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"I Can Clean My Own Vagina Now": Updates on Previous People Featured

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Seconding your truckload, but it seems like Penny is more a typical attention whore who really enjoys having everything focus on her. For all of her talk, I didn't really get the impression that I often have with some of the others where you can almost see the real person who's miserable trapped in there and can't find their way out.

In contrast, Penny seems like just a giant spoiled toddler who has everyone dancing attendance on her...and she likes it just fine.

  • Love 10

Probably not if it was a family adoption.


For what it's worth, our good friends have had to take custody of a niece and nephew, and two great-nieces because he is the only non-loser, head-on-straight member of his family.  The niece and nephew were removed from their dad by the court, and the only requirement the state put on him taking them was that they each have beds. They brought them home and no one from the state even checked out their house. The two grand-nieces have been taken in before the situation reached criminal neglect, so it was literally just a matter of a couple signatures from the various parties and a court filing. I'm guessing their adoption was something like that.


Imagine a situation where those two were your best option! Nissa had to be the deciding factor there.

  • Love 1

I was looking at Penny's twitter and noticed that she had put up a pic of her "progress".

My goodness, she is just wasting away over there. I hope Dr Now is speaking with her about pacing her weight loss. Maybe she should increase her fried dumpling intake. Perhaps add in more Bedpan Meatloaf. At this rate she'll be down to 500 pounds by 2018.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 7

Oh yes Penny, wearing gloves is so much more sanitary. Oh wait, you're still sitting on a pee pad! Gross ass.

I would like to start a Free Edgar campaign. He's an abused spouse if there ever was one. I wonder how it gets to that. How a person who's supposedly immobile can rule the house in such a manner. You wanna use all these coupons and waste gas going from store to store? Get your ass up and do it yourself.

  • Love 8

Watching Edgar struggle to push Penny's wheelchair was just painful. 

Also, watching this episode makes me realize that I have never loved anybody as much as Edgar because I would have been out of that relationship before we even had a child.  No way I could do all that for someone who might never leave her bed.

  • Love 5

Oh yes Penny, wearing gloves is so much more sanitary. Oh wait, you're still sitting on a pee pad! Gross ass.

I would like to start a Free Edgar campaign. He's an abused spouse if there ever was one. I wonder how it gets to that. How a person who's supposedly immobile can rule the house in such a manner. You wanna use all these coupons and waste gas going from store to store? Get your ass up and do it yourself.



I couldn't agree more! She's a bed bully. #FreeEdgar


3 stores & coupons? Bitch, get up, get out the door & lug thy truck size arse to do the shopping. 


I mean what's she gonna do if someone said the magical word "NO"? Lose 400 lbs...that's what.

Edited by BostonBlonde
  • Love 8

I was flipping channels tonight and saw the Melissa 2 part episodes were on. Did she stay with her husband? I remember he was cheating on her. I felt bad for her, but then once I thought about it I could kind of understand (not that I excuse it) because he spent years with her when they were not having sexual relations.


I enjoyed the more in depth look we got with her and I ended up liking her and how motivated she became.

  • Love 2

I re-watched Melissa's story last night, too. I like the old format of following the participants for many years as opposed to only one. (Though I understand if they are going to keep churning out episodes that would be impossible.) I wonder if she still works at Now's office? I don't think I've ever seen her in subsequent episodes.

According to her Twitter/Instagram, she and her creepy husband had another baby. But hey, he's her husband not mine so whatever works I guess.

I just love Melissa.  It was wonderful watching her blossom from this defeated barely-there person to a vibrant, excited, happy woman.  I cried happy tears for her.  She wanted it so bad.


The husband always bugged me, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt because it has to be so, so difficult to see someone grow the way she did and fear that she's going to keep growing right away from your life.  There's a lot of codependency in a situation like that.


He seems to have beefed up quite a bit.

  • Love 4

Serious mental illness manifested in food addiction would be my official armchair diagnosis. 

Lots and lots of people are overweight. Lots and lots of people are even obese. But these people take it to another level that most normal overweight people just don't. I wish they would really show just how much they have to eat to maintain 500 lbs.



They did some of that on  'Supersize vs Superskinny'. You can find the episodes on Youtube.

