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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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9 hours ago, topanga said:

Funny. Speaking of pets, why are people so stupid when it comes to other people's nervous pets? My dog isn't exactly nervous,  but he's a territorial little Boston terrier mutt who barks and jumps at strangers. Inevitably, we'll be walking down the street, and when he starts tugging at his leash and barking at a person across the street, the person will go, "Look it him! He's so riled up. Hey, dog! Hey, dog!" which gets topangadog even more excited. Really? Why would you do that? I usually give the person a quick, dirty look then hurry us down the block. But I want to let my dog off his leash and let him chase the ignoramous. 

I feel like Shirley MacLaine's character in 'Steel Magnolias' when it came to her dog: "Drummond, stop egging him on!!"

I don't want to get into a debate about dog training (and if I did, I'd go to the pet thread, probably), but owners can be ignoramuses too.  I go to their house and ring the bell and the dog goes bananas, and the owner commands, "Dog!  Quiet!"  Dog continues because he's getting a nice reaction from his owner.  Owner says:  "Dog, you know you're not supposed to bark when Stat comes over"  Dog continues barking (and is probably jumping on me).  "Dog!  Stop it!"  Barking continues.  "I said stop barking!  STOP BARKING!!!

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41 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I don't want to get into a debate about dog training (and if I did, I'd go to the pet thread, probably), but owners can be ignoramuses too.  I go to their house and ring the bell and the dog goes bananas, and the owner commands, "Dog!  Quiet!"  Dog continues because he's getting a nice reaction from his owner.  Owner says:  "Dog, you know you're not supposed to bark when Stat comes over"  Dog continues barking (and is probably jumping on me).  "Dog!  Stop it!"  Barking continues.  "I said stop barking!  STOP BARKING!!!

True. Or the dog owners who let their dogs jump all over you and say, "Oh, he won't hurt you. He likes you." That's one of my pet peeves, too. 

  • Love 1

My dad is an asshole dog owner. He has vocal, annoying, ankle biters. I can't tell you how many times growing up, and even recently as I was visiting, my dad will have a service person in the house, and not put the dogs in a room. Here's this poor guy checking on the furnace, and he's got 4 barking dogs surrounding and jumping on him. I'm like, lock them in the room! Not everyone likes dogs! And even the biggest dog lover, doesn't want unknown annoying yappers in his face while they are trying to do their job. It's completely lost on him, and I don't get it. It's embarrassing and baffles me how he can be so clueless and downright rude when it comes to that issue. And yes, I have told him over and over again. On the other side of the dog issue, I was walking out of my front door, down my stairs and into my yard. There was a man standing there with his dog in the middle of my yard, waiting for him to take a shit. I didn't see if he even had a bag or not. So, I walk up and bend down and put my hand out palm down to let him smell my hand and said hello. This guy yanks his dog pretty hard back, and says "don't touch my dog!! he has a nervous condition!!!" Well, asshole. Keep your fucking dog out of my yard! A smug little prick if their ever was one. I know, I should always ask if I should touch someone's dog, and honestly, I'm still trying to get used to that, being around dogs, my entire life. But, I have no problem asking first, and probably should have in this case. But, he was literally, on my property, said nothing to me as I walked toward him. So, I don't feel bad. The entitlement of people blows me away. My hatred for this smug little diva is probably a little stronger than it should be.. But, damn if that didn't infuriate me. Haha! Maybe he was one of the servicemen that came to my Dad's house or something coming for some payback. 

  • Love 6

When I was a kid, I remember being impressed seeing a Model T Ford on the road with an official State 'Antique Auto' license plate.

 Guess what happened today? I saw a car I recall my   parents driving  with that very same official State 'Antique Auto' license plate! Talk about knowing one's gettin' old. LOL

  • Love 5

Recently I ordered 2 night stands from a big on-line retailer. Yesterday I receieved one in the morning, then later in the day I received 2 more. I called to let them know about the mistake, and now I have to manover a giant, awkward, 50 lb box into my car and find a UPS store to return it. I shouldn't have called (I checked; they only charged me for 2). It feels weirdly like I'm being punished for being honest.

