the message they're giving is meant to be a mocking one, a way of diminishing the value of these publications.  But why?  To what purpose?  So I guess my pet peeve is people who comment on things just to be nasty.

Edited by WinnieWinkle
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37 minutes ago, ABay said:

Jesus @browncoat! Did you rob a Pharoah's tomb or something?

Apparently!  I'm sure others have it much worse -- at least I haven't lost electricity -- but this much ice is no joke.  It built up enough on the satellite dish that I had to take a hammer to it (gently), because I couldn't break it off with just my hands.  I also used the hammer on the deck railing and steps (not so gently).  It's ridiculous.  As I said, I would infinitely prefer snow to this crap.  It is meant to get above freezing tomorrow, so hopefully that will help the poor trees.

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We were talking a few days ago about words we would like to go away. I nominate "wowzers". Makes my skin crawl. And now that I think about it, "yeppers" can go straight to hell. Really anything that takes a normal word and adds "ers" to it. 

Edited by peacheslatour
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10 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

We were talking a few days ago about words we would like to go away. I nominate "wowzers". Makes my skin crawl. And now that I think about it, "yeppers" can go straight to hell. Really anything that takes a normal word and adds "ers" to it. 

Grandbaby makes me cringe.  And now that I think about it adults calling other adults babe or baby also hits my peeve meter.  I'm not entirely sure why.  Honey, sweetie, pookie wookie - I don't care - call someone babe and I have to grit my teeth.

Edited by WinnieWinkle
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12 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Grandbaby makes me cringe.  And now that I think about it adults calling other adults babe or baby also hits my peeve meter.  I'm not entirely sure why.  Honey, sweetie, pookie wookie - I don't care - call someone babe and I have to grit my teeth.

Even worse than grandbaby - furbaby. Ugh.

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In my ancestral language, double words are often used in toddler speak.  That's fine when you're speaking in Cantonese.  But when you're doing it in English?  Sorry, it doesn't work.  You can say che-che for car, but not car-car.  Besides, we want our already expressively delayed kid to use proper words - in either language.  I'm trying hard to get him to say either "dog" or "gau" rather than "woe-woe" (translation in English would be "woofy").  He knows very well that the proper word is dog/gau.  He just refuses to say it (he's a smart kid.  He knows his numbers from 1-10 (and though I doubt he actually understands the concept of addition, he'll show you, for example, four fingers if you ask him what 2+2 is), many animals (he'll either make its sound or mime what these animals look like or do (e.g. he'll pretend to eat nuts if we ask him about squirrels)), colours and we're working on letters).  JUST STOP DOUBLING WORDS IN ENGLISH.  No "cat-cat," PLEASE.  It makes me cringe.

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@PRgal, that makes me think of Henry Cho and his routine about women saying words twice to mean something different (which I know is a generalization, but I have been known to do that myself) and his friend says, "Yeah, it was a date date. I spent money money."

My peeve is that I do not have an eye for measuring depth, so my shortbread is twice as thick as it should be and taking a long time to cook and then may or may not be any good because of that.

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1 hour ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Grandbaby makes me cringe. 

I had no idea “grandbaby” bugged anyone! I apologize if you were were one of my coworkers who I used that name with. It’s just, he’s a baby! And I’m his grandma!  Is “grandkid” also peevy?  Anyway, now that his vocabulary is approaching mine, I acknowledge he’s no longer a grandbaby! He’s a grandperson! (Sorry)

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My recent pet peeve:  I have to give myself shots (for CHOLESTEROL medication because my pills were discontinued) .. I have cholesterol problems from meds I have been on for 30 years. So NOW.. I have to go into my bathroom, grab my thigh, and scream bloody murder - the needle is like a staple gun).  I just did it tonight.. it is every 2 weeks; i am not a baby.. i can take shots.. but this??? I've had it.  Don't know if anyone has done this.  I know alot of people give themself shots.. but this , honestly is like driving a staple into wood.  But I'm still happy.

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1 hour ago, Boston said:

My recent pet peeve:  I have to give myself shots (for CHOLESTEROL medication because my pills were discontinued) .. I have cholesterol problems from meds I have been on for 30 years. So NOW.. I have to go into my bathroom, grab my thigh, and scream bloody murder - the needle is like a staple gun).  I just did it tonight.. it is every 2 weeks; i am not a baby.. i can take shots.. but this??? I've had it.  Don't know if anyone has done this.  I know alot of people give themself shots.. but this , honestly is like driving a staple into wood.  But I'm still happy.

I'm so sorry!  Meds I'm on (for my epilepsy) cause me to have elevated cholesterol as well (despite exercising six days a week and eating extremely healthfully), but it's not bad enough for me to need meds.  Can you talk to your doctor about other alternatives?


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