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S05.E10: Growing Up and Moving Out


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Hello, I've been doing some lurking and laughing and enjoying myself reading other boards, but now that Sister Wives has restarted I must say a few things!


Christine.  During the dance video, I could only stare in horror at Christine's bizarre pelvis-thrusting... which I found to be less "sexy and rock-n-roll", and more "flare-up".  Add to that her desperate, screechy Happy Voice that always seems like an obvious attempt to show the world how great her life is, and this season I already wanted to strap her into a sound-proof Bane mask.  Maybe I didn't pay close enough attention last season, but I'm not seeing her weight loss. 


Janelle.  This is my least favorite woman on the show, and believe me: I'm not a fan of any of them.  Janelle is always creeping, always watching, and then using what she sees to her advantage.  I think that she's sneaky and calculating.  It's 213 years later and she's been apologized to many times for someone "being mean" and she'll still use it to try and make herself seem sympathetic.  I have always doubted the depth and breadth of Meri's cruelty, because it always seems so "feelings" based on Janelle's end, ie: "I felt like Meri did this", "I felt like Meri thought that".  Boo hoo, and stfu already.  Meri admitted to being wrong at times, Janelle, so how about let's talk about YOU now and how you creeped your way into someone else's marriage.


I won't even mention the passing of hormones to Meri from her brother, via Janelle!  :D


Speaking of Meri, I have to say that while I tolerate her the best, I also blame her for her situation.  She could have told Kody to beat feet when Janelle executed her super-holy plan, but she stayed.  End of story.  No complaining now, sister.  I think she's really been toned down by the producers or directors or whomever... mostly because she did and has continued to catch a lot of crap for how she was portrayed the first couple of seasons.  Whether she really acted that way or not, whether it was scripted or not, Meri and all of the other adults still sign(ed) up for more, so they must all love it.  So... no complaining about production, either!


Robyn seemed less sure of herself, and slightly more focused on the other women in the show, but she's still all over Kody.  I think Dayton's accident wasn't shown because of the high probability that he was not wearing a helmet, and the scrutiny they would have then endured would have been brutal.  Look what happened with Truely.  I think they were somehow doing damage control by showing it now, for whatever reason.  Or maybe they had a pending lawsuit.  


These women all wallow in denial and call it cotton candy, but I keep hoping that someone will break free! 


Kody remains an attention-seeking infant with a god-complex.  He may not believe in his planet anymore (or is that Brady?), he may have sold his soul to the devil for money, he may exploit his children and routinely put his foot into his mouth, but Kody is still willing to ignore all of that and TRY to dance around like young Mick Jagger before suddenly becoming the wise old man on the hill and imparting some long-overdue wisdom to his beloved, vaguely remembered daughter:  "Jam your finger into his eye and gouge his eyeball out!"




Lastly, the children.  Mostly I think that they're pretty decent kids, some of whom are struggling with having their Wacky Parents blasted into the living rooms of their friends and acquaintances.  I wonder how many times any of the kids may have felt compelled to say something like, "oh, that was just for the cameras", or "they made us do that, for the show!"  I wish their parents would focus more on the KIDS' fitness and making sure that they're eating way better diets, and less on Janelle's fitness and diet (or Christine's, or whatever)... focus more on the KIDS' mental health and some of their questionable behavior, instead of Janelle's mental health and behavior (or Kody's, or whatever)...


The very best part of this show, by far, are these forums!  I love reading ALL of the opinions... I have actually been moved to change an opinion by a well-thought-out post on this and other boards, and I think that's great!  :)

  • Love 18

It finally came to me. Mykeltis designs and what he meant. They all look like Disney princess gowns.She is designing what she has seen and admired in the past. These kids likely aren't allowed to watch the grammy red carpet or oscars..or any other show that would highlight current fashion.

I like her spunk and i like her. I wish her well.

Kody with his b.s. about class and what looks classy allowing Meri to sashay all over Vegas with that gigantic moose-knuckle on display front and centre...yuck!

Not as much Meri at all in this episode...she best get to school cus she really doesn't hold much value anymore. No cute lil kids to pimp out on the program..

