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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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3 hours ago, BexKeps said:

Today's pet peeve, hiding in case menstruation issues are TMI for some...

  Reveal spoiler

My period started yesterday, after not having it for over 90 days (I'm 52 and hopefully entering menopause), and probably because of that I am having a very heavy period, having changed my pad 3 times before 10:00am this morning. Anyway, I was taught to wrap my used pads before putting them in the garbage at home and in the metal disposable bin in public bathrooms. In my work bathrooms they even provide a small plastic bag that ties for you to discreetly, and SANITARILY dispose of them. Today I go to change my pad for the 4th time  and someone has jammed a used pad into the bin, FACE UP completely exposed. WTF??? It takes 5 seconds to wrap some tissue around it or to fold it and put it in one of the bags! I don't want to see my own bloody pad, why would I want to see yours??? People are so disgusting.


I was taught the same as you.  One day I apparently missed the trashcan without realizing it however.

It was brought to my attention when my Daddy can flying out of the bathroom, refused to look in my direction and muttered "I think something of yours is on the floor" and took refuge in the backyard.

This from the man that taught me to shave my legs!  😸



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Indiscriminate use of fireworks.

I don't even care that they're illegal here; if they're not set off in a place/manner that's actually a fire danger (the reason behind the ban), have at it despite the law.  Just don't, despite covering the safety issue, do it in a way that's unreasonably disruptive to neighbors.  Fireworks don't bother me, or my cat.  But it's not about those of us who have no reaction; it's about those who have a strongly negative one.

If fireworks were just used a few hours the evening of July 4th and for a short time at midnight on December 31st, those with PTSD that is triggered by the noise, those with pets who are frightened by it, and anyone else for whom it causes real problems could plan ahead -- noise masking, thunder shirts, anti-anxiety medications, safe spaces, even leaving if possible, whatever.  With advance knowledge of a reasonable time frame, people for whom it's an issue can protect themselves/their pets, while the rest can have their traditional celebration if they want.

But, just like when people set off fireworks for an extended period before and after Independence Day, when people set them off to mark the New Year in every major time zone, instead of just the one they're living in, it's hard for the vulnerable to protect themselves because they a) can't predict when it will occur and thus b) may very well be unable to take protective measures the whole time.

And, for the love of all that is right, please secure your pets whenever it's likely fireworks will be going off despite the law and/or common courtesy.  Every time, there are people who thought their yard was escape-proof and/or their pet was unflappable who wind up posting "Help! My pet ran off!" notices.  It's obviously horrible for the animal and the owner, even when it ends in reunification, and it can also be devastating for animals awaiting adoption in the municipal shelter -- if space becomes an issue because of the influx of temporarily lost pets brought in, the adoptables who've been there longest may find their number is up.

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So it's a beautiful day here in sunny South Florida and I was really wanted to go outside and read a good book.  Well, the two houses across the street from my apartment (that just so happen to be AirBNB rentals), are each blaring music at the top volume (no bass, luckily).

Was hoping to ring in the new year peacefully instead of having to deal with inconsiderate tourists disrupting the neighborhood. I never understood why people feel like everyone should hear their music---that is what headphones are for. I also never understood why you would visit an area and act like a total asshole just because you are on vacation,but that's me. 

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Pet peeve of the day: Making a will. What a pain in the ass! It's not so much the content of the will, health directive, and power of attorney in case of incapacity, but who to foist all this on and how to wrangle up witnesses here. I know exactly one person here I could get to witness it without it being a completely bizarre request, and for at least one of the documents, I need 2 and they have to witness me sign it in front of a notary. Which I guess means at a bank because they usually have notaries. I think.

That reminds me: I also have to check with the credit union and the retirement fund thingie at work to make sure everything has beneficiaries.

All I care about is making sure someone is here to care for the cat until the friend I've left her to can get here from another state.

When I get back to work, I have to print everything up and go over all of the documents because it's easy to lose track of what I'm doing without paper.

