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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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13 hours ago, Brookside said:


A little opportunity for schadenfreude for those of us whose pet peeve is selfies.

Wow.  A lot of people die trying to record themselves doing stupid shit. 

Reminds me of when we visited the Grand Canyon  a couple of years ago.  First of all, I get really anxious in situations where there is a drop.  Heights freak me out, BUT I try to breathe through it and conquer the panic.  I usually do OK, but the Grand Canyon was triggering a lot of anxiety.    So - there's a bachelor party group (they had T-shirts with "bachelor"  and "groomsman" on them.) 

Nothing bad happened - but here's what these morons were doing, in order to have a video.  4 guys took the groom - they held his arms and legs, him facing the ground, and, very close to the edge,  did a 1-2-3, as they pretended to throw him into the canyon, actually   It freaked me out, as it would not take much for one of them to lose their grip, or trip on a rock, or to just have the momentum of swinging him cause them to lose control.   I hurried away from there, having a near panic attack, knowing that if there was an accident, and I was there to witness it, I would not get over  it for a very long time. 

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, backformore said:

Wow.  A lot of people die trying to record themselves doing stupid shit. 

Reminds me of when we visited the Grand Canyon  a couple of years ago.  First of all, I get really anxious in situations where there is a drop.  Heights freak me out, BUT I try to breathe through it and conquer the panic.  I usually do OK, but the Grand Canyon was triggering a lot of anxiety.    So - there's a bachelor party group (they had T-shirts with "bachelor"  and "groomsman" on them.) 

Nothing bad happened - but here's what these morons were doing, in order to have a video.  4 guys took the groom - they held his arms and legs, him facing the ground, and, very close to the edge,  did a 1-2-3, as they pretended to throw him into the canyon, actually   It freaked me out, as it would not take much for one of them to lose their grip, or trip on a rock, or to just have the momentum of swinging him cause them to lose control.   I hurried away from there, having a near panic attack, knowing that if there was an accident, and I was there to witness it, I would not get over  it for a very long time. 

I know how you feel.  I went to the Grand Canyon with my parents a few years ago.  I couldn't get anywhere near the edge, even where there were fences.  I kept visualizing myself tripping and rolling underneath fence.  I didn't want my parents anywhere near the edge, but I would just go further down so I couldn't see them.  I didn't want complete strangers near the edge.  Anyway, one day, my parents and I were about 15 feet away on a path (still too close, I could still trip and roll, I am insane) and there was this couple next to a part where there was no fence or stone wall or anything.  The guy was standing at the very edge motioning for his wife or girlfriend or whatever she was.  She clearly didnt' want to go, but ended up going to him.  I was so scared. I couldn't not watch.  I was absolutely sure they were going to fall in.  They didn't.  Thank goodness.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Ear problems aren’t always ear based. Ears, nose, throat. My daughter many moons ago, had one ear infection after another, it seemed. She had her tonsils and adenoids removed, and never had another ear infection. (This was 25 years ago)

I had some crazy ear pain earlier this year coincidentally right after a concert, so I freaked out that I had permanently damaged my hearing and went to an ENT.  Turns out it was not my ear at all, but my TMJ joint was inflamed.

  • Love 1

My pet peeve is people who are incapable of making plans.  I have a standing "date" with a teenage girl every Thursday.  Usually pick her up between 5 and 5:30. I call beforehand to see if she wants to go.  Last week I called around 3:30 and she said she didn't know yet.  I said I needed a yes or a no and she sounded annoyed.  Nobody even answered when I called yesterday, so I don't know if she's mad or they were just out of range. 

A friend and I made tentative plans to go to the beach tomorrow depending on the weather. I checked the weather for the beach, let her know what it was going to be and asked her if she still wanted to go.  She just emailed me back "maybe."  But, she might be babysitting her nephew overnight.  So, I said if she doesn't know let's just not go because I like to know what I'm doing ahead of time (I actually have alternate plans for tomorrow, but it's a potluck so I need to make something tonight).  She'll probably be annoyed.  But, really, barring sickness and emergencies, why can't you know if you are free less than 24, or even 2, hours in advance?  Or, just say no if you're unsure instead of keeping someone dangling?