I found it insulting the way Kody went on and on to Madison. We didn't hear any of that shit when crybaby Mariah left home. Oops..sorry. I didn't think that the reason for THAT would be no male between the ages of ten to ninety would even want to be with her scowly entitled self.

Glad Day-un came thru well. His mother is a mess.

That's all for now i guess.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 8

So this is a continuation of Season 5 which started last summer?  The episode numbers are up there.  And showing two hours at a time now too - My DVR shows another 2 hours set to record next week.  Like the Williams' family, the shows now feature more of the kids than the adults.  I felt like dredging up the Janelle/Meri thing was producer driver to try to resurrect any kind of drama they can manufacture.  It fell kind of flat as a result.


To me, Janelle's refusal to make a fool out of herself in front of an audience was a classic introvert versus extrovert thing.  All the others are such extroverts and have no shame while Janelle would be mortified to make such an embarrassment of herself.  Good for her, I'd do the same thing.


Madison strikes me as being as intelligent and decent as her mother.  She is doing what Janelle should do - Fleeing that looney bin for a more normal, quiet life.  Kodouche can't understand that at all.  He thinks the entire family should want to revolve around him.  Good for Madison not letting her father get to her and sticking to her guns.  I could see it on her face that she was ecstatic to finally escape the madness, something she had planned for years.  Too bad Janelle couldn't go with her.  I sometimes think Janelle is sacrificing her own life for her kids, and her kids are going to reap the benefits of that.  Too bad she couldn't have those benefits herself.  It's sad, but I suppose she's making lemonade out of lemons at this point.  She could always have gone out on her own but to support all those kids on her own would have been tough and she didn't want them not to have a Dad around.  Too bad the one they did have wasn't around enough to even remember anything significant about his own daughter.  And to be as ridiculous as to pretty much admit that on national TV.  What a total ass.


Mykelti's meeting with her parents and that "designer" was such a total setup it wasn't even funny.  He couldn't even BS his way out of it without being obvious.  Everyone wants their 15 minutes on TV I guess.  Kodouche reminded me of an ape in this episode, constantly beating his chest about some cave man issue or another.  First he's worried about Madison being at school with young men around.  He didn't seem to voice that when Meri's daughter left the coop unless I forgot.  Then he's worried about some ridiculous idea that fashion is based on evil ideas that make women run around scantily clad.  What a total throwback and moron.  He really has no freaking clue.

  • Love 10

NaNot as much Meri at all in this episode...she best get to school cus shes much Meri at all in this episode...she best get to school cus she really doesn't hold much value anymore.



Everyone on earth has 'value'. A woman (or man) doesn't lose their value because their child or children are in college or have left the home. Meri is my favorite of the wives and I don't believe she was all that mean to Janelle, or that Janelle was some helpless waif who was abused.


I hope Meri does go to school and become a counselor or whatever it is she wants to study. She needs to find a life for herself beyond just being part of the group. Janelle should find a job too, instead of spending her time moping and complaining. She obviously has a different personality that the rest, but she just needs to accept it and move on.


And I make fun of Kody a lot, but I think he is a kind person and has a genuine love for his kids. He may not spend as much time as Brady from My Five Wives does with each child, but he seems more genuine and more like a real person. 


As for the other wives: Robyn annoys me because it seems like she doesn't want to do any of the work but wants to be the creative force behind her so called jewelry. Christine looks great and seems like a nice person but not too smart. I know Janelle had a long term clerical job of some sort, but I have never seen her as seeming overly intelligent. If anything she seems very sheltered, and odd and aloof. And all of the concerns she has raised about the business have been raised by Meri and Kody as well.

  • Love 3

The first thing that struck me was Sol's mane. Are they trying to turn him into a biblical Samson with a mullet??

MSWC - lots of web hits. No sales. Their words, not mine. And yet Robyn STILL wants to keep steering this obviously sinking ship. (They blocked me from posting on the mswc fb page. I'm so upset! Lol.)

I never thought Jenelle was attractive, but she's got some natural beauty, that woman.