Death is so inconvenient.

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1 minute ago, ABay said:

Pet peeve of the day: Making a will. What a pain in the ass! It's not so much the content of the will, health directive, and power of attorney in case of incapacity, but who to foist all this on and how to wrangle up witnesses here. I know exactly one person here I could get to witness it without it being a completely bizarre request, and for at least one of the documents, I need 2 and they have to witness me sign it in front of a notary. Which I guess means at a bank because they usually have notaries. I think.


Just FYI.  I went to my bank to have my health care directive notarized, and only then realized I needed two witnesses.  The notary at the bank was nice enough to ask two other bank employees to sign as witnesses.  They don't have to be people you know, so you might see if the notary at your bank or credit union can do the same for you.

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That reminds me that I need to update mine, so thank you @ABay! As @MonicaM suggested, you should be able to find a couple of witnesses at the bank. I’ve done it as well (not for my will). My former workplace (where my husband still works) had a program that did a standard will for you for $500. There were two group sessions - the first was an information session, and the second one was signing the will (in between you filled out some forms and sent them back to the attorney). At the signing session we just passed around our documents for the other participants to sign as witnesses. It was surprisingly easy and quick. I should see if that’s still available.....

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Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. I did some checking and my union used to have a deal for wills but apparently not anymore, and neither my bank nor credit union will notarize wills and the like. I tried the town hall but they won't either. Annoying!

The documents won't be ready for a few weeks anyway so I have some time to figure out how make them all official. It's a wonder everyone in this state doesn't die intestate.

Edited by ABay
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1 hour ago, ABay said:

Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. I did some checking and my union used to have a deal for wills but apparently not anymore, and neither my bank nor credit union will notarize wills and the like. I tried the town hall but they won't either. Annoying!

The documents won't be ready for a few weeks anyway so I have some time to figure out how make them all official. It's a wonder everyone in this state doesn't die intestate.

A lot of UPS stores have notary services, if there's one near you, give them a call & see if they're one of them. 

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4 hours ago, ABay said:

Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. I did some checking and my union used to have a deal for wills but apparently not anymore, and neither my bank nor credit union will notarize wills and the like. I tried the town hall but they won't either. Annoying!

The documents won't be ready for a few weeks anyway so I have some time to figure out how make them all official. It's a wonder everyone in this state doesn't die intestate.

doesn't your attorney have a notary in office?

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7 hours ago, ABay said:

Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. I did some checking and my union used to have a deal for wills but apparently not anymore, and neither my bank nor credit union will notarize wills and the like. I tried the town hall but they won't either. Annoying!

The documents won't be ready for a few weeks anyway so I have some time to figure out how make them all official. It's a wonder everyone in this state doesn't die intestate.

I'm a notary in Connecticut, so I can only speak for that state; but the notary public manual kind of discourages notaries from doing wills.  The language stops just short of calling it unauthorized practice of law, which is a big no-no. Having an attorney perform the notarization is strongly recommended. Depending on whether your location has the same type of rules and regs, notaries who are not also attorneys may be a little shy about notarizing your will.  Best of luck with your mission. 

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On 12/28/2019 at 7:19 AM, Zola said:

Posters (not necessarily on this site) who resort to personal abuse when they know they're losing an argument in a thread.

Doesn't seem to matter what topic we're talking about you'll always find a thread that started off quite well, but then descends into a fascicle slanging match between 2 or 3 posters who want to take the moral high ground by using personal abuse to win the argument, thus killing a perfectly decent thread.




Damned straight! Worse yet, if you dare post a comment either on Facebook or Instagram that another poster/s doesn’t agree with, so therefore they start to attack your profile/profile photo. It’s creepy and weird, and what other people on a public page may or may not look like to you shouldn’t affect overall opinions like that. 

And I feel you guys on the messy people thing. Slobs make me so queasy.