That same friend used to say "OK, I'll call you later, and we'll do x" and when I tried to pin down a time, she couldn't tell me.  So, because this was before I had a cell phone, I felt like I had to wait all day SAturday for her to call me. Which she did eventually do to tell me she was going to take a shower and then she would call me.  And then she'd call me and say she just had to take the dog out. And then she'd call me and say she was almost ready.  And then she'd call me and tell me to meet her in 15 minutes wherever.  Aargh.  Just pick a time you know you'll be done by and tell me to meet you then. Or at the very least, pick a time when you realistically think you'll almost be ready as the initial call time instead of making me wait all day!!! 

Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

Edited by Katy M
  • Love 7

@Katy M that's one of my serious peeves. I've finally figured out that "maybe" typically means no and I do my best to treat it as such. I clearly remember a birthday 5+ years ago when I set up a little bday party and invited about 15 people who I thought were friends to the bar / pub. Only 4 people showed. The "maybes" all ended up doing other things. One of the maybes was going to come until she found out someone else was leaving. Alright, I guess none of you are actually my friend but it would have been nice if you just said no instead of "maybing" up until day of. I was not a popular kid - I had many parties where we were set up for 15-20 friends and only 2 showed. Or for a slumber party where I invited 6 people, only one showed and she "got sick" and left when it was apparent no one else was going to come.

Yes, there are underlying circumstances when someone may have to be a maybe most of the time and I get that - but the ones who aren't drive me crazy. I ranted about a ball game I wanted to go to a few pages back and by the time I figured out their "maybe" was a no all the cheap seats were gone. And this couple recently ranted about friends who 'maybe' them.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, forumfish said:

Sounds like the boyfriend (now husband) of a college friend -- he pulled the most passive-aggressive crap on her all the time. He'd call and tell her he was going to come pick her up for dinner, he lived about 15-20 minutes away. Fast forward more than an hour and she'd call his house (this was BCP -- before cell phones) because she was worried he'd had an accident or something. Oh no, he'd say he decided to take a nap first.

I feel for your college friend. I come from a punctual family. 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Another peeve: Professional people who don't read carefully before replying! 

Ugh, yes! And to piggy back on that peeve, when I ask three questions in the email - THREE answers is appropriate! Don't just answer the one you can do quickly. I'm just gonna ask again and again until you answer anyway.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

Ugh, yes! And to piggy back on that peeve, when I ask three questions in the email - THREE answers is appropriate! Don't just answer the one you can do quickly. I'm just gonna ask again and again until you answer anyway.

This was me with one of my daughters with text messages. I ask one question at a time now.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, forumfish said:

Sounds like the boyfriend (now husband) of a college friend -- he pulled the most passive-aggressive crap on her all the time. He'd call and tell her he was going to come pick her up for dinner, he lived about 15-20 minutes away. Fast forward more than an hour and she'd call his house (this was BCP -- before cell phones) because she was worried he'd had an accident or something. Oh no, he'd say he decided to take a nap first.

Sadly, I used to be married to this guy.

  • Love 2

An ongoing peeve is folks who constantly interrupt me in mid-conversation!

I could be talking about anything, but one good example was last night when I was trying to explain why Microsoft Windows 10 is an extremely intrusive operating system. But I could barely get to the end of sentence when a colleague chipped in with a "..... I had that problem with Facebook. Have used it for years, and they're always updating their privacy statements. And you know, I had a similar experience with My Space. I don't know if you've heard of My Space, but it was around in the early 00s before Facebook blew it out of the water. But anyway, I used to use My Space, but I wasn't able to do much with the security settings because I was always getting trolls on my page. I hate trolls. They crop up everywhere. They do my head in. Something should be done. Let me tell you something......................"

And she waffled on for another 5 minutes taking the original topic of conversation from my Windows 10, to her <ultimately> having her dog micro chipped!

I really can't understand why people can't STFU when someone is talking! Perhaps its an attention span thing, but it really does my head in, and sometimes feel tempted to slap my interlocutor around the head when they constantly butt in and derail my topic of conversation.

Edited by Zola
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Zola said:

An ongoing peeve is folks who constantly interrupt me in mid-conversation!

