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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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12 hours ago, bilgistic said:

The cats are pretty quiet until they chase each other around, but I can't imagine that makes too much noise since they weigh a sum total of 17 pounds.

You'd be surprised how loud a small cat can seem to the downstairs neighbors. Same thing with a small dog.


14 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I do get it, really, and I feel sorry for the little pup. I'm glad a shelter dog found a home. Buuuuut, barking all night isn't cool.

And he didn't just get that dog Saturday. Maybe LAST Saturday, but not the one that was two days ago.

It sounds like the owners are aware and are hopefully working with the dog. Hopefully he'll settle down soon and they don't feel obligated or pressured to return him to the shelter if it's taking longer than they had hoped to get him comfortable in his new home :( Going from a loud, crazy, chaotic shelter where one spends most of their time in a tiny cage, to a quiet home where one has space to move about must be so scary. Especially if the pup had hoomans before and was abandoned at said shelter.

I hate people sometimes.

11 hours ago, forumfish said:

My peeve today is a first-world one: printer ink. More specifically, the price of the name-brand stuff and the fact that the printer "knows" if I try to use store-brand or reconditioned catridges and then it refuses to play ball.

Try a different brand. I've had good luck with LD https://www.ldproducts.com (and they're remanufactured in California)

Edited by theredhead77
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13 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Apparently I should! I try to be very quiet because I know how much the sound carries. I watch TV a lot and use closed captioning so I don't have to have the volume up too high. I have excellent hearing, too, though, so that's part of the problem. I hear sounds only dogs should hear.

I don't know if this will help or if you already have one (or if it's been suggested before, even by me, I can't remember), but have you tried a white noise machine? It might not help with bathroom lady but maybe it will help to drown out the dog's barking?

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The dog was quiet last night. So who knows if he had a sitter or he miraculously got used to being crated or the guy was home all night.

The couple next door usually quiets down at about midnight or so. They are just rambunctious during waking hours. THANK GOD I haven't heard any sex noises from them. I hope I haven't jinxed myself now.

Usually, once I get to sleep, I'm able to stay asleep. Sometimes I put on the "thunderstorm" video on Amazon Prime Video. It's dark and low-volume. It has rolling thunder and rain and is very soothing.

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2 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

My dog Danny is a known groundhog killer. He and I are working on a plan...

Why do you now look like Carl Spackler in my head?  Complete with a Kenny Loggins soundtrack....

I'm alright
Nobody worry 'bout me
Why you got to gimme a fight
Can't you just let it be...

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You guys, I have a peeve but I am not sure it's OK to post here because while it's not political, per se, it may be politics adjacent! I've scoured the "site business" boards but cannot confirm. Eh, who cares, maybe?

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Little Mama is fond of standing in the kitchen alone and howling, but I make her stop quickly. I don't understand the need for the plaintive cat wail in the dark at night, but that's cat for you.

Is she an older kitty? My cat, who is 12 just started doing this at night and one or the other of us has to get up with her and comfort her. It's one of the symptoms of feline dementia.

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Alright. My peeve today is the sudden preponderance of "it's all because he was bullied" posts on social media in response to school shootings. It's not that I don't believe that bullying is wrong (haha, who wouldn't believe that it is?) but that the experts people posting it are

  • often the same ones who have, in the past, posted dumb memes of the "stop being a pussy snowflake!" variety as commentary on those being bullied (or those having relatively new types of food allergies, mental health issues, or whatever else)
  • the same people who not long ago blamed shootings on bad parenting, then video games, then mental health (even though they typically also don't support better mental health measures for all!), then entitled attitudes, etc., etc., all in an effort to avoid citing one common denominator as a problem
  • (perhaps worst of all) not remotely well versed in the statistics and literature about the issue (as evidenced by their collectively erroneous example of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris as victims bullied into violent acts). I get that not everyone digs around and reads this kind of thing, but then don't pedantically spout off to  those who have!