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People telling me I must have kids all the time. Maybe I will someday, maybe I won’t. I also hate it when they say all parents deserve to become grandparents. You don’t know my childhood so don’t dare tell me I must do it for my parents. 

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1 minute ago, RealHousewife said:

I also hate it when they say all parents deserve to become grandparents. You don’t know my childhood so don’t dare tell me I must do it for my parents. 

Wooooooow. Yeah, that'd bug me, too-and I say that knowing my mom would be an awesome grandparent (as would my dad, were he here).. Talk about presumptuous.

To say nothing of the fact that even if it's true one's parents would make for good grandparents, maybe they're not ready for that right now? Maybe they're perfectly okay with waiting, and don't feel a weird need to pressure their kids about this topic the way complete strangers do?

It is truly bizarre how concerned some people seem to be about whether or not somebody they don't even know has kids. 

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4 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Wooooooow. Yeah, that'd bug me, too-and I say that knowing my mom would be an awesome grandparent (as would my dad, were he here).. Talk about presumptuous.

To say nothing of the fact that even if it's true one's parents would make for good grandparents, maybe they're not ready for that right now? Maybe they're perfectly okay with waiting, and don't feel a weird need to pressure their kids about this topic the way complete strangers do?

It is truly bizarre how concerned some people seem to be about whether or not somebody they don't even know has kids. 

Thank you for getting it! 🙂 

Regarding my parents, I love them both to pieces. But my childhood was not the perfection people think it was. I still have major trust issues with them, and when people say oh you can still work and have your mom care for your child, I don’t know how to respond without bashing my mom. 

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My parents would be wonderful grandparents, but I'm not depriving them of something they're owed by not having children.  That's ridiculous.  But, as those of us who are not parents can attest, there is no end to the ridiculous nature of things said to and about us.  I think my "favorite" is being grilled as to why.  Nobody hears a woman mention her kids and pounces on her with, "Why did you have children?"  Child-free men aren't asked "why not?" with the same frequency as their female counterparts, and when they are questioned about it the tone is almost always different than what's directed at women.

Yes, the majority of women have children.  That does not mean motherhood is the default, deviation from which is some bizarre thing that must be explained.

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3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

People telling me I must have kids all the time. Maybe I will someday, maybe I won’t. I also hate it when they say all parents deserve to become grandparents. You don’t know my childhood so don’t dare tell me I must do it for my parents. 

My response used to be "well shit, now that you pointed out I forgot to have kids I better add it to my to-do list"

Now that I'm in my 40s it's something like "you think I made it to 42 without getting pregnant by accident? This was due to science and a little bit of luck!"

My peeve is red bell peppers in so many frozen meals and soup. I get they add a pop of color but cooked bell peppers of any sort are disgusting and I'm tired of pulling them out.

Edited by theredhead77
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On 1/3/2020 at 2:57 PM, theredhead77 said:

My peeve is red bell peppers in so many frozen meals and soup. I get they add a pop of color but cooked bell peppers of any sort are disgusting and I'm tired of pulling them out.

I can relate.  When I was quite fond of frozen meals for the first few years I lived on my own, my peeve was how many contained peas.  I like snow peas, but not regular peas (even fresh, and certainly not the ones found in frozen meals).  Thankfully, a friend moved in with me for a couple of those years, and one of her cats loved peas, so I could set them aside as I ate and then put the plate o' peas down for him when I was done.  So, no waste at least, but those suckers seemed ubiquitous.

On 1/3/2020 at 9:25 PM, AgentRXS said:

I hate red and green bell peppers, but love yellow and orange. I hate that red peppers dominate any bag of peppers I attempt to buy. So annoying.

I've never bought a bag, just individual peppers, but it annoys me when I want to make sausage and peppers and cannot find one pepper each in red, green, yellow, and orange in basically the same size.  It's easy to use the excess of whatever color(s) in something else, of course, and I know it's utterly ridiculous to have a peeve with nature being asymmetrical when my usual fit is how factory farms (whose products I mostly avoid) grow for uniformity rather than taste, but sometimes all that's available from local farms of one or two colors is really off from the rest, and it aggravates me for a moment.