I could be talking about anything, but one good example was last night when I was trying to explain why Microsoft Windows 10 is an extremely intrusive operating system. But I could barely get to the end of sentence when a colleague chipped in with a "..... I had that problem with Facebook. Have used it for years, and they're always updating their privacy statements. And you know, I had a similar experience with My Space. I don't know if you've heard of My Space, but it was around in the early 00s before Facebook blew it out of the water. But anyway, I used to use My Space, but I wasn't able to do much with the security settings because I was always getting trolls on my page. I hate trolls. They crop up everywhere. They do my head in. Something should be done. Let me tell you something......................"

And she waffled on for another 5 minutes taking the original topic of conversation from my Windows 10, to her <ultimately> having her dog micro chipped!

I really can't understand why people can't STFU when someone is talking! Perhaps its an attention span thing, but it really does my head in, and sometimes feel tempted to slap my interlocutor around the head when they constantly butt in and derail my topic of conversation.

I've just started saying, "I'm not done yet." And because I have a tendency to interrupt also, I'm trying to be more careful myself. In my extended family (growing up), you had to jump in when someone paused or you weren't going to get to say anything.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I come from a punctual family. 

Yesterday I’m less than a mile away from picking up my daughter at camp which ends at 2:00 for her. 2:01 I get a text “Where are you?”

I told her Pop Pop and Uncle David would be very proud of her. 

Me, on the other hand...  

Really? One minute of slack is all I get?

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Yesterday I’m less than a mile away from picking up my daughter at camp which ends at 2:00 for her. 2:01 I get a text “Where are you?”

I told her Pop Pop and Uncle David would be very proud of her. 

Me, on the other hand...  

Really? One minute of slack is all I get?

If I am to meet my brother or a meal is being served, if you are more than 10 minutes late (with a good excuse) you might as well not show up. Besides the shaming, you will not be asked to dine with the family. Harsh...yes, but it has taught us all to be punctual (except his daughter but I think that’s her rebellion). Sadly my parents are no longer with us. They would cut a wee bit more slack. 

  • Love 2

Oh, look, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is coming earlier than ever this year.  Which means other companies will have to follow suit by having their pumpkin spice crap out sooner as well.  I'm hoping someone can top the pumpkin spice gouda cheese I found at the grocery store last year.  Or the pumpkin spice cough drops that CVS has.

It was cute when it was limited to coffee and beer.  Now the world has just gone mad.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, Blergh said:

OK, here's a new phone Pet Peeve:  Folks trying to pester for donations/causes who, when one attempts to call back, somehow that number has been 'disconnected' even in the span of mere minutes from the time they'd  attempted to call while one was in the bathroom,etc.  How does THAT work?

They are “borrowed” numbers from the internet and currently not in legal use. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Blergh said:

So how can said numbers be used? Wouldn't disconnecting them render them unusable by the phone company/ies?

I just know that people can go onto the Internet and find numbers that are currently not in use and make it look as though their call originated from that number. I have no idea how they do it exactly but I was told this by a reputable source. It makes it hard for the authorities to trace prank calls, scammers and other illegal communications. 

  • Love 1
Just now, Mindthinkr said:

I just know that people can go onto the Internet and find numbers that are currently not in use and make it look as though their call originated from that number. I have no idea how they do it exactly but I was told this by a reputable source. It makes it hard for the authorities to trace prank calls, scammers and other illegal communications. 

That's INFURIATING! I was hoping that somehow everything being online would put an END to all three rotten entities you mentioned but I guess not. Bummer.

27 minutes ago, Blergh said:

So how can said numbers be used? Wouldn't disconnecting them render them unusable by the phone company/ies?

You can spoof what number is shown on the receiver's end, hiding the actual number you are calling from.  I assume you need some software to do that, but I don't think it is too difficult to do.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Zola said:

I really can't understand why people can't STFU when someone is talking! Perhaps its an attention span thing, but it really does my head in, and sometimes feel tempted to slap my interlocutor around the head when they constantly butt in and derail my topic of conversation.

I have a friend like that, but on the phone only. She will let me get two sentences in before carries on for 20 minutes, I get another few words in, the she goes on for 20 more. She is a good friend but I don't think she realizes how she dominates phone conversation.


