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S05.E03: Pay Attention To Me!

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lunastarton--Both Hadid girls have killer figures, like their mother, and interesting faces.  I've seen Bella's portraits and tend to agree that her features are more striking than her sister's.  Doesn't mean she's a better model -- just that she's every bit as photogenic, if not more so, when it comes to giving face.  Gigi, Tom  Ford or no TF, seems to be going the Guess route.  Nothing wrong with that if modeling is your thing but Gigi is hardly the most amazing model ever invented.  What she is is a much more famous model already than her mother ever was.  I had never ever heard of or seen Yolanda until this show and I'm pushing 60 and know my models.  So it's disgusting to witness but easy to understand how someone as limited in her general outlook as Yolanda would be completely swept away by this level of wish fulfillment.  


If she could muster as much passion for David as she does for her eldest I might be convinced of her deathless love for piano man.  I find myself wondering lately if Yolanda has ever seen the movie Gigi -- She's definitely grooming both daughters in the art of being beautiful, subservient to powerful men, and cashing in big time.  Quite the irony.


Two amusing moments that played well back to back -- Brandi crowing that she doesn't need to worry any more about being "the woman behind the man."  Priceless -- like Eddie is, I dunno, Napoleon Bonaparte or Stephen Hawkings.  And then later Lisa pointing out, in the most withering but polite way, that she had never heard of "this man" before she found out he was both Brandi's husband and Scheanna's squeeze.  That was Lisa's best moment and quite an effective bitch slap.  


Someone could point out to Brandi that she's projecting wildly onto her old friend.  Everything she complains about in Lisa is precisely the behavior she's exhibiting.  And, on top of all that, we get to witness her inability to hang a simple picture on her wall.  Everything is just TOO much for poor Brandi. 

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Most likely the producers told Lisa that she would be getting a call from a "cast" member but not which one. I have no doubts that Brandi AND the producers preplanned the phone call.


I think Lisa is worried, rightfully so IMO, that Brandi is going to try and sabotage the progress she and Kyle have made in repairing/rebuilding their friendship. 


I am getting tired of Brandi saying that EC overpaid child support and is demanding that money back, it was alimony money only that was overpaid. She is desperate to keep EC/LR looking as evil as possible, she needs the sympathy that brings her to maintain whatever fan base she has.

Kyle said on WWHL she was uncomfortable with the call.  I don't blame her and Brandi wanted it to be known  she was with Kyle.  Who really plans on filming a scene with a low battery?


It was one of the few times Eddie's camp issued a statement debunking Brandi's lies.  Now six months later she is putting the same hogwash out there.  Does anyone believe the reason Brandi can't buy her current home is Eddie's fault?

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Kyle said on WWHL she was uncomfortable with the call.  I don't blame her and Brandi wanted it to be known  she was with Kyle.  Who really plans on filming a scene with a low battery?


It was one of the few times Eddie's camp issued a statement debunking Brandi's lies.  Now six months later she is putting the same hogwash out there.  Does anyone believe the reason Brandi can't buy her current home is Eddie's fault?

I do think it possible that Kyle did not know Brandi planned on calling Lisa but she should have let Lisa know she was there and could hear both sides of the conversation. Brandi was playing some elementary school game with that phone call trying to cause trouble/damage between Lisa/Kyle. No doubt that she already knew, from her BFF Kim, all about the meeting between Lisa and Kyle.


Who goes hiking in the heat with a cell phone that is almost dead?


Brandi is desperate to remain the victim in any and all circumstances concerning EC/LR, or anyone else for that matter. LOL 

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Hey, the "I'm not perfect" shit has worked moderately well for Kyle! I guess Brandi has been spending too much time around the Richards sisters.

Brandi didn't learn this from the Richards sisters or anyone else on the show - this has been her game all along, hasn't it? Didn't she say the same thing in her first season to Adrienne when talking about Game Night? Didn't she say the same thing to Kim when apologizing to Kim in Ojai? Didn't she say the same thing when she insulted Joyce? When she revealed Adrienne's surrogacy? This is why the whole thing is so exhausting to me. She is spewing the exact same shit today that she was two years ago and expecting folks to do now what they largely did back then. Pat her on the head, remind everyone that she was wronged by a bad man, and make excuses for her poor decisions. I think that more than anything Brandi is largely confused as to why it is no longer working. She was the hit of the show before when acting in the exact same way and now she is hated. 

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Brandi didn't learn this from the Richards sisters or anyone else on the show - this has been her game all along, hasn't it? Didn't she say the same thing in her first season to Adrienne when talking about Game Night? Didn't she say the same thing to Kim when apologizing to Kim in Ojai? Didn't she say the same thing when she insulted Joyce? When she revealed Adrienne's surrogacy? This is why the whole thing is so exhausting to me. She is spewing the exact same shit today that she was two years ago and expecting folks to do now what they largely did back then. Pat her on the head, remind everyone that she was wronged by a bad man, and make excuses for her poor decisions. I think that more than anything Brandi is largely confused as to why it is no longer working. She was the hit of the show before when acting in the exact same way and now she is hated. 

ITA. I was 1 that liked Brandi until I really saw the pattern last season, by episode 2. My gut tried to warn me 1/2 way through the Brandi verses Adrienne season, I held out hope that I was wrong but then I had to face some hard cold facts about her. You can only reuse the same sad storyline for a short time until it becomes nothing more than a pattern of excuses. 


She is now comparing herself to Cynthia (Atl). She likens herself/Lisa to Cynthia/Nene and claims she has also just "found her voice"! LOL Does she really expect us to believe that for the past 3 seasons was a quiet sidekick! (insert eye roll)  https://twitter.com/BrandiGlanville/status/539995640286445569

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ITA. I was 1 that liked Brandi until I really saw the pattern last season, by episode 2. My gut tried to warn me 1/2 way through the Brandi verses Adrienne season, I held out hope that I was wrong but then I had to face some hard cold facts about her. You can only reuse the same sad storyline for a short time until it becomes nothing more than a pattern of excuses. 


She is now comparing herself to Cynthia (Atl). She likens herself/Lisa to Cynthia/Nene and claims she has also just "found her voice"! LOL Does she really expect us to believe that for the past 3 seasons was a quiet sidekick! (insert eye roll)  https://twitter.com/BrandiGlanville/status/539995640286445569

Watching Brandi is a snoozefest for me, but I do think she will ultimately be interesting to watch.  I feel sure that part of "finding her voice" had to do with the whole Celebrity Apprentice deal. I cannot remember the exact numbers, but someone on TWoP had posted that ratings for CA were 2 to 3 times higher than those for the RH show. She will be getting national attention in a way that is far greater than anything she has seen before. Folks who never knew who she was before will know now. My thoughts are that this will make her more confident and bratty in a way that even she wasn't before. God help us all. 