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On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2020 at 5:57 PM, theredhead77 said:

My response used to be "well shit, now that you pointed out I forgot to have kids I better add it to my to-do list"

Now that I'm in my 40s it's something like "you think I made it to 42 without getting pregnant by accident? This was due to science and a little bit of luck!"

My peeve is red bell peppers in so many frozen meals and soup. I get they add a pop of color but cooked bell peppers of any sort are disgusting and I'm tired of pulling them out.

Its corn for me.  I hate corn in my soup.  Won't eat it. 

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On 1/2/2020 at 12:56 PM, ABay said:

Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. I did some checking and my union used to have a deal for wills but apparently not anymore, and neither my bank nor credit union will notarize wills and the like. I tried the town hall but they won't either. Annoying!

The documents won't be ready for a few weeks anyway so I have some time to figure out how make them all official. It's a wonder everyone in this state doesn't die intestate.

When we made our wills after moving here, our lawyer & his law school student son were our witnesses. Several years later, we updated our wills and the lawyer & his lawyer wife were our witnesses.

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On 12/27/2019 at 4:35 PM, Browncoat said:

I can't quite decide if this is a peeve or not.  A couple of times in the last month or so, when I've bought movie tickets, the ticket seller has assumed I'm eligible for the senior discount. I'm not quite old enough for it (I have grey hair and have done since I was about 30), so it is a little annoying.  On the other hand, discount!  I haven't called them on it, either, because discount!

My 48-year-old friend (since college!) had something similar happen the other day at a Walgreens. When the cashier asked him if he was over 60 (because that day was senior discount day), he deadpan said, "No, but I'm flattered."


Along those lines, I very much dislike folks who refuse to accept that others have rights to   POVs different from theirs- especially those who get bent out of shape over two-bit differences (e.g. 'You like chocolate instead of strawberry?!You're a horrible such-and-such and I   no longer consider you worth   tolerating as a fellow human!') 

I--perhaps disproportionately--lose my shit with people who assume that "I hate X" = "I love Y." I never said anything about Y; I said I didn't agree with or support somethat that X did--we are not talking about Y here! In fact, YOU brought up Y with your dumb, stupid assumption!

You see? Disproportionately., 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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This doesn't bother me in nice weather, but it's 15 degrees out today.  When you walk down the sidewalk, don't walk right in the middle.  WAlk to one side or the other so that people can pass you.  Especially if you're walking slowly.  

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23 minutes ago, Katy M said:

This doesn't bother me in nice weather, but it's 15 degrees out today.  When you walk down the sidewalk, don't walk right in the middle.  WAlk to one side or the other so that people can pass you.  Especially if you're walking slowly.  

You should always walk on the right side. I live in nyc and it annoys me when people don’t know this and act like they don’t see you there or expect you to move.  

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

This doesn't bother me in nice weather, but it's 15 degrees out today.  When you walk down the sidewalk, don't walk right in the middle.  WAlk to one side or the other so that people can pass you.  Especially if you're walking slowly.  

This.  Plus when there are two or three people, walking side-by-side towards you, and none of them will move to single file so you can get by them.  I'm not going to step into the street or a doorway just to let you and your posse by.  I will run into you if you don't move.

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One of the grocery strores near me sells a package of 3 peppers - red, yellow and green.  I love all peppers, except green, which I find bitter.  Oh, and the sad red peppers in frozen meals, though I find fresh ones delightful.  Technically they are all the same, just different stages of ripened fruit.  

For me. it's finding mushrooms in things. I loathe mushrooms.    

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19 hours ago, Browncoat said:

This.  Plus when there are two or three people, walking side-by-side towards you, and none of them will move to single file so you can get by them.  I'm not going to step into the street or a doorway just to let you and your posse by.  I will run into you if you don't move.