Honestly, I guess it's not this particular issue (I mean, right now, today it is what's on my mind), but the raging, know-it-allish misinformation and the rampant, infuriating hypocrisy. And they can also stick their worthless, nonsequitur "whataboutisms" right up their asses too. I am disgusted that there are people I know who are just fine with attacking the characters and motives of some kids who went through a tragic event and have, in the aftermath, decided to do something about it. 

Mods, I am sorry if that's all too close to politics proper. I won't talk about it again if you delete. It (along with a damn scene from The Alienist last night) is kind of almost, like, plaguing me today. And making me sad and tired.



Little Mama is fond of standing in the kitchen alone and howling, but I make her stop quickly. I don't understand the need for the plaintive cat wail in the dark at night, but that's cat for you.

Look for walking in circles and periodic confusion too--also head pressing. Hopefully, your Little Mama is just being a bit of a cat jerk (as they all are sometimes!) but my cat's dementia also began with some nighttime crying. On the other hand, my cat before her often cried in the night too--sounded like he was yell-whining, "Mom?"!--and he did not develop dementia or anything neurological. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Look for walking in circles and periodic confusion too--also head pressing. Hopefully, your Little Mama is just being a bit of a cat jerk (as they all are sometimes!) but my cat's dementia also began with some nighttime crying. On the other hand, my cat before her often cried in the night too--sounded like he was yell-whining, "Mom?"!--and he did not develop dementia or anything neurological. 

Yep, Peaches is doing all of the above. I am also dealing with my dad who has dementia. My cat and my dad. What a world.

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My cat wouldn't settle down last night when it was time for bed.  He usually scoots up the stairs with me and settles in on my bed, his bed or the dog's bed straight off.

Last night he was staying on the landing and meowing for no apparent reason.  I got up to find out what was wrong and he was hanging out by my son's door.  Turns out my son had left on his radio when he wasn't in the room.  He doesn't normally so that was cause for great alarm by the cat.

I figured he would settle down after that, but nope!  He would sit or stand at the top of the stairs pitifully meowing.  The dog was laying at the bottom of the stairs - he's 50-50 on going to bed when I do.  About half the time my son is still up, so the dog waits until he goes to bed before coming to my room.  I finally went downstairs and ordered the dog to come to bed.  He did so the cat quieted down.  I sat on the floor to pet them both for a bit and then went to bed.  The cat stayed with the dog.

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Yep, Peaches is doing all of the above. I am also dealing with my dad who has dementia. My cat and my dad. What a world.


Holy hell, my cat's name was Peaches! 

I'm sorry to hear about it. I know how hard it can be with a pet. I can't imagine dealing with both. I'm sorry.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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21 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Yep, Peaches is doing all of the above. I am also dealing with my dad who has dementia. My cat and my dad. What a world.

My heart goes out to you. I’m hoping it isn’t dementia for Peaches and wishing the best for you and your father. 

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1 minute ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I have a 12 yr old that is doing quite a bit of this, but during the day (thank goodness).  Vet never mentioned the dementia angle.  I don't like reading that.

They may do it due to several other health conditions, too, but it can also simply be for attention or another benign behavioral reason (and Bilgistikitty is young, so she's probably doing it because she wants to), so don't panic, just keep an eye on the pattern of behavior and any accompanying changes.

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2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Is she an older kitty? My cat, who is 12 just started doing this at night and one or the other of us has to get up with her and comfort her. It's one of the symptoms of feline dementia.

No, she's two. She'll be three in July.

She's just doing it to be doing it. It's usually just after she eats, just to exclaim, "I have eaten!" Or to ask her daughter where she is. Or to get me to come see what she wants, which was just to get me to walk in there.

Edited by bilgistic
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Both my semi-feral monsters used to do the after-dinner yowl session. Other times as well. They would just walk around the house, meowing. Loudly. One made it to 18, the other developed cancer and died at 10; no dementia. They were so vocal I wondered if they were part Siamese.

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2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

My heart goes out to you. I’m hoping it isn’t dementia for Peaches and wishing the best for you and your father. 

Thank you for your kind words. I didn't even know that cats could get dementia. I've never had that happen before. It's like over night she went from being a sassy little maniac to a frail old lady.