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I like Lisa R. but the lunch with Eileen was a bit awkward.  These two aren't as chummy as they would like us to believe. 


Agreed, I didn't catch a friendship vibe from them even though I'm sure they've known each other for years.  It seemed to me that Lisa R. was acting during the entire lunch scene.  Eileen is gorgeous and naturally so.  I loved her causal hair, tasteful clothes and accessories, and seemingly minimal makeup, an overall look I didn't know was possible to achieve in the SoCal franchises.

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Watching Brandi is a snoozefest for me, but I do think she will ultimately be interesting to watch.  I feel sure that part of "finding her voice" had to do with the whole Celebrity Apprentice deal. I cannot remember the exact numbers, but someone on TWoP had posted that ratings for CA were 2 to 3 times higher than those for the RH show. She will be getting national attention in a way that is far greater than anything she has seen before. Folks who never knew who she was before will know now. My thoughts are that this will make her more confident and bratty in a way that even she wasn't before. God help us all. 

I don't think Brandi has ever been unable or unwilling to speak her mind! She has never been a "sidekick" to anyone like Cynthia was to Nene. Cynthia was up Nene's butt for quite a few years, parroted what Nene said but was quiet otherwise. Brandi and Lisa were friends all of 1 - 1 1/2 year(s) and Brandi had no problem starting fights on her own and was always vocal. She is just trying to use someone else's explanation/reason/excuse because she believes it is working for Cynthia (IMO, its not working). LOL

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Very minor point in the overall episode, but can what Brandi & Kyle were doing really be considered "hiking"?  Looked to me like they were walking uphill on a paved road.  If someone asked me to go hiking I'd be picturing walking through paths of forested mountains or rocky desert trails versus a walk from the parking lot to the picnic table. But then again - hyperbole is Brandi's middle name, so I guess I'm just glad she didn't say she was "on an expedition".


My daughter is 8 and also gets sad when I tell her "no".  She is not a brat and we shop at Target, but other than that & the limits of our credit cards, I don't see Kyle/Mauricio spoiling their kid any more than I do when shopping for a special occasion.

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Lisa expressed herself perfectly.  She said exactly what was bothering her & it really was all justified.  Yet Brandi acknowledged none of it.  She accepted no responsibility for doing anything wrong & never apologized for anything.  Instead she just went on with the "I'm not perfect" garbage that she endlessly repeats & the "moving forward & on" crap.  Sheesh, I've vowed to mute her if she starts in with any of that shit again.


I agree - Lisa was quite reasonable on the call, I thought.  She articulated her problems well and was fair and direct.  Brandi is a lunatic to think you can call someone out of the blue like that, announce your intention to move on, and in the same conversation say "I'm not going to kiss your ass forever."  I hope Brandi falls far, and fast, and lands hard.  She's pretty horrible.


Lisa's blog (as usual) bummed me out, though.  She just can't resist playing the victim card - saying that she was so upset to find out Kyle was with Brandi on a hike, because last time the two of them went hiking together, they cooked up a plot against Lisa.  Sigh.  First off, Lisa, you know how filming works - housewives are scheduled to film scenes with each other.  Kyle was scheduled to film a scene with Brandi, and showed up for filming like anyone shows up for a job.  It's simply disingenuous to pretend that this was an authentic meeting between Brandi and Kyle, and the only reason Lisa did it was to make sure that she keeps the upper moral hand in her relationship with Kyle - she makes it look, to casual blog readers, that she is still possibly being victimized by Kyle, when Lisa knows FULL WELL that there was nothing going on there beyond showing up for a job.  She did the same thing in Season 3, when she kept acting horrified by how Faye Resnick showed up for her events, and wondered how Kyle could keep inviting her, when Faye was a cast member, being invited and paid by production to attend just like other FOHs.  (Although reaction to Faye was so awful, she never got even the FOH title - she was paid for her appearances that season, and scheduled by production, as Kyle said on WWHL and in her own blog.)   It's the way Lisa takes advantage of the fourth wall to hide behind it, that I just really dislike.


One other thought.  Who else suspects the scenes between Yolanda and Bella were filmed AFTER Bella was arrested for DUI?  It seems odd to me that after all these seasons with Bella having no scenes, and no one-on-ones with Yolanda, we suddenly have a whole sub-plot of the two of them talking about how Bella is going to be left alone, WHY she is being left alone, etc.  Convenient that we have all this nice setup for what will happen when Yolanda is gone.  I call shenanigans on that one.  


And finally, like others, I enjoyed last night's episode the most of the three so far this season.  It had a nice balance of moods, showed some new sides of the HWs (Kim caring for her ex husband - that is just really kind and touching); I thought Kyle's dilemma around Portia was sincere and universal - what Mom doesn't struggle with the wish to indulge a beloved child, but not build a spoiled brat?  That's not just a BH thing.  That's any mom who takes her kid anywhere, from McDonald's on up.  I actually found the Lisa/Brandi conversation to be authentic, although I hate Brandi.  And as others have said, the two new housewives are making a good first impression.  I have high hopes for this season.


(Edited because I can't spell Portia apparently.)

Edited by ottergirl
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That is what reunions are for. They aired out everything and apologies were made. I don't want another season of rehearsing of the previous season.

This isn't exactly what happens, though. Lisa was certainly more than willing to continue to shit on Kyle (and Mauricio) after the season three reunion. It's hard for me to forget the bitch tea party she hosted and invited Yolanda and Brandi to early on in season four. She was more than gleeful about asking if Kyle had anymore friends; about making more insinuations about Mauricio getting close to Yolanda to sell her house. Lisa was also quite willing to be part of The Dream Team. So, it's interesting that when Lisa is ready to move forward everyone else should be as well. When she isn't, she'll play right along with finding ways to marginalize the person she's upset with, reunion hash out be damned.

Brandi didn't learn this from the Richards sisters or anyone else on the show - this has been her game all along, hasn't it? Didn't she say the same thing in her first season to Adrienne when talking about Game Night? Didn't she say the same thing to Kim when apologizing to Kim in Ojai? Didn't she say the same thing when she insulted Joyce? When she revealed Adrienne's surrogacy? This is why the whole thing is so exhausting to me. She is spewing the exact same shit today that she was two years ago and expecting folks to do now what they largely did back then. Pat her on the head, remind everyone that she was wronged by a bad man, and make excuses for her poor decisions. I think that more than anything Brandi is largely confused as to why it is no longer working. She was the hit of the show before when acting in the exact same way and now she is hated.

Yassssss!!! Say all of this, ma'am! The Brandi that's on display now is the same woman who was on display during her first season. Perhaps because I didn't like her then as I don't like her now, I didn't delude myself into thinking that whatever happened between her and Eddie gave her carte blanche to behave as childishly as she behaved.