  • Love 1

There was a young patient in season 1 (I believe) that was very successful and I can't recall her name. She had a thin sister or family member of a similar age she was very close to.

It was the episode where Dr. Now mentioned that some patients develop anorexia.

I'd love to know how she's doing today. I really liked her. She booted her husband or boyfriend because he was no good for her.

  • Love 1

Penny is so full of self-entitlement and truly doesn't get it. In hospital post surgery when she questioned the bariatric soft diet, she remarked that she wasn't told she had to lose weight when she got there. Ha! And I couldn't believe anyone saying they could 'clean...vagina...etc.' publicly. To me Edgar is killing her with kindness, and is the worst enabler, otherwise he's a stand-up guy and I don't really mind him. I wish he would put tough love into practice but we all know he won't. If Penny had to get off her ass to use the bathroom, she'd begin to lose weight. If she had to get up to get food, we'd soon see her stand and walk. Back home she was impatient to get food, she said she needed something, she felt like her sugar was dropping. I call BS. Test with your glucose meter. Also saying that eating all those wontons wouldn't be as bad as not eating. BS again. Your blood glucose would hit the roof. It annoys me that in her update she claims that her diabetes is gone. BS yet again. After a checkup in the hospital with no weight loss, she cries with the lie, "I'm putting it all out there", Dr. N tells her to quit crying. What makes me the most angry is her saying that she's doing this for Liam. Absolute twaddle.

Edited by HalcyonDays
Edited for content.
  • Love 6

This is a reminder to everyone to be a bit more considerate and respectful in the posts you make.


Every once in a while, we get judgemental body shaming and life shaming posts popping up in these threads. It's understandable that the viewer can get angry over seeing the contestants refuse to help themselves at all, or people who are just plain manipulative and sometimes evil, but to dismiss them as simply being “lazy” and "gross" is disrespectful and unhelpful. You would not tell an anorexic to “just eat something”, a bulimic “to just quit throwing up” or a depressive to “just cheer up and stop being so sad.” It doesn’t work that way.


There are serious psychological and medical issues that these individuals are suffering with, that no one here on the board knows the full extent of.  You know the old saying - People in glass houses should not throw stones....yadda yadda.


I'm sure some of us are not model thin. I am sure some of us are lazy (raises hand). I am sure some of us eat crap food (me!!) and I am sure some of us are very stubborn and very entitled at times. Any concerns, don't hesitate to PM me. Thank you.

  • Love 2

Just saw the "Penny" episode. My heart really goes out to her little boy.  Penny said at the end of the episode that the one person who will always be proud of her regardless of her weight is Liam.  At the time of this filming, which based on the school pictures she was looking at was 2013, Liam was still very young, kindergarten going into 1st grade.  My mom was always on the heavy side, no where near 600#, around the 200-250 weight.  When I was at that young age, I never noticed her weight.  By the time I was in the 4th grade, I was aware of her weight and I was so embarrassed when Mom would come to the school on 'Parent Help Day'. Of course, today I am ashamed of feeling that way, especially now that she is gone.  And much of the reason she is gone at a "young" age (70's) is due to her weight.  Diabetes and heart problems.  She died due to complications she had developed from the diabetes.  


There are foods that I love,  but I know eating them is not good for me.  When Penny said 'I hate just egg whites', there are ways to prepare egg whites that are delicious and you do not even miss the yolk.  I loved when the nutritionist was out and Penny was yelling from the bed that Liam is not a cookie or candy eater and Liam yelled from wherever he was 'I am too a cookie eater!'. 


Sad to say, but unless something very drastic happens, I do not see Penny losing any weight.  Her heart is not going to be able to support that weight for too long, especially if she is not moving around. 


I had seen bits of the 'Where Are They Now?' on Penny.  All I remember really noticing is that Penny is working with a counselor now, but it is done via Skype, which, IMO, is not working for her.  She needs to have the aggressive 1:1 contact with the counselor, someone who can look into her eyes and give the truth to her. 