The designer's studio looked like his main focus is dressing older women, like formal wear for grandmas. And I think he used a little too much brow liner.

  • Love 4

Janelle strikes me as someone who's given up, so it seems like she's less intelligent than she is.  I personally think she's smarter than the rest of them put together.  She is mousy about voicing her opinions so they get drowned out by the rest of them, some of whom probably "steal" her ideas.  Some of that is because she's an introvert in a family of (at times) loud, attention seeking extroverts.  Some of that is because she's probably just given up on having a say and being heard.  It would take going too far outside her comfort zone to compete with that circus and resistance is probably futile anyway (sorry STNG fans, lol).  Plus on top of that it looks to me like she rationalizes a lot of this away as if to be on board with the situation as-is.  She'd rather defend it than face it and do something about it.  Then again, she may have gone down that road years ago and decided it wasn't worth the aggravation so she'd just better accept it.  It looks to me like the others don't get where she's coming from and so can form a kind of monolith that's too hard to compete with from Janelle's point of view.  Madison definitely "gets it" and she looks determined to lead life on her terms, not give in to the will of the rest of the herd (her extended parent group).  This episode really convinced me of that.  Good for Madison, at least she won't end up like her mother.  I saw little chance of that this week.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 4

A couple of Mykelti-related thoughts this morning.

One, I suspect pop spends a little too much "quality time" with his daughter's Vogue issues. ;) Hence, the conviction that the fashion industry is "too sexual."

Two, if she finds she really doesn't have the talent to be a designer, there are so many other ways for her to still express herself (and make a decent living) in fashion. I'm not ready to rain on the girl's parade.

Heck, the fact she has a vision and has maintained it over the course of years is a big step up from many of the college students I encounter on my campus.

  • Love 3

I found it telling how Janelle was saying in the therapy session "Do I forgive them ?"  Maybe referring to both Meri and Kody? 


It really grates on me how they are obsessed with having parties. And then Kody complains about being stretched thin. It would be a refreshing change of pace to see scenes of the different parents hanging out with the children and seeing which kids they bond with. 


I know I don't have proof, and not to undermine Robyn's obvious passion for the whole jewelry thing, but I call BS on the "insane hours" she claims to work. I think she may be saying this to rub it in that the other sister wives ditched the business. 

  • Love 10

Hey Kody, maybe Maddie's not close to you because you were too busy making other babies to pay her any attention as a small child. Maybe you should learn from that and stop making more babies and concentrate on the kids you have now. Just a thought.



Janelle strikes me as someone who's given up, so it seems like she's less intelligent than she is.  I personally think she's smarter than the rest of them put together.


Janelle is smart, but she's also a martyr, just like the rest of the Brown parents. Are we really going to have a whole season where Janelle blames Meri for crap that happened 20 years ago? It was so awful, but she still made 6 kids with Meri's legal husband. Janelle could go out and get a job any time she wants, and do her own thing. She doesn't have any toddlers at home, and she's not even legally tied to Kody. Janelle could do whatever she wants, but she sits and whines and goes to therapy to confront Meri about nothing. I wonder if Maddie is running away and starting a job right away because she doesn't want to end up sad and stuck like her mother. I would love to hear what these kids really think about their parents' marriages.


So 5 kids have now moved out. The 4 large houses are emptying out pretty fast. If they really do have mortgages, what a ridiculous waste of money and space.


The Browns need to go on Shark Tank so someone can explain to them that jewelry and clothing is an incredibly difficult business to break into, and probably not worth the effort for the profit they'll actually make. Especially if they're not bringing anything new to the table and are just selling stuff from other vendors.

  • Love 11


Janelle is smart, but she's also a martyr, just like the rest of the Brown parents. Are we really going to have a whole season where Janelle blames Meri for crap that happened 20 years ago? It was so awful, but she still made 6 kids with Meri's legal husband. Janelle could go out and get a job any time she wants, and do her own thing. She doesn't have any toddlers at home, and she's not even legally tied to Kody. Janelle could do whatever she wants, but she sits and whines and goes to therapy to confront Meri about nothing.