Very minor point in the overall episode, but can what Brandi & Kyle were doing really be considered "hiking"?  Looked to me like they were walking uphill on a paved road.  If someone asked me to go hiking I'd be picturing walking through paths of forested mountains or rocky desert trails versus a walk from the parking lot to the picnic table. But then again - hyperbole is Brandi's middle name, so I guess I'm just glad she didn't say she was "on an expedition".

Heh. In LA, those canyon trails constitute hiking trails.

Edited by Mozelle
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Two important subplots that seem to have been missed here.


The sisters coming together for Kim's daughter dress shopping.  The sad revelation that her ex husband is in the advance stages of cancer.  Kyle's comment that it's often forgotten that Kim can be incredibly strong.

Yolanda's struggle being far away as her mother battles uterian cancer.  Yolanda's priority does seem to be her husband and family.  I do not think she blatantly favors Gigi and ignores Bella.  She also made the point that Mohammed expects all their children to go to college.

Edited by twilightzone
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I agree - Lisa was quite reasonable on the call, I thought.  She articulated her problems well and was fair and direct.  Brandi is a lunatic to think you can call someone out of the blue like that, announce your intention to move on, and in the same conversation say "I'm not going to kiss your ass forever."  I hope Brandi falls far, and fast, and lands hard.  She's pretty horrible.


Lisa's blog (as usual) bummed me out, though.  She just can't resist playing the victim card - saying that she was so upset to find out Kyle was with Brandi on a hike, because last time the two of them went hiking together, they cooked up a plot against Lisa.  Sigh.  First off, Lisa, you know how filming works - housewives are scheduled to film scenes with each other.  Kyle was scheduled to film a scene with Brandi, and showed up for filming like anyone shows up for a job.  It's simply disingenuous to pretend that this was an authentic meeting between Brandi and Kyle, and the only reason Lisa did it was to make sure that she keeps the upper moral hand in her relationship with Kyle - she makes it look, to casual blog readers, that she is still possibly being victimized by Kyle, when Lisa knows FULL WELL that there was nothing going on there beyond showing up for a job.  She did the same thing in Season 3, when she kept acting horrified by how Faye Resnick showed up for her events, and wondered how Kyle could keep inviting her, when Faye was a cast member, being invited and paid by production to attend just like other FOHs.  (Although reaction to Faye was so awful, she never got even the FOH title - she was paid for her appearances that season, and scheduled by production, as Kyle said on WWHL and in her own blog.)   It's the way Lisa takes advantage of the fourth wall to hide behind it, that I just really dislike.



And finally, like others, I enjoyed last night's episode the most of the three so far this season.  It had a nice balance of moods, showed some new sides of the HWs (Kim caring for her ex husband - that is just really kind and touching); I thought Kyle's dilemma around Porscha was sincere and universal - what Mom doesn't struggle with the wish to indulge a beloved child, but not build a spoiled brat?  That's not just a BH thing.  That's any mom who takes her kid anywhere, from McDonald's on up.  I actually found the Lisa/Brandi conversation to be authentic, although I hate Brandi.  And as others have said, the two new housewives are making a good first impression.  I have high hopes for this season.

I co-sign your entire post - you are spot on.

I especially agree with the part about Lisa and when/where she breaks the 4th wall. The way she threw Kyle under the bus with regard to Faye was so silly - acting like Kyle was bringing her to Lisa's house without Faye being invited or even giving Lisa a heads up. Kyle was hammered away at on the Bravo blogs for weeks for that, when Lisa knew that as a part of the cast that season, Faye was coming. Someone from Bravo actually did something you rarely see and said that they had no idea why Lisa acted surprised because she certainly knew that Faye was attending. Lisa did the same thing at the Season Finale party that year when Adrienne came to her vow renewal ceremony on the same day she filed for divorce. Lisa made it sound like Adrienne was a horrible person for attending a party under the circumstances, when she knew that Adrienne had no choice but to show up. Lisa likes to play along with production when it makes others look bad, but when it makes her look bad she will break the 4th wall, like she did last season. When Brandi was upset (and typically supportive fans on her blog) about Lisa having Scheanna serve at Lisa's party, Lisa said that she had no choice because production wanted Scheanna there. She cannot have it both ways but she tries and for the most part it generally works out in her favor.

Per usual I am completely conflicted about Kim. In general I think that Kim is an extremely selfish person, but I always see glimpses of something sweet in her as well. In my experience most addicts generally end up pushing most folks that care about them away. This seems not to be the case with Kim. We saw last year that she still has a warm relationship with her other daughter's father during the graduation party, and then last night we learn that she is still so close with this other guy that is terminally ill. To the point she calls him her best friend and is nursing him during his illness. There has to be something special there for folks to remain close and loving to her considering what I am sure she has put them all through.

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Lisa Rinna is a breath of fresh air.  And I loved that both she and Harry immediately complimented Lisa's table setting.   It was a nice thing to do, and it was nice that they BOTH did it, and that she congratulated Eileen on her Emmy as soon as Eileen sat down. It all seemed genuine. Rinna certainly seems to be getting a good deal of air time for a "new" HW, including the first "scene" last night - guessing Bravo is happy with her as well.  


I don't know anything about Eileen Davidson except that she's a soap star, but she seemed fine.


I would like to get through an episode without Brandi throwing a pity party for herself.  Yes, her husband was a jerk, but she's no prize either.  On so many levels, she needs to grow up.  I was glad that Lisa V did not give her a pass on her behavior, Brandi needs to also learn that actions have consequences.   Lisa apparently will not forgive that easily.  It drives me crazy when someone blurts out hurtful things and then blames it on being a "truth cannon" and thinks that all they have to do is apologize and it will be ok.  Not always, and Lisa should run as far as she can from Brandi. 


The attempted take down of Lisa last season was a failure. Brandi and the others know this.   Lisa remained a fan favorite - she has the upper hand and she (Lisa) knows it. She's also involved in 2 Bravo shows. Had Brandi remained the "sidekick", she would probably be secure on the show.  But with the additions of Rinna and Davidson, things may get crowded and I think Brandi is on the shakiest ground.  


Yolanda can stop talking about Gigi any time.  And the leaving for college story played out last season.


Why was Kathy Hilton even there for the wedding dress shopping?  What a buzz kill she is. 


Kyle - please tell us again how Mauricio is making so much more money now. 


Who's ready for the Portia/Milania spinoff? 





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From her reactionary gender politics to her general insincerity, Yo turns my stomach, but the talking head wisdom and self-appointed maven of manners act are becoming too much.