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

Recently I ordered 2 night stands from a big on-line retailer. Yesterday I receieved one in the morning, then later in the day I received 2 more. I called to let them know about the mistake, and now I have to manover a giant, awkward, 50 lb box into my car and find a UPS store to return it. I shouldn't have called (I checked; they only charged me for 2). It feels weirdly like I'm being punished for being honest.

If the customer service guys at the online retailer were anywhere decent they would have done all the legwork and picked up the stand on your behalf, rather you having to find the time and expense to do it for them.

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

Recently I ordered 2 night stands from a big on-line retailer. Yesterday I receieved one in the morning, then later in the day I received 2 more. I called to let them know about the mistake, and now I have to manover a giant, awkward, 50 lb box into my car and find a UPS store to return it. I shouldn't have called (I checked; they only charged me for 2). It feels weirdly like I'm being punished for being honest.

If the store has social media accounts post on those. I just keep extra things if it's a place I've had issues with in the past or if they use overseas customer service reps. I tried once being honest like that with a company who uses overseas reps and the person I spoke to had no idea what I meant. 



Q. Am I obligated to return or pay for merchandise I never ordered?

A. No. If you receive merchandise that you didn’t order, you have a legal right to keep it as a free gift.

Q. Must I notify the seller if I keep unordered merchandise without paying for it?

A. Although you have no legal obligation to notify the seller, you may write the seller and offer to return the merchadise, provided the seller pays for shipping and handling.

Q. Is there any merchandise that may be sent legally without my consent?

A. Yes. You may receive samples that are clearly marked free, and merchandise from charitable organizations asking for contributions. You may keep such shipments as free gifts.

Q. Is there any way to protect myself from shippers of unordered merchandise?

A. When you participate in sweepstakes or order goods advertised as "free," "trial," or "unusually low priced," be cautious. Read all the fine print to determine if you are joining a "club," with regular purchasing or notification obligations.Keep a copy of the advertisement or catalog that led you to place the order, too. This may make it easier to contact the company if a problem arises.

Q. Where can I go for help in dealing with unordered merchandise problems?

A. Always start by trying to resolve your dispute with the company. If this doesn’t work, contact your state or local consumer protection office, local U.S. Postal Inspector, or the Better Business Bureau in your area for help. The Direct Marketing Association also may be able to help you.



5 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Recently I ordered 2 night stands from a big on-line retailer. Yesterday I receieved one in the morning, then later in the day I received 2 more. I called to let them know about the mistake, and now I have to manover a giant, awkward, 50 lb box into my car and find a UPS store to return it. I shouldn't have called (I checked; they only charged me for 2). It feels weirdly like I'm being punished for being honest.

If you believe in karma then you should know that you did the right thing (and shame on them for not making the UPS guy come back and pick it up at your door). 

  • Love 2

I'd call them back and tell them if they want their stuff back to arrange for someone to come pick it up. @MargeGunderson shouldn't have to deal with lugging a 50 pound package around when they already have the money she paid for the other two tables. I'm sure that's one of the reasons she had the two she purchased delivered.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Recently I ordered 2 night stands from a big on-line retailer. Yesterday I receieved one in the morning, then later in the day I received 2 more. I called to let them know about the mistake, and now I have to manover a giant, awkward, 50 lb box into my car and find a UPS store to return it. I shouldn't have called (I checked; they only charged me for 2). It feels weirdly like I'm being punished for being honest.

Oh, hell no. It's their mistake, and it should be on them entirely to get UPS or another carrier to come pick the extra item up from your house. It's not your responsibility to lug a 50 lb box around because they shipped you an extra item.  It would be different if you had ordered the 3rd one and then decided you didn't want it, but that's not what happened here. They fucked up, and this needs to be entirely their problem to deal with, not yours. 

Edited by BookWoman56
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, MargeGunderson said:

Thanks, everyone! I'm going to contact the customer service dept. again and try to make them deal with it. I do wonder if the person I was talking to actually understood the problem, that it was not a return of something I didn't want. I feel like they may have been confused by it. 

Threaten them with some social media criticism if they don't help out. It's in their interests after all.