Of course it may be that the producers are looking for a story for Janelle and this is what they are coming up with (kind of like Rosemary's story in My Five Wives where there is also long-standing hurt feelings).  Janelle may never have even thought to go to a therapist if not for the show. After 5 seasons, they seem to be grasping for storylines.

  • Love 5


It really grates on me how they are obsessed with having parties. And then Kody complains about being stretched thin. It would be a refreshing change of pace to see scenes of the different parents hanging out with the children and seeing which kids they bond with.

I think a more appropriate celebration would be for the parents (or Kody alone) to take the birthday kid out for an activity and/or lunch.  One-on-one time.  Then return home for a celebration with birthday cake with all the kids and moms.  Cheaper and the kids would probably feel special.


I think a lot of Kody's actions are just posturing to allay (in his mind) the gay rumors that have dogged him in the past.  Remember the first season when his friends said that everyone thought he was gay.  He thinks he is not interested in fashion because he is a man and it's not manly.  True, some men don't care about women's fashion, but a lot of designers are men, Kody.


Some girl at Mykelti's graduation, was taking Mykelti's picture, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not voting for Obama."  Did anyone else hear this?  I even put the caption on and it said the same.  Without context, I have no idea what that was about. 


Janelle and Rosemarie (from My 5 Wives) should be locked in a room and left to whine about ancient hurts and not forgiving until they run out of steam.  Meri has apologized and Paulie has apologized.  What do they want?  At this point, their anger is just self-serving.

  • Love 2

I think a more appropriate celebration would be for the parents (or Kody alone) to take the birthday kid out for an activity and/or lunch.  One-on-one time.  Then return home for a celebration with birthday cake with all the kids and moms.  Cheaper and the kids would probably feel special.

Or horrified. To paraphrase an old joke...first prize, lunch with Kody. Second prize, two lunches with Kody.

  • Love 6

According to their book and the 1,294,287 times they've rehashed it, Meri was pretty mean to Janelle in the first few years.  Of course, that's jealousy but according to Meri it MAKES THEM STRONGER right??  The three of them would be watching TV and Meri would be snuggled up under a blanket with Kody while Janelle sat by herself and so on.  Yes, that could be construed as "mean".  Especially since Meri has always maintained that she WANTED to be a plural wife.  (I've always called BS on that, personally - it's been established in the book and the show that Meri didn't have a boyfriend or date before she met Kody, and she wanted to keep him so my guess is she offered to be a plural wife in order to get her man.)


But Janelle is far from a saint either, apparently she targeted Kody starting right at Meri and Kody's wedding.  She's more or less admitted that.


I don't care for ANY of these women, and Kody even less.  My sympathy ran out a long time ago.  For those who believe that Janelle or Christine will leave - that's never going to happen, for various reasons.  As much as Janelle and Robyn and Kody like to bitch and moan about how hard they "work", I would guess that on their 1040's they list their occupation as "TV actor" or "reality show participant" or some such.  TLC is their gravy train, and THIS is why suddenly Dayton, who didn't want to have his accident/injury on the show, is suddenly being featured.  They need fresh plot lines.  The Janelle weight loss thing is tired, and nothing is happening.  Not exactly inspiring.  Had she applied herself, she'd be near her goal weight by now.  However, next to Meri who has gained an enormous amount of weight (as have they all) Janelle looks smaller.  It's like Rodney Dangerfield said in Back to School - "If you want to look thinner, hang around with fat people".  (sorry could not resist).


Absalom have the ratings come out yet?

  • Love 8
I know I don't have proof, and not to undermine Robyn's obvious passion for the whole jewelry thing, but I call BS on the "insane hours" she claims to work. I think she may be saying this to rub it in that the other sister wives ditched the business.


Oh I don't buy that she's working insane hours either. Doing what, exactly??? She just wants to look like the martyr. She doesn't actually need more help, she just wants people to care and validate her stupid ideas. 


What does Meri need to apologize for ?


Her moose knuckle. The Oompa Loompa skin and scarecrow hair. The wetbar and scrapbooks. I'll just stop there. 