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If it helps at all, when my Peaches started having trouble, it was when I lived in my last apartment and was in the process of buying a condo. I was so worried about her (especially after she'd fallen down the uncarpeted apartment stairs a couple of times; after that, I placed a book-pile barrier and it's a wonder I didn't fall down the stairs too) that I considered not going through with the move. But we did, and not only did she not freak out but she got kind of a weird kind of "second wind" in the new place, as if a change inspired her. She wasn't even scared of the stairs (though these were carpeted and also more part of the living area, whereas the previous ones were basically leading from the entrance into the actual apartment proper) and we did have some time before the issues began popping back up again. I don't know if the change of scenery put her back on her toes a bit or if the disease progression is an ebb-and-flow kind of thing, but I am glad she had a stretch of confident comfort before it came back.

Also, there are meds that can help with this issue in cats if it's caught fast enough. I don't know the details of them; unfortunately, ours was not caught in time, I guess. Man, I loved my Peaches. She's immortalized in the cutest tattoo ever. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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My Peaches has good days and baddish days. She's not eating as much as she should and I have to pick her up and put her in front of her food dish because I swear she forgets where it is.


She's immortalized in the cutest tattoo ever. 

Pics or it didn't happen. ;-)

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Pet Peeve: People who reheat strong smelling seafood items in the company microwaves. I would rather smell burnt popcorn than leftover tuna noodle casserole any day! And I like tuna noodle casserole and many other seafood dishes but I would not want to stink up the whole cafeteria with it! Yuck! 

edited because I like "many" other seafood dishes...

Edited by GoodieGirl
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5 minutes ago, GoodieGirl said:

Pet Peeve: People who reheat strong smelling seafood items in the company microwaves. I would rather smell burnt popcorn than leftover tuna noodle casserole any day! And I like tuna noodle casserole and my other seafood dishes but I would not want to stink up the whole cafeteria with it! Yuck! 

My old job people used to do that all the time, we at least finally instituted a rule that you couldn't open a durian in the kitchen.

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We actually have a sign in the near the office microwave--it has a fish in a circle with a line through it. 

Once, at my last job, a guy was trying to crack open a whole lobster in the break room. I guess it had already been cooked (or it was raw, but I have no idea what he thought he'd do with it with no stove). He was an idiot.

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I said something jokingly to one of the ladies that works there, she laughed and said that smelly foods are 2nd only to the people who reheat without covering their dish so when the food explodes or spills all over they just leave it. She said she asked to post a sign reminding people to cover (they provide paper towels to do so) but her boss didn't want anyone to be offended. **eye roll**

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My pet peeve today is totally vain, but still...grrrr. I went for my annual skin cancer check and there are three spots on the side of my face that my derm has been keeping an eye on. Today she decided they looked precancerous so she zapped them off. I've had skin cancer before so we tend to be aggressive when anything looks suspicious. 

Now I have three dark red lesions that will apparently scab over and fall off in a week to 10 days. I start my new job on Monday. I'm now on the hunt for a heavy duty concealer so I'm not the weird splotchy faced girl on Monday. Luckily it's on the far side of my cheek near my ear, so I can use something heavy and it won't be terribly noticeable.

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5 minutes ago, emma675 said:

Now I have three dark red lesions that will apparently scab over and fall off in a week to 10 days. I start my new job on Monday. I'm now on the hunt for a heavy duty concealer so I'm not the weird splotchy faced girl on Monday.

Dermablend. When I had this weird exzema thing appear on the back of my calf, I used this. And the coverage blended right in with my skin tone naturally. Of course, after chemo and all that, it's disappeared. I didn't question it. But for me, whose skin tone was a medium tan? that reddish scar was FUGLY.

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Well, here's a peeve! I have never had a big cat! OK, I know that it's not healthy for them to be too fat and all, but all of mine have been on the slight side. And it's just so nice to bear hug a BIG cat! Good thing I have the ones at the animal shelter.