  • Love 2

I am just now getting around to watching the Penny episode, having been reading everybody's comments here for a while. So now I know what all of you have been talking about. She is the least sympathetic person ever shown, but I am puzzled why the focus of the medical team wasn't shifted to helping her husband. If he had just learned to say no to her she would have lost weight. If he had just fixed the correct food for her, and set it on the table so that she would have to get out of bed to get to it, she would have increased her activity level. If he didn't want her screaming at him in front of Liam he should have just taken the child out for a walk or something and let her throw her tantrums in solitude.

obviously talking to Penny was a waste of time. She didn't want to lose weight, she clearly loved the attention she got every time the paramedics came to transport her, made her feel like a queen, like Cleopatra. The show was her 15 minutes of fame.

  • Love 5

I just watched the Penny episode and the follow up episode on youtube and I just could not stand her. Her attitude is so bad. But what I really hate is how she tries to spin everything to be better than it is. She tried to say she was doing better and making progress when in reality, nothing changed! It is so frustrating to watch! 


I honestly don't know why her husband stays with her either. She was constantly manipulative towards him. She was sort of doing it to her son too when she told hi that they were trying to take his cereal away. Like, she was willing to use her son to stop people from taking her cereal away. Her husband should just take off with the kid. It's not like she can chase after them.

  • Love 7

This is from the Season 4 - Moment of Truth thread as it is more appropriate here.  These are some of the Facebook pages of past contestants: (I'm fixing the broken links)

Season 1

Melissa (she is still very pregnant as of 19 hours ago) https://www.facebook.com/melissadawnmorris?fref=ts

Ashley https://www.facebook.com/ashley.randall.140?fref=ts

Donald https://www.facebook.com/WHEELCHAIRP

Henry passed away in 2015


Season 2
Penny (No weight loss to be seen - Yes, I am a certified Penny stalker, FYI): https://www.facebook.com/penny.saeger?fref=ts

Zsalynn https://www.facebook.com/zsalynn

Olivia https://www.facebook.com/Mz.Cruz66
Christina (holy shit!!!) https://www.facebook.com/ZombieBoo4

Paula https://www.facebook.com/pjami47?fref=ts

James (apparently he didn't marry Summer) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1503497188&fref=ts
Chuck (he's divorced, shocker isn't it?) https://www.facebook.com/turnerbeaumont?fref=ts

Tara https://www.facebook.com/tara.taylor.7165


Season 3
Amber (Hello supermodel!  She lost 400 lbs) https://www.facebook.com/rachdi
Pauleen https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008788722750&fref=ts andhere's her You Tube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ezABGCHs0YXxfNYJAFqiw
Joe https://www.facebook.com/joe.wexler
Angel https://www.facebook.com/angel.parrish.965
Chay https://www.facebook.com/ohey.there
Susan https://www.facebook.com/susan.farmer.1614
BettyJo https://www.facebook.com/Joshygirl?fref=ts
Charity https://www.facebook.com/cpierce1975 and I think this is Charity's daughter, Charly https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=charly%20jo It looks like she lost weight too, I wonder if she had surgery
Marla https://www.facebook.com/marla.mccants

Laura - still looking for her page


Season 4

Nikki https://www.facebook.com/nikki.webster.374

Brittani Coulter, Tualatin OR (still looking)


Dr. Now https://www.facebook.com/HoustonWeightLossSurgery

I will edit this as I find more

Edited by HalcyonDays
  • Love 13

There are foods that I love,  but I know eating them is not good for me.  When Penny said 'I hate just egg whites', there are ways to prepare egg whites that are delicious and you do not even miss the yolk. 

I find that when obese people begin to turn their noses up at food that will save their lives, I want to scream because they are so dysfunctional! I have a friend who has been over 300 pounds from the time she was 19. She's a beautiful woman, but she's clearly unbalanced. I say this because she's been asking to have her 'stomach stapled' (her words) for 30 years, with her doctor refusing. Why does he refuse? Because when he asked her what life changes and eating changes was she going to make, she mumbled that she won't eat as much. When he pointed out she was unable to even lose 10 - 20 lbs for him, she would cry that she was trying. And in the same breath, she bragged that she has never eaten vegetables and never will because vegetables are 'gross'. She points to her 2 daughters, and brags that they are slim even though she's never cooked them vegetables. What idiot brags about this??! AND, her 31 year old daughter has put on 20 pounds since she returned to university.