  • Love 12

Why would Robyn be working insane hours if they have little business?  And I thought they did get that investment money or a portion of it last season, so why is it up to them as to the direction of the business? Wouldn't the investors call the shots and determine what kind of integrity they want on the products and profits?


And as others here have commented on, I've read multiple places that Kody is right about the kissing and exchanging hormones theory.  Here's a link for one.  Maybe, they need to have an expert appear on the show to sort it all out for the viewers.  



I was wondering why Maddie seemed so rude.  The theory about her not getting a car while Mariah did get one is interesting.  That would tick me off big time, especially if I'm working and need it.  Some schools don't allow cars on campus by freshman, so that could be an issue.


Celebrating birthdays and other events is awesome, but, I'm just saying that it appears that Pizza and cake might not be the best thing for that family to occur on a weekly basis.  


IMO, it appeared that Kody may have had a hair transplant, body wave or some kind of thickner added to his hair. (extensions?)  

Edited by SunnyBeBe


When Princess Mariah was leaving for college, Meri said that she would never send her to Utah without a car.  Unless I am mistaken, Maddie wasn’t accorded the same consideration.


As much as they try to fake it, these are 4 families sharing one husband. The kids from certain families are very close to each other, but the wives are more like sisters who hate each other secretly but can't get away from each other. The resources will never be equally divided. Maddie seemed thrilled just to escape. I would love to hear her expand on what she saw in plural marriage that makes her be so against it.



According to their book and the 1,294,287 times they've rehashed it, Meri was pretty mean to Janelle in the first few years.  Of course, that's jealousy but according to Meri it MAKES THEM STRONGER right??  The three of them would be watching TV and Meri would be snuggled up under a blanket with Kody while Janelle sat by herself and so on.


And yet Janelle stayed and made 6 kids. I found it very telling that NO ONE went after her when she was upset. Not just Kody, but none of the wives went to talk to her. And when Truely was really sick, it was Aspyn who picked up the slack for Christine, not any of the other wives.

  • Love 1

Of course it may be that the producers are looking for a story for Janelle and this is what they are coming up with (kind of like Rosemary's story in My Five Wives where there is also long-standing hurt feelings).  Janelle may never have even thought to go to a therapist if not for the show. After 5 seasons, they seem to be grasping for storylines.


That's exactly what I thought (and posted something to that effect) earlier.  It seems awfully familiar and too similar to the Rosemary/Pauli story.  I haven't really paid attention but it wouldn't surprise me if both shows are sharing producers at this point.


Granted, Janelle has martyred herself, that I said too, it's just that I don't think she would hammer away at this issue unless provoked for storyline purposes.  Same with Rosemary/Pauli of the other family.


That's the whole thing about Janelle, that she's a martyr.  But I don't see her as a martyr who blames/manipulates everyone in the process and uses her martyrdom to extract guilt from everyone.  I see her as a martyr who rationalizes going down with her ship as part of her mission or calling in life or something like that and takes full responsibility for it.

  • Love 2

And yet Janelle stayed and made 6 kids.


At one point Janelle left.  I believe at that time she only had three children.  According to their book, she was persuaded to return. 


That's the whole thing about Janelle, that she's a martyr.  But I don't see her as a martyr who blames/manipulates everyone in the process and uses her martyrdom to extract guilt from everyone.  I see her as a martyr who rationalizes going down with her ship as part of her mission or calling in life or something like that and takes full responsibility for it.


 Based on the sacrifices she has made and her unwavering trust and devotion, I honestly believe she loves that doofus.  I've always felt that if Kody were asked to choose just one wife, it would be Janelle. 

  • Love 4

Agree with posters who feel Janelle needs to let it go now with the Meri issue.  Move on and try to make your life, this life you claim to love a little better.  I also think if Janelle were thinner she may participate in the crazy dance routines.  How awful are those things  Please give it up.  Christine looks good, she appears to have lost weight.  The kids are moving on and making their own life, wish them all the best.

  • Love 2

And there in lies the problem.  We are never given specifics.  That makes for a BORING show where they talk in vague circles season after season.