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Well, it's official, I'm old.  I went to Cracker Barrel last night with two friends.  One of them had bought me some miscellaneous things and put them in an "It's a Boy!" gift bag.  No significance to the bag - she had it laying around the house and repurposed it.  A man walking by me read the bag and said,"I assume that's a grandchild."  Assume this, asshole!  Okay, I don't look like a college girl but I don't look like I went to elementary school with Moses either.

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3 minutes ago, Angeltoes said:

Well, it's official, I'm old.  I went to Cracker Barrel last night with two friends.  One of them had bought me some miscellaneous things and put them in an "It's a Boy!" gift bag.  No significance to the bag - she had it laying around the house and repurposed it.  A man walking by me read the bag and said,"I assume that's a grandchild."  Assume this, asshole!  Okay, I don't look like a college girl but I don't look like I went to elementary school with Moses either.

I assume he's going to die alone.

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15 minutes ago, Angeltoes said:

Well, it's official, I'm old.  I went to Cracker Barrel last night with two friends.  One of them had bought me some miscellaneous things and put them in an "It's a Boy!" gift bag.  No significance to the bag - she had it laying around the house and repurposed it.  A man walking by me read the bag and said,"I assume that's a grandchild."  Assume this, asshole!  Okay, I don't look like a college girl but I don't look like I went to elementary school with Moses either.

Yeah, a friend of mine, who yes, is an older mom, who has some grey hair, but is fit and athletic, was out with her 10 year old daughter. A man made a comment to the kid about it being "grandma's day."  Ugh. MYOB.

And right now I'm watching Chicago Med, where a 55 year old woman has abdominal pain, and then her water breaks, she gives birth in the ER.

Edited by backformore
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1 hour ago, backformore said:

Yeah, a friend of mine, who yes, is an older mom, who has some grey hair, but is fit and athletic, was out with her 10 year old daughter. A man made a comment to the kid about it being "grandma's day."  Ugh. MYOB.

And right now I'm watching Chicago Med, where a 55 year old woman has abdominal pain, and then her water breaks, she gives birth in the ER.


I am almost 50 and have a 6-year-old. I have some gray hair, but not a lot. I get the grandma thing all the time, though. I forgive the children because to them, all adults are really old.

On the other hand, people who know me can't believe I am going to be 50, possibly because I have a young son and possibly because I am a goofball and there seems to be a belief that when you get older, you should stop being goofy and silly and fun (not here, I know).

Edited by auntlada
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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Well, here's a peeve! I have never had a big cat! OK, I know that it's not healthy for them to be too fat and all, but all of mine have been on the slight side. And it's just so nice to bear hug a BIG cat! Good thing I have the ones at the animal shelter.

We adopted a 7 yr old black & white cat last October.  She weighs 14 lbs (not fat--she's a big-boned cat w/ huge paws) and had been in the shelter for 3 months.  I guess no one wanted such a big cat (complete with long fur).  I love picking her up (oof!!) and hugging that big ol' girl (who smells like cocoa).  She's brought us lots of laughter (which was needed as we had to put down our 20 yr old cat a year ago). Cats are truly a piece of work.

OK here's a pet peeve of mine: all the ads on TV channels are synchronized.  I guess they figured out, several years ago, what we viewers were doing: switching channels, hunting for a program that wasn't being interrupted by commercials.  

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Apparently, my peeve about improper use of apostrophes started at a young age.  Because I sometimes color to relax, when my mom recently found a couple of my childhood coloring books, only half finished, in a closet, she gave them to me.  Flipping through just now before adding them to my collection, and laughing at some of my young self's color choices, I came across a picture of a duck and ducklings, with a caption reading, "Baby duckling's, where are you?"  I had crossed out the apostrophe with my crayon.

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... I came across a picture of a duck and ducklings, with a caption reading, "Baby duckling's, where are you?"  I had crossed out the apostrophe with my crayon.

Good for you!  I hope you also added serial commas as needed.  Never too young....

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I may have done a stupid thing.

I had a bad service experience from a company I got out of one of those "we rate companies" publications, a decade with 5 stars my rear end.  So I decided to put a review everywhere that this company promotes as a reference on the company website (which included this publication).  I have never reviewed a company and I once had a 4 day landscaping take a year to complete. I am that peeved with them.  I am so peeved with the company I don't want to talk about it.  But they suck in every way imaginable.  Its one of those instances where you marvel at their ability to not do anything right.  They should do something right just by accident.