This is exactly why I haven't been able to stomach Yolanda from the git - the talking head "wisdom".  She's so patronizing and cocksure and her hypocrisy is sick making.  Try muting her when she's doing a talking head.  Even silent, her smug superiority oozes.


And her bare feet look like swim flippers.

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Um....Brandi....who has a housewarming party for a RENTED house? Is it just me? Is that weird? I've never known anyone to do that except for buyers. And it's somehow Eddie's fault that she can't buy a house? And her kids HAVE to move every year? Is she on crack? My mother is a renter and she has lived in her same place for over 7 years now. Having to relocate every single year says something about YOU as a tenant, not being a renter in general. Stop trying to put your issues off on other people. Damn, that is annoying. 


I love the editing with Kyle this year. We get 12328094830 THs of her saying how grand their life is now and how she has to make sure Portia does NOT become a brat....cut to scene of Portia throwing clothes over the dressing room door and demanding her mother buy them. Mmmmhmm. How's that working out for ya, Kyle? The funny thing is, Kyle seems to think she's doing something about keeping her daughter grounded by only allowing her to buy TWO shirts at the expensive kiddie boutique. But down here in the real world, most people don't go shopping for new clothes just because they're going on a trip. Okay, that's not entirely true. Obviously if you haven't purchased anything new in awhile you might need a new bathing suit, or sweaters if you're going skiing, etc. But something tells me Portia already has plenty of clothing in her closet to accommodate her on this trip. So try not taking her shopping at all, then come back to me with this "teaching her the value of a dollar" crap. 


Um.....Kathy Hilton is a bitch. I'm so glad she's not my aunt. It's one thing to try and help the bride find a dress that truly looks best on her, but her comments were just rude and uncalled for. Brooke's face (that is the daughter getting married, right?) looked absolutely dejected. 


I thought it was really immature of Brandi to call Lisa with Kyle sitting right there. If she seriously wants to make things better, she needs to cut the catty bullshit, because Lisa aint going to fall for that. 

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Seriously?  That's all?  OK, Judge Judy does this kinda thing all the time to point out a particularly useless father standing in front of her, so please bear with me.  That comes to less than 20 bucks a day per kid.  WTF???

It's total bullshit. Remember it came out of the skank's mouth. There is no way in hell Eddie is only paying $1000 in child support. I work with a guy that makes $80,000 a year base-there are bonuses that take to about $110,000, but he pays $2000 a month for one chld.

There is no way in hell he is court ordered to that amount. Remember you can always tell if Brandi is lying. She is speaking. I know that is supposed to read "her lips are moving" but with the Skank, moving lips tend to bring other things to mind.

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It's total bullshit. Remember it came out of the skank's mouth. There is no way in hell Eddie is only paying $1000 in child support. I work with a guy that makes $80,000 a year base-there are bonuses that take to about $110,000, but he pays $2000 a month for one chld.

There is no way in hell he is court ordered to that amount. Remember you can always tell if Brandi is lying. She is speaking. I know that is supposed to read "her lips are moving" but with the Skank, moving lips tend to bring other things to mind.

Brandi only has the children 50% of the time, Eddie picks up medical, dental and school related costs-a better question is why is Brandi getting any support whatsoever?  Brandi is not writing a check to Eddie for overpayment of child support -she is taking a smaller percentage of one of Eddie's retirement accounts.



What ever happened to Kyle's clothing boutique?

Alive and well in Beverly Hills near Villa Blanca.



This is exactly why I haven't been able to stomach Yolanda from the git - the talking head "wisdom".  She's so patronizing and cocksure and her hypocrisy is sick making.  Try muting her when she's doing a talking head.  Even silent, her smug superiority oozes.


And her bare feet look like swim flippers.

Anybody wonder where King Mohamed is during Yolanda's trips to visit her mother or mattress Shiva-who is just dying to be part of the family?  Wouldn't it be imperative that parental supervision be scheduled for the minor children?

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Having to relocate every single year says something about YOU as a tenant, not being a renter in general. Stop trying to put your issues off on other people. Damn, that is annoying.


Brandi was trying to pound a screw into the wall in order to hang a picture.  If I'm a landlord and I see that on tv, I'd want her out of my house before she destroys it by being so careless and thoughtless.  I'll bet the neighbors complain about her, too.


Um.....Kathy Hilton is a bitch. I'm so glad she's not my aunt. It's one thing to try and help the bride find a dress that truly looks best on her, but her comments were just rude and uncalled for. Brooke's face (that is the daughter getting married, right?) looked absolutely dejected.


That was horrible.  I felt terrible for Brooke.  Here she is, coming out in the very first gown, and Kathy just killed her excitement and joy by being such a bitch about the dress.  She also killed Kim's delight at seeing her baby in a wedding dress for the first time.  Even if you HATE the dress, first you tell Brooke how beautiful she looks and what a beautiful bride she's going to be, and you let her and her mom have that moment.  Then, if asked, you comment on the dress, hopefully in a polite way instead of acting like a waiter served you a turd for lunch.

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Oh, Brandy. You call Lisa to try to start making amends and then proceed to tell her you are not going to kiss her ass! Priceless! 


What is the crap she was spewing about having to move so much and keep renting because she couldn't get approved to buy a house? Somehow that was Eddie's fault, too? Honey, the reason you would not get loan approval on a home is if your credit score sucks, you have a history of not paying your bills, and/or your income does not meet the price of the home you want to purchase. If you can't buy a house and give your kids some stability, it's your fault, stop blaming  Eddie or anybody else you can think of. And if you have to rent, so what's the big deal, your landlord will renew your lease if you have been a good tenant. It still doesn't explain why you are constantly moving. 

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Brandi only has the children 50% of the time, Eddie picks up medical, dental and school related costs-a better question is why is Brandi getting any support whatsoever?  Brandi is not writing a check to Eddie for overpayment of child support -she is taking a smaller percentage of one of Eddie's retirement accounts.



Alive and well in Beverly Hills near Villa Blanca.



Anybody wonder where King Mohamed is during Yolanda's trips to visit her mother or mattress Shiva-who is just dying to be part of the family?  Wouldn't it be imperative that parental supervision be scheduled for the minor children?

Their son probably stayed with him.  This was filmed this summer.  Bella had already graduated from high school.  She was preparing to leave for college in Aug when she was 17.  

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Um....Brandi....who has a housewarming party for a RENTED house? Is it just me? Is that weird? I've never known anyone to do that except for buyers. And it's somehow Eddie's fault that she can't buy a house? And her kids HAVE to move every year? Is she on crack? My mother is a renter and she has lived in her same place for over 7 years now. Having to relocate every single year says something about YOU as a tenant, not being a renter in general. Stop trying to put your issues off on other people. Damn, that is annoying. 