Have you ever seen the Bittersweet Symphony video by The Verve? I think you would appreciate it.

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PEEVE: fake news! Not specifically political, just all of it--especially in meme form! Please use just a tiny bit of critical thinking, people. We've all fallen victim to embellishments or errors here and there, but sometimes all it takes is a click or two (if not a single glance at the thing!) to see it's baloney. Type set over an image is not a sure sign of validity. 

What caused me to post this was another peeve: It's OK if you don't eat like me. I don't care. I loved so many of the things you still eat (technically still do, I guess). However, if you post something that makes fake claims that I'm eating various poisons (that are somehow different from the various poisons in in your mass-market food) for no other reason than to bash what someone else does, I'm probably replying with some facts--because "bad things" in my diet don't negate the ones that are in yours! Also, shut the holy hell up about protein!

To paraphrase an old joke: 
Q: How do you know someone is vegan an omnivore?
A: Don't worry; they'll tell you (about bacon...nonstop).

(Don't worry--I don't mean the majority of omnivores, haha! Just that weird cross section of people who get so strangely defensive about it when they're the ones who asked!)

Edited by TattleTeeny
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5 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Have you ever seen the Bittersweet Symphony video by The Verve? I think you would appreciate it.

You're capitalizing again, does this mean your wrist is better?  

Edited by tiftgirl
I hope that didn't come across as rude just hoping you are better.
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6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Have you ever seen the Bittersweet Symphony video by The Verve? I think you would appreciate it.

I haven't!  ::runs off to Google/YouTube::  I love it!  That's totally me, except I've never actually knocked anyone down. Or walked over a car.

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Way back when I was about four, I got my left shoulder banged very badly while being carried out a car by clumsy teen relatives- and every once in a while I STILL get a sore spot in that exact spot. Yep, I somehow wrenched it AGAIN overnight while I sleeping and I have no idea what I could have been doing and feel like kicking myself for having done that (but, even if it could help, no way could I stretch my leg  to that spot).

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Pet Peeve  #1: when I try to google "medium length hairstyles for straight hair" and every pic has the model with beachy waves or sexily tousled. My hair is s t r a i g h t. It does not curl, it does not wave, it does not bend. Oh, it will initially, but with in 20 minutes it just looks like a stringy mess. Can I just see pics of normal hair that hasn't been styled with more than just a blow dryer & a curling iron/straightner ? 

Pet Peeve #2: when I google "medium length hairstyles for older women" and it's all pics of celebrity women (Reese Witherspoon, Jen Aniston, Penelope Cruz to name a few)  whose hair has been professionally styled and/or had extensions added for body. WTH? I don't have a hair stylist on speed dial to come do my hair every morning! Can I just see normal, 40-50 year old women in a medium length cut so I can get some ideas? 


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BexKeps, if you find any, please share. My hair is currently a smidge longer than shoulder length and it's a super fun mix of totally straight and corkscrew curly (I lost a ton of hair last year due to being on prednisone for a few months and the new growth is all curly). I prefer to straighten the curly bits and I was looking for inspiration on a blunt cut bob or lob, but every picture is freaking beach waves. 

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19 hours ago, emma675 said:

but every picture is freaking beach waves

So true!! Beach waves are my enemy. When I started with my new stylist, I told her my hair would not hold a curl, she decided she'd be the one to prove me wrong and attempted beach waves. Several hair products later and one short walk to my car on a humid day and my hair looked like the wig for the girl in The Ring. After that I would just tell her to blow it out and add a little curl to my bangs, I'll be good with that. 

The other styling craze I had to put a keebosh on was the straightening of my already straight hair. Straightening straight hair like mine just ends up looking flat and dead. Plus I hated the feeling of the hair stuck to the side of my head/face. 