4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

If I am to meet my brother or a meal is being served, if you are more than 10 minutes late (with a good excuse) you might as well not show up.

That would never work in my family. My stepdad and I both have a bad habit of procrastinating on when to leave the house, so we are constantly 15 minutes late.


1 hour ago, starri said:

Oh, look, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is coming earlier than ever this year

I worked at Starbucks from 2002-2005 and PSL was my favorite latte way before it became trendy. The gentrification of the Pumpkin Spice flavoring  bugs. The decline in quality of the PSL increases the more popular it becomes. And the pumpkin spice flavored everything is disgusting. Nothing will replicate the taste of the early 2000s era Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  • Love 6
16 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

Ugh, yes! And to piggy back on that peeve, when I ask three questions in the email - THREE answers is appropriate! Don't just answer the one you can do quickly. I'm just gonna ask again and again until you answer anyway.

If I know one answer off the top of my head but need to research the other two, I will send an answer on the first one and let you know I'm checking into the other two.  No reason you have to wait on the first answer.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Katy M said:

If I know one answer off the top of my head but need to research the other two, I will send an answer on the first one and let you know I'm checking into the other two.  No reason you have to wait on the first answer.

Yeah, that would be cool too - but to just not acknowledge the other questions makes me go all Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction "I won't be ignorrrrred  Dan!"

  • Love 1

I don't know if this is a peeve, because it's really specific to today but listen to this: our cat likes to jump into the dryer--he did it last night as my BF was taking out his clean clothes. So he took a picture and put it on FB. Now we have two crazy concerned friends, who know me and my overprotectiveness of my babies, freaking out about it; one even said something about being harmed by steam (she also sprays her own cats with water if they go where she doesn't want them to--which...wet house and cat who is now afraid of you)!

First of all, the dryer has to be on to create steam--and have wet clothes in it and have the door closed, which it clearly did not (or you wouldn't see the cat in the damn photo!). Further, our washer and dryer are inside of a closet with folding doors bolstered by doorstops (because cats are dexterous and I am, again, a paranoid protective mom). Furthermore, we leave the dryer closed when we're not standing right there with it, and no amount of cat dexterity could open it even if the closet doors were ajar! FURTHER STILL, I think two people who love their cats very much and also have eyes would notice if our big fluff entered it as we put in/took out our stuff!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 6

Here's a pet peeve - male celebrities being interviewed on TV who sit with one leg crossed over (incidentally showing off their balls), holding onto their shoes by the sole.  Do they not think about what sh*t they've walked through?

(Tried to link an example, but I'm still too inept.)

Edited by Brookside
  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, Brookside said:

Here's a pet peeve - male celebrities being interviewed on TV who sit with one leg crossed over (incidentally showing off their balls), holding onto their shoes by the sole.  Do they not think about what sh*t they've walked through?

(Tried to link an example, but I'm still too inept.)

After numerous reminders not to do this with bare feet, I showed my grandson pictures of foot and mouth disease. That  ended that!

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Brookside said:

Here's a pet peeve - male celebrities being interviewed on TV who sit with one leg crossed over (incidentally showing off their balls), holding onto their shoes by the sole.  Do they not think about what sh*t they've walked through?

(Tried to link an example, but I'm still too inept.)

I'm confused. Are they wearing shorts?

  • Love 3

I had an Amazon package to be delivered today. The order contained three items that I ordered at the same time/in the same order. Only 2/3 of the order arrived today (in one small box), but not when the Amazon driver came early in the day. Apparently USPS delivered it. The status of the rest of the order was still saying that it would be delivered by the end of the day. Then, just a few minutes ago, I got an email saying,


We won't be able to deliver your package because it's been damaged. 

The package is now being returned. We're very sorry for the inconvenience. 

A full refund will be processed within the next 24 hours and should appear on your bank account within 3-5 business days.* We'll notify you when your refund has been processed. If you don't receive a notification, please contact us.

Um...so...what about the item I need? (It's supplements in a glass jar, so I assume it broke.)

Why did the Amazon driver not deliver it at noon when he was in my parking lot? Was it broken then? Why didn't the status get updated then?

I'm so confused.

Thankfully, I have enough of the supplements to last a few days, because I'm hesitant to reorder until I see the refund on my card. One other time, I received a bottle of supplements and the bottle was broken inside the bubble mailer.

Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 1

I was watching a movie a bit ago and heard a deep "BOOM!", a second after which the power went out. I heard my neighbors on all sides stirring, so I knew it was the whole building. I looked out, and saw that the street lights and tennis court lights are out, too. It's hard to see from my window, but it looks like the buildings across the street adjacent to my building are dark, too.

I called the power company to report it because I'm the old lady who reports these things, and estimated time back up is 1:45am. I assume a transformer blew from the sound of it.

Of course, I got groceries today. :|

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, Zola said:

I really can't understand why people can't STFU when someone is talking!

The worst version of this ( this happened ALL THE TIME at the library, from which I am recently and BLESSEDLY retired) is the person who asks a question, pauses for you to answer, and then starts talking as soon as you start talking.  Then, of course, confused, you pause, and they pause.  You wait for them to finish whatever it is they were interrupting you to say.  There is total silence.  So, you start talking again, and IMMEDIATELY they start talking at the same time.  Repeat ad infinitum.  I eventually got to the point where when I realized I had One of These on the phone I would put them on hold for a while,  then pick up and  continue, then if they did it again, I'd put them on hold again and just wait for them to hang up.  I know that's mean, but on the phone there's no way to end it.  In person it always involved a lot of waving or even clapping of hands to get the person to stop, and they were always annoyed and upset and didn't understand what the problem was.  It must just be the communication style they grew up with in their family.  I cannot even imagine how people like this negotiate their way through everyday life.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
  • Love 5
On 7/27/2018 at 12:54 AM, forumfish said:

Re: deviled eggs -- send them my way, but not if you put caviar on 'em. A coworker mistakenly put chili powder on a batch instead of paprika, and they were surprisingly good.

That was the point of the chapter in Ramona Quimby, Age 8 called "The Extra-Good Sunday." Ramona and Beezus got in trouble for making a big fuss over tongue, so they were punished by having to make dinner the next day. I'm not going to go into specifics, but suffice it to say that chicken was the dinner they made, and they made it the same way as you described w/the deviled eggs, and their parents thought it was good too (all that is just how I recall it; I may be incorrect). 

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, AgentRXS said:


I worked at Starbucks from 2002-2005 and PSL was my favorite latte way before it became trendy. The gentrification of the Pumpkin Spice flavoring  bugs. The decline in quality of the PSL increases the more popular it becomes. And the pumpkin spice flavored everything is disgusting. Nothing will replicate the taste of the early 2000s era Pumpkin Spice Latte.

I miss late 20th century-early 21st century Starbucks.  There was a time when I got a Mango Citrus Teazi (spelling?) on a very regular basis.

My pet peeve:  People who criticize others who don't do things "their way" or "the way it's supposed to be done in XYZ culture." (did I already post this?)  

  • Love 2

The power came back on sometime around 11:45. I was asleep but woke up briefly when I heard everything power back on. I went right back to sleep. I have a very hard time sleeping--and I woke up several times--so getting to sleep before 11 was glorious.

Because I reported the power outage, I had a text from Duke Power last night with the outage update. "Caused by trees." That makes me laugh. The trees are conspiring against us.

  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, Frisson said:

New peeve: A female  who has to have approval from men. My supervisor routinely asked for my advice/feedback, and then has to get corroboration or feedback from one of my male coworkers before she’ll act. Why not just promote him to my spot if you need a man to tell you how it is?

Maybe she just wants feedback from both of you to make sure that she's not going to be causing a problem. I obviously have no idea what types of decisions you're talking about, but my boss used to ask both me and my female co-worker for our opinions (and then do whatever he was going to do anyway, I think).

  • Love 4

Oh, I have a sort of related one: girls who say, "I only have guy friends because girls cause too much drama." Ugh, ugh, UGH! Beside the obvious peeviness of that statement, it's also always said as if it's some kind precious, unique thing. It's not, and either the person saying so is picking the wrong women to be friends with or she is the reason for said so-called drama!

  • Love 15
12 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, I have a sort of related one: girls who say, "I only have guy friends because girls cause too much drama." Ugh, ugh, UGH! Beside the obvious peeviness of that statement, it's also always said as if it's some kind precious, unique thing. It's not, and either the person saying so is picking the wrong women to be friends with or she is the reason for said so-called drama!