Edited by Chalby
  • Love 1

I find that when obese people begin to turn their noses up at food that will save their lives, I want to scream because they are so dysfunctional! I have a friend who has been over 300 pounds from the time she was 19. She's a beautiful woman, but she's clearly unbalanced. I say this because she's been asking to have her 'stomach stapled' (her words) for 30 years, with her doctor refusing. Why does he refuse? Because when he asked her what life changes and eating changes was she going to make, she mumbled that she won't eat as much. When he pointed out she was unable to even lose 10 - 20 lbs for him, she would cry that she was trying. And in the same breath, she bragged that she has never eaten vegetables and never will because vegetables are 'gross'. She points to her 2 daughters, and brags that they are slim even though she's never cooked them vegetables. What idiot brags about this??! AND, her 31 year old daughter has put on 20 pounds since she returned to university.


Wow.  I'm not one to advocate violence against women, but this friend of yours needs to be slapped hard.  And repeatedly.  And often.

  • Love 2

After not posting for ages, i decided to come out of the shadows after I checked Penny's facebook and I saw her inane statuses get more likes than some of mine do. I may need to start wailing about yellow brick roads, slap some pee pads on my bed, and brag about washing my vag myself more. Who on earth could like that woman?

Edited by bubbly
  • Love 5
This is from the Season 4 - Moment of Truth thread as it is more appropriate here.  These are some of the Facebook pages of past contestants: (I'm fixing the broken links)


Hey notyrmomma. Excellent reference post. And a lot of work!!


Hopefully you're cool with this, but I am going to take your post and PIN it to the top of this thread. Basically, anyone who comes into this thread, and whatever page they are on, can see this awesome list you put together right at the top of each page, so it can be used as a nice reference. You can still edit it for updates whenever you want.


I just figured it's better to force it up at the thread top, then to lose this awesome reference post somewhere in the thread that people now have to search for . Good job!! :')

  • Love 1

For some reason, it won't let me edit my original post (it's probably me! LOL), so until I figure it out, here's some more facebook pages...

Brittani Fulfer (not Coulter!) https://www.facebook.com/brittani600lbnomore/?fref=ts

Chad Dean https://www.facebook.com/chad.dean.75?fref=ts

June McCamey https://www.facebook.com/JuneMccamey/?fref=ts




You all have to check out Amber's page, there's a picture of her with Christina.  OMG!  If they can do it, I know I can too!!! :)

Edited by notyrmomma
  • Love 2

Dr. Now https://www.facebook.com/HoustonWeightLossSurgery

I will edit this as I find more

Paula posted on Dr. Now's FB page about how watching Penny's struggle changed her whole life (January 22, 2015).  There are a ton of interesting comments that echo what we've been saying, good and bad.

Paula posted on Dr. Now's FB page about how watching Penny's struggle changed her whole life (January 22, 2015).  There are a ton of interesting comments that echo what we've been saying, good and bad.

Thanks for pointing out this post, I haven't had a chance to go back and really look at these pages.  Penny has a great impact on my weight loss surgery journey because I saw her story as a warning. I even reached out to her personally through Twitter to try to find out what makes her tick and she actually comes off as a really nice person.  


Oh, and as much as people say that surgery isnt a "magic bullet"...well... it kind of is during the first year, unless you're determined to make it fail (and I mean madly determined as the pain level when you eat too much is pretty high).

This is from the Season 4 - Moment of Truth thread as it is more appropriate here. These are some of the Facebook pages of past contestants: (I'm fixing the broken links)

Season 1

Melissa (she is still very pregnant as of 19 hours ago) https://www.facebook.com/melissadawnmorris?fref=ts

Ashley https://www.facebook.com/ashley.randall.140?fref=ts

Donald https://www.facebook.com/WHEELCHAIRP

Henry passed away in 2015

Season 2

Penny (No weight loss to be seen - Yes, I am a certified Penny stalker, FYI): https://www.facebook.com/penny.saeger?fref=ts