I love the editing with Kyle this year. We get 12328094830 THs of her saying how grand their life is now and how she has to make sure Portia does NOT become a brat....cut to scene of Portia throwing clothes over the dressing room door and demanding her mother buy them. Mmmmhmm. How's that working out for ya, Kyle? The funny thing is, Kyle seems to think she's doing something about keeping her daughter grounded by only allowing her to buy TWO shirts at the expensive kiddie boutique. But down here in the real world, most people don't go shopping for new clothes just because they're going on a trip. Okay, that's not entirely true. Obviously if you haven't purchased anything new in awhile you might need a new bathing suit, or sweaters if you're going skiing, etc. But something tells me Portia already has plenty of clothing in her closet to accommodate her on this trip. So try not taking her shopping at all, then come back to me with this "teaching her the value of a dollar" crap. 


Um.....Kathy Hilton is a bitch. I'm so glad she's not my aunt. It's one thing to try and help the bride find a dress that truly looks best on her, but her comments were just rude and uncalled for. Brooke's face (that is the daughter getting married, right?) looked absolutely dejected. 


I thought it was really immature of Brandi to call Lisa with Kyle sitting right there. If she seriously wants to make things better, she needs to cut the catty bullshit, because Lisa aint going to fall for that. 


Ghoulina -- Amen.  RE: children and being spoiled, the fatal reality TV combo seems to be kids, lots of money, and cameras.  It's a petri dish for spoiled, attention addicted kids.  One can already see the sweet little thing posing and preening for the camera, taking on sexy looks, and generally starting to believe she's a star.  I think Kyle is being pretty disingenuous when she says over and over again that she wants to keep her daughter grounded.  They are living a pretty sensational life over at her place, and that's great, but she's already told us more than once now that the little girl is interested in becoming an actress and we can see the transformation taking place  Kyle hides it well but she seems really competitive -- I'm pretty certain she'd like nothing better than to foster (pun intended) Portia's becoming a child star to rival her sister and certainly Kathy's aimless daughters. 


It's weird to see the Kathy and Kyle dynamic.  Similar to the Kyle and Kim dynamic in some ways.  I can only imagine what their mother was like to have produced such a clan.  Kathy exudes anger and arrogance.  The comment about the poor fellow who is obviously dying of rapidly advancing cancer and how they would remain "optimistic" was so dumb too.  Like she was trying to make up, on his poor back, for the fact that she acted like a witch at the bridal shop.  I hate seeing folks using others' terminal health issues as an opportunity to fake their cheap concern and spirituality.  She seems pissed that the Paris moment came and went a long, long time ago and that we've been on a new Hilton kick for the last several years. 

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I think Yolanda favors Gigi because Gigi is more like her, and Yolanda is a narcissist. Married to another narcissist.


Yolanda relies on her looks, obviously, and they have gotten her far. She probably doesn't realize that it can be satisfying to make your fortune, or simply your way in life, in other ways. 


If she is so worried about her mother being so far away, why can't she go be with her for a month or two? It's not out of the question financially, and I don't see her having to clock in at a 9-to-5. Or would King David have a fit?


And that Kyle--she's a caution! Pump is pumpin'! Get it, Mauricio? Again with a lame joke, again with the lame laugh. Kyle, Kyle, Kyle. You just aren't funny.

Edited by jennylauren123
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What is the crap she was spewing about having to move so much and keep renting because she couldn't get approved to buy a house? Somehow that was Eddie's fault, too? Honey, the reason you would not get loan approval on a home is if your credit score sucks, you have a history of not paying your bills, and/or your income does not meet the price of the home you want to purchase. If you can't buy a house and give your kids some stability, it's your fault, stop blaming  Eddie or anybody else you can think of. And if you have to rent, so what's the big deal, your landlord will renew your lease if you have been a good tenant. It still doesn't explain why you are constantly moving. 


I was surprised she didn't find a way to blame Lisa for her housing problems, too. 


Of course Brandi can't afford to buy a house in SoCal and no lender would ever give her a mortgage.  But I'd like to think all of SoCal made a pact not to sell to Brandi because no one wants her in their neighborhood.

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I too am liking Lisa Rinna and I love Harry Hamlin and love to hate him on my favorite show Mad Men. If any of you do not watch that, you should try to catch it when it comes back in April for it's final 7 shows if only to see what a fabulous job Harry does in that role.


I haven't seen enough of Eileen to form an opinion yet, she's attractive and more natural looking than most of the women. I have long wanted Kim gone because I think she is a snooze, but I have to admit to being touched with the situation with her ex husband. My ex was diagnosed with Cancer seven years ago and told he had 6 months to a year. He is still alive although it's been a hard road for him, Chemo is a bitch, but it has kept him alive. We are also very close and love each other very much, although we are definitely not "in love",  he is and will always be family. So I totally get it. 


Kyle just really mostly bores me. I don't hate her, I don't love her. I cannot stand Yolanda, she is arrogant and stupid. It is obvious to me

that she would prefer her daughters not to go to college. All that crap about maybe missing opportunities because of college. That is just ignorant. You want your daughters goal in life to be to snag a really rich dickhead like the one you married and consider that a "career goal"? Welcome to 2014 idiot. Thank god their father has some sense.


Brandi really needs to move on. I am mostly enjoying the show, I even enjoyed watching Kathy be a bitch, although I am glad we had a small dose of it.  I am not, however, enjoying listening to her "poor me" crap. How the F does her owing Eddie money for back alimony (which is what it was, not child support) effect her ability to buy a house? First of all, it's resolved and second it's not like Eddie shows up as a lien holder on her credit report. I work in the mortgage industry. My bet is Brandi can't buy a house because she has crap credit.

Also, all those moves are Eddies fault? How, exactly. I have a  single mom in a rental that I have and she, and her son, have been there for 15 years. She pays her rent, keeps the place clean and causes absolutely no problems. I'm happy if she stays indefinitely and I have been happy to replace her flooring, paint the place, make other upgrades that I would have had to do anyway if she moved and re-rented it. For some reason, I doubt Brandi's landlords would feel the same about her. 


I don't like Eddie and LeeAnn either, but I am sick to death of hearing Brandi whine. Move on already. I loved the way Lisa handled her phone call. Bitch thinks she can do anything she wants and then spout her "i'm not perfect" crap and everyone will move  on? Nope. I wouldn't and I hope Lisa doesn't either. I am, in fact, disappointed in Kyle for her totally fake "friendship" with the Skank. 


Does anyone believe that, were it not for the TV show, that any one of these women would give Brandi the time of day? I mean, really, the rest of them have their faults but every single one of them outclass Brandi by miles.  

Edited by chlban
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I think Yolanda favors Gigi because Gigi is more like her, and Yolanda is a narcissist. Married to another narcissist.