Good luck :)

On 9/4/2017 at 10:15 PM, theredhead77 said:

Serious pet peeve: people who blindly like and share things on social media with no regard to accuracy.

Are you FB friends with my mother? Because she is the queen of sharing inaccurate information.

My pet peeve: At work, when I am on my work phone having a work conversation and someone comes to my desk (I'm an admin, so I don't have an office) and they stand there listening to my conversation. I will put my call on hold and ask what they need and they reply "Oh, I'll wait." No you won't because I don't want you listening to my conversation. The worst is when the offender then tells me what they need and its something so simple that an email would have sufficed but instead they come to my desk as if they are looking for an executive order. Gah!

  • Love 8
16 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:

Are you FB friends with my mother? Because she is the queen of sharing inaccurate information.

My pet peeve: At work, when I am on my work phone having a work conversation and someone comes to my desk (I'm an admin, so I don't have an office) and they stand there listening to my conversation. I will put my call on hold and ask what they need and they reply "Oh, I'll wait." No you won't because I don't want you listening to my conversation. The worst is when the offender then tells me what they need and its something so simple that an email would have sufficed but instead they come to my desk as if they are looking for an executive order. Gah!

I have that too. Moreover, I become quite anxious when I have someone hanging over my shoulder while I am trying to have a conversation over the phone: I feel as if I must end the call asap in order to find out what this person on my shoulder wants. And like you when all they want is something really straightforward I get very annoyed and have the urge to ball them out for wasting my time.

Edited by Zola
  • Love 4

The patent predictability from some people when I show them photos of me holding/stroking a kitten/cat.  

Or to be more succinct - pussy jokes!

Perhaps its my own fault: perhaps as I get older I am becoming more divorced from the puerile humour I once immersed myself with in gay abandon during my uni years.  Perhaps I should just give a fake smile a shrug in order to appease.



  • Love 3

I know everyone has different tastes in style and decor, but I hate it when someone does something to a house that--in my opinion--ruins it.  There is a house around the corner from me that I pass by at least twice a day.  It's a small dark red brick house that is always so neat and tidy.  The paint on the trim is good (I notice things like that because my house needs painting badly!), the yard is always mowed, edges trimmed, trees neat.  They always put out season-appropriate porch decorations (pumpkins for fall, neat Christmas lights for that season, etc.).  A really nice house.  Then they 'ruined' it (ha ha).  When I drove by this morning I noticed that they had painted the entire house (a house of beautiful dark red brick) a horrible tan color.  It is the tannest tan you've ever seen.  I guess they hated the red brick, but I thought it was pretty.  There's also another house about a block or so away that was a nice house (Spanish stucco-type.  Not my favorite, but I appreciated the nice look of the house, the nice yard and landscaping).  Well, even though they don't seem to have more than the usual two vehicles or so, they have almost totally covered the front yard with concrete driveways and parking areas.  It looks more like a commercial building than a house now.  Oh, well, different tastes. 

  • Love 7

Did I complain this year already about people who don't RSVP and make you track them down to find out whether or not they are coming? If I didn't, I am now. If it weren't for my son's birthday party, I would have just written the people off. It's also worse that it's his friends because he's 6 (well, almost) and can't tell me his friends' parents' names or contact information.

And then, one boy's parents brought him an hour and 15 minutes late. The kids had already played at the splash pad and were having cake when he got there. It was only a two-hour party, so an hour and 15 minutes late is considerable. And they had my cell phone number because I putit on the invitation, although since they did not RSVP and I had to catch the mom at school one day, perhaps they don't read details.

  • Love 6

Yes, two had older sisters. One of those was the really late boy. We always have plenty of cake, and I have learned to make extra goody bags because the uninvited siblings always expect one, even when they are older.

That is a good idea with the location, although I have never had one show up unexpectedly.