So on to the stupid thing I may have done.  I contact this publication that I picked this company from by email and ask how do I leave a review because I naively thought that is what they do  But there isn't a way on their website, which leads me to believe that the companies in there pay to be in there or offer up the consumers to give reviews (I'm not going to be one of those).

So now that I did that, I am getting one form letter email every single day asking me to send a review to their helpdesk. Its ridiculous. 

I'm finally sent a message back today asking to stop sending the email.  That I just needed to verify a few more things and then I'd send a review.

Hopefully they will stop or I may be changing my email.

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5 hours ago, fairffaxx said:

Good for you!  I hope you also added serial commas as needed.  Never too young....

Though I consider myself fairly competent in spelling and grammar, I am woefully inept in the punctuation game.  Yes or no to the Oxford comma.  To hyphenate or not to hyphenate.  How to properly use a semicolon (or a colon for that matter).  How to punctuate when using parentheses.  Should any of these sentences be punctuated with a question mark instead of a period?  These are my first world problems.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
Changed a period to a question mark. Damn.
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8 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I may have done a stupid thing.

I had a bad service experience from a company I got out of one of those "we rate companies" publications, a decade with 5 stars my rear end.  So I decided to put a review everywhere that this company promotes as a reference on the company website (which included this publication).  I have never reviewed a company and I once had a 4 day landscaping take a year to complete. I am that peeved with them.  I am so peeved with the company I don't want to talk about it.  But they suck in every way imaginable.  Its one of those instances where you marvel at their ability to not do anything right.  They should do something right just by accident.

So on to the stupid thing I may have done.  I contact this publication that I picked this company from by email and ask how do I leave a review because I naively thought that is what they do  But there isn't a way on their website, which leads me to believe that the companies in there pay to be in there or offer up the consumers to give reviews (I'm not going to be one of those).

So now that I did that, I am getting one form letter email every single day asking me to send a review to their helpdesk. Its ridiculous. 

I'm finally sent a message back today asking to stop sending the email.  That I just needed to verify a few more things and then I'd send a review.

Hopefully they will stop or I may be changing my email.

There's no need to change your email; just identify the email address that they're sending you stuff as SPAM. Or if they have an unsubscribe option, where you don't need to re-enter your email, do that.

12 hours ago, Bastet said:

Apparently, my peeve about improper use of apostrophes started at a young age.  Because I sometimes color to relax, when my mom recently found a couple of my childhood coloring books, only half finished, in a closet, she gave them to me.  Flipping through just now before adding them to my collection, and laughing at some of my young self's color choices, I came across a picture of a duck and ducklings, with a caption reading, "Baby duckling's, where are you?"  I had crossed out the apostrophe with my crayon.

This drives me nuts as well. the improper use of the apostrophe. In addition to all the other Grammar peeves I have. The latest is people putting an apostrophe to surnames because they want to use it as plurals, and the surname doesn't have an 'S' at the end. 



Correct use when describing the family as a whole: Conners


This can be applied to grammys, emmys, oscars! I see grammy's, emmy's, oscar's, when it's clear from the sentence, the "writer" is talking about multiples, and not the possessive.

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@ParadoxLost: Be careful about posting bad reviews about a company. A woman in Northern Virginia was sued by her contractor (he says because he lost business thanks to her bad review on, I think, Yelp).  I didn't follow the case (there wasn't much in the papers about it anyway) but I think they settled and she had to pay him something.  Whatever the result, it made me careful about posting reviews.  She must've really slammed him for doing a bad job.