Yolanda relies on her looks, obviously, and they have gotten her far. She probably doesn't realize that it can be satisfying to make your fortune, or simply your way in life, in other ways. 


If she is so worried about her mother being so far away, why can't she go be with her for a month or two? It's not out of the question financially, and I don't see her having to clock in at a 9-to-5. Or would King David have a fit?

Again, looking at the timeline of when this was filmed, her daughter was preparing to go away to college.  She also has a minor son at home.  I don't know if it would have worked for her to take off 1 or 2 mos away from her family, unless her mother was in serious condition.  It still doesn't mean that she wasn't worried about her.

Edited by twilightzone
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I love the editing with Kyle this year. We get 12328094830 THs of her saying how grand their life is now and how she has to make sure Portia does NOT become a brat....cut to scene of Portia throwing clothes over the dressing room door and demanding her mother buy them. Mmmmhmm. How's that working out for ya, Kyle? The funny thing is, Kyle seems to think she's doing something about keeping her daughter grounded by only allowing her to buy TWO shirts at the expensive kiddie boutique. But down here in the real world, most people don't go shopping for new clothes just because they're going on a trip.



I think plenty of people, especially people with money, would buy their kids stuff to go on an extended trip. I'm sure plenty of kids have had trips like this (perhaps at less expensive stores) when they were going to summer camp. Kyle seemed fine with Portia to me. I don't remember her throwing clothes or making demands that people rushed to fulfill. I remember all of one thing dropped on the floor and Kyle telling her to pick it up (if she did toss things out of the dressing room, that doesn't seem that terrible to me for a kid trying on clothes). Telling her she can choose two shirts of the many she liked seems like a pretty reasonable way of keeping the kid in check. She's teaching her that there are limits to what she can and should have, so she needs to decide what things she really wants and give up the rest. Portia's not seeing the price tags so the ultimate bill is probably irrelevant, but she understands that she can't have all the clothes, so the ones she chooses mean something. 


Kathy Hilton was a hilarious buzzkill. Though I can see why she probably gets along more with Kim. Kyle seems like way too much of a solid block of personality for Kathy to deal with.


It is really odd how Yolanda just considers modeling a default for her daughters. I know she did it herself, but it's funny how she just considers it this experience that everybody might choose instead of everything else. I understand her thoughts on Gigi missing her moment if she chooses to concentrate on school, which will always be there later, but obviously a lot of people wouldn't consider it a very big loss since it's not like Gigi needs the money. Yolanda's modeling career was wrapped up in changing her life completely. For Gigi it's just another thing that came easily to her.


Lisa does drive me crazy with the way she plays herself as a victim in ways she isn't. She didn't force any of the other women to behave in ways that got them blowback later, but it does seem like being friends with Lisa means being a bit of a sidekick and defender for her. I laughed when Lisa said how she and Ken had defended Brandi so much and wouldn't go back and do that again, because I thought no, you'll find another stray that you adopt and defend. Then that person will also betray you and you'll be the big victim again. Brandi was just the new Cedric. It's a weird thing that Lisa and Ken are into.


Re: Mauricio's new success, I don't know, it seems like a topic with some actual meat on a show like this. We've got ridiculously wealthy people like Camille and Yolanda, and somebody like Lisa. Bottom feeders like Kim, Taylor and Brandi. Kyle's always basically just been the middle class person, and Mauricio getting a bigger influx of cash really would have an effect on their lives and be something they'd have to figure out how to deal with in terms of the youngest child. On a show about rich women, these shifts in tax bracket have always been central, whether it's Camille and her pecking order, Lisa and Ken and her pets, or Brandi, Kim and Taylor desperately trying to hang on to the fringes.

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Again, looking at the timeline of when this was filmed, her daughter was preparing to go away to college.  She also has a minor son at home.  I don't know if it would have worked for her to take off 1 or 2 mos away from her family, unless her mother was in serious condition.  It still doesn't mean that she wasn't worried about her.


That could be true. I guess I don't figure that Yo takes care of her children. I figure she doesn't really do any of the usual things that most of us fill our days with: childcare, cooking, cleaning, a job, doing your hair, packing your bags for your private jet travel.... But I could be wrong. To be honest, I had forgotten about the son. He hasn't been on the show much. At any rate, can't Mohammed share parenting duties while Yo's mom is so ill? Does he usually?

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Well, we finally got to see Eileen.  I was starting to wonder if she was ever even going to show up! Such a pretty lady!  And speaking of pretty, is Harry Hamlin even BETTER looking now with that salt n pepper hair? WOWZA! Can't wait to see MORE of him! Loved the whole Michael Bolton story,too.

Agree with the poster upthread in regards to Kyle and little Portia.  Why even show on camera the t-shirt that said,"I left my Louis on the jet" if you don't want her to appear to be a little brat?? We know the kid wants to be an "actor" so let her go to acting lessons, appear in some theater productions like "Annie" or whatever.  One Milania is more than enough for me.  Unless you just WANT to spend megabucks on therapy at some point in the future!

And Brandi, Brandi, Brandi.... Just STOP already. You are no longer a "victim" of anyone! UGH!

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sistermagpie -- I get and appreciate your point, but think that the Umanskys can only be considered middle class by uber-affluent BH standards.  They seem to have been in the middle of the pack in terms of wealth on this show, but their middle class would be rich rich rich for the vast majority of folks.  I must say though that I do like their house -- I like the mid-century look from the outside, I gather they have some tinted blue glass thing going on with their windows that I would love, and the grounds and home itself look large and comfortable without being ostentatious and overwhelming. I also enjoy the White Party thing she's been doing -- nice gesture towards Mauricio and it does look like fun.   And if I had to pick a Mama, it would probably be Kyle. I can see Kyle in a pinch being able to put her own neuroses long enough to deal with any issues. 


I'm enjoying Rinna's house and got a kick out of Harry schooling the gang a bit in a nice way about old Hollywood.  It was refreshing to see a woman getting ready to go out in a handsome series of rooms that didn't look like something out of Versailles.  Rinna's navigating of her dress choice when clearly her daughters wanted her to wear their selections was a sweet touch too.  I've experienced that kind of thing myself and I thought she did a good job navigating those waters.  But I am biased -- I like her.  I enjoy her enthusiasm and what seems to be a genuine dorky quality.  She's a bit awkward and over the top sometimes but there's warmth there and her life doesn't appear to be a fake.  Her willingness to talk about just how tough it is to book work is also appreciated. 


I don't find Mohammed so repulsive physically either.  He's older now, obviously, and the hair, who knows what's going on there.  But child brides aside -- and hooking up with YoYo aside -- he seems like he might be decent enough sort.  He wasn't bad looking when younger and I do like how polite he always appears to be.  AND if he is encouraging his children to pursue a college education, I'm totally in.  He's a type that goes back a few decades now but kudos to him for doing whatever in hell he does without having landed in the slammer. 