16 hours ago, theredhead77 said:


Yes! So far every hairstyle I've seen that I liked had nice layers, I will be bringing a pic I found online to my stylist (and I know I won't look anything like the model!) to give her a general idea of what I'm looking for. 

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10 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

So far every hairstyle I've seen that I liked had nice layers, I will be bringing a pic I found online to my stylist (and I know I won't look anything like the model!) to give her a general idea of what I'm looking for. 

I do layers. Sometimes I do longer layers, sometimes I do shorter layers but it's always some sort of layer.

I'm also a big fan of wearing your hair how you like it, not how society thinks you should wear your hair after a certain age. 

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8 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I'm also a big fan of wearing your hair how you like it, not how society thinks you should wear your hair after a certain age.

me too, @theredhead77, my dad (78 years hold) told me when I turned 50 that I should cut off my hair, that I was too old for "long" hair. To be fair, my dad has never liked long hair, one of the reasons in most of our childhood pictures my sister and I had bowl cuts, pixies, or Dorothy Hamill's. As a teen, and being the rebellious one, I started to grow it out to longer lengths. I don't look good in short hair (too cheeky) anyway, so I'll be old lady rockin' a layered, medium length bob! 😉

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10 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

me too, @theredhead77, my dad (78 years hold) told me when I turned 50 that I should cut off my hair, that I was too old for "long" hair. To be fair, my dad has never liked long hair, one of the reasons in most of our childhood pictures my sister and I had bowl cuts, pixies, or Dorothy Hamill's. As a teen, and being the rebellious one, I started to grow it out to longer lengths. I don't look good in short hair (too cheeky) anyway, so I'll be old lady rockin' a layered, medium length bob! 😉

I'm 47.  I've never had short hair.  It's always been at least an inch past my shoulders.  I'm afraid it will look bad being long shortly, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  Also, the last time I had my hair cut by someone else I was 17.  So, that makes me nervous, too. You can cut your own hair if it's long enough. You can't if it's short.

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I had short hair for several years as a kid, but never again.  Mine is usually right about shoulder length, sometimes a little shorter, sometimes a good bit longer.  My hair is naturally curly, and I refuse to have a style that requires a lot of, well, styling.  Short hair would necessitate me taking actual time with it so as to not look like a poodle, and I'm not interested.  The whole "no long hair after X age" thing is ridiculous. 

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3 hours ago, BexKeps said:

So true!! Beach waves are my enemy. When I started with my new stylist, I told her my hair would not hold a curl, she decided she'd be the one to prove me wrong and attempted beach waves. Several hair products later and one short walk to my car on a humid day and my hair looked like the wig for the girl in The Ring. After that I would just tell her to blow it out and add a little curl to my bangs, I'll be good with that. 

The other styling craze I had to put a keebosh on was the straightening of my already straight hair. Straightening straight hair like mine just ends up looking flat and dead. Plus I hated the feeling of the hair stuck to the side of my head/face. 

Yes! So far every hairstyle I've seen that I liked had nice layers, I will be bringing a pic I found online to my stylist (and I know I won't look anything like the model!) to give her a general idea of what I'm looking for. 

And tell your stylist that when she/he thinks they're done to just add more. Some stylists are timid when it comes to layers but if they don't get aggressive with it you'll never know they're there.

Edited by peacheslatour
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Long curly hair here, too, just parted in the middle.  It's so easy to deal with.  My peeve is the women who are my age or older (including my mother and sister!) who keep telling me I should have it cut short because I'm over 50.  Nope.  Not gonna happen.  

Also a peeve -- hair stylists who don't know how to cut curly hair properly.  All I generally want is a trim of a couple of inches, just to even up the ends a bit.  I can't tell you how many times I've had to go back to get it fixed after it dries.

And then there was the hair stylist who thinned my hair.  That was a disaster of Roseanne Roseannadanna proportions.  Not to mention freaking me out with the thinning tool.  Layers in my hair are also a no-go.


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