  • Love 3

Here's a peeve: being told, "You are SO thin-skinned" by a person who keeps doing the same thing that you have already told him is annoying (because it's never him). Also, people making COMPLETELY OBVIOUS suggestions to you about how to handle something, as if you couldn't think of said suggestion yourself--and as if they have all the behind-the-scenes details!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Here's a peeve: being told, "You are SO thin-skinned" by a person who keeps doing the same thing that you have already told him is annoying (because it's never him). Also, people making COMPLETELY OBVIOUS suggestions to you about how to handle something, as if you couldn't think of said suggestion yourself--and as if they have all the behind-the-scenes details!

Based on my experience, "You're too 'thin-skinned/sensitive/complain too much (about oppressive things)'" is misogynistic and usually classist. 

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Same. I'm hoping this is not the case here, as it was my damn boyfriend! Ugh, he's under the weather so I'll (generously!) blame that, I suppose. But, UGH--come on, man! (Also, "oppressive" might be to strong in this case. "Dumb" will suffice, haha!)

I wish women would stop making excuses for men.  Not you in particular, TT;  just an observation in general, and a reminder of my own past.

  • Love 10
48 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Most recent peeve?  That HOUZZ commercial.  Are they seriously trying to be more pretentious and obnoxious than Gwyneth Paltro?

That commercial is driving me crazy too. Of course it's easy for the rich people promoting that site to use it since they don't really have to worry about the prices of the stuff they're purchasing through it. It's on so many channels so many times a day too. I was going to post about it in the commercial thread too. 

Gwyneth's Goop site/company is in some kind of trouble. Can't remember specifics right now though.

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Oh, I know. I said that only because he, while oblivious to a great many of the "subtler" gender issues, is fairly attuned to the more obvious. However, he does have the tendency to go the "you are taking what I said all wrong" route when he's testy and/or knows he has just spouted complete nonsense (I don't know if it's better or worse that he knows it's nonsense).

Edited by TattleTeeny
10 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Anyone who has ever told me to smile is on my kill list.

Most recent peeve?  That HOUZZ commercial.  Are they seriously trying to be more pretentious and obnoxious than Gwyneth Paltro?

I do not think I have seen this Houzz commercial. Dare I ask how bad it is?  

Disclaimer: I have used the Houzz website for ideas (and then looked for something similar but cheaper), but had no idea there were commercials too.  Off to look for ads. 


I know it almost never helps the situation, but when someone tells me I took something they said all wrong, I ask if they've considered that maybe they said it all wrong. 

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1 hour ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Re: Being told to "smile"

If you encounter someone who does that to you, remind them that their behavior is on par with a certain fictional character whose specialty is forcing people to smile against their will...


Almost as creepy as killer clown pics.  I may have to hunt you down, too, if I ever peel this fat old ass off my recliner.  ;-)

  • Love 4

Very small peeve - but I do get a tad irritated trying to find the "sell by" or "best before" date-stamps on some food/drink items; more irritating are those foodstuffs that come in bottles or jars: you see the words "Best before...." but then it goes onto say "see cap" or "see base" or "see side of label" So then you spend another few seconds flicking the said jar sideways, upside down and any-which-way in the vein hope of finding the friggin' date!

And when you do find the damned thing, it's barely legible due to a poor inking process or general wear-and-tear.

Annoying, but not quite the end of the world, I guess.

Edited by Zola
  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, Zola said:

Very small peeve - but I do get a tad irritated trying to find the "sell by" or "best before" date-stamps on some food/drink items; more irritating are those foodstuffs that come in bottles or jars: you see the words "Best before...." but then it goes onto say "see cap" or "see base" or "see side of label" So then you spend another few seconds flicking the said jar sideways, upside down and any-which-way in the vein hope of finding the friggin' date!

And when you do find the damned thing, it's barely legible due to a poor inking process or general wear-and-tear.

Annoying, but not quite the end of the world, I guess.

I have not encountered that problem, but I must admit, the only reason I can afford to be a carnivore is the 50% off meat I purchase on the expiration date.

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16 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Here's a peeve: being told, "You are SO thin-skinned" by a person who keeps doing the same thing that you have already told him is annoying (because it's never him). Also, people making COMPLETELY OBVIOUS suggestions to you about how to handle something, as if you couldn't think of said suggestion yourself--and as if they have all the behind-the-scenes details!