David Foster, Mohammed -- both dudes may have a thing for trophy wives but I can see that both might get tired of the relentlessly pretty and ever ready to worship and serve Yolanda.  I don't care for David's brand of musical stylings but can't deny he's committed and talented and has made a raging success of it.  HIs dick aside, he might enjoy a return to the kind of life he had with Linda T.  A partnership based on shared interests and output.  Yolanda is desperately dull.  I'm sure it worries her, given her mindset, that they have no children together.  Gigi professed her love for David and I believed her but in Yo's world, I'll bet she would feel much more secure if they had biological children in common.    

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I officially want to be Lisa Rinna.  No, really.  I love her personality, her husband is just amazing and she seems like someone that would be fun to hang out with.  No airs, no pretensions.  I don't think she's fronting here or acting.  I think this is really her and I love it.  Yes, I'm totally jealous (jelly?) too.


That said, Kathy Hilton is a vile sea beast.  I thought Kim's daughter Brooke looked GORGEOUS in that first gown.  It may not have looked like your typical wedding dress but Brooke said it was going to be a beach wedding so not all the bells and whistles.  I really wish someone there had overridden Kathy and told Brooke she looked absolutely stunning and to go with whatever dress SHE wanted, not what the Boob Monster said she should choose.  Sorry Kathy but if you unleash Paris Hilton on this world you have no right to judge anyone IMO.


So far I like Eileen.  I'm interested to see what her relationship with her husband and her home life is like.  She looks incredible - - prettier now than she was back in the 90s!


Why doesn't Kyle take Portia shopping at Target?  Or the GAP?  Kids grow out of things so quickly.  I realize $500+ is nothing for their income bracket but if you want your daughter to know the value of a dollar, it seems Target would be a better choice than a boutque in BH.


I feel for Kim and her former husband Monty.  He was a good looking man as I recall.  I hope that he's able to beat The Cancer (TM Amber).  I'm glad that he and Kim seem to be on good terms.  She seems better focused this season - - and definitely more grounded when she's not around that succubus Brandi.


Brandi can go anytime.  She brings nothing to the table.  She doesn't live the lifestyle and she plays the victim ALL. THE. TIME.


Lisa V's birthday table for Lisa R was beautiful.  Both Lisas looked like they were wearing similiar color dresses.  It was nice to see a dinner without any pissy fights or table flipping. 


Yolanda's daughter Bella is stunning, really stunning.  Gigi is beautiful too but I agree with others who say that Bella has more striking features. 


Can't wait for next week.  So far I'm liking this season.  I adore Lisa R. and what she's bringing.  Have I mentioned I want to be her?  More please. 

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Portia is all of six years old.  Both her parents should be concerned about her being in front of those cameras as much as she is.  Kyle may pretend otherwise and seems to be making a lot of noise about keeping it real while she pushes the little girl on the viewers, but both Umanskys seem intent on letting the world know that Mauricio is now making tons of dough.  Close to 600 dollars in kiddie clothes, private planes, Kyle's The Agency baseball cap, off to Lake Tahoe and Majorca. And, of course, the quadrupling of The White Party.  Message received.  Only three episodes in and my Kyle disdain is up and running full throttle -- LOL.


Given how horrid her sister Kathy is, and how she and Kyle don't seem to get along much, all this money flaunting must feel pretty good  But do leave the child out of it. I have no interest in seeing these young kids on these shows anyway -- don't care how adorable they are.  I get that others may enjoy it but none of these little people are the reason I tune in.  


So, yeah, go ahead and treat us to all that money can buy but spare me the nonsense about wanting your grade-schooler to appreciate all that she has.  Pick a lane and let the little girl do her thing off-camera. 

Agree 100%. This has nothing to do with Portia being spoiled, bratty or not. That whole scene was just an excuse for Kyle and Mauricio to show off that they can drop $600 bucks on overpriced kiddie clothes like they're buying gum at CVS or something. They could have taken the kid to Target and she wouldn't have known the difference. I used to say on TWoP that I always felt Kyle was insecure because she was basically the "poor" relation in comparison to the mega-bucks that Kathy and Kim married into. I'm not surprised she's over compensating.


On another note, does Kathy ever have anything nice to say about anyone or anything? God, what a miserable hag. The whole vibe in the bridal shop changed once she flew in on her broom. I felt bad for Brooke who clearly loved, and looked stunning in, the first gown she tried on.

Edited by BitterApple
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Brandi was trying to pound a screw into the wall in order to hang a picture.  If I'm a landlord and I see that on tv, I'd want her out of my house before she destroys it by being so careless and thoughtless.  I'll bet the neighbors complain about her, too.


Right??? And haven't we seen her rotating pack of dogs always pooping on the floor? She strikes me as a landlord's worst nightmare. 

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Why doesn't Kyle take Portia shopping at Target?  Or the GAP?  Kids grow out of things so quickly.  I realize $500+ is nothing for their income bracket but if you want your daughter to know the value of a dollar, it seems Target would be a better choice than a boutque in BH.



I don't think the choice of store would have meant anything to Portia since she's not comparing prices between the two and could probably find things she liked in both. For her in either place it would come down to two shirts vs. eight shirts. If her parents think this place has cuter clothing they might as well shop there.


I mean, in that sense it's more a question of expensive taste and "finer" clothing. All these people could get wool sweaters at Target, but they choose to wear cashmere.

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I found Kathy Hilton her usual overly self-important self last night.  Kyle gave her a pass saying she was lost for two hours and is the fefacto mother since the Richards sisters mom died.  Kim and Kyle looked as if they were in abject fear of tyrant, tasteless Kathy.  I don't know who had the final say in the bridal gown-but I think Brooke looked cute and theme was far from beach(y) it looks to be in the backyard of a Tudor style estate.  I am posting the links to the wedding-I get Kim has to look like a mother-of the-bride and added a twist to the lacey floor length gown with a big slit but I think the Kathy Hilton looks like a matronly old lady in her lace get up.  Kyle looked like she was dressed to party and I thought looked cute-looks like Kathy had no say in Kyle's wardrobe or she to would have been subjected to the dreaded lace cocoon.  Cute pictures of the Hilton boys  http://allthingsrh.com/kim-richards-daughter-brooke-brinson-marries-fatburger-heir-thayer-wiederhorn/brooke9/

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I am so tired of the Brandi/Lisa fight. I have no idea what it's about anymore. Brandi needs to get another storyline and Lisa needs to STFU about how she was ganged up on. Ken's moob sweat whilst sitting in the frilly rosey garden with the pink dog just made me LOL. I'm surprised Lisa would allow that, since she only likes pretty things. 