Zsalynn https://www.facebook.com/zsalynn

Olivia https://www.facebook.com/Mz.Cruz66

Christina (holy shit!!!) https://www.facebook.com/ZombieBoo4

Paula https://www.facebook.com/pjami47?fref=ts

James (apparently he didn't marry Summer) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1503497188&fref=ts

Chuck (he's divorced, shocker isn't it?) https://www.facebook.com/turnerbeaumont?fref=ts

Tara https://www.facebook.com/tara.taylor.7165

Season 3

Amber (Hello supermodel! She lost 400 lbs) https://www.facebook.com/rachdi

Pauleen https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008788722750&fref=ts andhere's her You Tube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ezABGCHs0YXxfNYJAFqiw

Joe https://www.facebook.com/joe.wexler

Angel https://www.facebook.com/angel.parrish.965

Chay https://www.facebook.com/ohey.there

Susan https://www.facebook.com/susan.farmer.1614

BettyJo https://www.facebook.com/Joshygirl?fref=ts

Charity https://www.facebook.com/cpierce1975 and I think this is Charity's daughter, Charly https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=charly%20jo It looks like she lost weight too, I wonder if she had surgery

Marla https://www.facebook.com/marla.mccants

Laura - still looking for her page

Season 4

Nikki https://www.facebook.com/nikki.webster.374

Brittani Coulter, Tualatin OR (still looking)

Dr. Now https://www.facebook.com/HoustonWeightLossSurgery

I will edit this as I find more

Thanks for these! Would love an update on Christina- wonder if she's in school now? She was one that I didn't think would get it at all, but she's amazing!

Just re watched Marla's episode...where basically nothing happens. I find it amusing that her last name is McCants. That's the perfect word for her...

I'm not sure where to post this comment, so I hope it's okay to be here:  One thing that really effin' irritates me is when some of the patients who blame a traumatic childhood for the overeating also have children who spend all their time doing almost everything for that parent and seeing things no child should have to see. So... why is it okay for their kid's formative years to be so scarring? Aren't they more likely to also grow into an adult with issues? Sorry, but it just seem so selfish. 

  • Love 10

This is from the Season 4 - Moment of Truth thread as it is more appropriate here. These are some of the Facebook pages of past contestants: (I'm fixing the broken links)

Season 1

Melissa (she is still very pregnant as of 19 hours ago) https://www.facebook.com/melissadawnmorris?fref=ts

Ashley https://www.facebook.com/ashley.randall.140?fref=ts

Donald https://www.facebook.com/WHEELCHAIRP

Henry passed away in 2015

Season 2

Penny (No weight loss to be seen - Yes, I am a certified Penny stalker, FYI): https://www.facebook.com/penny.saeger?fref=ts

Zsalynn https://www.facebook.com/zsalynn

Olivia https://www.facebook.com/Mz.Cruz66

Christina (holy shit!!!) https://www.facebook.com/ZombieBoo4

Paula https://www.facebook.com/pjami47?fref=ts

James (apparently he didn't marry Summer) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1503497188&fref=ts

Chuck (he's divorced, shocker isn't it?) https://www.facebook.com/turnerbeaumont?fref=ts

Tara https://www.facebook.com/tara.taylor.7165

Season 3

Amber (Hello supermodel! She lost 400 lbs) https://www.facebook.com/rachdi

Pauleen https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008788722750&fref=ts andhere's her You Tube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ezABGCHs0YXxfNYJAFqiw

Joe https://www.facebook.com/joe.wexler

Angel https://www.facebook.com/angel.parrish.965

Chay https://www.facebook.com/ohey.there

Susan https://www.facebook.com/susan.farmer.1614

BettyJo https://www.facebook.com/Joshygirl?fref=ts

Charity https://www.facebook.com/cpierce1975 and I think this is Charity's daughter, Charly https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=charly%20jo It looks like she lost weight too, I wonder if she had surgery

Marla https://www.facebook.com/marla.mccants

Laura - still looking for her page

Season 4

Nikki https://www.facebook.com/nikki.webster.374

Brittani Coulter, Tualatin OR (still looking)

Dr. Now https://www.facebook.com/HoustonWeightLossSurgery

I will edit this as I find more


Edited by firecrackerz26
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