Ah yes, Schrodinger's douche meets the mansplainer. I hope he gets over it soon.

  • Love 7


Ah yes, Schrodinger's douche meets the mansplainer. I hope he gets over it soon.




Haha, the damn mansplainer was a chick (someone I know a little but not a close friend)! I said something about my humidity hair--a lifelong issue--and immediately she leapt onto the "you need to use a [insert whatever (completely obvious!) product brings you joy and/or know-it-allness, haha!). I mean, come on now--do you think I don't know about that thing?! And don't tell me what I "need" when you don't know what I've already done or even what products I can't/won't use!

As for him, he knows he was douchey, I can tell! To his credit, he becomes a bit sheepish and doting when the inner douche pops out (ew!).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Cool, I just noticed this thread.

I quit smoking a few years ago and went from my 105 lbs to 120 +. I may or may not ever lose it. I accept this in the spirit of 'no good deed goes unpunished'. I have a sister-in-law (who has always weighed more than I do) who I rarely see in person but talk to on the phone occasionally. During a phone conversation she made a point of telling me that I gained noticeable weight when she last saw me, as if I didn't know. Fine. The thing that gets me though, is that she prefaced this comment with "I didn't say anything before because I didn't want to hurt your feelings." Sooo..... you didn't want to hurt my feelings then but you are fine with doing it now? And this was a totally mundane, friendly, non-confrontational conversation. Just out of the blue.

  • Love 8

So this week's Entertainment Weekly is a double issue again so obviously they're trying to transition to fewer issues a year. How clever of them to place the cover photo so that it obscures the "weekly" part of the logo.

Good grief, you mean there aren't enough movies, TV shows, books, plays, video games, etc. to fill one issue every seven days? But you have plenty of material for your website and podcasts. Grrr.

  • Love 1
On 9/13/2017 at 10:50 AM, Zola said:

The patent predictability from some people when I show them photos of me holding/stroking a kitten/cat.  

Or to be more succinct - pussy jokes!

Perhaps its my own fault: perhaps as I get older I am becoming more divorced from the puerile humour I once immersed myself with in gay abandon during my uni years.  Perhaps I should just give a fake smile a shrug in order to appease.



Years ago I decided I'd had it with men telling certain jokes that always made fun of either female anatomy or female intelligence.  I started speaking up and saying, "Hey - I don't want to hear these jokes".  And I'd say it whenever "those jokes" would start up (I'd say it in a semi-fun, little bit of drama way, raising my hands).  Fortunately I changed jobs a few years after that and didn't have to endure that stuff any more.  @Zola--it's never your fault!

  • Love 4

Allow me to rant about jury duty summons for a minute.  My 73 year old mother with kidney failure, limited mobility, and dementia just got a jury duty notice.  This is not her first jury duty summons, and every time, she needs to provide yet another doctor's note providing documentation that she is permanently disabled, and thus not fit for jury duty.  I am also disabled permanently, and was excused as a result, only to get another summons in the mail 2 weeks later.  Why do they not have a file of people who are permanently disabled to pull out of the jury duty pool? It's asinine.  

  • Love 10
16 minutes ago, BooksRule said:

I hate to admit it, but that tan-painted brick house that I was complaining about the other day has begun to grow on me.  It doesn't look too bad to me now.  But, don't get me started on the house a few blocks away that now has a double-wide driveway that has been painted fuchsia!  

Maybe that will grow on you, too.

10 hours ago, Qoass said:

So this week's Entertainment Weekly is a double issue again so obviously they're trying to transition to fewer issues a year. How clever of them to place the cover photo so that it obscures the "weekly" part of the logo.

Good grief, you mean there aren't enough movies, TV shows, books, plays, video games, etc. to fill one issue every seven days? But you have plenty of material for your website and podcasts. Grrr.

Maybe something to do with less overhead?

48 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Just as commercials and songs on radio stations shouldn't be allowed to use certain traffic noises, TV commercials shouldn't be allowed to use ringing door bells in their commercials.

The phone ring tones catch me off guard. I start looking for my phone only to realize that it's not mine! 

  • Love 6
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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