The story of Janelle and Meri is in the book, I believe.  Which of course helps only people who read the book.


The book doesn't exactly help a whole lot. It's kind of all over the place. Christine's version of events as the third wife was that the four of them had "near absolute bliss" until Robyn came along. Janelle, on the other hand, obviously did not get along with Meri and felt left out all the time; money was tight; at one point Janelle moved away with her kids after being depressed and got her degree.  And they don't really get into a lot of specifics, because even in the book Meri says she won't divulge details of her fights with Janelle out of respect for her. But I guess we know from the show there was the abusive kitchen situation. 


Given all of this, I am not surprised Maddie wanted to get away as soon as humanly possible. From her perspective, her mother wasn't the legal first wife like Meri and she probably realized how Janelle felt excluded from things over the years and had to worry about money. I don't think she wants to be around all the passive-agressive stuff going on in this family.  But if anything, her mom seems to have been a good role model at least. Maddie is doing her best to be independent and trying to earn money already; I think she will soar! 

Edited by purpleflowers
  • Love 2

Sorry, not sorry but the designer's fashion aesthetics aren't exactly all that great either. By the looks of his designs, his customers must be of the Golden Girls variety. His design strikes me as very dated and appeal to the retirees in the state.


I don't think they're aimed at women at all...Show costumes for drag queens, perhaps.  This is Vegas, after all.

  • Love 2

I don't think they're aimed at women at all...Show costumes for drag queens, perhaps.  This is Vegas, after all.


Being in burlesque, I work with a lot of Drag Queens (and drag kings).  The Queens I know wouldn't be caught dead in those outfits by that designer.  I've never been to Vegas though. My thoughts on the designs?  Last night I watched a bunch of reruns of The Golden Girls.  The outfits by that designer fit PERFECTLY!

  • Love 2

I find it funny that Kody thinks because he is a manly man he isn't into fashion. Um......he spends quite a bit of time and effort on his hair. Probably lots of money on hair products, too, unless he uses his wives stuff. Plus,when they first moved to Las Vegas, he was always running from house to house and complaining that his clothes were strewn in multiple houses and he never had, at the right house, what he wanted to wear. He wears a long sleeved shirt and jeans. All the time. How difficult is it to keep a few of each at each house?

I find it funny that Kody thinks because he is a manly man he isn't into fashion. Um......he spends quite a bit of time and effort on his hair. Probably lots of money on hair products, too, unless he uses his wives stuff. Plus,when they first moved to Las Vegas, he was always running from house to house and complaining that his clothes were strewn in multiple houses and he never had, at the right house, what he wanted to wear. He wears a long sleeved shirt and jeans. All the time. How difficult is it to keep a few of each at each house?

  • Love 1

In the scene where Christine-as-Jenelle was "crying" to Meri-as-Kody, Christine tries to reassure the audience she wasn't "hitting on Meri" and Kody (I actually typed out Jodi first) says "we're not into anything weird"  Did anyone catch that comment?  What was it about that that Kody found weird?

Threesome, is my guess.

Interesting theory that Janelle may have taken her own kids aside and told them something like "Maybe I'm stuck here, but you don't have to be, and I encourage you that if it's what you want, to move out permanently and not give it a second thought.  I am behind you all the way.  Get as far as you can."


In one of the pictures of Kody, Meri and Janelle which must have been at Kody's and Janelle's wedding, I was struck by how pretty she was back then.  I dare say she looked like a heavier version of Taylor Swift.  ("heavier" not used negatively, since TS is so tiny.)

Edited by QueBueno
  • Love 2


  Mykelti needs to be reminded that just because you want to embark on a certain career, doesn't mean that you can.  Time for her to explore other options.  (It needs to be noted that Kody was a massive douchebag when he discussed it with her.  He openly rolled his eyes.)



Nowadays people are worried about being considered "bad parents" if they don't encourage their special snowflake's every whim, no matter how untalented the snowflake. Kids are supposed to "follow their dreams", don'tcha know; no matter how ridiculous and unattainable that "dream" might be.