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30 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

@ParadoxLost: Be careful about posting bad reviews about a company. A woman in Northern Virginia was sued by her contractor (he says because he lost business thanks to her bad review on, I think, Yelp).  I didn't follow the case (there wasn't much in the papers about it anyway) but I think they settled and she had to pay him something.  Whatever the result, it made me careful about posting reviews.  She must've really slammed him for doing a bad job.

bad review on yelp leads to lawsuit  but it wasn't just a review

I think some companies might threaten to sue, but as long as you report FACTS, they're not going to get anywhere.   If you defame them, or accuse them of something you can't back up,  they may have a basis for a lawsuit.  In the Virginia case, the woman said that the workers damaged her  home and stole her jewelry, which was not supported by evidence.  that goes way past leaving a bad review.   If someone working on your home steals jewelry, you need to contact the police, not accuse them online. 

If you report dissatisfaction with a company, there's no basis for suing, you're just rating your experience.  On Yelp, business owners are encouraged to respond to negative reviews by asking the reviewer to contact them to resolve the issue.  

Edited by backformore
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40 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

@ParadoxLost: Be careful about posting bad reviews about a company. A woman in Northern Virginia was sued by her contractor (he says because he lost business thanks to her bad review on, I think, Yelp).  I didn't follow the case (there wasn't much in the papers about it anyway) but I think they settled and she had to pay him something.  Whatever the result, it made me careful about posting reviews.  She must've really slammed him for doing a bad job.

Among other things, she claimed that he stole her jewelry and charged her for work not done.  If she had proof of that, he wouldn't have sued, and she wouldn't have settled.  This went past a bad review.  I'm not saying she's lying.  I don't know whether she was or not.  But, if you're going to say that people have committed crimes against you, make sure you have proof, because that goes way beyond "Poor workmanship, showed up late, not worth the money."  The first and the third are opinions, so are in no way going to be actionable in a defamation suit, and even showed up late would be hard to prove that it was a lie because what is "late."

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On 3/28/2018 at 10:14 AM, GoodieGirl said:

Pet Peeve: People who reheat strong smelling seafood items in the company microwaves. I would rather smell burnt popcorn than leftover tuna noodle casserole any day! And I like tuna noodle casserole and many other seafood dishes but I would not want to stink up the whole cafeteria with it! Yuck!

I used to work in a big room with cubicles, and a microwave just sitting on a table among them.  Someone reheated fish, and it looked like a prairie dog town with everybody's heads popping up out of their cubicles.


On 3/26/2018 at 6:58 PM, forumfish said:

My peeve today is a first-world one: printer ink. More specifically, the price of the name-brand stuff and the fact that the printer "knows" if I try to use store-brand or reconditioned catridges and then it refuses to play ball. Why does everything need a computer chip? Don't the overloards know they are already in charge? Must they wield their power over every little part of our lives?

I became so enraged at the inkjet shenanigans that I ditched inkjet entirely and bought a laser printer.  It doesn't print in color, but it prints and scans and copies and if I ever need anything in color, I'll figure out how to do it at Kinko's or something.  It's been probably a year now and hasn't happened yet. 

It wasn't much more expensive than an inkjet, and I don't have to deal with that bullying inkjet printer any more.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

Using DVR as a verb (especially with a damn apostrophe).  "I DVR'd [show]."  Why not just say you recorded it?  Back in the day, we did not say, "I VCRed" something.

I still refer to recording something as taping it, despite the fact there is no tape involved.  

2 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I used to work in a big room with cubicles, and a microwave just sitting on a table among them.  Someone reheated fish, and it looked like a prairie dog town with everybody's heads popping up out of their cubicles.


I became so enraged at the inkjet shenanigans that I ditched inkjet entirely and bought a laser printer.  It doesn't print in color, but it prints and scans and copies and if I ever need anything in color, I'll figure out how to do it at Kinko's or something.  It's been probably a year now and hasn't happened yet. 

It wasn't much more expensive than an inkjet, and I don't have to deal with that bullying inkjet printer any more.

That image made me literally laugh out loud. Microwaving fish in the office is vile and should be punishable with a loss of microwave privileges.  

I have an inkjet printer that I use once in a blue moon.  Every time it runs out of color ink, I just replace it with a black cartridge, and when that finishes, I just buy a new printer because it's cheaper than the damn ink. Most of the time, when I need to print something it's work related anyhow, so I just print at work and use their ink.

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