The biggest "drama queen" I know is actually a guy.  

  • Love 7
16 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, I have a sort of related one: girls who say, "I only have guy friends because girls cause too much drama." Ugh, ugh, UGH! Beside the obvious peeviness of that statement, it's also always said as if it's some kind precious, unique thing. It's not, and either the person saying so is picking the wrong women to be friends with or she is the reason for said so-called drama!

 Keep in mind that there's lots of folks who pick who they pick to be friends with, date, jobs etc. JUST to hear themselves complain about the resulting scenarios  because THAT is what they value the most in life! The acid test is whether they've deliberately taken steps and expended more energy to get themselves in these spots than it would take to get out of them or avoid taking said steps in the first place. 

  • Love 5

People who use their cell phone at televised events to film themselves or the act  -- concerts, sports, etc.  It's distracting and intrusive to the people around you; the quality is going to be terrible; you'll be able to find a recorded version after the fact; you paid a bunch of money to see a live event so why not appreciate it?

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, I have a sort of related one: girls who say, "I only have guy friends because girls cause too much drama." Ugh, ugh, UGH! Beside the obvious peeviness of that statement, it's also always said as if it's some kind precious, unique thing. It's not, and either the person saying so is picking the wrong women to be friends with or she is the reason for said so-called drama!

I always suspect it's really because no women (or girls, depending on the age) will be friends with them.

  • Love 4

Or some weird idea that girls who are "one of the guys" are somehow more desirable than "girly girls." It's a trope I've seen in TV shows and movies too (and heard in Taylor Swift songs, haha!)--like, wow, she drinks whiskey and burps and likes football so she must be a better person--or, excuse me, better girlfriend material--than a chick who doesn't do those those things. My sister likes to say that she's "like a guy" because she curses and jokes about sex or whatever. But no, she's like a girl who does those particular things like many other girls who also do those things. No one is all one or all the other, man!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 9
9 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Because I reported the power outage, I had a text from Duke Power last night with the outage update. "Caused by trees." That makes me laugh. The trees are conspiring against us.

I like to think it's the trees exacting revenge for their fallen brethren that are getting mowed down daily due to overdevelopment.

4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, I have a sort of related one: girls who say, "I only have guy friends because girls cause too much drama." Ugh, ugh, UGH! Beside the obvious peeviness of that statement, it's also always said as if it's some kind precious, unique thing. It's not, and either the person saying so is picking the wrong women to be friends with or she is the reason for said so-called drama!

Some of the biggest drama queens and gossips I know are men,so I don't get that at all.

I'm not what you would call a girly-girl and the only time I would ever bring that up is on a first date. If a man is looking for a woman who likes makeup, doing their hair, dressing to the nines, then I'm not the one for them. But I don't think I'm "cooler" because my fashion style is more in tune with Darlene Conner than, say, Kim Kardashian. Everybody should do what makes them happy.

ETA: A peeve related to that is when people say I need to dress up/change my look etc in order to find a date. Why? I mean, yeah,if I'm going out for the night or something sure. But I'm not going to change my everyday look just to get a man because invariably I will revert back to my own style anyway.  I'd rather someone meet me and like me for me.

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 14

I’m probably a little of both, plus a lot more, haha! Really, my two modes of dressing are super-short/super-long dresses/skirts (I just do NOT like knee-length at all) OR beat-up jeans and band T-shirts, but as easy as those things are, I can get pretty diva-ish about how I like them to look. I like makeup and looking pretty, but can’t be bothered to learn how to go all out with it (just mascara pretty much). I burp all the time (I don’t know what my problem is, haha!) but I don’t like any brown liquor too much. I eat a lot of vegetables but not because of wanting to be thin. BUT MOST OF ALL, I have male friends and female ones—many of them the same ones since junior high and earlier—and it’s rare that I meet new women (girlfriends of male friends, friend of friends, whatever) that I dislike. I rarely encounter this so-called drama people speak of and if I did, I don’t think I’d blame it on a whole gender (of which I am part, no less!). Liking or not liking so-called feminine things is not a personality indicator, damn it! 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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