Witness all the horrible singers who show up for the American Idol auditions. Mom and Dad have told these kids all their lives how great they are, and they are honestly dumbfounded to be told by TV people that they suck.


If Kody and Christine were wise, they would encourage Mykelti to explore some other options. However, being the Browns, I don't think that will happen.

  • Love 6

Being in burlesque, I work with a lot of Drag Queens (and drag kings).  The Queens I know wouldn't be caught dead in those outfits by that designer.  I've never been to Vegas though. My thoughts on the designs?  Last night I watched a bunch of reruns of The Golden Girls.  The outfits by that designer fit PERFECTLY!


Well, burlesque queens are a different ilk than say Divine or Dame Edna, so that's a factor, I think.  Speaking of the Golden Girls, slap me silly for saying this because I loved her, but lot of people I know think Bea Arthur looked like a man in drag.  She is known as a beloved gay icon.....The Golden Girls was over 20 years ago already and even then her outfits looked outdated.  That designer's clothes on this episode wouldn't be worn by anyone today old or young unless they were paid to do it.  I've been to Las Vegas a few times and have never even seen that there.


P.S. - Apologies to Uncle Benzene!



Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 1

I thought Maddie was just going away to college like Mariah and Logan did. I didn't see any indication that she was told to run by Janelle or that she was choosing to go to college to escape Meri or the other wives. Of course she said she wouldn't move back home, I said that when I went to college. Most kids don't move back home unless they can't find a job or have some financial difficulties. I think it is good that she is embracing her independence, but to me she seemed like every other kid going away to school. 

  • Love 3

Ugh so much snark... And I didn't even actively watch the show. I'm not sure why they are so proud that their website gets so much traffic but not purchases because that's not a good thing. I'm willing to bet money that the investors last season were strictly for tv purposes, and never had any intention in investing a dime, so now that they have nothing to show for it, all of this talk of wanting to stay small and being a family business is coming into play.

Mykelti brought her parents to an interview...I CAN'T. Even the most overprotective helicopter moms I know wait in the car at least if they are going to insist on being there (I just realized as I typed this that, that's not true because I don't know anyone who is that bad of a helicopter mom) but geez! And Kody's speech about how sexualized fashion is... Are you kidding me!? yes, maybe for the models, but the designers... Not so much, unless it's by their choice.

Ugh.., and Robyn acting like it was everybody else... Including us the viewers making a big deal about her being pregnant. Trust me I don't think there are many viewers that actually "wanted" you to be pregnant.

  • Love 4

Robyn is developing Tammy Faye Bakker eyes.


Yes!!  And agree that Kody's hair has not thinned since last season- although I don't know how many months are in between seasons. I am a public school teacher and our school site is a hub for special ed so I see lots of kids on the spectrum- glad Day-un is doing well. There is a saying that if you have seen one kid with autism, you have seen one kid with autism- the characteristics of each are so unique. Wonder if he is in gen ed or special? Also, my goodness Kody is shown holding Solomon a lot. Bet he didn't hold Truely that much......

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Ugh so much snark... And I didn't even actively watch the show. I'm not sure why they are so proud that their website gets so much traffic but not purchases because that's not a good thing.


Do they not realize that most of that high traffic is probably people like us, who just want to check it out and snark on the empire that is their joory business?

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Interesting theory that Janelle may have taken her own kids aside and told them something like "Maybe I'm stuck here, but you don't have to be, and I encourage you that if it's what you want, to move out permanently and not give it a second thought.  I am behind you all the way.  Get as far as you can."


Except that Janelle is only stuck in her own head. She has enough education and job skills that she could leave again if she wanted. She only has 4 kids left at home, and Kody would have to pay some kind of child support. If Janelle was really that miserable and actually got motivated, she could find a job and save some money and leave as soon as Hunter goes to college, leaving her with only 3 kids left to house. She could totally do it. She doesn't leave because she doesn't really want to. I don't think its as bad as they try to make it seem. Kody is probably correct that they go long stretches with little interaction between them. When they're not filming, they probably go a whole week without seeing each other. Christine said at one point that her kids go 6 days or more without seeing Kody.