I am really starting to question  Kyle's intelligence, or at least her savvy. If I was "on a hike" with Brandi and the producer suggested Brandi call Lisa, I'd leave. I would want to be so far away from that convo, I wouldn't want to get pulled into the middle of it. So what does she do? She lets Brandi use her phone. And Lisa is vindictive, so now she thinks Kyle is cahoots with Brandi. Rinse and repeat. 


Oh Yo, I guess Belle's DUI kind made things difficult this season. My guess is in the previews when Yo is with Kyle in Spain, she gets the call about Belle. That's why she went screaming from the deck. I LOLed at obviously staged scenes on the jet. When they showed King David in the living room area , it was clear he was posing for the cameras. And I doubt that Yo was really asleep in the bed. When she started talking about her mom being sick, it was the first time I saw a crack  in her very crafted persona. 


Thank god TPTB did not insist that all the howives be present for Lisa R's bday. Guaranteed where would have been fighting and bickering. I guess both Kyle and Lisa have known Lisa R for years. It was actually enjoyable to watch them interact. 


I agree with Lisa R about Eileen. I used to watch YNR back in the day, like 20 years ago and Eileen was a huge star on that show. I didn't realize that soap operas still existed, except for telanovellas on Univision and Telemundo. 

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I found Kathy Hilton her usual overly self-important self last night.  Kyle gave her a pass saying she was lost for two hours and is the fefacto mother since the Richards sisters mom died.


I find it hard to believe that Kathy doesn't have a car or a phone with GPS. 

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That show, minus the Brandi scenes, are why I tune into this show.  The fabulous life of people I cannot imagine...the jets, the shopping sprees, the planting of one's own roses when there is a gardner to do the work, the closets, the views, the Emmys, the neighbors nominated for Emmys, the getting parts on shows, the hustle...it's interesting.

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zooeysmom--Thanks for posting the Brook wedding photos.  Glad to see that Monty made it and was looking much better.  Lots of lace among the older set.  All the fuss about wedding dresses.  The young lady looks  pretty.  First one to come up with a sharp and well tailored wedding suit and a smart hat-- old school Bette Davis style -- will win the wedding wars for good at my shack.  Kathy Hilton sucks.  Kim looks good.  It would be great to see her get well for real and land on a ... soap opera!


poeticlicensed--Most of the true American soap operas are gone -- Young and the Restless, Bold and the Beautiful, General  Hospital still around.  Days too maybe.  Never watched Days.  Soap actors and actresses tend to be hugely talented if little acknowledged outside their world.  You have to be quick and ready and able to get through the material without losing it.  It's a dying art form in the USA and too bad really.  Eileen Davidson, who left her first soap opera actor husband for Van Patten, is and was very beautiful.  Along with Rena Sofer, Hunter Tylo before she wrecked her face, and Gina Tognoni--gorgeous.  And those are just the women. 


I got the impression that Lisa Rinna was instructed to pay court to Eileen in their first lunch date and that ED may have requested some bowing and scraping but I think LR will be fan favorite this season.  And am hoping she doesn't stick around long enough to get the bitch edit.  I'd love to see her on a talk show again.  She's got the stamina and charm for it. 

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 this has been her game all along, hasn't it? Didn't she say the same thing in her first season to Adrienne when talking about Game Night? Didn't she say the same thing to Kim when apologizing to Kim in Ojai? Didn't she say the same thing when she insulted Joyce? When she revealed Adrienne's surrogacy? This is why the whole thing is so exhausting to me. She is spewing the exact same shit today that she was two years ago and expecting folks to do now what they largely did back then. Pat her on the head, remind everyone that she was wronged by a bad man, and make excuses for her poor decisions. I think that more than anything Brandi is largely confused as to why it is no longer working. She was the hit of the show before when acting in the exact same way and now she is hated. 


Yes. "I'm not perfect, I bite back". Same old, same old. She equates perfection with the ability to refrain from loudly and publicly humiliating her peers following a real or perceived slight to her own character. It drove me crazy even when I was a Brandi supporter. Lack of perfection means that sometimes you get irritable for no reason, or forget to pay your bills, or procrastinate. Having a temper is a flaw along the same lines; however, allowing it to take over and burn bridges in exactly the same way repeatedly is just being an asshole. 


With that said, Lisa is getting on my nerves as well. Her entire voice and demeanor on RHOBH is completely different than on VR, where she's more of the Lisa we know from past seasons. She comes across (to me, YMMV of course) like she's desperately pushing her tagline of being this wounded dove who collected herself and came back stronger and smarter in the face of her so very vicious, nasty detractors who really didn't do anything that bad on the spectrum of HW behavior (btw, I accidentally wrote 'sector of the time scale of HW behavior' and had to edit)Brandi's Achilles' heel of dragging out dirty laundry and/or repeating something in the hopes that it will become the truth may be worse, but Lisa could stand to give Kyle something if for no reason than to validate the feelings of a friend. "I didn't have any ill intent in front of your daughter, but I see that it hurt you and should have considered our different attitudes towards gossip as I will be sure to do in the future." Then she's established a precedent for moving forward rather than throwing back her head and wringing her hands while exclaiming how very tired she is of this nonsense, which sort of forces Kyle to concede that she was spouting nonsense to begin with.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Yolanda needs to darken her base hair color. The blond has nice tone but lacks dimension and makes it look much thinner. She should go for a dark neutral blonde base with cool highlights.

Edited by Higgins
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I don't think the choice of store would have meant anything to Portia since she's not comparing prices between the two and could probably find things she liked in both. For her in either place it would come down to two shirts vs. eight shirts. If her parents think this place has cuter clothing they might as well shop there.

I mean, in that sense it's more a question of expensive taste and "finer" clothing. All these people could get wool sweaters at Target, but they choose to wear cashmere.

Either you watch the show for the wretched excess or the wretched excess gives you an opportunity to feel superior.

Kyle going to Target (never mind the cameras and releases) would engender its own set of snide comments.

By the way, is there a Target in BH?

I never hit my kids and was told constantly that they would be "spoiled.". I always said, "they smell okay to me."

Edited by SFoster21
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I find it hard to believe that Kathy doesn't have a car or a phone with GPS. 

Right?  Or a driver.


Brandi with the kitchen timer talking to her attorney.  Ugh.  Shut up.  (Full disclosure:  I'm an attorney so...maybe a little sensitive.)  You called him to ask why you were going to be having a meeting in a few days, obviously so it could be filmed, so don't pretend like he's running up your bills.  And then when he was trying to find the right words to explain the situation to your ignorant ass, don't pretend like he was stalling to run up your bills.  That you're probably not even paying.  Again, shut up.

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