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Except that Janelle is only stuck in her own head. She has enough education and job skills that she could leave again if she wanted. She only has 4 kids left at home, and Kody would have to pay some kind of child support. If Janelle was really that miserable and actually got motivated, she could find a job and save some money and leave as soon as Hunter goes to college, leaving her with only 3 kids left to house. She could totally do it. She doesn't leave because she doesn't really want to. I don't think its as bad as they try to make it seem. Kody is probably correct that they go long stretches with little interaction between them. When they're not filming, they probably go a whole week without seeing each other. Christine said at one point that her kids go 6 days or more without seeing Kody.


Except that Janelle is only stuck in her own head. She has enough education and job skills that she could leave again if she wanted. She only has 4 kids left at home, and Kody would have to pay some kind of child support. If Janelle was really that miserable and actually got motivated, she could find a job and save some money and leave as soon as Hunter goes to college, leaving her with only 3 kids left to house. She could totally do it. She doesn't leave because she doesn't really want to. I don't think its as bad as they try to make it seem.


I agree, but I also think that Janelle is over Kody and over men in general at this point so there's no big motivation for her to pick up and move.  She's getting supported well, plus it's easy for her to ignore Kody and live in effect a single life anyway because he's always so busy elsewhere.  I think if she still cared she would have done just about anything to lose more weight (like Christine who is now enjoying her new figure and how it makes her feel more attractive to Kody).  Besides, Janelle gets to ride the TLC gravy train and live in her own McMansion all with little to no effort.  Seems like a no-brainer to me what's keeping her "stuck" and why she hasn't left.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I also wonder if Janelle has independent access to money. They've been pretty careful about discussing how they dole out the money, mostly I suspect because it isn't done fairly, but I wonder if she really has 1/5 of the TLC money to do with as she pleases. I think it's more likely that there is a TLC pot and she gets an allowance from that which probably covers her living expenses but doesn't leave a lot for nest egg creation. She has the house that I never believed she wanted so she'd have to sell that. Since she left before there might even been part of a contract between them that she won't leave while they are still filming. Kody wants to continue the TLC gravy train forever but he wants to be the star of 'Kody the god and his harem' not 'Kody the polygamist who got dumped'. I think he'd marry someone to keep the show. I think he'd have babies to keep the show. But even though Janelle leaving would be good ratings, I think that wouldn't be how he'd want the show to be. 


But by not leaving Janelle still gets to be pretty much single, allows her kids to still see the other siblings they like and she doesn't have to uproot the kids' lives. I am in that stage of life where friends are gradually becoming empty-nesters... followed quickly by separation/divorce. I see that for Janelle.

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ody is probably correct that they go long stretches with little interaction between them. When they're not filming, they probably go a whole week without seeing each other. Christine said at one point that her kids go 6 days or more without seeing Kody.

I can easily guess what Kody is doing to not see his kids for a week at a time, but it's really unexcusable.  They live either next door or across the street from each other.  Even if he wants to avoid the wife, he should see the kids daily.  He doesn't have much else to do.

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Well, and at least theoretically, their religion or "culture" or whatever they're calling it at this point to rationalize their Baby-Mama + high-maintenance-sperm-donor set up doesn't allow her to bail, because, you know, Planet Kody and all.


But Janelle did leave her first husband, Meri's brother, who I assume was raised in the same religion.  And Robyn left her first husband as well.  So it's not like they can't even envision it.

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But Janelle did leave her first husband, Meri's brother, who I assume was raised in the same religion. And Robyn left her first husband as well. So it's not like they can't even envision it.

I agree. I don't get the impression that they value the marriage commitment as part of the religious beliefs. They just re-attach themselves to someone else or the man just get other wives.

How weird would it be to have your ex-sister-in-law be your husband's new wife?  When there's a divorce in a family, you usually side with your sibling.  Then to have that person sleeping with your husband?  I'm no Mary apologist, but I'd like to know more about Janelle's first marriage and if she was the one who left or if it was mutual or what.

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